TIIK MKDP'ORD 1STLY TRIBUNE, MIWFOKTi. Oft.. TITOSIHY, SEEIE 50. IffOft Medford Daily Tribune A Liv Paper In a Liv Town. Published vry evening except Sunday Medford Publishing Company. 0. PUTNAM, Editor and Munager. "Admitted a Second Clam Matter in the Poatoffire at edford, Oregnn. Subscription Bates: One montli, by moil or carrier $0.50 One year, by mail S.01' CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. There U mimely a day thai thin pa per does not receive nuiiie tainted new- from the Tall re. bureau. wiling furlh in ylnwiliK fashion llie r.y pro peels of liig Hill f"r at-.-ui lb" re publican Humiliation fur the presidency. Kverythiiijf in Kui"t! f'r Tall. m ronliiiK to them rcpoitd, and they c e by uvery mail. It in wiiil, and on R I mil h"i ily, thai more money in beinj,' spent on TsiftV pre iiumiiialion raiiijui;ii than minever spent oil such ll c pnixli before. The country is filled "ilh nenlH fur Tnl'l. and not even IImukI luid lis well an organized campaign under wny inonlhs previous to nomination day. Who is putting "I" "lu money Tho need of a law governing Hie pub lication of all contributions made for the election of repn'senlulives or presi dcntial electors, lis proviilcil in the Me Cull bill, which Speaker Caauon -al ways a fuilliful servim! of I in- iiileresli. will sipiekh, is uppni i-nt. I inly I hi other day Thomas I' Ifyiin, the liuiisit iiiultimilliouaire, lold llie grand jury lhat several hundred thousand dollars contribution was made to the republic an campaign fund in ISllll by himself and four associates Dolau, Whitney, Widcner and Klkius aud admitted thai tbo money wus to be used to help Me Kiuley and defeat Itryiin in tlio prelim inaries to the presidential coutcHt of 1000. These contributions were refunded to theso "captaiim of industry" out of tho funds of the Mctropnlitnu Hlreet llailway company of New Vorlt with in terest some years later, n case of breach of trust and plain Hlealing from the stockholders of the corporutimi. Thin 1h but one of the muny nbuses that have grown out of the corporation cuinpaign contribution. THE MERRY WIDOW II AT. The ".Merry Widow" hat is coming in for ita share of iilteulioii, both on the street and in the papers. It is eer tainly one of tho worst mmistrositics fashion tins afflicted the fair sex with, und makes one wondei whether llie wearers nru reully fit mentally for thc ballot. There is nothing nrtistic, taste fill or becoming nbout hciidgcar Mint might delight some dusky belle in dark est Africa, but doesn't rel'lecl credil as the crowning tliiilup of fcminiiiily iu the twentieth century. The New Vork Wurld in discussing ihis lulesl freuk of fashion snvs: "Willi 'Merry Willow" lulls serving as a screen to hide u church file from thu congregation, delaying an express train uutil the wenrer could be exli-i eateit from the aisle of a I'ullinau enr and raising u tpiestion of i lesiastieiil discipline in New Jersey churches, this millinery monstrosity may be thought to have reached ils climax of sensation alism. To what further extremes of brciidth is it destined In go? It has already relcgaled the parasol to use IcHsuesa. Its possibilities as nu aid to a aeuside tete a tele oa llie sand will not be lost on the summer gill. "Tho suilden outbreak of the big hal is one of the social phenomena of the year. It is a form of millinery men slcs ami wilt run its course iiucheckeil. liilliclile will be loveleil ill il ,-ui.l satire shot lit it, but the I'll i I Hem its will le uiuin us blissfully iineoucei-ued as when they wore crinolines nnd i-liigiuuis. The eternul feminine is auicnable to but one ami, mil v. Hho ucliuowledges no dictulor but fashion. An iiilerstnle mil linery law would merely a, 1,1 the ai.o of her lint and a spiv in I message increusr ils vogue. "The morality of the 'Merry Widow' hut is sure to provoke discussion. Its very name connotes wickedness. In fact, it is a protective device i n pussing woman 's head as with defen aivo armor nod compelling man lo keep his distance. It is n millinery ehevnux de f rise which mukes any osnilatoiy uttuck on the part id' the mule n per iloua proceeding." HOTEL ARRIVALS. Tho Nash. U V. Bowman, Portland; K. K. Hum fough ami wife. (Irnnd l-'orks; .1. U. McMainer, .1. ,1. Alnrry, I'oriliiml; I'ranl, 1'dwnrda, llottou; A. M. shannon, K A. Wyckoff, I'ortland: H. II. Wilcox, Long lleach; K. II. (jniun, Kiigcno; II. Brach, Portland; M. IT. Pettif, Troy; .1. M. .lonea, ,1. W. Hawkins. I'm t Inn. I ; Will Newell, Chicago; I). I. Hredy, Chi cago; Horace W. I'ln v, N'i w York; lv W. Tilton, Reattle; H. M. Cake, Port land. FIRST SHOOT Or SEASON BY MEDI'ORD OUN CLUB An enjoyuble time mis hed at lln (lun club shout Ws!iicsd:iy al'teiii.iun and the fol.ilwiug sci.r.-s made I'.ilal .1. I'. Knyait Pi II I;;, s :,i Hurry Kill In is Is i ii liny I hi liters Ill II II s .Ml Claude Miles 11 III IT 1 1 .".1 H. E. Hoyden Id Hi s :;i .1. A. Perry n "" I'. 7 Mia. J. K. Kuyuit . . '.' - "J Alf Rieekhoff It Hi :i :e.i F. C. Wella s .1 II . CITY RECORDER MOVES INTO NEW CITY IIAI.L City Iteeorder Collins has moved fr the old office lo the new qunrtcrs in tho new city hall. The building bus not ai yet been accepted by the coun ! cil, but the recorder was given pennis I inn to more, the acceptance of the hall will be taken up by the cil at their neit regular meeting the first Tuesday in May. I ft AMUSEMENTS. 'The Golden Giant." ( hy Kd Andrews.) The Margaret His i-oinpauy appealed last night in the Western driima, " The Ooldeu (iiant. " 1'he crowd was uot as large as the coiiipauy deseived. but tliis was perhaps on aeeount of tin circus having depleted the show going public of their dimes. This troupe is really giving a lirst -lass pel t'oi iliance, and the attendance will llli'luulit i-d I y be larce during llie rent of the week. Miss lies had a soubn lle character last eve uing. wliieu site did very nicely in deed. She retains sweetness and modes ty in all of lit r diameters; in fact, I his iiuiv be said of all the lady members .if die riimi r. Mr. Howe. Mr, Meade and Mr. Cniiner rl i ny -l llie principal male characters ol ihe caMc .-nut his taiued them will. Tonight Ho- bill "ill be lln: Senator's I laughter. Miss lies will iippear as a society lady. Il'-r cos mines nre said to be very I. caul it nl and nppropriate. This play has perhaps been as success fill as any of its class. New York, I'lii id in fact all of Ho- lame cities hale sounded ils praise in the past years "The Senator's Daughter ' should be a strong bill, lor Ibis c pany. judging from the capabilities they lane sliown during their engage ut here. At tho Bijou. The maliagiT I of the llijoii theater has been particularly foilunate in se curing the picture of llob Kvnus' battle ship fleet for the reinaiiiilr ot tins week. The picture was tailed as llie fleet wns leaving Hampton roads for Its tourney around the worm. I ne pic ture shows the snilnrs drilling on laud and on board ship; also II nliro t'leel f huge bnttleships niaueiiveliiig al sen ml steaming nl full speed in line of battle. This formidable sipiadron has caused talk Hie world over. You i, mini afford lo miss this picture. Nexl Monday evening. May 4. at Ihe opira house, .Meilloru, i apu lieu uioiol Pearson llobson, congressmnn from Alabama, will deliver his famous lecture on "National lleletise. I Ins will luiiilv be u inns! timely subject. This brllilaiil viumi! slateslnan en deiired himself to the' American people during Ihe Spanish American war, when Willi three oilier men, he sank llie col lier Meiriiniic in Santiago bay mid bol lied II Hie Spauinrds and their fleet. MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE MONDAY KYK, MAY I'Ol'K - II Kill si'lliuil, I, Yi IM'M riil'list: CAPTAIN RICHARD P. 1I0BS0N ill.' SPANISH WAIt KAMK. IK LI V KUS 1 1 IS TAMOI'S I.KCTI' im;: n " NATIONAL I iLI'DNsK. Tli'KLTS o SALI-J iV. i'xr it tin)'. 'aj't;iin 1nln ia witltQt limlit tin- fin-jiiM i tciMipiou in the irfHint i hi; r- of it liiryt-r navy, hi s.fl-l lll-S in t In- h.iiM- 1 1n pilHt . I w o it. on l lii tii in j li nu :is ( an oi at ir ' Valium tin' inttii- nay un.l tho fit a If of Alfilianiu riiii wt-ll runl. It ha hct ll bt tun Lf sine'' th Pul l laLii, iii)ili: liatf a Kmi tcrtiirr it will art iloulily as ;i nal plcasim- ami nn inti'lh-rtiial tr-il I'oniinu I'ni rnllii- man of cxfriiMirf. I"nj tin- pal two yearn l a.tain Hot to ii li.-is (mi-m mil' of tin- iiiost- i'JiK--rlv Huii'lit for Ifi'tiiM'iH tor haulaihjua a? si-iiililii, anl :i. i-ailv as March 1 Mr. Iiaviilson r. i..rh-. to Mr, IN-rslx-v Oiat hi- ial -i-iit-il ho less tliaii ( Ii.'Mltau qil.'l t'lic;at.'i'litl'llts for tin MlllilllliT of Iim7, DYING AS RESULT OF SNEEZrNQ FIT, A'l'LA N I'M ' ( ITV. April 1'!). -. L:i May Ktiji-li, of Lnylisli t'n-il;. on tin inaitilaml. is ilviny as a I'-sult of a Hii'M-zin lit thai has lusted three day and which ln-r physicians are still nil aide to cheek. Tin "irl start i d to sneeze after n oiiliiny speil, and mi-m . 'A2' tinu-h in Iioiii today. Hit mom- :uk1 thront passayeH ;irn 1 nl ly swollen from the. roust f i nt larking. K xp rt linve n iiiiiinioneil to try to tnp the J'oLnl attack. J oiye hake, h. ''daredevil," who didn't ride during the merchants ' ear nival in Med lord, was on the north Iron lid t lain mir day last week. Me wore what seemed to lo a, musician 's uniform. Howard Also flip colonial size Thin Mode Walthiini AV.-ilchos. Elk ( 'hill-ins, Lockets, .Millions and Fobs at, the Now Jow cl ry Sit i'o, Martin J. Reddy 11 NORTH C STREET, Finn Watch and Jowolry Rn paliiug ,i Btiocialty. Near Ihe I'ost.iif fiee. t Wise Talks liy : the Office Hoy BIJOU THEATER Hull KY.WS' I'liill'l'l Ml Sl'AliUllS (IX ITS 'I'lJIP AldH'Mi TIIK WilUl.li. A I'll "IM ' l( I-: SllllWIMI TIIK kntiiii-: i'i.i:i:r i its man Ml YliliS A'l' SKA, I I.I. UK SHOWN KOI! TIIK l; KM A I N OKU (If 'I'll K WEKK. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Admission Trii Cents I'a nays a rose ly any other name winild lx just as expen sive hark east this time nf year. 1 hdiiu'I iiues it) t n k tie pines for the pitiev woods in old IVnob scot, l-'rappe County. Maine, where he was i a ised--lni t that 's one t li i ii yours truly never warns for. The jjnod in utitains ami I lie I old orea:: a ul nice dt Oregon atmosphere arf ood enough for in . Hut it 'h all in how yon were raised. I'a likes clam chowder and corn on the coti, and harvest apples find a lot of t lime; tlmt :i kid who was hum thin si-lc of the snow she. Is liaan 't had inuch chance to yet acipiaiutcd wit h. Those who have lied on Lot li sides of t his ii eat count ry and lived loi: enough lo know what 's w hat t an u'et all those things ju.! as nice one place ns an it her, if mmi know where to huy. We ' e j;,.t td;tui chowder from Lost on that is just us nice as any on e cr ate on the sand, ami lots of other things that have that " IVwn Last" tte. ft MILLER & I; W RANK : LAST SKA'I I NG Grand Masquerade Skating Festival May 2d MEDFORD SKATING RINK Something Ntw In h'uld'Ci This th.1t it will pay you to iiiv. sti- ate. t'OMI'LETU STOCK, prompt wovk. satlst'tirtion miaiatitccd. Mitchell & Pocck (UlNHHAI. WAtlONHRa. I!:i -t 7lh Sir.-,-!, nvir nf MiTriman s III i. I iinlli SI,,.,. Mi,lt'..i,l. Or ' . The 1 1 1 Ci Kit: , ti:a Ki-nxF. ,' i. I'nrlii. In . In. I I ,"Vf.A vnt. v I... I.. cil ;v. .ti...-i...s i., ... IU ."r , iiirllt, ilui.il.!,' HOOUE KIVER , ELECTRIC CO.. Siii-.-.-Hsor ti. ('iiii.lur W .li r I'.xv.T Cii. Of-' :'.ii! V. 7th t llji. Ilij( rh otric Kill I'll. ill.- l.tvoo'lM To The Public iiayi.m; installed machinery i'ur thk manitacturk of II Kill (I HA DM H'E CRKAM, WE ARE i'i!i:i-Ai;i:i) to fill all orders. LA 111 IE (HI SMALL. DELIVERIES MADE To AW PAliT OF THE CITY. SPECIAL liHUEHS tllVEN OCR PIOMPT ATTKN'TIOV. ORDER AT li:ii-ill:i) HOOK STilllE OH 1'1,'KAMKRV. Rogue River Creamery Medford VUVIT AND OK'NA.MKXTAL n.'KES AND SI ri? mis Finest Nursery Stock C. F. Cook Office Opp. Hotel Moore Phone rm P.O. Hox841 flt; MEDroRD, OIUHION Strto Depositary. Esl.-il.lisln-.l l. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS si ln.oiio.oo Firms, Corporations and Individuals The officers of the Jackson County Hank very cordially invite (lie accounts of firms, corporations and individuals and will exlcnd every a "van la.u'e and courtesy to all who ma v favor this inslitulion wilh their banking business. A Trial Convinces Tlmt si-11 t In- I'.KST Meat aii.l Pmiltry tn In- hn.l ill the v.-illey at ANY .ii..., nu. I Ol'li pii.es ne ALWAYS ilKIIIT. If you trmle here snli f.nli.m i 'il:ir!lillei'.l. The Medford Meat Go. Sueeessois to 1 lol t i"ii;er. next Hotel asll. We pav the hijfht'St prices for Chiekens and Veal. The Opportunity Is now presented you to purchase ll'iO acres improved land, witli all stuck, farm iuiplenients and tools at the small price of 17.000 only a little over .")0 per acre. ALFRED SMITH OVKK JACKSON COUNTY RANK. t'JO A'KKS, ivell located, A miles from S. P. H. H. station, inolnditi); all crops, 1 stallion, llminnltlired Shire, weiM liS0 pounds, 8 years old; all t'anniiifj inipletneiits, 40 acres alfalt'a, ;0 ncrca grain, ti acres orchard. L i;ood dwellings. II good hams and other outbuildings; tele phone in Iumii dtuly nmilf school house on place, P. (). mile; twn Hood in 'iyat in d itches. Ahinit lii') acres can lio irrigated, l.'O ncrrs I'arniini; land. All tlie land is L'nnd t'nr fruit; no stone place; can le easily cleared. koimI water, laud all well fenced. This is ono nf tlie In si latH'lo s in the county for the money. Will cut Infl tons bav; liome niaiket for all produce aud crop. This place will mako four or five nice farms; county road runs tlnouyli the center of the ranch . IV Si!,! SimiN, I'KICK PKi: A Mil". s:i AClr,S mar ('.Mitral I'otnt, about 4'i acres in cultivation; part Hear cr.ek bottom, good alfalfa and grain land; part is rolling, but all good fniil land ; lair buildings aud good fence; S acres voting tr.ev. This is an exceptionally g 1 bov. I'KICK fJ..Ml VKR Ai'RR, T HUMS. DRRSSLER & WOOD West Seventh St. Medford, Or. $3 FB " 1 coptrioht yt " VRSTI NO leaves and liright sunshine H should remind you of your Spring re ; .piirenients in Clothing, Furnishings Z i and Hats. Let us remind you not only of our ability to serve you. but of our extensive assort ment'in these linen the (piality of our offerings, aud the exceptionally moderate priees. Spring Suits and Overcoats $12.00 to $40.00 Spring Hats in all colors and popular shapes $1.50 to $7.50 All the newest novelties in Neckwear 25c: and 50- m . m m -m MF.N5fllf71cW Medford Opera House eilAS. n: UAZEI.RTOO MaimRcr FIVE NIGHTS, COMMENCING APRIL 2RTU y The Margaret lies Company IX A REPERTOIRE OF DRAMAS. PRICES 2.1, 35, M Cents. LADIES FREE on Opening Night When Ac companied by a Paid Ticket. ,1. E. ENYART.Prosid cut. .1. A. PERRY, Vice President. JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. V. B. JACKSON, Aas I Cnsuier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Fence Pickets Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grills. F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS. PHONE 53. HEADQUARTERS for Higb-Cirade Teas oml CofOes, Extracts anil Rpices, Baking Powders and Relishes, China Ware, Clasa- warn, Vasos, .TaniiniirOH, all kinds of Fam-y Pishes aad 5 and IftOnt Counters. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 21(5 WKST SEVENTH STREET, McGLASHAN b JUNKEN, Props. PHONE 1051. 1 h li, v.: '-v i - - STARTING WITH THE SOUP at'. I , -inline w ith tin- . off.v, you 'II 1'iinl i'Vitv nioiiltiful t( tlie diniitT vnii - t Ii.tc di-li.'i.ni. Wlirii it i throujili "U l yla-llv i-at niiiro if you could o I I'fii ,mi ( .in liriinr your it. N w In n v.hi w:ir to tr.'at to a .H .linn.T. Never Look Back! It d of "in 't pay. KfM'p your ivs ftxfd on our I'iuo sliowing in SPH1NO AND M1MMEH FAH UIC. Why not dirpft your stops in this din-i'tion and h-avo an or dor for a Spring or Sumor Suit? We have smite very di-siralile ffinVs that up ran i'oiivoiI into Summer Suits at J'J.l up. Kopairiiitf neatly done. Suit prt'ssod and rleanod. eat inoro if you could os in. Stop in nlono and dine. I i lriiii your friends after 1 W. W. E1FERT, The City Tailor, Aledord Miss Jeunese Butler lSTI!lTi TOR OP P1AXO. STPDIO AT BKSIPB.Vl'E, O STKKET, WKST Mnnmim. PIIOVK Ml. rm. See II.nl' I'innn Hmim f,,t refereneei. 1