THE MEDFOftt) DAILY TKIBUN'V MEDFORD, Oil., TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1908. Bedford Daily Tribune A lav Papr iu a Live. Town. httKhed every eventu except' ShbJiiv Medford Publishing" Company. 0. PUTNAM, Editor ami .Manager. Admitted aa Second i'lass .Matter in V Foitoffit-v at Medord, Oregon. Subscription Bates: "nr montb, by mail or carrier $0.50 e year, by mail 5.00 BELIEVE IN MEDFORD. it u a giuni tluug for a town to .ink noil of itf. tn liave high lntjw. (go npirat ions and gr'f.'il .Ytnf;d'Uft it futuiv. This very ci.nfid -in-e. i iipiimiMn, this faith hi i V oily, .i.iui:itiug most if itf in its.'it i (Hiwcrful factt.r in bringing nbont tin' tioiiKitod and desired Puit. Medford in fortunate in having so itgt a jiri'tHTt ion of eiti''n of this ind. Such h are nut htiuitt put them dvoN in an attitude lo imbibe iiii nji ttnixtie. t'rugressivo fliiit. it be t nauimoa. to that Mdfrd will be i ma noted an a town Hint no! only do :'iing-, but that thoroughly bHievcn in I'self, in t destiny, in t li idea, as a . rtain f nt in o fart, 'bat Medford ii . dug to be beyond nil comparison the I iggest and bent city in this (mrt of tie si ate. rielieving tlii hard nitirh v.itl urt ! bring i' to pass, for belief induce .turn, and sufficient and ipiiie po '.'do action will ;i-imhi)fIh1i the renilt, ilfordV develupmeut during (lie ;it . .ry few years is hot It .proof of what iu bo dour find a jtrong jjn'ontive to firry on the work evi-n nii.rv broadly : id vigorously than, en-r. .Kvi-rybtMlv . n help. 1 "nil togetW. NeVer'dolibt r fear. While taking pleasure in the j owth and prosjTity of other toys. .. op constantly in view the aim to ,iko Melfurd siiM-rior to them nil. It eau bo done. We have the conn ry around u a perfaiuont basis of up i rations; the best fruit lands on the nt and othi-r great and varied re lureos. We have an advniitng'Hiu b citb'ti. We have attracted -a great deal of favorable attention tiud can id will attract much nmre. Wo ran -iid will do larger tbinos fr.nn yenr to r. .t-t ii4 move forward then as a unit. nn army, for oonttantly grater and 1 tier things, in tho confident exM'otn . on that in a few years Medfnrd will . a oitr of J.l.oVM inhabitants, and the - rronndiiig country will gain proper .imtelv in Hpulat ion. The arrival of a Portland daily (: ler iu Med ford the same day it is print- !. which will bapM'ii wheu tlt new nine card goes into effect the South ern 'acific next Sunday, wilt inaiigu te a new em iu the news sorvit' for irdl'ord and ueighlMoring tow n. In lie futurv, the iteming nrwH will be tend before the evening tiir, and not :f tor ward, ns i n.iw tlo cast-. Th- tow arraugeuicnt will In1 likly to of tVttuallv rinse tbt field to a loral morn . g itp'-r iu M-dford. kIumiM any I atteinpttHl. In the account of the vote u the wa I r bonds, published yesterday, it a incorrectly stated that the v. .ting wh necessitated by n mistake of the cin itornrv. Thin was in no seiw trio id nppeare! through inadvcrtatn-i sting a reflection on Attorney With sit on. which was un warranted nod . ueh we are glad to correct. DPPER ROOUE RIVER HAS A NATURAL BRIDOE mong the little known, but interest g natural wonder of Oregon is the T.Miral liridge across the tippir Rugm . 'ver, about lit miles above Prospect. ij ing in an iwdatoi! region, a mile from bo road from Medford to Crater lake. . ho bridge is of solid rock and is about M feet wide and 50 feot iu length. I nderneath in a tortuous channel wiudt. I he foaming mountain current hooting i ui with tremendous force, from a sub : -'rranoau channel to oie tide of th I ridge a lit t to below. All the upper Rogue country is ot tnloanic formation. Ureal stretches ot olcanir ash and pumice alternate with i .va hard ns flint, which in some pro Motoric ac flowel iu molten torrent f om Mount Mittam:!. us they now call .o ancient ruins of the olcario nhoc . i.rn not crater is filled with the beau liful waters of t'rator lake, .rouent. .1 ly K. H. Harriman the gnatost of tlo irld 's natural wnndtrt.. Shortly before the old volcano, which .'t towered far above any ot hi r eaks of th Cascades, blew off i t ak leaini; its giant cr:tii r six lfi. diNiuotr to plow ly rill with tl:. n:rlt ; noWA of ag--, then- wit; i ; lremend'M)t flo.vl of m tit. -:i r.vk hii h inn down cro the Kdjoining ' -.ntrv and partially filb-d what i -w the valb'V of the Ib.giic I..w ti hi iinel of molnl rock liiutleii.-.! d'lnt'n nbM qnent . nt"rie. 1 1n m.. ni:ii u to h.i dahel. .viiip, t cttan: i . itself n this hanb t- ior-vcr a flaw ivcunci .n f.e rmr otnution thrw ater ha- taken n.Uun of it mid burrowed l','!tt Th. togiaphs how pliirnv t).. ktr.- ri inii don n over I tie k-,ie r. -. V m .rh not Mm a fern n fn '1 a ... "l ho natural bridge i of '1 ha utitiiiwd the run of -li.l f-l! le w liter. Some earn ayo lb. tVfiniinnt wtocked Plieni creek, eii. I ho ttpM-r t ribuiJirie-i. with eastern out. Tllee lmp ince imiltipli.d un v I there in fairly good fi-Onng of thi - nirty in the Rogue nbove the bridu ,,-lt IIOIl of the Ifii fijieckled be.iuti - found Indowr the bridge, a nvn of te rainbow, cut throat . t.ok trout n found nbov Notice. I fflih to aiiaounce that I have pur lh' off iet nod practice of the lo Hr. M. S. .lone. My of fire will located at the Mine place a r ini' und offieo hour will bo from 10 a. m.. 2 4:30 nm 7 to S p. tn. - R J. I.NINROY, Pliriicinn and Hurgeoti. Ird f . HjE Coffei limine. '41 ' 40 " hii. fnr - tral fold. AMUSEMENTS. At the Bijou. The nmue'liriit seeking people of Medford huve got the moving picture habit and tlu-ir patrouugc warrunU an inipnti rineut at the hands of the Pic ture tln-ntt-r. Coiuin ncing this week, I hi- Itijoii m ill rhange program three Hints Q Week instead of twice a week as heretofore. Th- days of changes will be Mondnv, Wcdiod:iy and Kritlay. TIm- mnnagt-iiifut has mad arrange melits to M-ciirc the Very bet films ob lainable on the Pacific t'oast. RAILROADS ADVANCE RATES TO DISCOURAGE LEGISLATURE . WASlUNtJTtiX. May 12. An inves ligation by the interstate rointuer'0 .ommission of the causen for the pro-ns-d gi-nenil advance in freight rules t hroughtiiit the country is likely to lake place. Hints from commission circle indicate tin us a probability. Offi cially, the iiieinbi-rs of the commission iiae as yet taken no cognizance of the action of the railroad men in arranging for tnw schedules, which will increase annual gross earnings from luQ,tRW,0,H) to 0ihi.(Mm.ihmi. according to roiwrva t ivo est iiuates. I'nofficiallv, however, ihey arc watching events with keen in tore-t in all pilars of the situation. Tlc-re is a strong impression in Wash ington officialdom that behind the causes for raiding charges openly stat td by the railroad presidents and traf fic managers lies plan to bring dis credit upon the interstate commerce act as ame'tided by the last congress. It is not n-gardeil us an attempt to discredit tin- interstate commerce ommission it self, although it is U-licvod that there mny be a design to cast odious reflec tion upon the national administration at the same time that it is sought to bring the rate-making power conferred by the present law into disrepute with the pvoplo of the eountrv. It is insisted that the railroad mag nates who originally fought agaiust the 'xtei)ioit of the commission's power to leal with the fixing of rates are now turning to other means to render that Kwer distasteful tn the people whose sentiment and agitation forced congress to pass the Hepburn Dolliver bill. It would be natural, it is pointed out, for hem to seize au opportunity as soon as lositile -tier tho new law had gone into .ffeet. the jMpp nlurimpKTAtIf i effect, the jNipular impressioa being : that tin- raiemaking act would tend to! re, luce trnff if business nit along (lie I I inc. INFURIATED PIG HOLDS CAPTIVE AUTO ENTHUSIAST lihirioued by an enraged pig with but the frail protection from his mad lined prey of n light runabout which wa- unmanageable ln-cause of another pig clogging the gears, was the thrilling eH-riellro nf j J .r o!tl 1 lie II t Medford IIIO tfir-ear eiitlnirtiat who wa enjoying a Hpin on the Ahliind road Sunday in his new tar. Only by the timely arrival of wine of In friend in other cars, to wh.'in he had previously given the dnsf. he muI from a jfrMtnal encounter with the i-rnble U-ast. The j.ig wan running in mad circles about the car. infuriated by the ipieaK tf it- male, who wa In ing crushed iu The machinery, owing to t he inadvert nice of the driver of the machine. To get her with his wife, the owner nf til1 car wan held a rapt ive in momentary danger of -rsonal injury. When his Irion. n aM-nret on the nee no. bv force f superior numbers, they were able to ncue him and release the runabout the pig, which blocked it. The rescued man's km w no bound-, and after profucl thanks he, I'outinned on l w js. r man. us way, a sadde but REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, A. Thompson to . K. Thomp Htm. acre in set-1 ion , townihip rang.- 1 V t bdin W. ltaiidull et al t; Win. . ibboii, :to ncre in section :V. township range J . , . Harry Stoddard, to l,irie N'uttall. lot I, blo.-k ;i. Sunnei park II. AndieWH to Oia. P. Voung, (els and rt. block ! and lots l.-, mid lii. Id.vk 'J.'M Hill Miik.Miei A. Walker to V .1. WulUee. lotn 1, 'J and li, block K. Kailroad Addition. Ashland Writ WroterliMld to Wevlern Ore oi i In-hard o., lio ncres iu . I I'Oi .li. MW llshi'i range 1 W. Purl, r l.. llu Pr.-d . ll- ii i .r.... , DIED. N,.uth iJ .ir- et. at U. mt:M .ianhtet Karnt Unite. Pn Id at their h.on, rtt Mai I I. . M.i' Mr .e to WASHINOTON DELEGATES WILL BE INSTRUCTED FOR TATT si" n i.r. u .,.h , m:,v 1.-. :.!.. i. tate , ,,n .-in ;,t it M iv M wilt in. .iu-vi.. nablv -The r Sj-'kanc mTrnct i-l-ation to the it a t : . - t . i r.niiii ' support the preide-if i;,J ,-andi - -f William II Tart. - . retnry ,, '-,r V S' M "t n' , !,.,,, h,.d "th.1 : 1 ni.)f.,( l;(fT. anl askid " - star,. ,. bjati.m b. ti.d d.-wn 1 '' r i.iin. s.. l,mg th.-re tits ' ';'' Tatt's nomination. I - li: m :!l be demands) of reptib "ni ' " I i v f.r tlie 1- gijdaturf Hint , ' .ib:.b by the pnmarv dec "" . . ,, id'idate for I tuted star., s, i. f iu.orment of the s-;,f.. thlH);,stU' polit ics u ill I, It is Iik-'h. t itlalioii w itl t '"Mien and an in i! .-f !he li.H.sCVclliHn ob by tlo- convention, nt s....-is a,r 1, k. K'--l the b-uiidsturo. iMyond this tt., p -..furm run not be f.istis) acctirritel v, Mr. nnd Mm. J A f'nttiii of ent in MM Point were r Ml It HI Y PORTLAND FESTIVAL To rm held in 1M JUTLAND, OREGON Jl'NE 1 to 6, 1908. Will Up the moat l.r ill iitn i FLORAL FIESTA AND CIVIC JUBILEE Kver held in the Pacific Northwest. Portland, "The Hose City," will be a sceue of splendor and the center of World wide Interest for one Week. Several important convention to be held iu Portland on that occasion. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Speeial Tickets on This Occasion from MED FORD to Portland and Re turn at ?13.20 For particulars call pn A. S. ROSENBAUM, Local Aent VM. MeMURR.Y, Oeneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Souvenir SPOONS. DOST FAIL TO COME IN' AND SKE THE FINE COM.EC TION. ALSO A NEW LINE OF ltRACELKTS. ALL LATE STYLES AND DESICNS. AT THE NEW JEWELRY STOKE, 11 North C St., Near the Postoffice. MARTIN J. REDDY Wise Talks By the Office Boy Pa sava a row buy other same nould be just as expen- 4 ive back east thii time of vear. 4 I sometime think be pines for 4 the pinpy woods in old Penob- 4 scol, Krappe Countv, Maine, where he was raised but that 's one thins vours truly never yearns for. Th good mountains 4 and the good old oeeas a id niee old Oregon atmosphere are good enouch for m . But it's sll in 4 how you were raised. Pa likes elam ehowdor and eorn on the 4 4 eob, and harvest apples and a 4 4 lot nf things that a kid who 4 4 ai born thia side of the snow 4 4 sh.-da hasn't had much ehanee 4 to got acquainted with. Those 4 4 who have lived on both sides of 4 4 this ereat eountrv and lived 4 long enough to know what's 4 what can c.'t all those things 4 4 just as nit-e one place as an- 4 4 other, if vou know where to buv. 4 We've elam chowder from 4 J Plosion that is just as nice ns 4i any you ever ate on the sand, 4 and lots of other things that ' hare tint "Down Fast" taste. 4 4 4 4 4 MILLER & EWBANK 4 4 4 4444444444444444444 The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishr hot water fir tm on very short thtk' It wn be tt".ed un the ten table or in tbr kitehen' Attnehcs to an elevtndier Simple, safe, eMi vciucnt, d ut able ROOUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO.. Piirrewor to Condor Water Power C. Of IW 2M W. Tth at., opp. big eteelric Big. Pkoa 55. Automobiles Thn DariKr Too The automobile with the high 1 ilC lalllll bdl ,-lcarance four - cylinder 30- liom'powcr water-cooled engine, storage battery and imported Bosch magneto and coil, 108-in. wheel base, sliding gear transmission, double chain drive, 160 square inches braking surface; strictly high class in every respect. The best car for the coast country. The best car ever offered for the price. Price $2250, fully equipped. J. M. ROOT & SON, Jackson County Bank Bldg., Medford, Or. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Gity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale Five and Tcu-Arre Orchards on the installment jilnn. The right kind of soil, the rifht hind of trees and the ritjht jirices. Twenty nears' experience in frnit raisiny backs our judgment. Yc have sold half the orchards in the valley and have yet to see a purchaser dis satisfied with his bargain. Before buying see Roue River Land Go. Exhibit Building MEDFORD SASH ft OOOB CO. Window and Door Screens, Fence Pickets, Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grills. F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS. PHONE 53. We Want to Realty Bond Oregon VV. Jackson county Bank Annex THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF BLANKS Warranty Deed Lonir and Short Form Satufact'n of Uiarlgiafe Transfer of Lwn Power of Attormiy Mrchank-'s Lien Water Rutht Rill of Sate LWiuor LKrno Form Notice to Tresrsuaers Cmiitor'n Claim AKainit Estate FOR RE N'T. FOR SALE. FURNISHED Ptacer Location Bvtd f r Ivd Miner Lien Summnn Execution Judgment Tranacript Commitment far Trial Search Warrant PROBATE Petitions f.-e Letters of Administration. Admin intra tor "a, Executor'i and Guard t n't P-ioris and Peed: Order Settinc Arrt Prooertr Etempt from Execution: Order Conlimitnr Sale of Real and Personal Property Citation: Commiunn to AppraiMn: letter of Administration; Inventory and Apprauement; Proof of Will; Letter Testamentary. Attachment Notneof iiamiRment Grand Jury ;uLpoera Indictment Trmnxiiiit of Judjrment A cvrrlcte, up-to-date line of I'.S. SHhKlKF RlJsNkS. SOUTHERN MEDFORD Buy Lands Syndicate of Ii. Stalker Secretary J REAL ESTATE Quitclaim Deed Bond for Deed Moruraice LaaM With Tax Payment Provision Option to Buy Land A (rent' Contract MISCELLANEOUS. Chattel Mori (rare Acknowledgment Confession of Judgment Coven for Blanks ROOMS, ETC. (on cardboard). Quart location Water Rbtht Oreron and V. S. Forma Contract to SeR Deed Proof of Labor JUSTICE OF PEACE Civil and Criminal Subpoena Attachment I'ndertakins and Afi Gambhment da v Itor Attachment Cot Bil! Commitment for Fine Notice to Juror Jury Order Civil Complaint Warrant for Arrest CIRCUT COURT t'ndertakinir and AmdaTit Sumrnoni for Attachment Coat Bill Criminal and Civil Subpoena Execution Searvh Warrant Notice to Jurors LAND OFFICE. "COt'NTY COl'RT AND All printed after the latest and best forms. C?3 Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. c Give us a trial. OREGONIAN OREGON If You B That there was in easy way to materially reduce your house hold expenses and household cares, wouldn't you be tempted to try it ? Au easy and sure way to save time and trouble is to do the cooking on a MOOlfE Range. Tt excells all others, and is a real household joy. All styles and all prices, at li. R Hoyden's. Fuel saving alone soon pays for it. Inquire and be CONVINCED 1 IHIiBHI I HI 'I Mciilr in r- ti war State Depositary. Establishol 1sS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 J. E. EXYART.Prrtsi.i cnt. J. A. PERRY, Vife-Pr.-si.lcnt. The Medford ff JTmnk MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Hanking Business Transacted. Ye Soli. it Yvnv Patronage W. W. EIFERT, The R. W. GRAY. BuHder COLONIAL PORCH V )i; K. v; milTj AN1) LAT1 WORK. l'ATTKRXs, KTO. TELEPHONE 471. ARE YOU INTERESTED? I havo for sale at 62.50 ,.,-r .'..-iv. SOa.-ns of as fine oivhar.l lan.l as th, ! , i in U. -no River vallov. The im I'l'ovenionts on j-la.-o are wm-ili at h-ast TJ.'.0. J ( me show vou this land. ALFRED SMITH OVER JACKSON COFNTY HANK. elieved The car manufac tured expressly for the coast." lest for price on the market. D.T.LAWTON Agent MEDFORD, OR. rnn mWMcrrmKgm7VvTa Faithful to the Interest of Depositors MANY YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BANKING IS A RECORD THAT SHOWS THAT THIS INSTITUTION IS FAITHFUL TO THE INTERESTS OF ITS DEPOSITORS. EVERY SAFEGUARD FOR THE SE CURITY OF FUNDS IS AT ALL TIMES MAINTAINED. YOUR ACCOUNT CORDIALLY IN VITED. W. I. VAWTER President 0. R. LINDLEY Cashier I DI IX s. OliTII, Cashier. W. 1!. JACKSOX, Ass t Cashier. National Bank How Does This Strike You $1400 Ai. ;.m.-,,-in,. m;i.,' Sprinu Suit --'". .ui.l Summer ifj:,; What :l. r v:.lii. wimiIiI yon ivaiitf It pays I! ra-li- Iniloriug wurk. We 1 ' !T kin.l. A trial will prove City Tailor, Medford MEDFORD, OR.