Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 13, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    If You've Anything to Buy or Sell, Fry Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results
The Weather
HmhIv, probable hower Thursday.
NO. 47
Positively Identified as Man Who StriiGk Down Chi
naman in His Shop This Noon-Thought to Be the
Criminal in the Newman and Herman Affairs-Po-liGe
Feared LyiiGhing of Prisoner.
PORTLAND, May W. The third of
throo murderous assaults upou pco'ple
nf this city within 4S hours occurred
today when John Chung, a Chinese tit i
.ownjstruelt down In liis shop, beat
en about tho hend with a piece of irou
by on unknown man. (.'hung was not
rendered unconscious and tho assailant,
alarmed hy the tailor's display of vi
tality, ran from the store, which is
located at JM! Ankony street.
The assailant ran to a saloon at Sec
ond and Mm initio wt reels, followed by
tho Chinaman, who was- bleeding pro
fusely from his wounds. A crowd
joined in pursuit and the thug dodged
into a saloon, when' ho was knocked
-down aad surrounded,
A spec in officer placed tho. fellow
under arrest and was obliged to draw
u pistol tQ keep tho crowd from harm
ing his prisoner, Tho 'prison or refused
to givo his uiuiie or any part iculars... of
his earner.
Thu- young man is of-Jim physical
proportions and apparent ly an Ainer-
V;mX(;Tox, .May la. Tho sen
ate coinmiticc on commerce today re
ported favorably on Senator Bourne's
' bill renaming the customs districts in
( regoii and increasing 1 lie salaries of
custom officer. The committee amend
ed the bill so thai the salary of $00(10
for the Portland collector shall be in
lieu of all fees, commissions, storage and
perqhisitis of every kind and nature.
Al tint council meeting Monday eve
ning nn ordinance was passed giving
tho mayor and recorder authority to
make a contract with Itanium and the
Rogue River h'lectrie company for leu
years to haul rock from Jacksonville to
Medford for -O cents per ton.
The vote at tho special election of
the Water bonds was accepted.
YEATKK1NO, India, May i:t. An
attempt was made yesterday to break
the government jail here by exploding
n bomb for the purpose of making a
hole in the will, As a result 20 con
victs ure dead, wounded and II se
rious! v.
NEW YORK. May i:t. -The regular
dividends of j;1;. per cent quarterly on
1'nion Pacific common stock and of Pi
per cent quarterly on Southern Pacific
common and Il'y per cent semi a mm
ally "11 Southern Pacific preferred
stock was declared today.
LA PORTE, led.. MiTy 13. Kay
Lamplicrc is under arrest, charged with
complicity in Hie wholesale murders at
the Humus faun. He denies vigor
ously that lie mado a confession or any
prom i so to Rev. K. A. Sehell.
OMAHA. May l:i. Only two of the
hi x railroads between Omaha and Chi
cago are working thin morning. The
other four are out nf commission oii'hc
r-oiiut of the wnshouts fololwing the
There was another tornado and lorrn
ljt night.
For Sale.
Five acre tract just within and ad
' joining Medford city limits n five
years" time; invented now, it is
believed, will pay yon ." profit with
in one year. Hold Ray Realty Co., 2nd
West 7th street. 60
. When confronted by Chung, who pos
itively identified him rb the man who
had committed tho assault, tho pris
oner exclniiuod:
"L am sorry I did not kill you, 1
have killed muny more liko you'
The Chinaman was not fntnlly in
jured. The police believo tho prisoner
was the man who murderously assaulted
Neumann and Hermann, the junkmen.
PORTLAND, May 13. A prisoner
finally captured gave the uauio of .lack
Larose. Ho said he was 21 years of
age, born in Georgia, in n marine fire
mau by occupation. LaroBe claims to
have nrrived in Portland Inst night, but
tho police huvo discovered that he had
pawned his wiii with a saloonman. The
watch has "been identified as ono tak
en from the storo of H. Neumann, who
was so terribly beaten by u robber yes
terday. It develops that the prisoner was ar
rested last night for vagrancy nnd was
rulonsed today with a lot of drunks ami
Ered Downing and Clyde Met, are
hobbling about on crutches, th result
of being too awkward with tools.
Pave Phipps camo in from Klamath
Falls last week on a short business
visit, lie has already returned.
Hon. C. It. Anderson, regent of the
Stato I'niveisily of Nebraska ami a
prominent banker, accompanied by his
wife, will arrive in Medford tonight
for a short visit as the guest of .1. A.
Dr. .lohnson of Creek, Neb., a prom
inent physician there, arrives in Med
lord tonight, a friend U Warner.
Hon. H. I' Mulkoy was In town to
il a v.
The Advnncc-Coiirier of .Suniinerlaiid,
Cnl., announces the marriage of Mrs.
Anna Loder, former! v ol Medford. to
James Maxwell, on May T. Mrs. Lo
der is the mother of Frank Loder of
this place.
A. L. Cale and his family have re
moved to South Jacksonville precinct,
where Al. will assist 0. K. Osgood in
his horticultural operations.
.1. Y. Dodge of Talent pleeiuct, Hie
well known mule-raiser, was among the
many who did business in Medford dur
ing the week.
Mrs. H.'E. Fox of Central Point vis
ited her parents. Captain a1 Mrs. W
I'nwlihgs, a few days since.
K, Heoson and X. It. Hrophy of Tal
flit piveinet werp recent business vis
itors in Medford.
John L. Thorndiko and Mr. .lames,
also Frank Rouudtree of Jncksonvill
haw gone to Sterling to put up a re
ilence and will be gone vera I weeks.
S. S, Aiken and Irwin McCall worn
down from Prospect the first of the
Ex Sheriff Ruder was over from hi
Hutu Creek ranch Monday.
T. P. Hovd. Ho printer, who In now
publishing the Kelso (Wash.) Journal
spent Sunday in Cottage drove, a guest
of old friends. He was b.oking for
feminine trim ( M. "ottagc (iloVe
James Armptiest.. a pioneer residen
of Southern Orcgnii, has been commit ed
to the insane nsvluni f rom Ashland a
few day Is ago. H is malady is t In
result of an extended sickness
Marvel M. Taylor of Jacksonville
democratic nominee for conntv treat
urer. was in tovwi yesterday.
Mr. and Mr. E. W. Starr, who hnve
been residents of MM ford for many
rears, left for Portland Tuesday to re
side. Thev have our best widies wher
ever they go.
David A. Presley has begun a suit
for divorce against his wife, Jennie
Mav Prsby, on tin ground of adultery.
Tho parties were married In A-hland
ami have one child, aboni a yar old.
P. D. Oibert, tho affable represen
tativo of Wadhami k J-., of Cortland.
iulerviewM his many eu-tomer in the
valley during the week,
Hon. and Mrs. J. V. Perkins have re
turned from their trip to Portland.
E. E. Houston and W, M. Smith,
who live near Phoenix, were in Mnl
ford a,few days ago.
Murdered Man's Family
Identify Overcoat Worn
By Suspected Manas the
Property of Wolff.
Thill I'Mtt-uil II. Martin is guilty of
tlio murder of Xiitluui Wolff, tlio pinvn
broltor, now hooiiik oHtnlilishr-il. The
nitHHiiifv link in tin' chain of oviileiu-o
ivhh niipplictl ItiHl nil't when IVtor
lives Tlciionoj: anil How-oil, aftoi- two
ays' work, trnood tho ovorcont worn
by Martin on the tiny of his arrest as
belonging to Xatlian Wolff.
Martin has eonteiMleil all along that
he inrrhaseil this eont from a ieililler
front of tho Portland hotel alioitt
four months ago. Yesterday's ili-volojv
monts destroy one of the strongest
props in Martin s story, uetoenvos
Tielienor and llowelf visited every
lolliing store in T'orllanil yesterday
with the eont, and were finally I'lward-
d al Tien Selling's place, where Kd (.'.
Killianks, a clerk, positively ideutilied
it is alio coat sold to Nathan Wolff Keb
runry 1 1.
The detectives then took the coat to
Xathan Wolff's home al (ifill Konnio.i
street, where the murdered ,n will, rule
r's widow and little girl identified it.
No s icr had II year-old Allivo Wollf
seen the coat than she sunt: ,
Why, (hero's pupa's overcoat."
SENATES GIVES $1,000,000
WAKIllNCTtl.N'. May III. The sen.
ite passed t lie agricultural lull cann
ing nn appropriation aggregaiiug n-,-
Mil.MH. For building roads and niiiMng
Iher iierinanent iniprnveineiits in the
iialiolial forest l .Dilll.lll 111. insti ad ot
$.-llii.initl, as provided by the house of
representatives, was appropriated, giv
ing one-halt the amount usUeil l,y lie-
hief forestor.
I'OKHl, May l:t. Harou Son., vice
resnlenl general in iorca, in ;i
lerview in the ".li-Ji Shimpo," is ipiilc
iiitspokeu in regard to the disturbed
conditions in Korea, aad roeoio mends
lrastic measures to suppress the agi
tatton against Japan.
Baron Soar's return home is gener
ally believed to be conneclnrl with iui
portant changes in Korea.
ANN AI.'HOK. Mich., May l:'..-The
charges of riming preferred against
l-i rnivoisity of Michigan students n
a result of tho student outbreak
March HI. when L'uoO students ntltackod
and wrecked Iho Star theater, were dis
missed tndnv alter the students hud re
imbursed the county lo the iimnuiit of
ifiH..""i for exs'iises and paid I""" for
division among persons whose properl
was destroved in the outbreak.
Nnsli Hotel Arrivals.
l. Wliitmer. Portland; E. V. lion
ever Scuttle; .1. (lallnsade. Milwaukee
J Seiik. San i'niiicisco; M. Stnfel,
rhicauo; I'. A. Wiitrous, I'orest (iroe;
II. Dick. Cliicago; li. King, W. W. Cox
!... I- I'. Saruenl. Snu Fran-
eisco: It. I.. Wall. Ifocliesler. V. V.;
1(. Morris, Sail I rancisco; I. r.
Vaughaii, Vaucoovir; P. D. Uilberl.
I.,rll,ind: .1. A. KisiT and wife, 1,"S
Angeles; S. Siusheiuier, ( hic.-igo; .1. V . Stover. W. M. Stover, Port
land; T. H. linbre and wife. IlilMioro
.1. W. llol.lis. Eugene; W. A. I.illle
Nairn: C. c. Itobb. Snn Francisco; .1. C
Fil7hi-nrv. Worcester. Mass.; Harry
SteliL'". New Voik; -'. Hutggrif. Al
l.nmv W. A W,v,slwald. I'orlland; I.
S. Levy. A. (lold.teia. New oVrk; I
S. Conies. St. Paul; E. II. Ifl.-ok. S.
Judge Whitney of Albany. Dmim
crti nomine for Cotigresn, will speak
at tho Optra House tomorrow evening.
AT 2:30 P. M.
Business and Professional Men Will
Meet in Pine Sporting Event The
Lineup Promises Excitement Big
Parade Proceeds Go to Band.
Tomorrow ib the great sportiug event
of the season, the tmsoimii game oe
tween the lawyerB and doctors on ono
le and tlio merchants on Hie other.
The excite t is rnpidly reaching a
fever pitch as tlio opposing teams are
regarded as evenly matched and are
.jealous rivals tor the championship.
I'.olh teams are hoping lor victory anu
have hosts of partisan supporters.
The game is scheduled for P
in. Prior to this there will be a l
null' consisting of the plnvers and sub
stitutes and the Medford Military band,
which will furnish the music. Assem
bling at the opera house, the lino of
march will proceed to the ball grounds.
Ml of Medford 's 70 automobiles will be
asked to join in the parade. Tho ad
mission fee to tho grame is 50 rents,
and there is exery expectation that it
will be well worth the price. Ladies
will bo admitted free ns guests of the
The game is under the auspices nf the
Commercial club and the gato receipts
will be applied to the fund which is
being raised to enable the hand to giv
a series of concerts during tbo summer.
Judge l'rlm will umpire the game ab
solutely impartially.
The complete lineup follows:
Professional Men William Colvig,
pitcher; K. E. Kelly, catcher and cap
tain; Dr. Keene, first base; Dr. Ueddy,
second base; City Engineer Osgood,
shortstop; Dr. Dutler, third huso; Chan.
I), lluzelrigg, left field; (icofge l"iil
iitDii. center field; Dr. Phipps, right
field. Substitutes: W. T. Vuwter, Dr.
llnndv, M. Purdiu, It. Witliington, Dr.
Seely, Dr. Hay, .lodge Crowell and Dr.
Ambulance corps: Dr. Pickel,
Di" Ilargraves and V. (lessner.
Ilusiness Men Fred William, catch
er; X. T. Lawtoli, pitcher; H. C. Kent-lli-'r,
firsi base; II. T. I'latt, second
base; Wlllinm llawly. third J"'"''
Short v Harnett, shortstop. ' William
Isaacs. C I. Hutchinson. .1. I'. Mo
lonv. fielders. Snhtl!utes: V. W. Ifol
lis.' S. liichnrdsou, '. K. P.aker, T. K.
Daniels. Ed Van Dyke, ,V. I'.wbauk.
I'inpire Judge Prim.
Official scorers A. II. Miller, II.
Arrangement will be made to clos.;
all business houses from 2 until p. ni.
Opinion of Attorney Smith, Who States
That tho Local Option Law Cannot
Apply to Medford Because of the City
OueHtion: loes the Imal option law
iimpIv to Medford
Whai is known as u local option law
of this state was adopted fit tho nenernl
election held .June H. nrui took
ife.-i on .lime 'Jl. HH4. The charier
of the city ff Medtonl was iimenueii ai
the eL-iMlative asselllblv of I 'JOS Utld
nrovided that the i'ity of Medford
should have the rihl in tnx, remilnte
uid i.rohibii the sael of liquor vvtiliin
the 'it v of Medford Irrespective or uny
law of the .State of Oregon, enacted by
the people or the legislative assembly
ii the ease of Font vs. Howl itiver,
tli Dr. the miureine court of this
state, hy llh! .Ilistice u.Hvmun, mini
in construiiiK tin rotistitutionul rovui
inn in regard to upeeinl and local law":
"There it nntltug to prevent the adopt
ing of a Ineal r special law prohibiting
the sale of intoxicating liquor within
any precinct, t nty, ward or city in
the state." The question that nat'ir
ally follow is, does the provision in
the amended charter have tho effect of
repealing the option law within
the limits f.f the City of Medtonl. The
language of that prut "f the Medford
charter is plain find unambiguous uud
there is no donbl but such was tho leg
islative intent.
In the case of t'itv of K;it J'oTtland
vs. 4 omity i Multnomah, Or. J' it
wf hold lhal a House in the rity 'hnr
ti-r rending. "That 1li territory with
in the limits of tho City of East Port
l.-.n.l should be t hereby ficeplril from
.1.., U.litir.n ruiirr of the CounlV of!
Mnlimonah f-r the purpose ..f dividing,
the same into road districts uud collect, wil lin ll.e i ity 01 Airumni. -ing
a poll tax." oniled ns a repent uothing in the language of the r.,a
,( the general slate law un thit nubh ct. stitutional omendtneiit whb h n-peals
The -ame question was discussed In ! unv geiierril or special laws within the
Multnomah Count v vs. Sliker, M Or.jHtale of Oregon; nil that it does re
;... and tin- same conclusion wafjpeal Is the constitutional provision re
re irhed In the rtrst case cited the ' luting to the forming of municipal cor
court said: "Tho question that meets I poratioai. The constitutional amend'
It is Reported that this
Famous Orchard has been
Finally Sold to Seattle
Capitalists for $78,000.
Tt is reported that the neol iatioua
between .1. V. Perkins nnd il Heitttle
HVndieute for the mile of the fmnotiH
I'erkiny orehurd, which huvo been Pend
ing for several months, have been fin
ally concluded and that yesterday this
vuluunle proporty tdinuged haud tor u
oonsidemtiou of $7,000. K. X Martin,
now in Medtord for an indefinite per
iod, u the repreHentative of the Seat
tle etipitnt. Neither principal could he
seen thift afternoon to affirm or deny
the report, but it in generally aeeepted
us authentic.
im utter passing tho threshold of tho
ease in, what powers could tho legis
lature repose ia tho municipality, and
over what matt era, if any, could it give
exclusive authority. It admits of no
controversy that under the most gen-
ml nets of incorporation cities nre
tinned with the amplest authority uvor
mutters pertaining to police und public
health. Hy special legislative enact
ment the municipality is posted with
power to impose taxes for tho general
purposes of locul community govern- ;
meut, nod they are permitted to exact ;
license tuxes for the prposecut ion of j
various pursuits wit bin then limits. I
State vs. llurcbard. - Or. iS. Stute vs.
Hud, S. O. ISi'J. la these cases power
was conferred upon the City of Port
land and the City of Corvallis to ex
act it license 1tx from all persons with
in the city limits who desired to sell'
liquor in less quantities than one quart,
mnl by acts of the legislature such per
sons were exempted from the opera
tion of the genej-nl license law of 1 he
state. Legislation of this character
tins alwavs been thought necessary to
'liable tin1 municipal authorities to con
luet the locul governments without em
barrtissuietit, which would certainly
tier whelm t hem if necessary funds
oiild not be raised by general tax or
Hpceial licenso tax,"
In the cute of tStlicluillld vs. lieide.
:tl Or. ;t7:t, Mr. Justice Yolcrlim said:
't is u nib' nf hiW sanctioned by
this i-ourt that wheiU'Ver two ai'ts are
repugnant, one inimical to the other, so
tlilit bolh eiinioit stand, the hitter wit)
operate us a repeal of the earlier by
iuiplii-at ion. without any ex pre words
of feeal. and sneh will be the effect,
even when they are not repugnant in
all their provisions, if 1 h new statute
revises t he suhjeet matter of the old
and is plainly intended as a substitute
for (he nld in toto: Continental lusur
ance Co. vs. KigR'n( :tl Or. :li ( IK Pac.
I7H), and Little vs. Cngt.widl, 'J Or.
(:," Pac. 71'7). Hitch rule is not
inimical to the dnet riuo that repeals
bv imolicatioo nre never 'favored, nor
to that which gives effe. j lo Severn I
statutes upon the name niuijee,, when
ever it Is possible to do so, and It
firmlv established elsewhere: Dexter
Itoad Co. vs. Allen, Hi Harb. 1". l(och
vs. Mayor, etc, 40 S. J. Law J7; la
viess vs. Kairbuiru, .1 Hiw. ':('; Mur
dock vs. Citv of Meniphis, h7 I. S. C.u
Wall.) off; Hwunn xs. Hock, -III Miss,
JiiH ; City of Kacrumento s. Mint. I.i
Cut. ili'4, nnd Kndlieh's Interpretation
of Statutes. 00, JO.-,."
From the eases cited il appears to
be settled hevond a doubt in this state
that a prohibition law may bo mado a
local law. or lhal a locality may be ex
copied from it, from the operation of
it. Tho decisions also show that the
amendment to the Medford charter re
biting to the regulation of prohibition
of liquor traffic amounted to a repeal
of tho local option la was far n the
citv of Medford is concerned. The
only remaining question is whether the
Adoption of the constitutional amend
meat which gives cities the right to
make their charter and take this power
away from tb legislative assembly, iu
say wav repeal or amends the ehar
ter of Medford. In other words, does
constitutional amendment adopted
lo lt'M revive the local option law
Governors and Prominent Leaders From Every State
in Union Meet at the Call of the President to Con
sider Preservation of National Resources-Impressive
Gathering Opened With Speech by President.
l;t. The
White House today was the scene of
a notable gathering of representative
meu who cume together at tho call of
tho president to discuss the question
of the preservation of the natural re'
sources of tho country. Represent ing
tho government was the president nf
the I'n ited States, vice-president, I he
cabinet, justices of the ITnitiHl States
supreme court ami members nf both
houses of congress. The states were
represented by the governors nnd the
conferees appointed by them. The In
dustries were represented by Andrew
'araegie, the ironmaster; .lames ,T.
Hill, the genius of railroad expansion;
iiiont. for a new const it ul ion operates
prospectively owned ami of pre-exist
ing laws remain const i t u I iotial unless
tin attempt to repeal all such Is ex
pressly or necessarily implied. It has
accordingly been held iu many in
stances that a cousl itul ionul inhibi
tion against legislature authorizing
towns and cities to loan their credit to
popratious except upou tt two thirds
vote, was held prospective nnd not
intrnlling as to laws in force when
it was adopted; State vs. Macnm Co.,
II Mo. 4.'i:i; State vs. Pickelt, 4rt La.
A in in. 7: Winston vs. State. S. W.
Ill till lulter case, decided ill eourl
if crimiuul appeals of Texas. I lie qm-s
ion arose over the local option law.
uid Hie court held that the eouslUu
ioiinl amendment adopted after I he to
al option law did no in any way af
feet the Incut option law or the local
pi inn districts established I hereunder.
In tin' case of Covington vs. High
land Hisl., S. W. mill, the supreme
nurl of Kentucky held lhal a special
id of tin- legislature incorporating tax
ing district with inaiiy of the govern
mental powers ow towns and coties.
I repealed by th ust it nluooil ; al-
Ihat instrument prohibits the legis
hitnto from pas-ting such special laws)
iu the future and providfs tor Mi
. ..l till niic n l nco n o si en i wini ii
j Tl..ri. i mi hictmHisteneV
between tho ameudmenls of the con-
tilutiounl and I In charier of the City
if Medfnrd. The eonsi i I nt ioiiu 1 am I
nn n1 prmiditt that cities slum iiium'
their wn charters subsequent lo the
criminal laws of the stale. The local
n..ti..n i..ur hnm hn hnld to be a arim.
I law bv tit- of Hie legislativ.
NMinbly of tliis stale, The City of Med
ford is excepted from its provisions
and il dues not apply to such eily if
tin nstitntional amendment couM
onlv refer lo criminal laws within the
wphere of tho operation of the same. It
toes not extend tho operntion or nny
criminal law. It does not carry it into
any lerrilorv where il is not already
Operative, It does ion illieci uie crim
inal laws relating to the sale ot liquor
by amending or repealing tln-m any
morn than it does the criminal law re
luting lit larceny, disorderly conduct or
anv other crime.
PA It IS, May lit. -
-Tho committee hav
.Vew York to Paris
ing hi charge ine
raeo has decided, ns a con
sequence of t he modification in the
font e bv I he abandonment of the run
through Alaska nnd Hie rcossing of
llehring strait, not to present a cup for
the feat, but instead to give Ihreo
pri.eo, Minn, tlou nnd t'Mi. resjieetive
Iv, to the fust three machines arriving
in Paris. The nwuor of the French
ear cabled his diiver at Tokio to with
draw the car on account of the modi-
ficutlou In tin itinerary, it having)
crossed the pekin route last year.
At a regular meeting of the city
council it was voted to purchase a Huf
fain Pilt steam road roller, At the
present lime, no other city in Southern
Oregon has as much modern equipment
fur street and road building.
'John Mitchell, tho labor leader, ami
Ir. I. C. White, state geologist of West
Virginia, who is perhaps the leading
expert on coul in tho United Stares.
Specially invited guests included
three democratic presidential, candi
dates, llryau, Johnson and Judge Gray.
The subjects to be discussed iocJude the
use and conservation of mineral re
sources, resource of the land and re
sources of tho waters.
The conference opeued by the, pres
ident with tiu address on "Cooserva
tiou as a National Duty." The pro
gram for tho day included Addresses by
Andrew Carnegie on 4 'Ores and Related
Minerals." and by I. C. White on
' ' Mineral Puels. "
Medford was the' scOue of an excit
ing hunt, followed by a cuaso on Mon
day evening. When the aged father of
II. M. Cuss, the piano man, did oot
return lo his homo as usuul, bis sob's
family beciimo greatly alarmed and ill
a short time over 50 persons wer en
gaged iu looking for the old wan, fear
ing I hut he had lost his way and migUt
die of exposure. He is over fttf years
o'd and very feeble. After a number
t f hours of fruitless seurch someone
telephoned Mr. CyHs that his father
had been driven to Central Point Jb
company with ft stnmgr and a womay.
There they hud taken (lie evening traiu
for Portland.
The Piiseborg police were immedi
ately notified, but. did not nab theiv
uiau. In a previous uolublo lustaoce
they were notre successful beeuusi pos
sibly ino- oalci.s, but Monday eveaing
they Were bluffed ill to belle viug the
old man nnd his escorts woro on the
second e, tiou. ft v ns not until too
late lhal fiev discovered their error.
A t Kngeue a n a 1 1 em pt a t ftrrrst
again failed, although feeble Mr. Oois
onspicuons figure with his louy
! white 1'
wrinkled fare aod totter-
! '"X wull..
I hi party leit tne trim, at rtiuem. the electric cars to VancouTfr.
ing he Portland police, who were wait-
I "'g tor them.
1'iioily Slienlf lull, who held ft
warrant for I he stranger, sworn out by
Justice Stewart, Wat about to follow
the piMly to bring them back, but real
izing tin difficulty of extradition, flit
cli a ne was given up.
The motive behind the affuir is aoior
whal obscure. It is supposed that tbe
old man was enticed away through the
efforts of a snn living in Tacoma -J.
P. i 'oss. The sou. rcHliJng that his ,
(alitor has not many months to live,
und is already exceedingly feeble, hopes
by having hi tnwith him lo get control
of the old man's property.
NKW YORK. S. .f May 12. It was
learned this evening from a trustworthy
source that Mr. Cleveland's condition
is extremely critical.
The doctors are cnugiouted with the
ptoblem of keeping him sufficiently
nourished to sustain life.
His diet for th last se?eu weeks has
consisted of little more than a smaJI
quantity of milk and eggs, administered
twice u duv.
WASHINfJ'lOX, May 1.1. That sol
diers will not Iw deprived of the iolaie
of biscuits, hot rolls, muffins tad core
bresd is the assurance giTea the army
men by the secretary of war in a de
cision just
of tlio iirmv i-niili'tioti forbidding tb.
l.uliiiK of linn.l li.v i-oiiipoiiim al v
rioo ioi i I'oiummd liy Ibo depart
no nt In apply only to liuklun bread ot
Ioihth ot i he P01, bnl-otT lot Ina to