T11H MEDKOIM) DAILY TUTBUNE, MEDT'YTP, OR.,-TUESDAY. MAY 5. 1f)0S. e Aledford Daily Tribune A Live Pnper in a Live Town. .i tilibht'd every evening txept $uid:n Med lord Publishing Company. 0. PUTNAM, Mft i tor ami Manager. Admitted ii Sft-iiiiil i'nn Mutter in I li 1'itfitnl'f at Midfnrd, t tn-K'Ht. SubKcription Rates: t'ne iiiimtli, I iy in ail nr carriir. . . .0..r,u -iie yar, lv mail .1 A REAL YELLOW PERIL. A ft'Ill Vt'IluW .clil limits litir t In t void of hiiiN'ii'lfH uvcl' I lit Ami-rii-nii t'.-.timj. iK-roliliu to t 'nrit;irfHiiiiili Ifirli Uhl lYnrxim Hid. Hint nl ,l:tli;im:i, who i. -tt drVntid life In Uh- iij.hiiillin (!.' tin' A inrririi ii navy ;is ilu pri'v ruin I vc of future wars ami tin sole menus . krriiitf Hi" Jt;ht ( Ihi- wmld. Mr. Ilnhsiin, who won fa tin in tin "-iniiisli-Aiuerirnu war by kin Icing I lie . tri inuu ami win. fnnl I'M yi-urn in navy. nmertt that it' Jaan should ;lniv war, she i-ould grab tin- I'liil i piiM'M ami 1 1 a wa ii. neie I In cut in I 'ti'il'ic coast, destroy nil ritrt'K aal ex a 't a li itK" raiiMuni as I In- jH'irt ol' (m-jh-i l..'1'nre America could begin In prepare ! -ir a si niggle. Japan is tjiiii'lly preparing fir war, :' id with wImhm, Im asks, except Amer fit! Tin- tiiildolo's fim-i's will tlrsl raid liinu lo secure t'n mis for the coming 'irugglc, Japan 'k army numbers halt' inlllioii more nii-ii today llnni (lining !ie war with Itussiu. Her navy is lie I-ig enlarged ami increased as taxi as t lips ran tie linill. Tin-re are 1 l.'.MMli . a is in Hawaii lodiiv against 7:mm .' liicricnns. Luzon is being people by aps ami the .lapanesi are aiding ami iieoniiigiiig the anli -Aineiiran parly in ' he Philippines, There are over I mm, i '10 t mined Jap veterans in America i.lm have organized secretly. Aaierii-a, according to 1'aplain llnl ion, hail to nil hmnlile pie at the dicta lion i.f Japan in order In u v jt n war ver the se In u I affair in San I'miiei to, Although nonius! American priiu-i i Jen, laws ami customs, free A inerica wallowed her prhle ami t'l lowed I he oclntimi of the oriental despot. The Jap scholars were reinstated. 1 H her wise, tho rtninlless Inudi-s of Asia Would hate lieeii swarming over I he -ind. hily I lie presem t' I he A nierira a Meet in I lie I 'ae i t ie delays I lie impend ag struggle, asserts -Mr, llnbsou, ami only a hit; navy, hut h in I lie Pacific j' ml A I la ii I i c, ean keep aid only peaee illi Japan, I m t the peace of the world. if we must have war espeinlii ures. I here is no ipicstion hut that a navy. In Amerii-a'K isolated position, is sit l-erior In an army, less expensive, less of a burden and far greater prided inn, t'aplaia llubsnii nsseris lhat all Amer iean press news from Japan is iinivliii Ide and euhiK'd to m i t Japan, pariien larly that sent mil by (lie Asnscinted I'ress, whose chief has bi-i-n dernialed by the entperiir. It was by eonlrol uf I Ije press that Itussiu was billed into se i nrily be fore I he attack, was made by Japan. CHANCE FOR REFORM. "If eleeted county judge. will Iiac lln I k uf all eoiinly uffiiet eprll ed. I will have Hie bridges ami inads made safe for travel: will hnve mad dis rids redneed in si.e and the ro.-ul ;i. paid in ea-h dislriet expnided in thai distriet as far as pi arl irable ; will Imve roads built under nmlrael n iinfiiini With surveys ami speeifiealiuiis I'm i I tii highways. Jjiih.-h U. Neil.'' What does Jndjie li say He stands nn his rei-Mid of refusing to exptM't boulis, id' buildiiii; nariow, ele vated ioiiiIh, nf nenlectiny enmity hridj;es, nf spi'iidiii nmnev nf mil' ruad listriel in another ;iud uf eioieealini; ,,. falrtitinii from the public. This is whal Judu'e I'niin prumises, n 11 emit iniianee nf uhl euiidil inns. liefurm is needed. When enmity nffi- eials dare tint fnee Mblie ins inn and when tln-y turn dmvn the peupleV deniiilids, it is liitfh lime fur refmin. MONDELL'S OPINION ON RAILROAD LAND GRANT WAHHlXfiTotf. Max V t'lu.irn.an Mnndell of the publie hinds enmniiltee hns written the attorney Hen.'ral fur an opinion reudiat; die r. -snlul imi n.l int befure the ei nlttee pi....wiiiu rt- illatinli In deti-r s,-t!( p,( . upon I.hi.Ik involved ill the coiitrmpbif d snils URainst tho Oregon a r:iiifii,,.i i.-iil roaiN pending litie,atien. h is i -. t . I that parties are ennue.,.,1 in lh. bnsi of sidiritiny ind i idiial-t ! inili:it hmiim form of niit l.i Id, .,- hnids bv ai.ph etl I iull to pnirtias,. ,,r ). -e-M b uu nl Tli nimitiee is,. i , h,,V4 it- , ,, department uf jiinlbr ,m rntlh ritv ) prevent Mich piui'i'dnie wi),nit lei;M.. live net Inn. HARKIM AN Vl.ANNINO HtlMMl'.K IN (HU'.UHN SA.N I'l; A M lNi ii, .,, V I! II llarriiimn. the r:iiliu:id maiKih' ;im i his Suns, are sunn .. istl :i 1 1 1 u i t am) arrangements are nmv b- nu; in;n '' t a s)n at I'eliean l.al.r, in i he north a pail uf the stair. w)uie Hie 1 in:ui :IT H 1 1 creeled a liiliil Miyj larniiinn's tiip in l;n(. I t.n j.1. ,,i.t. but he will find timr . m, i,. s ,,, I'laneimu ul mallei uf bii'Olu -ix. i.ICH STRIKE MADE ON WILLIAMS CHEEK tiltANTS I'ASS. Or.. M:t i .'si ial iuii pa 1 1 ban i i t iinn d f rmn 'Williams ere-K. the s. ne nf the r pel I d rieh sltihe ul uld. tiixl find tl,:,l between .'iMllll ; it.l ;ino h:lv be.-n e billeted bv urttmH Itiu. ;iiii .Imies -II three dftys. and t h y ;iii- ill puun.I i iK imt rieh mi-It. It a luwnd diffi nit to pjirtii-iilaii ut the (nil .muHIlt c X title ted, !l then peralnrs i.ele illelined to In- letieent. fearing o Inmpede of pmpopeetuis to I In ii ramp, 'hid new strlkf is only n shurl diitnnee 'rum the June Hfutt. marble ipiarry .ind about two mile from this eilv. STATEMENT ONE MAN I CONFIDENT OF VICTORY Laehin but mie nr u uf a ma jnrit y ill Hie next leyi-latnre fur eb-.-linll nf 1' ailed Stall's s tialur. I In- Statement Sv. I ton-i t I'e. l iM.nfiileiit of del', al ilij eimnuli anl i Slaletneiit lepnbl iea ll iiniiiinei s to yi ve I hern safe run trol. Thirl v t in- republicans nnminaii d fur I'nr tin- li-islalnre t hruiiuhniil . I lie state :ti- Slateiiu-nl n. I ea nd ida t is. These, nn-reii-ed by In liul.o.-r Mntcinent sen iltnrs, iiurease I he vntinji strength tu .", nr nne less liian a ma.jurity. The repiiblieaii StateiiM-nt eandidates will )(;te i ppiedliuii. su thai I lie :t" nuin mated will siirely sit in the law tnahiiie; Imdv ami vnte fur Senatur I n It m 's sue i-essnr. Tin- iimihI piuinirtin tiehl fur a bu)t from the republii-an anli Stalenieiit inei-H ami fur nnurii with deiiuM-rats is Washiiiutnii. Vamhill and Tillainouk eniinties, win-re uppnsitinn lieLels are ill the Ib-hl I'nr eleetimi nf seven Slate meiit hnM;ilni. W. N". Marrell, re publiean nuiiiinee fur stale senatur in Washinytun. Yamhill. Tillammik and I, ill. -nln, ;ix " repiiblieaii nters elmicc " bus flnppe.l In Statement n. 1 silii-e the in r ies. The Stale lit One furees hupe, th.-refnre. in these fnnr runntii'H In eleet eieht byisltltnis nf their uWll faith. Coal for Sale. We are -iuw prepared to furnish hand pie l;ed enal at Urn mm it, five mil' .fist of town, in any amount denim! NOTH'K. Xnliec is hereby given that the un dersined will apply at I ho regular montlilv ineeLing of tl ity eounell uf Medfnrd, Oregon, May .1, l!iK, for ;i lii eiiHe to gel! malt, vinoim and Hpirit mis limiorw in Ichh nuanlilies than one gnlhm, at Ld 7, Mloek HI, in Medfnrd, (rei'itii, for a period of six montlm. M M I r If 111 V & DOWNIVtl BUSINESS CARDS. J. T. ANKROM, IHIKiKII. MK I) I'D If I), Oli. I'lii-i'M rilit. liun)H KurniHlicil wImmi BALL A OLOH0OCK, I 'otit r:itl nrH nihl ItiiililiTH. All Wurli lln:i rutil I. Olflco with 0. 1. rinrco k Son. I'Ii.mio (ir,:i. I'. (). dux "71. WILLIAM 0. DEBLEV, It't'siili'iil i'inno Timer. S in I IImIcb Ii.v tin Yi'iir. llr:iihiii:iilrrH nt Mule's I'inno lloiist1. All Wink Cnnniiitri'il. I'. u.j:,n .-iiiii, .MMhl'oui), oitKiloN. DR. A. B. SWEET I'livNicinii mill Sur:'im. (tfriiic nl. Iti'Hiili'in'i', Win. M. CulvlK, Mcillorrt, Or. C0LVI0 & DURHAM, AttorneyR-at-Law. (Ii-o. II. Durli.1111, Grnntn Fans, Or. Moillonl Furuitiiro Co., Undertnkern ):l.v I'Ihiiii' .'I.'ilt; Nillt l'llitlu'H: V. Cul'ildill Jll.-i: .J. II. UlllliT US. WM, W. P. HOLT, M. D Physlc'iui and Surgeon, 'nyli' ruint, Oregon. E. L. BALCOM. Xrw Went Suli- l'iiiilTti,itiirv l-'ruil Inn' -o;i iiil ii-H, niilii, ri:irn, t olmriMH, fn'sli I'riiil in hi'.'ihiiii Nctir llutt'l Mniiri', Miilt'nril, dr. rRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL COI. EECTION AGENCY. I li llox Sim. Mnlfor.l, Or. E. R. SEELY. M. D. I'li.VHU'iaii anil Suri'mi Mmlrrn l'!iiiiiprl I )n' rn t i ItnintiH. X 1,'nv. OflU-K llinirH, 10 12, 2 4 V. M. Ol'lii'o 111 Jnckson County Bnnk Bldg. OO TO DR. OOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. Optical rnrlor in IVrry 'n Wurelioiim', SKVKNTII 8THKKT. 'lie Htm No Othnr lttlHilMHH. ' Come to i C. F. Cook and order now your Fruit Trees for fall planlifi"; first class nursery slock no inferior goods handled liemember C. F. Cook All NEW GOODS I ll'V I iooiIs. I 1,'IVllaild I lllll. I. Semi Porcelain, .lardiniers 1 Mini I I'ocl eases and , i rmiks, I'l'leseoites. Suit ll'ii re nil ii I riilit iriri . Ward's Cash Store Golden Grain Granules Kin PKIf CKT PtTRR (JKItlOAli CO KKKI'i. II. IjimIos lik'o coffcfi. Tt. looks like ((((('( iiiwl it, snuills I ike rnl'IVc, Imt is pun! i-ujisted riiins, lilciiilcil so as In pro cure I lie best, flavor, Hie urealesl strenntli and an ar I ii-li1 wliieli yoiiiii and old may drink morning, noon and niiilil. Inlili'ii ( iraiu Crannies is esneciallv reeoinnuided lo I hose sn ITerinj;' from liearl Iroiililc, nervousness, eonsli- iali"ii, indiu'esl ion, dyspe) sia and sloinaeli Irouldes. , curl H '.l-))oinid pucktuip far L'.'ic, all retail irocers. Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Hertford, Or. Low RATES East Will He Made Thin Season by tin SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINES IN OREGON) Prom Medford, Ore AS I'OI.I.OWS: Hut b Wii.ru One Wny Tliroiili Vi:l 'I'D rurlllllnl. I.'illirurtiiil. CliieaK'o !)S'J,1() Ml,. Louis .... 77.10 811.50 SI. I'aul ii!i.!H 81.7") Omaha li!.!0 7.".00 Kansas Cily.. (i!l.!0 7").00 'I'ICKKTS Wll.l. UK ON MAI.K Mav 4, 18 .lune ), li, l!, 'JO .1 nl V, 7, ,L':5 AiiKiisl. (i, 7, HI, 22 Cuud fur return in 1)0 days with hIu nvor priv ilexes at deasnro within limit. RI'-MEMBCR THE DATES ( I'ui :uv t'n r I her iiifu, i nitiun on II on A, H. KOSr.NBAUM. LooM Aftent, r vrili tu , WM. M MURRAY. Qcn'l Vast. ARent rul'tt:iliil, Oreuii. Something New I" l!"l'l"'r Tir. Uial il will ,,av von l i in I'M us !. COMPLETE STOCK. """'i'1 0lk- ifn-noii giiarantwi! Mitchell & Poeck GENERAL WAUONERS Ka-l 7 1 li Stn-ol, ri-ar of Morriman 'n llbi.Uiiiitli SU, i M..lfi,l. Or. TIFFANY Wedding Rings Also the Oregon drape Jiing and Friendship JJuckel Rings at the New Jewelry Store, near the l'ostoffiee, 11 North ! St. MARTIN J. REDDY R. W. GRAY, Builder COLONIAL PORCH WORK, ORTLL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TELKlMTON Iij 471. To The Public IIAVIMI INSTALLED MAi'IUXKKV I'OK TIIK MANUFAC'TUKI.; (IP II I C II (iliAOK ICE C'HEAM, WK ARK I'Kia'AIIKI) TO Vf.. AIJ. OKOKIiS. I. AlidK Olt SMALL. DULIVKRIKS .MAKE TO A X V I'AKT OF THE CITY. NI'Ki.'IAL OHDEHH GIVEN OUR I'UOMI'T ATTENTION-. ORDER AT Mi:iEOIfl HOOK STORE Oli eiiEAMEKV. Rogue River Creamery Medford ARE YOU INTERESTED? 1 have for sale at $62. 50 iei' acre. SO acres of as fine orchard land as there is in Woiic Ifivcr valley. The im provements on place are worth at least 12")(l. Let nie show you this land. ALFRED SMITH OVKR JACKSON COUNTY RANK. A Trial Convinces That wo m'll the I1EST Mcut amt Pmillrv to bo hod in tl v.illcy ot AXV 1'iii-o, nml Ol'li prioos aro ALWAYS KKIHT. If you trailc iiin satin I'ai-lion U (niir:nittV(t. The Medford Meat Qo. Sih-pessurM to I'utt nipT, next llidel Nash. We jejy (he highest prieos fur Clnekeiis and Veal. ff H KA IHU A KTKHM fur MiKhOrade Tea and Coffres, Kitrai'tH and Sniff, llakiui! IWilern nam, Vaies. Jardinieres, all MKDFORD TEA and COFFEE MOUSE -Hi VVKST SEVENTH STREET. McGLASHAN h JUNKEN, Propa. PHONE 1051. MEDFORD SAS Window and Door Screens, Fence Tickets, Office fixturra mid all kinds of planing mill work, including tnrurd work and fancy grilla. F. BETWEEN BTH AND 7TH STS. TUONE 63. Is Your Appetite Failing? Try ( uh iin Mini r W.iter. Th pioneer and Indinnt found it value yer nnd Kidd's Foot Fitting Shoes FOB MEN, $400. OUR SPECIAL W-IRON SINOLE6 SOLE, KAN GAROO IS THE BEST SHOE MADE FOR RAILROAD MEN. It Can't Wear Out "ISN'T THAT riNE." If you npjreei:ile waistcoat expand er in tli form nf n rhoico, juicy steak you will find this the daeo for jmr elmse. There 'h nothing in the meat linn worth earrviiif; hume and cnukiii t)iat you eannot find here . any time yuii enll. TIuh in an iuvitatinn lo visit n h suon. Hotel Emerick W. E. JOHNSON, i vim MEDFORD, 01?. ami Ueliih. China Wnrp. (U:iss kinds of Kanev Dishen nnd and 10 Ont 'ountnr. STARTING WITH THE SOUP and ending with the roffW, you 'II ' find overy mouthful of tho dinnrr you eat here delieimi. When it in through you'd ji'a'I'y ''at inoro if yon ronhl jios- ; ildy find room. Stop in alono and diiuv ', Thon yon ean hrinj your frirnd nfter aiiN when you want to treat to a we dinner. The Nash Cafe H & DOOR CO. year ayo. When the Fire Bell Rings Most people WAKE UP. Haven't you heard it ringing, ringing, ringing loud enough to wake the dead in Medford during the last year? It means that right now is the right time to get in on the ground floor in the heart of the city, be fore the new railroad, the water system and the coal road sets things to booming in Greater Med ford. It means that such a chance as we are able to offer for the next FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY Of Twelve Choice Residence Lots in the Beautiful FAT RVIEW ADDITION, ( )n West Seventh street, for the low price of $3500 for the entire twelve lots will not occur again in the history of Medford. The time is limited ; don't let the cliance pass you by. For full particulars call on the Ro$ie River Land Go. Exhibit Building Automobiles Thn Darifir Par The automobile with the high 1I1C lalllll tdl clearance four - cylinder 30- horsepower water-cooled engine, storage baiter v and imported Uosch magneto and coil, 108-in. wheel base, sliding gear transmission, double chain drive, H0 siiiare inches braking surface; strictly high class in every respect. The best car for Hie coast country. The best car ever offered for the price. Price .f22")0, fully equipped. J. M. ROOT & SOX, , Jackson County Bank Bldg., Medford, Or. .1. R. KXVART.P.-csid cut, .1. A. l'KRRY, Vire-Prrsidrnt. The Medford MEDFORD. OR. CAPITAL $50,000 . SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage W. W. E1FERT, The Miss Jeunesse Butler INSTIiH Toll OP PIANO. STUDIO AT RKSIDKNCE, O STREET, WEST MK.nn.lili. I'lloNE NO. 7!U. Seo llo' l'm.n HouRo for references. IjM l;i:s. w,.j nt,;, 4 mil.-, fr,., H. p. R. h. slai i,,,.,,,,,;,, nil rr...s 1 slalli,.n, lli,)r..Khl.rl Sliiro, wfixht 10SO po,H 8 voars ..1.1; ..II f..r....t.B ii..,.l..i..,, 40 n, alff, s0 arm Rrai (i u.r ..r,l,r,l, 2 K,., ,lw..ll.ng. :t Ko,l lr, ,! oth(,r ot. t i 1.1 o C ; tclo .l...i. in Iioiiso, .Unly innil, Rolmol lioum- on plnoo, I'. O milp- tw.i B.....I irnjjatinK .lit.liri.. Ationt 1.10 ,,,-ros onn b irriimld 1.-.0 nori-s fnrmi liui.l. All llio tan.l m K,., f, frit; nn .l.mo ,,1,,,.,,. Pan 1m. .:.h,Iv l-nr.-l. goo.1 !..,, lan.l nil w.. f,.nP(.,,. Thi, of hp l..st ranrlir iii Iho connly for II,,. mnnev. Will n,t ir,n (, b. 1,....,.. markrt for all prnlure nn.l crop. Tlii, p:1,0 win nill,i0 ,; ; fiv n-o furms; roinily roa.l run, lhronRl, ir. ,.,,,, of IF SOU) SOON, PRICK PKI! ACRE. s:i ACRES nir ( ontrnl Point, nl.ont 4.'. acres in .-nltivation; part It.ar frook bottom, good alfalfa an.l grain land; part in rolling, but all good fruit land; fair building and good fence; S acres voung tree!. This is an exceptionally good huv. PRICE $4rt ",0 PER ACRE TERMS. " ... ... DRESSLER West Seventh St. We Want to Realty Bond Oregon W. Jackson county Bank Annex .IOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Aa t ('nciiier. National Bank COMFORT WILL DOG YOUR STEPS if ymi wear our tnilurod madi clothing. 'All suits nnd top coats aro inmli to fit any individual aeeiirntply. Tlio very finest fabrics aro used in our tailoring work. Von will jfind lift hc;tdu:irtern for stylish and comfortable units. Wo await your orders for Spring and .Snin nur garments. City Tailor, Medford & WOOD Medford, Or. Buy Lands Syndicate of H. Stalker Secretary J