THE MEJJFOltlJ DAILY TRIHUNB, MEPFORP, OK.. KIM DA V, MAY S, ,)0S. PEIL DELEGATE TO HEAD CAMP Medford Man Honored by Modem Woodmen at State Convention De gree Work Put on by Medford, Ash land and Talent Teams. Modern Wuodincn of America, rep resentatives from uearly every county of Oregon of one of the largest and strongest beneficiary societies in exist ence, were entertained at Ashland Tues day and Wednesday of this week, the oeeasiuli being the triennial convention for the election of state officers and head camp delegates. Tliore were 40 state delegates and 500 visitors present. Oeorgo Peil of Mcdrurd, V. T. Vnngh or rortinna, v. . Meadows of Port land, F. B. Curry of La Clrunde und M. H. Kendall were elected delegates to tne ucna camp. The following wore cnosen alternates: .1. W. McDonald. E. L. Clark, L. E. Freitng. X. C. Kelly and r. M. Powell. II. A. Turner of Salem was nominal ed state consul, L. .1. Corl of Forest Orovo state clerk and Hood River se lected as the place of next mcctim?. First ilegreo work was put on by the Aicnioni team und officers. Both team and officers wero well drilled and Hert ford camp was proud of them. A bauquet was given by the It. X A. of Ashland, 375 being sorved to a fine supper. Ashland camp entertained visiting members in roval stvle. Second and third degree work was put on by Ashland and Talent teams, St. Johns (Or.) M. W. A. band was in attendance. CALIFORNIA MACHINE ROUTED IN PRIMARIES'- Lincoln-Roosevelt League Wius Decis ive Victory and Will Control Conven tion Popular Revolt Against Herrln and Southern Pacific Domination. Tor Ladies Only. V will nitiwly give demount ra (turn of grt-at .utcresl to the ladU'it upoii use fiiiouhHTS rvAl the Unties or the home, at the Medford Pharmacy, uear l ., Saturday at'teruoou and evening.. Come and see what it it. 44 ORDINANCE NO. . An ordinance providing for tho cm ploymont of a SiinerviHinc Encineer for the construction of a gravity water supply system, and fixing his compen sation. Tho City of Medford doth ordain as follows: That William J. Roberts be and he is hereby employed as Supervising En gineer of the gravity water supply sys tom of tho City of Medford, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, and tho Mayor and Recorder arc hereby authorized aud instructed to execute a written contract of employ ment with the said William ,T. Roberts in words aud figures as follows, to wit: This agreement, made and entered into this 1st day of May, 1908, by and between the City of Medford, a muni cipal corporation of the State of Or egon, beroinafter called the city, nnd William .1. Roberts, hereinafter called the Enginoer. Witnesseth, that in consideration of the premises and of the payments here inafter provided to be made, the said engineer hereby undertakes and agrees with snid city to serve said city as su pervising, designing and constructing engineer in designing, supervising nnd constructing the gravity water supply system for said city, devoting his en tire time to wiid work until the same is completed and connected with tho dis tributing system of said city, and to accept as full compensation for his said services the payments hereinafter pro vided, said services to begin upon com plntion of the preliminary surveys for said work. And in consideration of said services, and as full compensation therefor, the said city agrees to pay to said engineer the sum of $500 upon duly I, litOS, and the sum of $;too upon the 1st day of each calendar month thereafter until the full sum of .t,"mrt shall have been paid, and thereafter and upon comple tion and final acceptance of said sys tem by said city, the additional sum of lo00, making in all a total compensa tion of 750, said compensation to in clude all expenses of said engineer in curred in carrying on said work nnd rendering said; but in the event that said system be completed in less than IS mouths, then upon eonple-1 tion and acceptance thoreof, the said city shall forthwith pay to said cngi- j neor the balance of said total sum of j 7500 remaining unpaid. I Tn witness whereof the said city has j caused these presents to he executed by the Mayor and Recorder, and the said engineer has hereunto set. his hand and seal the day anil year first above written. Executed in duplicate In presence of Eugene Am aim, II. Withington. THE CITY OF MEPEOHT). Ity HEX. .1. TliOWIlIiintJE. Mavor Pro Tcni. Attest: FtEXJ. M. COEUXS. Recorder. W. .1. ROBERTS. (Seal) The foregoing ordinance was passed by the counett May 1, IftOS, Trowbridge voting aye, Kif.-rt aye. Wort man aye, Merrick aye, Olwell absent. Hafer ab sent. Approved May 1, H0S, PEN. J. TROWBRIDGE, t Acting Mavor. Attest: HKN.f. M. COLLINS, ' SAN FRANCISCO, May S. Returns from Tuesday's primary election show u decisive victory for the Lincoln Roosevelt League over the machine forces directed by William F. Herri it of the Southern Pacific eoimciuv. . With H'A uf the it delegates from San Francisco, a clean sweep in Fresno and the San Jnnquiu valley, a majority of nearly three to one of the delegates from Alameda county, a majority in Los Angeles county and an 11 to 5 vic tory in Sacramento, the Lincoln-Roose velt league was overwhelmingly tn- umphant in all the Southern Pacific machine strongholds. Estimates based on the returns from smaller districts, whore the league won ! its fight for delegates, and on the per sonnel of delegations from counties in which the league had not perfected or ganization, or in which primury elec tions were not held, indicate that league forces will control the state convention. Thoro are at least 20 delegates defi nitely on the side of the league. Added to these are some 50 who are in divided delegations and more than SO whit are from neutral counties, unpledged aud unaffiliated. POLITICAL OARD& MAKLON PURDIN, Candidate for K E PR ES ENT AT 1 V E On Statement No. 1. Favors guaranteed bauk deposits. D. H. MILLER, CANDIDATE for REPRESENTATIVE Ou Statement No. 1. I J. B. NEIL. Democratic Nominee. FOR COUNTY JUDGE, WILBUR. A. JONES, Democratic Nominee. FOR SHERIFF: B."p.MUL K E Y, " " Republican Nominee for DISTRICT ATTORNEY. CENTRAL POINT NEWS. (From the Herald.) Judge Dunn went through town last Friday on his wny to Eagle Point. The judge shows that he is gam by risking his lifo and limbs on Jackson county roads and bridges, even when hunting votes for the June election. Tt is said that the Bear creek bridge trembled more violently than usual when he crossed it, but at last accounts the struct uro was still standing. j Fred Parker, the popular S. P. agent i at this place, was taken with a fainting spell on the street last Monday and fell to the ground. He soon recovered, how ver, and was ablo to look after the i depot business until another man came j to relieve him Wednesday morning. ! Fred Mahn, who was recently trans- j f erred from here to Shedd, was sent I back to take Mr. Parker's placo while j he enjoys a vacation for a few days, i Mr. Parker seems to bo a victim of i overwork, as during the hist two months tho business at this place has been ; more than the business of any four j mouths iu the historv of the station. 1 Now that Central Point has a marshal 1 on salary, who will devote his entire time to looking after the peace and well-being of the city, it is to be ex i pected that the rowdyism and drunken- 1 ness that has been so prevalent lately J will be stopped. The town lockup has been put iu good condition for tho ae-! oinoiodation of guests and the mavor and all other city officials aro standing squarely behind the marshal ami re order in the enforcement of law and t tho suppression of rowdyism and hood-' lumism. And it is time something was dono. Whon young boys are brought ' home completely paralyzed from h:id i booze; when ball games are interfered ! wilh by drunken men and boys, ami ; when bootleggers and jug lines flourish! as they seem to here, it is time some- I thing was dune to stop these practices. Friends of G. (I. Selby of this eity wero shocked and grieved by the re-i ceipt- of a telegram from Mrs. Selby last Saturday evening announcing the! death of her husband, which occurred ! that day at Silver City, New Mexico.' Mrs. Selby expected to start back here with the body Sunday evening. No! further details have been received and ! it is not known just when the funeral! will be held. The Modern Woodmen,; of which order Mr. Selby was a mem ber, aro making all arrangements for , tho burial. The matter of waterworks was dis-, cussed informally by the city council and an informal report of I he water 1 committee was submitted. It was the sense of the mayor and council that a' competent engineer be employed 1o sur- ; vey and map the town for street grades, , water system, sewers, etc., and to fur- ' nisi) an estimate of cost, of water sys-1 tern. Letters from engineers with whom the committee has been confer ring were read and discussed and the mayor was requested to arrange for a' conference with engineer Cummins at ' an early dale before further action is1 taken. W. T. GRIEVE, of Prospect, Flounce Precinct, Republican Nominee for COUXTY ASSESSOR. Will always support tho republican candidate for U. S. senator who is nom inated by tho people. JOSEPH L. HAMMER SLEY, of Gold Hill, Republican Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE. H. M. CAKE, of Portland, The Advocate of Statement No. 1, Republican Nominee for UNITED STATES SENATOR. Souvenir SPOONS. PONT FAIL TO CtniK IN AND SEE TBE FINE COLLK0 TION. ALSO A NKW LINE OF liRAOELETS, ALL LATE STYLES ANN DESKi.NS, AT THE NEW .IKWIXUV STOTiE. 11 North C St., Near the Postoffice. MARTIN J. REDDY PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To be held iu PORTLAND, ORKOOX .IFXE 1 to (i, 1!)0S. Will be (he most brilliant LORAL FIESTA AND CIVIC JUBILEE Ever held in the Pacific Northwest, Portland. "The Rose City," will be a scene of splendor and the center of world wide interest for one week. Several important conventions to be held iu Portland on that occasiou. Till) SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Special Tickets on This Occasion from MED FORD lo Portland and T?e tnni at $13.20 A. S. Mrs. Frank Crump nf Applogntp ni:tl Mcilforil relatives a visit tliis week. For particulars call on KOSENBAUM. Local Agent. VM. MoMIJKKAV, Orneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Ornjron. 43 Recorder. ATHLETIC CLUB ENJOYS A SUCCESSFUL EVENING The second meeting of tho Medford Athlotic club Wednesday niht was well attondi'd, about .( members nnd spectators being present. The first thing on the program was .a friendly contest wilh the gloves by two 'local boys of unknown fame. The second was a two-ruunti go between the sec retary of the club, O. 11. Johnson, find W. M. West. The third was three rounds between Jack McDonald of Sun Francisco and William West. Mr. Mc Donald challenges Mr. West for a ten round sparring exhibition to take place the latter part nf this month. Mr. West and Mr. Jeschke gave a very fine exhibition of (irneco-Kouiaii wrestliag, which ended the evening's entertainment. Tbe elilb is fitting ll the old Piel residence, next the laundry, as its head quarters. ARK VOIT VP TO DATE? Have yon a friend who is ning to be marnt-d .r Imve it birthday.' If so, why not send them a piece of our fine Cut Ohns at TT PliHTS. A large m w assortment just n-ciivid. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 2Ki WEST SKVEXTir STREET. McGLASHAN & JUNEEN, Props. PHONE 1051. Mrs. K. V. Winkler of A.hland i visiting friends living ia Medford. I To The Public IIAV1.VO INSTALLED Jf ACIIINEKV I'oit THE MANITAt'TfKK OF IIUiH Hit ADE ICE ( HEAM, WE A It E I'HEPAIiEll TO FILL ALL OHOEHM. L.M.'OE Olt SMALL. DELIVERIES MALE To AXV I'AHT Of THE CITV. SPECIAL OltDEItS (IIVE.V OI'U I'lfHMI T ATTENTION. ORDER AT MEDI'i'll HOOK STORE OR CREAMER V. Rogfre River Creamery Medford "Men's Fashion Shop" "I can't, be fitted with ready-lor-sei-v ice clothes,'" says the skeptic. Then he. goes on. ; to tell alKnit a long waist, or long anus, or sloping shoulders, or something else, that ," ' necessitates clothes made to measure, lie thinks he's either too hig or too little tj he properly fitted. If such a man would take the trouhle to spend ten minutes in the Fashion Shop toinor-, row, he will loarn his mistake. It once was impossihle for such a figure to he Pitted; not so long ago, either. Tt is impossihle now, unless the right store is selected. But correct fit for every man, the short, man, the tall man, the av eraged sized man, the swagger young man, or tin; conservative : dresser, may readily he found in the Fashion Shop "Men who know" invariably turn their steps toward this clever , clothes shop. The tone and character of Fashion Shop clothes are 'making themselves felt wherever good dressers congregate and more and more thoughtful men a re beginning to realize the fallacy of paying extravagant prices for garments made to measure. We are now showing an assort-ment of; the swagger Srhfoss clothes for young men, and a rich.dignilied collect ion of clothes for the modest dresser that are striet-ly "the" tilings for spring of 'OS. " For Men Who Know." MEDFORD OREGON i r 1 Deiltrnrd br SCHLOSS BROS. A CO, Fin Clothes Mkra Daltimor And Now York Golden Grain Granules ino PER CENT PUK'F CKRKAL COEFRE. It tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest, strength and an ai liele which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. Golden ( J rain Crannies is especially recommended to those suffering from heart rouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stuinach troubles. Xrtirlif '1-pound pnrkiifr for !'")c, all retail grocers. o Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford, Or. Cedar Beveled Siding ANYTHING MADE PROM TREES Quotat ions promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT CLKN'DALH OkHC.OX YARD AND OF KICK AT MKDKOKD, OL'KCOX. For an Attractive BUNGALOW LET I'S II K L I' ' Vol', S K L K C T DOCK'S, WINDOWS AND' MATERIAL THAT WILL C I V K .T il E D KS I R K D E K F ECT Iowa Box & Lumber Co. M E I) e o R l) OR EG O N Personal. Will thr jMTMons lii.Min N'iiv l' itti'l Wi in nnr April rfrfuviiig Imiso cull unit yt thr prizes tbry uro pntitlrd tn? Mnlfonl Tu 4 lufl'uo Jluusi'. II MEDFORD SA8 H 4 DOOR CO. I Window and Door Screens, l ence rickets Office fixtures ami nil kinds of planlivK mill work, including turned work nndg fnncy Brills. F. BETWEEN UTH AND 7TH 8T8. rilONE KJ.j