Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 07, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Klwuud suIIm grapliOdiotu'H ami W'
ins on easy payment) u werlc.
1) yon waut en-am, give your or
l,r lo the jiuok Store Cn-aincry,
AUnrney Ifnbert !i. Siniili of dnnits
Vun spent Thnrndiiy iu Medt'nrd.
All kiud of jub printing at 1'orllnnd
urirs The Tribune.
AN night restaurant at t lit- KiNcrick
n n 1 i 1 furl her notice.
Williuni ririth of Kngit iVinl win
:i Medford visitor Tlitirr-dny.
Mitx Kiln (Inunyaw, stenography and
typi wnMnj. Hooin 4, l'atni JUoek.
The only print shop in Southera Or
ugon employ iiig Typographical Cnii-a
printer. The Tribune.
J. A. H.irve.v of Ashhtnd spent Wed
iickiImv evening in Medford.
Tlie bent equipped jidt printing nffiee
in Southern Oregon, p inploving skilled
union printer The Tribune.
Ire cream delivered to any part of ill'
pit V. Order f ruu tin 'reittneiv or
liootl ttlorc.
.1. M. Helling. -r nf Jacksonville
a recent Medford visitor.
Jl.irry f'ulhertsou, general t-oitt rarhir
ft ml builder, cement work a specialty
MedfoM, Or. 1
Ih'livercd, sweet creiun in any piun
tit v. Medfnnl I )airv, Warner A- Snv
iler. III'
Mrs. .1. K. Iteddv eiil.i-i iiiined wit It an
elitbnrntn lnlii'hfoii Thursday arternoiMi.
f you Hunt sweet c renin or butler
milk, order from the Creamery or watch
for the wagon. Deliveries made every
day. Phono No. Q'2'.. 1
J)istrict Attorney Kennies spent Weil
uesday in Med ton I.
We deliver mvoel cream ur biilleruiilk
every day; watch for our wagon or
phono orders to the Crenmorv. I'liom
No. tt2.'(. '
Don't be deceived by buying shipped
In flour at $1.50 per sack. Patronize
homo industry Buy Davis ! flour
at $1,30 per Back. Kvery sack gii.irnn
teed. Try It. If you can't get it at
the grocer 'a, come to the mill,
Messrs, doc Nnniuicndey of Cold Mill
and II. I). Kubli of Applegalo, republi
can nominees for the legislature, spent
Wednesday evening in Medford.
.1, X, Perry ami .1. D. Olwell have be
gun prepnrat mmih for tl unty lair
next, autumn.
Miss (icrlmde -'ny is visiting rein
fives in ban I'liutcisL-o and is enjoying
all I lie pleasures ttl ilm gala week there.
S.n Had No Mor to Say.
TI.ey were returning home from th
ItieatiT one eveulng
'I wuiiiler wb.v It Is," Hdht bis wife.
"til I HU ftW aett'eNsiiS till Ve) 11 Utter
Hit manlike incut of llielr husbands?"
"My ileal," replied her husbiiud.
"bine uii ter reileeled bow dillteult
It b lor nuist Mien to ma 1111 ge tlu'ti
Hhei V"
And for llfly Meveii eoiiseeiitlve see
tuirts slit was silent. - t'blvugo Newti.
Hiyb Character Counta.
Hii;li eharai ter eoiiuts tu this, as lu
all other ruiiiiuunltles. A good iiiaii
died In the prime of llfu ainl in Hi
tiildl of nnillllai hms activities, and
tlm represeiitntlvu tneii uf the city
liash'ii to show their appreciation of
his life work, for 110 man of brains and
eoiiM-ii-iiec iirks merely fot himself.
He lieIi- btilld lip Hie community mid
ritlses the Ktatulintl of eotiiluet for all
oilier moil.- Mexienn Herald
No Shirker,
The I 'fe brave hml been Informed
that ho miis't go to work.
"Teil the great fa I her at Washing
ton." he responded. "Injun heap ready.
I.Ike work "
"Wlml kind of work?" asked the
Agent, nnieli (MMoiiruged.
"t.'huse u 1 11 biifTalo," responded Die
warrlnr. ibtnving Ids government bliin
Let a n mi ml liliii Philadelphia Ledger.
Italian Rulei of the Road.
In liulv every town of a few thmi
aand inhnbitauts lis Its own rules of
t he ro;;d. 11 ml 11 behnoves lu automo
bilUl to IIimI out whcilmr In Die pt:r
tli-ular euuininnitles throiiult hleb tie
Is to pass he Is ln.lnrn out to (he left
or to Hie tight. If he does not do this,
khvh the Travel Mucilnc, lie mutt ni;
blame tin liiliMldtauts for f-Minw nc lu
this respect their own tinie hiMnued
The False and the True.
"You need not bo o critical," snld
!tli pfi'soti neetixed. "Vou say I have
vinegary tllspoH Ion, but every one
knows on Inn e om too."
"I 10 k now ledge It." retorts ilie ne
c 11 ser. "but f in.- i v gen ui nt pure
l-Uler vtneuar disposition, while ymirs
Is I be eoiu menial rtiliipouiul ol Mil
ptiUlie Held iilid Miler." Kaieis iu
I hat UilOtl
Uoiral Is dI)
R.-sSeri Inllf it
nc and Murjla.
Ill llselt' is or can l.e m
Hid. lodwilh-'hiuini.: thi mm. I oilier urn
'I he (Uiiil n:'t . if e. n l"e oiu
I tlist plus iipnti Hie eiii'iUi'lis ittitl iiii
' ttoil thl'l efoi'e UiiiJ In tt-li ihi lieiiM
Uitl i ;M-h lie tin- tieii )- i,, a
; U blb ptti h of IlihMi-lty . hut II - loo
tndelliiite In liiata. tcr e-i to dej U 1
, or even to siiuHi-! lui ihoimi i iv Mil
i fcleul News
Wbiitln. the EytJ and the An .lom.
A y oit 1 1 j, aiill It id lirtH,'lit ihii ii
utb' ti W t.t-il. r. im , v.
IlluldeU i ffolt I he (ho M I I, Cote
I he ertii;ii for Nome oioiiu-ut-. tu si
letii e I ' 1 1 1 li M tlie y oDin: uum 11 lu d
llliil(!!y. ' l' '!i't yii (hint. lht- .:unthu
of Uillit U 11 r a lolclalile l tore.
Mr. WhMlci's eyr luiokh-d "ttltat
la your opinion of a loteial-lc lie
MLc.!. IPlipel'S
I inland's Prselitsl Patriotism,
l'u.i'liillsm lak.'H .1 iii.ii lli nl fmni ill
I 1 11 1." nil. I he liimplf iito siili-. itirll'ly.
' liarilwurl.iiu' itlnl In ile-iilly eainesl
int-r nil Hint iiiiiecrns their f-uiinlr.v.
" - 1 It. 1111 Ill's t Jl'lll'1 till' llllliltl'll HIV i
Iulitr!it lii I"' imll'lidli': ll Is "in' w llll J
Iln lr trow III, lin lllili'il w ith llielr les -
niis, I in . I lii tin limiii . i: cle until
Hip Imi,vh Iim I kills ur I'lliliinil Is'inlue
lu their tnru slmdy til linns Mllli their
cuuuliy'i vital It hesrt.-EiehsuKi.
rXlVKlWlTV OP OKKUO.V, Eugene.
.May ".- The tryiuii tt eliuuse six ora
tors to compete fur I he Failing and
Peek hi u ii prizes in tin final eon tent
during roiiiiueueemi.-iit week was held
Saturday. ; The successful candidates
wen-: iter! I'ivs-ult of Maker
Wesley Wire of Kugeiie, t'nia t'aiiieiou
of While Salmon,,; Kinily Muhr
nf Kugene. Miriam Van Waters of Port
laud. Dell M-Oirlv of Pendleton. These
prizes an- nffered to the seniors giving
I lie best tui orations, the Failing prize
ning to I m- lte-1 iratr and the lirek
man h I he sei'iiiid best. The Failing
prize in (In- income from a gift of if"'."nii
ininle by Henry Failing of Port laud,
not to exceed 1"'". The Pteeklliatl prize
i the iuciune of a gift made by ('. '.
P.relvinan of .laeksmiville of lfitH, not
I.. e.ri-i-d l".
UFA VKIi. Mav 7.- Train robbers
boarded the )ener & Kin (taudc train
at Castle b'ock early this morning and
murdered the express messenger, ('has.
II. Wright, aged li'). employed by the
liluhe K.xprehs company. The robbers
opened the safe and look less than H'I
il contained. The big sate was tain
pei-i'd with, but tlu-y could m open it.
Tlie robbers entered the car through a
side window, which they broke npeii.
From I lu- window I hey killed the mes
senger, who died with his gun in his
William lions, I lie
Mcdfohl pinlieio-, owner
ditioil, expects to leave
ell known old
of 1 he Koss ad
arly nexl week
of months to
for a trip of a coup)
Fai iniiiglou, X. M.. ti
Imsim ss interests the
look after some
Tor Ladies Only,
will positively give a demons! ra
f great interest to the ladies upon
shoulders rest tho duties of the
at the Med ford Pharmacy, near
Saturdav afternoon mid evening.
tion o
P. .,
Collie and see what it is. -M
t.irvetting From Polluted Sources For
Koonebold Use.
The purity and wbolesomeiieSM of
ie he supply have hcretoiorv M-eined
l-e a mailer of miuii less coinvrti t"
.ilh Minlliiry engineers and eoiimn
s (ban Ihe ipiallty of the water sup
ly. Vet. In view of the Inereiisim; use
I' h e, lis purity I rapidly becoming v
in Iter of hut stlghlly less Importune
'ii.ii Unit of wnter. While tlie iiie.1'
al 1 ompo-iiioii and the faiiors wlini
iTerl h-e purity of w aler have re
d'.ed il l.irc nuiotllil ol ulli'lilioii 1 1.
'ie ;i:'iii tllilll'tll e peril lieu t stailoiif
ICe sloilv 1 1 :t m lieeu made of he sup
lies fn hI.iiIoh lalioriito-ii"4.
Frani Shailow Ponds.
'I he i'.tieeii-iis ,tf opinion 1- lluil ll:l I
I'm I I. e loihM-il lo a reasoiml'te deptl
i i omp:ililliel pure under UUitl eil
ii'o tallies. 1, Ht It Is very llkeh
o l.e loiilniiihialed If It fleees lo tin
hU 1 i 1 1 : T 1 of a i-hiillow pond or snv-m
r II' it I tloo led. paiileitlarly Mil
ll'i'iiee uiler. The eriiioiit export
iieil slailou I'oii ml that of a siua''
lUiitber of .samples of pond h e ea)il
lied all were unlit for household ne
The lolio'.. milt exirniis fro n a rei-in
Mlill nlinii o the New Vo stale de
lat iiient of health reuni'iii 1 : he no
iv si 1 piil It s bear ilireiily up in Mil
In genera) (here arc a n 1:1 11
oiu'eh a I tie ways thai he ami lee uip
dies may I mie Infected. The dan
er from many of thesu causes uf h
'eel Ion inn however, be so reiuole 01
'o lnfreiUent ii m to baldly meiil no
I h-e. There are, however, a few thin
uers usvoi-lalifd wllli lite forma I Ion 01
natural he ami (he harvesting of I In
he supplies as now generally praetlcet1
which do merit consideration.
Insanitary Conditions.
The It rat of these danger Ih the one
due to the harvesting nf h-e from pol
luted soun-es. This le nitty Ik taker
from ponds or rlers which have been
polluted by sewage and may eoulaln
the germs of typhoid fever and othel
Seeoinl. .. nun heroine i-oiil:tei
liated ihuitig the period uud opeialio i-
of hiine.-iiur Ity lllth lib I li.i
come from lllleeloil soiiri es. The li;Mlib
Illld Ic. l 1. 1 laboleis or lite ho i- .e
hoi-.r. may lm the rhailliel i l.v u!ii
Infection max l.o iraifihliied to i!n ;. .
even al .el- ll has Ix-en hi li
waier and iml wlthstiiiuliim the
1 : -ni
ii v
ol the water
Third. in- may hero inleeted
l"l""i nt rf. Iiamuia' 1 1 Kin the ailj;l
vent lands dui'lnu' thaws. Tin- water
whi.ii Inis ihn iIow.hI over lul'ecled
Ih-lds that tua Ikivo I n I'enill.rd or
otbei wln- iulr. led may be carried on
to the ho and settle and be liomn
Into il
1'or LiulirN Only.
("l-itil fll" n'l t H
' Mill
! yti':il ill!
, sli.mlil. is
. Ill t III' M
. S-lllir.:i
-it lii tin liulirM npiin
ii'st I In iliil it's nf 1 lie
ll'iiil I'liariiiui'v, nriir
Mi'liliinll mill I'M'liin.
1 1 ' I il is. II
Time Tables
No. 111 ( in on. l:priss ..,! ,'i .in p 111
N" 1 1 I'.. 111. 111, 1 i:.n ss. . ; 11 in a. in
S.i I'm .I,I:,I In I.", 11. Ill
N" 1 1 .ihi. 11 ma Kspi.'ss.. lu :t;. a. in
V.. Ill S,, l',:,,,, .;M,. I : .VI p. 111
.i. '.''.'.'i I'l mil lii:inls ':iss i It: l.'i 11, in.
N.i.l l...-ii-. M.ili'iii.l 7 :.'.il a. in,
V... 'I l.i-:i.-s M, ,11,, i, ' ''.;,i .,. ,
Mi-,ll',.i,l ! 1 . r .-. a, in
I Ai
M. .
p. in
l,eaies M.-ill'.ii.l !!
I.enies M.-ilfiild . t
Nn. 4 I.
Motor I..
. p in.
.Mi'lUniil " l"l p
Mi iliil l.i'llli s Mi-ilfnrd . . . . ' n I hi p.
No. I leaves .laeksmiville.. I H.nii.i
No. Leave Jacksonville, 'j'pni
Mntnr Leaves 'laclitenville I liOnp. m
PAP VflllMf I K nv!u' wuter 'l,r irr'Kut'0il 149 t0 a lands,
rUi lUUIlU LAU I j through which non navigable at reams
, flow, the title to which has been ac
I ijiii rut f rom tho government of t h
Chance to See the Rose Carnival and j l ,,i"d inv9 tb Pa8SUBe of tbul
Be Royally Eutertalnetl Vote for
Your Friend as Candidate for Queen.
The lucky young woman who wins
ihe carnival ijueeii contest will liuvu a
pleasant trip.
The roso show will certainly be one
of the grandest events ever attempted
in the I'nited States. Hwry Por I land
er is trying Iim or her best to produce
thii finest roses for the decorations of
the 4'loiits, arches, hoot lis, etc., and
Portland will be one mass of roses.
Von certainly can help some, young
lady to make this trip bv asking for
oiipojis with the goods vnu buy at
the different stores each dav. F.very
purchase entitles you to one vole.
The merchants will oladlv uivo vou
there votes, but they are so busy that
they will sometime forget unless you
take tin- trouble to ask. Itebnv is a
list of the young ladies who are run
ning. Their standing will bo printed
every few days. Votes on sale at all
the voting booths at 10c each or at the
Commercial club rooms.
The contestants are: Hazel Tice, Miss
liaddis, .Maud Allen, Kdna Kifcrt, J'ru-
lemr Angle, Lou llurtzell, Miss Hamil
ton, Miss Mabel Kent, Mms Casadina
Plymire, Mrs. C, T. CJaddis, Mrs. Anna
Chief Justice Mean of the Oregon Su
preme court, in an opinion in a case
appealed from Harney county, said:
"It is contended that the defendant,
All now. is entitled to the use of water
from Warm Springs creek, by right of
prior appropriation, and to the sur
plus water in such stream, if any, as
riparian proprietor, because the filing
of his predecessor in interest was 1 he
hist one made on Ihe stream. There
are several reasons why this posit ion
cannot be sustained, In the first place,
in Ihe opinion of the writer, il is doubt
ful whether ihe owner of land, through
which a non-mi vigable si ream flows,
can claim the right as riparian propri
etor, to use tin water thereof for ir
rigation, as against subsequent appro
prialois on the si ream below him.
"Ami again, it is a serious question
whether the desert laud act does not
abolish Ihe so called modified doctrine
Classified Advertisements
Onn Cent a Word No single liuor
tloiin Iohh than in cants. Six Insertions
for the price of four. Sovonty-ffve
emits a lino por month.
WANTKIl Disliwiish.-r 11 1 llnM N'Tish.
I'l l) N IHI1 Kl) Itl ).M M "tTm OMI,
iivi-i )iistnfriii.
Full SA I.F. -Trt-Hh milch cimth. Iiiuir
at I'nss ri'sitli'tii't'.
WANTHI) -Tn liny frnni lllll tu IIIIO
llrllil uf Htni'lc nlic.'l. Writo Box l.'tl,
Midfur.l, Or.
l-'illt SA 1 . 10 fi toiiiii liiiiigtiliiw, jiiHt fin-ixlH-il;
hr:ii if milil hiiiui. Sio (inv A.
chihliTK. '
WANTI'Ml (lirl for I'tn'ml linutipwork ;
IIUIHI In' muni cook; wall's .'I0. Hnti'l
WAN'TKh -A laiinilri'MS fur u sinull
fiiinilv. Apply In II. II. KimtiT, llth
siii'i'i. .1:1
I'lill fsAI.K Vo unt; m'litli' row fur
iiln i prii'i $-10. K, Morrison, K.
I'. II. No. 1, (Iriffin CriM'k.
VA N'l'l-:l--Ti'ii ti'tiinsti'rs with fcnnirt
iviinlt'il In- Wi'storn Ori'non Ori'hariln
Co. Ill linen:
Komi wall's.
r-'llli Ki-o rnnaliont in nod -'n-ilitiun.
I ni'cil a lar'iT nuii'liiin. Ii.
II. Wnrni'r, .li-., at WarniT'i store.
Kdl'Ml (in iim rnail from Miilfonl to
.hii'lisnii illi', ti haliy 'n whito enat. Call j
at Ti-ilitini' offii'o,
Pol! SAI.i: A fL'illll) iiiurtRiiKi-. gilt
"ilU"' si'unriiy, 1,0 tnxi's, S pur ei'nt nut.
Iniiiin of thv Mi'iKuril Rrnlty 4 Kent
nl Co., Mrilforil, Or.
I'AKTV vvinli.'M In gut loan of $;100 on
in lunii nf ran- la ml that is worth
l '; ,"'i"l ahslraiM'. will pav ll) (r
Ol'llt. l.iu'li llox ".
I'llli SALK Choire fruit and grape
lands near .lncltsniivlllH. Call and see
.liiiksmivlllo Heiil Kutnte Co., .Inek
sonville. Or.
Pi Hi SAI.K Two inentintors, lined only
onn season, for sale cheap; enpneity
of each, '-'Hi tggt. llnpiiro at War
ner's store. Warner & Snvder. tf
I'lH; SAI.i: One. V, S. ( ream Sepa
ralnr, No. ll; linn enUli'ily; umnl sa
new; rinl $SI); will sell fur .".l). It.
C. Ilensley, Central Point.
I'nl! SAI.K s. . Miiliilivis.inii is in the
innikel now; ehoiee ten aere traets.
lies! location in the valley. Ii. ee
ih meyer. .lacksnnvillo,
I'lilf SAI.K Ctiinpli'to fntnisliiiiKs 7iir
."i ruiiiii eultnye; liatmiin if taken at
niii-e. Mrs. C, r. cninernn, riiiner llllh
ami I, si iv. Is. W i s) I, ,i,,i, .
W'I'CII Sli tnrapli,
lii.n; H.nne eii'rii'nce
ai Vt.livs Sli-ii.ri:
I. mie
r wants a post
nniili'ialo sal
pln-r. eaie Tri
IHi Til l.N M.'IKS I'OI! MA I. K One nf j
Wi hsti-r; I nteniat ional Oiet innaries,
iiiialn idiji d and indexed; very latest j
i-.lilion, away liclnw cost; has never (
I n ns. il. Apply In Trilnme ofl'ieo or i
ntile lo I'. II. I.nx Ol, Medfnnl, Or. -('.!
I'm; sai.i-
l.eliinn for i
lor I "i, f run t'lo.-k
O s.'illini;.
of is lotii pi. 1,d ft mil ."otn itnmlatil j
hud White l,. (;li iu ctiii ken. Pr. I
iMilde, dioiie No. l;i:t, Midl'otd; also I
pastille for cowi insi.l.i rity limitH. '
)' U S ,t: - Sit room In.nse in .
lepair, t lmii e t oriii-r. witn oiith mid '
e;e. t'roul, to lots, , loi to husiuCHS (
p.irt ot town; pri.e one hnlf
ciiih, term on halni.e, ninir on i
nrrnii,ie!i. Il'-M Houth U it. 44 j
of riparian rights, which gives to n
! pHriun uropriitors the riuht to the use
1 aci is,,), ji ueeiares inai an surplus
waiutrs, oxer and above that appropri-
nl,,i "'.v the desert laud eluimaut, to-
getner wun 1 nit waurs or an laKes, riv
ers and other sources of water supply,
upon he publie lads and nut navigable
shall remain and be held free for the
appropriation and use of the public for
irrigation, milling ami manufacturing,
subject to existing rights.
The government of the Fniti-d States
as primary nwuer of t he soil un
doubtedly had tho right to make such
provisions concerning the waters of
iioii-uavigable streams thereon, its it
deemed proper, and it is at least a
debatable tpiestiou whether, by the laa-)
gunge ipioted, congress did not intend
to recognize and assent to the appropri
ation of such waters in contravention
to the common law doctrine of riparian
rights as to persona subsequently ac
quiring title from the I'll it ed .States."
A Fetd Hoppc.
hen dry feed Ih kch tiered on the
'tJD'l where It I.-. wet or muddy there
often more or
s wast of
. Kuiiu. n ud
ed having Uop
i'H me 'tore--re
ii!e I In
ii I try ; nrda.
)e llllistliiliou,
. oni American
tfl'lelilt ur 1st,
.'Wsi n style
- hii h ca'i be
isily made
.otn wood Ht
null cost,
.'lien (bo upper
iier lu empty
.e lower one ?kos8 bection- of
ay )m tilled to iioitkk.
move what feed him dropped Into It,
al thi? feed, belntf eleun, may he used
rain. '1'liU bopper Ih euy to construct
id will pay for ttHelf muuy times
Weight of Lima Par Bushel.
In con ne.-1 Ion with a very thorough
.udy uf the quality of various kinds
.i' I hue uhihI for agricultural purposes
i New .leixey, h. A. Vooruees of the
ev Jurscy station made careful esti
mates of the weight per bushel of the
ilffereut materluls.
His results show "that the weight
of Htmu. Ihue per Umbel (heaped rneas
i ire i a .,i!l vnrinldt uud without nuy
constant !!:) lion lo I lie tiiinlyslH of
(lie stuiiplfs'. The uveraj;e weight per
bushel of f'.e twelve inanesiim limes
was niiiel M'veii poinuH and that of
the six 'nim ble lltues was lt ioundH."
Tin weight por luishel of woven o,ster
shell Mints examined vailed from thir
ty -nine to vt'uiy-nve puumlH, a ve rug
in i; tirt.v-one uud it half poiimls. The
prepared or so culled "uKi'leiiltural"
nines vxh i Ined were utlll more vtirla
tue in weight.
Winter Losses in the South.
It Is u Ittmeiitahle fact that more cat
lie and sheep are lost from the cITeutM
of exposuic' In the south than tu the
north. The explanation Is not hard to
find. In tlio north Ihe winter weather
is so severe that good tdieltcrs are an
absolute necessity, whereas In the
voulh we Unitf of our mild, open wlu
tei'H and herald the so called fact that
we do not need to tfo to (he eipense
that northern vople do lu building ex
pensive luii'iis and sheds. We forget
tlmt shelter Is needed even though It
need iml be us eipenslve as a sheHer
for u colder climate.-Texas I'ann and
Small Orchards
On Easy Terms. Qity
Property and Ftuit
Groves for Sale
Firr mill Ti h-Acit Orcltnrdx on Ihr
hisliiJlmriil ilan. The riflit kind of
soil, thr riilil html of lirrt imi Ihr
riilit jiriirs.
Turn I if irarft' t'.ri')irm'f in fruil
rnisiiij Imrhx our jiulimnil. 1JY hare
sol, I half thr orchmils in tlir valley
ami liiivn net to see n nirrhaser ilis
snlivfieit irith his hariniii.
flefoie liiiiinfi see
Rogue River Land Go.
Exhibit Building
Fine Soaps 6 Toilet Articles
The Eagle Pharmacy
Palm Block Medford Ore.
Prescriptions prep,! red ly ivgisttMvrf plianimcists.
''The year ltN" demonstrated be
yond all question that the justly fa
mous Rogue Hiver valley is one of the
greatest fruit sections of the world.
I udeed , t he records made in orchards
adjacent to Med ford, Ashland and
Orants Pass arc so wonderful as al
most to surpass belief. For example,
a carload of Du Cornice pears, shipped
from Med ton I, grossed $HV22.SQ. This
is the fresh-fruit car record of the
world, and is equivalent to the remark
able price of 17 cents per pound for
fruit at wholesale. The best previous
price for a carload of fresh fruit is
also held by the Kuue River valley
In Ht07. llili acres of Winter Nellis
pears produced $10,000 net f. o. b.
shipping point. Fifty-five treeB of
Vellow Xewtown I'ippins produced 815
boxes of frnil, which, in spite of the
h'aancial panic in London, panned out
$17U."0 net. These trees grew on less
than one acre. The three-acre orchard
from which this fruit was taken has
produced an averago amount of $n00
not per year for the last eight years.
One hundred and fifty-two Yollow
Newtown Pippin trees produced in 1007
$1 1 'Jo f. o. b. Med ford. Those trees
grew on three acres. From eight acres
near Ashland (iOOO boxes of Xewtown
Pippin apples were marketed in 1907,
netting $2000 an aero f. o. b. orchard.
For the past seven years this orchard
has netted $701 per-acre average.
"Seven acrpB of Bartlett pears near
Modford in 1907 grossed $2200 por acre.
A young Bartlett pear orchard of 30
acres of 8-year old trees netted $10CS
por acre.
"Twenty Winter Nellis pear trees
netted $GH0 These figures show the
wonderful profit mado in 1907 from
apple and pear orchards about Medford
a profit exceeding $1000 per aero in
many caseB.
"Although the records for 1906 do
not show such wonderful returns, the
figures are, nevertheless, exceedingly
large. Three fourths of an acre of
Spitzenbergs produced fiST boxes in
l'.mh, whieft brought $1171. Four acres
of Spitsenborgs brought L'l 111.10.
Twenty two acres of pears in 190G pro
duccd fl-Hl boxes of fruit, which sold
for $SK4 f. o. b. cars.
The significant fact of the wonder
resources and possibilities of the
Koguo River valley is shown by the of
fer of the Medford Cornmercial club to
pay $."00 to any one who can 'show by
nut hen tic. testimony that nnv citv or
town in the United .States, outside of
a l-l mile circle, including Ashland and
(Irants Pass, with Medford os a center,
has tributary In it, within the same
radius, as many diversified resources as
Medford, Or., can show within the
corresponding radius. Among the re
sources of this wonderful valley are the
' Apples, pear-a, cherries, apricots,
grapes, berries, uoclarincs, radishes, to
matoes, horseradish, asparagus, prunes.
Ilgs. artichokes, potatoes, onions, car
rots, sugar corn, chest nuts, almonds,
but lern uls, walnuts, peanuts, lettuce,
cantaloupes, watermelons, peas, beans,
butter, cheese, tobacco, rye, cattle, hogs,
sheep, goats, honey, lime, marble gran
ite, iron, talc, mica. ,iade, onyx, chrome,
agate, garnets, tellurium, lead, plati
num, cinnabar, gold, silver, copper, cc
dar, onlt, cedar pine, douglas fir, white
pine, black oak, madrone, nbsestos, ar
tesiaa water, mineral springs, sand
stone, water power, alfalfa, etc., etc.
"Ashland, Medford nnd flrnnts Pass
all have progressive and enthusiastic
Commercial clubs, which will gladly
answer any inquiries."
New Tan Hosiery
Just received a large shipment of Tan Hosiery for la
dies, misses and children. "We invite you to try the
Monarch Hosiery and guarantee every pair to give per
fect satisfaction. If they don't
wear you can get another pair that
will last.
Several lines of hose are now on
sale at tlie following savings:
l")c values for
:." values for
''( values for
")()c values for
(i.")c values for
v fv
t 'l1iWl '!'
vY, .
ift M()St
The Dig (J for ." Sale is looked upon
with much favor by the people of
Medford. Secure your Dress Goods,
(linghauis, Prints, Muslins, Linens,
f.aces. Silks, now in this great sale
(i yards for the price of 5.
The 6th Yard is
Absolutely Free
This is the greatest offer ever made
I iy any store in this city, when you
consider that our prices in the first,
place are lower, and 'then on top of
that we offer you this great fi for "
offer. You only pay for 5 hut get 6.
We alwavs show vou how to save.
W. 1 Meeker 6 Co.
Wo nr Hill ni llinu ihr lirit Tia ami ruffiv,, KilnuM ami
Cakini; I'.miliT. Spiri'i mul r.'liihii in thr lunii. Wo alio
siro ioo oronin ami oolil Jrinki in Iho i'iioIoi! rimm in tiiwn.
New Underwear
Exceptional Values
-Just received a new shipment of
fine Summer Underwear. We can
supply you with
Vests from..... 5 to $1.75
Pants from 25? to 75
Suits 35 to $1.75
anvthing you need in Infants'
' Shirts. Etc.
Some Sirriitl Sales now on Underwear.