Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, April 18, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    If You've Anything to Buy or Sell, Try. Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Results
i 1 ( f . . ' r
Hie Weather
Vi stern 1 iregou Shower, cooler to
night. Sun. lay. shower, follow. 1 hv
fair w i nl Iter; wcstcrlv winds.
MKDFOJtn. OR.. SATUliDAV, APRIL. 18, 1!H)8.
,X0. 2(
Ellis Defeats Green in Struggle for Congress-Cake
Probably Chosen by 6,000-Chamberlain will Pro
bably be Elected to Senate-Cake Carries Multno
mah and Other Large Counties.
POKTI.AND, April IS. licturns froai various sections of tho state in
(Urate that yesterday's primary elections resulted in Hie selection of H. Jl.
Cake iivor Senator '. U Fultou for nomination as United States senator;
that 8. I!. Kllis, in Hie scroll,! congressional ilistriet, has defeated former Gov
ernor T. T. (Jeer ami tlcorgo S. Shepherd.
There seems to lie no question but that Statement No. 1 caudidutcs lire
in the majority on the legislative ticket, which means in all probability that
(iovernor (leorgo II. Chamberlain will be elected senator at the next session
of the legislature. However, no news can be obtnined from a number of iso
lated counties, and whoa the returns from those counties aro in tho faco of
the situation, so far as Statement No. lis concerned, may be changed; but it
seems to lie the opinion of party leaders on both sides that Chamberlain will
win out. In the first congressional district C. Ilawley had no contest.
Robert S. Hen n is nominated for .justice of the supreme court and ,T. W.
Bailey food commissioner. In Multnomah county Cuke is about 2500 ahead
of Pulton, nnd Shepherd is about lotto ahead of Ellis. The returns from out
side counties are greatly in Ellis' favor and he is cxpeetcd to win out by
abouf:, ..000 votes.
ices to the Kvcning Telegram indieiilu lliat Pulton has carried Hie
following counties: l.nne. Morrow, Sherman (very close), Crook (verv close),
Josephine (close). Klamutli, Cbifsop lleiiton, Tillamook, Coos, Polk, Ornnt.'
Cake carried MiiIIiioiikiIi (very heavy), Marion, Clackamas, Douglas I. inn.
Jackson, Wasco. Yamhill. Union. Umatilla, linker, Columbia and Washington!
Cake's majority will probably be over (1000.
This afternoon -s returns today strengthen the forecast made of I he oloe
lion of Cake and also that Statement No. I lias carried. Republicans practi
rally concede that chamberlain lias oxtrouicly good chances of going to the
That Honey's campaign against Fullim worked his" downfall seems to be
indisputable. Meager returns from eiunties where he
been strong show a falling off in favor of his opponent,
tleer and Shepherd.
In Multnomah county Statement No. I candidates n
ing majority.
The railro.-ul commissioners ' fight is close between
SAI.KM, Or.. April It. P.ecnuse Ihc
Deschutes Irrigation Power company
lias three mortgages upon its property,
the stale laud board has refused to
make deeds to settlers unless the com
puny procures from the holders of the
mortgages an express release of their
lien so far as the particular tracts deed
ed are concerned, li ntlv a number
of settlers filed npplieat ions for deeds
and nlso filed receipts showing that
Hotel yiast)
Cable y3fot2 "Pinner
Sunday "Evening. prll ltb.
Tli.' Xsh Horn rf'Oeuvre.
i ntalinn Ab.'tloiie.
'hi Hook S:i hiioii, I hichcsse.
Brain! v Suhit, i 'ropici tc
Sweetbread n In Veil it it-n nr.
liarileii Peas.
ltoasi Chicken, French Dressing
Hearts nf Lettuce.
I'ot a toes I lelniniiii'o.
Kaster lee ('renin,
Pin it.
Ki'eltinr Drink
J3fadrlg3 Orchestra
- ,rt
1. Mar.h
M:iurk ..
l. Selection . .
I. Willi,'. -H. . .
.". Illt.MHH-7 '..t
t. (tvi rtllle. . .
7. Tone poem . ,
V S l.rlioi,. . .
Waltzes . .
10. March
"Old Faithful "
" Sunshine "
..."The (.d Mill"
From " Faun! '
ai all. r i.i u ana
F.-.iorit--. ..f
. . Apple ItloXrt.mi '
'The Merry Uid..
- . ' I.oin du hul
is supposed to have
Kllis is gaining over
d an ovcrwliclm-
A it.-li
isou and Hurl
Ihev li:ive paid their obligations to the
irrigation company. (Iovernor Cham
herinin Iielifi4!( It;, (do mortgages
given iiy the company constituted n
I "I"'" the title and might, he (lie
source (lf much f it t ion in the future
if settlers should be given deedH with
mil the mortgages being satisfied. In
I his view he was supported by Attorney
(ienernt Crawford. Jesse Stearns, nttur
ney for the company, has appeared bo,
fore the board and argued that the set
tiers would seenre title free from the
mortgages and asked the board to re
rede from its position. Tho board gnve
no decision, but (Iovernor Chamberlain
said after ihe meeting that lie is firm
iu his attitude and that no deed will bo
signed by him unless the holders of the
mortgages execute releases.
1 he Deschutes Irrigation A- Power
company has recently changed manage
no'iit, Koscoe Howard succeeding F. S
Stanley as manager.
"r., .pril It. Decisions
have been handed down by the supreme
court in five appealed cases. One nf
the most important decisions in that in
which the court lays down n rule gov
ernmg the right of real estate dealers
to commission in certain transactions.
"Firuce Woh-erton et nl., respondents,
vs. fieorge Tattle and Mary Tattle, np
pHlants. from Multnomah county. Ar
thur L. Frazer. judge; reversed nnd re
manded; opinion by Commissioner King.
"Wolvertnn and his associates were
real estate dealers and induced John
Manning and L. Hi Tiirpley to purchase
a piece of property in Portland belong
ing to fieorge and Mary Tattle. They
had no previous arrangement with Tut
tie. but after finding th( purchaser went
to Turtle for a price and the latter said
he would take not less than $'20,(UM) net.
Manning nnd Tnrpb v would pay not
?n..r.' than s-Jii.ihm). The sale was mm
pletcd and the r-al rstate firm brought
uit f.r the i oiiimi!wi"n. for which
tiny e.-urrd judgment against the Till
tie-, who appealed. The supreme court
li.. Id that the t-alimony for plaintiffs
di.iWM t h.-it O1' ''I cstati firm could
Mot haie been entitled to n commission
itnle. tli" prie teciire1 wnm more than
'. hence the firm neted at their
own M-r il in bringing huver and m-lb-r
tog-th.-r without an underatandirig re
jrting payment of commiisinn.
Over Fifty Thousand People Visit
Beaches to witness the Arri
val of Battleships.
SAX DIKfiO, April IS. Tho fleot
got under way promptly sit (t this morn
ing, Kear-Admiral Thomas personally
coin ma ml ing the maneuvers attending
tin' sailing of the battleships. Tho fleet
will m-xt visit San Pedro, the seaport
of I Angeles, where they will re
main until Aprjl 2."t thence northward
lo Santa Barbara, Monterey, Santa
I'm., where stops are to be made. They
will nrrtvo off San Francisco bv the
night of May ,1 and enter that harbor
the following day.
1A)S AXOELES, April IS. Clear,
warm nnd beautiful, the day dawned,
fixed for the arrival of the Atlantic
battleship fleet at San Pedro bay.
XVver in tho history has Los Angeles
risen with such enthusiasm to tho ob
servauce, of a celebration. Without lo
gal declnral ioaj but by general consent
business has been dropped and tho en
tire population seem to be streaming
toward tho coast. Over fiO.WMJ people
have visited the various benches lo
witness I ho arrival of the fleet.
fiRFNNVlKW, Cal., April IK. At
the Morrison and Carlock mine, iu
(Quartz valley, when; the company has
been reducing its help for Ihe past sev
eral months, nnd removing the rich pil
lars left as supports to tin mine, the
om puny has finished all this work, dis
h urged all help and closed tho works.
This property has produced millions,
and was by no means n worked nut prop
rty, if the statement of tin' miners who
.ere working iu the lower levels goes
for anything. They speak of four feet
of ore that fairly glistened with gold,
abandoned when they quit work. Then
to the south there is splendid ore on tho
Mien claim, almost virgin; while on tin
north the same ore body can le traced
for two mites, and all showing on tho
snrfacn the same rich bodv that
inn rked t he Morrison Carlock. All
these claims adjoining aro owned by
men of small means, and can bo pur
ha sed at n f ow thonsn nd dol In rs n
The reason for the closing nf t he
Morrison Carlock is not; npparetit to an
uilsider, as this company is a strong
one, composed prtncinall v of home enp-
fight for a big navy will go right, on,"
said Representative Hobson of Alabama
;ifter an interview with Ihe president.
' N'o battle was ever won or lost on the
kirmish lines. Yh have only just be
gun. If John Sharp Williams had not
made the matter n partv' iniestion in
he house there would have been ninny
more democrats to vote in favor of four
ttleships. The rpiestion of the navy
is broader than tho party."
You Can't Afford to Miss Them.
Those nttractive Faster services III
the Methodist Kpiseopal church, P.
street, next Sabbath. At II n. m. n
liseourse by the pastor oil "The Con
pierilig Christ." lb-sides the emigre-
gationnl singing at the morning service
there will be two solos and one nnthein.
t night the choir, which has been
trained by Mrs. Krnus, will present tin
ittractive musical prograsi. A teu-min-
ute sddress by the pastor. The church
will be tastefully decorated. Sabbath
school at lo a. in., with hoackiionrd ex
ercise by the pastor. Topic nnd pic
(lire, "The ruve Surreners ". F.p
worth league at i Mi p. .: evervlefv
J. Mollov. Spokane; if (TvVtt
S. W. Ill, -lei. 'rll,d: C. M
llelk.l.l ; S. Heilirolh Slid Wife, St'
Fred T. Smith, Itii.lgeton ; .1. A. Mur
phy, K. Ingle. San Kranrisco; A. F.
Iteami-s. Jack4,nville; A. li. ItowihQi,
Indiniiapolia; II. A. Tobin, New York;
H. A. Hublett, I.0S Anireles.
Mulkey Got 71
and Eggleston 67-FuIto
Carried City by 3 Votes
-Lawton Gets Big Vote,
Less than halt the registered voters
of Medford turned out to vote at the
primaries Friday lo name tickets to be
voted for at tint Juno election. Inter
est centered in 111 fights between Mill
k.v I Newbury nnd Dunn ami Kggle
stun. Mulkey curried the two precincts
Iiy n majority ot i I nnd Kuelostoii bv
ma.ioritv of fi7.
Fulton won by Ihreo votes in the
city, the only town in the county lie ear
Tho vote was lis follows:
Republican Voto In Medford
South. Nortli.T'tt
II. Jf. Cake, senator 71 Til 150
C. W. Fulton, senator.... fit
. C. Ilawley, congress.. li!7
li. S. Hean, upreitlo cnnrt.lll
J. W. Itailey, food com. . S.'l
Alex, ltood SB
rhos. K. Campbell1. ...... 7"i
V. A. t !arter 47
It. Robertsou
H. F. Mulkey
Stl 1 14
57 72
(ins N'ewburv
A. ltiichanan, .joint rep. 1011
1 14
I oil
I oil
I, 'la
2 Hi
2 Hi
J. L. Ilauimersti
. !H
. 77
. r.i;
. 7s
. fil
. 7;
. 122
. Hill
. I 17
. 17
. ss
11. P. Kubli
(!. W. Dunn
M. F.- lOggleston .
Fd M. Andrews. .
lames t wen ....
W. It. Colionall . .
H. T. Illiruelt
1). H. Jackson . .
lames Cronemiller
W. T. firiev
1. W. linwton ....
f. Percv Wells
rank A. tirisay .
A. K. Kellogg.
F. Jl. Stewart. .1. P !I0
ng. I). Siugler. eons.... II
'harles Toll, constable. . . It
Scattering .tfi
John Demmer, cell. com. . . 1
F..JI. Wilson, constable . . 4
A. ('. Hubbard, con. com. 1
Kd Root, constable 2
Wilbur Cartwright, cons. I
II. N. Puller, constable., 2
J. W. Keene, constable,,, .1
W. T. Yawter, ecu. com. .,1
T. M. Keene. coroner 1
Fd Root, ecu. com I
S. S. Pentz, J. P 1
C. I.). Hazelrigg, constable I
F. II. Perkins, surveyor.. 1 .,
John II. I.utb-r, ecu. com. I ,.
If. fi. N'ickelson, con. com, 3 , ,
II. ii. Niekelson, coroner. 1
Democratic Vote In Medford,
South. Norlh.T'tl
T. Jl. Jones
I). II. Miller
h 2,i :i7
hi k :4
2 1 :ih r,!i
27 42 l'.!l
22 :ii r.n
27 4H 7.1
2:1 :i7 no
20 40 110
"7 "7
20 4 1 117
is :in ix
10 14 2
14 .10 41
in 27 .17
27 :w
lo 20
12 24 :i
10 2i :i4
!l 22 .'11
11 2o m
J. H. Neil
Martin Marshall, eo. com.
W. A. Jones, sheriff
It. II. How
W. II. !'! II, J. P
J. F. liarkdnlt. ceu. com.
James Stewart, com,...
ft. Chamberlnin, P. H. sen.
li. 0. Smith, attorney
F. F. Cavender, joint rep.
J. .1. Whitney, congress..
A. C. Parner, eoun, clerk
J. C Masterson, conn. rec.
M. Jl. Taylor, treasurer.
.1. ('. Maruaid, count v su
perintendent schools.,,
K. H. Sawyer, conn, snrv..
A. C. Standley, coroner. . .
Alfred Smith, constable. .
fleo, Putnam, judge su
preme court
Harry Young, food com.. .
Wm. Hanlev, constable..
1.. I.. Jacobs, co. clerk ....
O. Crawford, county rec,
Joho Orth, county clerk..
I,. I.. .!; -!. co. treas. . , .
'. ririi k. ro. ele
c0ity rec...
. I. - . jle' su
tt0 court
1 I if r, .
, M i I ... 1 1 .. :i
ow Orertunis, Drowning Four.
WtSIPKU. April IK. The tiptetting
of n cnw in crossing the Itattl- river,
which is greatly swollen by frehM, re
sult if in nine Ornnd Trunk workmen
Iwing thrown into th watfr and four
d rown-d.
Majority I UI IflULIXLI ... ninm nrnmiimt
Senator Fulton ;Sooures Comity
by 42 Majority -Newbury De
feated by 70 Votes.
tilt A NTS PASS, nr., April IS. M ul
key carried Josephine county by a vote
I 4l(i to :IKI for Xowliurv (one pro
I'illct missing), a majority approximat
ing (0. Fulton carired the countv bv
a Hte of 4XK to .toil, or a maioritv of
(one precinct missing.
The vote was light, the seiiatorship
and district attorneyship absorbing
most attention. Jlulkey ran stronger
in tno city than in Iho countv.
The members and friends of the
'hristian church are looking forward
lo real spiritual services tomorrow. Npe-
al sermons and music in keeping will.
the day are beini' hroourod. Xoto Ihe
program: II a. m., hymn, " AIM. nil. the
nwer of Jesus' Name"; prayer; song,
Tho Dawn of Kaster"; recitation, Airs
. It. Seely; snug, "King, Merry Kas
T Hells'; wcripturo reading; anthem,
lie Lives Today'; sermon, "A 01ml
some Kaster Message " invital ion
hymn; communion hviuu: benedict inn.
.'Hi p. m., opening hymn Itsl; song,
Kaster Hells Are Kinging"; pravor.
'An Kaster Sung'; scriptural reading
mid offering; recitation: anthem.
Seals Are Shattered"; sermon, "The
fleneral Resurrection, the Judg
uient and the Ileaveulv Mouie": invila
ion hymn ; beued if I inn. Cord in I iu vi
laliou lo all. Strangers and those with
ul a church home cspccinltv invited.
Marion V. Hurn, minister.
WASHINGTON', April IS. In th
Hyde Itenson Oimond Schneider alleired
ml Iraud trial here, lieorge W. Uavis.
ho was formerly a nolurv iu Salem,
(tr.( am who operated a storm iptarry iu
that state, testified that ho secured an
licatioas for and assignments of Ore
gon school land f rum cm doves iu his
piarty at the request, of K. 1'. McCon
nach, president of a Hah-m. Or., bank.
Davis said lu paid from ifl In $2.50 for
itch assignment. IHstrict Attorney !a
iitfiirmed the court (lint (he govern
ment would connect Davis teslimonv
ith the operations of Hyde. Davis hud
previously been clerk of the stato land
board of Oregon, and said he was Ihor
uglily tamihar with tho laws govt ruing
tho acipiisition of slate lands. He idea
tied about 40 applications and asnigu
mcnts lhal were signet) bv him as no
WASHINGTON, April IS. -The house
subcommittee on public lands ha re
rted a substitute for the Moieb ll bind
grant resolution which in effect pro
ides that iu I hi- pending suit railrofid
lands shall not bi subject to set I lenient
or onlry, and in rvent the goveruiiniit
ores forfeiture the lands shall be dis
posed of ns may hereaflcr be Htjpnlaled
by eougrs.
The resolution further stipulates that
hile suits are pending lumbermen who
ought from the railroad company shall
permitted lo continue cutting timber
'or legitimate use. 'Die resolution, how-
r, is fully safeguarded to protect Ihcjnf the cane
resin or Mm gov eminent ami therein,
litters from the Momlell resolution.
WASHLYtiTO.V, April K --While
Ktperl Carvalho was test ifvinir todav
regaiding the anon vinous letters which
ha vo been written in connect ion wit h j
the Niiliuiariue boat invesiiialion, ltei
ntative l.illey gae out a statement
deriving nil knowledge of the author
llip of those letl.TS.
HANTS PASS. Or , W,,ril s.-MisJ
Ma Logan, who died at Waldo, in lhefaiit
nlherri part of the rounly, wan born
tier L'l. 1 "; J . and had liwd lure
from her childhood. She was the wife
'fiu 11 ty ( 'ouiiuissioiier Login. The
ral services were held in the M"th
list chnn-h and burial in the Masonic
in MiiuiY iil rinim i v
Eggleston and Dunn Run Neck and Neck-Mulkey's
Plurality Approximately 400 in Jackson County
and 70 in Josephine Andrews and Lawton De
feated by Close Vote.
lly one of tho largest majorities in
ihe history of the county, H. I Mulkey
has been nominated by Ihe republicans
of Jackson county for Ihe olfico of -lis
I rid altoruey of Ihe first judicial dis
nicl. Mr. Mulkey 's majority uppioxi
males IIMI. His majority iu Josephine
county n approximately 7r. On ac
count ul' the loose methods prevailing at
l he county courthouse i is impossible
to secure exact results as no record of
the marked sample ballots have been
Iho race between Kgglestou and Dunn
for county judge has been a close one,
with indications thai il may take tin
cial count to dotoriuiuo the result.
With all precincts except Ihose of Trail,
Florence Km-k and Lake Creek in, lunu
is reported to have a small lead. These
precincts are strong for Kgglestou, so
that the result is iu doubi.
Kd M. Andrews has been defeated fur
"e i inalion as ty coinmissioucr
by James Owen by a small margin. J.
Lawton has also been defeated bv
W. T. (ireive for nomination as asses
The volo was one of the lightest on
record. Mr. Newbury slates that the
democrats caused his defeat and he feels
it very keenly.
Mulkey carried Ashland by L'.'tl ma
.lority, Dunn by !Mi. Owens bv I and
Lawton by
The following is a partial list of Ihe
returns from various precincts:
Gold Hill Mulkey iM). Newbury 21,
Dunn !, Kggleslou .'ill; Andrews L'l I, Ow
ens tl.
Willow SprlliKf Cake lit, Fulton I;
Campbell (t, Carter :i, Itoheiisoa, .'I; Mul
key S, Newbury .'(; Dunn 1, Kggleslou
10; (Irieve S, Lawton .'1; Andrews 1, Ow
ens H.
Central Point -Cako :tl, Fulton II.
Campbell '2, Carter II. Itoberlsoa II; Mul
key lit, Newbury M; Dunn 17, Kggle
stoa '27; Andrews 17. Owens 'ill; (Irieve
:tl, Lawton IT).
Mound -Cake 7, Pultun 7, Campbell
!. Carter -1, Itohertsnn :t; Mulkey I,
Newbury U; Dunn I. Kgglestou 10; An
drews II, Owens 11; (irieve S, Lawton (I.
Woodvlllc - -Cake 'S. Fulton In;
Campbell IS, ( 'arler l'l, Kobertsou 4 :
Mulkey Li, Newburv 2S j Dunn (!, Kg
gleslon .'t; Andrews K2i, Owens L'l;
(irieve '2, Lawton ti.'t.
Union -Cake I I, Fulton 10; Camp
b.ll IS, Carter In, ItohcrNou I; Mul
kev lit, Newburv JS: Dunn 17. Kl-l-Ic
m:i:ns woman he tailed
SALKM, dr., April Is. li. A. Slew
ml, the wealthy Clackamas county far
mer, against, whom Mrs, C. A. Wells se
cured a ifl.Vai judgment in a breach of
promise suit last week, has gone t he
jury one better. Since the caw was de
cided he has deeded her il brick block
in Woodburu worth 1.100, At the trial
Mr. Hlewarl contended Dint
broke their engagement bv
Mrs. Well
insisting Dial he must deed her that.
brick block before the mar ring old
talte place. Stewart refused to execute
t he deed nii'l biter married a not her
woman. Mis. Wlls brought suit for
t'l'Hio damages and the jury awarded
her I ."(till. Stewart evidently mmo to
the conclusion Unit ihe jurv was riifht
:ibout his having broken the eiiL'.'iire
uient. for he obi nl.-i r il mult lili d the
I jndgrnenl by thn
Child Eatn Quinine and Dies.
.LSIIOHO. Or,, April IS. The in
rli. Id of Mr. andO Mrs. A. It
s, biteh of Corvallis, died (piife
siubtenlv at the residence of W. V.
Itarretl hen. Mrs. Oraves is visiting
here while h'r husband is preparing n
place of residence near Klk ( in
Lincoln comity, nnd the child got some
rpiinino tablets and lite them.
Owens IS;
Knit on
17, Lawton 1 1.
South Jacksonville Cake
( ampbell :!lt. Carter IS, Kobertsoii
Mulkey 'J.!, Ni'wburv Ht; Dunn ol.
I 'J
Kggleslou L'l; Andrews '27 r Owens V2;
(irieve is, Lawton il.
North Jacksonvillo Cnko 2s, Pultun
21; Campbell ir,, Carter (!, IfohcrtHou
2ii; Mulki'y '2, Newbury :M; Dunn "2tt
Kgglestou III; Andrews J'J, (weiis lil;
(irieve .'t. Lawton
Applogate Cako 12, Fulton Kl;
Campbell II, Carter o, liobiTtson I;
Mulkey -,, Newbury II; Dunn '2, Kg
glestou 7; Andrews l:(, Owens .'t; (Irieve
1 1, Lawton fi.
Storting Cake .", Futloa II; Camp
bell It, Carer If, Itobcrtsoa 0; Mulkey
", Newbury I ; (irieve I, Lawton .1;
Dunn t, Kggleslou "2; Andrews 1, Ow
Sam'H Valloy-Cake 1.1, Pulton 4;
'aiiiibell 1, Curler IfoberlSou :t;
Mulkey l:i, Newburv (I; Dunn II, Kg
gleston S; Andrews lit, Owen lo; flrieve
'1. Lawton III.
Talent Cake dr. Pulton IH; Camp
bell '27, Carter 2, Koberts.m 10; Mul
key 2, Newbury 17; Dunn :), Kggle
stoa 17; vote for Andrews and Owens
not in; Lawlon '-'!; (irieve li.
Eaglo Point Cake M, Mulkey ."1;
J Newbury (T; Duuu I'd, Kgglestou L'l;
I Andrews In, Owens l!; Lawton .'il.
(irieve 0; oilier returns not in.
Antioch -Dunn 1. Kgglestou -t; other
returns not iu.
Ashlnnd Three precincjs: Cake L'.VJ.
Fulton 1ST; Mulkey ;r.i. Newbury 125;
Kggh slou 1st), Duuu L'S.'i; Andrews L'l.",
Owens L'Ml; (irieve '"."; Lawton ITlI.
Barron Cako s, Fulton K; Camp
bell S, Carter 7. liid.ertson L'; Mulkey
7, Newbury II; Duuu II. Kgglestou 7;
Andrews t, Owens Lt; ('rieve II, f,aw
ton (1.
Wlmer Mulkey S, Newbury 1; Dunn
I, Kgglestou s. other votes not in.
Climax - Dunn carried by one vote;
no other returns iu.
The foregoing are the unofficial rec
ord given, many of them verbally, by
some of Ihe clerks who brought iu Ihe
ballots from the precincts. The offi
cial ballots are sealed and will not be
counted for several days, until all pre
chiefs have been heard from. Not un
til they are opened and counted will
the col-.i-t vote be known. At the
present lime there are no accurate fig
ures to bo obtained.
Judge Dunn, according to hts own
figures, claims a majority of .Vl votes.
I'AL'IS. April IS. -The Cri ,le 1'aris.
which professes to chronicle the doings
of the fashionable s't of I'dris, insists
that the marriage of Madame Anna
(iould, formerly the wife of Count ftoui
de Castellane. and Prince HcHe de Sa
gan, has already taken place, and that
the ceri'inony occurred in a little town
011 the eastern frontier of France, and
that when in' New Voile, Mine, (iould
informed her fiinglv that the report that
Iter wedding had b- cii accomplished was
a fact and "this i; why her family so assnited. We would add that
for certain legal reasons which delicacy
prevent ns disclosing, this marriage
ca n In broken. ' '
rllKSTKR. Pa.. April lS.-TIm state
police. In) have been ordered here to
maintain order uniting the striking car
employes, appear to have the situation
well hi hand. Here and there are oc
casionally small street fights, but noth
ing approaching a riot has occurred
since the troops took charge. No at
tempt was made to resume traffic this
morning. Saloons have tieeii given per
mission to rcminio.
stou lit; Andrews