THE MEDFORT) DATLY TRIBUNE. MKDKORH. OK.. TUFSDAY. MAY .". 1'iOK. ORDINANCE NO. 151. the trench sluill he filled with seraix-in lor shovels, ami the surplus luatcriul n- ' An onliuunee mitlioriaug ami dinn-f. 1 1osi(M jn a 0Wf tie Ul a,J contraction of a water distributing ) nre tQ )0 , tMs WJr he ;(llrkfiU. svst.m for the City of Medford. Ore gu, and proscribing the form thereof. The City of Mod ford doth ordain ns x f.dlows: Section . The mayor and the record er of the eity of Med ford, Oregon, are hereby authorized and instructed to en tor into and execute a eoutraet with the Jaeobaen-Bade Co., in words and figures as hereinafter set forth upon execution by the said .lacobseu Bade Co. of the bond in said contract provid ed: Following is tho said form of said contract: 1 PROrOSAL. MedfoTd, Oregon, April 21, 190S. To the Hon. Mayor and City Council, Med ford, Oregon iug shall be spriukltd and thoroughly i ampcd in four-inch layers until com pact. On the other streets the hack- ! filling shall be thoroughly settled with water. Tho trenches shall not bo bark filled until the pipe has hwu tested ami accepted. LAYING CAST IRON PIPE. The pi- shall be hud with a bearing the full length, the spigots light against he bottom of the hubs and the inner surface of the pipo even at tho joints. Yarn grtsgets shall be calked tightly into the hubs, the joints tilled llush with lead at one pouring and the lend thoroughly calked into the joints until they are water tight. The depth of lead in the joints after calking shall be not less than two inches. The iu- be discharged. Bridges and Guards. The contractor (shatl provide bridges and guards and red lights at night at all road and street crossings dtirtug tho time the trenches are open. The foregoing ordinance was passed by the city council this iilst day of April, linis, by the following vote, tfl wit: Trowbridge, aye; Eifert, aye; Mer rick, aye; Hater, aye anil Wort man, ace; Oluvll, absent. J. V. RKPPY, Mayor. Attest: HKXJ. M. col. UN'S, City Recorder. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, The Most for the Money. The Auburn automobile is the most roomy and best machine ever offered for the money. Seo it before huyiug. L. Tt. Brown, agent. time. " Charles II. Hnilev to Kly llnese, ;t S acre in I, C 4;t,( town ship :ts, range 1 -V . $ Bertha S. Baruum et al. to Gold Ray ' Realty company, lots 1, 2 and tt. block t Modfunl... Mary C. foster to C. K. Mc'omb, neres in section town ship lit!, range I K William II. Taylor tit Mattile I". Trazier, lots 7 and S, Mont view addition to Ashland . . . M. K. Stephens to Mary C. Fos ter, 75 acres in section tt2, town ship 'Mi, range I K A.- V. Sturgis to O. M. Murphy, . lot "', block 1. I avis, addition to Med font 11. -D Gentlemen: The nndersiffned herebv 8i,lt "f ,ho '' nnd propose to construct waterworks for the I ?ri'e .from ear,U nml Kravo1,,r and the outlets in all cresses and tees shall city of Mwlford, Oregon, in accordance i,s Whenever pipe laying with the plans on file in the office of j "'"PI""" ' " " " ' PP" the eitv recorder of Medford and the at- i taehed specifications and contract, for j w l"l,Ug'i uuxu ,iae connections are the following prices: Excavating and back filling trenches, per cubic yard jfit.S, Hauling and Laying Cast Iron Pipe. i irnrn j" J" " i iin- iir iomi 10 inch lipe, per linear fool.... S-iueh pipe, per linear foot (t-iuch pipe, per linear foot "1-inch pipe, per linear foot Hauling and placing east iron tecs, crosses and curves, per pound y each Hunting anil placing hydrants, Hauling and Placing Valves, Including Valve Boxes. made Distributing System. Street . mains, valves nnd hydrants shall he -put in as shown in red on .IS I 'l"' niHll f h t'ity. i; j The necessary cast iron tees, curves 111 .04 12-inch valves, each , 10 inch valves, each fi inch valves, each 0 inch valves, each . . 4-inch valves, each . . We agree, to complete $4.00 $:i.i0 -...2.7." $2..0 $2.00 the work on or before tho first day of August, 190. A certified check for five (5) per cent of tho amount bid, in favor of the t rensuror of t he city of Med ford, is herewith enclosed, which we agree to forfeit to the city of .Medford if we shall fail to execute the attached con tract and furnish the required bond, to be approved by the mayor and the city council, wit hiu ten days after being notified of the acceptance of this pro posal. JACOHSKX-BADK CO., Ilv C. K -HAL) 13, President. MPH01FI0AT1ONS. Material to Be Furnished by the City. Tho cast-iron pipe, special castings, hydrants, valves and valve boxes will be furnished by the city of Medford, delivered to the contractor in good con dition at. the railroad station in Med ford. They shall bo hauled to tho work nnd placed by the contractor, nud all pipe, special castings, hydrants, valves and valve boxes injured in handling shall be replaced by and at tho expense of tho contractor. Tools and Material to Be Furnished by the Contractor. . The contractor shall furnish all the necessary tools and appliances for do ing tho work, and the city shall furnish tho lead and oakum for the joints. Tho lead 'ball be pure soft lead. Construction. Tho waterworks shall bo constructed in ncocrdance with the following speci fications: Excavating. Tho trench for the pipe shall be ex :uid crosses shall be put in for connect ing the mains nnd hydrants and for the proposed extensions shown on the map in dotted tines. The outlets for these extensions shall bo plugged with cast iron plugs, leaded in. Hydrants shall be set ten feet from I ho street main and four and one half feet deep. The hydrant connections with tho street mains shall be four inch pipe of I he same, kind as Hie street mains. Va I ves, with cast i ron va I ve boxes, shall be put in opposite the block cur tiers where shown on the map. A stono of concrete block eighteen shall bo put in back of each hydrant and the special castings where there is danger of the joints blowing off. Tho street mains shall be laid twenty feet from tlu property lines and to the grades shown on tho profiles. The present street mains thnt are to he left in are shown on the map in green These mains shall be connected with the new system where connections are marked on the map. . . , , , Testing. When the distributing system is completed, tho pipe shall be filled with water and subjected to n pressure, of 100 pounds per square inch for not less than twelve hours without leaking and until accepted by tho engineer; or, tho pipe system may he tested in soctions in the same manner, if so ordered by tho engineer. The city will do the pumping necessary to make these tests without charge to the contractor. The distributing system shall be made water tight nnd all defects made good by and at the expense of tho contractor before the work will be accepted by the engi neer. Maps, Profiles and Plans. The maps, propfiles and plans ac companying these specifications, on file in the office of the City Recorder of the City of Medford, are as follows: Map of city distributing system. Profiles of street mains. How Work Shall Be Done. All work shall be done in a first class, workmanlike manner, according to tho plans and specifications and to tho acceptance of the engineer. The work shall bo done in the order direct- cavated to line and to the grade shown on the profiles, and it shall be one foot ! M by the engineer. . wider than the outside diameter of thej Engineer. Otiuositc- the nine joints tho herever tin THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OP BLANKS Wurmiity IVxl .ting unit Short Forms Siititffirt'n of MnrtKture Transfer of I.ien I'oww of Attorney MV'linnio': l.icn yVAtvr Riitht REAL KSTATK Quitclaim IHmhI Honrt for Dwtl Mitrtirnitf Lease Wit h Tux Payment Provision Option to Huy Unul Audit's Contractu MISCELLANEOUS Hill of Rule Liiimr LU'cnw Form Notice to TrentwiKwrs Creditor's Chi im Amiinst KUiiu Chattel Morlirnfrc Acknowlf)Knint roiifeiutkHi uf Jothtinent Cover for Hlitnk KOU TiRNy, FOR SALE, FlMtNISHKD ROOMS, ETC (nnrimHwnnl). , MINING Quart Location Writer Uinht Orefron nml V. S. Forma ConlruOl to Sell rol Proof of IUtr JUSTICE OF PEACE Civil nnd Criminal Subpoena Attachment Unilertikiiifr and Am- (iitrixishment uuvitfor Atluflimeut (till Commiimunt for Fine Notice to Jurors Jury Order Civil Complaint Warrant for Arrest PltOtlATK Petition for letters of Ailrniniittrution, Administrator Executor and 0 mini in no Itomlx and Onier Seitintr Apart Properly Exempt from Execution: Order t'ontnniinii Side of Rial Mid 1 Vnoi.ut Pronrty Citation: CnmmiHion to Appraiser; Letters of Administration: Inventory anil Appraisement ; Proof of Will; LMiem Testamentary. 1 ClIlCUIT COURT Placer Location Hond for Deed Miner's Lien Summons Execution Judgment Transcript Commitment for Trial Search Wnrmnt UndertakiiiK and Affidavit Summons for Altncliment Cost Hill Criminal and Civil SultiMienart Execution Search Warrant Notice to Jurors Attachment Not ice of Cartmhmcnt Crand Jury Subpoena Indictment Trnnnciipt of Judgment A complete, up-to-date line of U.S. LAND OFF1CE.HCOUNTY COURT ANO SIIEK11F HLANKS. All printed after the latest and best forms. Cg3 Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. Give us a trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDFORD OREGON pipe. wnnl "t'ii(jim-pr" is ' treneb Hlinll ho i-xi-nviitcil'lwo fi-ct will-: Hsnl 111 tin-so spcrilii-ntiuns, it ri-rem , er than the outside diameter of the j to the engineer employed lij- the city pipe and nix inches below tfrade for a of Medford to supervise Ihe const rue length of one mill one-half feet, for the ' liu of the waterworks. hell holes. Any material taken out in All Work and Material to Be Approved j excess of the above stated dimensions , by the Engineer. wilf-liot bo paid for. Tho material j All work and material shall be to the shall lie deposited not less than two : salisfni-tion and acceptance oT the on- j feet from tho side of the trench. Kx-'t,'ineer. No material shall be used until eavntioik and backfilling shall ho paid j it has been inspected and approved by for hv the cubic yard, measured in the; the engineer. excavation. ' Competent Men to Be Employed, j Backfilling. ! Competent men shall I iiplovcd to The material filled around and over j do the mechanical work, anil if any i il. ; f,c n ilonlh of four inches man emidovod is incompetent, clueless shall be fine material. The liala of or objected to by Hie euaiiieer Mddc in Tho ciu1 Juniuifao-tui-cd expressly for the eoast. I Jest, for prire on the market. $1400 D. T.LAWT0N Agent MEDFORD, OR. lie slmll 1 JACKSONVILLE ITEMS, II. M. Hilliey. wlio lilts been (uitc ill,! went up tu Ahlilatid Satiinltiy, where . he wilt euler the sjiiiimrimu for treat j tm tit. Mr. uml Mrn. Otis Kriittse of Med . fiinl in'tit Sunday witli relatives living J horo. Hon. II. K. llainia ami A. K. li :itm .s, j wlio have hffii htililin eireuit emirl in tirantJ'ass, ri'turned the latter tart of List Woek. ( iUIUitto aiul wife if Aslilaihl weio in town nut' iluy last week. Su inlay 1 lie Nat ivi hatiliters ealitn went on a pietiit u Walker eieek. Alttuit l ieoilt' were jtreseiit ami en- juyetl themsi'lves iintnetisely. Mrs, Mary I'eler left lor Han ! ran eiseo Satunlay, where she will seo I lie fleet eome in. Mrs. I. II. Oaily is substituting in her absenee. A A ni iii We are selling on all average more than iloo sacks of Waits- -f burn Pure White Flour every mouth. There is a reason for this. More people nre reali.- iii every day lliat this flour make, nicer, whiter bread and i of it than :mv other t'li nr on the market in Med-fi-nt. Trv it nnd if this slate- - f 4 ininl isn't true in every 4 liii'inv we will cheerfully 4 ''nnd 'out inoliev. 4- 4 The Grocery on the dor-Dor. ALLEN & REAGAN IT LEADS THEM ALL Eagle Pharmacy l-'l If ST IN SICKN'KSS, KIUST IN IIHAI.TII IT l ITV IS Ol'W WATCIIWOIM) (L)r.l.lTV IS OI K' TK'ADK MARK Prescript ions prepared uiiilt-r renislcred pharmacists. N H W STORK Oli I) IO OAT ION A. E. WHITMAN MANAGIiR Don't be Deceived I.y luiym'si flour shipped in at .tl.oO per sack. I'at.roniz home industry. Buy Davis Best Flour at $1.30 per Sack 10 very sack i-iiaraiiteed. Try it. 1 f you can't ;j;et it at the u;rocers, come to the mill. H. E. Boyden Sells Ranges That are Unsurpassed IX T I M l'j AND lap.ok-savino qiiamtiks, all STYLUS AND PRICKS, (U'ARANTKKD TO PLLASK Til M MOST PARTICULAR. Moore ISTllK NAM R OF Til 10 RANOK, IL K. P.OYDKN IS TDK N AM K OK T1IK PLAOK TO HUY ONK. ( 'ALL IN AND SKK KOU YOUL'SKLK. Cedar Beveled Siding ANYTHING MADE I-ROM TREES Quotations promptly aud cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT OLIvNDALK ORI-OON YARD AND OK KICK AT M KDl'ORD, OL'KOON. GREAT 6 FOR 5 SALE BEGINS Wednesday, May 6 at Meeker DRY GOODS STORE mtTTQ t tup. VII? ST S AT.F. OF TI I K k'lND KYKR NSTITl'TKD IN THIS CITY. NO MATTKR WHAT YOU HUY. DKKSS (iOODS. SIIOK UICOKS (ilNOHAMS. OUTIXd ULA XX KLS. J I ATS. OLOYES. HI B1JOXS, II ANDK KL'CII IKKS, IIOSK OR AXY OTIIKR (iOODS THAT ' - ...... ,.1'T) nivisinv whj tiii mmst I.IP.K.lfAL OKKKR IS THAT VK WISH THK PKOPLK OK SOUTHKRX OI.M 'Al M .. IL'l "HI "i """'i i "ii 0101 11 Y THK II 1 i 1 1 ST AX DA RD OK QUALITY AND STYLK OUR SPRIXO STOCK CONTALXS. OUlf PRICKS ARK ALWAYS T OKKKR YK ARK MAK I NO IX Til IS (iRKAT FOR ") SALK YOU ARK SAYIXO 40 TO " PKR CKXT BY TRADINO WITH US. ...'.,iu ..r Iii-,. O.hmIs for the i.ri.-e of.... vanls l pairs ot Overalls tor the pric .: ..,i'. ..r t,i,., f,.r the nrice of :. " .V"rl C pairs of Suspenders for the price Uoy,cn i ni I oils i in i lie ii m i: in (i Papers pins for the price of ARTICLK TDK SIXTH IS AHSOLUTKLY S. Kl W K ::ox .OW I 'RNISHIN CARRY. IN TO RKAI ST. AND pairs of Shoes for the pri-e of...'. V" (! pairs of Hose for the price of l"'' RKMK.MHKi;. IK YOU I'.UYoOKANY of. hi:i:i:. i (IOODS. NOTIONS. STOCK. YOU ONLY -IZK MOL'K THOIi- I'll I TIIK OlfKAT pairs " pairs dozen pairs W. H. MEEKER & CO.