Vi .i Til 14 MKDKOWn DAILY Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper !n a Live Town. ublisbcd every evening except Sunday Medford Publishing Compau7. 0. PITN'AM, Editor and Manager. DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS IN PORTLAND ARE OPENEU Admitted ns Second class Mutter in Ike Postnlfice at Mcdfiinl, Oregon Subscription Rates: One month, by mail or carrier $0.50 One year,, by mail 5-00 THE WATER PROBLEM. I,v A uiiijortt y of the citizens of Med ford bnve the fullest f iiufidini-o in the special water cnuiiuitti f the city council and in it judgment. The committee examined nil avail tilde water supplies and did not take suup judgment in choosing W.-itmon Can yuli Springs. A thorough investigation wan ninile. II will be at least a year before the pipeline can lie built. .In the meantime I lie. quantity of water available ean be determined when the flow is lowest in August. About the inalily of Wansnil Canyon Springs thi're in no ipicstiou. I'lieinii-iil aualy.siH kIiowh il superior to any other water near Medford. If the iuaulity is not suf I'iciciil , there is plenty of water in the l.iltle Unite that ean be secured. 1 It will be months yet before uuylhiiig is done. In the meantime the eity is amply pndeeted by a guarantee bond. Nil engineer is going lo sllil.e his repll talion by building a water system where there is no water. The Tribune has loyally supported the water eornaiiltee al every stage ami will enntinue its support. Il prinled the other side, as il prints all sides of all iiieslions. so I luil the peu.le may know all sides of this ijuestioa ami pub lielv discuss it. At a l ting of the demoeralie stale eeulral em illee h.ld Saturday at I'.Tll 1 the appoltio Ill of the del eoiiles lo the slale eoll enioli of .lime W was fined. I!v this apportionment there will b.' Il:s del-gules I.. Hie stall veulion. The apportion at was ib l. r llliued U the basis of the vote given ImM-lllor I hamberlaill at the eleetioll lii. w: I Icleenle was allowed for! everv ,'.u vol.-s or major iraei " for the governor. Hindquarters have been opelu ,e il eralie slale and ii.ullly I'll iral i nnittees in the Men-hauls Trust i.u'.l.i;.... i.l II rn-r of Sixth and Washington slreets, r s :ii:l. :i"4 nuiL :ll.-, having been seeured for Hie use ..I the e.ouinillee. Ill this hea.biuirlers Huile Chairman Swc.-li and County Chairman lleorge II. Thi.nias have taken up their i.ffieial abode and will be found there until lifter the .la I lieu. The apportionment or Hie dele gales lo the stale eoiuenti s fig ured out by the slat ntral i-i.miiiit lee for the different eounlies is as fol lows: llalier HI. Ileuloii I. Claekamas II. Clatsop li, Columbia I. Coos .'i. Crunk I. Cnrrv 2, I glas !, Ilillinin :i, Crant I. Iliitii. v II. .laeksoa 7. Josephine I. Klamath :i. Lake '-'. I.aae II, l.ineolu :i, l.inu II, Malheur I. Marion 13, Morrow :i, Miilliiomah :is, I'olk II, Sherman 2, Tillamook 3, I'malilla S, I'niiia 7, Wal Iowa I. U'aseo 7, Wasliiiiglou i. I 2. Vaoiliill 7. .... . ir ir 1 vr J 11110 i " i, " i aHMMMMHMMHHamH . I - l I I - " I Golden Grain Granules Coal for Sate. We are -low prepared to furnish hand pii-lw-d foal at the mine, live iiui' list of town, in any iiiinniin 00 n ton. PROTECTING THE SALMON. There are two fishing bills before the people lo be voted upon ill June, line fulllered by the Astoria fishermen and the other by the up river fisher men. The Astoria bill would stop all rish iug on Hie upper river, under pretense that fish wheels eniise Ho- annual fall ing off in the inn of sain This is absurd, for probably II.". per eeiil of tin- sal II are eaught in nets in the lower river, and only an extended elose.l sea sou and rigid regulation of all kinds of gear gill nels, traps, seines and wheels will prevent the total exlinelion of sal mna. There seems no limit to the greed of Astoria fishermen. They would delib erntelv ileslruv Hie industry in the fu ture for present gain, and eau always be fouiut impeding needed remedial leg islatioli. luitialive bill MIS, fathered by up tier river iateresls, eomes nearer solving Hie problem than any measure vol in trnililfed. It is favored by the Tailed States bureau of fisheries and by III new master fish warden, and provides real proteelion for the salmon by ex tending the rinsed season nuil regulat iag all kinds of fish hiking gear. PHOENIX PHACTS. Kx Sheriff Joe Itad. r and wife o Eagle Point spent l-'ridny here nt tin pirnie. Hev. It. I,. Morton of Stnylon, Or. arrived here tislnv. Mr. Morton says he will probably lueate here. Ilev. V. C. Heater of Medford spoki here l-'riilny evening at Ihe I'resbyle Hull cliureh. Tile subject wns plohi bitiiin. Say, Mr. (leo. Putnam, I don't sei why you don 't gel li enrrespondeiil from Talelll. Taleul ought lo talk. I uolli inate lleorge liardaer, being Hint I livi elose. MEDFORD DEFEATS PHOENIX IN ELEVEN INNING GAME I,'. Hie well known railroade e up from Ashland' l-'ridnv. BUSINESS CARDS. J. T. ANKROM, WELL DKHIEU. MEDKOHD, Ol! Priees right. Pumps Kirnislied when iintnd. B ALL- GLOSCOCK, Contractors iiud Builders. All Work (liiaranleed. Offico with 0. II. Piorco ft Son. Phone 053. P. . "I- WILLIAM 0. DEBLEY, Resident Piunn Tuner. Si iul Itales by the Year. Ilea.liuarlers al Male's Piaao House. All Work l.unraat I. P. CI. Itox il:t. MEDKOIII), OKI'illlliN. DR. A. B. SWEET Physieiau and Surgeon. Offiue lit Residence Win. M. Colvlg, Medford, Or. COLVIO t DURHAM, AttoinoyB-at-Law. Goo. H. Durham, Grants Pans, Or. Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Hav plume. 3.13; Night Plumes: C. W . Conkliu lil.-i; J. II, Hllller IIS. WM. W. P. HOLT, M. D Physician and BurRoon. Eagle Point, Oregon. E. L. BALCOM. Xew West Sale Ciialectionery Fruit store eandies, nuts, cigars, tobaccos, fresh fruit in season Near Hotel Moore, Medford, (r. ion I'Klf. (MINT TURK TIFFANY Wedding Rings It. iiislos likn pdl'fco. II, look.s like cut foe. and if; sinclls like i-iirrcc, luil is pure ronsled t;r,iiiis, lili'iiilcd so ns to pro- euro Hip lies! I'kivor, itic itrciitcsl: slivniitli and an ar liclc whicli yonnrr and old may drink niorniii",, noon and nii'lil. (ioldcii (irain firaniilcs is especially recommended to lliose siifroriiip; from heart I rouble, nervousness, eonst i palioii, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomaeli troubles. Ncttvli) :l-poiivd packnfc for ''.", all retail grocers. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL COI. EECTION AGENCY. I.oek Hex 808. Medford, Or. E. R. SEELY. M. D. PliVHieian and Hnrgeon Modern Equipped Operallng Hnoms. X Ifav. Ol'l'iee Hours, III 1U, I! I P. M. Offli-o III JnckBon County Bank Bldg. (10 TO DR. OOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. optieal Parlor in Perry's Wurel se, SKVKNTII STItKKT. ' ll Has No Other Husintiss.' W'liolesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford, Or. Mi-iIIumI'm ih'W hitni'liall Iiiiiii Hltiilt-il imt in tltrir ilasH Snnd;i nii'l trt'i'iitti I'lioi'iiix in u well ptnyt-il ynnit', li In ft jNti'dfonl Httirli'il of!' like ini i'iihv win nor, I no IuIn pluriiij two nun on husri mill Mili-rt rntliwiii(i with a Iimiiii' inn mult hi"; llirin, ;inl tluil cmliil tin- si t r jf . I'll ix iliipih-iihil lliin Mtmit ill Ihoir inning it ltd Hit- ii'iii.-iiiiiu ti'ii in niis hum tiv t:n- I lit- l.rvi lutll olavtl in tin Villli-y lliis vi-nr. i'lidfiitx is a tiiririH I h;is ii iHul Innirh of plavfis, 'Tlif lioinr Ifiiiii s ili'Vt'loniiii' nrw nu n r iv "lav 11)1(1 I IV II little Mlinrl Will tool) lt jmtlilitf up ii h yuo.l liall its ;h plu vi . 1 lltTO Inst Ht'JIMOll. Tlioso hjmiio ti'iinm uill pl:iv lo rt1 ln vl MRS. C. M. DKLIN UKPRF.SKNTa MEDFORD AT ROSK CARNIVAL Ml,. Cll..'lc-. M. l. lii, I,;, I., - . Itt-ti-l its In- villi la- lo t.pi..'tit M.Mfol.l III Ho ..11mu. h,r lY-liv:,! :is Ho- uiirHt tli. I'. i, il,, Moailih 'I'll,- trip nil) in. Inlr a 1o 4;iv' aim- mi tin' racit lf i a! S, avi.t.'. ( r., mi itrioii on IIk' r.tliitnliin in. i lis Writ km piiiliiipllli.'ii in tli.' ininival lrsiii(iH an. I I'X. iiiMoiis in anl iil.oni I'.irlhui'l. All ill- x - n .(' iii tiMi. n IMH'f llltll ll!lll-pOl;lM.HI ltl Ii.' In-1M l.v tli.' rifi.- M.nitlilv. LADIES OF ST. ANN SOCIETY TO OIVE RENEFIT DANCE Tin1 hnlir .(' St. Ann -o,i,i wx Uirv a l.riirt'it .Inn.i at Ho Mnli.n.l 0mt Hoiinc Tiii'.-mIjiv i i.m.o, Ma r.' Mtisir nil) In- tiniiivli.'.l - tin- llai'l r,HK ori'lirnllil Jliol rlaliomt.' li'frrli liifii tK fiirx til 111 roil t;1it til t I lie cvciiin. The 4l"inii iniiit li will lie-in nt !' o'rlork. Ahiliniiiill 1 1 ut roiipli-. ! NOTIt'K. Xnlicf in horp!iv ivon lii1 un (irrsiRntMl will nii'.y nl th n-tilnr monthly mrolinff of tin' -lty routn il of Mffifonl, Orison. Mny .1. Hnw, for n licnnf lo ml I mult, vinous nnil wpirit mm liijiiorn In linn (iuiiitilir t linn one Kiillun, nt lit 7, llloik 1M, in MYilfonl, On ijiiu, for ft Krt(xl or nix tnontlis. 40 Ml.'ltPIIV I ItDWMNtJ. Come to C. F. Cook and order now your Fruit Trees for fall planting first-class nursery stock no inferior goods handled Remember C. F. Cook Low RATES East Will lie Made This Seasia l.v Hie SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINES IN OREGON) From Medford, Ore Also the Oregon (irape King and Friendship Jiuckel Rincs at the New Jewelry Store, near the Tostoffiee, 11 North V (St, MARTIN J. REDDY MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE MONDAY EVE, MAY FOUR HIGH SCHOOL LYCEUM COURSE CAPTAIN RICHARD P. II (ICS ON OK SPANISH WAI! FAME, DE LIVERS HIS FAMOUS LECTUHH ON "NATIONAL DEFENSE." TICKETS ON SALE NOW. AS I'lll.l.llWS: It,. Ill Wiiys IliieWuv 'I hnmli Via Til I'erlliiinl. ( iilil'oriiiu. Cllirao S'J.-I) S7.."0 ,X. Iiuuis .... 77.10 St.. 1'anl ti!.'i0 S1.7- Omaha li!.!0 7f.00 Kansas City. . (HLiH) 7.00 TI.'KETS WILL UK UN SALE Mav 4. IS June i., ti, 1!), '20 .hilvC. 7, 112, '2'. August, ti, 7, 21, '2-2 lio.ul for ri'iurn in ilnys with ntop nvr niivilt'irca ;it I'li'iisnro wit hin lim U. ! REMFMBFR THE DATES i Tor :inv furiler inferiii.-itioli call en I A. S. KO.SENBAUM, Local ARfnt, Or write to I WM. M'MURR AY, Cln'l Pmii. Agont. I Tertian,!, Or. (en. ALL NEW GOODS Dry (Joods, llaviland Chiiin. S.'iiii-l'oreelain, .lardiniers and Crocks, 'I'rnnks, Suit cases and Telescopes. 117iTr! ion )(i ritiltt in'ccv. Ward's Cash Store Something New i i In ItuMier Tires it will n.v yon to invent iKHtP. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt woik, utlafaction fntarar.vffd Mitchell & Pocck GENERAL WAOONERS. Kmt 7tli SlriH't. renr of Merrininn ' lll'Vinltli Sliep. Meilfonl, Or. "ISN'T THAT riNX." If von aMireelnie wiiinteont exiniml er in the form of a elioiee, juicy steak you will fiuil tlii the ilaee for pur i-haso. There 'h iiutliing in Hie meal lino wortli earryinu liome anil conkiiiR Hint you eannnt fiml here any time you call. Thin is an invitation In visit us soon. Hotel Emerick W. E- JOHNSON, R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON TAL POUCH WORK, GRILL AN) LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TELE I'll ONE 471. MEDFOR D, OR. To The Public IIAV1NO INSTALLED JfACniNEHY KOIt THE MANUFAOTURE OF IIIIIII -OUADE ll.'E CREAM, WE A HE I'HEr-AHEB TO FILL ALL ORDERS. LA 1HJE OR SMALL. DELIVERIES MADE TO AN V PART OF THE CITY. SPECIAL ORDERS GIVEN OUR I'HOMPT ATTENTION. ORDEB AT MEDI'ORD BOOK STORE OR CREAMERY. Rogue River Creamery Medford State Depositary. Established 1S8S. CAPITA! AND SURPLUS Firms, Corporations and Individuals The officers of the Jackson County Jiank very cordially invite the accounts of firms, corporations and individuals and will extend every advan tage and courtesy to all who may favor this institution with their hanking business. A Trial Convinces That we iell the It EST Meat anil Poultry to lie hail in Hie valley al ANY piiee. ami OUR priee an, ALWAYS KKiHT. If you tra.le here Halo. I'aelion is puaranteeil. The Medford Meat Co. Sueeessors lo l'oltiil;or, next. Hotel Nash. We pay the hijhest prieea lor Chifliens liml Veal. IIK.WKJl'ARTERS fur High Ornile Teas and Coffees, Extracts anil Spires, llaliini; Powilers and Relishes, China Ware, Glass ware, Vases, Jardinieres, all kinds of Faney Dishes and 0 ami 10 Cnt Counters. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 21i WUST SEVENTH STREET. McOLASHAN ft JUNKEN, Props. PHONE 1051. When the Fire Bell Rings Most people WAKE UP. Haven't you heard it ringing, ringing, ringing loud enough to wake the dead in Medford during the last year? It means that right now is the right time to get in on the ground floor in the heart of the city, be fore the new railroad, the water system and the coal road sets things to booming in Greater Metl- f(,nl- u, It means that such a chance as we are able to offer for the next FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY Of Twelve Choice Residence Lots in the Beautiful FAIRVIEW ADDITION, On West Seventh street, for the low price of $3500 for the entire twelve lots will not occur again in the history of Medford. The time is limited ; don t let the chance pass you by. For full particulars call on the RoJi e River Land Go. Exhibit Building Medford Opera House CIIAS. D. HAZELRIOG MunaRfr FIVE NIGHTS, COMMENCING APRIL 28TH The Margaret lies Company IX A REPERTOIRE OF DRAMAS. PRICES 25, 35, 50 Cents. LADIES FREE on Opening Night Whon Ac companied by a Paid Ticket. J. E. ENYART.Presid out. .1. A. PERRY, Viee-President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cnsnicr The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL 50,000 SURPLUS : 10-000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage COMFORT WILL DOG YOUR STEPS if you wear our Inilored llinde elnlhing. All suits and top eoats are mado to lit any individual accurately. Thn very finest fabrics are used ill our tailoring work. Yon will find us headipiarters for stylish and comfortable suits. im-ait your orders for Spring and Sum mer garments. W. W. EIFERT, The City Tailor, Medford Miss Jeunesse Butler INSTltrcTOR OE PI ANO. STUDIO AT RESIDENCE, O STREET, WEST MEDI'ORD. PHONE NO. 71)1. 800 Halo's Piano House for references. STARTING WITH THE SOUP and enilini! w ith the enff.-e. yen 'II find every mouthful of the dinner you eat here delicious. When it is through you'd tladly eat more if yon could pos sibly find mom. Stop in alone and dine. Then you can bring yoilf inentis mm- when you want to ireai in dinner. wards swell The Nash Cafe 10 ACRES, well located, 4 miles from S. P. R. R. station, including all crops, 1 stallion, thoroughbred Shiro, weight 1080 pounds, 8 years old; all funning implements, 40 acres alfalfa, 30 acres grain, 0 acres orchard, 2 good dwellings, 3 good barns and other outbuildings; tele phone in house, daily mail, school house on place, P. O. Vi mile; two good irrigating ditches. Ahont ! acres can be irrigated, 150 acres farming land. All the land is good for fruit; no stone place; can be easily cleared, good water, land nil well fenced. This is one of the best ranches in the county for tho money. Will cut 150 tons hay; homo market for all produce and crop. This place will make four or five nice farms; countv road runs through the center of the ranch. IP SOLD SOON, TRICE 35 PER ACRE. SI U'RVS near Centrnl Point, nbout 43 acres in cultivation; part jiear creek bottom, good alfalfa and grain land; part is rolling, hut ., .1 1...:, i...,.i. r,.ir hnii.iMuni and crood fence: 8 acres young : ' rw I. an ereei.tionallv eood buy. PRICE $42.30 PER ACRE, TERMS. DRESSLER- & WOOD West Seventh St. Medford, Op. MEDFORD SASH DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Fence Pickets, Oftice futures ana all kinds of pUntim mill work, including turned work and fancy grills. F. BETWEEN 6TII AND 7TH STS. THONE 53. Is Your Appetite Failing? Try i Mi st in Minoml Wnter. Tho ionvr nn.l Imiinn found its it yearn nnrt yours ngn. We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon V. li. Stalker secretary Jackson County Bank Annex O