TIIJO MED FORD DAILY TRTBUNB, MEOFOV? P. OK.. WTC TUESDAY. APKTT. -fl, 1W8. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper io a Live Town. Published erery evening except Suuday Medford Publishing Company. 0. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second Class Matter in the Poatofficc at Medford, Oregon. " Subscription Bates: One month, by mail or carrier O.'iO One year, by mail P-00 THE ADVERTISING FAKIR A prolific field for thu mini with lot of brans anil no invested ntpititl in that occupied by the mlvertiwintf fnkir. Ho travel nbout the country on his uervo and jawbone, never Htiiyiiiy lnii iu uny one place and m-ver wnrkinj; tho Hiunv field ngftin. Ho can't. Tin peopln won't bito (wire lor him, but they will for the ne.tt oily lougucd grafter that coinea nloug. Tho advertiNiiig fnkir usually Iuih some scheme or nt her out of t In1 or diunry rut th.it he spring on I In- pub lie that liken to be l.iimbii-.l. Him putroiiH n ro tlione whn do not under Stand advertising and he usually fights shy of the lurtfi adveitiser who Itnow tho kiiiiio, II ih victim eniinnt tell ihe ehaff from the whent, nud nn bm uh they Hen llieir name iu print do not know whether they reap ichuIIh or not. The Hehoiiie he work varied with the locality. .SornetiineH lie tries one thing, iioinetinieK another, ltut tt in never any thing that brinjjH retiiriiK tit the in vestor, lie will tell you, if yiiii ask him, that the public won't bite nt a legitimate proposition, but they will full over theniKelvew to take hM of n fake one, jiiHt ax they will to buy wildcat mining nlock, and ttnirn a proven divi denfl-payer. HoinetillieH nelv.Hp.'tJtel.s Icinl I h c lit nelven to Win game, but iilw;iy to llieir own Ion and hit profit, lie geH It i h money nml i-learn oul, lea'ing the pit per to live it flown. A coii"pii:muiH example of the mlver lining t'jiliirx' skill along litis line h a m-heiue Hint ho Iinh hu nut'iilly worked: in nil mint lo-ru Oregon town. He has a plate representing n houe m.nle, nr rangeH with a Ineiil paper to print it on a percentage Iuimh, ami Nells cards on nil piirtn of it nt so uiiieli per. It is imposiihle to g much more than a ; hiiiiffN card oti this house, and it is I valueless Have for the cumulative effect of keeping a uaiue In-fore tin public, i like a billboard, and is iu reality no much dead space, wtilnuit Hloie newn In make the advertising nllniclivc or read able. Vet the merchants ami business men, who cannot possibly truce a penny V worth nf busincHK to I he money t hus ttpent, trill refuse to p:itmiiio the l.yit imate advertising columns in u newspa per nt niggling for existence, claiming that it doesn't pay to advertise, in ol der to support some traveling flatter without a cent invested iu the column nlty. An for returns, they might as well throw thoir monev nwiiv. The atmoHphnre of Medford is ho red iilont of the annua of fruit that Ihe citix.em propone to adopt hort icult urnl nnmcH fur their streets. It' you con suit n MedfonUto you will learn that tho city as a whole- is 11 "peach." Pacific Outlook. NEW CENTRAL COMMITTEE"" ' FOR KLAMATH REPUBLICANS Following in the personnel and of I i eero selected of the newly-elected re publican county central committee of Klamath county: (!. T. Oliver, chair inau; Frank Ankcny, Neeietnry; Fred McfCeudree, Vivian KvntH, W. P. Hedge, K. (,'. Cowley, fl, Hanuikor, If. ('. An dorniin, i M, er, ), !, Ihowii, K , 1. Cub' man nud .lesne Slrolts. At the initial eting of I he new coinmitlee tbft nff''M3 were eleeicd and the fid lowing tfe.g;tcH tn tho stale enliven lioir i.ed cuiigrtHtinuiil conv -it ion to the timi district appoinh-d: L. F. VillitH, lleorge X.dde, -:. -:. VlUl t;ml i K Hoyt. II. I,. H.dgale of Itonanra w,if selected as member of tho .Kale un'uii eninmiltee and n it; Jni While rr t'b.nmth F,.lls ns e nfc luiiiil O' lHi . ;t t ivm an. OKMNANCK NO. Ml'. An Ordinance providing names ami nniubers for I lie hi reels nud avenues of tho City of Medfurd, Oregon. Whereas, thcro are a number of ttreeU in the city of .Mr. iter, I, Oregon, which have uo official n nine m tlenje, nation; nud, WherpHs, terrain names hei clef ore giveu to the streets of the city occur in duplicate, or me otherwise deemed iindctrnb1o; and, Whereas, the Greater Medfoid ilub. In conjunction with a loinniiilt f this council, have refined the mimes of t bo NtieH and avenues of said cil v, feud have recommended the iidopiinu of ceit a in names and nnmbcis t-r nil of f!liil street, which names ihmI nuiiilter llUVM been iimel llti d Upon ttie s:iid le wppctive stteet and aeini,s upon the official plat of said cits l.v ihe city engineer, in nee..id:ine with H-.ti ree oininend.'itinns; Now thcreforo, tin t f .di.id dotb ordain ns follows: That liereafter tho ieiie, tivr tiiiine-, uumberfl nml tloiigaat ions of (lie streets and avenue of flic 'it v of Medford. Oregon, nhnll be and are hereby offi cuilly declared to be as shown upon the official plat of said city, as this date revlm-d and cornvtisl by the city engi j ueer, and that the respective name and , numbers so shown upon said plat, and! no others, nhull be used in establishing' any system of marking or indicating ; the names of said streets which may be' by this council authorized or ndopted. The- foregoing ordinance was passed by In City Council April 21. IfXiS.j Trowbridge voting nye, Kifert aye.: Wortmsn nye, Merrick nye, Hnfer nye. I 0vro absent. Approved April 21, J. V. Iti:iIV, Mavor. Attest: IIRNJ. M. COM.IXH, Reeorder, .12 H. I. On ft'ironm, nnimi(i'r nf ) lio flnltr..! ftl.nl... I.n.l . f....lu ill.. ... bualDM rallT in Mid fur.) Turilu,r. j NEW REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE ORGANIZED The new Jackson county republican cent ml commit lee is compiled of t hi following COIIIUlilleemell elected lit tile recent pnmary election: Fast Ashland .1. A. Harvey. West Ashland . II. (iillette. .South Afthlnud .1. K. Young. Ilarron (j. W. Harnoi, A. M. Way ner tie vote). Talent 11. If. tinddnrd. Phoenix L. A. Itose. Autioch K. I. .loneH. Aipb-gtt M. A. Van liorden. .1. I. Whitehead (tie vote). Cent nil Point V. .1. Freeman, l lngle Point N, L-.-Nai n gon. Flounce lfock--S. .s. Aiken. Cold Hill J. L. Haiiimei-sley. N'orlh Jacksonville . I, II. Ihllinger. Xofth Medford Horace Nicholson. Mound -W. II. Xorcn.Hs. i. W. Me. In die vole). Sams Valley- J. Peudleloii. Trail A. A. Hall. Thomas (J. Span ger (He vole). I u Ihe following precincts no coin mil leemeii Were elected, and I he law provides t hat such "vacancies shall be filled by I lie county commit tee; lliy Hill to, I 'lima v, Foots ( 'reek, Smith .hn ksonville, South Medfoid, l.ake t'nek, Meadows, Ifnck Fotnl, Huxy, Sterling, Fninn, Wat kins. Willow Springs, Winter and Woodville. The committee also decides ties. The committee has elected X, I. Xar reouu as chairman and J. A. Harvey as secrelarv. STEER PROVES COSTLY WHEN TAKEN INTO CIRCUIT COURT Circuit court has been in session at (iranls Pass since the first of the week. There are a goodly number of eases on ihe equity side of the docket, including IU divorce cases. There is but one criminal case. It is of long conl iniieil interest, iu which A. If. yuuhls sued It. (ieorjre for the replevin of a steer wort h The urn tier was submit ted a jury, which wrestled willt the evidence for two days and niie night, and in order to yet n cor rect conclusion held the hide up liefore an electric light, and this act exposed u foiiner brand underneath Ihe present identification ;ind threw lite case to the defendant. Iu the face of this also comes a cost hill in the justi (nut of 71. us some of t he wit nesses had to I ravel a dis lance of !Kt miles. The costs in the cir 'nit court will bring ulnnl of about $JM(I. PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN'S EXCURSION TO LEWISTON One hundred and twenty seven Port Ian I business men have signed up for t he Lewis! on 'lark si on excursion, in celelirat loll of Hie completion of I he " b'iparia cutoff." The list will be increased by teveral others before Fri day night, when the excursion is sched tiled In leave Portland. The party will return the following Sunday, May H. rciirhing Cortland at 1 1 : b"i a. in. 1 1 lasl(s like coffee. 1 1 looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, hut is iiire roasted lira ins. Mended so as to pro cure the hest flavor, Ihe urea test slrenuth and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. ( lolden ( i rain ( iranules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart hoiiMe, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia ami stouiacli trouMes. X curly :!-iitu1 ux'hiiijc fur :.'.")(, all retail grocers. Wholesale hy P. B. Theiss & Co. MotlfWd, Or. Golden Grain Granules i:i;soi. tion. lie it nsoh dl by t he City Council of the City of Medford, Oregon, the Mayor approv iug, That then- be, and in hereliy called, a special t-lei-tioii in said eily fur tho purpose of fuliinitt ing to i he voters 01 t;;iid eily for thoir lip prnv.'tl or reject inn, a proposed iinioiid ment to Section linl of the City Char tor of said ciry, and such other mat tern as may lawfully be brought up at said ehctijn; that said eiecliou be held upon the ith day of May, P.nis, lietwei a the liour of J( a. m. and p. m. of said day. Thar the following am hereby desig nut -d am) appointed as tho pit) ling places', and I ho jmlgeH and clerks said election: For the First Want Polling place, old City Hall, over Husk ids r drug store. Judge, Oenrge A. Jackson. .Indue ami clerk, J. P. Willeke. Judge nml clerk, I''. M. Jordan, Fur the Second AViird Polling plaee, sample room, Hotel Xash. Judge, V. J. Fmeriek. Judge nud clerk, I. 0. Karnes. Judge ami clerk. H. II. Hamy. For the Third Wnrd-.-F.dliiig place. City Hall. Judge, A. T. hrisko. Judge iiml clerk, F. l. Stewart. Judge and clerk, C. K. t'idlins. The foregoing remdutinu was adopled by the City Cuiimil April li'-', lHUH, Trowbridge vot ing aye, Fiferl live. Wort man aye, Merrick aye, Olwell aye, UnlVr nye. Approved April L" IPOK, .1. F. KFDnV, Mavor. Attesl: UK X.I. M; COLLIN'S.' Pecorder. W'l Howard Also llio c(iloiii!il sizf; Tliin Model U'jillhnm AViil.-li(;s. Elk Cllill'llis, Locke!, I!llt,t.(ilis and l-'olis at 1h; Now .Tcw cli'y Stoi-e, Marlin J. Reddv 11 NORTH C STREET, Fine Watch and Jewelry Re pairing a Specialty. Near (lie l'ostuffiee. Wise Talks By the Office Boy Fit says n rone by any other name would bo just jim expen sive hack east (his time of ye;ir. 1 aomolinicH think be pines for tJie pitiey woods in old t'ello!) scot , Frnppe ( 'miuly, Maine, where he was raised-duit that 's one thine; yours truly never earnt for. The nod m niutaiii and the o ocearr a id nice old Oiriinii atmosphere arf1 mod enough tor m-. Hut il 's all in how you weii' raised. Fa liken clam chowder and corn on the cob, ami har est apples and a lot of thiupi that n kid who was bom this side of the snow shels hasn 'I hail much elm nee to yet ucipiaiiited with. Those who have lived nn bath sides of t his j,')nar count ry and lived lonej enough to k now what "s what can et all those things iust as nice one place as nn other, if you know where to buy. We " e yot elant chowder f rum Hostnn that is just as nice -is any ou ccr ale on the sand, and lots of other things that have that "Mnwn l'a-t" tnt. t MILLER & EWB.4NK "Something Nnv In liulilii'r Tiivs thai it will i:iv v.m t, invilist. COMPLETE ' STOCK. prompt work, satisfaction guaranteed. Mitchell & Poeck GENERAL WAGONERS. Knst 7th Street, rear of Merriinan 's Tlbu'ksuiil h Shop, Medford, Or. The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Vliriltvhi's but water tor K-u on wrv slerl let! u e It ran be n-eil on Ibe t a lih or in Vu- l.'t li. i A.t:o-be- tit(;itiy tdeetroher Sllllple.-vite.eo:',- vi nieiil, tloi.dde S-AV KOUUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Mii,'teor to ('ondor Writer Power t'o. Of flei iVifi V. 7th it., npp Idf electrle nti I'ltoiu S't 'c -Sc Made in New York keeps, are rated by the class of, people who wear them. "Benjamin" Clothes are, the standard for New York Men, the best dressed men in the , World. The price is Right. DANIELS Seventh Sir eel R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON I AL PORCH WORK, OKI LL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TELEPHONE 471. The Opportunity T.s now presented you to purchase acres improved land, with all stock, farm implements and tools at the small price of $17,000 only a little over 'f",,) 1"''' '""'''C- ALFRED SMITH L OVKIf .lACKSOX d'JIt Al'KKS, well located, t miles from S. I. b'. U. slulion, including' nil crops, I stallion, 1 lioroughbied Shire, weight 1!S0 pounds, S years old; all farming implements, 10 acres nlfalfa, IK) acres grain, (i neres orchard, L' good dwellings, II good barns nud other outbuildings; tele phone iu house, daily mail, school house on place, I (). mile; two good irrigal iug ditches. About llIO acres can be irrigated, l."0 acres fanning land. All the laud is good for fruit; no stono place; can be easily chared, good water, land all well fenced. This is one nf the best ranches iu the county for the money. Will cut loll tons hay; bonie market for nil produeo and crop. This place will make four or five nice farms; county road runs through the center of Ihe ranch. IF SOLD HMOX. PRICK PKli At liK. Hit ACIIKS near Central Point, about -lo acres in cultivation; part Ibar creek bottom, good alfalfa and grain land; part is rolling, but all good fruit land ; fair buildings and good fence; S acres young trees. This is an except ionallv good bnv. I'KICK .fl2."0 PKli ACh'K, TKKMS. DRESSLER West Seventh St. Automobiles Thp pArifir far '''u 'i'""i"1,ii with the liidi 1IIC latlllt ldl chMrnuee four - evliudor :ii iiiiisepiiwer water-i-unlcl envine. storaiie 1);itterv niul imported Hosi h nian'iieto and coil. lOS-iti. wheel hase. slitlinp; ie;r t rausiuissioii, douhle eliain drive. ICO square inches hrakini; surface: strictly hiirh class in every respect. 'I'ho liext ear for the coast count rv. The hest car ever offered 1'or the irice. I'liee JL'.iO, I'ulh eiuippetl. .1. M. ROOT Al- .SON, .lackson County . ..mp,wil nr m. O. Wri. 9. D. OOMMOl A Gonrr.il ri.nlr.t. li.rs nml l.inl.lor. 10 fnrniliisl. UMK, PT-A.-rER AND iiWwmriBiMimiiMwiiiifWftiWiiiiiiiii in UST as a man is ' known by the company he so clothes New Clothing Store MEDFORD, OR. COUNTY' HANK. & WOOD Medford, Oi. lank Iildii.. Metl ford. ( r. AOLE. 0. T. 0-BHIEN, innniifn.-tnr.M I'tMF.D IC. nil its lirttnrln . I'lainj an.i ..timai. All work iM.irnnU'il. CEMKNT FOR SAI.K Isn't it Reasonable? The New Store the Place to Trade . . . . z:i::::, ;;li;v;., .,.- waStv.o 1.1-SImW au.l in ..,.1-r ... ymt l.li-i..- l'""" H..ir.-l-.l til- :ll..l for ,h.. v.-.v !.., U in H ''",-s an- ((! al ,l. I,v. ,l i-.i.-.-x. N..I ""ly ''" a K..O.I t!u.U as it is ,.ssil.l.. f,- ,, v t l,uv .nl s-ll I li.-:.i "I average .r,.f..s. I, i show a-s,iiliii.iit ami U'-i ,...ils r..iuiii in tin- tune. Il will .av v,, t.. I ra.1.- with tl, im-w s,,.,v, far one rli aln- i: i:i; vrii im; is U Ait.NTKr:i. $1.00 Parasols 60c We lia.l a r li.'in i'i 1 la l.uy a lat at' fin., while rarn-wls at e-ee.li..ll ally yaail iliet ?-, aii'l we tank fami ly assart iia-nt s in all prieen. fr Is all we a rr a.-Uiit' far a l)Ul Taias.,1 lliat ,.1.1'niarily sells nr l."a. llilier , xteptti'iial val n.o al 7.r.a TO S10.0I). N,. is tin t in..- la l.uy year par n..K Millinery i,V,. I,,,,,"! heavy "a fine M il... 1.... II in. la a eir all! it. ,1 pla. es I. ,, p.-.M.Ie in isalaleil p In e else mis seen, sn ...... ,, the,,.. If y ivant a ... .i i Site'!.! :-sX- ill llliik I JIEDKOIiD'S lODKIJX STOUIC BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY V, STRKI?7I NORTH OF J.(MvSOX 00. BANK. BRING YOUR WIPE TO DINE lien- sotin- day soon. It will be :i iiv:a to lit' i" and a ehane as well. M . re ox er it will show her what irnud e.ndi in and serv iee really ;i r. She will probably take the hint and make her home meals bolter t heiva t'U r Xever snspoi-t yon of any! hiito;, either. Ti v it. Il hns ot'ten worked b.'aut it'tillv. TJie Nash Cafe Medford Opera House ( lls. It. llAZn.h'KKI Manii),'or FIVR NIGHTS. COMMENCING APRIL 28TH The Margaret lies Company i a i;i:im:i,'T(iii,..: dramas. PRTC:r!3 2:,, sr., -.a cents. LADIES FRKB on Opening NiKl,t VVhe.n Ac (Mniuanioil hy a Paid Ticket. "'HI' I W III IU I ' ' Ul1 ''-"t- The Medford MEDFORD, OR. CAIMTAb. SaiYty i:X(.s ,,, ;,.t. A .,ui,-,,.(!. ,,,. Unn. l;lt,.ona Meatand Poultry M,,;,,s Vhv;,.vs l''lvsl1- I'l-i'- Ahvavs Rin-ld. 1 "''i'"' iiiid lie Satisfied. The Hlod ford Meat Co., 1i!-r'-11;s ';' '''"'v'-- "ext u..tei ash. -- ' 1 " HI'-; nest 'rices or I'i o ..,,.1 t'i ff . , !' ! , fr; i", ' 1 .,' , 1 o l!l 0 MIiDf(..D tfiA and COFFEE HOUSE -i; vi:st si;-!.:XT sti,!-;-;'!' Mi-clash a , :sKK Pl,p, ioh w tl.oe I M I'Olit-' II MO il 1 1 m m I 2.50 Suit Case$ 1.95 Wlu'ii '! went inia ine niaruei i Inn- Suit Cases we ilnln I liny the lirst line thai etitae alalia, Inlt laake.l al a iinlllher af Hie larg est liias ta lie fallllil. then wa ashi-.l iiieiehanls ill allier tawns aa.l a,.t their i.pinianti anil then l.ell(;lit I QT '"r a Sail Case narth ev I.jJ erv eint af it-.af. Other similar values la S17.!0. Sacrificed ler.v lar IIM seasa,,. nine ever sinnva in s... seem la il'esire that tliey have samethillB i e. s inane nil nn in'i hat we save IIAJ.P MU. Suit Sale All Suits Must go .ila.i.n Suits far $5.00 . ll.,..ii Snils far ' ...$9.00 l.-,.aii Suits Cur" $11.00 iin.nn Suits far $13..ri0 .T-J.-.t.a Sails far $19.00 if I--,..h Sails far $29.00 Suits far $25.00 ,-:u.,i., Suits far $22.00 up. MlimiiMH Ml I W. II. JACKS. X, Ash I .,,,. National Bank 1 f."iO,0()0 10,000 ( ieneral V,;Ukhvj; Business " 1 Mil (111(1 I I I . ,":'--"'- n.t cff(.,,. ,,xtrnot!, ' ". 'Lint. Ware, Olas,. nt .'"iiiiI.ti. ! o