If You've Anything to Buv or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES The Weather Pair ewntln-r is promised fur toutgnt . and .Pridny; cooler. THIRD YEAR. MEDFORD, OR., THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908. NO. M HUNDREDS ARE LOST IN SINKING OF JAPANESE CRUISER INTEREST IN DEBATE N EASES Wet Versus Dry Town Ar gument Talk of the City --More Challenges Receiv ed and List Grows. Tho Wot vs. Dry debate unnouneed ii Tho Tribune, lust night lias aroused a groat deal of interest and a packed bouse is expected. Tlio date cannot he arranged until -Mayor Itcddy 's re turn from San Francisco next week, but both sides are keen for tho fray. Tho challenge resulted from tho assertions made by prohibition forces that the wet town advocnton dare not moot them on the platform. "I am anxious for the debate," says Shorty Garnott, the business leader of the Prohis, "but I object to charging an admission fee. Tho dry town forces will pay all expenses and have tho doors open to everyone. ' ' "But where do the prohis ket all this money?" was asked Mr. Garnott. "The hn" columns in nearly all coun ty newspapers at so much tor line, send canvassers about the county and hire speakers to stump the towns?" "Well, a good share of it is coming from me," replied Mr. Garnott. The wot forces object to tho free admission, claiming the Commercial J club needs tho money, but all are ready for the affray. Several others have signified their willingness to enter the debat.e,. among them .1. F. Hiitehnsou of tin Maker Hutehason company, who pohes to meet II. C. Kentner. It is hoped to pair Ihe debaters so that those who are in t In same business can speak against, earh other. Only brief speehes will be al lowed all except tin- big guns among the debaters. I'M it or Blitnn of the Mail, a prohibi tinn advocate, has been challenged by Editor Putnam of The Tribune to join in the debate, and other challenges ate looked for. PROBATE. Kstate Joseph G. Wiley; order made admitting will to probate and appoint ing John Wiley executor. MARRIED. LA WRF.NTE -JORDAN' Tn .Insekson ville, April 2S, by Judge Dunn. John D. Lawrence and Ktln-1 M. Jordan. POTlTICIANS FLEE FROM GUATEMALA MEXICO CITY, April .10. Oil vice? were received hero today from Tapacb iila and other points near the frontier of Guatemala I hat scores of polit ical refugees have fled into Mexico from Guatemala during the last few days and that a state of terror exists among the people who have been identified with the element who are opposed to tho Cabrera administration. The recent execution of a number of prominent citizens in addition to eight students of the military academy who were alleged to have been impli grated in the plot upon President Ca brera's life has intensified the feeling a (rain -it iihnra and an open uprising is lookM for within a few day. The refugees who have arrived at Tapachnla include planters, bankers and men of wealth, and h'mh business "land ing. The Mexican government i m:i ing a force, of mvomI thousand troop? upon the frontier bordering on Guate mala. O The Guatemala government in mobil i.tng soldiers on that side of the border with the evident intention of repelling A poitible invasion from Mexico. SELECTING QUEEN FOR CARNIVAL Contest Begun to Find Who is Most Popular Girl in Medford Ballots at all Stores in Town. The following names have been en tered by their friends in tho contest for carnival queen now on: Miss Maud Allen, Miss Edna Eit'ert, Miss Prudence Angle, Miss Lou llurtzell, Miss Hamil ton, Miss Mabel Kent, Miss Casideua Plytijier, Mrs. C, T. Gaddis, Mra. Anna Danielsou. Voting Booths. Tho following places have been de cided upon fur voting booths. Votes will be on sate at tho voting booths. Hotel Nash. Toggery. Russell 'a. Sbortiu Garnott 'a. Was Inn a & Brown 'a. Huker Ilutehnsou company. j Any merchant desiring a voting booth or votes to sell will please call up sec retary of Commercial club, who will supply tho pads. Below is a reproduction of the vot ing coupons now in tho bands of tbe merchants of Med ford, and are to be filled in by tho merchant as follows: 4-4- 4 This stub shows that ONE vote haS boon issued on the corres ponding coupon. Merchant 's stub. No. inl Good for ON'E vote for Miss for QUEEN OF ROSE CARNIVAL if presented at nay VOTING BOOTH .n or before Wednesday. May "J7. l!ms, at p. in. Issued bv Maker Hut i-hason Co. No. Miss e at vot ing . .ONE hooth. Fi 4 If the customer is entitled to more t han one vote the number should be written in parenthesis, iwo, three or as the case may be. Ask your merchant for votes. Every purchase of L entitles the purchaser to one vote. Voles will be sold by the merchants at tbe rate of M cents each. Anyone desiring to sell votes will please call on secretary of Commercial club. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Levy Lod.u to F. N. Streets. 1 acre between Wnodvillo and Winier Km inn J. Roberts to Nellie Rob oris Gall, IU0 acres in section JO, town-hip range 1 W .. John Wrlliscrofl to Violet Willis croft, N K V. of N W ', sec tion 1, township 'W. range 1 W John Williscroft to Ilornetta Wil liseroft. X W of N W 'i see tion I. township .10, range 1 W W. W. Taylor to C C. Taylor, land in township .10, range I W John A. Williams to Sarah S. Van Dyke. X E Vt of 8 E section 1'J, township .1". range I W... Matthew N. Flock to James li. I'hmito. property in MeCall 's addition A -Wand Royal Surran to Mary K. Snrran. . aeres in township 37, range 12 W !'. n A. Lowell to W. II. Henline. land in .-cti.n PL town-hip 3n rai.ee 4 W ; IU-ntt.n li-w,r to George A. Kno Ma neb. 1-1 12, LI. 14 and l.'i. block F. Railroad add li ion to Ashland George A. Knoblauch to Cnmilta E. Owen. Mo !-. 1 nn l to, block F. Railroad addition to Ashland too I 10 1 1.-,nj 10 OFFICERS DYNAMITE USED TO BLOW UP HOME OF QUARRY FOREMAN Failed to Re -Employ Foreigners and Several Attempts Made on Life as ResultWife and Family Escape. I1CTTE, Mont., April .lit. The home of J. GWicklund, foreman of tho quar ries of tho Washoe Smelting company, near Anaconda, was demolished by gi ant powdt r at midnight last night. Wicltlnnd was seriously injured, though his wife and child were unhurt. Sever al hundred Italians and Austrian wore not re-employed when the Amalgamated Copper company resumed operations here lnt winter, and Wieklund fre quently received letters threatening bis life. A train en route to the quarry narrowly missed being wrecked Wednes day by a crowbar having been tied to the rail. The engineer saw it just in time. GOVERNMENT TO BUY HOUSES FOR EMBASSIES WASHINGTON', April 30. The house committee nn foreign relations decided to report favorably on the bill providing for the purchase abroad of the Ameri can embassy, legation and consular buildings and providing that not more than $1,000,000 be appropriated each year for this purpose. For this year the bill appropriates ,11000,000 for the pur chase of embassies in Berlin and Mexico City and $."00,000 for the purchase of consulates in Shanghai and Yokohama LATE LOCAL NEWS. Mr. William Hanson of Spokane, Wash., is visiting at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Bellinger near Jackson ville. Mrs. Hanson once resided ir Med ford. i Harry Childers, who has boon in Los Angeles for the past six months work- I ing at Ins trade, that of hnnk laying. has rel iirned to Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar I Infer and Miss McDevitt left Thursday morning for San Francisco, where they will spend the criming two weeks. I A. Stewart of Minneapolis, Minn., is a new arrival in Medford and is well pleased with the city and the entire Rogue River valley. James W. Millor, an old resident in Medford, who has been in Portland for the past 10 months, returned to Med ford Wednesday. He has been building residence properties in Portland for in vestment and says that ho will dispone of his property here and return to Fort land. T. IJ. Goodpasture was in Medford recently. He is improving a 40-acre tract of land in Willow Springs dm trier." John A. Grams, of Phoenix precinct, has returned from a trip tn TJreemen, Ohio, has former home. Oil in large (quantities has ben discovered on land adjoining the old homestead, ami there is every prospect that Mr. Grnftls will be among the fortunate ones. J. II. Carlton, one of Eagle Point ' leading merchants, did business in Med ford one day last week. I.awson Winner and his family have relumed from the Willamette Valley, afier an extended absence and are now residents of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Morrison of Grilli n Creek district, were among the manv who spent Saturday afternoon in M.dford. I1 red Davidson, the genial miner, is in Medford a train, after an extended absence. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson of Phoenix precinct, were in Medford Saturday, trading with our merchants. E. F. Raymond of Grillin Creek, did business: in Medford Saturday. He in improving a Ho-nero tract and will have I n li'ie orchard in due course of time. i J J. Fiver, the well known pioneer, Mr. and Mr. John linden of Rig 'Applecart-, have been visiting in Med I ford. Coal for Sate. ' We are now prepared to furnith baud i picked coal at the mine, five rail! j st "f town, in any amount deiired tS.OO a ton. WITH CREW PERISH IN DISASTER WRECK CAUSED BY EXPLOSION Among the 58 Cadets Lost the Wreck are the Sons Baron Ciilnde. TOKIO, April .'HI. While tho cruiser Matsusbiina was coming to anchor in tbe harbor of Makang early today an explosion of t bo st era magazine oc urred, sinking tbe vessel so only the bridge is visible. Efforts at rescue by boats from tho cruisers Hashiadato and Itsuksbimn continued until fl a. m., sav ing 141 men and officers. The ma jority of the officers wore not saved. and at the time went down-with the crew of 300 men, including fi$ cadets, among whom wero the sons of Huron Chimin, Vice Miuister of the foreign office, and of tbe Prince Oyama, Held marshal, who is believed to be lost. The cause of the explosion is unknown. CONTRACT FOR WATER WORKS Stipulations of Agreement Entorod Into With Jacobsen Bado Company Pro vide for Work of Mains to Bo Com pleted by Month of August. Tho contract which tbe city of Med ford has entered into wilfi the Jacob sen-Uade company for tho construction ot a water distributing system for Med ford roads in blank as follows: This agreement, made and entered into this day of 1H0H by and between the City of Medford, a muni cipal corporation organized and exist ing under the laws ot the State ot Oregon, the party of the Irsl part, hereinafter called the City, and of tbe party of tho second part, hereinafter called the contractor. Witnessed!, that I lie said contractor, consideration of the covenants. agreements and pay men ts hereinafter mentioned to be performed and made by said City, herebv covenants and agrees, under the penally expressed in the attached bond, bearinn even date herewith, to construct the waterworks for said City, in accordance with tbe attached proposal unit specifications, which are hereby declnred and accepted us parts of tho agreement, and to uc- pt payment tor the material fumishert a nd la bor per f i rmed at t he prices named in said proposal us full coin pensntion under this contract. What the Contract Prices include. Tho contract price shall include the work of excavating and backfilling the trenches, hauling and placing the pipe, hydrants, valves, valve boxes and special castings, making the joints and the onnrctions with the old mains, testing the pipe system, and furnishing all labor, tools and appliances neeeshBry to complete the work according to the attached proposal and specifications and the plans no file in the omce ot the City Recorder of Medford, Oregon, and to maintain the work in good condition until accepted by the engineer, Extra Work. No allowance will bo made for extra work of nnv kind unless such work shall have been ordered in writing by the Mavor ami the City Council of Medford, Oregon. Failure to Fay for Labor and Material. If the contractor fails to pay the men employed upon the work or for the material to be furnished by the contractor, the engineer may deduct from tho payments due the contractor the amount uecessarv to pav such claims for labor and material. Claims for Damages. The contractor shall not be entitled to datnngos nn acount of delay, but if such delay is occasioned by the City, the contractor shall be entitled to an ex tension of time in which to complete the work, to be determine ,y tho n giurer. Precautions to Prevent Accidents. The contractor shall take all neecisarv preen u I ionnOto prevent accidents and shall indemnify and nave harmless the City from all luiti or actions brought RUEF AND CALHOUN REFUSE TO ANSWER QUERIES BY HENEY MullaUy Staying Out of Court and In Hiding Prosecution's Case Weaken ed Through Witness' Actions Court Sustains Railroad Magnate. SAN FRANCISCO, April 30. Tho trial of Tirey L. Ford, chief counsel f tho United Railroads, accused of offering former Supervisor Coleman fliRK) to vote lor tho trolley franchise, was resumed in Judge Lawlor's depart ment of tbe superior court this morn ing. Tbe effort by the prosecution yes terday to obtain evidence from Patrick Calhoun, president of the United Rail roads, proved futile, owing to the vigor nu protests of hi. a.toru.ys, wh ..hum that the prosecution was ntte-mpthig to secure from his line of testimony tho line ot defense iu his own case, which will come up later. The prosecution as serts that it only seeks the truth and that it wants the guiltless freed and the guilty punished. Tho court uphold Cal noun. Tbe Ford case for the people was com pleted today, Assistant District Attor ney O 'CI ray offering proof that the prosecution had made duo and diligent effort to loeato Thornwall Mullally, assislaut to Calhoun, indicted with Kurd and Calhoun, in order that tho atate might use him aa a witness against Ford. The defense offered in the place of Mullally the .same category ns Ruef and Calhoun, by stipulating that he would have refused to testify upon the same grounds nn tho co defendants. The slate would not agree to such stipula tion. So the ovidonce beforo tho jury shows that Mullally is staying out of court and both Ruef and Calhoun are refusing to nnswer questions. against the City for or ou account f any injuries received or damages sus tained in the construction of said work or duo to negliirence in iuardiui; same. Time for Completion. The contractor shall complete alt of the work to be done under this con tract on or before tho first dav of August, 1908; and it is hereby agreed thai if the work is not completed at. that time the City may deduct from tho amount due the contractor the sunt of lil'ty dollars (f.0.00) per day for each and every day that the work re mains unfinished after that dute, which said sum of fifty dollars per dav is, in view of the difficulty of estimating such damages, hereby agreed upon by he parlies hereto as liquidated damages (hat the City will suffer by reusou of tlm failure of tho contractor to complete the work within tho time agreed. Subletting and Assigning, t he contractor 'hall not. tmblct any part of the work or ussign the contract or the money duo under the contract wit hout tbe written consent of the Mayor tind the City Council of Med ford, Oregon. Payments. V partial estiinute shall be issued by the engineer at tho end of each calendar month for the amount duo the con tractor for the work done during the mouth, and the City shall pay tbe contractor eighty (80) per cent, of the amount of said estimate and retain twenty (20) per cent, until the com pletion of the work and its acceptance by the engineer. When the contractor has completed the work to the acceptance of the on ifinecr, then the engineer shall issue the final estimate for the balance due the contractor, including the retained per centages, and t he City shall pay and tho contractor shall receive the amount of said estimate as full compensation for all work done and material fur uished under this contract. Contract Binds All Parties. This contract shall bo binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of tho contractor and upon the f 'ity of Medford, Oregon. Changes In Plans. TIih City shnl have the right to change the plans or to reduce or In crease the amount of work to be done, after the contract has been awarded, by notifying the contractor, in writing, of Mich changes, and tho courtnetor shall be paid for only the actual amount ot work done at the contract prices. IN W ITNKHH WIIKKKOK, Hi.' Mnvor .,1 tin- ( ily of Mi-ilfonl, On-Kin, I"'" mnili- unH i-ii-riiK-J thin rnntrm-t on! ln-h.-ilf of null! Cilv nnrl hull (au'1 tlie l nnl f o.iirl City In lie hi'rnmtn fifliwl, in piir.iian.-K of b rcmilutioii nrtoptpil by ihe Illy Coniii-il of miirl City, nnrl thi" . . , . . , . , , i-ontriii-tor nan Iw-ri-uiito rn-t In linnil ami nml llin day od yer flnt bo written. SENATORIAL CANDIDATE CAKE HERE Republican Nominee to Speak at Eagle Point Tonight and Tomorrow at Talent and Gold Hill Hon. II. M. Cake, republican nominee for United Htntcs senator, arrived in Medford Thursday morning en route to Kngle Point to address tho voters. Fri day afternoon be speaks to the voters of j Tnl,mt' . nml 1,1 ""' "v""n "",B" '"' Gold Hill, Mr. Cuko oxpresses himself as confi dent of election and much gratified with the results of tho primaries, lie attrib utes bis success over Senator l-'ultou solely to his championship of Statement Xo. 1 and not to his personality. "I expect to recoive the support of all Statement So. I men," said Mr. Cake, "There is surely no reason re publicans can givo for voting for a democrat in preference to me, for on Statement No. 1 1 have made my cam paigu. 1 expect to receive the support of nil republicans and do not look for any personal fight waged against me bv any faction, for I have kept clear of party discords and petty fight GOVERNOR HUGHES' NAME . NOT TO BE WITHDRAWN XKW YORK, April :iu. The name of Governor Charles h), II nghes will not be withdrawn from the president inl can vass tint i I I lie nnl ioual con veal ion at Chicago has made u choice of candidate, is the st'itement made by ('resident Woodford of the HnheH league of the Ignited Stales, who presided nt a con ference of delegates elected to til lilt tional convention from New York slate, called for today in I ho interest of HuglieH candidacy. COMMITTEE ON BANKING REFUSES TO TAKE ACTION WASIII VtiTti.V, April :io. - The com mittee on banking currency held a brief meeting today. It declined to proceed for the purpose of Inking up Ihe ncv Vretland currency bill. A vole for ad journment stood 12 to .1, tho negative vote being cast by Rnrton, Weeks and Mc Kinney. II ih suppsed they will rep resent tho strength of the new bill, and it is inferred tho measure will be tabled as was the first Vreeland hill, If it. ever reaches a vote In tho committee. NEW CASES. Lewis I'lrich ot al. vs. W, K. Ilareii et al.; action to recover money, tins Newbury, attorney for plaintiff. J. V. Oresslor et al. vs. Joshua Pat terson; action to recover money. R. T. Smith, attorney for plaintiff. MARRIAOE LICENSES. Arthur Brown and Annie K. Inuiiin. John D. Lawrence and F.lhel M. Jor dan. (Jeoie Wilson and Lucy V. Chap- i.,h. POLITICAL DISTURBANCE CAUSES LOSS OP LIFE rnltT IiK riMM K. April -S.-V i-iiiI p--o'li ini-lii'ing lln- rimynr ttt l-'nr li- Kriiih-i-. n-i-ri- kill! in 11 nolilii-itl 'tiwl mi Imiii-i- li'-n- yi'Hli'i'liiy. BATTLESHIPS LEAVE SANTA BARBARA SANTA IIAKIIAKA, I'nl, pril .'wi. - - ,f hl, nnli,. i,,,,,,!,, f,. i, , , . , ... 'II n Vloel linn moriiiiiil for Mnnti-n-y, . j "hero Inn nnphurn will Im droppo.l to ! morrow morning ut 7 o 'clock. DM N FROSTS IN FARMS! Heavy Snow Storms and Freezing Temperature is Likely to do Consider-, able Damage to Fruit. I ' I TTH IH'HU, April .( I. There is snow hero today. The temperature is only two degrees above freezing. tl.KVKLA Nl, April art. Heavy snow was felt practically all over the state. ST. JOSKIMl, April A heavy- frost did much damage to the fruit of nnrl Invest e i n M issonri and northeast cm Kansas. LA CKUSSK, Wis., April 30. The frost in the western part of Wiscon sin and southern Minnesota will do. much damage to tho fruit and vegeta bles. LKXIXflTON, Ky., April 3n. Thent is simw in the eastern and central part of Kentucky. It is believed there will be no great amount, of damage. Dog rases here today will be declared off. DCS MolXKS, la., April .10. A hfll- ri lt fi'N.st was felt in several sections nf tho state and a good deal of damugd 'lone t he fruit nnrl vegetables. TALLAHASSKK. I'la., April 'MX A windstorm a few miles oust of the city ra.ed tobacco sheds and barns and other wnoi I structures and did considerable Inmate to tiro crops. COMMITTEE TO BIT ON TARIFF REVISION WASIMMITOX. April :(0. - Represen tative I '; no of New York, chairman of the ways and means committe, intro- tn I I he resolul ion authorizing ths ouniiittee lo Hit during the recess of ongrcNs and gal her such in format ion ilirone,h the government agents or other wise as it may see fit in looking toward t he preparat ion of a bill for the re vision of tariff. ROOHEVELT TO HUNT BIO OAME IN AFRICA. WASHINGTON, April 1). President Itooscvoli has matte up his mind to have a big gallic haul in South Africa next year no less unforseen circumstance prevent. II e lias talked enthusiasti cally on the sub ji'ct with visitors re .en ily. His plan is to sail from an Knilish pirt, but to make his stay in Knyland brief and informal. Mr. lioosevelt will not make a world tour, nor will he visit the capitals nf Kuropo. He nil not. as reported, visit Australia and New Zealand. His en? plan is for South Africa big game shooting, and it will take a radical reason to keep him away from that, -sin-h as n election, for Instance. TEMPERANCE MAYOR RESIGNS SEAT IN PROHIBITION CITY MATTOON. 111., April 30.- Ituther than be the chief executive of a city that has bet n made penniless through tho people voting it "dry" nt the last local option election. Mayor Lewis Leh man of M.-ittoon resigned today. Not thai he dislikes the idea of be mg mayor of a saloonlcs city, because he is a believer in temperance, but he declares that when the people voted to dt'ivo the saloons nut of Mattnon they alo diove away tl,',uoo yearly In rev enuo that was paid by the saloon keeper. lie said that this will completely .ripple the finances of the cily, and under the present condition he say ho cannot remain office.