TUP: MKIimitD DA ILI TRIBUNE, M RfFORT. 0.. TUKSDAV, MAT 5. IfWR. IIOBSON PLEADS FOR BIG NAVY SpeciaiBargainsinRealEstate SOCIAL AND PERSONAL prlntf your rhii'ltfiirt lo t ! - limerick - and receive thi' high'-sl price. I" Klwood HiilN 4 1 ji Ui'1i"?k-h rnul tfi hiiIn on t'!tv payment - if I it week. Tlic city council nie.'ls Tm'fduv i i LT 1 1 1 in ryn x motif hi v meet i no. """uii want Ii-m r in . the yut or ' r to Hi- I'm.mK Store t femnery. Attorney M. Pur.liii i iiiiuhiu the tunny Mi'dfoiditc enjoy i ni; Ihe sinlit" All kinds of job . ill. tintf n' Portland ri ''H Tin- Tribune. iu Hun l-'rHiiciwco t It in week. .l.-ir l. ILiimI I' ll Sun. I. iv lor I'iltK Mfin Mia tirninyuw, Monntuphy and y pew HI m If fit mi I, I 'aim Hlock. burtf. Mm. Heard it in I M iH (ilml vh llcnnl were ijiii'Hlf of III. Nash Turn (III V. lllTII 1 lrt'f,'tll MI'I'IMTV ut 1 II Arl Miulii', iifJir liridyr. M i' km hM, lltiHiillt.ii anil Mrl'ien jih busy ftiiiiiinj; ii t'fint i ;m Ih with pro pep.livc iiHt'ih f.f iir'i,'iili"ii water Ihn valley. If enough ij'ii.rn nie cured (In Kuhii linn, of Pittsbuiir "ill upend if I.iiii.uihi .. lopii.o- th" plitiit Tin tmlv print tdmp In Southern Or ogon employ hitf Typographical I'liion printer. The Tribune. Pen I vvhh Mill. representative of Kuli limn, nf I il t mImi i j;. has iii'i'ii iiiM'rtti r;nl iK " iniineuM pmvar project in WiiHhiiiuhiii, promoted liv .Inlin (!. Lew ii. Tlic bout iiiiiiif't job printing (iff if In Hmil hern Oregon, employing wkilled union prlntnrn Tito Tribune. KdHnr H. A. Pallium ut' tlic i '.Mil ml I'fiint Hi nilil wiin n visitor In Medford recently. lee cream delivered I., liny pur I of tin ily. (ti.lcr from t lie 4 'icniiiory Mil III Hi Mil', 'lllllll V I 'lllllNliHil.lH'l' (IciUC I'!, Ilroivn of Knoje Point viwiled in Med ford Tnomhiy. Ihirrv ( 'nllii'rlNoti, L'enernl conl motor iiml builder, cement work n Hpec ialt v Moilfnrd, Or. ' Pred II. Il.tplt iiiN, nut or of Cent nil I'oint, returned Tuesday from tl vinil In I'm I Imiil. Delivered, xw'i'l erciiiu in tiny .pinn lily. Me.lf.nd Pain, Warner & Hin der, -Ill' .1. (3. Ilrnwn, I lit1 ronl t'Hliitn uiiiii, lui pni i-litiMi'il I In- I'i'iill y IniHiiH'NH i-imoIiu'I t'd liy Or. II. I'!. M.tiiinni, mi. t. .r I. I'nyc iV I.iiwI.hi. Dr. M.Mih.Mi will i-o uniHf lln piai'lii'i1 of Ii ih protvMni.m, If you wiint nwi'fl (Mi'inn or liiiltcr mi I It, onliT from tin1 ( 'ri'iinirry or wnl.-li fur llio wiiifoii. liflivprifN niiult' ovtv ilny. Phono No. PL'. I li.'l'o will o.' ii ivyiiltir iiii'.'l i ii u I lie ( 'otnmiri'iiil I'tnli W'i'.liii'Mliiy niiiK. Wi' ilrlivt r Hwi't-t ti nm or Iml 1 1 mill. I'Vfiy ilny; wiilfli for mir w it)oii phono onli iH In Hi.- ( '1 nitio'i v. I'Immh No. D'JIt. Will in in II. Ihiiiilin s.iM to I.'. 0. lli'iiilrixNuii, 11 n. w m 111 11 1 in Mnll'Mi'ii I) hurt of lllll.l ill NnllOl Mf.l I'oiil ; r.itl Hhli-rnl ion .'i"it. Mr. I.-ihIh hhi ill liuiltl 11 i'ONi.iiirt iiiiii :h.' piop rt. lon '( In1 iliM'oivril tty Inlying nliippotl In flour ut I -"0 pr hmcK. 1'ittroiibi homo linhiHtrv Ittiv Iiiv1h Ih'mI flour Mt tl-'"' P,,r wick. Mvory kiii'U ijn.iraii ton!. Try it. If you rim! j.'t it nl tho itrorcr H coiiii. In tho mill. ltM'. Shi.O.U aii.l iv. illi:ims lo-l.l no iinti Milium ini't'liiii; nl liluinl Mon ttay nilil , ami report a !urj,M' til toinl MiMt. Hot li Kt'HtliMiion wilt hohl n liki1 mi't'liiii; at Talt'iit Tor.it rvinin. Vo Iium iipiiii'.l up ifl ifltnn'iit par torn in i-onii.'it ion uiik m 1 r hoiHi. I Anvoiti' wiHiiini; a nicf ron rft'r-ili i ml I'n tlilnk, jiint .hop in al any hour of tin ilny a ml vu will ho ula.l to nn vc on with tho Ii.! in tl.o laml. Mr.tfonl Ton ihi. I l'otlv lloicr, :'(i W.nf Sov i-nth ftnt't. Mr. iiml Mih. t l!, ni i.'tiirni l from Wtmui-r Croi'k Tn.ilny i'Voninj(. w hi'if I ht'V hint li. i u i-it iuy fur t hr pnnt ni'Vrral tiiivN. P., W. Will tern, tin' popular merchant nl 'lalont, loft Momliiy niuht for San I'V anciftco, where lie nil! -pen. I Hecr:il ilnv Mifht neeiny. W. V. Kntrop of Hutlo KHn nrrtviM in Motlfoiil to look it tl ir iiiati.it of liuniniKit for the net few diiy. AHotney S. H. I'enl left TiiohiIiiv for Hutto IMU . At I ho moot iutf if T.tltMiuin lo.tt, Knillhtt of l' t how. Monti a evemni. W. W. Kil'ort wan eln'lett rept 1 s.-ut itl i t of Ihe or:il . to Hi.- t; r 11 1 t or I he etiiiiiiijj two t ;i ri Till! TULIHiU AIMIIC KTiKY OY Tllll Nt)N HTOl' HUN OV A UVM TOlIKINd (!AH AT I.OS ANOl'.l.llS I! Ml J Mill' Without a Slop l,i in Aiijp l.f. i :il . April I I. litos IN o Motor 1 ;ii 1 o . I .memo-, h I Two . lnel. r t.'l i 1 l n,,-l, -I .:) , . io all in pi l I'KmI. w 01 1. noii ntop rei'ont tit i tin- in. .mini:. mu K..s :i oia.l 4o:l mil,, per ln for k.-mu lay Tin- . tinlt h-ti. hoiM v i,.,vl iihlcr rtt-oi.l ii ml to- tti- :tll :ii i- ontv i.ros T sii r 1 ri.i i; l.o Vi.tf. l, . f.i Ui'o Moioi I'm i .' K ' n. hi vt. ij. p is. nl I o'.lo.k I Ins l.ili' Ii. 1 1. I i .'I , .'.'hi., mill Tliniv.l;! I.IMV I u ' i i i i i: l.. I... I .1 . X , -. . I I . l;.-. M..I..I I'm i .. . I,....- i n M i. I. i;. o iion mop i nr I'.-.' "Ml. ' .' . : . 1 llii. iii. i iiinit. o' '''' '"' " ,'1 ". o, it 1 'nil' pi'r hour m " ' (. ..'. pot y.nllt'll "f C.'olliv '-'il iirun'! Iioniilit'iillx . Minn'il .T.-ak I't.tri. r n. ..I'll hlionl - o'rlork tiinii'ii.". ..in ing mi.l rort'-li .""'ii mill' r.'i "i.l ' .. . t.. ' t.iniorti'w in.. tiling. 1.1'uN T Ml I I I I.I II I.... VllC'l'-. A'"l I''. '" "', It.i, Motor l r In.. I.mi.'iii;. Mnli. K.'O ll.il.l. Wollil nun l"p n.oloi H i' nnl. p nlliil pliiK ' H r at :l' thi nioinin. tll'.i'.' inil.". L.tlor fol loin. UCOV T. Sill TTIiKR. Hero ut Meiriinac KuthutlKtica!ly Uicetcd hy Meitfonl Amlieiite SpeakH of NccurtHlty of More Battle hliipH mid the Yellow Peril. I on i;n t-in an irit'hm.'iel I 'earoii II li ,1.11 f Al.'trnifiui wa- eni hnxiiml icully i i r-i 1 v 11 t uir nicil tin. I i. 11. -i tit lie- M.ilfoi.l opein hoiiii' Moll. lay eve iiiii'. Tic iuiwiI i 1 - niiikoM an - fio j m ii t p.-;i I'oid ii ;nier mi v y Hi tin- only pi 1 1 fort ion A mi l tea -n 11 look for from .l;ip;ni ami I In- only yum ii 11 tec of I he p.;i'.'.' .f the woit.l. lie nil in art: America B;l;ice of Tower. "The n-Mllll of lioiilern neieliee IlllH he. -ii l torn every nation of I lie world to jiimik, I low in it in A nor it 11 Mow o t- npi'ly Hteel ami xlcaill, Illl.l elee lri.'it, iiiol iitmnile. Townnl the x of p'lire. Ail of which IN Well ami u-'O'l. Itnl we iiiiihI reali.e that ue lone come In a eiiniH. The world ihtiIh ii r.'Ntruiiil lo preeiit raetH which me lii'eiMo-inriis t'loiii flyjtij; at each ot her 'h I h m hi t n. "Th1 peine of K 11 rope in inaiiiltiine.l Ii v whal in kimwii art I ho halatirc of (tower. It 11 UvilVM IlllH lieeil Ho. The Jiy mi'MHixe powei'K try In tip tint scale. The ptiHNi vo nut ionn make an el 1 01 1 1. 1 Ihe balance. The one grout Iml an ii power in tho worm lofiav in trie I'liiletl St a tew of America. Wo have jfreal wt'Jillh, hut you cannot lni I ho peace ot knrope. ( lur arm n t woo hi not .l.i 1111 v iff mil, for u yrcat xleii'lH our from our nlmreH, Hop- . rating iin from them. We cannot pro I he ha In ace u f power liy nrit meiit. Iml let UN try to convince them. anyway, that the tioNt melhoilH ot hiih liiiiiinu relatioiiH lire peaceful idiom. Ltd UN yet l.h. mi, if ptiHHilile, to adopt I ho plaiiN wo have adopte.l. Itnt, my conn Irymeii, ynii know tin HeiiNilile men thai ihe I'li at mililai v .moiiandiN of I'iurnpe Ion 'I Nellie their iitl ei iiat ioiuil polieieH I v liNleniiiti to advice from 11 republic m I lie iiulNide. It iH II (pietttioll of the leilam-e of power, 111 v eoitntiy linn, il in ti ipicHtioii of America hinini; avail llde power Which can be fell oil lite tllier tide of the ocean; a urea I navy, m ot her wo it In, " Iin! if the peace of Kuropc in of 'ti :(! iinpolliilice to the w illd, the peace Aniii i of Hionler import aiieo. A 11 nih'lial i.m of Npn.-e Iiiin bniuuht I he whtle loan and the yellow man loether. Si nd v ImnIoi v, and mu w il! I iml that w In irexer tin -so racoN have met lon I. loo.lv wait have followed. TImn wiin lie- lesnlt when the Huns came up fr ia Mi when the tltlomans iimn ill. win a the TnilniN came in. mid when he Uii-i'.imiN went down iiiin Manchuria Mid llO't I he .ItlpallCHC, 8ik Militni-y Oloiy. " Hem in mind that Japan in .ul 110 ruinif from feminism 1 (iinI eomiui; mt of Ihe dark itij.'N. Ili-toiy show mi when iiiiti.no etnii" out from thi -oiiditioii, wlnie the pie hae 1 1 neie.,1 ill hitler Warfare, llie.V Ntill hiive tin' fll'lllllio, Npllll. oil lllll-l e .eel that for many vhiin. Japan will iiitr mililaiy yloiv her aim. Tin hi.-f llnnu which we hile done is tc Ihe Vi Mow imiil I lie Wlino mini " m. ntioin ot war. In Japan Ihe whole :Hion hat I n luiucd lo an iipplicn iou of theNo thine,-.. They don't Nto w it h able bo.lii-.l men. 1 The 01 mini .e the children, not r lv in diillinn mid handliuk' imiiin I b inculcatinir the Npirit of war Yon ii I ""I tliink llii- 'iril will ni ii. i-iiiifini'il lo ilnoaii. 'I'liiTr mi" iii-iIm nl' :t."i(I.IHIII.IKIO I'llilirsi'. Of ln i.1' lii'lwi'i'ii Io.iiimi iiml Jii.niili ntf "Hi lillls III Ihi' .l!lilllli!r m-lliiol! nl nu' intiliitiou nl llii' .liii!ini'' uoM'iiiiionl. Iiiit mi' inoro Uiiiii IOO.I'i'H I'lillli'W HUM ll.llll! tnilL-M I IV t ll."M 1 liimw I'll" (nl in ,lilian Tln v lia.li our tlini(i illoix nil. nliirli i lo linto I In- foii'in In I I.ik lli.'V ilo not ii'i.'it Ini na Inll.'llil v. iliunt Crtsin ComuiK. Ml tltin ini-nnii, ini'ii, llitit n nvi'nl IIIH IH II ll'IIH Ol UO' IH IH. 'I lll'."i- I ,i,i llio wililo m.i' nn.l til.' viilow rni'i- mi'i'liiiK. 'I'll'' i'H"w inro will not :ii.o Aiin I" I'm"!"'. U"'.v i' ni ioHs lln I'ni'ifii to Anii'Mi'n. Yon lli:l Will ''' i' ni'"' " "' """ M il. m mm' hat inaili' n' Ili" niiinl li:m i In' tort ilio v wliirlt yon oi'i'iijiy. 1 1 1 in I iii I., I l in.'-. nl .ln'iani'io. """' .1 lln'ln' Y.'IH laml i tl"' I't'"' In, I'lOil t ti I, K oii own nil mini . W. .inn.' In to in I In' I"", I'"' Inn li:i. I. ...t.i I il.'WII li'iiii .'iloo on ..nl.l lni.' -' n lliat Willi.' I In' wliilf :iii Wli" inllllllji o.l II"' '""il lo tl"' .u.lii- vi,.,..- III.' I'll' 'V, ln:ltl w:l" l-olll "I! " III.' an. I I II..- tii,ilnii.nnn , ,.nii'. aii'l in v nl Win II III.', .1" llu- i.'. iint;ili' a win ol" Mull tii'lni' it n 1 1u, I it uill slink.' tills l.l i.. III. I'onnilnl I. ni 'riirli V'ttl i will In' w ipiil nt I' 111'' tail' ol" imhI.I war will In' sian.-il .i dl .In i;. h llii .-mil. in lilnoil ,1. I,, polo 'I'll, li 111.' woil.l will .1 I. a. k I li..ilsali.s ot . als . at.'i I'ontli'.l of rru'lftc. Ml , I. I In I In i I'... no.li,.,, ...I ii , l'i ' mppi-d ir ot th. wnn pic ii.. ii, I., v.ll- I'lliillilK. liiiiv ,.t Km;!.. Tilifil-'O in MiHlli'tit. LKT I'S II H Ii I' WINDOWS AND (i I V K T II i: Iowa MEDFORD NoTICM TO C'ONTIIA.-TdllH. j Hi'nlril IihIh will In- rccitivctl by llirj hiuiril ..f ili 1 ! urn (if Si-IkioI Diilricl Nil 1 III, Mi'.IIWil, (iri'Kiu lil 7::in p. m., I M:i. I I, I'.lllS, Inr tin' rri'i'tion Mini ran. I lli'liin ol a liiri Krliiml liiulilin, uo i-iirilint; lo jiIiiiin iiml Mii'iif'ji'iil uiiih pn iiiii t In I "Iin rli-H II. Iliiijmr.if, nivliilii'l, Allmliv, Ori-Kiui. All hiiln iniiHt Iw ni' riniiiiiiiiiil liv n .-.ti i ri.ii cliivlt itmilili In "Ni liiinl lml rirt No. Mniforil, iiiryiui." fur llii' uiiiii of .t'lno, riH n jjunr iinli'c Mini (hi' i Imi'lor will fiirniiili nn iiiiiiivi'il l I of Ill.tllKl within li'ii ihiv-i nlti r tin' nwnriiiiii; of tho fontraft. All liiiln nniHt ln nimli1 mil 11 pi, it hliink m-iiiiiniiIs fur llio wiint. MltinliK fur niHtii'il nMin iiiilienl inn hy Hie i-IitU or tiri'llif ITl. I'lllllN llllll Hlll-I'il'irlll illllH iiiuv nl llii' rli'rlt V oflici', Mill I'm il , Dl'l'illlll. Ill' III till' lll'l'llitl'l't 'h offico. MillM will Iin opi'iii'il nl .1. II. ( inli ni ii ' of firo, I'llllll lilli.illr. lit 7:.',.l l. III. (if nliovo il,il,'. Tim lioaril ri'iH'rvi'ti tho x'ikM to ro ji'rl miv mnl nil hiiln. liv i.i.l. r of .Moliool I Ion 1. 1 No. III. K. S. WAIINKK. . Iinii'iiian. iil.'IS CltAW'I'ol'l), ,.1,'Hc. 4 THIl'I.E TRAGEDY DUE TO LOVER'S JEALOUSY II KI'I'NKU, dr.. Mhv .V Crazed with jeahmNV Sunday n fterunnii, Henry I. Moiritoii. a brakeinan on ihe lleppner blanch of the O. It. A ., fthot ami k illed his sw eethearl . Nora Wr'inht, wounded her etcorl, Harney Ahalt. mid Itili-r turned the Name gun on hiuiNelf in an allempt at Niiiritle, in one of the moil Niarlliuu' crime iu the hittory of Morrow e. unity. The i rajjedy occurred near Morgan, between lleppner II lid I'ieilN. A Inml two miloN below .Morgan I In1 wau.m road iiiiin close lo the track, and il i here that Morrison met Mis Wi ij-hi, drix iny iu eoiupany with Ahalt. lie jumped from the Npe.ler. ran out into the road ami commanded Aim It to Ntnp. i sjiyititf. ''Von fid It h had letter lie-in I Niiyiu your pi nyer Then he opened fire with ro olver. The o, id I timed partly n-dde at liin comiiiaml, and the first shot fired -truck her in the buck of the head, killing her instant ly. Morrison fired agiiiti, the bullet strik ing Ahalt iu the Nhouhler and cauNing a flesh wound. Ahalt whipped Ihe team into a run, and. ilaNhing by Morrison, drnvo into Morgan with the tletid girl by his sido. Morrison returned to tho wpeeder ninl also went back to M organ. There tie found that the girl whs dead. Coing into the wheal warehouse of IXulfonr, (tilth ins V Co., ho plnoed tho iiinrrlo of tho gun again! tns toieheatl nil.t fire.1. Buy Tickets by Wtrc. 'Somothhig which U ot consitlerable edge security, i.o taxos, S per cont not. Intorest to tho public gonrrnlly and j Imiuiro of tho Medford Koalty A Ront wh iolt is perh.'ips not genoratlv known al Co., Modford, Or. is tho nvstein of prenit ord-TS now in j ------- erT. ot botwoeu stations of tho Southoro l'1 '1! s I.K -0 nrros on-hard land, Pacific rou.pnny and nil points in the I ' '' "rod and cultivated, 1 1 utiles from I'nited Slates. Itv mentis of Iiiin svstem ticket may bo purchased at Medford , from any place in tho Cmled Static and mailed or telegraphed direct lo tfa party w ishing t come hero. Sleeper ; ouimodatmiiN and mall amonllts of cntti in connect ion with lhie tickets in iv m be fnriiiBhed at the samr MKl.mtUM 0R1M.8 BROWNKLL TOR FALSE AFFIDAVITS llenrv Mehluim, e snrveyitr general of ( lieu on, has added an interest ing chapter to the history of the Oregon lam) fi.iud proteetit itm, and more par lieubitlv to the eaues for the dismiNsal oi' t In imlit t ment again-! lieoi ge C. Iiioiiell, . fiate senator I'roin Clacka tn.i- eotinlx. in a b iter to his oti, Pon Mehlunn, :it Otigon Civ, Meldrnm iet Itii wnell with having procured l.,U I'lnbixH- in support of hi pba m ixtion. The specific instance" tto h ol n deelara I ion ot .1 . id II, I. Pattetxon. . k ao Meldrnm, ho i . 1 1 Wt iv X a o nt nee at M.'Nt il -i compli.-itx in :i!legod fraud in lied ntve. iHMled a slate win. h he admitted having lit 111 ,111, -d llh ap,di. ell -I l. ,ti iou snr ;i . I ti. Id note. Prow n .11 .mi.. I the t il. ni.nt to be pub b-lott l the viiiie time I.o iitcllldetl .nl t .n il In both lirM'T and Palter on in e,t r.d.oiMi ..'it of M eM rum's so , nllM coitfesnon. For an Attractive BUNGALOW VOL' H K L l'i V T DOOh'S, MATERIAL THAT WILL D KS I R l'i I) K FFKCT Box& Lumber Co. PaaI nnririar ,roultll,'Ml 1,1,(1 Appetizing tUUlallUUCdl (!olostin Natural Mineral Water Aiulecsoii and REAL HSTATE SNAPS On Fruit, Farm. Tinilier TjOIkIs ami Stock' I.. -indies. ( 'all on or write Jacksonville Real Estate Company ADOLF SCIIULZ. Manager. Classified Advertisements Olid Cent a Word - No siiigle tnser Hons loss than IB cents. Six Insertions for thft price of four. Seventy-five cents a line per month. I'OK SALK Old piip.Ms, fiti for " ftn. Tribuni' office. V A N'T III dirl for jjeneral lioiiNiwtrli. , Kllti (tuuyiiw. l-'I'liMSHKl) ItliOMS Tho O'Didl.) ovef postof fitre. I'dJi SAI.K Fresh milch cons. Impure ut i:okh rositlom'e, vanti:i To linv from 10)1 to :M head of Ntoek Nheop. Write Uox Medford, Or. ' Poll SAIK Vo uni (ffntlo row tor Nalt; prii'e $UK K. K. Morriitn, It P. I. No. 1. Oriffin Crook. ' I'Olt SAIM' room bungalow, juwt fin iMied; ehonp if thl soon. Soo Oiiv A Childorn. W ANTKl Uirl for penrrnl housework; nuist be y-ood cook; wilffes $'M Httd ;ih. VOW SALE Ohti runabout in good condition, $400. Inquire Tribune of fico. Fol! SAl.K-Ohl runabout; Hrst olasft ooiulitioti; $17"i if tnkon now. Seo at Medford Anto Co. 3! WA.M Kl) ton teamsters with toams w anletl by Westorn Orogon Orohards Co. at onoo; good wagos. " KOK SAI.K Koo runabout in good con ilil ion. 1 need a lnrger mnohiuo. Ij, R. 'Warner. Jr., at Warnor'a store. KOl'NO -tin tho mud from Medford to Jacksonville, a babv's whito ooat. Cal! J at Tribune offioo. roi: SALK A laoOO mortpago, gilt- ''H'" ''. I"''" n',,, A.Mros I . O. U.. ... I, M.lford. Or. 40 I'AKTY wishes to gW t.Min of $'MW on to acres of raw land that is worth 1 ; goo.l nlntraet; will pay 10 per cent. I.4.n-k Hot (l.'.ti. I'oli SLK choicr fruit and Rrape Hnds mar Jacksonville. Call and see Jacksonville Keal Kstate ( 'o.. Jack- Noiivillo, (V. nK SAl.K Two incubators, used only one season, for .sale cheap; capacity of ea.h. .Mti eggs. Inquire at War ner's store. Warner A Snvdor. tf POl! AW.V. -Ono V. A. (roam Sepa rattir. No. f; oOO capacity; giinl as new ; oM $t: will sell for f0. R. C. llenslex, ( VOK S M .K mat kel now ; esl lo, at i oil d-mever. J,-n 'eiitral Point. V. Sitbdiviion i1 choice tt'U acre in the alley. 1 in the tracts. Nee INTKIiNATlON VI. KNC YCl.OPKPP ' PICTIONARY KOH SVI.K -Three vol . umcs. standanl authority, fine binding A hat gam. Applv to Tribune office or I write m P. o. Hot MiMfonl. Or. 4 lU.TItlN V11U Pilli SVI.K -One of V . lister: Internal ion.il Pictionarics, ' & nnabridgMl and index. very latest i edit ion. aw sv below eot ; has never been ti-ed. Applv to Tribune office or writ to l h,,.M.NI;:,if0rtl'.Or' 4-jThi.-o mile, ,.,uh of M.ttml and 2, 111! I.P-Vhit. Leghorn eggs fof,inib of Phot nix. i now nit up settling. A' cent for from fbvk m small trai ts to uit the pun haer ef t hen picked ftMH .'mh slandanl , ne t our t h i a-h. balan -c in three- pv Imsl White Leghorn chickens, Or- 'tout. This is a rare opportunity for Uoble. phono No. l!.'!. M.lfoH: also men of msll means l.t.iid with ail pasture for cows inide city liin.tt. ,he kt.cu Q OREGON ISurliiile, Agents. I'Olt SAlii: One .Yrrsey bull, fine ;t year ohl Hi all inn, one Poland China boar, novcii head milk cows, hnpiier of Itert Anderson, Medford, or Vim llardeiiburg place, 'four miles below I 't nl ra I Point tin Itenr creek. I'OK .SAl.i-'-1 filing cabinet. 1 12 foot awning. 1 Pndorwood typewriter, 12 inch cur , riage. I genera) electric fan, 12-inch. 1 Vawiuan & Krbo detachable typo writer Htnnd. HOY B. liOBKHTS. Medford National Bank bldg. Kt l'1".H'',IV l"''. "I'.'JI" 'I I'"'! tllll J.in.ni.1 'iio.i.iini.', , -, '(, -s.i- M.nni lit il.i)it) ji ii;i:;t.itt, t.inito.i iiiiiiu o I'M Haniilinuni o.i.liiio, i M'IVS ilO.-l WANTKI) -St i' in ijii'ii iln 1 r wnnts n insi titni; .niino i-xjn'rii'iii'i'; niii.lrnili' sal nry. AiMross Sti.iorniln'r. rnro Tri Inini'. lo POLITICAL CARD!,. MAHLON PURDIN, Candidate for K K I ' R KS K N T A T I V K On Statement Mo. I. Fnsfcirs f,iiarniittiil bank deposits. D. H. MILLER, (WN'OIUATK for K Kl li KS K XT A T I V K On Statement Xo. 1, J. R. NEIL. Democratic Nominee. TOR COUNTY .111 DO K, WILBUR A. JONES, Democratic Nominee. HOR SIIKRIFF: B. F. MULKEY. lii'l'iililieaii Xoininee for D1STKUT ATTORXKV. W. T. GRIEVE, " of I'rospi'i't. Flotini'e l'rei'ini't. Heiiililii'atl N'oniinoo for t'OrXTV ASSKSSOU. Will always support the republican an.littalo for P. S. senator who is notn inatetl by tho people. JOSEPH L. HAMMERSLEY. of (iotd Hill. RepubUcait Nomineo for 1 liKPKKSKNTATIVR j H. M. CAKE, of Portland, Ihe Adv.H'atc of SCiteiio-tit No. Republican Nominee for I'MTKP STATI'S SKXATOli. ' The ELECTRIC i3b TEA KETTLE Fnrnisltes hot water for tea on very lurt notii o It ean 1h u.eJ on the tea table or in the kitchen Altaebrs to any electrolier Simple, safe, ivii- cuiciit, dmablc ROOUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO Si;ceesor to Condor Water Power Co. Of So W. 7th "PP - 'tf electric sign Pho THE OLD HOWARD RANCH 0. SO acres, all tillaMe, iuee location, nice five-room cottage house, large liarn, 2 1-2 miles from Medfoi'd, well watered, in reach of irrigation ditch, team, harness, wagon, five Jei-sev cows, cream separator, new gang disk plow, walking plow, rake, mower, disk, smoothing harrow, stove and some other furniture, all go with the place, and the present growing crop. Frice only $(!000; a genuine snap. 2li. 1120 acres, fine stock and fruit ranch, well im proved, 100 acres under plow, ti acres orchard. Price .f'."."( 10. This place with 0 head of hogs and 35 head of cat tle, all farm implements, lilacksmtih tools, hay, fruit and vegetables For $7000. -17. 440 acres, a fine stock proposition, 40 acres iu alfalfa, irrigation, good buildings, in a splendid section fox hunting and fishing. Price only $14 an acre; terms. (i:!. 19: acres, 2 miles from Fagle Point cm Rogue river, "0 acres cleared, considerable fruit and alfalfa, pri vate irrigation ditch. This is a splendid proposition to develop, about limit' good bottom land, nearly all can be . under plow when clean ;!, si'lioolhouse handy, fair improve ments, team, liainc-s, wagon, some cattle and farm imple ments go with tiic ;i';tce. Price $6000. This ranch will bear close inspect ion. as it will make a lot of money for someone. 07. A fine alfalfa ranch of HO acres near Dutte Falls, line stream and springs, nearly all level land, splendid fish ing and hunting, buildings. Price only $1200. . Sli. SO acres, 4 miles northeast of Fagle Point, will be close lo the new railroad, "0 acres under cultivation, flue black laud, mostly in wheat, crop goes with this place. Price $1200. $2200 cash, balance, 2 years. 7 per cent. C. H. Pierce & Son MCDF0RD, 0RE00M B. Stato Depositary. Kstulilislnil 1SSS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 May White Sale See the Windows All Musliinvenr ninl white I'ieee Omuls. su.'L as linens, lawns. Per sion. Paris ami Kronen Lawns. Xninsooks, Dimities, ete., now on sale nl exi'opt ionally low sale priees. IV values 7e j -tl.'"1 values 73c l."n- values lie l.2. values 93 '.'IV values 15c 1..W values $1.10 i.-.i' values 19C 1.7.-1 values $1.39 Mile values 23c -.ll values $l.t9 :i.-. values 25C -'.-0 values $1.89 111,, values ." 29C :l.nil values $2.39 .-i,. valine 33c 3..-iO values $2.09 li.V values 47C 4.Nl values S." ;.-. values 50c "i.ttil values $3.60 s-. N:,,.s 03c l"i." values $3.98 A Skirt Values to. $13.50 for $7.00 We have loo inaiiv plain black, brown, navy ami fancy Panama Skirts. Certainly on can uso some of these fine sky-tv We are not asking full value, but ha- taken nil of our iJ. u.ihi, S1 1.m1. $12.ti and to i:t.o skirtH mid inarkt-l tlu-m one price to $7 00 SMALL CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS. Trunks If vou are looking for a trunk we can show you some exception ally good alnt . i '0110 and see our lino and be con inced that we :ire Ndlii.g Iimu that are a litib--uprior ALL PRICES TO S-M.CO. mi r.ni tiT' i t..i money by b..X '-, i't' lis. Millinery Priced Low SOME FINE HATS. HALT PRICE. 1 .M. r pi.'k our tl.ni Siiiiiiinr H:it p.iretty s.in. wliiU the as'ortmf nt ;i,.. s,, .,..m. M...t aiiNtliiiii; yon want imw in Ihe yiv.l, l.-i.ting srvh-s. H.-.O. sj.oo. $3.00 to $5.00. MEDFORD S LOW PRICE STORE Baker-Hutchason Co. Inc. CENTRAL AVE.. NEAR JACKSON COUVTY BANK. Faithful to the Interest of Depositors Many years of successful banking is the record that shows that this institution is faithful to the interests of its depositors. Hvery safeguard for the security of funds is at all times maintained. Your account cordially invited. Drive Suit Cases A Suit t'ns may look gooil on the outsiile: it may lie fini!,.-l very nieely; lint the life may not lie there. The firt time you drop it a ,-ati-h lireaks or a eorner l.r. aks. or it is horribly searred. YV. sell Suitiases that last. $1.95 TO $17.00.