'-- " --: - TJtf MBlW)Hn TRTIWNE, M K I ) FORT), OB., WEDXESr, A V ATA v 7!W Cnn I ArVt.x I GOVERNMENT WATER I.... ' - UWIrtU AIM; , FLOWS OVER FIELDS 1 I l" 1" 1-. a. I . I - I KLAMATH K.M.I.S. dr., : ,; Work i. l l. ,,., . Hlwuod sails glaphophoiic, ,) .,.. "" ..II ,,l:,g t us mi ........ . ii ( ipi i la ,.-,,, 'oml progress I . I., 1 . r , .1, ,. ...mil i 1 ' Ii" . caiml . ii Ki.it- r i,ik m,-r. t.M..i.. ii A """"'. h" 1,11V.- II, ., , ,. "Ini.-I II,,. ,,,,. ,.r,,SB s rivi r , (i "Ml Hi.. ,1,1111, ,... , riiiiL'ini 1 1..- details r .'. . i)v,-r 7IHI.IIIUI r,-,-i r ,.,i ,i,.!:. ..... " ..!; r'-l'"'-l r..r Ihi. structure. , .,, hi-.- iii ii,,.. w,.,i K,.,,iug it ,.i. -n,i. ' " """" ' I'l'hd. ,11 r,liI1B , Hi- hllllS of II, ,r,.., I..T I. This south l.ran.l, ,..-,,, j , m water down II,,- i,,;,!,!!,. ,.f ,i... f, '.. valley frniii ii,,. ,,,; i ', " . ; in- iiih.-s "f Which WllS l-,,4lrili-li-.l I... . i o-.nos it,.. ,,,, ,.( .,.,. nijjri jaM ; "f Kl:i,.-ill, Falls. , ,,. jn. , B ,in ! ' """ N-' r. t.-ir.v i;.-,rli.-l. ,.. ap i proved ih- l.i.l of M;,..v .r,,.r, 4 ! "i nun -mi,,-,-.-,. ,., fr , li"i. of fue mil,-, , ,,. ,, ,r:ilJt. "- .".!'!T, ll- nrk it. , .i.-l.-.l in In.- month.. ,,.,, "' '" P-"y . ..n :l,.- .T......I i'-iril,L' I, -J!,,, I . r.. -i.lv I. l.v M.IV l.-ik.- I". Il. II,.- Work. unls mi easy i.avm.-iiis HI ,. ....,. If yon want ii-n rronin, jjlv,- your or l-T li tin. Ui.ok Shirr Creamery. All garden truck i fruit' ,uf Medford in thriving. All kiliijii of .job printing at 'rlln, Jrires 'Die Tribune. All night ri-Mhiiirinil nt . Km.-ri.-k tllllll rurllii-r lint ire. II. Hwect, William K,-n,Iii! i,i ,, Ilnzolrigg went to 11,,-ir ,-luims An telope i-r.-i-k tliiH week. Miu Kiln Oaunyaw, stenography and typewrit.!,;.. Room 4, Palm F.lock. Tlie only ,,rit ,op j Southern Or Hun pinployiiiK Typographical I'lii,,,, J. r in torn. The Tribune. I), bavin, a rani-h. r from m ar Jack sonville, transacted liHi,.M i v,., f'.l'.l Tm-hillly, Tin- liosl r-,jiii,,,., jl, printing offi.i in -Soul li.-rn )r.Coii, t-riipjovint; l,ill.-,l union .riiih-m ri. Tril.uno. I.-.- i-naiii ilWiv.-ii-,! hi any j.ail f ll rily. (ir.l.-r Iri.ai ll. i'r,. rv , iiotwl Hhin. i Tliw n.w il-,-llii,a al e,. .iiii, AiMilinn nro -.-ll ii.lv.-,,-,., H.-ii,l , .lfti..n. OII-r iriliaHi- ,,r.- Iii,u iniiilo ami i-iuiliai-lH for mon- l,i,il,lit." li'-ill(f Hilt-. Ifarry 'illli.-rlxi.u, K.-m-ral i-oi,lr..l..i iin.l l.iiil.li-r, .-i-in.-iit work n hi Inllt Ar.idr.ird, dr. Il.livcr.-.l. sivi-.-l iri.iii, i,, .-, ,,.,i, lily. l...l,. ,,,irv. V,,.r kl .. II. f,.ri, r!.v .,vz;,t .i, j . hirin-v for I'aj... r..t:uty, ! . ,w , ; - Itoi...-. Mai,,,. n, i,., , n. f ii'inl.-r in Us AK, ,. ,,,,,.., 1 1, 1 ttro.ii!. .M,-,lf..l V11.-H.I.1V ,. if. Lis lull,,... If yon rtanl ,w.-. t .-r.-,i, r Imtt, r milk. ,r,l,-r from In l .-.-iii,.-rv r w:ii, li for th Wilson. D. livi-ri.'H nia.li- ,.v.-rv day. I'h.mo v. ii:i. . W.- ili-liv.-r iv... t 1-1-.-.-1.1. ,.r liiilh-nnilk "v.ry .In v; nah-l, (,,, ,r ... phoi... or.l.r, l tin- i r.-am.-rv. l'l ,Mo. 'il';',. I-. .0. .Ni-I,.,,,. ivli,, fiirmi-rly oi,-rah-i 11 xnnmill on Amli-rniin ,-r,-i-k. I.nl l,.t ""'kNon v tliri-i- vi-arM ai, 1 10 -iii-illor.i l i,,.v t-, on i i, MI.VH .1,1,1,,, ,1, -,,v .ts A,!;.,,, win-r.- In- i,;,k r,,,., sin,.,- li-atj,,;, ii,- "" ""'I will rnniiiii In-r,-. Hon't In- ,,-r,.ivi-,i l,v Inlying Blii,,,,,, in fh.nr nt fl.r.o ,.r w,.(. ',.,ri, nniim inilinlrv Mnv llnvl, n I 1.30 per nm-k. Mv.-ry wi.-li L-i,,irnii SENATOR CULRERsnM ig" , ..... .. ... " The White Sale Now in Full Blast ! yu .liiiiLrlii.T fri-adiiiitc' this year Sow is the I III I.. jv(. ,. j,((,s f(. (1.(,ss f . t- v.ai,t any iini.slinwcai- tliis suiiiiiht now is the time 1 1 . : r . ... ' 1 11 " i" wive. 1 011 ran r-crtaiiilv save in. -y ..11 all whiti' i otti.ii j r00,ls hy inlying dm- lit.:; :i:i sale. ( nine and exajniiu' the v:ilius .ununv 1- LONO LITIGATION PROMISED T08 KLAMATH TIMBER BELT 1 KHUATII Kll.l.v. llr. M:, I-.,- ..,.l. tr,.j ,,,,..r ,..! H ri. I- i ro-Ji nr. i.rri-il l:i,t fall. a.,,- mm ,.-.,.. (I,, ,.,, '-1 -"'I l'--'"i' ,l.i,-.sl liom.-sloa.l ' ' -""I ti.--w .-lain,, ..,r- .,,11 ;.. '010. t t ma!,,,, t.'i.-ir ,.iaa '"'.ii: in... 1.H1.1., ,1,0,1 ( t, ,,. !.in,.-. t tin- w I, Hj, 1, .,, I'll- values fur 7c 12 1-1V values f.u- 9 1-V values fur llf4 I'd.- Villlles fin- IS values fur 19 ::n.- values f..r 23c '"" values fur '27 C Hi.- values f..r '.. 29c "l.- values fur "" values fur -174 7-"m- values for 59r K")e values fur 63 fl.'MI values fur fl.--) values fur tl-")!! values for tl.T.j values for HI values for 2..)i l values for f:.(MI values for f:!.")!) values for l.i M) values for M.(K') values for 73C 93e $1.10 $1.39 $1.49 SI. 89 $2.19 S2.39 ....S2.98 . ...S3.G9 nr-l -., ,.f ,,ri,Pi,, ,,,,,1 . ,1,1, tiM iii-T,. ar.. a nniiilii-r of i-a.,,-, u-li "'r'" I"'1""'"" nr.- n-Hiilinjr ,,,, t, " iiart.-r w-i-lioii. Th.-v all ,.,;,. nun In. -nil v ri-lalii.i... I , to ntio.-ii,,,,, ,,. r,,,, ; i.i . , ml i-v, ry on,- r.-.-,-ivino tin ii.lv.-rsi. i,i,ill III ,,. I.ak i.i' : ' a i ..-III III. .-.iliiiiiiwioii.-r of l,,. ,.,.rl l,,.l "I I O'l". Il , .. - - linn.- i, an sin il. u u 'I'.; nixli. ami ll,r(. i., , , , ,,, '.'"K" '" ' r I I h, r,. r,,,,,. Tl, ii" l is it has only i.i .,,i,. I,.,ii. I ions . I .... "-as.-s will In- l.,,r, 1 imi.ssinii.T ami 1 1,,, ,1, ,,,, ! ,l-l-, V.-.-l.-U tood. Try it. If vou ,,,n,'t ,,,.( )t Krii.-.-r s. i-iinii, to tin. mill. NOT A CANDIDATE DR. SEELY 18 WITNESS IN WALLOWA MURDER TRIAL ' i s i -,ii.'s,lav .-icnii-,, ...... -.. .iih,-. in-., n i,i-i'i. I. I,,.,, I" i i tlie ins,. f t. H,. ,,, Oi'.uon is. .lanios lloiis, tvlio is on trial hir 111.- innr.lrr of a mini l.v ll. nam ol Suns. Mr. si, v,,,. K lours .-hjo, n.l ,r. ),ls .,IN 1 1-i , - I 1 livi.-h-.l of I ,i., ) , iiin-in Ins ens,- was .,-v..H,,,. lo. "'"ii'i I h. ion yours in ll, slah I ti'Nlmr.y iiion Hi,- first virtinn "r- " y in Wiilh.ivn i,iiniv l 1 1 Hio killinK nml all, u,, " nun, who ,li,, n r ,vi ho lllisoiil from .Modlotd for t. n days. NO MORE FLOUR FAMINE IN CITY OF LAKEVIEW LakovioivV n, -w flonriiid mill will 'II'"!"''1 iy inn nrsl of .s,.,,.,.r " "' Huh yoar s i-royp. ,sl yiar l.nko i-onnlv siifiVi-.-.l ir,,, fr 111111 ""'I Hi" n.-iv mill was ,nl up t ... a trriiii r Hi,- sliorlauo in ! flour supply. has i-ncoiirai;..,! ; niiio-rs, ami in,, , r ,(,.,. f vh is mii.-ii lai.-r tins y,.,ir tln it n.-.ii for son-nil y.-nrs. Kjainiiioi. MR. AND Mllfl. IIOIIE I.EAVH TO V1.S1T (IARDEN CITY M. II. mid Mrs. II,,,;,., , ,t "' M ""I I'oi livo ,- a hull .yearn, loll w,,,n,.s,ay fr Oat ils nan., wli, r ,y ill I l00Klllr ,.,.,- ,, ,.,,, ,,,! o, ,.i,..ri-sis llioy havo Ihoro. Tlo.y will r""lr" fold nl I .v I.",. M"t!" lor It,,, pas,. has l. porlor for tli,, Ti il is unowii iis an all v ami r i-ily Hlti.im-y. I.AKOE NEW MILL IN KOUTIIERN OltHdON 'I'll.' All;, .ma , .r -s i """"" la. I, hi, , will havo a ,.,, io ,.,.!,, , 'l,,i,v- 'I'lir pain l, . "(I...V.-.I. II has a la,,,. ,,,,,., ,,,, ""' Kl' HI' l.nk.. null, .a, l l,,, o, for ll. , ,;n , ,.,,,, , 1- ,"'!- "' ,- ha, l."fi.'.'. Loll ol l,,l,,.r , m M1.ilii. l-.-l -I l,l., r. " ..."-il I .Mi I I . . ,- ,; w . , , ., ". .in. .., ' mi. rsini of r,.v.,u : . li'lah. lor . ,,.,.inii,. r,.si,l...,,i,.i """ no was ii roin ol.,. ... :.. Klat.-i,,..,,! t.KlHv ,v HUiry ,. Mv inMMjiiinii f Ji.ii ,i, ... ... '".Will hills ( (.,,MIV I) ...I '"I llllHNelf Ii.. U..I.I.I i I I . . ' " II IH KltVlljrl.h HK'I'el.V lllll II... I... tin- rlhiiiM' i.C I I. - . 1 , .."" Ill iih 'll'H'JJJtf iH. In i'-w nl' Dm .1.., ;.. i n .. , .. 1 Mll.i'iMon in his sliih'iiiriil, "I (I,.. :iv liai I nni i hir Hi,. .I,..,,,,,.,,,); . . , ' 1 mil inn l", H"'''"l- Tl,r is no i ,v "Ml"l Hi" T.-xas ,1,., :.. onvoiilion , .,i ,. ... i'""n'"1 " 'l-1-K..r.-H , , ,. iir iioiii in,, it ,,. , ... ,, "" "" iiryail. " "lv "I"' Ilml llio ,-l,r,isk,, is tin- i-lioii-o of M. , .... h--" ,,i,o.,v I, I 'ho ilon rats.' v ; . i . . ... . !"" " iniii' a I hi see II we (lout tfiv sel . overs, or six ,,f ;in t hin- here, say thai thev were formerly s,., at li.'.i- ea.-h, and you pay duriiii.- 1 liis sale 47e for eaeh. or -fL'.Si' for si-x. Six til; tlie former prieo, or. i"..-. is .:!.!(). Take front -.'!.!)() and it leaves you a ain of -f I. IS or almost doithle the former price of NOW LOOK UKUK. We have heen savino-you money at this rate on sf even- tin,. ,.P i... TTT.... i- iii r,i n y, we tire doin.u- it today; only we are (loin;.- ., itt(. heller for you all the time. W'A'I'CTl fin; invnmuc. Med ford's low price store Baker-Hutchinson Co. Inc C street just north of Jackson Co. Bank HERE'S Your New Spring' Suit What Kind? Every Kind. What Size? Every Size. What Color? Every Color. 7 PROBATE. Oiinriliaii A Mil mid Sophiii Wol- lors; onlor ina.lo allowiiiir si, l ol -..l -sliilo. Kslnlo liiiciuilii (IiiiiiiiiiI; ordor iiia.li- liimiiiK final hoiirino;. l-)stnlo Ainiin I,, llonv; ordor iniido I'or snlo of norsonnl itroni'i-tv. MAMMOTH COPPER MINE QUITS LUMBER BUSINESS KHNNKTT. l'.. ,M,,v r, ti... m "lolll i',,,,,.r .. ', ' , ""' "'K I'lisinoss. Its sawmill ,'"'"r ' I'-'"- I n si w nftor ll.'lllljr i ...,..: I'ifly mon w,-ri. laid off. 1 iipany has fonml il,,.. l. iv pon haso I .r ,.,, ':. in maiiiil'n,.iiri- il l-'i.-.. ,i '"'"I'.t lias lall,-,,, ,, s,,,,',l. 1 1, si niai,iila..nro at II, ;.. i... :.. ns'sl; for Iho hosl I, ,,.. ..... "lin ii"" I n rut iiwnv .,.l i " '' f I"' prli.l riv'al'r- '""''f. I I Illl.nnv has tinihi-r on Int.. I ii...,' i. .' tt lie. I. Dentil of Fltits Lit on. ..,! is omloavoi in., i.. ; '' KiiiKl I'lii's, whi.-h, savs Know!,.,!,.,,, in , ml.nill,.,! l ..I,... "" '' I"1" '" Hi" .ti-'.- innlion "' "' f In linK s in '".v ll:l1" I n iis,."llnini.,, ih.'ir ''' u''"l 111 hisloiy has I i, , ,, 1,-fnl I v it-nl,,, I ,,i. i snoosiion.- ro niii.l. '" ""' ""'""or in whi. li Ihoir , lllllllipiii'lllii,,, ran I,,' Rufus Cox Is Dend. Itnl'ns C.u died at his li , i . on North (' street Wednesday inornitiL'. need 7lt years, lie was liorn in ltonno eniinlv. Tennessee, and served three it it. I it half ye nrs in the I'ivil war. Classified Advertisements Ono Cent a Word No single lusor lions less than in cents. Six Imuirtions for tha urlco of four. Hoventv.flTc rents a line per month. WAXTKIJ -liislnviisher at II I Xnsh t oil SAI.E- Old pap.-rs, all fr .1 pin I ritiiiiie offie... VA N'I'KII- (lirl for jioncral honsoworl l.lla l.mivaw. i''iimsui:i uiioms - ri o'heii ..vof iostofl'iee. l-'lMi S.l,l-:--l-1rosh niil.-h eows. ltiiiiiie tit ( oss resideliee. WAN'THH To Imy from lilil l .ton hoa.l of sloek si p. Wtilo II, ,11 1.11 M.dr.ir.l, Or. I'olt SAI.I-: r, room InniKalow, .insl. fin ra.l.lt a I.. I I,,.. p i.-, .lil,l ll. , i,, ''"'I. Il will l. inh-rosiiinj 'ihi-r ll. si;o,.sii,,ns will l "- ail. if .s, wh,-ll-. am ' illinium,,,,, of n,,.M, i,., "'' next ,o,n DANCE OF ST. ANN .SOCIETY POSTPONED TO MAY M '' f I ho si. V,,,, h"-h was ,lai,i,l , . ,.,,, M hi, "l-f II ", M T (;,. Mnv I'J. has l.,, tioek,. in, hi Mav ,,i i.hilily of ll- tad,, , , ,,' ohlain ll, hall ,,n a -,,il,,l, li.r I ,1 ll ,lal. WRESTLING MATCH TOMuIlT AT ATHLETIC C'LUll MEETINd The .l,.,ll,, Alhl-li, hiniuhl nl tl. Opna lions,. a.l.l, lion hi tho ri'nlnr ronlioo l,,-,i,,,.H j eidollllll h, B.-l t inu Iho .lot. w,ll ,u..,ii il'.e'l, sevornl w re-l lino I . ilt.x iii)( iiinti-kos lire si heduhd In tnl,,, pla.-o. Kiery mi, nil,,. r of the , l,,l, i, ro,posi,, to inake i-v.-ry effort to l., pros.-nl Head Ploicod hy Hatutn. Mrs. Xollio Homer of Sun I'mio-is,.,,, While ri.lili(f li liieyi-lc nloiio Viiloiicin street, was inn into liv a slreohiir nil, I her lislpin tins ilrito n with terrific force thniiigli her skull. Sim it nt St. l.nkit', hiiMijtii iiiicoiiscioiiN nml Iter rcenvcv il doubtful. Tlioin.ison Boo, i,l nu. M'-I:i . I'lil.. May II ..I. W.'tI,,.,,,,, ' -"'I "h un.iol lai,-,.,,t .,,.,,1 :' - ''""" I hallos K,,,tf M.'iilai;".-. ha. I l, ,, ., ,A.1M1 "'" " '' '"-" Ho- IV, V " "I"" ""I's.lat all, . an. I "as IioiiimI vir hi ansitor in th ,. ' ",r , I. Ih. , ,,, ..,. I ,, ,1 ,,, , , l l"is I ,i l ha, l , n al,l,- I,, k.,,,. " I'm. , I hail, an, I I,, ...... r .-. ,,: 'h, jail. islod- ,-l, I'hihlors. WAXTKK llllsl ho ash. I'OK SAI, I'onililioll, fice. U'AXTKIi f:i in ilt' si tool. p if sold soon. Soo liny A liirl for jjoiiitii! hon.sewnrli I ,-inik ; Wildes rf :tli. Hot. '--I H. Is riinnlioiii in good flllll'. In,inrc rrilninit A laniidiess for a . Apply hi II. I). I'oslor small llth HORN. I'N II'SIH, I" Mi ami Mi. I . .1. Mat I. I'lii, . i.hoi,. a danoh MMMiiN., I. loos, "I Mi it"init:i!s l'."' lo II .. ,lai."hl II" l', I" Ml. a ,la, 11,1,,, . In .la, l,s,,iu ,ll. '' o' .Imil... I .oh. Mai . II. Sim pnl -s, lt',.,1 u.'ls. I. WA.NTHh Ten teainshrs with teaiii. wanh-,1 l.v Western Oronon Or.-hards . 'o. lit onco; m',,,1 waxes. " I'oli SAI.K- Iteo riinalioiit in i?,,o,l con- ililion. I need a Inr-jor niii.-hiiic II. Warner. Jr.. :t W.-irnor's shir., I'or Mi - ii u. road Iioiii M. , Il'ord I,, .la.-ksoiit ill.-, a hnl.y 's white coal. Call al TriLlinc tiffit-o. l'OU SAI.K A $L'illl(l iiinrlittc, gilt c-io se.nrity, i.o taxes. S per cent net. Iii.piire of the Medford Realty Rent nl o.. Medford, Or. I'AI.'TY w-ish.-s to iret loan of .tOil oi, I" inies of raw- land that is worth M'i'H': x-io.l ahslrnel; wilt pay to per coin. Lock llox (loll. I I'I. SAI.I-. t hotce frtut nml oriiiie lan.i, near Jacksonville fall and see Jacksonville Itoal Kstate Co., Jack sent ille, Or. .I'OR .SAI,K-Y 8 Bt 1W fnr ! snlo; pneo 40. K. Morris,,,,, R. 1'. I. No. 1, Orift'in Crock. , -Vrooin ,.ttK; I.Miai,, j,- ,!,,. M , Mrs. (J. I', t'mnoron, ,.wr ,, nml I, streets, West Medforil : , W..'',:).s,;,,1,))fl..,p(,r V-- ( i ti""; soin.i exjiorionen; inoderah. sal n ry. Address .St,.Kr, r, ,.,. Tri hnno. .. -I. i l'ICT.,NARV1.'OI!SA,.1,ThrI11'y!; , "Hies, stnudaril anllmi-iiv r i.:.. . .. A l.ilrB,iin. Apply to Triimno office or I i ito In P. (). llox 4 )8, M,,,l foril, or. 42 ! I' eTIOMAItlKK FOR SAIiK-One of "ehstor; Intern.Hioiial Dictionaries iiii.il,ridBe,l nml indexed; very latest' "III ion, nwny li,.w cost - ha, ,lm-r len used. Ap,,y ,,, Tril,,,,,,. officer write lo 1. (, 4 tHi MiMlfnnl, )r. 4" Il'sthehestSuitatlheprieeyonwishto pay that wc havo ever heen ahle to d-fer, whirl, is savin;.-, of eourse, the best you'll he ahle tot. Worsteds in stripes and plaids, cut hotl, eonsovvativc and extreme. The cloth makers have worked with us to provide the man who wishes to spend 12.50- 15.00- 20.00- 25.00- 35.00 fr a Suit, will, a Letter oarinent' tha n he has ever been ahle to Ket for one third more monev. I'oli SAI.K- sellliiiij, ",(l "f -l-i lo-ns 'I d Wllilo While Leghorn es for renin for 1.1, from flock 'i.ke.1 from r.iln slamlard Lci-h.irn .-hi. -I,,. ou it. LOTHING M', k.n Til AM) 11 STREETS. OX THE CORNER BUSINESS CARU3. I'"""" l!'-'l. Medford; also pasture for ,.,,. ,',lfli,,, ,.iy . J. T. ANKROM, WIOI.I, DlfidKR. MHDI-'OFiD, OR. Prices ritjlit. Pumps (Sirnislinl when W.mteil. I'olt SAI. K-Mi.. V. r : so in o;,!n, repnir, choi, nrner, wil sonll, iil . 't fri.nl. I wo lots, close l,sies I""'1 "' wn: price LNiln, ,,,. ,..,f terms on balance. I,,,i,,. premises. -JL' I SU ( , I'"" WALK -A frnme l,i,i,,tt, i,,,,,,, "" 11 hi Oeltolioai 1 Medford and Jacksonville, ' , '""imliiin road; also hrick and stone Pl'ly lo W. 11. I'orcy, ; y , One ',', I '"If SAI.I.! I),,.. i...,, .. . ...iii, I.,,,, lr old .slalli,,,, ,,,. .,.,...i, ,,. hoar, seven head mill. ,.... I :..' of llorl Anderson. I ... I ..... 1 ... ...... "'"''''"'""Is I'l-' four miles l,l,',w ihal I'oint on Hear creek. ' POLITICAL CARD. MA1ILON PURDIN. Caudldate for I.'I:im;i:sknt.T1VK On St-iU-meiit No. 1. Kavors Kiiar.inlee. hank deposits. D. H MTT.T.PO 'Ai). -: for KKPHKSKXTATI VK on statement No. I. J. R. NEIL. Democratic Nominee. roK roi XTY JVntJK, WILBUR A. JONES. DemcK-raUc Nominee. I'OR SHKRIVP: BALL & OLOSCOCK. t'onlrachirs nml Huil.lors. All Work (liiariinteed. Office with C. II. Pierce & Son. Minnotir,.-!. p. o, ,!ox 77, WIW.IAM C. DEBLEY, KoRident Piano Tuner. SpeeinJ Itates hv Iho V lloail,iiarh'rs nt. Hale's Piano House. - ah mint (.unrautoed. P. o. Hoi .Hill, MKDl'oni), OKKIION. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Surfr.'nn. Office nt. it.-si.lcnce. Win. M. Colvig, Medford, Or. ! ""1.V1U p. UUKHAM, Attorneys-lit Law. I Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. 1 Medford Furnituro Co., Undertakers j Hay phone :i.-,1; Niojit Phones: f W. I I'onklin 4!).'i; J. 11. Itntler 114. I Wllff U7 n linr m n Physician and Surfteon. K"l" ''"'"t. Oregon. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL COI. I EECTION AGENCY. Lock Box SOS. Medford, Or. E. B. SEELY. M. D. """ i Physician and Surgeon I Mmlern Knuinnrd (liTii,r R. ,.,.. in... vuiice Hours, lli-1 ir. L 4 M Office in Jackson County Bank Bldg. 00 TO DR. GOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. Special For Saturday For Ladies Only AVe will positively -ive a demonstration of Sreat Jieart interesl to the ladies upon whose shoulders rest the dn ties and responsihilil ies of household en res. What is It???? Come to MEDFORD PHARMACY Saturday Afternoon or Evening 600; DIED. 11 " Ks Al I' "ii- ' nl.. April .'.!. I'1"-. Mrs. M. . Mirk,, ,,IW f ,, '"'' 'I"" Hicks, formerly of ,, lam I. ai;... II tear,. SHAUI' -At A.hland. Mv l.w.s v.i lie Irene Sharp, wile of I '. y. sh'ai,,p aged 33 years. l-'OR SAI.I-:- Two iuciihiitors. ow.l milv one season, for .sale cheap; capacity of each, 'Jill euif,, Impiirn at War hit's store. Warner A Snyder. If mil !si,r. one V. s. (ream Sepa rator, No. li; .inn capacity; j.,,0,1 n, new; cost tl; will sell for :. 11. ('. Ileiisley, t'entral Puiut. KOIt SAI.K S; .Tul17lTsi,Ts"l'irihe uiarkct now; ehoice ten acre tracts, 1,,-sl I, M-ation in the n,.y. 1 SV,. demeyer, .Licktoiivillo. B. P. MULKEY, Itepuhlii-an Xominee f,,r IMSTltlcT ATTORN KY. W. T. GRIEVE, Prospect, noiince Precinct, Kepuhlicaii Nomi i fr I'OI NTY ASSKssou. Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse, .-r. iT..tin Jsi Kr.r.T, Will always support the rcpuhlicnn i lllldolalo for P. S. senator it It. . i hint. , I hv tl,,t iM-ople. JOSErit L. HAMMER SLEY, of lo.l.l Hi, Republican Nominee for ki:pi;kskn itativk. H. M. CAKE. of Poll land, The Advocate f Statement Xo. I, Republican Nomine for ' I lNITKl STATKS SKNATOK. "He Has Xo Other Husiness. ' ' COUNTY SEAT REMOVAL ! FIGHT HOT IN LAKEVIEW With the aiinroa,,, ..i" il i.,..:.... I he count v scat removal fiKht in t ike l.ouiiiv Krows cradiiallv waruior. The papers of the north end f t, ,.o,,iv are heaping alutse, on tl,,,,,. f (n", south en.l and i'i, e versa. Some who advocated, or ralliO ,ig,.,l ,e petitiou. l-'iskinit that the um-stimi he .-.,t...l have re ntl and are asking the .-,,; ty court for perusion to withdraw their names. This fight means that Hie question of county division is one that i, certain to come up in ,.gi, I at u re. 4- . ; 4e are selling on an average more than (MO sacks of Waits- loirg Pure White Flour every ii ooth. There j, a reason for 1 1.;. ,i . . . .tl . IH'OI, h up.. ...n. ' .my that this flour ! nicer, whiter hread and : of it than nn.- ...I... I "" Hi" market in Med- ? Try il and if this stnte- . isn't Into in every par- s will cheorfiillv re. ! l id !!" Ill -Mi, ,.- III. I kc, inor,. 1,1.1 'i.ii.t your money. ALLEN REAGAN I ! j the Grocery on tha Oorowr, The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE, Furnishes hot water for t.r. oil very short l.oticc It ran be used on the tea table or in the kitchen Attaches to any elect rolier durable ROGUE BIVEB ELECTRIC CO.. Successor to Condor Water Power Co. Of-' nco i'UB w. 7th il.,' -epp. big electric sign Phone 855. MARRIAGE LICENSES. l harl.-s II. King and Mini Van n.vke. M- i: Hicks an.) IVarl Chapman. Wedded at Hnnti,ri. At lloruhr.s.k on Sn.lay. April i,; llard V. Jon., ,) Agne, K. Mills Here pronounced m.-.n an.i :. .. I"'ne of the bride's ,i,ter. Mrs. Whi','.' ten. The hri.le .-. - . ... . . . , . , - " or .tl u nion-. but has been living in l,ir,rook f,., some lime. The . ... . o. u son oi i . '"II.,. the nionnr . '. t,,n in oi i torn nrook, and a large stockholder aid officer in the T. .! co,,y. one f the largest irenersl m.,rl,.. ,. , . " ..j.oii- pstsie Itshmenti in the county. nil inui haM.