Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 07, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    If You've Anything to Buy or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results
The Weather
Showers tonight. Friday probably fair.
Warmer, except near tin roust.
No. 42.
Special Electiou on Satur
day to Extend Life of
i Bonds-Disapproval will
Mean Short Term Bonds
On Saturday, May 9, there will be H
special election for the purpose of au
thorizing the issuance of 30-yoar water
bonds, instead of 10-year bonds tin au
thorized by the city vhartor.
A much higher price can bo secured
for 30-yeur bonds than for 10-year
bonds, but if the citizens turn down the
30-year proposition the council will is
sue the 10-yenr bonds.
At ita meeting Wednesday evening
the Commercial club adopted a resolu
tion cordially indorsing the proposed
long-torm bond.
The club favored the voting of "yes"
to the amendment to the city charter by
which the city council is authorized to
sell bonds payable in 30 years for in
stalling the gravity water system. The
sale of the bonds has been authorized
by tho recent election, but nnless the
amendment to the charter is carried at
the election Saturday, May 9, thoconn
cil will proceed to sell the bonds pay
able in ten years. The bouda will sell
nt Hjfrr premium for 30 years than
ten, and it is in every way preferable
to the city's interest.
The following is the resolution adopt
ed: "Be it Resolved, That wo, the Hert
ford Commercial club, of the City of
Med ford, hereby endorse the issue to
he voted on Saturday, May 9, 1908, i. e.,
to amend the charter so that tho city
council may issue 30-year water bonds
Uistend of having to issue ten-year
bonds, nnd do hereby pledge the support
of the members of the Commercial club
and enmestly request that all citizens
having the welfare of Mcdfotd nt heart
support this amendment at the nfore-1
said election of Mnv 9. 190S."
SAL KM, Or., May 7. Tho people of
Salem had the novel experience of wit
nessing a circus in repose yesterday,
when Xorris & Rowos passed the day
in comparative idleness. While the men
"rested ' the day was passed in erect
ing tents and cleaning harness and
horses. Yesterday was payday also
witn the circus, and hundreds of dollars
was passed out to the men at the rate
..e A'( .. i. ,i
The officers of the show report that
serious trouble was narrowly averted
at Kugene Saturday night, when about
."00 members of the student hody of
the state university organized and were
about to start in to carry out their
threat that they would have the circus
and no permit the performance to pro
ceed in the evening. They learned,
however, that the showmen had been
forewarned of the approaching trouble
and had prepared for it by arming them
selves with tentpins and axhnndles and
othor weapons of defense, nnd what
might have terminated in n bloody nf
fair did not materialize.
SKATTLF., Wash., May 7. Accord
ing to advices received from all over
the northwest., tho four days' stay of
the Atlantic fleet or battleships in Se
attle, the latter part of his mouth, is
o be made tho occasion of a grand holi
day by the residents of Washington
,nnd her sister states who will join in
the demonstration nnd welcome to the
Dnilv reports nro coming to the
Chamber of Commerce reception and
entertainment committee of social and
commercial organizations tost will come
to Seattle for the celeoration, and al
reaJy ,the hotels are hesieged with res
ert;fi'i ions for rooms during the enter
tainment of ihe fleet.
iioo offered rent
HOLD ItKACH. Or.. Mnv 7. A
coyote i ranting great havor in th
flock of hcep owned by J. F. Lowery,
about 14 miles up Hopn. river. It is
very unusual for ranchers to be both
errd by oim of these pests in this part
ot the country. It is stated that many
years ul'o they came dotrn from the
mountains almost to the coast, but lw
yond that their depredations have been
prarl ieally unknown here. A reward
of $100 it now being offered for this
royote'e if alp. which is nid to be the
record reward for a single animal of
tho eorote breed ever offered in the
Mrs. Guiness Advertised
that a Comely Widow
Desired to Make the Ac
quaintance of Man.
CHICAGO, May 7. The following is
Mrs. Guiness' "criminal ndvortise
ment, " with which victims were lured
to death : ' Personal Comely widow
who owns n largo farm in ono of the
finest districts in La Porto county, Indi
ana, desires to nmko tho acquaintance
of a gentleman equally well provided,
with a view of joining fortunes. No
replies by letter will be considered un
less sender is willing to follow tho ans
wer with a personal visit."
LA PORTE, Fod.. Mnv 7. ? shed
of tho Guinness farm, containing the
bodies of the victims, was broken into
last night nnd tho bodies seriously dis
turbed. It is believed that the woman's
victims number 1:1, tho remains of 0 of
whom have been found.
Additional light on I he methods of
the Guinness woman who caused I he
death of persons who are supposed to
have fallen victims to her lust for gold,
was shed today by AHa K. Helgelin, a
brother of Andrew Helgelin of .Mans
field, S. D., whose dismembered corpse
was among tho nine found on tho farm.
Helgelin told the coroner that not only
had his brother beea in communication
with the woman, but that she had writ
ten to him after Andrew had disap
peared in an attempt to induce him to
visit this city. She advised him to sell
his brother 's stock and come to La
Porte, "and we will hunt for your
brother together." The letters were
written in Norwegian and have only
been partially translated.
Several circumstances indicating that
Roy Lamphere, who was accused of first
degree murder in connection with the
incineration nf Mrs. Guinness nnd chil
dren, had some knowledge nf her crimes.
have developed. Jtcssie Con k 1 1 ng. a
young woman residing in Michigan City,
a friend of Lamphere, has been arrested
and is being held awaiting the action of
tho grand jury. It iatalleged that she
stated to Sheriff Rmulzer that Lam
phere told her that Mrs. Guinness "had
to be good to him as he knew enough
to send her to the gallows."
PORTLAND, May 7. In a special
dispatch to the Evening Telegram from
Juneau, Alaska, Henry Croft, who was
entered as an amateur by the Seattle
Amateur Athletic club for the heavy
weight championship iu (he recent box
ing nnd wrestling tournament held in
Portland to decido the amateur cham
pionships of the Pacific coast, and who
won the championship from Edward
Johnson, the Multnomah Amateur Ath
letic club champion, is alleged to be a
professional. He is alleged to have
fought Nick Flou Hey, a. well-known
professional in Dawson City, five years
igo, and to have participated in fights
all over Alaska. He is said to be the
sua of Johnny Carroll, an old time pro
fessional prizefighter, who resides in
San Francisco, and whose son Jimmy
Carroll has earned quite a reputation in
the prize ring.
The supporters of .lohnfcon in the con
test with "Croft " are reported to have
hist $11000 in bets to supporters of the
alleged "ringer."
SAN FRANCISCO, May 7. Returns
from primary elections in California
givo tho Lincoln Roosevelt league an
overwhelming majority in the repub
I icnii state convention. The machine
forces, led by William K. Ilerrin, rep
resenting the Southern Pacific, will
have approximately -Jon delegates
again) about -tun for the league.
In San Francisco tin- league elected
delegates out of ti. In los Angeles
and ii her points in Southern Calif or
nia the Lincoln-Roosevelt forces cap
tared three-fourths of the place. In
Alameda county the league elected 43
delegate! nnd the machine forces . In
Sacramento the league men won out in
11 out of 16 contests.
BAKERSFiELD, Cab, May 7. A. E.
Lnoeke, wife nnd baby, were in(ant1y
i ing struck by a Sonthern Pacific trnin.
Scott Mnnlovel, the driwr of the atl
! tnmnhile, escaped injury, lmrke wh
prominent buinM man of Hdmn.
Great Naval, Military and Civic Pa
rade Constituted Chief Feature of
Celebration Undulating Sea of Color
Along Route Thousands In Line.
reat naval, military and civic, parade,
onstituting the chief feature of today's
celebration nf the arrival of the At
lantic fleet, stnrted from tho foot of
Market street on its long march
through leading business sections of the
it v shortly after II o'clock this morn
ing. A mutt l.i.OOO men were in line,
SfiOO being maiiiu s ami sailors from
vessels ie the bn. A l:;r ;o force of reg
ular troopi from Presidio, the marine
corps, the n.u'al militia and the national
guard of California, veterans of tho re
bellion m.l the Spanish wars. Califnr
a'a pioneers and various semi-military
organizations ami officials and promi
nent citizens in carriages made up the
rest of the procession.
Secrelary of the Navy Metealf. Gov
ernor Gillctt nnd staff of California,
Governor Sheldon of Nebraska, Mayor
Taylor of San Francisco, Rear-Admiral
F.vnus and staff rode in carriages. The
Salt Lake battalion of high school ca
dets acted as a special escort to Evans.
Hundreds of thousands of people
lined the route of the parade nnd when
the people caught sight of Evnns, the
cheering, waving of flags and handker
chiefs was continuous. Sailors nnd ma
rines from the warships were enthusias
tically greeted nil along the line. The
spectacle of hundreds of tnousunds of
flags in the hands of spectators, pre
senting nu undulatiuf sea of color, was
wonderful and never to be forgotten.
The ilav was clear and beautiful.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 7. Finish
iug well in hand and lending by from
one to three lengths for the whole of
the last half mile, Stone Street, a bay
orlt by Longst reet -St ono Nell ie, won
the 3-1 th Kentucky Derby at Churchill
Downs Wednesday over a track fetlock
deep in mud. Tho finish wns never in
doubt, after the horses had traveled
three-fifths of their mucky route, nud
the only excitement nt the finish was
furnished by three horses struggling for
tho place and show honors.
Sir Cleges, the favorite, finished sec
ond, two and one-half lengths behind
Stone Street and hend in front of Duve
gan, who made a final rally in time to
beat Synchronized for third place by
a neck. Fifteen thousand people
cheered the contestants over their jour
ney of a mile and n quarter, which was
covered in the slow time of 2:15 1-5.
The total value of tho stake was
BOSTON, Mass., May 7. A Itrvnn in
dorsement plank was agreed upon by
tho democratic state committee on res
olutions todav.
Modera Woodmen from all parts of
Oregon nro in Ashland to attend the
triennial state convention which con
vened here Thursday, for the election
of state officers and delegates from Or
t-goii to tho head camp of the Modern
Woodmen of America to be held at
Peoria, 111., next mouth.
Chamberlain Campaigning.
BAKER CITY. Or., May 7. Gover
nor George ( liauiberlain is making a
whirlwind campaign in Baker county,
having arrived in this city this morn
ing. He spent a day in Sampler nnd
adilressi'd a large audience at the Baker
theater. His speech was preceded by
a band concert ami torchlight proees
sion. He leaves early Wednesday morn
ing for Eagle nnd Pine Valleys in an
automobile, ret u ruing to linker Wed
nendny evening, when he will leave for
Advertised LetUr Lint.
I'.ri-rl. Mr.. Kintik lb-Mows. A.
W. A. Con hell. Mii A. M. !..!.
Hon. Fry. John (i.ibriil, .1. ('.
Henry llni-ringlon, I. Hnne,
Hardin, lleorge lleringi-r. It. I.
t 'aton.
n C'i. ). Koegnn, Mr. nnd Mr.
W. .1.
A. .1.
l.uneeford. P. Mcdinn, ('. J. Me
lin. .1. H. Kenniill, '. How. .1. A
, S. H. Xfliobh. I.nurn Knt her
V. H. Xpoor, .b'hn Vnndorpnol,
H. K. Hoyden i" sending thin week
in San Frnnciseo. rombjning business
with pleas-iirp. Ho in ono of the many
pe.iplpep in tho vnllev who nro pnrtipi
pating in tho fleol fpstivitien now in
Tr"PT"s in I'ntlfrn'n
WatGhmaker Testifies that Dope
Fiend was Talking to Wolf
on Evening of Crime
PORTLAND, Muy 7. What is
believed to he the "mlssiug
link" in tho chain of circum
stantial evidence in thet ense
against K, H, Martin, under ar
rest for connection with the
murder nf Nathan Wolff, the
pawnbroker, Friday evening,
has been supplied by the testi
mony of"A. W. Field, a watch
maker in the employ jof Wolff,
who has positively identified
Martin as the man 'whom ho
saw talking with Wolff at 0:30
o'clock ou the afternoon of the
murder, and again later in tho
It was decided to disinter the
body of Wolff for the purpose
of examining tho finger nails
for a possible trace of the skin
of the murderer. Mnrtin is se
verely scratched, and the police
believe the scratches are tho re
sult of an encounter with Wolff.
Martin claims ho was scratched
bv a cat.
Commercial Club Holds Regular Meet
ing and Passes Upon Many Subjects
Float in Rose Carnival Half Paid for
Takes Up Hospital Proposition,
The Commercial club met in regular
session Wednesday evening, May fi,
President olvig in tho chair.
The minutes of the meeting of April
I and 5 were rend and npprpoved.
A communication from tho Oregon A
Washington Lumber Manufacturers ' as
soc.intion was read. Resolutions were
passed asking that the 100ft mooting be
held in SentHe nnd that the delegates
be invited to visit Portland and the
state of Oregon and especially Med ford.
Copy of resolutions will bo sent to tho
secretary of the association to bo read
it the J pOK meeting of the lumber as
The club gave its consent to the us? i
of the clubroom to the graduating class ;
of tho high school for a reception the !
evening of tho graduating exercises. (
Sketch of Float Accepted.
Tho rP carnival Potnmi.tPP ropurtpd
hut tho Kkptrh of tho flout had boon
nce.ppled and thai onp-hulf of I1.p ricp,.lw April 23. A "poHlhumon, child in
of .f 175 had been remitted. A contest
' " '"" ' ' "'"f"" """
from lliia timn nn una..:..! a.1 II
in iiiiHii' n nrniiKn inccresi in 1 ue vol
ing. Tho I 'rater Lake road committee re
ported that tch grams had hem sent to
Mr. Hawley, Mr. Ronnie, Mr. Fulton
nnd Mr. OnrfiHd expressing indignation
at the appropriation of $.1000 insto;ir of
sufficient amount to do the mad work
in Outer Lake park, hut that no replies
n;id heen received.
The hand uniforms committee report
ed that it had given a dance on the
evening of May nnd had secured n net
sum of 1 -12.7. to be applied on the pay
ment of ihe uniforms. Other matters
will he tiiken up to procure the t.iilniiec
of the money.
The exhibition car committee report
ed that they had begun the work of
ascertaining the cost and feasibility,
but had nothing to report further and
;i!(ed for more lime, which was grunted.
or a new Hospital.
Mr. McLellan was asked In talk on dilionn the builditig nuiv be ttrtiiii-d by
the niHtter of a hospital, after which Ithe club for the purpose of mniniHining
a motion m made that a committee be a proper exhibit and office for tho sec
appointed with Onrnett as chairman to retary of the dub and headquarters for
act in the matter. A substitute motion jth" renter Med ford club, and to report
was made and carried hat the matter at the oeit regular mectiog, Mnv 2n.
be referred to the industrial committee. ; The win curried un;inimmt!y.
The Portland excursion committee re Th eommItt appointed was Page,
wrtcd that they had thought bent to j Vawter and Merrick.
poMponc the excursion until the tjnU j A motion wns made and carried that,
is matured. On motion the committee tne secretary draw up resolutions, the
was dixchnrged.
Nnmea were presented for tnemlwr-
hip as follows: Kd M. Andrew, Mr.
Macklevain. W. K. Phipps, Thomas W.
Pack nnd It rt Anderson. On njoltoi,
th rubs were suspended and tha iibovp
dec ted to membership id the dtib by
Series of Campaign Rallies Planned for
Candidates Organization Completed
by Appointments Effort will bo
Mado to Inject Life Iu Campaign.
Tho Jackson county republican cen
tral committee completed organization
Wednesday evening at Med lord ami se
lected members in districts where no
choice was indicated in the primaries.
It is planned to hold a series of cam
paign meetings nt which all candidates
can participate. The complete member
ship of the eommitte is as follows:
Ashland, ,1. A. Harvey, C 11. Gillette.
.1. E. Voting; Hiirhn, fieo. W. Barron;
Talent, H. H. Goddanl; Phoenix, L. A.
Hose; Antioch, K; I). Jones; Applegate,
M. A. Van Gorder; Big Butte. A. It.
Chartrow; Climax, C. Charley; Central
Point; W. .1. Freeman; Eagle Point, N.
L. Xanegan; Flounce Hock, S. S. Ait
ken; Fonts Creek, Grant Mathews; Gold
Hill, A. J. Olsou; Jacksonville, .1. II.
Bellinger and Todd Cameron; Lake
Creek, George Fry; Meadows, F. X.
Musty; Med ford, Horace N'ichnlsin, W.
F. Isaacs; Mound, D. W. Heche; Rock
Point, Thomas Dungee; Koxy, George
Guirctt; Sam's Valley, .1. C. Pendleton;
Sterling; J. D. Heard; Trail, Thomas
G. Spangler; Cniou, William Cameron;
Watkins, A. Wiilkius Willow Springs,
W. A. Mansfield; Wimer, E. Vrooman;
Woodville, J. M. Whipple.
Tho following is the executive com
mittee; X. L. Narregan, chairman; J,
L. Hurvey, seerotuvy; H. Nicholson, J.
H. Bellinger, A. .1, Olson, J.' E. Voung
awl AY, J. rFremuii. . ,,.r
SALT I.AKK, Mnv 7. Al ting
nf Utah fthropnipii final ariuiioniontH
will li' laaild I'nr im linlp Hhipmi'iit
in lliwtnn of 10,0110,0011 pounds of the
III0S rlip, which njJI ,o ntorcil in bonil,
financial inslilulii.iiH nl I lie Miinhiii'Iiuh
oils eily having agrppil lo mako liliprnl
ailvniippft of niorn-y on the wool.
'Dip slornn of I ho clip al lloxtini i
Hip onlurmvlh of t ho ilolprinination of
Tlnh nhi ppnipn In oppoxp I he lirnkorncp
pomliinp, which Hi in your offprpil 10
ponlB tho pomiil, 12'Ji ppiiIh lowor limn
tho 1!07 quotation. 'I'lic nhi i piiipn com
(ilaitiPil nml pprtain ciiaponHionH woro
iikiiIp, Hip highest oflYrinu;, howpvor,
being 1" pouts for n limilpil quantity of
TJip I'lah anHOciutioa nont ii commit
ipo lo Hum nn to nrrungn for Hliiingi'
nml tho mJvanpp of money in onler Hint
(,'rowpm might HuiipPHNlully ponliuui'
husiiiPNH without ilipoHlll; of Hie elip
at u loss. The committee ivu highly
siiccesHl'iil ami Suluiilay'H mooting wiil
tip (hp pulmiiiatirin of tho fight.
8tork Hovern With Duchewi.
I'ARIH, May ".Tho wiilowpil .Inch
pkk do Chanllli'H, who wim .Mhh Then
dora Shonls of Now York, will not rp-
turn In tmnr!.n u;tl, l... i',..l.... PI
,,rn ,.. ,,,, ,, ,.,,. ,
i,,ri ,,e ,i, r i.:
pxppetpd mid it in not considered stifi
for tho diiehoBH to make the long jr
8he will re nui in in Knt nee with her
sister-in-law, the huchess ilTwn, until
nfter her nccnuchineni.
The following bills were rend and or
dered paid after heing (. K.'d by the
ti tin uce com in it tee; Sunset Magazine
for January, fur April, . r.'i; Med
ford I'uhli'i-hing n., i;i.75; Mcdford
Mail, I0,i."i; Hon I hern ire-Ionian,
-i 1 1 . 7" - ; Pacific t'mmt .stump Works.; Condor Water & I'nwer Co., $l.7"t;
It. Klum, l."; (liftc hiion I Lumden,
tL'0; nccretnry 's salary, flon.
To Acquire Exhibit Building.
ItcNohitinns were presented iu refir
ence to tl xhibit building. For (he
purpose of better advertising Medford
and the liogue Uiver a motion was mud.
that u cnmmiltoit of three be appointed
to call upon the Itnguc Itivtr Land coin
panv and other owners of tin- Kxhibit
i building and ascertain under what con
, same to be made part of the minutes
and to be printed in the paper, nsking
for tho endorsement of all the citizen
of th 30 year bond issue to bn vot -d
poa nt ft city election Ma 9, 1904.
The report of the secretary for the
month nf April, IW'IH, was read and np
Program of City Adorn
ment Park Bear Creek
Banks and Railroad
A prttgnim of municipal improvement
i or Med ford Was laid out by the newly
formed 2."i,HM0 pojmlat ion club in iis
report to the Commercial club. The pro
gram was heartily endorsed and vari
ous committees appointed. The report
is as follows:
"Tin1 commit lee begs leave to recom
mend as follows: Thai a committee
be appointed with Welch as chairman to
call upon tho railroad company and re
iiioMt that they park their right nf way
through the city limits; that a commit
tee be appointed, Stalker as chairman,
with power to act, lo take up the mat
ter of parking Hear creek: that a com
mittee be appointed, to be knowu as
committee on city ordinances, Itoot us
chairman, to take up with the city coun
cil Hie following:
Municipal Improvements.
" First Placing of hydrants.
"Second Painting of telephone poles
from the gmuid at least ten feet, and
removing signs from said poles.
Third Itcgulutiug the running ol
telephone wires through the trees.
" Fourth Kuniling all telephone lines
through the alleys.
"Fifth Streets and alloys cleaned,
"Sixth Itegulnting the matter of im
"Seventh Providing for a garbage
"Lighth Itegulnting peanut nml pop
corn venders and sausage wagons.
"Ninth Itegulnting the placing of
signs by real estate men nnd others on
"Cleanlng-Up Day Named.
It, was decided by the committee
to divide the town into districts and
have a eleauiug-up day tin Monday, the
1st h day of Mnv. All school children
ami the people in general will be called
upon to set iiHide that day for the re
moving of ruhhirdi from streets and al
leys and volunteers will be called for
to haul rubbish nwav.
Committee decided to hold a mass-
meeting ou the titreet in front of the
Nash hotel, May l.", to agitate the
ones! ion of our -ft.nOO club, nnd rec
ommends that the band be called into
service on thai evening nnd some
speeches made. Sunday, May 17, pas
tors nf the churches of I ho city will be
called upon to preach a sermon on the
(pieslion of "Cleanliness of the City on
the fleneral Welfare," followed on Mmi
day by cleaning up day.
Button for Membership.
1 ' I 'uinmit tee furt her recommends
thai I he ommeiciul club provide a
button or budge to be used as a certifi
cate of ineuibiTHhip, at a charge of of
cents per year for the membership.
" Professor SigiiK ban agreed to invite
certain prominent men of the town to
addrcHH the different grades of the
Hi'hool nu the purpose- of tin 2"i,'Mn
"It Ik furl her recommended I hut the
fundM arming from niember-diip fees in
the if.'t.iioil club be net apart for the
carrying out of tin ideas set forth in
this report and Ihe boosting of the city
exelut-ively. '
The committed in composed of Stalk
er, chairman, Daniel, Siifim and Welch.
The commit tees linked for nml np
pointed tvi-re tin follow: Committee to
call on t he railroad company and nk
that their right of way be parked throu
the city, WeMi. Hollis, Campbell; com
mitten lo have power to m-t in mutter
ol parking Hear creek. Stalker, An
drews, ''iimniingn; commit tee to be
known as city oidi nances lo lake up
with lie- city council the following, hy
'Irtlllts, pole-4, when llirout-h trees
ntrei'tH mid alleys, nidewalks, garbage
dump, t (j it h of real enlfile men on nidi
Wall , etc.. Itoot. iNietlbrilgge, .1. (
II. Hulmg repoitM the dcHtniclion
fire Wednesday noon of tho WiUou luui
her and Mhingle mill on Kvun creek.
LTi miles up the creek from Woodville.
About $1000 worth of shingles were
burned nnd the total loss is about
$3000. The fire started while the men
were nt dinner and the f lumen ht -I
completely wrapped the building bo
fore ihn blare wns noticed.
My bonnet p rendu over the ocean,
My bonnet spreads over I ho sen.
To merely spread over the sidewalk
Confidence of Citizens
Asked and Assurance
Given that no Mistake
Will be Made.
The water committee has issued the
following Htatenienl to the public, ans
wering some of the criticisms recently
made regarding Ihe souise of supply se
lected for a gravity water system to
To the Citizen of Medford:
"With the Cull indorsement uffichillv
of (lie city council, the Commercial club
ud again by H7 ter cent of the voters
and property-owners at the city election,
authorizing u bond htsmv the speciut
water committee iimiointco bv the citv
oniicil feds highly complimented by
the appreciative public and indorsement
of I heir judgment in selecting h gravity
syMteai of water supply for Mi d t urd.
Tin1 coiumiltee fully realized that the
adoption of and expenditure for thi.
system was Ihe most important and ex
pensive that would ever confront the
ily. Willi this great responsibility up
on its shoulders it went to work in it
methodical manner to investigate thor
oughly the different water supplies
available, keeping in mind alwuvs tho
piestion of purity and sufficiency.
" We, your committee, respectfully
request the continuance oi your loyal
.WI'"lL"!';L HHmrt' ,vmi that wev,.will
muiic goon any coninleuce you may im
pose iu us.
"F. K. M Kli KICK.
"Ciiy Council Speiiul Water Commit
lt4Si;ill!(()f May 7. Lust Thursday
ul the 1'niled Slates laud office, iu this
. oeeiirrcit tin- last of a series of
five openings to entry of heuvity tim
bered Irncls in this laud district. Tim
particular tracts thrown omu are sec
tions I, It, 7. M nml It and linrth
huh es of si ctions Id, 17 and Is, nil iu
that part of the west half t township
II, range 1 east, in Jackson count v, and
formerly a pari of the Siskivon na
tional forest. On I of the entire Int.
how vor, only eight claims were -avail
able to eiilrymeu, nnd for those there
were ten persons lined up. leaving two
who got nothing.
nder the terms of the congres
sional grant, giving them all odd sec
tions within a distance of' i! miles
from Ihe railroad line, the O. & C.
railroad acquire without format appli
'at all of sections .1, i, 0 and 17: No.
HI is shite school land aad No. IS, u
punter of No. I nml all but I'O acres
of No. S have been covered bv unsur
eyed script for some time past. This
h l'l for entry Ihe CJ0 seres of Ned inn
S as mo' claim, I so acres ot section -4
for three claims and h II of section ti
for four ctaiuis, and m.-ikiiig iu all
eight claims, which were eciiii-d by the
following applicant:
Mr. ami Mrs. W. M. Ilevcner one
claim each), M;ii till L. 1 use. Waller
Maggnrd. Fdwiu allrris. K. V. Kellogg.
Dr. II. M. Sl,w. all of Ashland, and
.r. tl. (iiger of Heppncr. Dr. Shaw also
tiled a small batch of script on some
i. i lots in section t.
Ni: YORK, May 7. - Four were
killed ami twelvo injured in a fire be
lieved lo be incendiary, which practical
ly destroyed a fivesUiry tenement at
I'M Orchard street early today. The
tire was discovered by a policeman,
I' lames were shooting from the win
dows in Ihe lower purl of ho house.
With the iissislunce of n number of po
licemen nearly every one In the houst'
was aroused. The fire escapes were
.linked with frightened tenants. The
police rescued ft number of children he
fore the fitcmeu arrived to put up tin
ladders. More thsu il hundred wr re
taken don n by firemen. A number were
caught inside and burned to death.
WALLA WALLA. Wash,. May 7.--The
dead body of Mrs. Anna Aldrich
was found hidden beneath the roots of
a tree nu the banks nf Coppd river,
about Dixie. Wash., today. Ueorge.
.lack and Hud Harites are under arrest,
suspected of the murder. The woman