If You've Anything to Buy or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES CriEsiiflinie. The Weather Showers tonight or Wednesday; south erlv winds. THIRD YE AE. MKDFOR1), 01?., TUESDAY, MAY 1)0S. No. 40. SUSPECTED MURDERER OF NATHAN WOLFF UNDER ARREST m Pally MURDERER Alfred H. Martin CoGaine ' Victim Under Arrest For the Alleged Mur der of Nathan Wolff. PORTLAND, May ii. A warrant has been issued for t he a r rest of Edward H. Martin, for the alleged inurdor of Nathan Wolff, so brutally murdered in his jewelry and pawn shop on Friday night. Martin who is years of ago, nnd in the employ of the city engineer's oltice, is an alleged cocaine tie ml. lie has been missing from his homo and n h haunts since Sunday night. Yes terday the poliee discovered a bloody shirt among a heap of debris in tho rear of a cheap lodging house on Second sreet. Tho collar band conformed in size to the bloody collar found in Wolff's shop, and the laundry marks g.'.vo the poliee a clue which led to tho issuance of a warrant for Martin's arrest AH detectives of tho department tiro searching tho eityanud suburbs for Mar tin, who disappeared from his homo on tho Fast Side Sunday evening and has not since been seen by his people. H has never before been suspected of nuy crime. Several months ago he was ar rested for having eoeuine in his pos session, bat was released when he was recognized as an employe of the city. Martin, who is the son of wealthy par ents, now traveling jn Europe, is a grad uate of West Point, a graduate of Ford ham university and tho icv York law college, and took one. year's tuition ; in the medical class of the I'niversityl of Oregon. His wife saw him last Sun-1 day. Martin went to church Sunday; morning apparently unconcerned. PORTLAND, May Kdward II. Martin, who is suspected of the murder of Nathan Wolff, was arrested by De tectives Jones and Tiehener at - o'clock this afternoon at a lodging house at Union avenue and taken to the police station. lie had visited a number of friends this mornrng and was traced to the lodging house. " A large crowd gathered, but no hostile demonstration was made. DUKE DE CHAULNESS DIED IN AN OPIUM DEN IN PARIS NEW YORK, May a. Further news tending to show that Duke de Chaulnes, tho late husband of the former Theo dora Shouts of New York, was stricken in an opium den and that ho was re move! to his hotel in a dying condition is contained in a cable to the New York Times from Paris. The cable says tin duke was taken from the den by a po lice official and that it was not until after his death in tho Hotel Langham that his wife realized the real cause of his demise. It develops, says the Paris cable, that De Chaulnes went to the den nccompanied by an intimate friend of his sister, the Duchess d'TIzes. A u hour later 1 he proprietor of the place became alarmed over his condition. He seemed to be dying. The police offi cial was called and the duke was re moved to his hotel, whom the next morning he was found dead by his wife. r HAMMOND WILL PLACE JOHNSON IN NOMINATION WASHINGTON. May 5. The Post todav savs that Governor John A. John snn nf Minnesota will be nominated before the Denver cunvention to head the democratic ticket by Kepresentative Wintield S. Hammond of of Minnesota. Hammond nominated Johnson during Wj.th hi terms as governor of Minne sota nnd both times Johnson swept a normally republican state into the dem ocratic coin mn. BRIDGE WASHED OUT WRECKS FREIGHT TRAIN ST. LOUIS, May 5. A thunderstorm of unusual severity and wind of a tor nado velocity swept this vicinity early today. The bridge of the Louisville & Nnhville near Belleville. III., was washed out nnd wrecked a freight train while piled up in KWuwnlanb creek. Three of the crew w ere drew nod. A large area of lowlands are under wnter and mneh damaged by the tornado. Th traffic it impeded and telegrnphir nnd telephonic communication interrupted. MAY GRANT PARDON TO CALEB POWERS FRANKFORT, Ky., May ii. Governor Willson was unable to complete the reading of all the papers in the Caleb Powers parf don application in time to an nounce his decision today. It may be several days before his decision will be announced. Pow was tried four times for the Goobel murder. JEROME WONT DistriGt Attorney Defies Court and Says He Will Go to Jail Rather Than Obey Order. NKW YORK, May ".. District At lorney Jerome declares he will go to jail rather than comply" with the order from Judge Kosnlsky that certain of tho grand jury minutes bo filed with I he court of general sessions. Jerome made this statement at tho hearing of tho chnrgos against him that he had failed to fulfill the duties of his office. Tho records that Judge Kosnlsky or dered filed with the court of general sessions were those of the grand jury that investigated the affairs of the Metropolitan street railway system last November. The effect of filing the minuates with the clerk has been to make them public. MATTHIEU PRESENT AT CHAMPOEG CELEBRATION At Chnmpoeg. a small settlement on the Willamette river between Salem nnd Oregon Citv, tho iWtli anniversary of the establishment of provisional govern ment in the Oregon was celebrated Saturday by a gathering of pioneers and t.neir descendants from various parts of the Willamette valley. While the weath r was not at all favorable to the cele bration, ( deterring many of the older pioneers from venturing out and se riously interfering with the plans of those in charge, over lint people were present and participated in the exer- ises. The program was in charge of P. X. Mattliieu Cnhhin, Native .Sons of Ore gon, ot linttevuie. owing in mo m ss of Ralph Moody of Poitland, the ilor of the dnv, his place was taken bv L. J. Malione. A feature of the occasion was the presence of P. X. Mat thieu.fi the only survivor of the memo ruble assembly nnd the man whose vote leeided the new government should be o!it rolled bv the United States. DANCE TONIGHT TO SECURE OPEN AIR CONCERTS Kvervbodv in Med ford is expected to turn out tonight at the benefit dance given under the auspices of tho Med ford Commercial club and (.renlor Aie.t ford club for the purpose of buying uniforms for the Med ford band. , In return for the uniforms, the band has agreed to give a series of open air eon certs in the park during tho summer. If vou don't Jance yourself, buy a ticket just the same to help the cause along and secure music the coming sea son. Nash Hotel Arrivals. W. A. Carte. Salem; A. C. Smith, San Francisco; If. R. Ibd.son. Greensboro; G. M. Wilson, Portland; A. A. Chubb. Pas nib-na; J. P. Dawson, Pasadena; A. K. Putin. Los Angeles; G. C Mickerson, Portland; K. P. Chutfield, Chicago;; J. M. Starin and wife, J. K. Ifawsori. Los Angeles; A. M. Shannon. Portland; W. li. Warren, Boston; Sam T. Levy, New York; J. M. Sinclair and wife. San Francisco, Too Late to Classify. Foil SALE Six room house in good repair, choice corner, witn south and east front, two lots, clone to business part of town; price one half cash, terms on balance. Inquire on premises. 224 South G st. 44 FOK SALE A frame building, locat ed on the old Peltnboarn place, between Med foul and Jacksonville, on the mountain road: also brick and stone. i.olv to W. P. Corey. It. F. P. No. One. 41 rlTY TRKAsrKKK'S NOTICE. Office of City Trea-nrer. Med ford. Oregon. Mav ."til. I!". Notice is hereby nion that there nre fund- in the city treasury for the re demption of all ouUtanding warrants issued ngriitut the light and water fund pmteted prir to Octolier "d. 1H7. In lorest on the am win - aboe date. I.. 1.. J colis. j.-i i ity TretiM.rer. -II 4t.rt SNOW M NUTES ITU 10 I SPRAY FOR ! nnni ins UUULIMU First Hatching of Moths Last Sunday-First of Worms May 15Spray With Arsenate of Lead. C'odlin mm lis are out. The rllst of tin' season. They began hatching Son d: y, :y ;:. . The Jir.t lf.od of worms will be out May 1. Spraying should be done in advance of the first worms jtisl previous to the latter date to be nnisl effective. Cod I in moths are the bauo of the or clianlist. or were before the right kind of spray was found and used. Orchard after orchard has been rendered worth less by them, and car after car of fruit made unsalable. Tho spray used most effectively is It pounds of nrsenato of load tu u0 gal lons of water. Two sprayings are usu ally necessary, the first just before the first worms are out and the second jus) before the maximum hatch of the first brood, IS to 20 days after the first date, or June 2 to 5. ' This year the cold nights have made I no fruit crop more bnckwnid than usu al, but has not cheeked tho crop of codlin moths, which are out on schedule time, according to L. D. Harris, super intendent of the Lewis orchard, who maintains a cage for the study and watching of all kinds of horticultural pests. BRIGHT CROP PROSPECTS OF JOSEPHINE COUNTY (! ii A NTS PASS, Or., May ft. The general development and progress of farm work in Josephine county has been far-reaching during the winter months, and the opening of spring has found many acres ready for fruit trees and berries, which will be set out. A splendid rain has been falling, and this will increase tho hap crop and late sown grainjl and gives assurance of heavy yields. A trip over tho county shows that an enormous amount of work has been going on in clearing laud and plant ing orchards, besides much has been accomplished in other-direct ions toward developing the farming communities. A never faif ing crop for this part of I Rogue River valley is tho strawberry, I which grows everywhere, and will pro duce two revenuo crops each year, ow ing to tho climatic conditions. This is 'a feature unknown to Hood Kiver mis j ers, and perhaps to any other part of : the state. It is not nn unusual sight to see berries almpst all the year around j in fact they are nn the market from I May until Christmas. ! With the industrial hum and swing I felt everywhere, tho prospects for (he ! future were never better. The lumber I season is opening well, nnd during the summer there will about 30 mills in ithis vicinity sawing the sugar pine of ! southern Oregon into material for the factories. CONNECTICUT TO BRING EVANS TO SANTA CRUZ SANTA Cl(l Cat.. May -The 1 Connecticut left for Monterey ' this morning to bring Admiral Kvaris to , Santa Cruz. As the Connecticut weigh ji'd anchor Admiral Thomas' flrig wns i hauled down. Mih. John McPaniel of llarbm, Mont, together with her daughters, Klva nnd , Zoiah. who have been visiting with 1 Mm. J. K. Hurt of Kagb- Point, left 'Sunday for their home. 1 J. W. St'-venon and family have re i turn, d from I'lilachias, Tex. They were j forni'T residents of the valley and will intake their home here henceforth. GOVERNOR OUT FOR PEERLESS LEADER lil'TMItlR. Okln.. May Governor Charles X. Ila-tkell of Oklahoma to night made public a letter to Governor Jdin A. Johnson of Minnesota in reply to one of .lohiTson's campaign letters, (iovernor Haskell reviews the political situation of the democratic party and telh (Iovernor Johnson frankly that h' in for Prvan. Civil Court, (inardian Henjamin Rhoden; guard i;ins bond fil'-d. I irder madeQillowing J, A, New ..troiii to adopt Herman .V-wstrom. a minor. f STOEM SWEEPS THROUGH - STATE OP ARKANSAS v f UTTl.t: KOCK. Mav .Y A ... a. vi-rii Sturm last nielli did gmit illinium" iraitii-allv throughout the wllfllo stati'. Si'Vt'hil vil- lam'S Willi' I'l'ai'tii'iilly Mrs! niyoil. Xo loss ot' lifo is reported. t Tin' Sturm put a w iili- swath. A strong wiiiit was t'ollowi'tl liy 4- rains. Finding of Buried Bodies Held to Prove That Murder Was Com mitted in Each Case. r.. POIiTK, hiil., May Four ln. I iln I oil lialiii-s wi'ii' I'oniul ludn.v linrioii in till" yard of I hi' dimness homo, which n.-is liiirni'd ri'i pnt ly, ami in which Mrs, (imiiii'ss nml lii r children polished. The final itiK ill' tlu hurii'il is held to prove Mint a murder liail lui'n foininitted in each ens. rpPULAR MEDFORD COUPLE ARE SECRETLY MARRIED In tin presence of only the immediate family of the bride and entirely tin known to his friends and neighbors, Charles King, the pon!ar proprietor of tho Med ford book store, was married to Mrs. J. G. Van Dyke Snttirday, May 2. at. 1 1 o 'clock. Kev. V. K Williams performed the ceremony at the Kpiseopal parsonage. After a ipiiet wedding breakfast, par tieipnted in by the brother, find sister of the bride and her immediate family, the newly married couple went by auto mobile to Ash tu ml and took Mm 3 o 'clock t rain for Sim Francisco. The- marriage was intended to take place wit hoid the knowledge of nay of the friends of the couple, and this was successfully carried' out. F,ln borate plans were made to prese. ve secrecy until they were safely Mvay on their honeymoon. Mr. King announced some time ago to his friends that he intended to make a business trip to San Fran ctttco, and about the same t ime I lie bride determined to go down and sen the fleet. Xo significance was attached to-thc fact that tho trips were planned simultaneously, N'nt until the two wen seen speeding toward Ashland in nn intoniohile did their friends suspect the truth. .Mr. and Mis, King are understood to have arranged nn extended trip in Cal ifornia and are expected back in Mod- ford in about three weeks, when they will receive the warm reception and congratulations which their haty do part lire prevented. HOW THE CANDIDATES FOR QUEEN ARE RUNNING uteres! is already waxing nana in t!ie carnival (jueea contest, and the friends of several of t he contestants are already depositing votes and has tling for more, while others are hold ing their vote for a later day. The merchants who are giving voting coupons have a raid conspicuously dis played in t lo ir windows, I f you are anxious to s.o some friend of yours go to I'ort land as Med lord 's ijiiecii, yoii should see i hat all the trade possi ble i thrown where votes may .-tired free. The men-limits who are working hard est in this contest have already con tributed to the float through the Com mercial ebib, and the more trade they get in the next .'to days t he more it will cost them, but th'v are willing to have the extra business now. Any merchant i-an have coupons by seeing lei-retaty of Commercial club. The eMiit' vtant stand lis follows: Ifnel Tice 102 Miss Caddis 2d Maud Allen 31 Kdnn Kifert 7-' ' ('neb nee Angle 21 I l,on Hart.ell L2 VI iss Hamilton 2- i MNs Mabel Kent 31 ! M j 'a'-adina Plvmire 2.r Mm. C. T. Gaddis 2". 'Mr. Anna Pnnielson i Drowned in Lost River. KLAMATH FAM.H. Or., May fi. A searching party Sunday found the remains of A ml re w Nichols in !,ot i Kiver. Nichols left lionanra under the influence of Ibpmr. Mis team reached i..me without him. and it ws thought lit was thrown out of the wagon nnd huh drowned while undertaking to ford the river. He leaves a wife and tw" grown children. 4 MUTILATED BABIES FOUND IT'S TEDDY. IS I18IIS PREDICTION Naval Hero Thinks Roose velt Certain of renom ination Said to be on Still Hunt Himself That Congressman Itichmond P. Hob sou, hero of the Merriinac, is on a still haul for the democratic nomination for the presidency in ltM-1- is one of the stories following the advocate of n big iiiivv about the couhtry. When asked about it. he admitted having heard tho assertion before, but he refused to deny or affirm it. 'I am out of politics, except to aid the cause of a greater navy and show my countrymen the dangers ahead of lis,' said Captain Hobson. My heart nnd soul are in this effort, and it is my polities. "I think President Roosevelt will be re nominated. Signs seem to point that way. He is regarded by many ns the only man available to beat Hryun. Hut there is a powerful element of tho ro publican party that will support a dem ocrat in preferenoo to Roosevelt. 'l think that Uryan should name the democratic nominee, I don't un derstand why Governor Folk's nnme has been dropped. I understand thai ho is Hrvau's first choice. Ho is certainly well situated from both south nnd north to unite the discordant elements of the democratic party." Captain Hobson did not seem to think that (iovernor Johnson was likely to succeed or that- he would ie very strong in the south, even if nominated. LADD AND TILT ON V INCORPORATE BANK I'OliTI.AND, May fi. Articles of in corporal ion have been filed by I he Ladd Hi Tilton bank. The institution will commence business ns a corporation tomorrow morning after almost lit) years of existence ns a private bank. The capital stock is $l,(iim,niu, fully paid up, and the institution shows a surplus of iflno.tMKl at the outset of its cor porute career. The management, of the bank will be the same as heretofore; the necessity for incorporation arises fro in tho in creasing business of the institution. This can be handled better by a corpo ration than by a private bank arid in enso of the death or disability of any of those who control the bank, the busi ncis cannot bo affected in any way, whereas, if the private blink were con tinned, much probate business and straightening out of the estlite would nieessiirily follow the death of anyone in trol of the institution. MILLION GRAPEVINES PLANT PAST YEAR Almost 1,0110,0110 grapevines have been planted mi the hill slopes of southern Oregon in the past year, states Iteuuis iStowall in the Suiidny Journal. The grape eni.e. us it is popularly called, is HiiperM'dirig the gold craze, and it is interesting to note that ninny of the best vinevrads are thriving on ground th:it was worked in the early davs for the precious yellow metal. The variety that has proved its superiority in southern Oregon is the Flaming To luiv. It h:is also been found that the celebrated American grape, the Con cord. :im well as many of the more deli cate Kuropean varieties, such ns the Malvoises, It oho of Fern, Hlaek Ham burg, Coldea 'hasselar and others thrive on the red lands of southern regott. The conditions of noil, alti tude and climalM are almost idenfieal with that of the famous wine-producing sections of France and Italy. VinevnrdistH are finding tin south hill slopes of the Kogue Kiver valley, particularly those red land nnd granite .list rids of Josephine and Jackson counties, to be ideal grnpe lands. The mil is warm, of good depth and well drained, three prime requisite for fine ccssf ill grape cull ore. These foothill lurid-, evi n though the l:nn may h"e a depth of only two feet, with n slope to die south or south or southwest, nnd lying at nn elevation of from I0'" to .'oo feet, are splendid locations for vineyaids. The grape, to innture, ami to reach the holiest point of excellenee iM to .ob.r, size aad flavor, mii'.t In grown in on equable temperature, with ample sunshine, mid the south, south east and southwest hill slope of Rogue River valley meet these requirements MEN SHADOWING BURNS HELD AS WITNESSES SAX FRANCIS 'O, May .". Four men alleged to have been shadowing William .1. I turns, special agent for the graft pros ecution, nave been detained and placed under orders ot the court as witnesses. They are C. Mid dleman, Henry C, Nelson, John If. Johnson and J. Newman. FOR BAY CITY Admiral Evans Rejoins Fleet In Time to Lead Vessels-Arrives at San Francisco 6th. I'ASO HOBI.K8, Ciil.. Mav 5. Ad miral Kvnim hIii n eel fur Montoivv in u privnto Mir und special train this innming. Tlio ndnurul wiir liiippv in iiiiliiMiiiition of ri'ininini; tho flt'ot und proud of tho fact Hint lie would, li'nil tin' flfi't in Sun Francisco hay. SANTA CRUZ, Cnl., May fi. The nmhincd Atlantic fleet this afternoon i!onimeneed tho final leg of the lung raise from Hnmplon roads to Han Fran- ciseo. 1 hey win arrive oft San r ran- isco lightship tonight and tomorrow morning will get under way and by noon will be well within tho (.olden Onto. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Will Lamb, with his son, MHo, came down from his ranch Friday and con tinued on to Talent to Visit relatives. Scot t ( 'laspie has gone to Med ford for a loud of store goods. The plans for Hut to Falls' new public school building have been submitted to and approved by tho county superin tendent. It will be two stories high, wiln four moms for scholars ami conk rooms. The mill men in removing logs to (he sawmill broke the large mill cable, and work has been delayed until new cable is provided. .1. Miller, siiporiiileudcul of Unite Kails company, has gone to the valley on business. Your correspondent is creditably in formed t hat not only is Central Point bridge unsafe for travel, but that no rices of warning Imvc been posted on the Cold Hill and Cpper Rogue river bridges. Judge Duiiii may think I hat t hese 110I ires relieve t he county from liability, but let some man or woman or school children suffer injury and he will wake from his dream. Why is the road work now being fboio all done near and around Ashland.' And why are travelrrs forced into sitiial iiois of danger ,' Frank N'etherland ami C, o. linker left, for Med ford Sunday on legal busi ness, Mr. linker has purchased thret lotv. in Untie falls. The machinery tor 1 he grading of the electric mad is on ils way to the Falls and a surveying parly has been organized to shirt immediately and the tvork will be rnpidly pushed. .. M ilbr and l yer iViitz ra rived in I ho Falls Tuesday and M r, I 'cnl. continued on his way to his homestead ami will return to the Kails lo look aft it judicial and ol her legal mat let s. I. (I. Karnes has purfehnsed another fine residence lot in I he Falls. W. K, Fntrop has gone to Medford. He is one of the noted pedestrians and thinks nothing of walking -10 miles and reaching Medford near t he noon hour of tho day he leaves his home. Machinery has reached the ford and has been sent to the "Caster" mill, as this mill noon starts its run. , Heott. einspill freighted .'.'00 pound of store supplies on Tuesday to Unite Falls. Business is rapidly improving. Mrs. Mnhoiiey niul daughters have gone to their homestead on the nn sur vived kinds. , Fire Dostroyst Indiana Town. WALKKRTON, Ind., May .V There was a fire early today in the business section of the town, The loss is cs I hunted at M'i'V". SALT LA K K, May 5. -Fnion ific stockholders today authorized the di redors to is;iue f loo.iioo.ooo in bonds. HAWLEY'S EFFORT DOES NOT MEET WITH SUCCESS WAMlllNtiToN, May ". Representa tive 1 1 aw ley made an uiisureessful ef fort on the floor of the house todny to secure ua increase from $..ooo to $ tltoo for the mainteiiani f the Crater I.aku national park. SQUADRON OFF FERRIES AT LAST Two New Barges for Crossing Upper Rogue Ordered After Months , of inaction. Neglect of county roads by tho count' court has caused farmers no end of trouble in all parts of tho county. Ko has neglect of bridges, and costly struc tures are falling to niecea for lack of a few dollars spent in repairs. So has neglect ot terries, which have, actually been allowed to become so rotten that they fell to pieces. No persons perhaps of all the many inconvenienced by neglect of highways have been worse put out than thoso residents of tho upper Roguo country, who depended upon the Trail ferry to cross the stream. Siaco the ferry rot ted away last winter, it has been lin possiblo to cross savo by the Flounce Rock bridge, many miles upstream, lu be led unsafe for travel, or tho Jlybeo bridge, t!t miles below. After months of inaction, the county government, stirred to uctiou by Tim Tribune, has ordered tho building of two ferries in response to lengthy petitions from resident. One will cross the Htreftm at the old Jackson ford and tho other at the Trail creek crossing. Work will begin this week on both ferries, und it will oou not bo necessary to take u HI or 10 mile drivo to get across tho stream ns has been necessary for many months. IMPORTANT RULING BY GENERAL LAND OFFICE Notification has been received of an important decision ou the part of the general laud commissioner. .1. L, V den, mail contractor, of Klamath Falls, made .lime "!, ltlOil, a homestead entry on n quarter section of laud about ti" miles from Klamath Falls, i'art of it was ia t i in Iter and a small part ho fenced and used as garden, etc. He built a cabin ou it nn-1 his family lived I lore three or four months each year. He excused his not having resided there by the diet that his presence was nec essary at hUuinnth Falls to superintend the business of handling mails, ami his family's not living then more of the time by the fact that it was necessary to scl I the children. June 0, fm7, J. li. Ituell filed nil affidavit of contest. The hearing was held before tleorge t 'hasti:in, county cb-rk of Klamath county, both parties appeared and submitted testimony. Tln laud office at l.akeview ruled in favor i,( Yudon, Huell filed tin appeal. The commissioner reversed the decision and ruled that the homestead entry is held for ciiiicellutioa, and instructed this office to advise Ituell of his right to appeal to the deparluieui. Judge Gray Out of Politics. FIT'l'Slil'Kt;. May Fnited Stales Judge liuiv of I te) nun re and Jb. Wood row Wilson, president of Princeton uni versity, arrived today as guests of the I'riiiceioa club of Western Pennsylva nia, whose :tlth annual dinner was held at the Hotel Scheiily tonight. When aski-d if his decision not to be a candi date for the democratic presidential nomination was irrevocable. Judge tiray said: " Kniphatieally it is. I am out of pol ities and am going to stay out,' FAMOUS HOPE DIAMOND AOAIN CHANGES HANDS PA IMS, May .V -The a moos Hope diamond latterly owned by Joseph Fran kels Sons company, New York, was sold here, it is reported, for !00.ooo. It is believed it was bought for the sultan of Turkey. The Hope diamond in a sapphire blue, very brilliant and weighing It 1 - earals. It was one time owned by H. T. Hope, and it is supposed it was cu( from a large bine diamond weiehing 11-' I 'J carats in the rough, "old by Tavnemier to Loirs I XIV. Bar Peekaboos and Merry Widows. NKW YORK, May .V-Tim girln of Horace Maun school, at Itroadway aiid Twelfth strt- have been forbidden to wear ultra fnvdouahle or extravagant headgear, false hair, elaborate adorn ment of jewelry, high heel shoes and peek n bood waist h; also Merry Widow ham. IN S