2 THK MKDKOKD J)AILY TRIBUNE, MKDFOBD. OR., WEDNESDAY, MAY fi, 1308. Medford Daily Tribime A Live Fapsr In a Lire Town. 'i hlisbed every evening except Sunday Medford Publishing Company. 0. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted an Second Class Matter in lliii Postnffiee at .Medford, Oregon. Subscription Rates: , Cue month, by mail or carrier. . . .$().."( "ne year, by mail B.Od "DIO YOUR WAY OUT." Hi II iil "If viui are in tlu-ro and waul to get out, I guess vim ran dig your way out," in Hie reply ('.unity .lu.lge I la i.-pnrl.-d to have madr In a taxpayer of I in- llig Hull,. M,-liuii who called llnill aim a tew ilti s ago In Irll liim uf tin' impassable eoudilion of a rutiul roads above Itniie Calls. "I'ray fur rain," is llo- reply im.iiiI maile In another nupayer ivliu ijili'Hteil tliat something lie done In li llie pile or gravel diniiM-d in ln ,-ont or llie clevnlcd. AiiiiIIiit taxpayer, who phoned an for lo II Mill In pay hull' Hie lusl slriii linji a mad li.nl llie plmae linn lli on it j in . A well known republican n( Hi Idille euititlry writes as follows: To Hie editor: In a recent issue your paper .Indue I'linn slnlcs llial tin is fr ifjll.illlil to KWl.tlon expended the county roads annually. " 'I"' I pi" of Untie Tails w like tn know where llieir slinre lias li expended. Tllere in a llllye auiount "-" P'n ' "no I n ik it isl net ene year, and I believe I would be wife saying there has not boon to ,,Xl. i- oonn oi worn none on tile roll iriiui iirownstioio to Unite .':ills in tin law! two years. i.asi summer tlie people sent in a p I II loll lo tlte linloiralde county court fi some work on lliiH road, but it was iinreii ami 10,11,1111; iloiie. Due of 0111 I.v commissioners was heiird In t llial Hie read was as good as Hie pen .1 tew iiny nun a taxpayer fnun Coll tails wan III .laellsnuville and dioppr 11, m, .11111,;,. im, 1, H nlliee and Inld I, uf a piece of i-nnd above lliitte -'n llial was iilmnsl impassable and II, Hie people aliove Wore allnosl slllll i I'min Hie nutside world. II,. remnrk llial if 1 hey were in there and waul lo net nut . guessed they " , , their way oul.'' We will surely he dug nut In- the Hi nl .lime ill time lo pu II,,. judo,. ff I), truck for another term. HEITIIUCAX V11TEK. A SPLENDID TRIP FOR YOUNG LADY Chance to See the Rose Carnival and Be Royally Entertained Vote for Your Friend aa Candidate for Queen. uilig woman who win, en coolest will have a THE WATER QUESTION. 'I 'c;i . . "no. piiius niiiay a eoiniiiuiii fill loll showing Uie oilier side' nf II,. water cunt rnvorsy. The points ilia. ceriainiy menl I lie 1, II on 1 101, f ,, ciiminillee and nlinnld he answered. Tin I rililllle will be glad to print replies. .Some of Hie water committee n angry tiecaiise llie Tnbi printed id jecliiins lo the propused s , f sMI i.le 'CI... 'C..!l . . 1 1-,.. t,,o inline 1 s 10 ne tne organ 01 ine people ami mi sides of nil ou lions are enlitled In a homing, ,i, nj Re 1 II Here. Ilccnusc letters are priuti does nut mean Hint Hie opininus o pressed are Hiiucli I cdi 1,11 mile. The Tribune has supporled Hie will. millee all iili.ui, and will mil convinced Unit a mistake lias been mad, l''ree discussion nf a suli.jecl thai , corns the pity's future ami welfare en only slrcuglhon 1 1. i-.iininil tit' if il In, inane no mistake. If , ms, t i . ler to Had II oul now Hum Inter. ASHLAND STATU NORMAL VICTORS OVER HIGH SCHOOL 1 no Ashland normal school defeated Hie Ashlnud l.ieli school Snhirdnv l. a irnrn of 8 to fi at baseball. In lidd day events. Hie unruials were victo riniis, sen, ine Hi ,, , fr Ml, , ; . , scllool. Winners in the events were: 'ill yard dusli Wilcox (normal), first "' '- niils; Col,, ( normal). ,.,. nnd; llosley (high school., third. looyard dash- i'c. tint, li In :, seconds; llailev ( i,il), so, . os ley, thir,. mi J 1 1 III I -IIIIL'CV lllolno.n li.u, Hid ; Sn I, (high Savle llllL-l, IN reel louclics; o, third. I'ole vault - lln, we first, S f,.,. i.i, llosley. third. li'-'llyurd dash l', s 111,1s; Wilcnx, s,c, Mlnlpul lleiuv feet II iiukos; II third. II ink jump ol.- 1 1,,, , , Mli '"blwell, sc, ; l:lu,.v. ,; Mile run II:,!;!,., mmiiiah. minutes 1,1 ,.,. s. i ,,!,!,,,,,, , school), s, I. I ,1,,..!, M,u Hill. I. hnol I II. I Hot, lime con, I; I In I. - x . (lint mall, Hrsl dec. second; S, L'l I I Inn REAL EST ATK TKANSruitS I Wins Hill M, K, ,. ,,, ,v, , In nil ill low 11, 1,, ,. ,., w Ilelll.v 'I'. Ijl, I, rs t,, c. prupiity in s,..,, llessi,. M,,.p,:,i, ,,, . pmpcll In I .,, M11I fold Nannie! V;n, I t,, .1 prupcrty in .,l,lai l.uey W. Chiipp.ll 1,, ', Swecndcnliui', piop,., 1 land It. A. Town In tiia, , ,N hall block III, .la. I I.ctoy II. Harney lo l(,,s,. rey. Iii.'Jl' acres in s.-, lunnship .'I. ranie L' William II. Milton t,, 11, i, ell, dileh r ipli t Vanpcl. sl, lln, n.. t , ASHLAND PEOPLE LEAVK TO SEE BATTI.l The lucky y. the cariiivul ipi, pleasant I rip. The rose show will certainly be one ,,f Hie Riambst events ever altempled in llie I'niled Nlntc. V.wry I'lirllniid er is Iryiiii; his or her best In produce ' the finest roses for Hie decora t ions of j the finals, arches, booths, etc., and J Cortland will be one mass nf roses. 1 Vnu certainly can help some yoiiny lady In make this trip by asking for' coupons with the n,i('iU you buy at i the different stores each day. I'.verv purchase entitles yon to one vote. The rchants will (rlmlly jivi you tllere votes, but they are sn busy thai they will soluel imes fnrn,et unless Vnu take the trouble In ask. lieb.w is a ' list of the yuuiif Indies who nre run- I nintr. Their slniulinn, will be printed every few days. Votes 011 salo at all tho voting booths at 10c each or at the Commercial club rooms. The contestants are: lla.el Tice, Miss (lad. lis, Maud Allen, Kdna Kifcrl. I'm del Angle, I ,,.11 llartzoll. Miss Hamil ton. Miss Mabel Kent. Miss t'asadiua I'lyinire, Mrs. ( '. T. Had, lis. Mrs. Anna Hanielson. ulatino 1 hihl luhor in Ihe District of 1 ..luiiil.ia. I'asiiage of the Mct'all bill relative to leddn-ity in the matter of campaign contributions. Passage of u liability measure ap plicable to employes of the government in mechanical work. , The program does not embrace action on the amendments to the uuti-trust law which have been urged, ami it does not lake into present eonsiderat ion what the senate may do with all the measures outlined in the remaining Weeks of this Hessii.ll. SHEEP SHEARING BEGUN AT WARNER CANYON A big crew nf men are shea ring with the blades at Hie Warner canyon shear ing corrals. Si llemlersou 's I I nf ojnil were sheared there Hie first of Hie week. The clip is said to be excep liiiniilly good this spring, partly ow ing to the absence of wild' mining Hie d P and partly because Hie range was gunii nil winter 11 ml Hie si p kept fat. The price nf wnnl is nut so guo.l us Inst year. Cifteet Is and possibly a little belter is talked of. -Cxani-tn'er, Golden Grain Granules 100 IMOR CRNT PIT HE OKRKAIi mi? HSR. PRINTER UNDER ARREST FOR FORGING EDITOR'S NAME If. II. Kmersnii, 11 priuti.t-. o, I,,.,.., arrested at II, mil, r, ml, ,lnil laki'ii In Vrekn to be 1 ,-l n 1 1 to .lacksonville lo answer a charge of forgerv. Kniirson worked for f :, In,,,- Hurnea if the . lucks,, 11 villi. I'osl for a few davs and Salurda.v night cashed several hecks aliolll Iowa on Hie Jacksonville bank Willi Hie sigualuri' of the editor god. line of 1 heat was fur ,flll.."ili ami was cash. ..I at .Waller's llnnuii.t salo, in. It dislcs lilxf coffee. It looks cnf fee i'iikI it; .smells like hut is pure rousted ileiirled so ;is to pro e liest 1'1,-ivor, the slreimtli anil an ai old nice fill lee, urains, cure II Hreales Nash Hotol Arrivals. W. M. Cursor, Port hi ml; C. C SI. Louis: II. K. Ward. Ncalll, Wilson niol wife, (.rants Cass Minis, Central I'ninl, C. II boscl.uig; ,1. .lacob', Cli Lyons. ,ow iirk; 1,'alpli llloom. New Vorli; C. N. I'eafield, I'litiland; Mr. and Mrs. (I. T. W Ilon-v. Cliica,.,, llerry ; II. S C. (I, Church lilcagu; . ( Buy Ticket by Wire. 'Homelliing which i.s of considerable internal In the public generally and which is perhaps not generallv known Is Ihe aval am of lircnaiil nrdors now in Heel behveen nltilions of Ihe Snulhern Pacific company and all points in tin) I'niled Slates. My means uf this svstom lii'kels may be purchased lit Medfurd from any place in I lie United Statea and mailed or telegraphed direct to the uirly wishing t ue here. SI ir accoiiinioilalioiiH and small amounts uf ush in coniicclion with these ticked may alsj be fitriiiehed at the Nil till I'lTV TltLASCKLU'S NOTICK, Office of City Treasurer, Medford, egon. May "it li. Inns. Notice is hereby given thai there are Is in Hie oil v treiiMirv for the re lempiion of all outstanding warrants I nnainst the light and water fund protested prior lo Hclnbcr .Id, I !)l7. Ill I on th,. same will cease afler the l,,n,. date L. L. .1 AC! II IS, I'-' riiv icle wliifli vounp- and ina' ilriiilx ninniiii"', noon iind iiilii. (loltlen drain (Irainilos is especially reconmiended to those suffering- from heart trouble, nervousness, eonst.i pillion, indigestion, dyspep sin and sloniacli trouliles. Xnnlj 2-pound paehnge for 'J")i', all retail groeer8. W'liolesiile by P. B. Theiss & Co. M'odforrt, Or. THE 01p HOWARD RANCH null's sunlit nf Mr.ifnnl nixl 1! ' i"" Mi'.) Hi' rilirlli, is llilW Cltt Up Mi;il li.n ts la Hllil I lie niivlmscf. 1 1'ninli litsli. hitliuit't' in tliroo ja,v il. I'tns is a titif u)Miihniil.v for i m" Mitial! iniiuis. ahvx with tilt NOT I ri-:. V.li.r is lint'l.v LMvcn that tho un- iHiyi.r.l will apply t I )n rrjjnlar "hly 11 line uf tin- i-ity .-ouiiril M.mU'i.ii), Oi.'uoii, Muv r,'l!MlS, for Itii'liii- i M. 111:1 It. viiimiK iiml Hiiirit. Iiinus tn less ijuiinlitirs than nm Urn, at l.t 7, Mltu'ti L'l. in Mctlfnr.l, rmi, fur a pi-riml nl' six month. MriiPHV X IMV1N)1. Tho Mont lor tho Money. Thi A iilmrii iiutuiiHihiti in thf mont rmnii v ami tM'nt mar In no vor of tYrol nr t ht nimn'y. Si'o it hffnrr huvinir. II., H. Urnwn, nont. time. Low RATES East Will He Made This. Season liy the SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINES IN OREOON) From Medford, Ore AS KOl.LOWS: Coal for Salo. Wo nn 'nv prcparcil to furnish haul k'1 coal nt tin- niino, fivo miU ast of town, in any amount uVainnl CONGRESS MAY WAKE UP AND DO SOME BUSINESS hhiph I'Wtv nix Afihlaml plo h it . n th''t rxniraimt for San 1-VaiirUt o s unlay, filling a npfrial I'litliaan t Venlrnlny Ml innro won' lit-lrttl fr h'ro, anil tiwlay 1.1 wont. Traffic im oxfriinlv hoavv mi 1 fount uf ho flwl ovnirsion rato. Train l"i ha4 ln'cu riiuiiini; In two Uuig hoi tiling fnr Movornl ilayt pawt, rarryinj; OnuntiiaiiR whit un- flnokin tn I-'rim-o to nvi tho (jn-at Aaiorirnn iimiiikIh pan through tho (Johdn (Jato. Tiitiiijpi. iiiifuuai Watson ttf Iniliana, tin i'nilihi-nn Mhip of tlio lower Inuiti', a s I liti I count oh will pi nliahly put Htniio of I'n'rtiilont WoiihovoIi 'n iilca mi lln Mliilutc liookt, uniniiif wliii-h nr tho follon i 11 jj ; A ut hm iuy t Im a h ami nifniiH i-.oiimittrv to it .luting tho Numtnir ro i ts nn( prop.iro fur taiit'f n in.iii nrxt yiar 1 I' TO Chicago . . . . 8(. Louis . . . St. Paul . ... Omaha Kansas Citv. Hoth Wnyn Ono Way Through Via Port Ian. I. California. ..fS-J.40 . 77.10 . m.w . tii).i)0 . G!).J)0 $87.50 S2.50 81.7.") 75.00 75.00 TICKKTS WILL UK UN 8ALK Muv 4, 18 .1 11110 5, (, li), 20 .Inly (i, 7, 22, 23 August (, 7, 21, 22 tloo.l for ri'turn in 00 days with slop ovor privil.'jjos at pliMro within iVIyO ,. ).i Vlr.lllh.l UIOHMiro. I'nnsai't' rolaliw to ( .Ull llll' iuttixlui'itl hv r.tno in jumtimitt. I no in tlio iJallliijjcr hill rog-1 I RrMEMBER THE DATES I'or any furtlnT information mil on A. H. KOHENBAUM, Local ARWit, Or writo to VM M MURRAY, 0n'l Pah. Agnt lVutlaaJ, Oregon. NOTH'K TO 'ON'TRACTOKS. Scaled liiiU will he xx:vivv by tho hoard of riin-ctortf of School District Xo. IH, Mitlfurd, Orison, until 7:30 p. m., May 11, 11IUH, for the erection and com pletion uf a high school building, ac cording to plana and specifications pre pared by Charles H. Bnrggraf, architect, Albany, Oregon. . All bids must be ac companied by a certified chpc.k payable to School District No. 49, Mfdftjrd On oii." for the sum of $300, as a guar autre that the contractor will furnish an approved bond of $10,000 within ten lays utter the awarding of the contract. All bid must be made nut upon blank proposals for tho Hamo. Blanks fur- niwhed mon application by the clerk or architoct. Plans and specifications may he seen at the clerk's ofice, Medford, Oregon, nr nt the architect's office. Hids will bo opened at J. H. Tnchran's of- fico, I'ulin buildintr. "t 7 : .'10 p. in. of above date. The board res-Tves the right to re jert any and all hidH. Hv onl. r of School Bo'ird No. 4!. E. N. WARXKR, chairmau. OlilS CRAWFOKI), eh rlc. 41 TIFFANY Wedding Rings Also tlie Oregon Grape King anil Friendship liiickel Rings at tlie Xcw Jewelry Store, near the i'ostofi'ice, 11 North 0 St. MARTIN J. REDDY Come to C. F. Cook and order now your Fruit Trees for fall planting first-class nursery stock no inferior goods handled Remember C. F. Cook ALL NEW GOODS Dry Goods, Haviland China, Semi-Poreelaiii, Jardiniers and Crocks, Trunks, Suit eases and Telescopes. Where yon yet right prices. Ward's Cash Store "ISN'T THAT FINE." If yon apprecialo waistcoat expand ers in tho form of a choice, juicy steak you will find this the place for pur chase. There 's nothing in the meat, lino worth carrying home and cooking that you cannot find here any time you call. This is an invitation to visit us soon. Hotel Emerick W. E. JOHNSON. R. W. GRAY, Builder COLONIAL PORCH WORK, GRILL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TELEPHONE 471. MEDFORD, OR, To The Public IIAVINII INSTALLKH MACIIINKIlY COlt TIIK MA.NUFA,CTUnrc OC IIIOII flllADlO 1CK CRKAM, WE AUK CUi:i'Alti:i TO FILL AM. OlillHIW. I.A1K.K Oil SMALL. DKLTVKR1KS MAI IK TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. hckcial on units oivEN our I'liOMl'T ATTENTION. ORDER AT MKII''IRI HOOK STORE Oli CREAMERY. Rogue River Creamery Medford ARE YOU INTERESTED? " I have for sale at $62.50 per acre, 80 acres of as fine orchard land as there is in Rogue River vallev. The im provements on place are worth at least iflL)."6. Let mc slmw ymi this land. ALFRED SMITH OVER JACKSON COUNTY RANK. A Trial Convinces Thai wv Ml ll. rest Mont mi.l Poultry In hi- hn.l in th,. vnllov at ANY .rw... i,il oi l! pricr,. nr.. ALWAYS R10HT. If vnu tni.lp Ii.to ti la.'tion U cu:;r!inti.t.(L The Medford Meat Go. Hnrri-wumi to I'nttingrr, ll-xt Until Nnsh. W.. par thi hiuhrt lmoos for Cliickom nml Veal. f IIC llllll' IRTL.UQ lll-l. I I- n t.. . ........ .... it iu .irn.il i run nnii v.mirt's, r.xirnoifl nnd SpirM, BakiBDr IWIrni n,l RptistiML China Warp. Class warn, Viktrn, Janlinirm. all kin.ls of Vanpv Ilnhi'S ami 5 mid In lt Cnunti-re. n A1EDF0RD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE -1(5 WKSTSKVEXTIl STRHKT. McOLASHAN JUNKEN, Prop, PHONE 1051. When the Fire Bell Rings Most people WAKE UP,. Haven't you heard it ringing, ringing, ringing loud enough to vnke the dead in Medford during the last year? It means that right now is the right tune to get in on the ground floor in the heart of the city, be fore the new railroad, the water system and the coal road sets tlungs to booming in Greater Med ford. It means that such a chance as we are able to offer for the next FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY Of Twelve Choice Residence Lots in the Reautifii-l-f FAIRVIEW ADDITION, On West Seventh street, for the low price of .$3i00 for the entire twelve lots will not occur again in the history of Medford. The time is limited ; don't let the chance pass you by. For full particulars call on the Rogue River Land Go. Exhibit Building State Depositary. Established 1988. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 Faithful to the Interest .of Depositors Many years of successful banking is the record that shows that this institution is faithful to the interests of its depositor. Every safeguard for. the security of funds is at all times maintained. Your account cordially invited. J. E. ENYART.Prosid cut. .1. A. TERRY, Vice-President. JOHN' S. ORTH, Cashier. V. B. JACKSON, Ass t CaRnicr The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL. $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxe.s to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage COMFORT WILL DOO YOUR STEPS if ynn wear our tailored ma.lo elothin. All suits nnd top coals are mado lo lit liny individual .accurately. Tlio very finest fahries are used in our tailoring work. You will find us head(uarliis for stylish nnd comfortal.lo suils. We await your orders for Spring and Sum mer giu-monts. VV. VV. EIFERT, The City Tailor, Medford Miss Jeunesse Butler INSTRUCTOR OF IT A NO. STUDIO AT RESIDENCE, O STREET, WEST JIEDEORD. PHONE NO. 701. See Halo's Piano House for roforonces. 420 ACHES, well located, i miles from S. P. R. R. station, including all crops, 1 stallion, thoroughbred Shiro, weight I9S0 pounds, 8 years old; all farming implements, 40 acres alfalfa, 80 acres grnin, 0 acres orchard, 2 good dwellings, 3 good barns and other outbuildings; tele phone in house, daily mail, school house on place, P. (). mile; two good irrigating ditches. About ltio acres can bo irrigated, loO acres farming land. All the land is good for fruit; no stono place; can lie easily cleared, good water, land all woll fenced. This is one of tho best ranches in the county for tho money. Will cut 150 tons hay; home market for all produce and prop. This place will make four or five nice farms; county road runs through the cpnler of tho ranch. II' SOLI) SOON, PRICE 35 PER ACRE. S;i ACRES near Central Point, about 45 acres in cultivation; part Dear creek bottom, good nlfalfa and grain land; part is rolling, hut all good fruit land; fair buildings nnd good fence; 8 ncres young trees. This is an excpptjonnllv good bnv. PRICE $42.fl0 PER ACRE, TERMS. DRESSLER & WOOD VVst Seventh St. Medford, Or, We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon W. H. Stalker Jackson County rrptarv Hank Annex secretary MEDFORD SAS H DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Fence Pickets, Office fixtures and all kinds of planlnf oiUl work, Including tamed work and fancy Jrilia. Or, BETWEEN oTH AND 7TH BT8. PHONE f.3.