Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 04, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tiirc mhdf-owi da'im' trtbune, mf-hfoim). or.. MoxhAY. may 4. ions.
Eiwood hhIIh yiuthopliom'H ami roi on amy payments $1 a wn-k.
Mrs. Bcniaid of OoM Hill mmU M'l
funl a visit Friiinv nftimnon.
If you want ito i-roam, give ymir or
t r to th Hook Store Creamery.
Goorgp J. Minis of Vntnil I'n'ml vis
ited Saturday in Med ford.
All kinds of job printing at Portland
irfrea Tbn Tribune.
Mr. and Mm. V. T. (irieve of I'row
Met hiivo been visiting i Midford.
Mill Kiln Onunyaw, Bfrnocraptiy and
: Room 4, Palm lil(c.
F. V. riiiitnliau and Imh wife wire
down from the Him Ledtf. tlii nvrli.
horn Oregon Heenery at 1 It 'h
Art Studio, near hrMgi.
Perry Knott of (J.. Id Hill, the expert
miner, nnnt Friday afternoon in Slid
Tho only print shop in flonlhern Or
nonn eninlovilii' TvitOKriildlieiil 1'nmii
printout. Tl'io Tribune.
Mr. ami Mrs, II. HopUiiiK of Snowy
Hntle orehard ar alting Portland a
Tho bout equipped job printing nffii-r
iu Southern Oregon, employing HKiiieo
union printer Tin Tribune.
William F. Aekli f 'Vntral Point
distriet spent Monday in Medfrd on
Ie eream delivered to any purl of the
cily. Onler from the rreamery nr
bwnl fit ore.
Henry Teal, representing Morri
Pros., bunkers ami bond huyers of I'm!
land, spent Moiirlay in Medfonl.
Harry Citlbertfion, general tout raetor
and builder, eement work a specialty.
Mod fori, Or.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Klilini. who have
I n Hpendiug their honeymoon in fnl
ifornia. relumed home Friday evening.
Professor H. S. Jterry will make a
Imlhoiu iiseenwion at the merry go
round groiimls on Saturday. May !. II
Tlmiium II. Hedl'nrd and It. A. Lowell
were down from Woodvilh' during the
past week.
Delivered. sweH emim in any tpian
I i I v. Medfoid Dairy, Warner & Sny
der I. A, Martin of Foots Crerli pre.-inet
has I n limiting Mi-dlord a business
Ladies, if you want brtiids or swilehes
puffs, .lanes or pompadour, or rails,
bring your hair to Mrs. I. I-. Keaim-,
iuar I In (ierumn rliiiicli, Med ford. I-
T. l-'.Sinith was over from Jaeksnn
villi- Friday. lie has t u suffering
with rheniiiatisin for the last three
innuths, leaving the Itlui- l.edg that
We wish to emphasize the fad thai
(iolden dale coffee is not. only a eof
fee, but a high grade coffee. Sold by
Allen & Reagan.
The pieaie given by the W Imen of
the World at Phoenix on May day was
a success, notwithstanding the indent
ent weather. The attendance was large
and everything passed off nicely.
Pommoneing with last Tuesday night
Mm Kineriek restaurant will keep open
until midnight for the benefit of the
Mrs. Clara llirdsey, who has bee vis
iting in Medfotd, the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. W. M. Tolvig, left for
her home iu Fonts Creek district Friday
If ymi want swed croain or bnller
milk, order from the Creamery or watch
fur Iho wagon. Deliveries made every
day. Phono No. !.'(.
Dr. tli-orgo II. Merryinaa of Klamalh
Fulls has been nouiiualed for joint sen
ator from Lake, Klamalh and Crook
counties, defeating l.i Wilkin and II.
h. Ilolgale.
We deliver sweet eream or buttermilk
every day ; watch for our wagon or
phono orders to the Creamery. Photic
No. iK'X
(1. .f. Failey, an old friend of Dr.
Van tleisner, of The Dalles, sm ii( Sun
day and Monday iu Medfoid. He says
that Medfoid is the most pioiperoiiH ,
looking city in Oregon.
Pon't be deceived by buying shipped
In flour at $l.fiO per saclt. Patrouiy.e
homo iuduHl ry Ituy Davis best, flour
t 1..10 jier sack. Kvery sack gu.iran
toed. Try it. If yon oan't get it nt
thn grocer . roino to the mill.
Mrs. A. P. Hammond, formerly of
Afthlniid, is seriounlv ill at (he itVulnu-i'
of her daughter, M rs. TIimiil:is .limn,
of Spokane, having suffered a stroke
of paralysis.
Wc have opened up retieslnneiit par
loin ill conned ion with our tli-li house,
Anyone wishing a aire -.i refrexhiui;
1 1 1 i m k , just drop in at any liour of tin-
D. II. Hawkins, the pod, hun been
milking Ashland u short visit. He has
just issued two neat booklets of classic
versc as somenirs of the coming rose j
carnival at Portland, entitled respect-j
ivdy, "Wht-rr Lie the ilregoiiH and
" Hail, Portland."
P. C. Thoiuaseu and wife of Vamhil
county, Oregon, have been visiting Mr.
Thoiuaseu 's son and daughter .1. T.
Tliomiiseti, and Mrs. Paul Hansen of
Medfoid. Mr. Thoiuaseu has been a
prosperous farmer of Yamhill county
for over b years. He is much pleased
with I lie prosperous condition of Med
foid and the Rogue River valley in gen
The names of four of the county of
licials and one representat ive candidate
were sprung as delegates to the stale
convention nl the late meeting of the
republican enmity committee, hut an oh
jeel ion hcing offered tho names of
Dunn, Huriiett, Coleman, Jackson and
llammersly were withdrawn. The dis
position prevailed to cut out the old
Kiiurd that have had a monopoly of the
honor of "speaking for Jackson c
t v " for many years past . -Valley Rec
ord. William Dueahel died at Tacoina, Ap
ril L';t, aged T.'t yeais. He was the pio
uecr druggist of that city a a proiui
uetiL member of lite I. O. O. F. Mr.
Dueukel was a lieutenant iu the Pros
siau army, leaving (ierninny for Cali
fornia in He was mayor of
Vreha and school superintendent of
Siskiyou county before going to Wash
ingion. A wife and five children sur
vive liiiu.
April -;t, bv Justice Tliou as, XHinf s
Calhudiiii .. il Nettit Johoatrm, both
ol Ashlam'
i I'-'DLFV o'"t;N At Yreka, Apr.. L3,
ly Rev. J K. Badger, Isaac Find it. y
. ml Mir Owen, both of Medf-.rd.
11 nitl Sil t-.i.'-l F At Ashland, F.e
Snitday. Kdwnrd High and Minn Jo
sephine Schebele.
IMWLAP At IJoseburg. April LMi. IW.
Sergeji" 1 i S. Piiu'ap, fori ly of
Jneksotivil.e, aged S(l VelllS.
Buy Tickets by Wire.
'Something which Is of considerable
iatcrnnt to the public, generally and
which is perhaps, uot generally known
in (he system of prepaid orders now in
effect belween stations of the Southern
Pacifi'- company and all points iu the
Failed Stales. Hy means of this system
tick els may be purchased at Med ford
from any place iu tho United States and
mailed or telegraphed direct to the
(inrly wishing to come here. Sleepei
iicr-ommodatioiis and small amounts of
chhIi in connection with these tickuti
mnv als'.i be furnished at the nm
MlHii Milos Without a Stop. .
Los Angeles, Cal., April II, WON.
Reo Molor Car Co., Lansing, Mich.
Two cylinder UKO finished ISolO miles
111 attempt to break world's nonstop
record al II IhiK morning, ami has jiv
eraged ln;i miles per day for seven
days. This establishes world's two cyl inder
record ami breaks all coast rec
Los Angeles, Cal., April It, HMiS.
Reo Molor Car Co., Lansing, Mich.
Ri o mm slop passed 4:10(1 miles mark
at I o 'dock t his afternoon. ( -nr run
uing better every day. Should have
hhmi miles Thutsdav noon.
jj:o. t. sukttlkr.
Los Angeles, Cal., April 1-1. llnS.
Rio Motor Car Co., Lansing, Mich.
lieu non slop car -l."s;i miles t( o'clock
t his morning, or L'liS hours; avernge
over 17 miles per hour ami oxer 17 miles
per gallon of gasoline. ( 'nr run uing
hen nt i fully. Should break Premier roc
on) about ft o'clock tomorrow morn
iug and reach oiH0 mile record 7 o'clock
tomorrow morning.
I .on Angeles, Cal.. April HI, I'.ms.
lien Motor Car Co., Lansing, Mich.
Reo holds world noli slop motor rec
oid. We polled plug mi car at S: :t."
I his morning, lim-J miles. Letter fol
Fiiritislies liot
water for tea 011
vrrv 1 hort ulh-r
It 1'iin h
on the le:i
or in the kil
Attaches lo any
Simple, safe, con
venient, ibuabU1
day and ue will bo dad to serxe you
with the best in ill.- bind. Medi'.od
Tea and Coffee Hoiite, '.Mil WeM Se
enth streel, "
W. (i. IMep and fainilv of Spokane
have arrived to inal- tlodr home in
Medfoid. Mr. I-Ntep is a counrilioan
and prominent attorney ..f Si.,dane. He
recentlv iiuieha-t-d I !(. I'ellt it or. l.-ud
at Talent.
It. F. Lolir. the ....uhn s,. ml,, -n, Pa
rific passenyer bral,eiu;ili. and lii bi oh
(nee Mrs. Hattie Itaih-r of Van. ou ei
H. C). are at home at h'-i- Uu The
have the ronyiatulal ioun aid -i
Wishes of II larne eilele of hhndv
Clans Schmidl of (iianK 1 b
fill grocer, and his fauiih iih
(ierm.'iuv on a xisit. .1. R. MiKniih
of Portland, n ell known loic. will b. in
charge of Mr. Seh-nidl t.-ie
his absence.
K, 0. Sherman was fund an. I
costs by R tier CgglcHtoii of A-h
land a few days ago. f..r nsaultiug
Henry L. White, a man much his seniot
nnd in poor health. The dispute
over some blacksinilh tods.
N'. Jerry, the well known .Hrator in
minis, and Mr. Nutt havi returned from
a trip to Rawhide, Vev., heie the
secured some good claims. They repoit
(jreat rreitoinont there and that there
lire nhont 10,000 people nlready there,
most of whom live in tents.
Lioiilennnt (ietiernl Hadon Powell of
Fngland, speaking at meeting in eon
noetion with n enisndo against cigarette
smoking, said that L").noo,omt pound
7.'i,0(0,0oo) 11 year was spent on cig
nrettes. Ho (honglit this rtuihl be ens
II V saved to tho groat benefit of the
millions who arc addicted to this per-1
Diriout habl. I
i etnr to Condor
Water Power Co. Of
fice W. 7th St.,
opp, big elect rii sign
CnlHllduto for
On Statcmrnt No. 1.
VMHUAI'I-: l'..r l!IM'l!i:s:N'l' ATI VK
Oil Ml;il..n,iit No. I.
Di'mocrnttc Noniiuoo.
l-'oli rOCNTY .HiIMli:,
Democratic Nominee,
roli SHKliiri':
lu'i'iililiran N.iniiiu'o fur
V. T. C.KIKVE, "
..t' l'ns.ii-t . Klntnii'i' l'n-fiiii-1.
l.'i-Mihlirtiii N'niiiiiH'o for
ill iilwillN llii' li'Mltilli'Hn'.. fur I'. .S. .i-initor Ini i nom
illllli.l li' tin it-iito. l. HAMMr.Rai.F.Y.
of H..I.I Hill,
RppulillcAn Noiiilnee for
It. M. CAKE,
of I'l.rlliin.l,
Tin' A.lvurlll" of Stiiloii.iil No. I.
Iti'pillilli'HII Nominee for
Soiili-il IimIh will be reeolved by the nf .liri'. lorn of Si-hool Dintricl No.
Ill, Miill'oril, Oregon, until 7:. '10 p. in.,
Miiv -1. .'. for tho ereetion and com-.l-lion
of ii high fteuool building, ac
coriliii' to ilnnH nml iei?if icationn pre
luiriil bv ( liarliii II. ltnrKKnif, an-liiti'ct,
Alliiiny. ()n-.on. All biila mimt bo ac-i-oinianii-il
by a certified cheek payable
lo "Hiliool District No. 49, Medford,
Orison." for Hie snin of itfOO, an a guar
aiiti'o tlial the contractor will f urn inh
an approved bond nf $10,000 within ten
da vit afler I ho awarding of tho contract.
All Imh. inimt bo made out upon blank
propoxalH for the name. IJIunkH fur
niMlmd tipMti application by the clerk or
nivliih'i-l. I'laiiN nnd speeificnt iotiK may
he neon nt the clerk '8 office, Medford,
Oregon, or at the architect 'h office. Itids
ivill be opened al .1. II. Cochran ' of
fice, rabu building, at 7-.1H p. ill. of
aboce date.
The board reserves the right to re
ject any mid all-hid.
Itv order of School Hoard No. 4!.
K. N'. WAliNKIt, cliitirnian.
OIHH CltAWI'OUl), clerk. II
Classified Advertisements
One Cent a Word No single inser
tions less than IS cents. Six insertions
for the price of four. Seventy-five
cents a line per month.
I'OK SALKOId papers, ;"( for 5 cts.
Tribune office.
W A NT K I flirl for genernl houseworlt.
ovef postoffice.
P'Wf HA IK Presh milch cows. Tntjiiire
nt (,'oss residence.
wantedTo buy from 100 to :mo
lieud of stock sheep. Writo But 1.T1,
.Medford, Or.
you SAIJ;- Vo iing gentlo cow for
sole; price 10, K. K, Morrison, R.
P. I. No. 1, (iriffin Creek.
POIt SAI.i; Xew room houso, $1200;
easy terms. t A. Cutting, flth st.,
Pons Addition, WvM .Ntedford.
Pttli SALK " room bnngnlow, .itist fin
ished; chenp if sold soon. Neo (tuy A.
Childers. '
W..TI'!h (iirl for genernl housework;
liniHt be good cook; wiiges if'tO. Hotel
fOIl SALK Olds runiioouG in good
condition, $100. Tnquiro Trihuno of
roli SAI.K Olds runnbout; first clash
condition; $175 If token now. See nt
Medford Auto Co. 39
WA NTKD Ten teamsters with tennis
wanted by Western Oregon Orchards
Co. lit once; good wnges.
POlt SAI.K II eo runabout in good con
dition. I need n larger machine, h,
H. Warner, Jr., nt Wiirner's store.
PHl'NI -On the road from Medford to
Jacksonville, a baby's whil tut. Call
at Tribune office.
KOlt SA A'l A $'Jtt00 mortgage, gilt
edge security, no taxes, S per pent net.
hiipiire of the Medford Kealty A Rent
al Co., Medford. Or.
I'OK SAI,K Hil acres orchard land,
cleared and cultivated, I I .'t miles from
Kiiglo I'oinl, $tiit per acr.'. Address I'.
. Itox .;!, Medford, Or. 40
I'AKTV wishes to get loan of $.'h0 on
-to acres of raw land I hat is worth
looti; jiioil abstract; will pay 10 per
cent. Lock Mux ti.r0.
Volt WALK Choice fruit nnd grape
lands neur Jacksonville. Cull nnd nee
Jacksonville Heat Kstale Co,, Jack
sonville, Or.
Toll SATiK Two incubators, used only
one senson, for wale cheap; capacity
of each, Hill eggs. Inquire at War
tier's store. Wnrner St Kuvder. tf
KOI. SAI,KOno V. S. Cream Sopa
rat or, No. It; ."i00 capneity ; good as
new; cost S0; will sell for "0. R
( '. Hciisley, ( 'en trnl Point.
I'ub SAI.K- s. . SubdiviMiun is iu tlx
luiirket now; choice leu acre tracts,
best location iu the :illfv. I, Nee
dciueytT. Jacksonville, 1
nines, stuunani autnonty, tine Iniuling,
A bargain. Apply to Tribune office or
write to IV O. Hex -UK, Medford. Or.
WANTKD- A loan of $S0l for three
years at S per cent on 120 acres of
vi'llow pine and fir timber close to
Medford. Address T. C care Trib
one. 37
Webster ; Internal ional Pictionaries
unabridged and indexed ; very latest
edit ion, aw ny below cost ; has never
been ucd. Apply to Tribune office or
write to 1 O. box Medford. Or. 42
TUl! SAl.K White Leghorn eggs for
act 1 1 i n g. "0 ecu is for 1 , f rom flock
of 1 Ions picked from o0) standard
bred White Leghorn chickens. Or.
tiohh. ohone No. lX, Meilford; also
pa "t n re tor cows inside city limits,
roll SAI.K -One Jer-tey bull, one 3
etit old stallion, one Toland Chins
boar. lev. mi head milk con. Impiier
of Hert Anderson, Medfor!. or. Van
llardeiiburg place, four miles below
Central Point on I ten r e reek .
S A Li-'--
1 filing cabinet.
1 Ift'oot uwning.
I I'nderwood
12 inch car-
1 genernl electric fan, 12 inch.
1 Yaw man llibe detachable type
writer stand.
yedford NatleatU 9mmk Wi.
Men's Fashion Shop"
"I can't lie fitted with ready-for-servi.-c clothes." says tlio skeptic. Then he goes on
to tell about a lung waist, or long anus, or sloping shoulders, or something else that
necessitates clothes made to 'measure, lie thinks he's either too big or too little to be
properly fitted.
Tf such a man would take the trouble to spend fen minutes in the Fashion Shop tomor
row, he will learn his mistake. Tt once was impossible for such a figure to he fitted;
not so long ago, either. Tt is impossible now, unless the right store is selected.
Tint correct fit for every man. the short man, the tall man, the av
eraged sized man, the swagger young man, or tho conservative
dresser, may readily be found in tho -JSs-jl. . '
Fashion Shop
"Men who know" invariably turn their steps toward this clever
clothes shop. The tone and character of Fashion Shop clothes are
making themselves felt wherever good dressers congregate and
more and more thoughtful men are beginning to realize the fallacy
of paying extravagant prices for garments made to measure.
"We arc now showing an assort-ment of the swagger Srhlosis
clothes for young men, and a rich. dignified collection of clothes for
the modest dresser that are strict-ly "the" things for spring of 'OS.
"For Men Who Know.'
I Detlvncd hr
Fine Clothei Makara
DlUiDor and Nw York
PaaI andrinor llealthlul and Appclizmg-
vuui aim uiuui (i
Colestin Natural Mineral. Water
Anderson and Ihirhidgo, Agents.
SpecialBargains in RealEstate
H. St) acres, all tillable, nice location, nice five-room
cottage house, large barn, 2 1-2 miles from Medford, well
watered, in reach of irrigation ditch, team, harness, wagon,
five Jersey cows, cream separator, new gang disk plow,
walking plow, rake, mower, disk, smoothing barrow, stove
and some other furniture, all go with the place, and the
present growing crop. Price only .ftiOOO; a genuine snap.
2(. IJ20 acres, fine stock and fruit ranch, well im
proved, KM) acres under plow, (i acres orchard. Price
.-."((). This place with :"() head of hogs and :'..") head of cat
tle, all farm implements, blacksmtih tools, hay. fruit and
vegetables for .fTOtK).
-IT. 1 10 acres, a fine stock proposition, 40 acres in
alfalfa, irrigation, good buildings, in a splendid section for
bunting and fishing. Pri nly $14 an acre; terms.
IM. I'CJ acres, 2 miles from Eagle Point on Rogue
river. "0 acres cleared, considerable fruit and alfalfa, pri
vate irrigation ditch. This is a splendid proposition to
develop, about half good bottom land, nearly all can be
under plow when cleared, schoolhouse handy, fair improve
incuts, team, harness, wagon, some cattle and farm imple
ments go with the place. Price .ti(MK). This ranch will bear
close inspection, as it will make a lot of money for someone.
()T. A fine alfalfa ranch of SO acres near Butte Falls,
tine stream and springs, nearly all level land, splendid fish
ing and hunting, buildings. Price only 1200.
Sti. SO acres, 4 miles northeast of F.agle Point, will be
close to the new railroad, ."() acres under cultivation, tine
black land, mostly iu wheat, crop goes with this place. Price
4200, 2200 cash, balance 2 years, 7 per cent.
C. H. Pierce & Son
The White Sale
Right When You Need 'em
See Saturday's Tribune for Full
Particulars and Prices
We are sellii g everv piece of White Goods, inchvliug
linens, India linons, Persian and French lawns, Paris
lawns, silkoline and lingerie cloths, ducks, etc., etc.
Also all muslin underwear at prices never before at
tempted in Medford.
Man Tailored Suits
Now on Sale
You will find that a Tailor-Made Suit will be a grand
satisfaction almost all the year round. Hardly a
night this summer that you cannot wear the jacket
and the colors and styles will be almost' as good for
fall and winter 1008 as
you could wish. Tf you
buy now you certainly
save money.
$10 Suits for...l..$5.00
Suits for....?11.00
20 Suits for....?13.50
2.) Suits for....$19.00
.$:!.") Suits fr....?25.00
$45 Suits for....?29.00
Small charge for alter
ations, a fit guaranteed.
Medlord's Money Back Store
(' ST.. .1 1'sT Norm OF .IACKNON CO. B XK