f f Medford DaUy Tribune i A Li Stft la a LIT To-" .'MsHAak evarj - cmob pa"" TIIU .MKDFOl.l) DAILY TKTBIJNE, Mi'Dl-'olM). nil.. MO.VDAY. APIML 20, 1008. "t'd n " : t'CT7 .ening exrpt Hututa)- 4JJ7T----. .ollining Company. Mi! pjV" i Editor and Munuifnr. as Heonn.. CIumn Mutter jit iffiee t MtMifnnl, Oregon. Subscription Baton:, month, hy mail or furrier. . . .$O.A0 j year, bv mall 9.00 TUB BATTLE ONLY BEGUN. This iutir l'tinlil the first Hkiriiiili in ltn tint I In for tin- ('(Utiulnn unil unitifit tho iluiiiiiiinit jmliliciil iiificliiiir ruling tin oourlliuuHc lioforn tin priniur It" wiri lu'lil. The rv4t t.iiim.t he i'imi tiui'il ulliorwiftt1 tluiii iih h ii iiiilnit ie i-ifloriti'iiH'iit nf t hf i;iMr mnl it h ti tiiio by tliH people. Tlif fight will 'M cuiitiDtH'd Willi vijp-r nut il I In Jim I'litrliou. The iiuiniiuition of It. I M nlliry iih d.Hlrirt nttornov over tint Newlmry, . Ii icli wild deeiiM'il i 1 1 1 1 1 1 n few neekn nu, hrt h heeti brought nbnut it nil its ierltuji the Heer'nt joll I lie plil irul in.'U'tiine now riiiinhit; the rourt InniM' en. Id have reeeiveit. for Mr. N'ewliury win mnilitrly rex:inle iih li'al ml visor to tin1 "Imiiu-Ii" ;unl nil worked t ir Ii in nomination. The noniiimtion of Jnde Dunn, by n fo-l.-itt'li, if the offieitil count nIiiiII show hiH imiiiimit inn, iIhiwh the tremt of juili lie ni'iil intent , A month iiffo I hi n u ' tiiHiiiiuit ion mvim-tl iinmhv,! by fin over w helming vote. II ml I nnii 'h opponent ttiiUoiini'ed hin eiiinli.t.ir v a weoli before lie did, ' p n in Kutfli-Miui woiilil lim e swept the voiinty. Ah it wiik, only the lijjht vote Niivril tho tiny for I'liiiii. The tnili'liiiie nniNltTt-d il full titrenytli. I'.g ((tenlon liinl no worker mil nt the poll, no oriinitil ion it ml no money to nuike Sitt fiM. vet minle n pheiioinemil show liijf on slmrr not ire. Tlii paper Is t)ie nvowed cluinipion of Hliitement Nil. I lllltl will always be I mind fijihtiii for nny mov e ilesitinl to iiti'ieii.ii' I ln power of the people. Tin ilr.e of Jiulue I 'n lie's vote pro es Mini in thin also the public win fipprec intive Thin (in per ' position n n it indeprint oitl newspaper t'lliibli's it to ilii more ef .feetivt work tli:ilt el lie. w ie pnxiMe. X miin'H piiitiHiin affiliations nre of no eoilHetpienre ill loenl iiffiiirs. It if llie man liiniDi'lf nml wlmt he represeutN (tint itro lite ileterniinin titetoiN. Moth tltntni'i'iit. umt reptiltlii'iins will be Miip Hirtel. iiei-onlilifi to their imti viiltiul 4lneftn for olfit-e. Then me piiriiniount i;neN in tin coming eiimpiii;ii for whii-h thin pupet lt;m only bemni the filit : 1. ttnoil roitils throughout t)u countv 2, Iteforui nt the rourt limine, iiulud Iny lht exporting of booUx of nil ile niirlnipntn Hint the iitstnlliit ion of bnsi nrnn tnetlimlN of Hilnuntstnition. !t. An eiitititbte miieiimeut of prop ( rt y. During the preliminary rnmp:iii;n this jut per let In the light in n few tlnrk pltti'en tn the courthouse itml peiietrtited (he veil of necreey with which the emin ty I'onrt linn wrnpt hi nffrtirw. It inmlc piiblio the Duilv lef:ilctition and the deplornbto condition romln nnd bridges of the county nre tn. In the finish tight coming, it will neck to jnnetrnti further Into public butineN nmde pri vuti mystery. Thn position ttf thi mer Khimld uoi bf niimntdertttixtd. It iIock not hmhuiI I hi pemonality of nny one. merely the puMit record of public officinN seek in ft reeled ion nt the h:uuW of the pfiiplc, to whom they refuse to rendei an necounting of their Htewttrilthip. Pemomilly, m:iny of these cnudidatcN uro cicellent meu nKiiiutt whom nothing f.m be said. As public off ictitN. how vrr, they r of pro en inefficiency and iii-ivrti'it v. UKAKN Or HUSBAND'S DEATH THEN COMMITS SUICIDE W. . fnrter, who shot nud killed Henry Armslrong nt Vinitenuicc:i, Nev,, whs formcilv eng:ige in nine hi tig on n ling scale in (he nouthcrn jurt of .losi-pliino county nnd well known in Medt'ord nud (irnntu las. Th eoroner" iur fully cioncrntisl Mr. Carter, the testimony hon ing lh;il Artnstiong, u ho drunk :tnd looking for trouble, drow revo1oi on n man lutniisl I'iiih in the l'wl.tce ;tlooii W hen i 'nrter, w ho i in. nut g(r of 1 1n plnce, iniritVted. hi- turned the gun rtn him, Hi1 fore Vnnliong o-.ild hooi tarter drew hi own inlir snd "hot Arnistntit! destd. Tin di trd : re eently fioin ikl:ihom.t ttnd poed ,s a bad ntun. Arilist rone, wife, wt(.. live) at Net rata. Okla.. i n.b-i her n bie with ,v lvvoler fe boom alt-r he received the lelegrtm I. Ititiy ol lo t husband dfnth. This iu'wi ;ts noilnnnsl in ;i letter received 1 1 m th-- b.LM' of Kag Irs nt Nowata MEDrORD TEOrLE INTERESTED IN BIO rLOVRtVO MILL lieotge . Ilalilotd Ins ;, titer, wbvv has been l..;it..i ,,t b'.i-totte for ome time. lia. K..-.itiM- ir.t.i. -'.,! in a flouring null . m . t pi iv ,(i 1(i convcr. Wash., that ill , iipv :m tin' block in that t loet i-buvi; ,mm t'oustriictioti Ot the pint lo I.. .. in in the near futtutv Ai . ; ding t, v. ngPremetit etitetM into with the I'.irt land It SraV't rnihi a i eii,p.u t.o lodet racks, the mill will t om not 1. than IW.tHHi. It wtll be noxl.in m e r? rspevt. MEDrOKD ATHLETIC CLUB ORGANISES TOR BUSINESS Tbo Mnlf.ir.1 Allililir rlnh mill I., ntganitfsl Tih'.U f.rnmg with h mini rMrliii rt.wslin lihi. It in tht in , , ,,, trntiiin to futin iwrtnnnrnt rlith. .' i s rtirf rjlllihouto', fit it lli h..l Ii for ' V.slt rial nail ntklrttr inrin ami tKSsonirj' II atii foatur' in Ilii tiff of tn.' run .1, . IDliailT. Trie rllili Kill follow lim thltlthr K av mailr thr 1tvni.ir rlnli nt S.-i)t!.,ti' .-, franrini'it anil thr Miitlnoniah rluli at IVtllanit fnmoun. A mna,iiiw will Ik rittiirMnl, hath,, ctr.. aiMist an.l rra.1 inf rrxBi. Mr., fnrninatil. K, rrv onr iataraatrd in rrsjuritiHl to turn out. ..rHLET MAKES HIT WITH IRRIGON EDITOR I The Irrigoit I rrigalor o A phi 1 7 con t ii i iin tin following under t he cup lion, " Metlfnrd All Kiijht ': "Mr. IVt'd N. 'iimit'iings, for u long time it prominent uml well liked resi dent of irrigon, but now u eit ieo of .edf dt (lr Iiiim xeut I lie editor of the Irrigator u book about, that town, and the Itugue Uiver valley generally. We do not know why l''ied went il to iin, unb'ss it iih hi uiiike us believe that he liven in t he on lies! town on 'iirlh, til I ho fluent country thiw nide of heaven. And ufler rending the iiiiinv IohI imoniiilit iu (he beautiful volume we are bound to nay that if the Medl'oid ites will circulate ti few IIhmijuiI cop (eH of the I k "back Volider." they will bring lottf of people here, for lio one can read I he 1oi ioh told t herein and look ut the beautiful pi. lines with mil longing for it Inline at or iiem Medford. Why, I'ted. your bb d lit erat tire has no worked on The i Hd Man's in i ml that he i coming dnwu to sec yon! Sure! Tell tin when you tin going to ha vc it blow out , will) f ree in ne h and plenty of " pretcrid iontt, " and we will be there nud look over your bcnl count iv on earth." BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. The elect ion punned off iplietly, nih il interest being shown and (he being very light. There was Home understanding about the right of uoi Vote litis the vote left to write in names In the blanks n the tickelH. and innnv vote were not counted bemuse Mf this fact. The preciucl stood bv Mnl Uy ami 'ought the nominal imi of )nnu to do 'cut him ut the general elcelion. us he h birg. lv )ti be bliimed for I lie bad oiiditiou of our public romls. Judge Neil iwll receive almost the entire vole etial at the June election, us he lias done much for the improvement of this lection. , A Mr. Hooper of Ashbiud is out in 'he hills working for Jackson. William l.ainb is in the valley in teaich of a nuieli to buy. Messrs. Pent, and titmyaw drove to he Kails on Kriduy and attended the rimar v. Messrs. .Nelherlaud. ( lev eliger. Ha er nnd others have returned from theii -alley trip and gone lo work, The nfxt time tlu deputy fish warden lecuses the Unite -':tt 1, umber com any of iobtl ing I ho snvvdusl law ii night be well for him to be posit iv r f the truth of stteh eharge before sub ;i ct ing the company to a gi eat ev ense n a well iih our eiliens lo vcrv jreal incouv enieuee. It is to be hoped that our next conn y court, at the proper time, will es ablish u voting precinct near the Ol on bridge, as the present voting phice s too far from a very lit i go number of oters. A pleasani social duller was given 'riday night nt Albert hull. Minic bv I end i iek 'a ore host ra and a fine sup er at Miihoupy'H were fealuies of nt taction tti the many present. Will I'lcimliers is having ipiite a run it his hotel prov id ing for 1 ransients ml regular boarders. Hutte Palis people will petition for in iucrcnscd mail serv ice. Mrs. tieotge West is reported a- iin proving rapidly. Mr. WrM hav buelv leturiuil from Ashland, where his Wile s toealed, nnd cypresses himself as uueh gtat it'ied. Merehaut Hall of Hiovvnsbo aks gitlar weekly trips o Medfoid. com nig in and bringing out laie loads ot Mtpplies each way. The traveling pnblie will hi gbid to Nam Umt the Tinker I'niit outlook (uoinises well and has M-inan,e thafi Mis. Tucker Will have her table ...nn ' iifully supplied with fiesh liinl. j Obeitehaiiis, father and sen, aie on' I heir homesteads. I Prank Neil attended the ninnaM I nd was noiiiinatiil toi conntv .'inniill. email of I tn- deino.-ial it To llio Mnsir.il TuMic Mr. .1. I.. iKI.,.111 nuiki'i mill., of r.-.:i it 111 n.-i.l ifynl:iijnt y, :HI :l.tn.iis. IciiiHiiri . ifsl,:n...,l :it..l r. "i.T.l iii tin- l..-t ih.-iniHt. Mr. Ovlmrn lit pri s.-nt in ynur . it :,ii.l tlmso li.-i'iiii' I.:i 11.' tli:il li.-i't 1. lt- ltl, tl.l illvni.:illirtw in mir .(lolitv li.'lilil rllilir;!,-.- 1 . ......ilttml till i:iiiii; tli.' .utyin:il , in, .r....r n '! 1 1 .-. Ill .-, h:i I,,,,,. 1 ,.,.. i:ii'r.l .'iii.l ,miI till.. l. lli. viiin1.N i,, II. Il ft lll.illll.T IIS tl .li-xtl..' ;ll .v,l Ii.iii, . .I,,.iil.l :iU., . :it,.,,, ,1 t I'i ". Hint Iiiim- I u s, ,,r ,:ir, l.-s.U Initnl .-it.. I'r.-.ni.mlx ., n.iii.,r Ihi.1 l.,.n i.ii.l, :1, i, ai Iii.m,,,. ,is Ji itis". nl I lln ir mstiii oil. 'Ill, nvi.lt .1 W ill I., in ,r . in -1.1'. .111,1 .. I,:, mc I,'.-, I all. i,.hns' !,, mi, i 'Ills Mi lln- I. KI.rii. t'.T n sli,,rl 'i:iii,'v Ilia! all I'll. Ml,- IM iiii.I i,l- ,,. ; :,,, "ir.-i.lualr Ii.mii Kmilnll , f. , , ''In. .il'... Ill - orrN AIR CONCERTS TOR SUMMER EVEXIXOS V n.,.1. -ii'. -nt is "i, !"..: i s, , ,,,,' :, -ii'' "! I. iii.l ,,',,,, i:s .In,,,,, t!,. sun, ", .'.'HiiiS al -Ii,. 1'iis Manas-'i II. 'i , Int.- slai,'. il,.u il,,, I, an, I ,i '"'! 'Ii'' '' '"" I'll li'l. a 'i,M'"s,i,,,i "I , ti l, ii, . ,l,aii, t.,r n, ii, il". this Ik' I.KIl.l " ill .'ll,'. ',, S.. s., ., "I" " '' '" ' t"l r I, i . III. ' sun, in, t ,,.., is "II,, I,.' .lis, nss.st :, ,, t, , ' ,;ul' ,1.,,.!" HUNDRED VIK1T1NO TETMVI.ARS HEAR EASTER SERVICES I ,M l'., ; IM, l,,i,,l ,11 la, II i ,l,lii,'t,,l t,i ai'ir.,),! I' Willi: .I '' 1'1 Ss , ,' .1. K. 'M ..''I s (.., ., Vt.sl Ki. fine n. t.-si.l.i.i- a. i 11 sir.-. Tlu Mill 1st' a ni....t1 .'(,,, I ,., h s.,H'll hiNltinf affsrta Mni w,U ro.t e"'', REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. IVltr K. lUtz to l,ee I 'Jack. I'il.'.'.t n-'ii s in township ;;i, raugel W M. It. Prall to II. (J. Ahle mover, It ait's in township I!!, range I K P M rx. M. I j. Tripp, property iu t'ottago Home Addition, Med ford ; I!. P. Hejllll-tl to P. Keiishaw, M.luo aire in l. I,. .'. 4', township :t7. range I W P. Itei.shaw to J. .s.hi- Cook. s.n; acre in ). i,. i , rr, townsinp ;i7, range I W .lailleK I). Keif.'l to Piailk II. Kill ery, o"H Meres iu Modioli L'.'l, township ;t.", rnnge L' W .1. -H l. Keller to John N. Mr I. iii, 'iu acres in section J'I, low nship rangi' 'J W .l.imeM I. Keifer lo Prank S. Pioeiy. " an-es- in tow nship ;!.", range W Henry Iliiiuphrey to W. Hons, block 1. lots li to II; block L lots to ii. 11,1,1 i.. block :t. West Med lord X liHteeu Se udder to A i t Inm.'t Poole, laml iu 1 1. .. P. . lo. township :tli, range 1 W. '. I." Mary A, Pryi t al. to Minnie Stickel. lot '2, block (!. tiold Hill Buy TickPtfi by Wire. 'Something which 1m of considerable intereat to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known in the RVHlem of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company ami all points iu the I'nited Sl:i(en, Hy means of this system t icketM may be purchased at Medford from any place in the Putted States and t.ailed or telegraphed direct to tho ,'Ui ty wishing to come here. Sleeper ii'i'oininodations and small amounts of ash in conned ion with thone ticltcti nay ills? be furnished at the Biiinr time. ' ' Coal for Sale. We are 'low prepared to furnish hand picked coal at the mine, five mil ast of town, in any amount desired f'.nn n ton. Tho Mont for tho Money. The Auburn automobile is t he most roomy ami best machine ever offered for the money. See it before buying. I,. It. Hrovvn. agent. political cards. j-rTneil." Democratic Nominee. KOH COPNTY JPItC.K, WILBUR A. JONES, Democratic Nominee. POK SHPK1PP: GO TO DR. GOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. l'ti':il l'jirlor in I't'rry's Wiiri'lionsi1, ' I SKY i:TH STKKKT. Ill' HjlS No OlhiT Uuilli'8S." iolflen Irani Granules 100 KK CKNT 1TRK ('KIM: Al. COKl'KK. Il t.islcs like ,-,i'i',v. It looks like i-nl'tYi' .uiil it smells like; i-oflVi'. Inn is pure fuMsted urains, lilniili'il sn as tn ru- 'lire ike lirst t'lavor, tho u realist strength anil an ar- tirlc which yi'im; an,l may drink iiinrniiii;. mion' ami niuht. I ii'ldcii I rain ( ! raiinles is j !"Si(vially ee.-, Tioi:eMilel tnj i ih.'Sf sut'l'ci'in fri'iu heart' ll'i'lll'le. iier niisncss, i-uusti-l I t it .ti. indigestion. dvsep-1 sia and toinarli tronhh's. "' all retail uroeors. Wlclcsale hv o f- I T I . 11 I I. D. IIICISS 10. j Me.lf.ii',1. Or. L The ELECTRIC Jh TEA KETTLE I'lirnislit s Imt water for trn an very tbtirt nut ire It can be used on the tea table or in the kitchen Attaches to an electrolier Si m pre. wtfr. con venient, durable ROGUE EIVEB ELECTEIO CO., HiuTi'HSor t(i Coudur Water f'ower Co. Oi-Jlc-o COO W. 7th nt., H. big i-lft'trio aign. Phono 8"i: 1200 Sacks ()' WAlTSIililJO " I V It K WIMTR FLOl'l?" I'ccivcd in three weeks two r;u; loilils. Ndtllillfi eilll so elip(iiently tell the esteem in which Ihis )erfei-t flour is helil us a reeord (if its s.-iles don't lie different; trv it. ALLEN & REAGAN The t irocerv on Hie Corner. Attention "When you want, QUALITY whether in MEDICINES, STATIONERY, TOLTET ARTICLES, C I OARS ei.uic o the storo whore Quality Counts Eagle Pharmacy A. WHITMAN, Manas.er. NEW STORE; OLD LOCATION 4. 0t The Southern Oregon Exclusive Tea & Cofl'ee Co U now opened and ready for'busine ss. Our coffee is fresh from the roaster1 and caret ully blended. Our aim is t o please our customers nnd you will gel strictly hih grade Tea and Coffee by buying of us. WK ALSO CAIIKY A OOMPLKTK LINK OF SPICKS. K.XTli ACTS AND HAKIM! POWPKKS. 18 O STREET. KaniM Bldg., Medford. J. H. HENSELMAX. Prop. Miss Jeunesse Butler 1XSTHIYTOK OF PIANO. STUDIO AT KKSIOKXCK. O STKKKT. WKST MFUVOKIV PHONE XO. T'.M. Si-o ll.il.' Pi.nio House fur reffroncs. MEDFORD SASH ft DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Fence Pickets. Office Bxtnrf and .-ill kimls o! planing mill work. Indading turned work and fancy jti-Dv F. BETWEEN' 6TH AND 7TH STS THOSE EXon't be liy liming flour Nhijpe'. in homo !Buy CUvii EtitFlOMP IJ l-;Vt ry sa. k gn..rantee.l. Try crHvi". coine Low RATES East Will Hi' Mailc Thin Ki-ason liy tli"1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINES IN OEEOON) From Medford, Ore AH TOI. LOWS: Until V:ivi4 Onr- Way Through Vin TO Hnrllan.l. ' ulifonii.i. CJiioaRo t'S-J.-IO .tS7..'j0 SI. Tiouis .... 77.40 S2.f0 St. Paul (i!).!0 81.7." Oiniihii I!!).!)!) 75.00 XiiiisasCitv. . (!!).!)() 75.00 TICKKTS WII.Ii UK ON SALl'I May 4, 18 .rune 5, (i, 19, 20 . .J uly (5, 7, 22, 23 August 6, 7,21,22 flo.ul for return in i0 days with stop uvor jtrivilooa nt plcnatiro within limits. REMEMBER THE DATES Fur iinv furllipr informntinil fall on A. S. KOSENBAUM, Local Agent, Or writo to WM. M 'MURRAY, Gcn'l Pass. Agent, Porllaiiil, Oregon. Wise Talks By the Office Boy Pa say 8 a rose hy any other name wonhl bo just as cxpou- -f sivo luick enst this tinio of year. 4 I Honu'tiiiu'S think he pines for 4 the piney woods in ohl Penob- sent, Fnippe County, Maine, 4 where he wns raised but that's one thing yours truly never yearns for. The good mountains and the good old oeea:; and aire 4 old Oregon atmosphere are good enough for m . Hut it's all iu how yon were raised. Pa likes Ha tn ehowder and eorn on the rob, and harvest apples and a lot of thing that a kid who was burn this side of the snow wheds hasn 't had tnueli chance to get acquainted with. Those who have lived on both sides of this g rea t conn t ry a nd I i ved long enough to know what's w h a t en n get al 1 t how t h i ngs just as nice one place as an- other, if yon know where to buv. We've got clam chowder from. Host on that is just as nice as any you ever ate on the sand, and lots of other things that have that " Pnwn East' taste. MILLER & EW BANK Deceived at l.."0 per s,nk. Pat p. indnstrv. at $1.30 Der Sack 3 it. 1 f yoti can't uvt it at to the mill. Ij County . 3 I; 1 MCDS-OBO, OREOOH J, JUVlTC 1 1 10 acCOUlllS OI X 1 111 IS, r'jfes ... - JiA cornorations and indiviiluals State Depositary. IMlllilisllrll l1. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS wjt, tlll'i l"l M Ilk ill"' business. $115,000.00 .1. K. UN V.MiT.I'.-isi.l flit. .1. A. I'KKItV, Vii e Pri'siili iit The Medford MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL 0,000 SUIilTA'S 10,000 Safely lioxes to K'ent. A (leneral liankinji IJnsiiu Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage Here's aGood One 210 acres of excellent fruit land at ier acre. This is a fine tract to divide. property. ALFRED SMITH OVKIJ JACKSOX When the Fire Bell Rings Most people AVAK1' VP. Haven't you heard it ringiiit;, rinjiiug. ringing loud enough to wake the dead in Medford during the last year? It means that right uow-isthe right time to get in on the ground floor in the heart of the city, he fore the new railroad, the water system and the coal road sets things to liooiniiig in (ireater Mel ford. Il means that such a chance as we are ahle to offer for the next FIFTKKX DAYS OXIY Of Twelve Choirc Residence l."ts in the I'eaulifnl FAIHVIKW ADDITION'. On Yesi Seventh street, for t lie low price of I'iOi) for the entire twelve lots will nut occur again in the history of Medford. The time is limited : doift let the chance pass you hy. For full part iculars call mi the Rogue River Land Go. Exhibit Building i 1 t m zizzzii !WWE"''Ir,,Co,i r BRING YOUR WIFE TO DIXE W '' l-r.. -'," ,l:.v s..,',. It will I,,' ,.. ,t t b r ( ( n v 'b"sv,.L' -' lfrv ' wi.i.t K.i.i is- : ?aKfla ;"- s"vi " si"- "M f JT r..l',il.!i e,K, n hint ...l itiak.' !.-r 'J ZpJ r'r',j '"' '' l-'l-r il.s-r.-ntt. r. X"--t Ss, irr-lgkSi J '' I' li "''I'-" worl;.-.! ....itif.;"v. CatalogHouses are Not Merchant Tailors They drain the towns of money and neither ;ive the fit style nor distinction to your ciotlies that your own city tailor can. Patronize Home Industry The cithc I make are the kind that "t-arrv Jisi im t i' !!" tli.it hes peak the man, that keens your mma-v at home ai.il are ui-ri..p in ,-very detail to' the "swcatshoji' xo.'d- of catalogue h.iuses. Ki , y. i,0in- ,,,, ,,,'. 7-7,77 t 'It ti)i mnl !,' imirhiii A , nlhi Dour. EIFERT The City ; ailor M l'.DI'i Ui. OK'KOOX. P JVLGRAY Bm'der "I "MA!. !'!;( II -(U.K.ii!.!i-.l. WoLVTIl W ollK. PATTK1;XS. F.TC. 'I'FI.l'l'llONK 471. MHHIiiaa......, 4 lhe Medford Brick Co. - 1 i W O. FEIDDY. O. D KAGLE. G. T. O'EETEV ,- .-if-. : COMMON' AM) PRESSED BKICS. '' ' "rv,"r n!:1 ts l.-l all lis Irai.l. s. I-;.,:,,, ,.; ,'- f .n;.-'.,sl. All W Ts n Firms, Corporations anr Individuals ' The officers of the Jackson County JJauk very cordiallv and will extend every advan tage and courtesy to all who niav favor this institution I B " III l.N S. OKl ll, asllllT. N.l " W. li. JACKSON, Asa t I .''Slii.'r. National Bank Let me show you this j COUNTY HANK The Nash Cafe M KDFo ;,'!. ol! Jai in r i o