Till? MEDFORD DAILY TRIDUNI5, M EDFORD. OR.. THURSDAY. MAY7.W MARTBi ACCUSED , QIRL FLATS RACES i WITH FIBM'S COIN OE CRIME BY WIFE Aocused Man Tells About His Life t West Point and How He Came to .Leave Army Wife a Trained Nurse Who Has Tried to Reform Him. PORTLAND, May 7. E. II . Martiu, accused of the murder of Nathan Wolff, talked as follows about hi in so If while iu his cell: 'I was a graduate of West Point nud served as an officer in the United States arm for several years. 1 don 't ueueve i care to tell all about mv nrmv life, but if I don't someone else will. I was appointed by tho president as a cadet to West Point in 1894. My an pointmont was secured on the recom mendation of William Ryan, of New York City, congressman for the Six teonth congressional district of New York. "I entered the class of '98 aud was known by alt my classmates as 'Miftv Martin. All college boys, you know, get some sort of nicknames during their school days, and I was 'Mifty. 1 grad . noted in 1898 and I was sent immedi ately to tho front in the Spanish-American wnr as a second lieutenant in com pany A of the Twenty-first infantry. I . . .v ... ,v ..uub IIUI1UK (lit' w ban campaign until a year later. While a second lieutenant 1 commanded com pany A because wo wero very short of officers. - 1 wns in the thick of tho fight nt Ran Juan Hill and engaged in many of the skirmishes before and nf ter this event." Took Drugs as Medicine. "In 1889 I was stricken down with a lot of other fellows with tho yellow iovor. It wns while convalescing from this disease that I became addicted to taking drugs. One night when I was suunnng the agonies of the damned I begged n doctor to give me some mor phine and from that I contracted the taste for it. "During my convalescence I was sent back to New York City aud on be ing ablo to do duty L was assigned as an aide on the staff of General Mer- ritt, commander of tho department of uor's Island, New York harbor. I was soon transferred from there to the Ar tillery corps and assigned to Sandy Hook, where from 1899 to 1902 I was employed ns an expert in the Artillery corps on interior and exterior ballistics. "In 1902 I resigned from the army. Yes, t was forced to resign. Practical ly that. The medical department knew that 1 was addicted to the use of drugs nnA nltlt..l. I . n A I was given a chance to resign. Peo ple who take drugs cannot stay in the army, so I got out." Accused Her Husband. "Do you think it wns your husband that did this thing?1' Mr. Manning asked of Mrs. Martin. "I'm afraid it was,' she replied in a barely audible voice. On account of tho deep distross that was apparent in her manner she was ex cused from the ordeal of close examin ation for the time being, it being ap parent that she had no idea of protect ing her husband in the investigation as to his innocence or guilt. Mrs. Martin is hardly the woman that would bo looked for ns tho wife of a pervert such as Martin. She is a wom an of education and plainly of refined bringinb up. She is a devout christian and during tho three brief years of their married life sho has sought con stantly to help Martin overcome his weaknesses and vices. She is about 28 years old, decidedly comely, a brunetto, slight of build and dresses very plain ly, but with good taste. She did not break down nud cry or become hysteri cal yesterday, donbtless being inured to suffering, but there was a pathos in the expression of her face which told of a sorrow more profound than could bo told by hysterical tears. Married Three Years. Martin and his wife were married at Syracuse, X. Y., in May three years ago. Their marriago wns a romantic one. Mrs, Martin wns a trained nnrse in the hospital where Martin went with mi attack of dysentery, an ailment which ho had frequently following his army days in Cuba as a second lieuten ant of company A. Twenty first United States infantry. After n brief court ship the nurse left tho hospitnl and they wero married quietly. They came to Portland from New York in Octo ber a year ago, and have lived mainly from remittances sent the young man by h i s fa t her, a re t ired rea 1 est a t e broker of means. It is known that Mrs. Martin had tried patiently to help her husband' overcome his weaknesses for drugs, but the habit which held Martin in control refused to be shaken off. Giving up in despair, she tried to get a divorce more than a year ago in the oast, hut the nf fair was smoothed over and they tried to get along together again, Martin being very much in lovo with his wife and unwilling to give her up. Accused Her Husband. Pausing at the scene of the atro cious murder of Nathan Wolff while on their wny ffl high mass at the cathe dral Sundiiy morning. Mrs. Martin ac cused her husband of the crime. Cir cumstances having aroused her suspi cions, the unhappy woman .chose a course that would lead them directly past the Wolff pawnshop on the way to mass. There was a crowd about thp entrance at the time, and they had to veer into tho street in order to pass. When directly in front of the store Mrs. Martin stopped. Martin did likewise. Placing herself squarely in front of the msn, so sho could watch the play of his exprewion, Mrs. Martin said: "Are yon sure thnt it was not yu killed this man?" ' find, no " ei claimed Martin. "Anil if I thought for a minute th.it you ! thought m 1 would jump in the river."! i SAN FRANCISCO, May 7. Juuh- ino L. Brown, the pretty cashier of K. Fried lander & Sous' lingerie establish ment, 1215 Oeary street, is wanted by the police. Hor employer sworo to a warrant today, charging embezzlement. Although tho complaint states that the cashier took only $20, Friedlander told Judge Cuban ins, who issued tho war rant, that Miss Drown was short in her accounts between $3000 and $4000. It is alleged that tho races were a strong attraction to tho young woman aud that she often "plunged." At tho racetrack she cut quite u stunning figure, being conspicuous in the wom en 's gull cry, where her smart gowns and picture hats wou the admiral iou of all. It was Miss Jliowu'w love of sport, her employer says, which led her to tako money belonging to the firm. It is said that- Misk P.iowu was a de cided favorite of tho head of the form until today, and it was rumored that an engagement hud existed. The lov ers, it is alleged, quarreled ami her frieuds declare the charges against her are spitework ou the part ol the firm. It is alleged to be nu attempt to ruin Miss Brown's character nr.d she has many champions. For Ladies Only. Wo will positively give a demonstra tion of grcnt interest to tho ladies upon whoso shoulders rest tho duties of the home, at tho Med ford Pharmacy, near P. O., Saturday afternoon and evening. Come nud seo what it is. A JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Attorney (Jus Newbury and sou Don ald left for San Francisco the first of the week, where they will see the fleet como in. Mrs. Frank Crump of Buncom spent Wednesday' iu towu. Mrs. E. T. Furness and sou Carroll of Loland aro visiting friends in towu, the guests of Mrs. E. J. Kubli. B. Anderson aud Ray Toft wero over from Medford Wednesday afternoon do ing business at tho courthouse. Louis Adams, a merchant from Eil- oen, was in town Wednesday on busi ness. Ralph Jennings came in from Bun com Wednesday and wns trading with our morchnnts. F. M. Calkins, tho efficient court re porter, was doiug some work at. the courthouse Wednesday. Charles Tnlent and Holbrook With- ington of Medford wore business call ers Wednesday afternoon. Mrs, Nye left for Sau Francisco re cently to witness the fleet come in. Mr. and Mrs. Nye are newcomers here. Mr. Nye is connected with the Nye- ( rouch Reduction company. Millionaire Miner Dead. SPOKANE, Wash., May 7. B. C. Kingsbury, aged 73 years, a capitalist whose mining properties arc located iu noarly every state and territory in the west, is dead at tho family residence. Mr. Kingsbury 's fortune is close to n million. Ho was for years a partner iu mnny mining ventures of Patrick Clark, the well-known Spokane millionaire. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF SALE.' NOON ESTATE. Notice is horeby given that the un dersigned, executors of the estate of W. C. Noon, deceased, by authority of the county court of the state of Ore gon for Multnomah county, will on and after tho lfith day of April, A. D. 1908, proceed to sell at privato sale, subject to confirmation by said county court, free and clear of all liens and of the lower right of Emily .T. Noon, the wid ow of said V. C. Noon, deceased, the following described real property, sit uate in the county ofjjaekson and state nf Oregon, to-wit: - Tho undivided half of lols 1, 2, .'t, and I in block 1; lots 1, 2, .1 and 4 iu Mock 2; lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in block 8; lots 2 nud .1 in block 9; lots 1. 2 and :t in block 19; lots 1. 2 and .1 in block 20; lots 1 ami 2 in block 21; all in Realty's Addition to the Town of Medford. Said property will be sold for ensh in hand on delivery of deed ; 20 per ent of tho purchase price to be paid at tho timo of the making of (In1 bar gain of sale. Dated February 20, 190S. W. C. NOON. JR., T. J. ARMSTRONG, Executors of tho Estate of V C. Noon. Deceased. N'orthnp & Norlhup, Attorneys. Th:t0 Democrat Mayor of St. Paul. ST. PAUL. May 7. Daniel Lawlur. lemoeratic nominee for mayor of St. Paul, wns elected over Joseph MeKih hen, republican, hi an estimated plural itv of about 3000. POLITICAL CARD Sr. MAIILON PURDIN, Candidate for REPRESENTATIVE On Statement No. 1. Favors guaranteed bunk deposits. D. H. MILLER, CANDIDATE for REPRESENTATIVE On Statement No. 1. J. B. NEIL. Democratic Nominee. FOR COUNTY JUDOE, WILBUR A. JONES, Democratic Nominee. FOR SHERIFF: B. P. MULKEY, " Republican Nominee for DISTRICT ATTORNEY. W. T. GRIEVE, of Prospect, Flounce Precinct, Republican Nomineo for COUNTY ASSESSOR. Will always support tho republican candidate for IT. S. senator who is nom inated hv the people. JOSEPH L. HAMMER SLEY, of Gold Hill, Republican Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE. Coal for ftaia. j We are now prepared to furnish hand! picked coal at the mine, five mile aat of town, la any amount deaired 1 H. M. CAKE, of Portland, The Advocate of Statement No. 1, Republican Nominee for UNITED STATES SENATOR. Every House Must have a cook stove in the kitchen. Whv not have the best? The best costs no more than the others, and in the end is always the cheapest. The .Moore Range is best by every test. If you do not believe it ask those who use them and would use no other. H. E. Boyden Is the man who sells them at prices that are bound to suit. It Costs No More To have your pick of the nursery stocli now than to take the second rate stuff that will be left over in September. To obtain the best, trees it is necessary To Place Your Order Early While. the best can still be obtained. Don't postpone your -plans for fall planting until too late. The place to order, where, in addi tion to getting the finest young fruit trees, you will also secure the advice of an expert who has made the problem of fruit-raising a" special study is With C. F. Cook He can help you to make a wise choice. See hini at, his office, opposite Hotel Moore, or telephone or write. He guarantees to please you. 9 O It ih pim.1! Isn't it refreshing Mr, but it gives one nu appi'Iito! And so cltMir ami Hpui kltnj;! COLESTIN NAT UK A I, M 1 N 10 If A L AY A T E li Automobiles Tho Pacific Par "iitonmbilo with the high 111C I (X Will lUl clearance four - cylinder 30- horsepowor water-cooled engine, storage battery and imported Bosch magneto aud coil, 108-in. wheel base, sliding gear transmission, double chain drive, 100 square inches braking surface; strictly high class in every respect. The best car for the coast country. The best car ever offered for the price. Price $2250, fully equipped. .T. M. ROOT & SON", Jackson County Bank Bldg., Medford, Or. THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OI- BLANKS Warranty Dool Murtfratc. l.onjr and Short Form Satlfaet'n nf MorlKiur Transferor I.rfn Power of Attorney Mwthat tie's Lien Water KiKhl REA Li EHTATK )iiitclAim'Iecl Horn! for De M Mnrtftaite Lcane With Tux Paymnnt Provision Option to Buy Ijoh! Agent' Contract MISCELLANEOUS Bill of Sale Luiuor Lli-ennc Form Notice to TreapHrtiMT t'reilitnr'a Claim Affiiinitt KiUte Chattel MnrttfAff A'knowle0irinni ConfcNalon of Juittftnont Covers for lilanki FOR It ENT. FOB SALE. FURNISHED ROOMS, ETC. (on cartibminU. Placer Loral ton Itorul for Dee I Miner's Lien Summons Quant I vocation Water Right Oregon and U, 8. Pormx Contract to MI Owd Proof of Ijihnr JUSTICE OF PEACE Ex er ut ion Judgment Transcript Commitment for Trial Search Warrant. Civil anil Criminal Suhponm Garninhment Coat Bill Notice to Jurors Civil Complaint PROBATE i Attachment Undert iking and Affl davttfor Attachment Commitment for Fine Jury Order Warrant for Arrent Petitions for letters of Administration. Administrator's. Eiwcutor's and Guardian's Ronrin and Deedst Order Retting Apart Properly Exempt from Eutlon: Order Confirming Snteof Resl and Personal Properly Citation; Commission t Alpra.lers; -letters of Administration; Inventory and Appraisement; Prtwif of Will; ltfm Testamentary. CIRCUIT COURT Undertaking and Affidavit Summons for Attachment CMt Bill Criminal and Civil Subpoenas Execution Searrh Warrant Notice toJuntr Aitnr hmenl Not ire t,t Garnishment Grand Jury Subpoena Ind ktment Transcript of Judgment A eompWe. up-to-date line nf U.S. LANII OFFICF..HCOUNTY COURT AND SHERIFF BLANKS. All printed aftef the latest and best forms. CjJ Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. ci Give us a trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDFORD OREGON PORTLAND FESTIVAL To bo held ht PORTLAND. OH KG ON JUN K 1 to li, 1!)0S. Will ho tho moHt Ivrilltunr FLORAL FIESTA AND civic .run i lee Kvor livid in tho Pacific Xoi'lhwcsi. lortlmidt "The Koao City," will ho ft aconc of splendor and tho center of world wide interest for one week. Soverul inijmrlutil conventions to le held in Portland on that occasion. sSpecialBarg&insinRealEstate fi. 80 acres, all tillable, nice location, nice five-room I cottage house, large liarn, 'J t-'J miles I'rom MeiU'ord, well I watered, in reach of irrigation ditch, team, harness, wagon, five Jersey cows, cream separator, new gang disk plow, j walking plow, rake, mower, disk, smoothing harrow, stove I and sonic other furniture, all go with the place, and the ! present growing cmp. Price only (!(l(M); a genuine snap. l!(. :20 acres, fine stock and fruit ranch, well im proved. 100 acres under plow, i acres orchard. Price ..").")()(). This place with "() head of hogs and :." head of cut tle, all farm implements, hlacksnitih tools, hay, fruit and vegetables for 7000. IT. -1 10 acres, a fine stock proposition, -10 acres in alfalfa, irrigation, good buildings, in a splendid section for hunting and fishing. Price only -fl 1 an acre; terms. Ii:. lill! acres, 12 miles from Eagle Point on Rogue. river, acres cleared, cousiderahle irnn and allaiia, pri vate irrigation ditch. This is a splendid proposition to develop, about half good bottom land, nearly all can be under plow when cleared, sclioolhouse handy, fair improve ments, team, harness, wagon, some, cattle and farm imple ments go with I he place. Price .fOOOO. This ranch will I tear close inspection, as it will make a lot of money for someone. (7. A fine alfalfa ranch of .SO acres near Prntte Falls, tine stream and springs, nearly all level land, splendid fish ing and hunting, buildings. Price only $1:200. Hti. SO acres. 1 miles northeast of Eagle Point, will be close to the new railroad, ."50 acres under cultivation, flue black land, mostly in wheat, crop goes with this place. Price $4:200, $2200 cash, balance '2 years, 7 per cent. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Special Tickets on This Occasion from MED FORD to Portland and Re turn at $13.20 For particulars call on A. B. ROSENBAUM, Local Agont. VM. McMI'ltKAY, llrnerul PiiHHi'lijer Ajjeiil, Portland, Oregon. The Mont for the Money. Tho Auburn automobile la tho niosf roomy and bcHt imichinrt over offered for tho money. Seo it before buying. Ij, II. Brown, agent. time." C. H. Pierce & Son To The Public IIAVIXti INSTAM.Kft MAOIUXKRY I'ttl! THK MAXITFAOWRK OP 111(111 (IKADK 1CK CUKAM, VK AUK I'RKI'ARKII TO VII, I, AM, OKOKRS, "l.AHIIK (III SMAM,. DKLIVlllllKS MADK TO AXY I'ART Oh' THK CITY. HI'KCIAI, ORDKItS CIIVKN OTR I'ROMCT ATTKXTIo.V. ORDKK AT Mi:ii'ol;i HOOK .STORK OR CRKAMKRY. Rogue River Creamery Medford Cedar Beveled Siding ANYTHING MADE PROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT (ILKXDALlv ORKC.OX YARD AND OFFICE AT MEDFOKD, OUEOOX. READ THE TRIBUNE For an Attractive BUNGALOW LET I'S HELP YOU SELECT DOOR'S, WINDOWS AND MATERIAL THAT WILL (MY E T II F, D E S I R E D E F F RCT Iowa Box & Lumber Co. M E I) v o R D OREGON I