THE MEDFORD PAIL? TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, 017.. FRIDAY. MAY 8. 1008. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ; Eltfood sails grapbophones and roc nrds on easy payments $1 a week. Mrs. A. X. Hurlburt of Oold Hill has gone la Boutlicrn California oa a visit. Wc cook you anything to order at The Delicatessen. 43 J. W. Hicks of Central Point sjM-nt Friday In Medford. If you want ico eroaui, give your or t. r to tho Book Htore Creamery. .Mr. Bcatty und family of Tnfu lire in Sun Francisco. All kinds of job printing ul Portland yrives Tuo Tribune. ft. K. Xcalou and Gun Morris of ( trot mint arc visiting In Han t rniicisco. All uigbt restaurant at the Emerick until further notice. Shcrtie Miles left today for Butte Fall.. hills l-'lla Oaunyaw. stenography and tjrpfffnlir.'ii. Kooiu 4, Pnltn Block. T. M. Wittin, tbo 'Central Point banker, and bin fnmily have been Asblnud, visiting rclutivcs. Don t worry about your Sunday din uer, hot buy a rouHl chicken, Home salad aud cake at The Deili-alesseu. 4ft Mel. Peareo of I'ooriuan 'h creek, tbe expert miner, did business iu Medford Wednesday nlloriiooii. The only print shop in Koulhcrn Or ogon employing Typographical I'nioii priutcrs. Tbo Tribune. Frank Kcddeu in at his post n! tbe Jackson Couuly bank again, after short business trip. The bent equipped job printing offi III Southern Oregon, employing slulli union printer The Tribune, Joseph I.. Iluiuiuorsly (if (told Hi and bin wife visited friends living in Jacksonville Wednesday afternoon. lee eream delivereil lo any part of Hi city. Otder from tlio Creamery liood ul ore. W. .1. ItiiHwII, II ITicicnt sheriff of Josephine county, made a trip In Medtord and Juc ksoitcillc Wodiicsdu Harry Ciilherlson, general eonlraetor und builder, cement work n spcciulty Meflforil, or. Mm, I,. Leonard of Josephine counl was in Medford and Jacksonville Wed uesdliy on legal business. , If you want sweet cream or butter Itiilk, order from I he Creamery or watr for tbo wagon. Deliveries made every duy. I'hono No. 923. A. tlridgi'iiiau, cbtef i oniitaiit at inn niue i,cuge, leu ror Man ITiiucisco Ihlirsduy morning on a abort visit " deliver sweet cream or buttermilk every day; watch for our wagon or id one orders lo tbe Creamery. Pimm .No. nil William Campbell in ilnwn from .loe our, winch in a quiet cnnip ninco active operations were suspended at the lllm Lodge. Don't be deceived bv Imvlne shinned Id flor at 1..10 per each. Patronise home Industry Buy Davis beat, flour t l, .10 per sack. Kvory sack guaran teed. Try It. U you can't get It at in grocer S, come to tbo mill. Clnus Kleinluiiumer of Ashland Hi well kuown pioneer, in very sick and relatives have been niimmeneil lo bin hrdslde. W. A. Hutton, formerly of Medford but luter of Iteno, Nov., pitched u win (ling game of hall for a Hacraiiicuto club last Sunday. .Herbert. Cole was lu I be valley dur ing the week, looking after tbe inter rata of Ibe famous mineral wnlcr from i oi.-it to. Prank M. I'nlklun of Ashland, circuil eourt stenograplier, wan In Medford Wednesday afternoon, en ro In. no from .liickflonville. James w, Tynan, tbe Houlhern Pa olfii- coiiilnctor, and Minn Jennie hi. (Hlviu of Rosehurg were mnrrird in Porllund nue dny last wc.ok at the Catholic, parnonnge. Miss Jessie Cole in again acceptably filling tbo position of naleslndv n't Hutchison t.useun'd in ,.llia llutcllnou 4 l.umn.lcn's mercantile e tllbliahuicut. Ucorge II. Kelly of Eugene made Medford aud Grants Pass n visit ibis week. He in a member r the Hnnib Kelly Lumber company, and lias done uieely since going I.,. ,-uiiulv. Hilas .1. Day f .laeksoiivilb-. rhaibs l.add of Merliu and William P. Wright of llranln Pass buv,. bee,, coninii.sio I uortarim public bv (,etn.n Cham berlaiu. A ludy wiile. lu ihi. if.,. iM i)uim: "Which is Ibe most m,al im, leal iu.lnmieni ." , ,,prighi .i;mo. of course. siiRlif inlen-sl ll- ,ies Ib.ner lo Icniu l. that il, ,, in, moral inslrnmenl is Hie bass dntm. W. A. Carter of .Sol,.,,, ,, .,, )K ing Jacks.. a c.unly, his former home visit doting the pa. week. He was candidate for railioad commissi,,,,,., in the late priinaiv elect i,.,, . , a vely good e.-..n,. The unsuin-.ved lis, I f ii,., , above llmie Full, j, ncv,-d , opened to scllb-mcnl. The l,a,-l ,-on, pnsen township ;U. ,auu.- l1 ,, n,i '" '"' fi"'"l b"die. of ,,.r , the italc. Jam Clvvu Wilson, who liven on tbe Kain 's V'ulley road, about three milen from Gold Bill, aas severely in.ur-d one day last week by a borne belonging to Claude Jones, which had become fas tened In tbe manger. Mr. Wilson was attempting to extricate .the animal when it kicked him in the bead, cut ting a gash over tbe right eye, nearly two inches Jong. 0. A. K. veterans of Oregon are look ing forward lo the uuuuai stuto en campment of tbe Grand Army at New port from June L'4 to 20, iuclusive. Preparations are being made at thin summer resort to receive thousands of visitors expected thero during the en- i campmcot. Tbo transportation com- pauica bavo granted tbe rr-gulur out- j iug rates and ticketn will be good all summer. A round of Central Point peo- j pie left for Han Francisco Saturday morning to witness the fentivitien the! uext two weeks incident to tbo visit of tbo battleship fleet to that city.; Those who went Saturday were: Mr. I aud Mrs, Joe Wright, Mr. and Mrs. F. ! M. Amy, Mr. aud Mrs. P. It. Himpkiun aud Hon, Mr. and Mm. George Pankey, Mr. 'and Mrs. William Gregory and F. Miller. Mont of the party expect to re main in California two weeks or louger. -Herald. INDIAN CORN. 8hriniVj.fl of Ytllow, WhiU and Mixed Vritift Compared, The f XM'rliiir-nl in oVld-mliif tlie xlirlnkiitfe nf cnni hi tin crib u heon rjifi it'll n ilitvt TiMj-ttiifc ill Ibo Kart- rH t'MM'iiii''iit Kt Hioit. A ru m Mitt r,v ;-iT rvut fH (lit1 1 1 IV-1 foUl' lliniilllM a ft'i- I In ni pliii-pil in ltn rrlh. Ti.K! ;''f i-t-Ml for w li. til nx umlil ItH, Hi) JH'i' 'tll f il' Itlf Hi- I f (til IlinlllltS, 7.H p-'C i-iMii fnr t lit ttrt leu nmiiMiA 1 (nl s.ic "T n'lil fnr I In tlrsl lwi;li! ni i lix VWIi.w rui n litis ul veil lltf ; (fi'i'.tlM I HMMil Iff Mil I'l Ilk II iff -MHIIM'ly, II.V1 fT ICIII lit JWflVf IIMIIllll, lf nf x I fi-i-M ri-nii tirlnkiiiff nccurrliii; in , ilif i.tMi of n-ltfp mill. s.(- pfr 'fin II tl VI' Ml'MilltM, WllHf lilt inixfil nrii cHnip!'M nf miiii.v vurif tin) tic- i ri'ji- in wriclil tt.lM jmr cpnl I ihliliitf Mm flrwi twilvf mnnthn nftir j ifln-f ia'it hi ih iTlli. I During th Winter Month. j '(In HUTtc'i' ri'Mitll nf all lirliikiiKi i iiJhU liHllijiicx Uml wltfii corn Im crih Ihi fiiirly dry ml In i-omlhlon 'he xlnhikiiiff ilnrJnp iht vliit(r iimiiitiM slunilil uol lie nvi.'r ! INT cvnt. It mIimhM lit- tilmprvt'il, Imwever, tlitit in llifff ixpfM'liiitniilM tfvt'til rnve wan Xftvlfl In iiifV'Mil InsM of corn .v llifr llinii nn I n ni 1 mt'iiiiK. I'nrii liiffillnx ly Iht ar row uiutU- nI lifgiiii In VMK. Nine (lllTfrcut .miflivH wiTt fro wit Hint 1 1 red lu r.KMt ;im fitltiiua: It. -Id Volluw Drill, Mllver- mint;, UtHtin I nil nt. v While, l.Kal T- -J.T. lluK'ie Yellow lKul, lilldrolli, Mr- Ail ley. Ki.Miis MiniHowar and While Injun. Hnillt t'lKllt.V MiTHH Welti IIMOtl fol' jrtiatiiiy coi ii hikI grit wiiiic t-uru for tfi iroliir(ioii In luuij, und 4MI lii-veil-Ing HHirt Wfii ptuaicd In HHimruu nt. iu tin? HcveiHl hrt'filliiK .lorK. iMirlnx (tie Ih-jI In. nr tbe HHitmoiiiy lie uartiiieiil lias Hold ninl ilUt rllmt-ti JUiMiiK Itie faruieii of the Male tv- ral liiiiiilretl liiinliela of neltft'led, Well bred nneA vut u. ' Result of Tit. tie tJIOVif iHe lu I he yield fnn dlflTci-enl' ear fowa uaaLweii very uiurk aryluf lu amue teaia mure luun tH.' er rent. roiu(ia rlaous Uiude lu ltwi letweiu I Ijr UIku ylelillutf t'uw tted aud flri. l Knide eed e lei' led fruui , (be veiifral Mr Id KH e reiiilta ltd f(d ! ion: 'J lie Ml.rrtulue high yteldtua ! -owj rei filul teldrd .11! ier tetit j uiore foiu mid per rent iiioi'y u8t ' KruWf Herd eiira tbHU (he plol plituifd llli ftrl Kinde aeed. 'Ibe lilldretb lilltli letilhu row ed dut yielded I o:t; (ir iriit mora com aud 4) peri i-iil M'i;e j1 ! I jtraile seed ear ihuii the pint lu ii (nil whli It im I ifimle erd j f lliif Mii'le1. Tliera haw bfU a flilll I llNii'u eiiu'Ul In the Ki'tule Hlid j UKil1 nf Ihe i-oiu. Alfalfa Mtal In Contmrc. 1. l. I! j Iih in In a i'eiori ii-enUd for Hie 1 n re. i u of animal Imlnmry iMli-M Hint :i imniher of fa'turit iil'ifi nilli iiMtie to leMM eipeiiMle iiiHt'hliif ry hne enxuued In the iuhuu fH'-lurt' (if nlfrilfH iiu'mI on a (-oiniiifr I U 1 HPHlr. In onler In H'i-iiinillh ihii it h uw- erttm y thul ihe hay lie kiln tlrled. und n thru It I ifrmind ni ihe t'Mi.e riir:(i infr. Hay mdlnaiiiji iinoti' Ih nor atilrahle fnr Ihe imiuiifH'' line nf h ' I il I f nietil heritiiM It cim 1 lulu- Inn in lli h uinKiiire. Hhli'll l'f!l j dria II v Ihiiily dimnill l-i Kr!nd Mini n. ore lULIf in sp.ili. '( be rnintiM r I i U; arilrle I- iiimN' ft'iiin f let led ill I falfu aud iitli.l n lih nicnr heel in i j ta MMf hi the i Kpnrilnn of 7,. per rein allail'a nud per cenl Ihkscn. Tin I pii'dn. I rntiliiiif. fi'nm . lo (T pel' fit of prnlwln and mUmK .'vO Iht reiki nf j vRrlMihwImiea and fal. Il I IwIhk f hj miineimii frwUr In (ha prepara Hon of rhelr ahon animal of dltYfrent Moorr, Win- iilh , l tbf Medford tnuiiM.iH t. (, nH. Odell, Up jiwr rettiruH Iron, l'artlau-1 Naoituriuin, where be smii.Hj.iuHv T"" "P"n. mo neairt-a lo Uiank wuo were hin, I to him during Ins, ,M Of MM. Cbarlea A. t'owell, t- I'oMiaiM luwvrr, left an e-ttnle n t fln.i.nin) rr more. Mra. Nfurtliu i -m -I I, iM widow, rereivea the majnr fi. of tlx ealate, hut auhitantial are man lor Ibe hrnettt of the . CluirleM fo(fHell, and tbe twn duK'hleM, Mr, Marie fleinky and Marjorie t '.w-ll. Mooday'a OreouiaD un: ".I. V. PfrKiD aod Mrs. Perkin wen- nmuaj thrt arrival at Ibe IVrtlanJ yraimlay. Mr. i'erkiua a few duy a itu iKi-d a deal for fbe ut of hi fmit raurh orar M.-dford for irN.iHtO, rtuliiu n bundMorrie profit oa hi luvettiucat. " ' Tbn JpeniD7Jt Lumber rouj(uny, fur merly doing bualueaa on tbo MeC'lom!, iu ( allioriiiii, but lutr ojrating near Montague, boa made an nolgmneat for tbo beuefil of ila ereitnr. Tin wm fine a prijwrnn eoDcnrn, but lh hank refilling to make arivatirea for tba coming teaioa lauaed a futpeniion. Cw Manur Far Csltan. I W naier eipeit (o a thy aufh a eattl inuiito. toil we do rxperi in Me, uiniv and inme allenilon yheu o l bin liuportanl feal it r of ihie.ftil fa mi lu V nnth-v nlih pleaMiiro (hat all f our lte farmer are rain Inn taltlf iimro or lea, and many at e u oi k Ing to pin tlil liraneb of tUetr farm opera tion upon a Iwtter .Bu. v uotkf wber cotum wMm fertllleed with atn bit uianur and e-pe,Ullv with cow mumm It hM uul uflere.l from I In- ef fei nf di. nghi, a ha Ihnl.. her. CumuieMni rn miner alone I tiM-d -Rouihrru i ' Mlvalor. BORN. MAMMMNh-Ai WtHMlville, April IIHIH, to Mr. and Mr. II. . Hm mond, a piir of twin, hoy und Kirl. H Al.l, At OruntH P:, April 10. Itiioi tu Mr. und Mr-, f. . (l, v,,u dff, a -)D. Grand May Sales HAVE A LOOK AT THE WIXDOAVS U'hen you come to town he sure und have a look nt our windows. Vou will not only enjoy Ihe look, lult you will find jjoisls displayed and marked at solo prices seldom found outside a large city. Vu euu see at a glance that it Bill pay yon o trade nt this slore. Vou will find other sales in side. Muslinwear Sale SEE THE XORTH WIN'DOW .Vow is lh very host time lo supply your iiiusliunear needs fur Ihe sum uier. At no time this sVasou ngnin will loir stock lie so completely as sorieu or wn, tne prices no so low. i'V values i,. V,.H 189 I 3.r.c values 20c .M.llll vulin-8 '. $2.39 oOe values 33c .f:..-,i values 2.60 7-"ic valiii-s sue $ 1.00 value $2.98 1.00 vnliies 73c if.-,.iiii values $3.69 1.5.1 values HI),: $i;..VJ vnluea $4.19 1..'0 values $1.10 s7..-,o values $4.09 values $1.43 is.-;,, values $f,.75 Ladies' Suit Sale SEE THE SOI'!'!! WINDOW Vou should exuminc mir speciul offering iu suit. W nn- aclimllv giv iii4 values which you cannot afford lo miss if vou can use u suit either now or for full wear. $10 Suits, $fi.00; $15 Suits, $11.00; $20 Suits S13.r,0; $2B Suits, $19.00; $40 Suits, $2Ti.00, and $4f Suits, $29.00. White Glove Sale TROUSERS SEE THE IJM MIDDLE WINDOW Idinitii'H, l.nifiis, I'lTHimi. i'nni-li and Paris Lbwiia. Silk eh;., fte.. now on anle as follows: iDe uliifH 33c '"r vjiliien 47c 7."n- vn I lies 59c X-V vahifK 63c $!.(" valui 73c $1. vnliies 93c llltf hllWIIH, uline nud Linrrif Clotlm, XaiiiHouka l'l( V'llllU'K 7c 1 "! VIllut'H He iroc vjiIiiih irc L'.'m viiIuih 19c Hiiir vfihua 23c I'h- vnliifM 29c Fine Corset Display SEE THE OTHER WIN' DOW If yon waul lo seo wliat is new in Corsets anil what is lining worn by tho liest dressers of Iwo ciiulinenls, you should sec our window. Wo sell Ferris Waists, Warner's Host I'rool'auil Itedl'ern Whalebune forsets, and the famous W. It. line. Kvery one is yimd and the prices are reasonnlile. 50c and Along to $i.00 MEDKOUD'S FA I II P'ROFfT ST01IE Baker-Hutchason Co., Inc. CENTIIAI. AVE., NEAR JACKSON' CO. MAN'K. ' il! '; i-.l I j '4 T y. "WE LIKE TO SHOW OUR TROUSERS TO THE MAX WHO THINKS HE CAN NOT BE PLEASED. ANYONE CAN SUTT THE FELLOW WHO IS EASILY SATISFIED. 13 FT IT TAKES OOOD "WORKMANSHIP, HONEST MATERI AL AND THE BEST OF TAILORING EXPERIENCE TO SUIT THE REALLY Careful Dresser "WE HAVE PLEASED THE PARTICU LAR MAN FOR SOME TIME AND WILL NOT FAIL TO DO SO THIS SPRING. ASK HIM WHAT HE THINKS OF THE LAST PAIR TROUS ERS WE SOLD HIM. IT'S DOLLARS TO DOUGHNUTS THAT HE'LL TELL YOU THEY'RE BETTER THAN THE 'BEST HE EYER BOUGHT BEFORE. THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST ()! BLANK'S Wurranty Iteivl Morten ifc, l-onit ninl Short Form Nuiittfui-l'n of MnrltttiiM' Trnnnfi'r of Men I'uwcr of Attorney Merhiinlr'H l.ien Water Ititrht HE A I. KSTATK Utlitrlnlm'lli'l 0, for i)wj MortKiiKf Lama Willi T I'ltyiDfitt Provision (tllon In hu IjuuI Airfnl's fimlrncld MISCKU.ANIIOHM IlilUr Kule I .kiiiiii l.iocnKc Funi i h Notice in Tn'HtnMMii'j4 l'(tHtirn ('Initn Aimiim PNltitn riinttol Mortffntre Arl nowltlKiHiiit Coiift'iHlon fif Jiiilnmonl iHiverfl for iTioik We Have Excelled Ourselves THIS 8KASOX TNT OTJR ASSORTMENT OF TROUSERS TO CHOOSE FROM. IT'S TIME TO BUY NOW WT1TLE THE VARIETY IS SO LARGE TROUSERS AT ?1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 or $4.00 to $10. IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG THEY'RE OUR TROUSERS NOT YOURS, YOU TAKE NO CHANCES HERE, I OK HE NT. FOK SAI.K. FUKNIKIIKD liOOMS. KTC (., ciir-INmnl). MININC TM:i'ir l.octitlitii IVioil Tor l).s Minr'ii I. Ion Summonn KtA'iitlon .tuilKtnfiti TniiKt'iipt ronirnitmirut for Trinl Sfjocti WiiTinnl tjiinrt I.iH-ution WWr liiuht Oroifon Hiul (I. H. Forma Contnifl to Hell PmhI I' IjiU.r .HtSTU'K (IK I'KACK Civil nnd ("riiniiml Sulir (inriii-hiii)iit C.rtl Hill Nolit'o lo Jtn-oi'H Civil Cnmptnim PKOHATK oiih Atlftf imt-nt Uiiilfrukinir iiihI Afli Ouvitfur Attnehnient t'oinmitMK'nt for Fltif liiry (tiller Wftmuil for Airoi I'ftMli.ii'.for ltlri-Miif A l in in iit rat ion. AilmioiMrntMr'n. Kswntor'n ml Cimnliiin's IUhhIx ninl hfttN: Onlor Srltiiin Annrt I'mix-ny F'itiit from Kxi-ruiioii: Onler ('oiilirniine Snlcof ltttl itiul 'piHinl Properly t ilnlinn; t' t ApuiiTs; l-HtU'inof Aihoiiunnoloii; Invt-ntoiy niul Aiiinist-iiirH: 1'nHtl' of Will' I cm I res' 'I'i'fstnnii'iiiiny. ciKtuiTcomrr AllHtliiociit Not itf of I im ni.-tliiocHi r.rmilJin v Nulvtt'iut lnilktrnt'Ot TiHOTiipl of Jinlpincnl I'lHlcrtfikintr nnd Atlhluv it Siimmonn for Atlnrhntont V1 Hill ('t innnnl )ioii Ti il HiiIiimihiius KxiH-utKm S.'ifh Wurnott Nutift to Juvoit ! V,1 M -' "1 Hno nf t.S. i.ANDOl'KICK.l'rotlNTY COUHT ANl NH Kit I r r HI .A N KS, v'S.' All printed after the latest and best forms. ci Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. t) Give us a trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDFORD OREGON lOTHING ford' Correct GloKi, SFVMXTH AND I? STREETS. OX THE CORNER. RECENT FROST DAMAGES ENTIRE CROP OF PRUNES ; Tlie ri't'Mit frost liail tho snnio i.l'fi'ct inn tint pniiw rmp in Clnrk onunty, V:ishiniloii. t (in t it hail in tin- Mnricm , iMiunt.r priiTii' lii-lt. Thi- iliiinniri- iu Mnrinn ciMiuty iv:ts dum- in tin- low- hinih, whili- tin- hill fruit surti-n-.l lit tlf or nolhiu from tin- frust. The smiie i-oiulitions pn-vnil iu Clark I'onnly, ni'i-oriliiiK to in vi-mI iir:il ion ninil- I ly prune men. The erop on tho river l:lo,l on fitl IM,mi, haB h. .l.,.An.l it is oMiuintod, to the extent of HI) per cent. The stems hnve turue.l velloiv uml the fruit dropped. On the For Ladies Only. We will positively give n demonstra tion of yrent interest to tho ladies upon whose shoulders rest tho duties of the home, nt the Medford l'harmaey, near i'. !.. Saturday afternoon and evening. Come and see what it is. 44 Time Tables SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. X.i. I Northbound. lll;Oreoii Express.... 14 : IVi tland Kxpress... 2-oKor Ashland Southbound, lo California Kxpress.. Kt Snn FraiK-i.-q-o Kxp 5:30 p. ni 0:4!) a. m 10: 13 a. ni. 10:30 a. in l.-fiO p. m. FOR SAI.K S ronm hungalniv, just fin ished; cheap if sold soon. See Any A Thilders. 1 . FOR SALE Yo ung gentWt cow for sale; price 40. K. E. Morrison, It. K. n. No. 1, Griffin Creek. WANTED Ten teamsters with teams wanted liy Western Oregon Orchards f'o. at onco; good wages. FOR SALE Reo runabout in good con dition. I need a larger maehino. L. B. Warner, Jr., at. Warner's store. where the bloom was later, it is not believed that serious damage has been donr. The California prune crop is now es- , , . ,', ' . ' ' No. I ! Leaves Medford.... H pounds, the smallest in m.inv years. 1 , .1 ' r, .... , , t No. 3 Leaves Medford.... Dies, crop eondit.on, are having b Xo. 2 . Arriv Mcdfor(1... ,.,.. ' ""'-ri, --ii I lie nun IC! v- . , . . . j , , ... , i .-ii. i Arnv for last year s prunes. Were trade con- i ditious normal, however, prices would , 0OUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY, advance sharply No. 22.i From Grants Pass.. !):15p. m PACIFIC & EASTERN HAILWAY. 7:50 a. m. 2:30 p. m 10:50 a. m 5:30 p. m. Medford. CELEBRATED CHEF SECURED FOR HOTEL NASH CAFE No. 2 Leaves MedfordTTTT No. 4 ; Leaves Medford Motor, Leaves Medford Motor Leaves Medford Xo. 1 : Leaves Jacksonville.. "Nothing is too good for piitrons of : No. 3 'Loaves Jacksonville, the Hotel Nash.1' said Manager P. J. Motor Leaves Jacksonville. fiM fthrtn thia mnmin.i in nn,.n..ii, I 1 10.40 a. m" 3:55 p. ni. ! 2:00 p.m. I 9:00 p.m. ! 9:00 a.m. j i:30p. m. I 1:00 p.m. MUNI) On the road from Medford to Jacksonville, a baby's white coat. Call at Tribune office. FOR SALE A $2000 mortgage, gift edge sesurity, i,o taxes, 8 per cent net. Inquire of tho Medford Realty & Rent al Co., Medford, Or. PARTY wishes to get loan of $300 on 40 acres of raw land that is worth $1000; good abstract; will pay 10 per cent. Lock Box 858. FOR SALE Choice fruit and grape lands near Jacksonville, Call and tee Jacksonville Real Estate Co., Jack sonville, Or. . Rufus Cox rtmeral. What Prohibition Will Do. TIm Ii is . was held Friday fuiieial of Kufus Cot, who died M.dford. Or., Mnv s. lints, reiidi nce Tuesday evening, atfe.1 To the Piililic; ntternoon Irom i Prohibitionist assert that votinu i trv. of'th Classified Advertisements The new head of the cul- One Cent a Word No slmilfi lner. y department wa, formerly chief , tions less than 16 cents. Six Insertions : of the Palace hotel at San Fran for tha nric of .. o I for the cafe. inary line, or me enlace Hotel at Nan t ran for the price of four I Cisco and is known throughout Ihe conn- cmts , ijn. D.r .,,, ' Seventy-five DIED TAl'l.lllt li Jncksonville, M,. IW1.1, Siiiuiiel l(, Taylor, ag.-.! M vnr, COX In Medford, May .1, Hunt, ijfu Cot, I natiTe of Tennessee, ngn 7,1 years, 6 months and H.1 days. Ihe ri'Kidcnco on North C street. Inter i.lacksou coiintv dry will increase th mi nt took place nt the Central Point volume of huiuc. How does tho fol cemetery, where sen ices were conducted lowing dispatch, received bv a nromi K., of which neiit man h.-re from a client in Chi Mr. Cox eng. i, relative to the purchase of a uiiu- I-.H1 nnd by Harrison Post, II. A the di-cca-.eil was a member, c.ime lo Jackson county in resided here since. He left six chil dren - J. W. Cox. Il, T Cm. Prank Cox. Mis. Matilda Ptuell, Mis. T. K. Pot linger Hll-1 Mrs, dialled Killi;. iug claim, bear out the statement of tin- Proliis.' "Chicago. Ill , May T, liuls. lo pay $.".0.iSHI ca-li. Ileal off if county goes drv. " What will be the verdict of Ihe vol ers of .liicksoM county as to their dc- At Sunday evening's table d bote i W ANTKI) ---Dishwnshor nt Hotel Nash. dinner patrons will have an opportunity PI-I1N1SHEH l;oorVi"tr"T1c0'DeH to judge of the new chef's skill, as: over jwstoffice. ln-mrniions nre iinuer wav lor one of bring in outside e and operation th finest feasts on record. Manager Har.elrigg has provided a choice pr ejram of musical lections for his orchestra, which will be rendered during the progress of Ihe dinner. It i doubtful if any city in the l iiited States Ihe sire of Medford sets a bet ter meal or provides better music than FOR SAI.K Fresh milch cows. Inquire at Cosa residence. FOR SALE Two incubators, used only one season, for eale cheap; capacity of each, 218 eggs. Inquiro at War ner's etore. Warner It Snydor. tf FOR SALE One V. 9. Cream Sepa rator, No. 6; 500 capacity; good as new; cost $80; will sell for $o0. H. C. Hensley, Central Point. FOR SALE S. X. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten-acre tracts, best location in the valley. L. .We deinnyer, Jacksonville. WANTKI) Stenographer wants a posi" tion; some experience; moderate sal ary. Address Stenographer, care Tri bnne. U AN'TKl) To buv from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. M.dfonl, Or. capital for,the ! the Hotel N'ah on Sunday evening.. 44 For Ladles Only. We will ioilivclv give a dctlioustra lion of great interest to the Imlii np.-o ptin-li wnie shoulder rc-,1 lli.. duins of the A CITIZEN. . Thurxlay's Baseball. ,o,e. a, ,,r,i rnarmncy. mar , pr,i.. , ,., , I . ., Saiiirduv afternoon and evening. , Mrs. Thomas Colliim has been at Jack play Thnrdav on acronnt of rain I'oms and ten what It Is. 44 sonv ille Msiting relatives and f rieuds. . Los Angeles 2, Oakland 8. f her mine ! A CITIZEN. WANTKI tiirl for general housework; must be cook; wage $30. Hotel Nash. f'l l N iiTrV uiainifa7-kan., white pfg. weiKni aiHiui ,.( p,iumt; owner can have same by proving ownership and paying for this notice. Oak I.iwn Orchard. Foil su.r u k:. i ..... . J ",lr "e'K"or eggs lor Write Box 1.11.1 ''unnK. ' cents r,.r I.,, frm flock . ' of 4 heua pickiil from 500 standard ri vvinie leghorn chickens. Dr. il.-ble. phone Nn 1U3, Meilford; also list- for cows inside eilv limits. Poll SALE Six room house in good repair, choice corner, wita smith nnd .a.l, two lot. ,,e to buiness part of town; price $2i00, one half, terms on balance. Inquire on premises, 224 South 0 st. 44