THE MEL) FORI) DAILY TRIBUNE, M EH FORD. OH.. FRIDAY. MAY S. 1908. Medford Daily Tribune ASHLAND REJECTS A Llrt Papet in Lira Town. '-tihllshed erery cfening except Sunday Medford Publishing Company. 0. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. BIDS FOR PAVING Admitted as Btcood Clans Matter id the f'oatoffire at Medford, Oregon. Subscription Rates: .Our month, by inuil or currier $0.50 .One year, by mall 5.00 THE TWO WAYS TO JUSTICE. "Tho object of the Knglish mint it to provide tho boat, and quickint and iiinples method of bringing before the court the merlin involved iu any pur lieular ruse." This, nays the New York Time, "in the statement inwde at tao reeeut meetiug of the New Vork liar asNociution by Mr. Klhridge L. Ad nms of the New York bur, in Humming up Ibe i omits of au investigation into Kiiglitih rule of civil practice and their wurl:i njf . made at tho reu, uejit of t be bonrd of statutory convnlidaliou, i-rn ated io ' lint this in nut the object of flu American mien, Tho object of the American rub'K, uud of the practice un dor them, is to obstruct Hie prem-nla-liou of tho merits of each particular case; to keep the (.dual fuel away from euiirl and jury, to object, to all tM tiuiony t hat would throw actual light ou the cane uh incompetent ami irreh. i vant, and to fortify the object ioiih hy quirk and piihtilc! built up on the law of evidence. Thou, if ti'Hliiuoijy should be got in. (hut throw;) light on the purl icoliir cune, exception in taken, und often nl lowed, no iiiic nIiuIIhw pretext or an otlo-r; until. I h rough oled ruction and delay, t hi proceeding iw dropped und III' mailer U folgollcn. Our court) in ye tie nil arc wonder I ii My fond of till thi. II covers llieir proceedings nil h mt ft il'ti-nl ion, in create t heir dignity und iniportance. und iimpin-M the beholders with wholesome awe. And yel perhap the plain way of bringing all the fuels out in better. Ml ill, one might ftav it nil depend on the query whether juntici is wanted, or nol, -I'orthiud Oregon inn City Council Turns Down Offers for Street Improvement and Kills Pav ing Project Ashland Further Away Thau Ever from Getting Paving. HARVEST WAGES TAKE A DROP OF 40 PER CENT Marvcot wages in Oregon will be duccd fully 40 per rent thin yeiir. cording to l. K. Itudd. au employment agent, who was nuked in regard to tin matter. ' ' The whole em. m ry in full of idh men, and Oregon Iiiin her share, " In says, "ami when hiirvent time enmes around in WHS, yon will fu-e meii will iug to work for 4(1.50 a day, where the refused in li7. Tho nluilting down of tho logging camps and mil road construction lost fall was a bud blow ou the labor iug r homes in the nort h west, a ad al t htoigh time a re lowly getting better, there are still plenty of idle men hi the country, " I.ust year men could get work any wltere, ana thev would nut stav more than a few days ou one job, because work was so wmy to get at the next camp or farm. Young men who had bren raised in the country hud gone away from their homes In largo num bers us a result of high wugea offered at the big camps. These young men aro oil nt home this year, find thev will he ready to do the harvestiug when tho crops am ripe, without tho assist mice of transient men. This condition will reduce the wuges offered, itnd the farmers will hnve it all their own way this season. "There lire ipiile a uumber of idle J u borer io Poitlaud now, but they re fuse what work offers. There is little to do but clear laud or work on n farm, and this work does not suit them. They hung around the free lunch count ern, bewailing the hard times und hope for a return of the prnserilv of the past I hree years, which I fear is somewhat remote. "At t lie itniue time, good men can get all Hie work (hey want, and at living wsges. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. The ctly council of Ashlaud opened the bids fur bitulithic pavement Tues day night as per advertisement, and rejected nil bids. Just us the bids were ubool to be opened, Councilman SioH handed in a roll of papers which proved to be u po tiliou or rather a remonstrance against advertising for but one hind of pave meiit. I he remonstrance contained a n Hinder of names of owners of prop erty on tin line ot t he proposed ha provemeiit, but the great majority of the signers own no property ou the streets tu be paved and several of llieni not taxpayers at all. Tho remon strance was really au indirect means resorted to, Io kill Hie paving project. and was so aceepled bv the council. After the bids had been rejected the "unci! proceeded prompt lv to lav the petitions on the table, thus killing the measure, ami the paving project is now itdiewd Io be as ibrlld IIS .IlllillH I'ueHUT. Ashland is really farther away from gelling any paving improvemont now than at any lime heretofore. The "kickers' have had their inning. Of the bid.s submitted, that of the Warren I 'ooslniction company was the lowest. Their bid for the paving proper was per s(iuire yard, and includ ing sub drains, catchbaHins, etc., .their bid amounted In I per sipiare yard. omidcriiig the cond it ions, this price is about the same us that being paid for the same pavement being laid by this company al Kngene; in fact, a little Inticr when freight rales and the dif- hcullies ot excavalion are taken into convidornl ion. Many peiniis who ha vi been anxious i see Ashland make some valuable im proeuienls of her ntreets are greatly disappointed at tho oulcome of all the proceedings that hnve been tnken look ing to the const ruction nf this pave meat. MORE EVIDENCE POINTS TO MARTIN Hay Tickets by Wire. 'Something which is of ronsiderable interest to the public generally and which is p.-rh;ip not generally known is the system of prepaid orders now in effivt between stations of the Southern Im, r ...... ...j -11 : : il. Folic Pil.rt Kifl. In T... ... " F""" ' """" i I iim-il Htiitca. liv mcana uf this yslem tit'iria thhv he mirchaxt'd at Medford rag irom rawnuiop, Wrapped In a Bloody Coat Identified as Belonging to Martin. l-'iinlin if a MmimI Ih-h arr.1 mcr iiijil a nihly riflt; in u variint lul MI'.II fhf I'JiruiT llf MMlltlOIIIITV ami SllMtl UlHl lllllt IH )K.-lirVr III niii'l-ly (-.:.iiun wliii-li will iiiHur hi I., ii nf r.hvanl II. Mm tin nf i ! !iii:t-i' - .,f Nailian Wolff. 'law iili-iitil'iril at a latt- li'M.r .is l.i li.iiu'ihK hi Mania. 'I ll,, ril'li- h iuiiil I.. I... I In i stnli'ii Ir.mi Wulfs aisl,..;i nl 'Ik- time i.t" the- iiiuril.r Hi:. I -oIiIh ' i . i.;irly Friday nitjlit. lili-u lii'i. al im Kun Minili- liy Frank II. II111 iii'M'. iiiil, nl lii iiiiiiiirjjial cunrl. wliii Idii-iv Marlin Id. was jiiiliio f mv ili. si -Ii l,l.- ai'iMisril man wi-arin tlif ;;:i!iii in villliin tin ast I'fw wveks. 'I'l at anil riflo witi fuutiil at IlioO "''In'!;. 1 lie iili'iitificatiiui wan muilc uln.itly lii'fiin iniilnilit. Ili-tiiti'i'K wi'ri at nrii'i m-nt out In tnaki' a ill tailfil ni-an-li nf 1 It. vai-imt Int. Mar tilt's i-iial I vist. nrn liv hiia wln-n In' It'ft his homo l-'riilay nmrnitig, an1 I'l lllisMiMj,'. frf.m any place in the United States and ir.aile'l nr t el (rug. ti c-d diroot to the party wishiui' tn I'nme here. Sleeper li-rmiiiniiilatinii uud stnall aninunts of cash in connection with these tickets may alti-i he furnished at the samf The Most for the Money. The Auburn autotnoliile is the most roomy and liest machine ever offered fur. the money. See it lmfuro liuying. I.. 8. Hnm-n, agent. time. " REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. tn W. Io, l Holt, luwiiship I) I, I.", township I. II. I'arltnn laud in l. I,. I' :t'l. rannc I W. I. U. Wilsi.u In K. K. acres iu si-clinn ;ttl. ;i", rani'i' '2 W. t'lnrn M. Smith In Charles Sten licit. piun'ily iu Ashland . . . S. 1 1. I l.-iiii.t I Io II. (I. Hhilley, In ncrea iu 1). I.. C. nil, town ship .17, range 1! W IMward I,. Kiuilall Io ,loiih lluiick. Inis 1 and 2, I. lock I, Kendall Adililinn, Medfnrd. . . I. A. I'lllell In K. Iti'llshnw, HI acres in sect inn tl, township H7, range 1 V ; iVeilia M. Ilnl H In William II. Ilinwii, Innil iu i. I,. ('. I!, liitvnsliip .III, ranee I V . . ALL NEW GOODS Dry (iiMxls, iraviliind Oliina, Scini-I'orcclain, .Jarrtiiiiers and ('rucks, Trunks, Suit casfs and Toh-sfopcs. Where you frt right prices. Ward's Cash Store BUSINESS CARDS. J. T. ANKROM, U ,KI,I, lilliCKIt. MKIU'IIKI), OR. I'riees right, rumps K iraished when Wanted. BAX.L & GLOS0OCK, ContraclnrH and Huitdfrs. All Wurk (Juaranteed. Offlco with 0. 31. Piorce & Son. I'hune (io;i. I'. (). U.n 771. WILLIAM C. DEBLEY, , Ifesidcnt I'iann 'I'uiier. Special 1,'ates hy the Vear. Hc.-tiliniuiUiei ut Uale's I'iann House. AH Work Guaranteed. I'. 0. Box 563, MKIH'ORD, OREOON. DR. A. B. SWEET I'liysieinn and Sur.ou. Office at Itesidenee. Wm. M. Colvig, Medford. Or. COLVia & DURHAM, Attorneys-at-Law. Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Medford Furniture, Co., Undertakers Day phono au.'t; .ii,'ht Plumes: ('. W Coulilill 495: J. H. llutler MS. THE OLD HOWARD RANCH Three niiles south of Medford and miles west of I'bociiix, is now cut up ' in small tracts In suit the purchaser, : One fourth cash, halanee in three pay- ' nieuts. Hub is a rare opportunity tor men uf small means. Listed with all tho agents. WM. W. P. HOLT, M. D Physician and Surgeon. I'.iiipe Point, Oregon. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL' EECTION AGENCY. Lock Hnx 80S. Medford Cul. Or. V o- E. R. SEELY. M. D. Pliy.sicinn and Surgeon Modern Kquipprd Operating Rooms. X Kay. Oll'iee Hours, 1012, 2 4 P. M. Office iu Jackson Couuty Bank Bldg. GO TO DR. COBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. Parlor in Perrv's Warehouse, SKVENTH STItKET. 'He TIas No Other BusinoBa. 1 Coal for Snie, We are iow prepared to furuivh Imud picked eoal at the mine, flvo milr. list of town, in any nmount desirsd ft h pute! Ihu'I it lefrcHhing.' My, but il given one an appet'te! And ho clear uud Hpnrkling! COLESTIN .. A T U A 1, M I N K If A 1 1 AV A T M J Miss Jeunesse Butler I.N'MTKITTOK OF PIANO. STUDIO AT lii:slli:ci:, STIiKKT, Wl .sT VIMll'Olll.. PHONE NO. Till. See llnlo's Piano House for references. Mm. VY. i t.ung and dmihlei IWI for tiikland, ';il,, recently, n jnin Mr. Luttg, Who IN loedle.l tllel.-, I. O. O. K. bodge. No. 111. ,.cct ed Nihil .1. May. .1 I,. Heyiioldn and l.fWIft I'lrieb deteiilet to gland U;rc. Which IlieeU til S;t"lli 1 lie )i nl' lhiJ month. 1). M. Wheeler, n piomiioiii fanner from Talent, did 1iihiii(". n the couhlv ut Thuisdav. Among thoM- ho Mf.mtcd il.- i- I'UblicHU 1t;l n.milllH. e nnrin nl Medfoid Weduidav night wie: U. T. Hnrnett. W. It. Coleman. l. II. Jack on, 0 W. Ihinn mid .t. M. l u-ne miller. Nhi'lil t doe tiiiM-M'!! n, up 1 1 oin litauti) Chdh one day thl Meet, ii:il,iug hands with ui uiiuiy fron-lv K. I. Htigg w it down inuu Ashland Tburlay on huninc-i nt t.l.r ,-nut t , hOUMt. ! Mrs. K1 Mutii, wn li t- !), u nt I'oitlaud lor tin Ust three wevk, re turned Thutsduy morning. II. L. Noiton aud K Smith, iho of tliautv I'll w " wil1ltnii iiiioi iicvs. wr in towu TburjM.My. i'.. I '. f'li'llieuK (.pent a trw Ikmmh in towu Thursday iu the iutetesl .f th. North rvifio Lumber compan. J. Perry Wells ulteudeii thi ton. titl nf his niece, the int'unt dautn i Mrs. Payne, at Phoenix, Tlniridiu ternoiiu. E ery House Musi have a cook stove in the kitchen. W'liv im! have the liest t Tlie liest costs no more than the others, and in the end is always the cheaiest. The .Moore ,;iin(. js Mst liy even test. If yon do not helicve it ask who use them mill would use no other. H. E. Boyden Is the man who sells them at prices that are IioiiihI to suit. 1 1 i The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE riirnisliea bot waler for tr;i on very ' li'ii t iiotietj It fail uc ued on the lea la!!j or in 1 1-c kilehei Atta-brs to an elect ndicr (tillable 18 IT? "ALL fS NOT FLO UK THAT TS PLOWRKY." Neither is nil wholesome that is tempting iu appearance. It is not enough that flour should look well; it must be made clean by clean miller, in a H.-initary mill, and last and most important of all, made of hard and carefully selected Spring wheat. Tho only flour meeting nil these require ments that ik sold iu .Medford is our leader. "Wailsburg Pure White Plour." ALLEN 6 REAGAN The Grocery on the Cornei. Wise Talks By the Office Boy HOGUE RIVER ELECTItTO CO., SiicceH.s(.r to Condor Water Power Co. Of fice L'Mti W. 7Lh at., opp. big elee trin sign Phono rcoodic VrtuNOM Something Ntw In b'ubber Tires that it will pay you to investigate. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, satisfaction Kiiaranteed. Mitchell & Poeck GENERAL WAGONERS. Musi 7)U Slreot, rear of Merrintan 's lllncksmilli Shop. Medfurd, Or. f f f f l-f Pa says a ros. by any other name would bp just as expen sive back cast this time, of year. I BoinctimeB think he pinos for tho piney woods in old, Penob scot, Frnppe County, Maine, where ho was raised but that 's ono thing yours truly never yearns for. Tb good m.v.u; tains and the good old oeea:: aid nice .old Oregon atmosphere aro good enough for m . But it's all in how you wore raised. Pa likes clam chowder mid eorn on tho cob, hud hnrvust apples and a tot of things that a kid who was born this side of the snow sheds hasn 't had nnu'h chanre to get acquainted with. Those who have lived on both sides of thoi great count ry ami lived long enough to know what's what can gel all those things just as nice one place as an olher, if you know where to buy. We 've got eta m chowder from Itoston that !b just as nice as any yon ever ate on the sand, tied lids .of other things that have that " IVwn Kast " taste. MILLER & EWfUNK 4 "ISN'T THAT PINE." If you appreciate waistcoat expand ers in the form of a choice, juicy fdeak you will find litis t he place for pur chase. There's nothing in the meat line worth carrying home and cooking I hat yon cannot find here any t inn you cull. This is au imitation to visit uh soon. Hotel Emerick W. E. JOHNSON, Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Gity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale Why Pay More Km- inferior meats than we charge for the liest. .V I rial will convince voii. Remeinher the place, next Hotel nm Nash, fonnerlv I'ottinaer's. your Chickens here we pay more. The Medford Meat Qo. Free Free The Big fi for 5 Sale is looked upon with much favor by the people of Medford. Secure your Dress Goods, (Jiuglmnis, Prints, Muslins, Linens, Laces, Silks, now in this great sale (i yards for the price of 3. The 6th Yard is Absolutely Free This is the greatest offer ever made by any store in this city, when you consider that our prices in the first place are lower, and then on top of that we offer you this great 6 for " offer. You only pay for 5 but get 6. We always show von how to save. W. H. Meeker S Co. HEDrOBD, ORZOOH M. State Depositary. Kstnhlished IMS. CAPITA!. AND SURPLUS $116,000.00 Faithful to the Interest of Depositors MANY YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BANKING IS A RECORD THAT SHOWS THAT THIS INSTITUTION IS FAITHFUL TO THE INTERESTS OF ITS DEPOSITORS. EVERY SAFEGUARD FOR THE SE CURITY OF FUNDS IS AT ALL TIMES MAINTAINED. YOUR ACCOUNT CORDIALLY IN VITED. W. I. VAWTER President O. R. LINDLEY Cashier KNY.UtT.P.-esid ent. PKlili V, Vice President. JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cannier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL .0,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safely Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage COMFORT WILL DOO YOUR STEPS if you wear our tailored made elolhinjj. All suits and lop coals are ninde to fit nay individual accurately. The very finest fabrics are used in our tailoring work. You will find ns headquarters for stylish and comfortable suits. We await your orders for Spring and Sum mer garments. For Ladles Only. SVe will positively give a driumi'i ru lioo of great interest lo the Indies up'ii whose biilllilrrs rest Ihc. duties of thc kome, at the Meilford l'h.iniioc , near I1, O., Suturduy afternoon und evening Com and Hen tvhut it is. 14 MAJIBIAOE LICENSES. Fire mill Tni-Anr Orchards on tin installment pliin. The riilit kiml of soil, the rifht liiml of res' ami the riilit irices. T in nl a fii nis' eru i ience in frnit rmsinii hnehs our jito'iiiii nl . 1IY Imee sold half the orchards in the colli i ond hare net lo see a pnrehau r dis satisfied with his hariain. Hi fine Iniiini si e Allien .1. Mill, m and Kinnia llrllt san. MARRIED. IIK'KM ( 'II A I'M AN tin Mav I, IMiH, by Rev. T. M. Junes, M. K Hicks and i'earl Chapman. STARTING WITH THE SOUP and ending with the coff you '11 find every mouthful of the dinner yon eat here delicious. When it is through you'd gladly oat more if you could pos sildy find room. Stop in alone nnd dine. Th'M you enn hring your fiiendi after ward when you want to treat to swell dinner. W. W. E1FERT, The City Tailor, Medford R. W. GRAY. Builder COLONIAL PORCH WORK. GRILL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. ntm TELEPHONE 471. MEDFORD, OR. The Naih Cafe Roue River Land Go. Exhibit Building We Want to Buy0 Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon W. H. Stalker Secretary Jackson County Hank Annex ARE YOU INTERESTED? I have for sale at ?(2.50 per a-re, SO acres of as fine oivliard land as there is in Rogue River valley. The im provements on place are worth at least .fl2"0. Let me slmw you this land. ALFRED SMITH o OVER JACKSON COUNTY HANK. v