! If You've Anything to Buy or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES DBkdferd tnHMine. The Weather Fair; frost tonight ; warmer weather t in or row.' THIRD YEAR. MEDFORD. OR.. SATURDAY, APRIL '1 1908. NO. TORNADO SWEEPS GULF STATES, KILLING FIVE HUNDRED Daily TO SELECT QUEEN BY BALLOTING Most Popular Young Wom an to Represent Med ford at Rose Carnival and Ride on Float. At a meeting of the contest commit tee at tlie Hotel Nash, definite plans for holding a contest were decided tipou and ure aw follows: Complete arrangements will be made Monday and announced in Monday's issue of the Tribune. Tho following young Indies havo been entered in the nice for queen by tlieir friends: Miss I i race Brown, Mitts Ed mi Kit'ert, Miss Brudence Anle, Miss Lou Hart sell, Miss Hamilton, Miss Meda Nichols, Miss Mtibel Kent, Miss Cnsidouu I'lymier, Mrs. ( '. T. Gaddis, Mrs. Anna Duuiclsou. Any young lady in Med ford or the near vaeiuity may enter I his contest, or any young lady's name, may bo en tered by a friend or friends. " Quite an Honor. It will lu quite an honor to repre sent Medford ns queen at tho roso car nival iii'i'ortlaud, June I to 7. All of tho ox pe uses of the queen and her maids will bo paid by the Medford Commercial club. This includes the dresses, railroad fare mid other ex pbnacH while in Fort land. There will be receptions for the queens, and alto gether a royal good t iine is promised for the lucky young ladies. The carnival committee certainly hopes that every young lady whose inline. is entered will remain in the race. Tho contest, will be conducted abso lutely in an honest manner and no one will have a chance lo vote any way but fairly in this contest. Kve.ry one will have I In same chance of winning. So far it has been decided to lock the ballot boxes on the day of the opening of the contest, and depositing the keys in the bank tinder bond not to bo taken out until the contest doses, lu t his way no one will know nut 11 tho voles are counted just who is to bo queen, and each contestant will have equal chance with the rest. It: was decided that five voting places would be selected and every man, woman and child asked to assist in the contest by securing as many votes as possible for their favorite candidate. Way to Get Votes. There are two ways of procuring votes. First, nny one desiring to vote can buy as many votes as they desire at the rate of '10 cents for each vote. If thev wish to buv as many as inn at once a discount of -" per cent will be iillowed. Second, the merchants will bo itsked to issue votes with every $2 wort h of goods sold in I heir stores 'lur ing the contest. This is to be uceoin I'lished without much trouble to the merchants bv having a coupon vote is sued in blank, which will be signed by Hie firm issuing same and handed to the customer having bought goods to tlie :i mount i.t Aii extra vote will be added by each additional cash pur chnso of $2. The committee is having blank cou pons printed. The hack of coupon will read: "This coupon is good for 10 cents fir each vote enumerated on its face when presented by the carnival com initteo to the firm whose name appears on its face." The stub is simply for the merchants to keen account of votes issued. Anv merchant usinir over 100 votes "ill be allowed 2"i per cent discount. Reason for Discount. The committee wishes to enlist tin services of everv school child in 1 1 fulo of these vote and in order to do this an inducement to the buys ai girls was thought necessary. Any hoy or girl desiring to si ll vot mi this puniest will anolv to the carni val contest committee, who will s 'hem as many votes ns thev think I In 'Jin set) at n discount of 2"i per cent 'hus allowing 2-"i cents to be made on ach dollar's worth of votes sold. Any ftne disposing of 1 f Ml votes will mak t2.50. How manv votes will von takef Coal for Bale. Wft nre iow prepared to furnish hand incited pnal at the mine, rive mn -st of town, in any amount deiired iCONGRESS PRACTICES y Sundry Civil Appropriation Bills Reported to House Carrying $105,715,369, a reduction of a Third WASHINGTON, April 2 k The sun dry civil appropriation bill was re ported to tho housu today by tho ap propriations committee. It carries $lor,7 l"i,.1;0, n reduction of fctt.ritlg.gf)' from the estimates submitted by the uopartiuents. Included in the appro print ions recommended is $27,(527.000 for tho Isthmian canal, which amount is reimbursable to the treasury from pro ceils ot the sale of bonds authorized. The bill carries for public buildings. murine hospital, quarantine stations, iniiual repairs, heating apparatus. units, safes and locks, $2,182,375; for improvement of rivers and harbors un der contract and authorized, $17,692,- b'4."i; for lifesaving service, $2,2tiS,S57; for current expenses of the revenuo cut ter service, $1,01-4,000; for engraving md printing, $.,.lo4,7oS; for interstate commerce commission, $935,000; for as sistant custodians and janitors' of pub lie buildings, $1,GSS,872; for fuel, lights and water for public buildings, $1,40, 000; for expenses in collecting customs idditioual to permanent appropriations of $5.5011.000 for that purpose for 1909, $4,500,0(10; for lighthouse establish ments, $5,100,910; for enforcement of Chinese exclusion, $500,000; for geolog- nl survey, $1,085,000; for expenses of the president, $78,090; for erection of barracks and quarters for coast urtil- ry, $1,9K7,2(!0; for road to Mount Rai nier I'ark, $;0000; und various other xpoiitHs, bringing t he total to $105, '.119. SPECIAL SERMON-LECTURE AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH SUNDAY The subject will be of unusual im port a nee Sunday night at the ( 'hris- chim-h. Two weeks ago the pas tor spoke on t lie suh.eet, ' Itcliginiis Delusions," with especial reference to upcrst it ion and witchcraft. Sunday night I he subject will be " Religions Delusions," witli especial reference to piritualisin and Christian Science, I ho real I ion to hypnotism, suggestion and mental healing will be discussed. These live subjeds, as was evidenced by he large eongregal ion and interest i ken two weeks ago. Many do not nideotaiid th- great power of tin- mind tver matter. Come and barn more -of his Cod given power. Tlie morning subject wilt he of un usual interest, "The Road from De pravity to Holiness; or, Tlie Man from Tarsus. More interest is now heing liken in public worship at. the Chris ian church than for years past. For this the church and minister are do vmitlv thankful. The great ptea for tPMstolic Christianity is making itself felt. You are cordially invited to wnr hip at the Christian church. KLAMATH FALLS ELECTS TEACHERS FOR YEAR The directors of the Klamath Tails i . I .1... f..11..,.;r..r m-imiH wive sejei'icu me teachers for the enduing year: I'rinei .al, II. H. Dunbar, and the Misses Mellii Campbell. Alice M. Pool, Mabel l amp hell. Net tir Drew, Anna licesoii. Kdna lenson. Carrie Ridings. Cail-Ute .ant md Mary Davidson. With H x.ep tiiiu of the .Misses jircw ami " teachers are the same who were en gag.-d last year, and this gives astir in.-e that Principal Piinhur will he uniy assisted in keeping the d U up t" the standard. Herald. UNIVERSITY 'Of CALIFOINIA WINI MOW STANFOID SAC: AUTO. Cal April L'". By two the Cniversity of the Stanford uni- iHid a half lengths California defeated ,ri'v men in their animal boat race here t'-da The and the water v ,,f California " weather wa delightful smooth. The ;i,.., Sfanfo ight ,.,-erv staL'e of th General Manag-r J V. 'CP-nen ..f ,h Ih.rrhnun liii-: L- R TiehN. ... p,.rintendent. and William P.olh.ns. y ident etigine.r. p:.-d sonth on V.. ,. todnv in their ate mm, the Oregon 1 TOWN AFTER TOWN RACE TRACK BILL DEFEATED THROUGH FORGED TELEGRAM Cassidy Telegraphed Fassett, "Stand by Governor,' and Operator Changed Message to Read, "Not to Stand Company Admits Forgery. KLM1RA, X. V., April 25. The an nouncement that the vote of Senator Cassidy against the racetrack bill was ilue to a telegram from Congressman Tassel n r Washington being tent pered with, has caused a sensat ion. Fassett admits that it is true, lie tele graphed Cassidy, "Stand by Gover nor, and the operator at tho telegraph ittice at Washington changed the tele gram to read, ".Not to stand." The oiiipany admits the forgery and the perator has been dismissed. MEDFORD TO PLAY ASHLAND SUNDAY Medford and Ashland will plav here tomorrow und a good game is expected. Medlord will be represented by several new players. They are homo boys and have been eagerly waiting for a chance to show their class in fnstor company. So the spectators will be sure of seeing a gingery game, as the youngsters nre not cocksure of their positions, as some of the older players have been and will put up snappier ball. Swaggerty is one of the young play rs who is showing up strong and will be seen on first sack tomorrow, and Wilkinson, Miles and Kil'erl will finish up a strong infield. Taddy Malloy will possibly play in the outfield tomorrow. Ilo is a great baserunner and is one of the most pop ular players that ever donned a Med lord suit, Itoiissnm and Hopkins will ie I he hut lory in I he game. A letter from Pug Isaacs, who is playing ball at I.a Grande with Slivers Pnrdy, says that Slivers and he have both been hitting the bull hard and lire sure ol their positions. It seems a strange thing that Med ford, t he livesicst town on I he coast, won 'l support a team enough to pay for the paraphernalia they use, and I.a (ramie will take sot f our players I ml pay I hem a good salary and all ex peases. FINE MUSICAL PROGRAM FOR TABLE D'HOTE DINNER An elaborate musical program has been prepared by Hnzelrigg 's orches tra for the table d'hote dinner at the N'ash cafe Sunday evening. These din nets are shrouding the fame or ooth Medford and the hotel throughout the land and commercial travelers strain a point to be here and enjoy them. The orchestra is one of the best anywhere in the west, and few large cities can boast f It better. Tile llllisic is Well select I'd md the menu most elaborate. Methodist Episcopal Church B Street. 'Assigning Trouble to the Wrong Cause ' will be the subject next sab bath at II n. m. Jerry McCauley lee lure at nii'ht : Sabbath school at 10 i. m., Kpworth league at )i ire invited. All LATE LOCAL NEWS. .1, L. Scott, the pioneer, has br ne a itizen of Medford. residing with his mi, Thomas, see) ion foreman of t he lonthern Pacific. A. C. Walker, superintendent of the leltlemeir orchard, located near Central Vint, was in Medford one day this week. Mrs. I. I. Waldronp. who ha been the guest of her daughter. Mrs. J. i. tinlde. and Mrs. D. II. Miller, lint re turned to lor home in St-kiyoii county, ) alifftrnia. William A. Carter of Salem, formerly of Gold Hill, tmele a phenomenal run f.tr railroad tinisso.ner in lhi dis trict, und. had hi- principal opponent not bee,, a member of the present corn minion, lo- would hae We... He wnn beaten onlv al 1 ' v"" - A. W. Shear-!- -f pi.rthn.d was nt Sf.'.mboat distii. t this we. k on hui , -..nn ct.-d with s..ni. prnp.rtv q .-r.te.l there which ha j"st be.-n s..id f..r q ::,rge sum. He left ri..no i i-i ; e eiiing ItpOl A Wilcox s hardware at Ashl 0)1 was relieved of about twMrth of a, hs. inclmliuj a -It ant. .malic r.-volver. am mmiit i-.n. I 1 t:,,ive-. raots. -tc, t Thorsdnv niiiht. tThc ..utf.tting party effected an en trance through h winoow ... of the itoro. VISITED WITH STORM LASTED TWELVE III .Many Instances Communica tion is Cut Off-Incoming Trains Report Great Damage, XT.W ORLFANS, April :!5. The best information obtainable an the num ber of deaths in the gulf states of yes terday's tornado is over 500 and at least lt)00 an1 injured. Town aft er town in Louisiana, Mississippi und Alabama was visited with great de si ruction. The tornadoes moved in sev eral direct ions and apparently lasted about I- hours. As u result of the storm all commu nication between the cities of this sec tion of the country today is poor, and In a majority of instances there is no communication at all. Incoming trains report immense damage, ami there nre indications that the death list in Louis iana, Mississippi, Tennessee und Ala bama will climb into the hundreds. The death list in Amite and the im mediate vicinity will reach at least. ". The (own is under martial law. The path of the storm was two and a half miles wide when it passed Amite, which is now completely wrecked. In Concordia und Paris, La., '. were killed. In Adams countv, Mississippi, wore killed. In Jefferson count v, Mississippi, Ilo were killed. ATLANTA. April L". Telephone messages report the fatalities at Ship ley, Harris City, MeDoiioiigh and Lo cust (iroe", all of which are townships in tieorgia. PTK'VIS, Miss.. April 2". An air of .leaih and desolation marks Purvis and icinity today. The dent li I bit has readied 112, ami it is believed further news will increase that number. MulULK. Ala.. April 2.1. There were 2-1 killed at McCullam, Miss., and a great deal of damage done. ATLANTA. Ca., April 2-ri. Tive were It-tiled and lo injured at Griffin, Gu. There was also serious damage o prop erty. Two were killed and a do.en in jured by the storm at Columbus, Gu. ATci:s, Miss., April LM The list of dead in this section so far reaches 71. All but two are negroes. Many wen- injured and some fatally. ltlliMIXCII A M, Ala., April Twenty five an- reported killed in Al bertville, 1,'ilMi:, (in., April L'.l. It is reported that I'M were killed at Cedartown and Cape Spring4. A SLIGHT EARTHQUAKE FELT AT SAN FRANCISCO SAN I'RVNCISCO, April Alex ander McAdie, in charge of the 1'iiited States weather bureau, reports a mod erate earl h.piako here at I his numiing. There was no damage. SENATOR LODGE WILL VOTE FOR FOUR BATTLESHIPS WASH I MJTi t, April L'.l. In a sp.-e.h in the s.nate today Senator Lodge announced his intention of vot ing tor four battleships. AMERICAN LINER AND BRITISH CRUISER COLLIDE poRTsMot Tll. Kngland. April o. The A merit an liner St, Paul and t he Jlritith crni-. r 'iladiator have been in collision off the ! of Wight. The Gladiator had to be beaehed off Var nth. Several members of the crew w.-re injured. The St. Paul got off with ;i damned b.'W and is standing by the ;i;,.jj;.t.6 J .is. phi ae county ban a centenarian ill the prt-oll f .(allies I'elt.'tl, who has r.-a.hed the iitifQ-uou age of lo'J '. :iis. (o t-.i- he liev. r diallk Duffy V pine mall lie and took but one "t' il-a..- which made him po -iek Ik di'l -' '-are to reptat Go- dose. It' h- Iim s 'o s.e the II' Xt prciibgiftl i It'.! Inn it will be t he - Nt ftihee he bicaiio- a "t.r. Mr. perren resides on I'., i'gs r k ;i 1 1.. lit ittt inile fioni Gtntits J'a-H, and w.ti born in tho touth. IS DISASTER HUSAAND SHOOTS WIFE AS SHE IS ABOUT TO ESCAPE Ho Also Fatally Wounds Her Lover, Then Kills Himself at Lordsburg, N. M. Had Been Informed That She Was About to Abandon Homo. I!L PASO, Tex., April .1. Oliver Garrison today shot and kilted his wife. He also shot George Allen through the abdomen unit wounded him fatally and I hen commit ted suicide at Lordsburg, X. M. He had been informed that his wife mid Allen were about to elope. MISS IRMA PATRICK WEDS ALASKA MERCHANT Vesleitlny morning at K o 'clock nt the heme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick, in this city, Miss I rata Patrick was united in marriage to Fred L. Taylor of Juneau, Alaska, the Rev. H. .1. Van Fossen of the Pirst M. K. church officiating at the ceremony. The wedding was a ipiiet affair attend- I only by relatives and a small coin puny of friends, and after the cere mony t he happy couple took 1 he i lock I ru in for t he nort h, en route to t heir future home in the northern territory. Mr. Tuvlor is a prominent young man of Juneau and is connected with the mercantile house of It. M. Deh rends 'o., Inc., I here, us manager and buyer for t he drvgoods depart moot. He has been spending uu extend I vacat ion in Ashland during which t iine 'lipid has not been idle. M iss- Pat rick has grown to woman hood in Ashland nud is resoecled ami Imired among a very large circle of aiMpuiintanci's here, and will bo great ly missed also in church ami musical 'iiclcH in which she was prominent. Miss Patrick was the guest of honor luring the week pre ling t he wed ting of several social functions given by her young lady friends. TiTd iugs. BORN. WILLIAMS At Grants Pass, April (1. 10OS, lo Mr. and Mrs. James It. Wit limns, a sou. COLBY A I (i rants Pass. April 10, l!MK. to Mr. ami Mrs. Ray Colby, a laughter, M 'II A PIMM At Oakland, Cal.. April is. I!)in. lo Mr. ami Mrs. M. L. Me Hal'fio, formerly of Ashland, twin daughters. DIED. MAYS NVnr Medford, April 22, 100K. Richard D. Mays, a native of T. 'lines see. aged "I years, 7 months. 2S davs. HRuWX-Aa KaRle Point, April 22. BIOS, Mary Jane Brown, wife of George Brown, aged OS years, 10 months, 1 1 days. KICK In Medford. April 23. BiOM. Gil bert II. R ice, a ged 7 1 yea rs. SCTI'oN'-Al Ashland, April 2.1. infant of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Sutton, nged .1 months. You Can't Afford to Miss It. Ivangelitit McOomb will deliver his thrilling lecture on Jerry McCiuley at the Methodist Mpiscopal church, B -drool, next Sabbath, H p. m. He will hold a union meeting at the saint place it p. m. and an open air meeting at 7: 1." p. in. on Seventh street, Dim 't Pail to hear him. Christian Science. , Christian Science services nrn held very Sunday morning in the Commer inl clubroom at 11 o'clock. Subject if the lesson sermon for April 20. ' Probation After Death. " All are w Icome. Or on tar Medford Club. The Greater Medford club will hold its regular meeting nt Hip Commercial tub rooms, Mondav, April 27, nt 'I I i 'clock. A large at tend a nee is en pected. All members are requested bring or send their due. Fined for Intoxication, Three Rites Were tried before he ty recorder Saturday morning. Percy M.-Keiiie, for driitikenest, was fined u, which was paid. Henry Smith, on a charge of drunkeness, fined 10. w hi. h was rod paid. Tn lien of pay merit he will be confined iiOii fifv jail five days. Kd, Ifartmnii wns fined in. which was not paid. Ho will be confined in the city jnil 2 days. LOST The brass rap off Tteo auto wheel, f.rvivff at Tribune office or Medford Anto Co. 36 III WORK GOOD WAY Organization Formed to Promote Good Roads Cause-Crowd Enjoys Music and Oratory. Good roads meet ing last night w as well n Mended and showed the interest that the people nro beginning to take in tin good roads movement. Jackson ville, iu. Id Hill ni.,1 Modl'ord were rep resented on the platform by able speak ers, and ll insical program was an enjoyable success. The Medford bunw, which, by the way, is getting to be an organi.atinn tar above the average in even pretext ions towns like I his, ren dered an excellent program. The vocalists wore Messrs. Andrews a ml Pish, M rs. I'M A ml i ews a ml M iss Grace Brown, assisted by K. .1. Brown, violinist, and Mr. McAlveen on the llute, and Mrs. Isaacs at I he piano gave one of Die most, enjoyable concerts that Med ford has listened to in mini v a day. Judge Colvig ably presided und set forth the object of the good roads meet ing, to affect n local organisation, af ter which similar societies are to be or gan i zed in every voting precinct of the county. Later it is I he intent ion to hold a county convention in which rep rcsou I at ives from the different pre cine Is will unseal Wo ami discuss I he methods of road building and thorough ty investigate the law relative to tlie attaining of the desired object. All Favor Oood Roads. Hon. W, I. Yawter spoke in his us ! ual businesslike and entertaining man- ner, dwelling part icnlarly on t he pro vision of I lie slate constitution limiting I hi' a mount of indebtedness of the county to if.liHiii, far too small for ade- puito road work. ! J. L. Ilamuiersley from Gold H ill brought down in his pocket, the en- , thusiasm and consent of the people in that portion of the county and assured his listeners that all Cold Hit is in happy accord with the movement. Judge Dunn in an interesting manner presented n few of the facts as to mud building it) the county in I he past, and t he many handicaps wit h winch he is forced to deal, as county judge, with respect lo future work such as is desired, owing to the inadequate laws on the subject. W. H. Stalker in a few well chosen n marks gave a brief history of road development, both in this country ami in foreign cm nl ries, mention ing t he Appian way, which has wit list nod t he wear ami tear of over 20U0 years, and is still in nearly a perfect slate of prcs ervation. He nK.i delivered some stirr ing and convincing remarks as to the condition of our city streets ami the beautifying thereof, fold of the iNi.iMtii club that proposes to see that nothing is left undone to accomplish this ob ject, the iden being to enlist the serv ices of the women and children in this w-ork, and through their influence com pel I he reck Icssl y ! nidi ued public to bia.-e up and take notice. Other Speakers Heard. John M. Root spoke in a quiet but convincing manner and assured his lis teners that money spent upon the im proving of the roads would greatly in crease the value of all abutting owners, as well as do more than any other one I liin g to advert ise and build up our county. An a member of the committee hi permanent organisation he will be of great alue to the cause. Judge Crowe II caused a constant rip ple of m.t i i nt to run t h rough the audience :nn paid a pretty I'lonplimeut to the mil-i.-al part of l he program, com plimenting ery highly the singing b Mrs. Andrews of that beautiful song. ' 1 The Last Rose of Summer, ' ' which tho judge at oiiee iei-id' d nn ant him, and immediaii ly grew young ii'aui. His address Wat rendered in his usual g Iiiatiir.d way, dwelling on s.me of the t 1 1 1 v a 1 1 1 .i g. s of poor ro;rds to the miii,: f.ilk. ,1. K. Knyait sp..l,e in fat or of good roads, nlGiMiigli, as he said, he has not vet etolted fioltl the catise to the au tomobile. P. Oseubnigge staled that, not will) standing the lad that lie sells wagons, he is iii favor of making the roads in this county th bett in the world, a lid we nil know that he will bate nothing undone to accomplish this end. Organisation Effected. Organization wai effected of a Good THOUSANDS SEE FLEET People Sleep in the Open Air All Night to Wit ness Passing of Battle ship Fleet Today. SANTA Mo.NlCA, cnl., April LV. No spectacle so superb has over been witnessed on the coast of Southern Culifomii iless it was the arrival n week ngo of the same ships, and. it will be a long time before the patriotic enthusiasm of the grent multitude sub sides into forgetfulness of the impres sion made here today. M women and children by thousands slept in the open air till night lo witness the pass ing id' the -fleet today. Since noon yesterday every available railroad and electric car has been in operation conveying the crowds, and over I00,)0 viewed the brief maneu vers of the fleet before they proceeded northward to tho boom of cannon, tho cheers of the throng and the waving of tens of thousands of flags. VKXICK, Cul April 2a. Prom tho, high bluffs of Nil ill ii Monica overlook-' ing the sea, I0(i,(i(i(l people from S::!il until ! o'clock- this morning witnessed the procession of the entire fleet of battleships as it passed northward. IMPORTANT ARREST IN THE GALLAGHER AFFAIR MADE OAKLAND, 'ill., April 2.1. One man suspected o have caused the explosion w Inch partly destroyed the home of Kx Supervisor (lallagher, ..wns arrested hen tod a v. The importance of this man's arrest. whose identity is kept a close s -et by the police, overshadows any steps here tofore taken in the case. It is whis pered that the suspect is closely con aeeled with the crime nud through his apt ure detectives hope to reach the ery I'ouiitaiiihead ol what is termed conspiracy lo kill Callagheii. The nr rest was made Inst evening. Former Senator Camden Dead. BA LTIMoRK. Md., April 2.1. Rx- 1'liite.l Stales Senator J. i Camden of West Yirgioiri died hero toduv. Roads league by the election of William M. Colvig us president, I'M Andrews as rotary and J. K. Kiiyart as trem r V .-. ii... ..r.,,... ivi;.,,. of loeal leagues in various Rogue River valley tow its to co operate with the Medford organization was appointed as follows: Kd Andrews, Medford; Joe ManiiiierKlev. Col.l Hill- M l-V I,. slon, Ashland; J. M. Root. Medford; S. . I'attisoii, ( cut rat Point; R. T. Bur nett, Jacksonville, and II. von der Bel lell, Welb-ii. ittusic I'fcuclrlgg Orchestra I. Miin-h "Ol.l Fiiilliful" 1.'. Miiiirka "Siinsliiiii." :l. Nrli'i-tiim "Tiro Kr.l Mill" I. Wnltzes Krnni " I'mist " 1. I utiTiiii''n " ( 'iivnllcriii ItiiHliiMiiui ' ' il. HuMlurc " t'aviiritcn of l!HW" 7. Tumi tiM'm . . . ." Appli' itliHnom " X. NHi.i'liiin. .."Tin- Merry Widow" II. Wiill.i'K "I.oi'n .In linl" I". Mnnli ' 'Orii.li Tfotel 5la$l) oabU vVTfoU TP inner Privoltios a In N'ash. i 'rente a la Reine, en Tasse. Roat Chinook Salmon, n la Creole. I'ilet of Beef, u la Milanaise. I-' reach Mushrooms and iYn. ilk Fed I'oult rv, 'lies! nut Pressing. Salad Belle Isab.lle. Lemon Ice Cream. Finndiscs, Mucha. SI AWAY and tho California. O fo.uu a ton.