THE M EI) FORD DAILY TRIP USE, MEDFORD. OR.. SATURDAY, At'RIL 18, l'JOS. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. I'uMishod evi ry evt uing eicept Hunday Medford Publishing Company. CI. LTNAM, Kditor mid Manager. AiniiH''il at Second CIhkh Matter in (he l'ntnffiH at Mnlfuni, Oregon. Subscription Rates: One iiH.iitli, by mail or carrier. .. .$0..'50 One yvtu; hy mail S.00 IULTON AOAIN CALLS HLNEY A WICKED LIAR in :m ln-i'.tri :imt pri.j.lf i Hit- Armory a) I'm t laud Tnewlnv uilit. I'ltiti-d Ntali-K Srimtur l-'nltnn .r nh .l Iiih rlainiM fur re elrrtiun. 'I lie wiiator f jiul.c t'ni- nln.iil mi li.nir and 11 liiilf and ill- id II-my as a willl'iil, nuilieioii .inl -lili' ial-, wliii li v:t: art uati d in hi- attat-k on Fill tun hy mot i vi-s ntln-r tluiri those of tin (.tibli. g.mfl. Si'iKilnr I'ultnfi wan warmly rei-eived and all'-ntivdy lintt-ned to. licftur Ho- hi'-jiliiiij; li.'niin. Home nin (miiMisi'd thii'i- cIi-tix fur Senator J'ul ,'uii, wliieh were ivwi wild nnt en 1 liiirdusm, A 1 1' iiey admirer nuinil I v .suettled ii hi m i In r deinniist ration whirl) iviih iien iii a manner t lint sluiced the (,'ian ii'nneciitor Inn) rimny ,nhniret'M III Hie tiliilieiiee, i lltf ,t )ir int rddiieloiy remit iliH of ( 'l.iiiniiiiii V. it. Wlieelwrijlil, the mention of (lover imr ( 'luitiilierliiiii win Inmlly appliinded At Ihe I'Miiehmioti iff Sriiatur Fulton V iddres, (tftirye II. Williams innde one (f hifl ehni'iielerixtie lepilldietl li t.'lll. Seimtor Fulton e.c)laiaed that lie re tunieij in Uncoil at this time orih with relurllllli-e, feeling terfeetly will inn l''ve liis caiididaey in I he IijmiiU ol' Ihi- electors of this slate hii his ree id. Mut he had found it neeessary t return for the iiirMm of defending liih -li.'ir.'icter iifjitinwt the virions attacks ol :i ' eiil'iil ot tiolitiei.'ins ol wlin-li I'rtincis .J. Ileney lis the iiim-!:il H.irit." Tin seiuilor snid he he the esteem mid eon f.di liiM of the ieo.le of Oregon higher nii'l dearer than the distinguished honor id' rj. resent ing Ihe state in congress. GRANTS PASS DEDICATES NEW PUBLIC PARK All (irniits I'nss look .i hull' holidin Monday to liltelid I lie dedication of the new p;irk in the northeast purt of the city, culled Tuffs Turk. The cereinouie included hreiikhig of ground for tie reservoir lluit will he supplied wilh pure water from a spring three miles ilist anl. This was once Ihe property of tie Thompson Wnler, hand A: I'ower com puny, hul l'e into Ihe hands of V. Ii. Shi-rmtiu, who tins given to Ihe city n huge and sightly acrenge for piirk pur poses. The progrniiiiiie iuilnded an inhlreM hy II. I.. Andrews, secrelary of Ihe Com ntereijil cluh, and reiiijirks by ('. . Cr meiils, who gnve Ihe history of the lain1 from the time of the ilntialinn cluilU h .1. K. Jones and wife in IS'il. The hi'eiikiug of the grtiHitd for tlie reservoir site wns done hy T. 1'. ('rumor, one of the pink committee. The pork was iiminiuiously culled Tuffs 1'iirk, in honor of the Tufsf fumily, who came o (tie gnu iiinl settled in the Kngne Kiver Mil lev in Im:.m. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. S. to plmlt., ;n;.L,U.'i acres i h'av li. L. C, M, township ;ts, range L' V. and ii."i.7o acres in town ship ,'17, range L W K. N. Warner to K l, (Jm... north 1 j lots 1.1 and Iii, block L l.umsih'ii 'h Additiiui, Medford leorge M. Sprugue to Jack sou County hank, l!ti m-res in M, I. C, M, township :17, range 4J W (i. It. Oavissou . Maiv It. Dir. n. nil, i , ,, is !' l.l, 1,1,,,-L I, tlrav 's Vdilili lr i..rl . . W. II. -iiamheis to It. , Harris, IoIm 7 tun) S, block Mi, liulle Kails Knile.l Stat.-H to Melhinii A. l!iUeloll, l.'!t.L'."i ai'les ill Src tion l, tiiwnship inline 'J H Nora O. Webb to W. .1. Albert. lots and li, hi. irk 'J I, Central I'oinl K. II. Webb to W. .!. Albert. property in ential ',,inl .... Henry lv Ibdfoid to Anlnir K. Karhait, land in sn-liiui :tl. township tang I W. . . . Tl as II. It.. Hunt to Arthur K. Kailiarl. M'..t a.irs m section iii, towns) Kosina oCoj "I' , ra on i H hut I ' . . . K. K.-.r -lion lit. W -fa.' II , hart, liln a. res in tow nvtii, ratiyc Charles I.. Allen i,. I 'ease, liin acres in township I, range PREPARE BULLETINS ON FRUIT GROWN IN OREGON So mnn in-piiti. at,- ling in np. the meiiih.'iv t I In- stale l.:nd of h,. ticiiltuie f.-.u.ling fruit cnn.lil ihm i Hregon that it has ,.-.mi.-.I ad i able to compile alt information in a lej alar nn and have it ,i :i in t Ii r-xt biennial r.-v-'it ( the h..;t. which him !. iss,i,.i f ti , :,t i. r part of I" l w niter. The illesti,i c.lllie ;, ,e H,.m , n n.i l meeting u tlie nniiiiims rs lo l.l ill the ch.-itiili.r of conii-i.-r. e. an. I t to plan as stae( wax ndopt..) niiaiiMM.uis ly. Karh ol l he citnitm-i..n.-i h . i. n tale of ,.e to tell of Low he nn forced to answer impiii n s pers.ialt from the noiili, east, west mid south legatililig the fruit conditions in Ore gon. was therefore decide.) that each ' miss toner should carefully prepare an article yi ing the details of the fruit industry in his pa 1 1 icnla r district, the ariefien j-rown, elimatic conditions and omlil ions of (he soil. Th-se articles im i" irp.iitte.i in Hie next hieii repoit of Im- hoard. Tin freshman class of the hioli . I as recent ly entertain, d at t ho coun trv home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stew art. A straw ride ami "spread" were features of Ihe evening ' fun. HUNDREDS OF LAMBS SLAUGHTERED BY DROUTH l.oKst'H totaling IIioiimiimIh of dollars are hcing suffered weekly hy the nhei- men of Katern On-guii on acctmiit of the extended drought whirh this section of the state is exieriencing, aeeording to jironiineiit woolgrotvers, who are in the city to attend ihe meeting of the executive committee of the State Wool growers' association and the advisory hoard of the eastern division of the Mini mountain forest. The loss is due to t he death of u large jierrcnlnge of the lamh i'toi, many fliu-ks hcing depleted an much as (ill I"''' i St. Mark's Church. The K h stir services at St. Murk's church will he uiinsiitillv good this year. The music nil! he under Ihe di ii-i I ion of ( harh s llatdrigg and he will hi, assisted by some of tin best music in us in the slate. There will he a ipdet eetebratioll of t he Holy Knehai is a I 7 a. m. aiid a 'horn I celehral ion a I H a. in. in the church. At IO:l.i there will be mom ing prayer mid sermon in the ( )pera Utilise. Malta 'omnia aih-ry, K nights Templar, will a Head I his last service in a body. There will he no evening service, The full- program of inusin will he published in I lie Salurdiiy Trih line, Srrvices will he held flood Triday at in ii. m. and at p. in. Carnegie Enlarges Gift. Andrew Carnegie litis increased his pension fund for college professors and extended it so that in future it will up plv to members of the faculties of slate universities, Mr. Carnegie at first held t he view th:it shites would prefer to pension their own professors, but sinee he finds that such is not the e:isi he has niinle the extension. Christian Science. Christian Science services are held ev cry Sunday morning in the Commercial club rooms. Subject for April lit, "Doe trine of Atonement." Ail are welcome. The C, l-I. society of the Presbyterian church eiijoved tin Muster social at the manse Wedm-sdny evening. I-) X Ki ' I :T( l( S NOT U ' K o k sal k (M) KSTATK. Notice is herehy given that the nn del-signed, executors of the estate of W. C. Noon, deceased, hv authoritv of the county court of the stale of Ore gon for Multnomah counlv, will on and after the loth day of April. A. I). I'tOS. proceed to sell at private sale, subject to confirmation hv said counlv court. free and clear of all liens and of Ihe 'lower right of Kmily J. Noon, the wid ov of said W. C. N'oon, deceased, the following described real properly, sit uate in the count v of Jackson and state of Oregon, o wit: The undivided half of lots 1, 2, and I in block I; lots I, 1!, il and -I in block lols I, 1, :t and -I in block It; lots J and !t in block !; lots I, 'J and It in block 111; hds 1, 2 nml :i in block 20; lots I ami 1! in block 'Jl; all in Beattv's Add it ion to the Town of Medford. Said .property will be sold for cohIi in hand on delivery of deed ; L'O per .'cut of I ho purchase price to he paid at the time of tin1 making of the bar gain of sale. hated K. binary MM. w". C. NOON, J If., T. J. AKMSTKONC., Kxeculors of llio Kstale of W. C. Noon. I tecenscd. Norlhup A Northup, Attorneys. TlutO NOTICK. i In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, in mid for the county of .lack Soil. In the matter of the application id' Win. K. Kwhank to register title to the following described real property, situ ated in .Inckson County, Oregon, to wit: The Lot numbered one (I) and twelve (li!) in Hindi number thirty two (IlL'j of the City of Medford, vs. All Whom It May Concern, I lefcmlanls. To All W hoiii It may I 'oncer n, le fondants: TAKK NOT I CM Thai on llie uh day of March, iHtiK, an uppl ten lion w as filed hv the said Win. U. Kwhank in Ihe circuit court of laehson County, Oregon, for initial reg istratioii of the title of the laud above loscribed. Now, unless ymt aiioear and answer n or before the loth day of April. MMK, t nl show cause why such applicat ion dioul.l not he granted, I ho same will. he taken as confessed, and a decree will I lie entered according to the prayer of the application, mid you will he forever barrel from disputing the same. Witness my hand and the .seal of tin uit hereto affixed this olh dav ot Miirch, ll'us. (Seal.) W. . COI.KMAX, (ountv Clerk ot Jackson Couutv. Ore gon. and ex officio clerk of the Cir euit court. K.'l'.M List mM7. NoTIt K OK SCHOOL I X MKM N ITY SIM.KCTIOX. Knifed Staten Laud Office, Koiebiirg. ir.. Mar. h I 1, I'.ios. Notice ii hereby gicii that the State f Oieyon, on August -'7, Itms, applied lor Lot 1, J and :t and X. K. t. S. W. 'i of su lion :i0. Township M S.. rain;o ' K. of W. M.. and fikd in this itl'ice a list of school iudeiunilv nelec tons in which it selected said land; id that sant list is open to the public r luspci-itnii. nv an. I tl person laiiiiing a-heiseU (he above tlenctihed and or anv h eal subdix isiou thereof. ilanning the same under Ihe mining or il. siiing to show said bind to j more aiuaoie lor mineral I nan fori agricultural puipes, or to object to said select ion for anv lawful reason. 4 4 M The proof of the fl-mr it the bread. The best cooks alwas use Waitsbiirg Pure White Klonr. ALLEN ft REAGAN. 4 should filo their claims or their affi davits of protest or contest in this of fire on or hefore the lit Ii day of May, l!ux. 1 herehy designate the Medford Trib une, puhlished at Medford, Oregon, as the newspaper in which the above no tice is to be published. ' HKN.TA M I N L. EDDY, Register. 100 KU, C3KNT PURE fKUHAL COFFER It tnsios like voftoe. It looks like coffee nnd it sdiHIh like eoff o, lint is pure roasted genius, itlendod so as to pro euro tlie best flavor, the greatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. (loldon drain dranules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, eonsti palion, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomach troubles. Xcarlif :i-ptn)il package for 2-"c, all retail groeers. W'liolcs.'ilc liv P. B. Theiss & Co. .Nfodfonl, Or. Attention Wlit'ii you wiuil, QUALITY whether in MKDKMN'KS, STATION KRY, TOII.MT ARTH'I.KS, CK1AR.S ciiiiic iii I tu storo where Quality Counts Eagle Pharmacy A. WHITMAN'. M annuel'. XKWSTOIffi; o OLD I.OCdTJtvSi I Golden if Grain l Granules W, i GO TO DR. OOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSB. Optical Parlor in Perry 'i Warehouse, 8KVEXTH STREET. 'He Hai No Other Businesi.' - The Secret of - Beautiful Fce li in keepinc tht ikin pro tecteduwellucleuucd. Juit washing ii not enough that only leava the delicate surface more exposed to the trritgion of dust and gcrmij to merci less attacks of sun and weather. After washing, ap ply Robertine and experience its delightful refreshment. You will admire the linc-lcss softness it irapaiu to face, neck and arms. Jt not only timulates a radiant (low, but protects the skin from becom ing coarse. Prevents burn ing, tan and freckles. A Jii ttmt Dnuilm to . Children Come in to HASKIN'S Saturday 15,00 Easter Eggs Free See Our Window R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON TAL POR.C1 1 WORK, GRILL AN I ) LAT1 WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TKLKIMIONE 471. Miss Jeunesse Butler INSTIU'CTOII OF PIANO. STUDIO AT HKNIDKNVi:, O NTH RET, WKST MK Ii I'd 111). PHONE NO. "ill. Sw- Main's Piimo lliiimo for reference. MEDFORD HASH b DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Fence Pickets. OIHca fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grills. P, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS. PHONE 53. iisiisiiisiwaMaiiaisMsss.jssiaBtiiiititisi The Medford Brick Co. rmnpnanl of W. O. PRIDDT, O. D. NAOLE, O. T. O'BRIEN, maniifncturors COMMON AND PRESSED BRICK. Oiniral iMmtraotnrs and builders in all furnished. All LIME, PLASTER AND Catalog Houses are Not Merchant Tailors They drain the towns of money and neither give the fit. style nor distinction to your clothes that yonr own city tailor can. Patronize Home Industry The clothes 1 make are the kind that "carry distinction,'" that bespeak the man, that keeps yonr money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. Krcp ioiir money home. French Dry, Cl( itiiinti untl It c pit iii tut Scully Done. EIFERT MKDV'ORD. ff II M IKJf ABTPBH l.r lluhl'.rd.' T.u. .n.l r..ll i- sml (Ws. DtJiim P.msWlw Wiiro. Vsxrs. Jur4 itrr. all 10 i'4)t MEDF0KR' 1E4 Jit. WKST SKYEXTH STREET. sj.OLAHAK JUNKEN, Propi. PHOKE 1051 6". Notici. PROGRAM AT Tl MtFCD SKATING INg ) THE MONTH OF APRIL: Two Bfusioua daily from 2 to 5 p. in. and 7:30 to 10:30 p. m. on Tuen days, Fridays and Saturdays for each week during the month. Change of program to commence Friday, April 3, when the price of ticket's for afternoon sessions will be reduced to IS cents. Friday of each week will be La dies' Night, when "skates will be is sued to them free; ginaltinent 25 cents. Society Night, Tuesday of each woekj admission 10 cents, skates 23 cents. Music by Itink Bund. Thursday nights duueing, com mencing April tl; gentlemen "." cents, ladies free. Music by Rink Hand. Children's) Dav .Saturday after noons; skatea IS cents. Orand May Day Masque Skating Festival Saturday, Mu- ".. l'a.-ticn lurs later. Windell & Loosley, Proprietors. Wise Talks By the Office Boy f Pa snyfl n rose by any other namo would bo just as expen- 4- ntvo back cast this time of year. I sometimes think he pines for tho piuoy woods in old Penob- f seot, Frappe County, Maine, where he was raised but that's one thing yours truly never yearns for. The good mountains and the good old ocenri and nice old Oregon atmosphere are good 4- enough for in-. But it's nil in 4- how you were raised. Pa likes elain chowder and corn on tho 4- cob, and harvest apples and a f f 4- lot of things that a kid who 4- was born this side of tho snow 4- sheds hasn t had much chance 4- to get acquainted with. Those 4- who have lived on both sides of 4- this groat country and lived 4- long enough to know what's 4- what can get all thoso things 4- just ns nice one plnco ns an- 4- other, if you know where to buy. 4- We've gut clam chowdor from 4- Boston that is lust as nice ns 4- any yon ever ate on the sand, 4- find lots of other things that 4 have that "Down Kast" taste. f t MILLER & EWBANK I TO MEDFORD, OR. its branches. Plains and estimates work guaranteed. CEMENT FOR SALE. The City l iiiloi OREGON. Kelinhrs. I'h inn Ware, (llas kinds of Psn.-v li;,v,... .i -. ., i Coimlers. l COFFEb' HOUSE h ri-:'i 1 ' J. K. KNYAI!T,P.-csid int. .1. A. I'KHKV, Vice President. The Medford MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safetv Doxes to J?ent. A General Dunking Business Transacted. AVe Solicit Yonr Patronage . The Wise Man Seeks Absolute Protection for His Valuables There lire numerous instances where valuable jewelry, heirlooms Hud other treasures have been stored about the house, anil when fire broke i. in or burglars came, these valuables were destroyed or stolen. I'.elter bo oil tho safo side ami secure Absolute Protection for your valuables by renting a Sale Deposit, liox in the Firo and Burglar Proof Vault of I he .Inckson County Hunk. Pinest. in Southern Oregon. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT, $1 AND UP TER YEAR. rhsTi Capital and Surplus f ft St.ito Depositary $115,000.00. f -H" E9taMjs,led lggR f Jlank f W. I. VAWTRI?, MCD70RD, OREOOK Here's aGood One 240 acres of excellent fruit is a fine tract to divide. Let me show yon litis J property. jj ALFRED SMITH ; OYER JACKSON COUNTY DANK. We Want to Realty Bond Oregon VV. Jackson county Bank Annex When the Fire Bell Rings Most people WAKK VV. Haven! you heard it ringing, ringing, ringing loud enough Id wake the dead in .Medl'nrd during the lasl year? It means that right now is the'righf time to get in on the ground flour in the heart of the cilv, lie fore the new railroad, the water system and the coal road sets things to 1 ming in '(ireater .Med ford. It means that such a chance as we arc aide to offer for the next l'll'TKKN DAYS ONLY Of Twelve Choi, ( Residence hols in (he DeauliPul FA I RV IKW ADDITION-, On West Seventh street, for the low price of .tn."00 for the entire twelve lots will not occur aga in in the history of Medford. The time is limited ; don't lei the chance pass you (y. For full particulars call on the Ro&uq River Land Go. Exhibit Building JOHN S. OHTII, Cashier. W. 11.' JACKSON, Ass I ( : . shier. National Bank 1 0. K. LIN'OLIIY, Cashier. land at $"3 per aero. Tins WE SERVE AN EASTER DINNEB hole l lint is simply superb. .Specui' dishes. specially c kod, sjiecially served. If you have eaten at this res t nil I-: i tit befor.- you know- what that means. If you have nor, come and enjoy till' expenoncr. You wouldn't Ihink ot! Itlissilio il if you laid eaten ho!' be- loi-e. The Nash Cafe Buy Lands Syndicate of I Ii. Stalker Secretary J A LUNCH FOR TT'E EPICURE ' That " ioiii lii's lo spoi . ' ' nii.l ii.'ll is ' ''tiillit and satisfvi' .'. is flesh, fat a9. his,. ions oysl. is on tl half s,,., ,vi,, l.ottle of pure, spa'i lino b.or or mineral Mat. r. We ' oysi. is in omtx s,.. biotl-.i. !" "r '.'iiiii"l. an. I they ai Led in 11 'I; b' I In, I ran ' bo i ipi ,1. .1 au l'"r' Hotel HmeriiK W. E. JOHNSON. o