THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEPFOHD, 01?., WEDNESDAY. MAY f.. J?KK OTHER SIDE OF $ATER PROBLEM Attorney Phtpps Replies to Assert ions by Water Committee Claims W ass on Canyon Springs Has Insufficient Flow to Supply City of Medford. Medfor.l, Or., Mfiy 0, To Die Editor:. Wltilo the Tribune simtains the wator eommitteft nnil the in oiu ho rn of the city council in the iur ehuHO of tho Wosson ranvon water rights, its "litr in to lie cninmeiultt for liberality in printing what tin op position has to offer. Thm int'tropoli tan churnetttrintic will porchnncc hriiif; tlie'Pd apple blush to tho check of .tho nverngt country editor, hut it Kpcaks volumes for tho progression of Med ford 'a daily newspaper. From your isoue of the 4th instant, under tho headline, '"l'lentv of Water for Medford," I take the following ex cerpt: "Tho committee members n sue it that they accepted the only proposition in Ritfht that had a gnurHntop attached, and it is further set forth that if ad ditional water is needed it can be se cur 3 from the north fork ot the Little Butte, the same pipeline and survey being used. " City Engineer Osgood states that. the pipelino will not be completed for n year at least, and that in the meantime accurate data will be collected regard ing the flow of Wnsson canyon springs. As regards both quantity and quality, there is no question but that the city has made no mistake." I'n a business proposition a guarantee i accepted as a sign of weakness. An indemnity bond is never necessary when a good commodity is purchased. AVhat pmfiteth a bond of $15,000 or $2.,000 to the city of Medford after it hath spent $It( 10,000 in building.a pipe line to the head of a dry gulch' Certainly no 'man of business judg ment would spend the means and a' year's time in building a pipeline if he had in the .Uieuntime. to ascertain whether or not there "were a sufficient supply of water. Everybody but the committee who has visited this "can yon" in the dry seasons says it is in sufficient. Suppose, after the pipeline is done, or at least well under way, it should develop that everybody else is right and the-committee wrong, what then would the city do? I'ay 2.1,000 to the owners for an additional amount from Little Butte? Whatever" the amount, this Very important point is undisputed. The creek which it is proposed to pipe is formed from certain sprpings and seepage covering a considerable area of land. "Cattle, hogs and 'other stock run at large and during warm weat,ht r drink from and stand and wal low in these waters. Physicians say I hat (his is the worst of all sources of contamination. Not only so, but water tastes some better without the bovine exiaet. In tho deal the city gets none of the land and consequently has no right, to fence or otherwise protect the water. Even with "a guarantee at tached, " is this a good buy for the eilyf Besides, the "guarantee" ex-press-y excepts riparian -owners. The guarantee in effect amounts to nothing. Why did not tlm committee investi gate Hogne river or Itig Butte, whore the supply is known to bo ample guar antee or no guarantee. The quality of Big Butte water is un surpassed, while Itogue river water is hotter than that used by hundreds of eastern cities. If filtered it would be: perfectly pure, (irants Pass makes out with it and it would not require $;t00.0im to supply Medford with filtered water from Rogue river. What evil star led the committee away off into Wasson canyon after ' ' guaranteed ' ' water? What, will the Oregon board of health do in the matter? W. E. PHIPPS. . For Irrigation of Rogue Valley Lands Xow is the opportunity for ranchers, farmers and nreliardists to secure an ample supply, of irrigation water, and at t he same t ime interest a la rge amount of capital in the valley. Kuhn Bros., hunkers of Pittsburg, Pa., have agrerd to take hold nf the Eif-li Lake Bitch company, complete the fystcm, enlarge it and irrigate the entire lioguo liiver valley, providing enough property owners sign agree it"'nts for the water to prove that there is 'in actual demand for irrigation. The eer.traets are to be placed in escrow, and if water is not speedily supplier), are to be returned. An investment of millions will fo jW. It is he first real chance land owners have had. Water will double the value of nil land. See or write f. K, Hamilton, Medford, at once and he will explain details. If the land is not signed up within a few days the deal will be off. It ORDINANCE NO. 151. An ordinance authorizing and direct ing the execution of a contract for the construction of k water distributing system for the City of Medford. Urn gen, and prescribing the form thereof. lA City of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. The mayor and the record 1 er of the city of Medford. Oregon, are hrehy authorized and instructed to en ter into and execute a contract with ' the Jncobsen Bade Co., in words and j figures ns hereinafter set forth upon execution by the said Jaeohseu Dade Co. of the bond in said contracl pro id ! i Following is I he said form of said , cnnl raet: : PROPOSAL. Medford, Oregon, April 21. Uhls. To the Hon. Mayor and City Council,' Medford, Ongun. Oentlem. n: Tho miriinigmd Io n by , propoie to construct wntcrwurks for the city of Medford, Oregon, in accordance with the pi a us on filo in tho office of the city recorder of Medford and the at tached specifications and contract, for the following prices: Excavating and back filling trenches, per cubic yard $0.85 Hauling and Laying Cast Iron Pipe. 1.12-inch pipe, per I incur foot .1S 10-inch pipe, per linear foot 13 S inch pipe, per linear foot .10 0-inch pipe, per linear foot .u$ 4-iuch pipe, per linear foot 00 Hauling and placing cast iron tees, crosses nnd curves, per pound (U each Hauling and placing hvdrauUt, Hauling and Placiug Valves, Including Valve Boxes. 1:1 inch valves, each $-1.00 10 inch valves, each ,...$;i.50 inch valves, each ti inch vulves, each $2. 50 1 inch valves, each $2.00 We agree to complete -the work on or before tho tlrst day of August, 100S. A cert ified check for five (;") per cent of tho amount bid, in favor of the treasurer of the city of Medford, is herewith enclosed, which wo agree to forfeit to the city of Medford if we shall fail to execute the attached con tract and furnish the required bond, to be approved by tho mayor and tho city council, wit bin ten days after being notified of the acceptance of this pro posal. JACOBSEN'-BADH CO., Bv C. 15. BADE, President, SPECIFICATIONS. Material to Be Furnished by the City. Tho cast-iron pipe, special castings, hydrants, valves and valve boxes will be furnished by the city of Medford, delivered to the contractor in good con dition at the railroad station in Med ford. They shall be hauled to the work and placed by tho contracl or,' mid all pipe, special castings, hydrants, valves and valve boxes injured in handling shall be replaced by ami at the expense of the contractor. Tools and Material to Be Furnished by the Contractor, The contractor shall furnish all the necessary tools and appliances for do ing the work, and the city shall furnish the lead and oakum for the joints. The lead shall be pure soft lead. Construction. The waterworks shall bo constructed in acocrdance with the following speci fications: Excavating. The trench for the pipe shall be ex cavated to line' and to the grade shown on the profiles, and it shall be one foot wider than the outside diameter of the pipe. Opposite the pipe joints the trench shall bo nxcavated two feet wid er than the outside diameter of the pipe and six inches below grade for a length of one and one-half feet, for the hell holes. Any material taken out in excess of the above stated dimensions will not bo paid for. The material shall be deposited not less than two feet from the side of the trench. Ex cavation and backfilling shall bo paid for by the cubic yard, measured in the oxenvation. Backfilling. The material . filled around and over tho pipe for a depth of four inches shall be fine material. The balance of tho trench shall be filled with scrapers or shovels, nnd the surplus material de posited in a ridge over the pipe to al low for settling. On the streets that aro to be paved this year the backfill ing shall be sprinkled and thoroughly tamped in four-inch layers until com pact. On the other streots tho back filling shall bo thoroughly settled with water. The trenches shall not bo back filled until the pipe has been tested and cepted. LAYING CAST-IRON PIPE. The pipe shall be laid with a bearing the full length, the spigots tight against the bottom of the hubs and the inner surface of the pipe even at the joints. Yarn gasgets shall be calked tightly into t he hubs, t he joints filled Hush with lead at one pouring- ami the lead thoroughly calked into the joints until I hey are water tight. The depth of lead in the joints after calking shall be not less than two inches. Ttie in side of the pipe shall be kept clean and free from earth and gravel after it its laid. Whenever pipe laying is stopped at the ends of the pipe and the outlets in all crosses and tees shall be plugged mil 1 1 the connect ions are made. Distributing System. Street mains, valves and hydrants dinll be put. in as shown in red on t he map nf tho city. The necessary cast-iron tees, curves ami crosses shall be put in for connect ing the mains and hydrants nnd for the proposed extensions shown on the map in doited lines. I he millets tor these extensions sJiull be plugged with cast iron plugs, leaded in. Hydrants shall be set ten feet from tin' p'reet main and four and one-half feet deep. The hydrant connection with the street mains shall be four inch pipe of the same kind as the street mains. Valves, with cast iion valve boxes, shall be put in opposite the block cor tiers whero &nown on the map. A stone of concrete block eighteen shall be put in back of each hydrant and the special castings where there is danger of the joints blowing off. The street mains shall be laid twenty feet from thj property lines nnd to the grades shown on the profiles. The present street mains that are to j be left in an; shown on the map in green j These mains shall be connected with j the new system where connections are marked on. the map. ' Testing. I When the distributing system is completed, the pipe shall bo filled with wnter and subjected to a pressnro of 100 j pounds wr square inch for not less r than twelve hours without leaking nnd i until accepted by the engineer; or, the1 pip.- system may be tested in sections J in the same manner, if so ordered )y i t hi engineer. The city will do 1 he j pumping iicceixary i make thee tests without charge to the cent nu-tor. The distributing system shall be made wal r 1 tight and all d'-f-'cts tnnde g,,od by und 1 at the expense of the contractor before j the Work Will be ueerpted by the criyi t ncer. ! I Maps, ProtUes and Plans, the maps, propfues and plans ac companying these specifications, on file j in the office of the City Kecorder of the M'ity of Medford, are as follows: j Map of city distributing system. Profiles of street mains. How Work Shall Be Done. All work shall be done in a first class, workmanlike manner, acoerding to the plans and specifications ued to the acceptance of the engineer. The work shall be done in the o'rder direct ed by the engineer. Engineer. Wherever the word "engineer" is used iu these specifications, it refers to the engineer employed by the city of Medford to supervise the construc tion of the waterworks. All Work and Material to Be Approved by the Engineer. All work and material shall be to the satisfaction and acceptance of the en gineer. No material shall be used until it has been inspected and approved by the engineer. Competent Men to Be Employed. Competent men shall be employed to do t he mechanical work, ami if any man employed is incompetent, vareless or object I'd to by the engineer, he shall be discharged. j Bridges and Guards. j The contractor shall provide bridges: and guards and red lights at night at I all road and street crossings during the ' time the trenches arc open. The foregoing ordinance was passed bv the cit v council this 21st day of April- KtOS, by the following vote, to wit: Trowbridge, aye; Ktfert, aye; Mer rick, aye; Hater, aye and Wort man aye; Olwell, absent. T. F. KEDBY, Mayor. Attest: bKN'.f. M. COLLINS. City Kecorder. Be Gosh! What is This thing 1 see A Cuban Presidential beef There's always something occurring iu Culm to command our attention and interest in our next door island repub lic. Just now the Cubun presidential campaign promises to be equally as warm and interesting as our own. Your enthusiasm will be aroused to its high est pitch once you smoke our BEL MA RCA 1 of cigars. Our cigars prove a pleasing smoko to critical individ uals. Manufactured by B, B. V. CIGAR WORKS. THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF IU.ANKS Warranty Owl Mt rteupi1. LoiiK mill Short Konns Sattafucl'ti of Morljruire Transfer of Linn Power of Attorney Mechanic' I.ien Water Kiiiht KKA1, KSTATE Quitclaim' Peed Rom for Deed MirlnKe I.i-aaO With Tux Payment Provision Option to liny Lnnri Atfcnl's Contracts MISCKLLANKOUS Hill of Sale Liquor License- Forms Notice to TrettiiiiKKpra Creditor's Cltiini A rains t KaUite Chattel Mortjmire Acknowledgment Confession of Juilirnwnl Covers for Hunka FOR ItKNT, FOR SAI.R. FdKNMSHKD ROOMS. KTC. (oncanlboanl). MINING Quart location Water Right OrcKon anil I'. S. Forma Contract to Sell Peed Proof of Lntxir JUSTICE OF PEACE Civil and Criminal SuhpooniM Attac'tmont Under t ikinjr atitt Atll Cnrnfchment Uftvitfor Atlurhtiiuiil Cost Bill Commitment for Fine Notice to Jurors Jury OrJpr Civil Complaint Warrant for Arreet PROBATE Petitions for letters of Administration, Administrator'. Executor's and (uanlian's Itoiid.4 anil leeds; Order Settinif Apart Proiwrly Exempt from Execution; Ordur Conlirmitiif Suloof Real and Personal Properly Citation; Commission to AupntUrrn; Let tent of Administration; Inventory ami Appraisement; Pnof of Will; Leitar Testament ury. CIRCUIT COURT Placer Location Bond for PeeU Miner's Lien Summons Execution Judgment Transcript Commitment for Trial Smirch Warrant Attachment Notice of Garnishment Grand Jury Subpoena Indictment Transcript of Judgment Undcrtnltinir and Aflldavit Summons for Attachment Coat Bill Criminal ami Civil Subpoenas Exocution Search Warrant Notice to Jurortt A complete, up-to-date line of U.S. LAND OFFICE.MCOUNTY COURT AND SHERIFF BLANKS. All printed after the latest and best forms, tp Orders promptly filled at Portland prices, cfc Give us a trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN m MEDFORD OREGON Made in New York HE Clothes we handle are' "Certified," because they have the mm w m 1 "Benjamin" label. A suit "Nearly Right" is about as satisfactory as a Cheqvie that is "Nearly Good." Buy "Benjamin" Clothes and know that you are buying the best. DANIELS' Cedap Beveled Siding ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quota' ion a promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILN'S AND MILLS AT (iLKXDALK ORKr.OX YAK l AND OFFICK AT M FDFOI.'D. OKKl The Great 6 For 5 Sale Is On in Full Blast at Meeker 6 Company's Big Store. Tlic ureal ri'diictinns and liberal offers we are making are aitracl ing the crowds, which thronged onr store today, the beginning of this great sale. Six yards of ('alien for the price of F.I YK Six yards of (Jingham for the price of KLYR Six yards of Lawn for the price of , FIVK Six yards Dress (ioods for the price of FIY1 Six yards of Lace for the price of ; FEYK Six pairs Hose for the price of FIYK Six pairs Shoes for the price of :..FIYK 6 of anything in our entire stock for the price of 5 ' do not rest rict you 1o any class of goods. K very I liing iu our entire stock subject to this great sale until June 1. I'alroiiie (he sloi-e that gives yon the best g Is and best; service for the least money. W. H. Meeker 6 Co. For an Attractive BUNGALOW lkt rs hi: li vor sflfct doous, WINDOW'S AND MATKI.'IAL THAT WILL (I Y L T II L l US I K L D K F F KCT Iowa Box & Lumber Co. M E f) P 0 R I) 0 R P 0 O N Seventh Sired New Clothing Store JQ 8TARTINO WITH TUB HOUP ;ni'l llli Willi III. v.. nll - fiii'l rrr intuit Mill f id.- (Ilinu-r y.m ;it lii'i''- tl. li.i.niH. VImm it ih llnottjfli V(mi'. j;l; ml nitui if yii rout. I in xiMy fiml nimii. Stop in hImim' hihI ilin-, Tlton ymi run ttrini vmir I'ricmh nfdT In n mhi w-'int tit ttviil to a r ilitllllT. The Nash Cafe Something New In Unliliir Tirm I hat it will ' vmi 1.1 iMMKtii;;.!... COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, n.itlsfuctlou mmr.iiiti'ed. Mitchell & Poeck GENERAL WAOONERS. Kat Ttli Strict, ri'ur nf M.irrininM ' liln, kniitli Slii.p. MwKnr.l, Or.