T 1 1 MEPKOIM) J)AfLY TRIBUNE, M ED1'( R1, OR., THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1!)QH. 2 Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. i hlinlivd every i-vi-niii di'i'iit SuiiiIii) Medford Publishing Company. 0. F'l TN'AM, Editor imd AluiiK'T. Admitti-d as Si-c-mul i'Iiim M:ili'-r in Hi.. lVntiifiic :il Mi-dfmd, Orison. Subscription Rates: n... month. Ijv mail or vnrrii-r (l..'it) One yenr n.v mI1'' .0(1 THE PEOPLE'S RULE AND THE RECALL. Tin. .-ritii-iil nlmerier liil" l.'aiii.d that in DreKou ll"'r' l,v' iim-nxy At j.nsiiil. tin' fiin-incst as .til... io Wnti.im.nl Xn. 1. We 1m"' can lldatPH and li-u.l.-rs frmikly -' '"' "' .If. and roiiliv wliu an' nrtk-ut mi.."it cr but atnonK tho miiiorliTH are many who ItF eonl rolled more li.v polley than rmivirlimi. I'or this ive have no eon- deiniiHli for ll'eir li.v.u-risy m in- lierelit. , Man it not lieea the fnnliion muri- the nriniJition of .o,nlar ,-overninent to di.tnist the m nn people. No ne.iier had the veomanry. that i-omposed the ri-volntionaiv armies, laid down their iiin.-ketH than the iri-u.-nili. and l.-wli-m who eame from an upper enwt of n ,-ii-t V gathered toKether in ronstitiitloii al ;.,.nventioo. heKaa t dcv'iKe lawn wliwliv Ihev f.mld in eivil lifi ntr.d !he aetioaa and Im I of 1 1 jonty. In war the eontrol w:i wnry lor ill.vliM' warlari.. lull now it ""Old lie ,.,,rv t Me the leader in war In inainlaia a like position in time of .M-n.-e. The patriot who will walk int.. the jaws of dentil ill,. li.-itlli-liHil. i...t kll.iW ir MlirSlloll wliv. i ...,i,.s mi insubordinate i-iviKmi with Jin intense desire In follow opinions of his own after he resumes his plaee in the pursuit of peaee. lie Hose late fi rals and leaders aidently iliisirnig to earrv the preli;e of their epaulets in feathers in time of pel , prnrlaiiu.-.l bi'liiml elnsed .loors to rm-li other that I In. mm I people eould nol be H ost ,.,. That a d -raey n. h as (ir e had eajoyid would In- destriletive of Hie foundations of soi-i.-ty, the ehiel 01 whieli ill their view was the right of Hie privil.-i-eil to live by toil of the many. To that end llo-y .liaised the Aiiieriuili s-iiale. ami the biennial li-o,islalivo aHsembly in i-m-li state. " We must," said our futlo-is, "hold the p.-o in -hi.el." This win the theory of llaiuilloil, .lay, Clinton and their kind and they prevailed. Small wonder il is. for it Hie ancestors of the majority of the jiood American eilieus of that dav wen, traced buck il would inn into the serfdom of 11 thousand years. That instinct of seif.lom. Ihe anxiety lo obey and follow, wan tou mriiiir In ii.lm il of inlelliiri ni i-l't'orl lo il ami a (.oM'llil I for the urcalest x I of the greatest lillluber, even Its il is to day. And so we have today u uov eminent designed utid framed to' thwart Ihe popular will. We have lived under it ho Ioiijj wr Ime yrowii to Itk not liei-anse it is best, but by habit and edllcalioii. Innovations in o,overiiinriit are like innmnlious in science, me- fliauies and arts viewed with suspicion. The same reason I hut made men spu Ihe sewing niachiiie. III tlon gin uud hunilriHlfl of other inventions, that have blessed humanity make iih with our lmhit-foriued and custom shaped men tal processes, afraid of ehaiiKes of guv eritlueiit for uny koimI. Those who dreameil the afteinpls to populurio gov ernment bv Ihe iiiitiuliviv refereiulnin mid Stnteinent Xo. I nre seeininijly olilivious that the object of popular gov ernment is not to create mi iiligntrliy. but to create the irrcatost uuiulier of guoil men and women. The ultimate de velopment of humanity eaniiot be reached throuoh nay oilier system than that which makes lo that end, and tin euunot be hoped for by any plan which calls for intellectual bondage lo a few leaders, whether guml and noble or run ning aud erafly. The histoiy of this nation proves the leader's estimate of the eapaciiy of Ihe people has not ehancil. The few have tallied no ill ereaHe in power to ihe people, except KIllilKtiixly. and what they liur, be eailMI1 of their iglioliiiiri-., allowed llit people of llii-mm to lii. awav fiom III, III, lln-v Would now t.ike back 01 de stroy. The piiinary law is at pies.ul the ohjecl of their assaull, but the al tack is aimed at the whole system ol control bv llo- p, ople. Il lln-v call ,1c sitoy one lln-v can il.--.li.. all Itnl the people can not be d.cei v ed . 'I'll, memory of I In- ili-gi;iii- III, e,..i li:i nf lered limn tli,. heoiiinmo, of the dc bailchery of lilt- slulr leyislal ol, s In. in III" linos of ll.ii ll.dliday. Ileinv Vil laid, down I,, I'oibiU nii.t ,l,,i, :ii lutn llourae s l,l,t op ,v,o! permit a retuin lo the system ,,t' the past, un,,i whieli .-I part of tile people ol' Ims stale c; to believe that it vv a a via for the I. islnlor to sell luv vol,. I,, i h,.i;ii,, an.t refuse to i-iiuy out liiv .ontiii. t, hot a V irtlie lo sluy IxiomI.i The f iisl i all, ,1 ..t . ,.n,. uniat i,.n in The I Ireoiiinn, the la' t.o c. .Inn, lis unstinted praise. I ;,.,! im i, in:i not lllwa vs l,c selected l,v tl,.. pi nnai v s lem, but who would .iver it ,-i.nl.l lie worse than tl i.nv , hi o-n m th, p.ist ' Hut it tins is ,1. tect. I Hie recall. This 1,-1 offered to the the first, for it i. b, v - , oi, ,l h. I. ('..no me:i J i I, .. . oil.) .l-..lll, ,1. 1 lit I In piwi'i In i. mm :i rill I in 1li minim l I,, fill; a Hiii' il tl.nt ili. in Hum- pot.-nt to i tin- fi-ai .'I' lu ll. 1I-. !! I'l-l. til. II. it ; I.; Ntroy no riliti gitiM-l. imt inl.l .h. ntniii tu tit.' uri-li .if fl i' m'o.. rn 'ihk iri; 1. 1., ' Thr litf uptiu li.tt, Ifrf whi! How nilf ntul f)n It in. TWO fot't, I BWI'Hf, 1 1 'n rvnl It'.vmi.l tho H'r Kr'M hntJ. pprnoiutl Will llo- piTNoim liuLlinJ , a ik I .(- in our April ilriiwiu pli-nni rail ati.l Hot thr prirs thny nre pntitlol tof REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. II. Harris lo C. II. linker, lot it. I. block l:i. and west half ol I, ,ls .', uud Ik block I.I. Hon, Tails i '. Snyder to .lohn K. How ard, property in Unrr'n Addi li .Medford Holland Williams- to liertha Wasliburn. property in Ash In nd ('. I. Hutchison to 11 no I', tlw- inys, properly in I'ark Addi lion. Medford Il.-lia I'isk lo .Martha I.. ill lette, property on Main street, Ashland MO t i;,l I. liillottc to .Martha Ij. 'nl k'tte, property on Mnia street, Aslilaml (.'. II. (lillette lo .Marina l. 1 1 - lelle, property on Main street. AHhlaml J-; xn Miller to W. K. Van Vnetor, lots I and block I!, 1,'aik roiol addil ioa, Ashland il. I'orter to ('. II. Ilailey, Itii) acres in seeliott I, town ship :t. raui. I K I'raiik Silvu lo Amos MeKee, llin actes in section s, township 4n, raiie;e H V M. Silva lo Amos MeKee, Hill acres in section s, township In. rnlio,e II W .Manuel Silva to Amos MeKee, liiil aetes in Mi'dioii township in, rnuo,o ,1 V Amos null Lottie MeKee lo Xuch ('macron, Itilt ucreH in Heetion s, low'nship HI, run(,e II W... ach ('timeroti to Aiiioh MeKee, Kill acres In section S, town ship ID, ruiijc it W Mary .1. Tibbelts lo Millie Itilovv, one half acre in township oil, rnuco- I K C. K. Swain lo del Iliede, property in Ashhind Kliziihoth A. Smith lo X'etlio Ho wen, property ill block (, railroad lolditioli, Aslilaml.... Hello Xiekell in S. W. Pnvis, lots T, s. 1). HI, l:i. II, 1". Hi, IT. Is. HI ami u, Xiekell I'lale Addition Ilclle Xiekell In W. (1. I'reseolt, o aen-s in section township o!l. inline I K Taft Visits Grants Pass. N'iv tin UiiintH I'iiss Olwf-rvrr: At touiiy I', V. Tiil't nl' VfHiM'iit ity is Hlh'iMlinj; ruurl hiTi tliiH wi'i'k, licing - (if I ih tlMitnil'V in till' I'llHHI-uF.lll .IlllU'S I'llftl'. Ill' is II Hi'l'Ullll I'lUlHill nf Williiini II. Tlill, Hi' I'lfsi'lciitiiil run iliihih-. In JinsWiT tn 1 hr ilirMtlnli. 1m sniil tli.il In t-.Mllil not vi'i'v well fii(. m. ili-t l'lMtill IIH III HUM 11 lll'll'triltf tu lln t 'nl i torn in ilrmin-nil ir nt:dc i-nn i-iitini, hut nun M Kiiitni'1 liini in 'ii't' finip.i tn JnlitiMin nl' M iiiin-mi' n. A I tm ni-y Tu I't is n vnuiit; mini, hut tins lln -ii (u n.-ii'i-iit in-,' nUnim-y nt Mel Niirti t'lmiit v nml tin- ili'tiim-1 at it niiininiM' I'm i-n)it!i-fSM in liis ilinl i ii-1. Wotlnosdny'B Basobidl. I 'm i linnl I, Nun l'i iiiuM-si u 1. t iilliil in Ni'M-iitli imiiiiu' iii'ioiiiil nl' in in. I'liMsrv mini i n lioitif run. I 'in iiiiiii-i' ;i ml Willin pili'liiTM. I'l-.u-in in a full Mnoili'il Imliiin it ml ll miiIi. I.ns Aiiiifit'H .'i, OllUlliml ii 1 h i in l-tli iiiniii mi (ircount ol' lIlll'tilll'HS, A lniii fii :t, Itulli' :t. Twi'iity iuuiuiis, no nni-x in IiihI I I inniityrt. For Laiiios Only. Wi- will piMiiivcly ivi' u iliinoiistrM timi nt' )ri'ill iiltiTi'Mt to till' liulii'H llioil wliiiHi- nlioulilorH ri'Ml tin ilutii'H of thr linmi', nt tin' Mnlfniil I'lmriiimy, ik-:ii I. Siitiinlay iifti-rnoiMi Mini i'i'iiinp. I 'iiioi' mill Ht'i w lint it is. 1 1 For Irrigation Now is the opp.n I unity for rancheis, latin, is and orchaldists to secure all ample snpplv of irrigation water, and ot the same tune interest a laroc amount of eapllal ill the valley. Kill, n Hlov. baol.eis of fit I si, tu o. I'.,. Ii.ive :.!; I to lake hold of I be I'l-h Lake Hilcli eotllpaliy, complele Ihe svsteiu. iulalve il and ill vo:i I the .utile Koooe Kivei valley, providing en.oiel, o,,.,ilv owners s'n aylee tot Ihe vvatel lo prove thai there i an actual demand for il I ivpil i,,n. The . .oil I ,1.. I re to be plnced ill escrow, I v i, , I speedily supplied. I ,11 lied . I iiii-ii I of millions will fol lie- Inst real chaliee Inn, I , I,.., . W r will double vat, It I. s Inn oW II. II,.' IV ill ,,l all land. Miotic Hamilton lh- H..I.I Xa-.li .Mcliotd, all l.-iv lo dis, liss the tpiesliotl II. rot, ,1. He olllv has II lilll to vvoil, ill and il Von intend n :iiei ..cc him an.t io,ii up at II S.iti, all I With It, -I Not lee. ' Tin i. will In ii uii'. iiiik' .t tin' til.;.!. .-.l..i. .-1u1 I'ri.ltiv. lii 4. I ill tlx1 I i'Minirii'i:il chili itinuis ut .'I p. HI ! ll iM.'inlt't s ,'iir l ijiitwl id I ii tilti'iid. j :ii tliili- i liii-lliis. nt iinpni l:(ll-i' tu, I., tn.r - villi Ml-. M, I, Al I I n . I. -tft i vl ;ii . I ruKAst liKir nmthi;. i M I Icr nl' Cit Tl snr.-r, Mi'iit'iii.l. M . c" M: "-II. I ;'. i ..t i. . is In i, In Uiv - H tli.it tit. if :n. ' t ' .h-i in llo . it v Ii. :i-m t.r tin- I.- 1 I'1H. I nil ; out s'.ili.iHifc- mirilllllv j i--ii-i ,ii;:Hi.-t tin- Unlit Hii W.'tli-r fuihl (..., -,1, , im.. In I1. I..1.. T 'M. l!"7. In I t. icl mi tin- ,h:iiih' will n hh- tlt'T tin1 llo I.. I.. ,1 At HS. rit v Tn-aniri' NOTICK. Nnti. i' ii In-ri'liv u i I-ii (hat tho un I. iH;ih .1 w ill iip.l at t In rt'ulnr nmnllil ii '.IP "f tlo' I'ity fntitn-i! ..f Mo.ifni.l. ttri'uon. Mny .V l!tH, for a lit-rioti' tn mil in-lit. tinnui an.) spirit oim liipinft in It . ipiiini ii i tlmn oar (niton, at lol 7, Hlork 'Jt, in Mnlfont, On gnu. or pcr'nl of ni monthi. 4i Mmrnr t ihvnini.. Jluy TicHets bj Wire. 'Homethiijo; which is ol eoiisiderable intermit to the public . ill-rally ami which is perhaps not Koiiorullr known is the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern I'aeifie rouipany and nil points in the I'niled Stales, liy moans of this sx stein tickets may le purchased at Medford from any place in the I'nited State and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishinj; to nunc here. Hlcepel accommodatioiiB nml siitntt uniourits of cash in eonuection xvilh these tieketl mav alsi be furnished at the sarnf BUSINESS CARDS. J. T. ANKROM, WKMj IIH1IIKH. MKDf'OKD, OK. Prices right. Pumps K irnished xvhen Wanted. ' BALL & OLOS0OCK, Contractors aud lluiMera. All Work Giiarantoed. Office with 0. H. Plerco St Son. Phone OM. I'. 0. Box 771. WILLIAM 6. DEBLEY, Hesidont Piano Tuner. Special Kates by the Year. I leadipiarters nt Hate's Piano House. All Work (iiiurauleed. P. (I. Ilox fiitf, MKPFOHD, ORKIKIN. DR. A. B. SWEET Physiciiiu nnd Kiire.-nn. Office at Kesidenre. M. ColviK, Medford, Or. Win. COLVia It DURHAM, Attornoys-at-Law. Oeo. H. Durham, Grants FaM,0t. Medford Fitrnitura Co., Undortakers Day ihone SM; Night Phones: f. W Cui'iklin 4Rj; J. II. Butler. MS. WM. W. P. HOLT, M. D Physician and Surijeon. Kligle Point, Oregon. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL C0I. EECTI0N AGENCY, lank Hoi Sits. Medford, Or. E. R. SEELy7 M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern Equipped Operliting Rooms. ,' b'ay. Office Hours, 10-12, 2-4 P. M. Office III Jackson County Bank Bldg. 00 TO DR. 00BLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse, SKVRNTH 8TRKKT. 'lie lias No Other Business." The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Vnrnislifs ut water fur tin on very Imrl nut in' It ciiii he used on the tia tuhlo or in the kilclu ii Atla-Oies to rU'elroliix iliirnll ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Hiirri'rvfir to Condor Wutur Power Co. Of ooiauhimaM fieo 20fi W. 7th nl., opp. big electric sign. Phono 856. Something New In Hubber Tires that it will pay you lo investigate. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, satisfaction guaranteed. Mitchell & Poeck ' GENERAL WAGONERS. j Kast 7lh Street, rear of Merritnan's Illiieksmitli Shop. Medford, Or. I Why Pay More r inferior incuts tli.ui we ha rut- fur the licst. A trial .ill euiivilire yull. IJeineinlier tile plan1, next Hotel Nash,, formerly l'ot I inker's. 1 ? i-iuo your Chickens here we pay more. The Medford Meat Go. We Want to Realty Bond Oregon W. Jackson County Bank Annex THE OLD HOWARD RANCH Three miles south of Medford and llliles VVesI Of I'hoellix, is HOW L'Ut Up iii stonlt true! to suit the purchaser. . in,, fourth cash, balauec in three pay ments. This is u rare upportuuity for men of stitiill means. Listed with all the Ili;ell.s. :::: 600: f f f -f f -f Wt tire Kf-Hiri mi uq average iiinrii tiian Cui Kucks of Wuits bur Pure W'liito Flour every iiuiiitli. TIiito is u roaflon for thin. M-" poo tic nro reuli. Jtij, cvir Jay that tliiK flour maker, ulcer, whiter lin-adniid more of it than 'any other flt-iii' oh t In market in Med-ft-ril. Try it and if this fttate imnt iwi't true in every par-tii-i - lit r wo will eheorfully re fund your money. -f f -f ALLEN 6 0- REAGAN Tha Orocery on the OortMr, -f 4- Wise Talks By the Office Boy Pa says a row by any other name would bo just as expen sive back east, this time of year. I sometimes think he pines for the piney woods in old Penob scot, Prnppo ('ouuly, Maine, where, ho was raised but that's one thing yours truly nevor yearns fur. The good mountains nnd the good old ocean n id' nico old Oregon ntmosphero arc good enough for m-. But. it's all in how you were raised. Pa HkeB elaiu chowder and corn on tho cob, nod harvest npples and a lot of tilings that a kid who was born this side of tho snow sliedB hasn't had much chance to get acquainted with. Those who have lived on both sides of this great country and lived long enough to know what's what enn get all those things just as nice one place as an other, if yon kuow'whero to buy. We've got clam chowder from Boston -flint is just na nico as nuy you ever ate on tho sand, anil lots of other things that have that "Down Enst" taste. : MILLER & EWBANK t 4- ISN'T THAT FINE." If you appreciate waistcoat expand ers in the form of a choice, juicy steak you will find this the place for pur cliaie. There's nothing in the meat lino worth carrying home and cooking Hint you cannot find here any lime you call. This is an invitation t" visit us soon. Hotel I:merick W. E. JOHNSON, STARTING WITH THE SOUP :ni. iMiJtntf wilh tho oofl'it, you "II fiuil vwry m.intlitul nf tho dinner you nit Iiiti il.'lii'ioii-i. Wlu-n it is through ouM liitlly f;tt moro if you poiiM pos iMv fiu.l room. Stop in nlouo anil ilinc. Thou you ran lirinj your frientW nfti;r :i r. I w Ii i it ; o n w: nt t u t roa t ton sM'll ililtlHT. The Nash Cafe Buy Lands Syndicate of H. Stalker Secretary 4- 7zb: d-J ,,.,. Golden Grain Granules 100 PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. It tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee and it, smells like coffee, hut is pure roasted grains, Mended so as to pro cure the hest flavor, the greatest, strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. Golden drain Granules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomach troubles. X curly '2-pound paekaye for 2oc, all retail grocers. Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford, Or. TIFFANY Wedding Rings Also the Oregon Grape Ring and Friendship Muckel Rings at the New Jewelry Store, near the Postoffice, 11 Xorth C St. MARTIN J. REDDY Be (lush! What is This thing 1 see! A Cuban Presidential bee f There ' always suinething occurring in Cuba to command our attention and interest in mir next door Island repub lic. Just now tho Cuban president itil c:iuiaigu proinisi-s to bo vipwillv a warm and interest ing as our own. Your enthusiasm will be aroused to its high est pitch once yon smoke our PKI. MAKCA 15c cigars. Our cigars prove a phasing smok' lo crit ii-al iiuli id ual. Manufactured bv R. B. V. ClOAR WORKS. ALL NEW GOODS . Dry (loods. Haviland China. Nomi-Porcelain. .lanliniors nnd Crocks. Trunks, Suit ! cases and Telescopes. Where iok get right prices.. Ward's Cash Store ! State Depositary. Established 1888. CAPITAL AND SUE PLUS 115,000.00 J. K. ENYARTjPresid ent. .7. A. I'EHRY, Vice-President. The Medford MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Poxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage Mide in icjcleX VV. W. E1FERT, The Miss Jeunesse Butler INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO. STUDIO AT RESIDENCE, O STREET, WEST MKOFORD. PHONE NO. 701. See II ale's Piano House for references. 4L'0 ACKKS, well locatwl, i miles from S. P. R. R. fltation, iuchnling nil crops, J stallion, thorough!) ml Shiro, weight 10S0 pnunria, 8 years old; all farming implements, 40 acres alfalfa, 30 acres grain, 6 acres orchard, 2 good dwellings, 3 good harna and other outbuildings; tele phone in house, daily mail, school house on place, P. O. Vi mile; two good irrigating ditches. About IfiO acres can bo irrigated, 150 acres farming land. All the land is good for fruit; no stone place; can be easily cleared, good water, land alt well fenced. This is ono of the best ranches in the county for the inonoy. Will cut 150 tons hay; home market for all produce and crop. This place will mako four or five nice farms; county road runs through tho center of tho rnnoh. IP SOLD SOON, PRICK $.15 PER ACRE. Hit ACIiKS near Central Point, about 45 acres in cultivation; part Pear creek bottom, good alfalfa and grain land; part is rolling, but all good fruit laud; fair buildings and good fence; fl acres young trees. This is an exceptionally good buv. PRICK $12.50 PER ACRE, TERMS. DRESSLER West Seventh St. R. W. GRAY, Builder ( '1)1 .ON IAL PORCH WORK. GRILL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TELEPHONE 471. MEDFORD SAS a Window and Door Screens, Fence Pickets, Offieo fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, Including turned work and faney grills. F. BETWEEN 0TH AND 7TH 8TS. PHE 63. ARE YOU INTERESTED? 1 have for sale at $J2.50 per acre. SO acres of as fine oi rlianl land as there is in Rogue River valley. The im provements on place are worth at least $12"0. Let me slmw ymi this land. ALFRED SMITH 0 OVER JACKSON COUNTY BANK. Faithful to the Interest ot Depositors Many years of successful banking is the record that shows that this institution is faithful to the interests of its depositors. Every safeguard for the security of funds is at all times maintained. Your account cordially invited. JOHN S. ORTH, Caaliinr. - W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. National Bank The car manufac tured expressly for the coast. Best for price on the market. $1400 D.T.LAWTON Agent MEDFORD, OR. COMFORT WILL DOO YOUR STEPS if yon wear our tailored made clothing. All KnitR and top coats nro inado to fit an- individual ammitely. Tho very finest fabrics nre used in our tailoring work. Von will find lis headquarter. for stylish nnd comfortable suits. We await your orders for SpriiiK 'ffliil Snm incr rrarini.nla. City Tailor, Medford & WOOD Mediopd, Or. iv am MEDFORD, OR. H & DOOR CO. . MfMtfont Tm k Toffoo II mm. -l