IfyYouVe Anything to Buy or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Results ASSOCIATED A I. f rv 1 ' V diIv Cr T. u -i PRESS ;M (rQi H r The Weather dispatches iuvP fPn(w(iRjfS .fv:!:;, Zr J-yl mfauraxAMOsfkrOMfrAaKlMJiiMurJ J J S J VJV rain; southwesterly winds. THIRD YEAR, J.UJDr'uKD, Oh.. FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1908. NO. 23 MULKEY ID E6GLEST0N IN THE LEAD Great Interest Manifested in To days Primaries Gus Newbury Begins Early With Circulars Mulkey in Charge Here. Primary electiou i.f stare and county tickets is being held this afternoon. The polls opened at 12 o'clock aul will close at 7 p. in. Much interest is being shown m the result and both polling places are surrounded by crowds electioneering. Interest centers in the fight being waged fur the republican nomination for district attorney between (ins New bury and li. F. Mulkey, ami in the struggle between f. P. F.ggloston and George V. Dunn for nomination as county judge. At a late hour this uf ternoon the indications are that both Mulkey and Kggleston will sweep both Mcdfuril districts by large majorities. (ins Xowbnry started the ball rolling before 7 o'clock by distributing circu lars denying charges regarding his ac tions as bondsman in the Daily case. He held forth vigorously along the curb, denouncing the Tribune, and a wordy battle ensued when the candidate and Dr. .1. V. Keene met, each candidly giving his opinion concerning the other the widest publicity. Mr. X'ewbury ( 3 ft for Jacksonville on the noon train. I Mr!" "Mil I key was in charge of hisj campaign personally and was busy all day denying an absurd circular put out ' iu Ashland by his opponent to tho ef fect that he had been seen to take a drink iu a saloon at Cruets J'ass. Moth Captain Fggb-.-toji and .lodge Dunn are at Ashland, and .their friends .are miinuging the campaign in their be- BATTLESHIP FLEET SAILS IN MORNING FROM SAN DIEGO Squadron Finishes Four Days' Visit With a Grand Ball Midnight Fare well Salute Next Stop Will Be Fort of Los Angeles. SAN PIKCiO. Cab, April 17. The stay of the battleship fleet ill San l)i- go waters will end tomorrow morning when lti battleships will hoist their an- hors at 0 o'clock and steam northward Tho nest visiting place will be the port. of Los Angeles. Junior officers give a ball at tin- Hotel Del t.'oronado tonight and a band concert, will wind up the gaieties, marking the four davs' of the fleet's visit. A midnight fare well salute of IIS aerial bombs will be fired from Point l.orua. followed by the flight of l:t giant, rockets and I:'. red fire illuminations. ALDRIGH FINANCIAL BILL DEAD House Committee jon Banking and Currency Vote to Table Measure-Substitute to be Considered. ROBBERS ENTER BANK LOCK UP CASHIER ESCAPE WITH $3000 SCANDAL IS Cashier Statos He Can Fositirely Iden tify One of tho Robbers as Former Jailbird Who Some Time Ago Bor rowed Money from the Bank. MARIS APPOINTED TO INSPECT STATE DAIRIES half. Kd -Andrews is polling a. large vote in rue city ror county commissioner Paul V. Maris, son of N ( M,.ri field editor of tho Ifural Knirit In. I..,....' selected by J. W. Bailey, state food and dairy inspector, to act as depute and inspect dairies in various parts of tho state where cow testing associa tions have been formed He n sunie his new duties the first of next week. The last year Maris has nnsneil en farms, studying dairy conditions, and for considerable time he Imi l..., ;.. Mr. Bailey's laboratory preparing for the work he is about to take up. His duties will be to examine ..... milk aud inspect dairies, ami h -vili ,i vise The fanners where they might make improvements. I he office was made oossible tliroi. the action of the riuttorinnkcrs ' .De velopment association, which nrimiiim. tion will pay .Maris' salary and ex penses. Maris will travel' continnallv through,, ut the ilairv districts i.f ttVn slate. WASIITXiiTOX. April 17. Th. house c. nitt u banking and cur rency teduy voted unauimuuslv to table the Aldrich financial bill. It also de cided to give a hearing tomorrow to Representative Vreeland of New York, who recently introduced a financial bill which is luokeil upon us a substitute for the Aldrich measure. CLOSING CONTESTS IN HIGH SCHOOL DEBATES KNIGHTS TEMPLAR HOLD EASTER SERVICES SUNDAY BRYAN WILL MAKE WHIRLWIND CAMPAIGN LIXCULX. Xch.. April 17. William .1. lirynii. if uomiuuh-d at Denver, will intriiduce somouew frills to the art ut' whirlwind enmf-rnigning. After his eastern trip next week he will begin the cnaipli igll ill earnest. His .liilos will be farther apart. ,. win r,.,..,i,i at Fairview. his farm, a great deal of the summer aud probably will choose Lincoln as the location fur the official notification, si Id ho . nominated. Huring dogdays the rial fun of the campaign will begin, it is predicted. In ItjlH and llllill Bryan won the prr.e for superhuman endurance and cyclone tours. Hy special train and an- ' bib', it is said, he will inaugurate a furious campaign ;ni, ..,,,o:i directly to the I pic ill all .loiil.tf.il states and Seel iollS. Bryan will spend Airil 1." and Hi in Michigan and will then go to ',-w VuT;. whore lie will remain for five daw. There will be a soeeial i,r,..-,i, 1. ih" Knights Templar at the M,.,ir.-!l "poia iiiiuse ..astern Sunday at 10:4 'irlock. I hen- will lie a special car from Ashland for the kuiehts ami ll.lr i. ones on tae morning train. All knights will be dressed in uniform x..r. vices will be at the Medlor.l Ipera House, sermon by the Rev. I-'. c. 'il- barns. An dnborat usi.-al program will be given by the Hnzelrieg orclies tra. At 12 o'clock tin- ladies will serve luncheon at the Masonic hall, which will consist of chicken sandwiches, salads, coffe. cake and ice cream. The visit ing knights will be met ul the train l,v the Medford Knights and escorted to I i no wpera lions,-. All so. iouming knights and th.ir ladies or p,, -hilly! inv il-d to take part in t lie -,.rv i,.s. . ADLER WILL NOT DIVULGE FELLOW-CONSPIRATORS' NAMES ' A great deal of interest is centering the two iuterdistrict debutes of tl. Oregon State High School Debating league, wniclt are to take place during i two weeks. These debates un to be among the champions of four districts, (irnnts Pas's of the .Southern Oregon and Lebanon of the Central Or egon districts will meet at Lebanon, April 17. Astoria of the Columbia river district and linker city of tho Fasten, Oregon district will beet at Astoria April 21. Kaeh team has alreadv mm three victories in its own district, im.l as u. beautiful silver con is to I... or,,. seated to tho state championship team, micii win ne selected early in May. the debates will 1 loselv contcsloil This cup is offered bv the row-nta nf the universilv and iu to 1... I.,,.,. .... I the regents ' cup. j The subject of both debates ill "Pro portional Representation." and it is l''sl "illy timely, as it is to I,., put he- jfore the people at tie- J,i,ic election. I One noticeable feature of the debates this year has been ibe large number of girls who are taking part. The district championship teams this year are even ly divided between girls and boys. I,,., anon is composed whollv of girls and Tinker Citv of bovs. Astoria li-is ! girls am! one boy and Cnmts I'ns has oovs and one girl. COFFRY VILLI-:. Kan., April 17. Two men entered the Citizens' State bank at Chautauqua. l'.", miles east of hole, forced the cashier. Walter House, and a business man into n vault and secured about .iiloni) in currency, then escaped into Oklahoma. Four posses in-.- alter them, and it is believed th.- will be captured. FOLLOWED BY A SUICIDE Prominent New Jersey Pastor Found Dead in His Hotel as Result of Entanglement Fol lowing His Engagement. ARABS DEFEATED BY FRENCH FORCES IN DESPERATE BATTLE French Forces Posted at Talzoasa Hill Surprised by Vicious Attack at Day light Twenty-Eight Killed and 125 Berbers Lost Their Lives. I MAI I AC,II A. April 17.-The cash ier of the Citizens' Stat.- bank declare that he positively identified one of th robbers as William Tenant, aged recently escaped from the jail at Xo watu, Okla., where he was Jield for horse-stealing. Tenant some time ago borrowed money of the bank and Walterhouse said when Tenant entered he supposed he hud come to renew th note or take it up. REGULATIONS TO GOVERN SMALL ARMS PRACTICE Hoaeral orders have been issne.1 from the office of Ad.jutant-fleneml W. E, i-inr.er, tt. i. u., governing small arms practice for the season hciriiiiiitiu l.n- I and ending October HIiiM. The state military board has secured an op tion on a 1211 acre tract near Troutdale. It HI expected that the nooot bit ions for the purchase of the land will be con cluded thjs week, when (lenenil l-'iuzer will immediatelv let. a contract fop tin. construction of a lano-yard rifle range. It is tort irohulilo, however, that the new range will be collllileted before June To, nnd iu tin aiitime the local inipanies will use the old range. I'lnm the completion of the Trout. bile range everv national euard uinv in the state will I piipped with an ex lletlt title range. The tract neav Ti tdole is almost dead level for over KIO'l yards and is admirably situated for the purpose of a rifle range. In II rdor issued bv (Innernl T'lnzer gov erning small arms nrai tir-e. the on;ir.l men are urged to devnle as milch time as is possible to gallery practice li now until the seas, in for range practice begins. WOIIIUM I.-Y, X. ,1., Ap,i 17. Rev lieorgo w. Thompson, pastor of the Woodbury I'resbyteriaii chiiivh, well known for its fashionable eongregu lion, whoso engagement to Mrs. l'anuii Kenworlhy, a wealthy iber. which was announced a week ago, was found dead in a hotel here todav with a bul let wound in his head. It is believed he committed suicide. When Thompson's engagement be 'ante known it woman living in the same hotel began to circulate reports involving him. This aroused tho women tubers of the church, and on Monday last a delegation called at the hotel, A stormy scene ensued, with the result that the accusing wnuinu left Woodbury that evening. She claii 1 she had gone to the Pueifii ast. Thompson had an ngag' 'lit with .Mrs. Kenworlhy last veiling. He did not appear, and she telephoned a prominent member of the church. A search party looked into flic room and found the bed undisturbed. II is now believed he cm ittml suicide between .1 uud ll lust evening, ami thai the body was on the other side of the led at the ti the search wus made. but could not . seen, There was a violent scene when the engagement was aiinoiiacd. the accusing wouiuii de during he owed her all his love and I he duty belonging to a wife. COl.OMH BL'CHAIt, Arabia. April 17. French forces posted at Talzeaza Hill, commanding tie- plain of Tamlet, were surprised ut daylight by a fierce attack of Berbers, who, with Xoiuail Arabs, have been concentrating for some weeks on the western frontier of Algeria. The French rallied and fought desperately and finally bent off their adversaries. The Arabs fled, abuuditu. ing the dead and wounded. The J-'reuch victory was costly, 2S being killed, 100 wounded. The Berbers lost 120 dead. BITTER FIGHT IN MARION FOR COUNTY JUDGESHIP KAI.F.M, Or., April 1.',. The contest lor the republican nomination for conn. ty judge iu Marion county has become the bitterest fight of tho cumuli iirn unit intense feeling exists among the caudi- nates. mere are four candidates M. L. Jones, W. W. Hall. W. M li.l,..v and tl. I. Terrell. The present iucutii. nent, Judge .loliu . Scott, is support ing the en lid iducv i of Itnshev I.'.... soiiio time personalities have been hand ed back and forth, but the greatest sun sat ion has been sprung by M. L. Jones, Who has lUllllislied nil affidavit alio,v. ing Unit Judge Scott reeeived $7 fi t tte.'ile it t t I'ortlaiid to nav his WIIV' Oil I trill east tWO or tl e vo,.fa "g" I Hint tl uiit.v I'oni-t has pur- cm sen isnuiui worth of road inachinerv front Beale & Co. MONTANA MINEOWNERS ; LEASE PANHANDLE SMELTER BLOCK OF FINE HOMES AT EAST MEDFORD COST OF INITIATIVE MEASURES IS Sl.1,000 SAND DUNES CONVERTED IN PROFITABLE FOREST 111 a -iligle province of the south of Kl';" 2,-."".""o ,.res of what lor iie tlv n. a ,,f ,,-,,,,1 ,), hav been ,-ol;-el-r,.. jttto 1 1 1'l i f ) 1 :j . e fore.t derillg 'he jin-t loo year--. Four f if h - A t -l i- i .-.-! ,,: on,,- : under privnie e -Iii'. tin- 1' ni;tiii.ler g rti n --li t -f'V - 'I"1 LO'Wri'lnent ' '''" I'r 'ii !b- 'i!e of ma- tl'le I'"' ' .e. ll''.- rie! ,lf tlis ,id n.'t MiVolve -h- de'truetioli of the for- l! '" v a-r tr.- w.-,-.. rft unharmed. In oth, r of T'l.-i,;.-... . in -. v. otn.r K'ir-1.. iif e.,i.',tri.. I. .-r.-1 ha- lie. li nM.iv, tt.- !.!.it.';l.g i-D .1.- i nil'V-l Ml-ei Tl : rt i II -I.e..-. villi hioh'vj b.-n. fi. -oil renli to ti:e rivers aii.ll l-rn:g-. i'l I- I,;,,,. I,v ihi. .,,.. i )" "II II, el,- ..s fee. ,.,.t and .(. .rrt:..t I'.-unl r...n- r ;rr:,,.,, ;,, r. -t,,r. ,', Kv .-ii c.-iliforne! there I,-,. -.Ir-dv l"'"li inii.-h reolant oig of f,,r,.-r but '" 1 '-"tifined to ,l,e -oniln rn nvi, t 'he ,tn. h... ,.,.,.,,: vlrl.:r,l!e covered l,V r,.!.,,,.. T l,' i"-"rinL. profec'i.o, ,.. Tb f-.-e.rraiio,, i! be ' .'r.-it benefit . irrif,,i,,,. I'OKTI.AXI). April lli.-.,olph Ad- - - '-"i ei'ia y a I ror pri seating a written demand on sig-j mum! Siehd. a prominent Jewish re-i i dent, for iMutl for the "aid of suffer-1 ing .lews." will not divulge the names! of the persons who sent him to Sided. ' bill in an interview today -aid that hull j der.J- of men in this country were of I ihili-tic tendencies and that if he re 1 veah-d the name- In. -,,1,1 -f(miv- in! u-ir!n would be killed. , A wliole block of fine modern dwell. ings will soon grace the front street, a' 'iieei, A,,,,,. Addition. The old IHHIile Oovvii t.nces vv o re tl. 111.... moth multiply are being ,: ," ih- neat wire f,i Shade trees vviil be planted next winter where "f,ee -oil" and plenty of vv.n.r will give li -i-liment to all v arieties of v co-elation that beautify I h.. i leru home. All fruit and g.-u.l. t, iru.-l; are flour ishing will t Ihe uid ,,f water. Fast Me.lfold is llow piolfelill-r a sbrht for a chureli; also for a g.-neial -lore. l(,.-i- deiits Inn,. ,,,t v..) given up the . of Siiinmit View Saaitnriuni being erected ill Hie r future. The total cost to the state for the printing, binding and distribution of lire iiiuiihlels c.outaiiung the title and texts of tlie iaitiathvo and referendum measures, together with lh u IT ii mn live and negative nrguineiits for and agonist same, will mount up to over ''"."oo iu r I numbers. This does: include ,he cost of having .j 'ii'-lioiis prim,., I upon tho official ,:i I ! lot. which all a eonsidcrable sun toj this ainouiit. POLITICAL UNREST OFF SOUTH AMERICAN COAST WIDOWS OF VETERANS' PENSIONS INCREASED WASHlXiiToV. April 17. -After a v.-.-irm e. ,,-!. tl,.- .,u-o and -ell lle ioII- is:.g,. of rl... 'vidovv-' ,,..t,.;.oi l.ill. In "ll-io,IS M. Widows of The .,.,,. all v. Thi- u i; ,, I it . o.i , , ;" :'"y 'ii- p.n-ioi! BIBLE CLASS ELECTS YOUVO ROCKEFELLER VICE PREHIDSNT SAX I'llAM ISin. .;i 7 T!l(, I'.nlleiin -:iv- ,1;,. ,, ,jti,,. uille-l on the south coast ha- .ails, , til" issuance of secret orders to Commander Mayo of the cruiser Albany to pr, pre at oi for a three month-' erni-e. ''he ,e-tin:t lion is -aid to be l.n I ni,,,,, Salvador, ll i- the tall; in n;i'. .-1 j-. 1 . -- ,-,t the Allcnv will ram- . i.. ..v- -. t, ft l.e 1'iipo-e ,,f m.il.ing -eui" leo-icnio nt i BULOUS STRIKE MADE IN CUiIFORNT- MINE SliXol; . i 'a!.. April 17.- ' .-at ,-x i' "t ha- I i -a-ion' ' In Ihi- viciuity l.v 'he .i-covery r:' Ion- .,: 1'old i,i ! lie ,.,..; ,1 mine, 1. mile north of s a. Jn .),- -p,,,.,. 'f 'In 'I'llara broCoi-, i, llle opelalillg lie pni.-rty, Ji.'l '. e la,. II "ti' !t"M ' alii.- I at -I'HO.ilOO. ! ;,. leper! is that t he metal was cut out iv it h a '-Id is. I a. el thai Ih-ro is e.,i, in ili" ,.... . t Hum rock. TT- eu, ,,f th" oi r i.ei- i,e r., is not in -. I'llll.AHFLI'IIIA. April 17. The wiininii whose name is involved in the suicide of W. T sou of Woodbury. who is located here, was this afternoon greatly al't'ecled when informed of the lrage.lv. She is working here as ch-rk in a store and secured permiion ., go home, bin refused to talk. PROHIBITIONISTS FILE LIST OF CANDIDATES The . prohibit i ai l v- of I Ireioo, lm- filed certificates of iioin i uat ion for the pall v candidales as follows: raited i.H.s -oiialor, I. Amos f I'oillaad; .illsli.e of the -liprcllle .- , I'. ,. Bright "f Wasco; dairy and f I com- 'iii--ioiiei-. C. F. H,, shins of Spring I. look; .-ongres-nien. liii Storm of For, si lirove. first di-triel ; . C. shnf t't of I'onl I. -ecoiul district ; mil load eouillii i r, ,. p. Xew, ,,f I'ei'llan,!. ..c.ind district. SI'OKANF, Wash.. April 17. The I'anhaiidle smelter at I'oudcray. Idaho, I'-'i" 1 i leased for live years by the' .Montana M inenw iter,. ' ;,,,;,. headed by Sennlor W. A. Clark. The' price is from l.iril.iiiiu i,, -Moinnni the sliding scale deiieudin , l,i..l.' .v''"1; " I'liea is to close. Tl npae- ily is to be increased from L'-'ll tons to loin) tons capacity. STATE POLICE WILL BE CALLED TO DEAL WITH STRIKERS CIIF.ST Fl, April 17,-Three troops of police from jn-t outside of the citv will come ju later in th,. ,.,v I'.o ....ite'.. work iu preventing disorders iu cotinec lion with the streetcar strike. V-:' V.'I.'K. April 17. .. , , I,,.,, "' an,,,,.., je f,f -., 1,(1,1.. "'" "'' 'h" Fifth avenue p.:, litis.!, ' '' " ''' "" " ' ,-Hll.onl 1 fi,;,! . J.dll, I.. Ito, hefeller. J r . ., , ,.;,.,.!,,' "'!"' -"b'T;f tiiianifnou.le. 'ri..re was - ' l--it:"ii in favor ,i... -vr I.' b'T-ii !ui- !'.- eleiinuan of . -)," "'" Hi'lO'lllced ,' -(, f,,,,.r I'THE STAMPEDDS f IHOTiS; INJURED Pr.STIN'ft EASILY : -1 v- : i.- 1 1 i :. .-,i.. ,,. :: v-h - 1.-;.... I., i;. w .:, v ,i. ' ' t ' ' I 'I- i ' ijl'i. i'l . Vjo I i : : -:c' . , fi v i .., . - Th. . r, - ... , ' . ,. ! ., ,. I. .. ,, DANGER FROM FLOOD IN MONTAVA IS PASSIID RAfLEOAD V.TT.L PAY FOP, DEATH CT ,) A I'H '!1 - " ' euiifns brot.g ,.' I- ' " esl.'ilol n: !.'. -! ' - 'lied in a v.,., a! I'll,,,,!. ,' i, 1 i- ,-,.o!ity, ,st, ''., b-l -I.. - -I , ti, I-, ;r h.-i- -.-' ' 'I " , a - ''.'." lor !, . i,,,!!, , MASONS' AND BRICKT VYSW'!' ! LOCKOUT AT AN END ! ! I' MM.-, ,nl 17. A loel ,,! :,f..,, j ing a great numlier of m.i -ilel i'l i' l lav -is ami nili., woll.uie ,,, '''I '. virlualii -vill end todav. the workmen and deserting lea,,s having -igll'd tlllllS With the eolltr.telol'S. CUNARD LINER KEATS LUKITANIA'H RECORD REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . 10 N'EW CASES. 1,',-so VV -( olil.o, I- .,-! , -. H-li.l W, .!.!, ur': TT. K. Il-nn lintff. iii:i.i:va. . ,,r t ir v.: " '- 'a -! t , -,--. I r la- . ,. g.ir-;, :,. ...... , ol- 1 Th '.r, :,t V.. ,!!,,., - ... .! -iiff-rer. ,i... .,f '.re ! , e. i.iod ,.,,t. , wi ,.,.,. ,,.,,' 9 , .t . TAJ'T TO f'KSIflN FROM ' - ' ' C'.niNET IP NOMINATKI) (silt v-irn.v- ,,ii t- , , If - ' -. '1.. . ,!.; ,. i- " - : '"N "" , ' - I.. "I -.f the ,,. 'i !'! :,.! ;.. ,,- l-i. t.i ,,t Mv V KI. A 17..- f ' ' i I., 'in .1 I,, iv ..,!., ' -" ! h- r.-l " a:;used or placinii i SAWDUST IN HTtFAMsj ,' I I' ' ' ' ' f I'l V . 1 t.l i ' N-tii."l i i t. . I , re-,1 h', . .. j ' ' '" ' I ... n. .! ;., tir. ! ' ' -' 1 ' 1 1 ' " "l " ! I' H 'i : .- . :. , !,.!., ;., " ' 1 '" '' I'-""" Fall! ' 'T - i 'i. I I- t,,l Jennie F. He: s to I!. B. 1,'uss interest in section -J, towns!, i ".. range it W I. F. Olson t I;. . Toft . lot . Olson's Addition l M'dlord I'leasaut A. 1 1 1 s to llareii,,,. A. Meeker. t, 7 ,,n, S. t.l...- Ic ". Narregan's Addition. ... ford I. F. I ll-oll to W 1 1 !....l .... I'd il. Ii k i!, Olson -s Ad.li' tion, Medford lelllolte 1,,;,,, , V. . M"d ",. I"'- I. -2 a, ii. I, loel; I". M.,:' I Ilarrv l.uv .1 al. I,, .-,,:,h .l:u. 'V'i l-an "f l"l I. I.l.e-i I. .I:iel,..iv llle I. A. I'.-iiv t,, II. w. II. Albert. '"I- i .aid ii. block L-I. II ti ir Aldiiion. I hi I e ':,l. lelin I!. Ilugaa to l . Strang et III.. Sill aeles ill seelioll M, towu-hip range : w : !.'. .1. Fd wards lo W. II. I'ealer. property ill Ashland tV. I '.. I I. I I,: I ,. , I-, , ,,, Melli,. l "v. land iu li. I,, f town- la.'i:-- 1 i. '..1.1 Minus A , '" ' 1 1' ''a fin;:" W I ' Ma.iii, t,, Kill x. '"'d Mining Co., ..,, i .,. I'oti "I, lowiohu, ;(, run.,,, :i : :. i -.,il,n-a I'.,,,!,, i,,- W. I,. i hil '''I,. :l s in l. I. ,'. i;. tow i, -hip ;;,;, ,tf. vv I.vni r"t'"l s - lo C-i-vii, F. i;, .dim III i; Baton!. r. pair V "-I at -( ' .t v , i'r-. -; - i '" ib i f " , . - :, l.l -: ;,! .'!. " -I i'"i 1 " o o ,,-!'.-. i'ltOI'ATE (.OURT. ' "' '.i.i ,:.,(,,.. :i , ,, a I. I'-W o.i, -Mil, of .,,ev I i:,p, . I -t!,i" of ohn T l.avloi. Or,. r -on b ! O l"-' -III,- "I I' fi -t I'" " 1 ' 'I'l il I To I, II, lia -i, . ,,w, f . ' ' a ' ll h lei I lie.., !' n.u 1 111 I., lijll'l . I I". 'If' -ingle or ,,,. , i.'IOII; .., .1 , . ,',,!d loo.,,,- ,,, ,,( " ' - . io. ,,.,, , ,,, .,,. I'l Va.h. ''. '' lt-,1,-. o WWTI.ll Chid;,.,,- and veal; high '-I pri.e. ,..,. MHfot.l M,,,l Co.. s l ',,!tinge r. til o O CD