THK MKPFOM) DAILY TINHUNB, M KDI'Ol. 1), OK.. Til ri.SDA V. AIM.Io Hi. 1MW. EME READ EAD WJIEX J. O. VAX DYKfc'OIiUKRKP THAT Tins lU'SIXIWX UK CI.OSKI) OUT AX1 lMXCONTlNTKl) TllFUF W VX OYF1' S10000 wmi-tii or vrvr wooivn SFKOAL ANNOUNC FN 1 EAD I n Beginning Saturday, April 18 ENTIRE SPlilXO LINE OF OAUCOKN. "('i INTillA.MS, I'Kl.CA MIS si'MM KM 1)1. ESS MATEKiALS, OURTA1X SWISSES, DRAPERIES. LINEN'S ' ETC THESE AXD EVERY ARTICLE IX Til K STORE M FST A LL UK SOUlXOOX S POSSIBLE AXD PRICES WILL DO T.IIE WORK. Just Received AXD COXTIXUIXO UNTIL EVERVT1I1NO IS SOLD. THIS STOCK OF IlKJLt (il.ADE MERCHANDISE WILL ME OFFERED VOL AT SI (Ml PRICES AS NEVER' BEFORE KNOWN IX SOUTHERN Ol.EtJON. Greater Bargains in Every Department WIl FX AVE ADVERTISE PAR(IATXS WE DO NOT OFFER YOU CHEAP COODS P.OUOIIT FOR SALE PURPOSES AT CUE VP PRICKS !UT OUR FN OF HIOH-GRADE MERCirAXJ)ISE. AT PRICES YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO OVERLOOK. I'll-'E LINE Such Lines as These Are Known Everywhere FOR LADIES jLA VOUUE GARMENTS, HENDERSON & SA1IL.M CORSETS, P. CEXTE.MKRI '& CO. 'M FIXE GLOVES, THE CROSS AXD E. P. REM) & COS SHOES VXD ' : ' OXFORDS. FOR MEN MEN'S OXFORD SPRING SUITS, CONQUEROR AND STKTSON II VTS W VLK OVER AND FLORS1IEIM SI IOES, COI I N. X ICI I KLSI5U I & COMPVNVS HEAVY SHOES. RPlVTF'lVf'R'FrR T"'S 'SA'iHXlIlxl,:-)l'IT-U,slxl axi.t.i. van dyr-eco. must and will quit BUSINESS as SOON as lVLlTlLlTlULlV THE STOCK can be disposed ok. Your Fare Free for Twenty Miles on Purchases of Twenty Dollars and Over ii l Van Dyke's Quit B ; "MMMWal"lIMM'IIIM''MI,M'l'l"''W'" in i urn mm iimii i .1 I I. II Ul I I I I 1 II I I II !l III. i ill i i' . ... i. ...... I" II.. 1.1 . 1 , I usiness Medford Oregon NEWBERRY TELLS ; j ' OF DEFALCATION j Ktlilnr Tribune: I :nii ono of tin 3 bondsmen of former County Supcriiitcn- ileut !nilv ,-mm1 bey to iiuilco n statement 4 ill rrjr;irl to the Nliortiitfe in the ol'fiee. N " iiinl I trust yon will yivo this statement J the s:uiif coiispiiMioiiH position in your : paper which yave to your recitals 1 in the issue of April t.t. 1 .Mr. Daily tendered his residua t ion nnd .1. I. Wells was appointed his sue censor. I slnted lo the county court in- open session, Dunn, Patterson nnd - litvmn boitio;: present, t hot I wished 'they would -'require the - Hiiecessor ot' Ihtily to inakT1 fl investigation and re port of the financial condition of llie office, and if there was a shortage I was ready to make it good. I knew t hat I lie iusl it ute fund came into Mr. Daily's hands ly virtue of hin office ! and tin law, and T examined Jhtf insti- .. tnte fund r m myself and found that ' there was a shortage in the branch of "i ? the office, and I informed the court to ) jj that effect and that I was ready t -'? turn the money over to the court. i was told lo wait until Superintendent - ; Wells made his report so that the court ; miyht know officially what the tdiort r ajje was, and then turn the money over I do not know whether the superintend f, nt has yet filed his report,, but when ever he does I he money is read v le make good nny shortage the office may In regard to the shortage in district I.o. (S, permit me to Htnte that the shortage has been made good and t ti clerk of that district has his monev. T never had a demand made upon me for i that money except through the district attorney's office, and did not know of the shortage except in that way. Mr, Rerfmes threat to sue me as one of Daily's bondsmen gave me the first knowledge of the shortage in that dis- triet. as the records of the office did rot show that fact. When informed hy Mrs. Daily that it would have been fairer to allow her to settle the claim without threatening to sne the bonds men, Mr. Keames replied he "1 bought it Would be fairer to sue the , bondsmen. ' So far as T know, the records of the "perinteiidi'Tit ' office does not show shortage, r any other district except Har,, di-rtet Xo. T. nnd that sum has hern piid to the eb-rk of that 1U liiet. ) The inotlftife fund is ready to be pnid over to rheounty as soon as T am in famed of te nmoTint short. The claim of district . is settled, nnd T know nothing of any shortage of Dni- Iv's in any: other district referred to. If there is, it will be settled. t w. in regard to the bond I do not j know wh. ther T prewired the bond or not. bnt if T did I wish to say it is n 3 gid one o f:ir as the form is con 'corned. If the copy publisher! in the! f Tribune j correct one. T signed the -"'t'd nnd justified nrfder the t.iw ns t, my rrspontibilitr fmanciailv. name of Daily in missing from the bund I cannot bo blamed for that, for I had no authority to sign his ii:tme to Ihe bond and enn certainly not be ln-ld re sponsible because his name is not there. L believe, however, that. I did not pre pare the bond. I want to say to the people of .hi.-!;-so m-ouiity that, if T mn elected dis trict attorney there will be im uecrssilv for suing the bondsim n of I'. II. Dnilv, ior wnai.ever shortage tliere may be in the office will be made iond :is soon as we know of the amount without the necessity of n suit; and besides. Mr. Kennies remains in the oi'i'ice for near ly three months yet and he can bring! suit on the bond jn that lime, and there! will be no. necessity for Newbury sue-, ing himself. I understand from a reli- s able source that Keames, uh is a dem J ocrat, but is attempting lo dictate the! nomination of republican candidate f.n district attorney in this distii.t, hits said that he would like to sue ewbury on the bond, for it "would cripple him politically to lw defendine; su h a suit. " Very respectfully, fil'H N'KWItlMiV. SALOONS OF MARSHFIELD TO CLOSE ON SUNDAYS MAIiSIII-MKU), Or., April Hi.-'riie saloons of Marshfield inusi. heieafiei close on Sunday. Distii.t Atturney (i. M. DlOWII f b'oseltillg has been in Mm city and held a i ferenee wiih I he lifpior dealers. He cited the state law regarding Sunday closing it ml tel. I iln--talotnmcN thai he would m i- I., if (lint the law was enforced ;ntd Ihal !n would prosecute any iidaiions. North I'xml recently passed a cily ordinance provid Ing for closing, every niyhl a! 1 o 'chick and on Sntuhiy all day. The Marsh field city i ncil pa-ed a mid iHglit ordinance bni did not tal:e up the Sunday closing inir-li .n. The itli Snbon league of tie count v i:t nim been edeavoring to bring ;i!n.nt fi:- n foreement of the state law prohibitum the sale of lienor on Sunday. The league has i.c. d in ..,-,ni.ig :, fcr fieienl mind.. r of p titions to plm-e the local option iiiestiot to a vol,, of il.e people nt the next election. District Attorney lirown las an nonnced that he fcm . hoy. ,, r jeipiist, n young lauy-r. to a-ii him as prosecuting :itt..rn. v fr i his dis Notice. PROGRAM AT THE MEDFORD SKATING RINK FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL: Two sessions da ily from l' to "i p. m. and 7 :.'') to U:::n . m ''M,.S days', Fridays and Saturdays for each wetdi during the monlii. i hange of program to commence l-'riday, April :t, when the price of t iekols for afteinooii sessions will be reduced to I" cents. Friday of each week will he I. a dies' Night, when skates will be is sued to them free; genalf incut IT. cents. Society Night. Tuesday of each week; ailniission 10 cents, skates r "nis. Music by Kink Hand. Thursday nights dancing, coi mem-iiig April !; g.-nl ein,-n 7"i cent", ladies free. Music by Kink Hand. Children 's Day Saturday alter noons; skates 1."i cents. (Jrand May Day Mas. pie Skaiit. Festival S.ilird-iy, Ma- l':...-licn-lar.s later. Windell & Loosley, Proprietors. eMr-v-in tli. BINGEB HERMANN COMES TO AID SENATOR FULTON pri til. -That ".lid Saturday iin.-r Hermann :iatd jur that LA (ii.' W'DK. or lfeeV jl d wlu n li night in Portland tka had tetifieii before third of the Mr.-gM was in f:ivnr of Hall for i is district atlotnev -u-: harge uiaib- by peech defeioling linillf tacks of Idnev. Fulton net only .all d II this instance n wwll a others, but read :t 1.1- jtao, t Hermann, in which t he former If the aentative flatly denies hrtwi.g such lest i m ony. lie men I ions t lie consistency ,,f ibis, as he faoied I ecy Kellev of Albany. The (,deo, Was easily Ihe ten In re f (lo Fulton believed Hermann lo I soiilh, but wired to to iram his addivss. j (picry was an-w.r ( by Hermann himself, ft follows; " Kosobuig. nr.. April I.'l, lion, i . ' - I'ultoii. Lti (iijinde. Or,: I as, 'i l that I never leslified before a fraud iury that the delegation agreed to up port Hall for reappointment. ;h so. Ii was not the case. If we had so aor. ed )r Would have been roc ommciidefl , lis, W'tlU'h he was not. because ue c not aoreo among oiir-o h-.--.. .1 was I'c ivv If. K. IN v. 'HfVdlllf II KK ( A V. Senator Fiilhm' spt(!,e to one of polilical Kul ln-rifgs of ihe . piiu'ii. The opet a hu-o was p.o i . Mr. Fult-.n was given an ai;lo over I he alley and Nited ( o loll and Hot IlI.e. wlieie h.- WK . a li:inMiii t. Scores of h'-i fi i. if! . . I it.-d him ii his io,oii at tlo- Ifoi.l f. Ittesiteon W'Iicm yon Will 1 1; (L)lrAIJTV wlicl lii'i' in )i!:i)iciM;:s, station khy, toiu:t . u rn c i, ks. ( Ki.M.'S inini' In 1 lie si ore where i. hi. i in i.i' i REMARKABLE AUTO RUV MADE BY CAPTAl'J S al Hi, I., r-fnini N- V l"!f V V. 'INI (). r:,l , il !'. 1 f -f --. i 1 1 T. .1. C. V:,.li. I Imi wit,, riinl H.m .,, 1 V..lm. i "ii, nui.I.. :in c,i,.!l..t,f ),,.) t,. , ''fi' iuiiI ri'tiirn in A-.l.,,, n r r . -nr. l:iitii,k. f,,,,,, (,.r,I,. , " ''"-I. nl .I:,v , ' ' "' "--III UillMV, I Hi...n III, . I'1'" I :. ., mi'- .-' "t .'in 1. I'.r H mil.- tri.. Tli.. p. n f i 'r..y I" M..rif.-iM ? 1 .11. n fft:.n.... r ) !.., irrm iii.i't.. in ?n rniim!.-. :.r. r. .n li. n i i. (:, I,,. i, int.. i-..Ti-i.. r:i t i..n In. i.ll1 13. i.ij.t.iin in 7 t Viiirtt 1. 1-1. thi. in .' H .11 duality Counts Eagle Pharmacy A. WHITMAN'. MniKiLi'ei'. :w s'i Ol.ll (Hi l.( 'AT ION' Second to None Moore's Ifjiiifi'es lend iill others. 'I'hey s;ive furl, lime, mourn "I irttrri ;i Iroiihled housewife oflen liie;ins ;i I roiihle soine eooksfo'e in the kilehen. ('onkin on a Moore is a rlelihl. Ask (lie niies who use them then enine In Pxivden, Ihe man who sells Iheni ami select Ihe si vie thai snils your own nce.i hesl. I le has !S varie- lics, I 'coin the sniallesl lo the larfi'esl, hnl ever l.ind is (H'.MfAN 'I'KKD TO (IIVM SAT ISFACTION. I lie in ices are I nun 5(518 i,5fir7. The Ccaluivs which can lie olitaincil onlv m a Moore Kane are wilh oiil price. Be Convinced of what ."ino users of Moore Ranges already know - llial Moore's Ii alines Ahruis I'lrusr. 11. M. Cake, Republican Candidate for Nom ination for United Slates Senator. BUY A mm RAttSE n Imt it. iitni.v in I'.iiil' r l. lit In .til li .I,, .,. .! I - I.. H. i. It II. III. nr.l l,icl(i) litiV ilrivir. . :ir O tur i nt lnit:iil ii-Ii-tiiiiii.t rtiti'H. , Mi.lrr.. L'l Vop!o who oooot w i.h I hi' lii'nl iiml liimw I lin I". .I ilrink, "finlil in lliili " lliKlt Ion, In ('of I gP,,, ,, ,y ,m,,.; i ItKMIAS.On ei) Ik - 'rv- V "ft u.'kM.h' Ii tit:,ifjt Mr. I'lil... i Hi.- !i,Im.,.;ii,. ,n SOI ... I mi. I r "l.-.-l p . -1 ( l'iiil... Stuti-H s, ii.n.ii s. Tu n i . ill . !,.. . I, 1 1,,. st,,, I,,,- ,,s , sst',,1 "l'l""1""1- I' s.nis t. .,,,., I ,.) I,,.:, I I!, l, ln-lii'Vi-l. ill illl'. i..lilirs. 'I'll,, in, hi I.imi ,,..- I,:- ,..(,.;,. ; if III .,..,. j.,, , III.' ,"IU. I, III ,..,sts I , I,..,., ,11 Sl.ll.,,,,.,,1 N... I Mill ,,t . i, I'lllillslll til Mllr , tli. . ,i,;i i, , H,i. .. ,! -I :,..,. ;, 1,. I ,s,. v, , .i,.v,. In 111- ....itl:ir ' I I'ii, ti. I Stun, , ,i. - i,, i,,-.,, 1 1. ii.4, ,i,., till' i. Ill l,t:,i-liiiii. in living I,, t 11..1.1 HIHKIYOU MINEI1S TO FORM BIO ASSOCIATION . I .1, ti 4 toooo iU. i tin- priiti'i-tiiiti r. vvi'ii- ilisi-ussi'il. I- ii. I i. .i.i i.,.. I ,it it, .11 MllT Mil I). r 1.1. TI,. . I i I. r H,.,l urnnor n l.r,.. Mil,, iium Is' I'r lit,. ;i-si i, ... is ).,., inn I.,- I, ill l',.,,,,i ll. 1 til.' Hllilti. ..I' ;, ,i,.v iiiL-n,ii..,i,,n '..i mill . I , ' , i, is :, II,, ,,, , , ..,,u, lit r. lH rlllls,;, i-v. lliili-. :. ;,l l II,,. in,., ,;,,,, w,. ,,. ,,, ,'. liii l,.l. II. i..i,ij. ,.f II, .ml, i , .-.; t!i.,A I: :,i. -. .-SI, ill... Iiiiiisiiinir, lltnii iii-tiil ti-,i,p.,i;irv i-l,;, , ,, ,. .,,, '.ti'l . i:,. ,:il-i, n i- , Atinlr..i, ..I' Cnlluha,, i, ,,,..,i:,n ; II. .i l, II in Kis, ill,.. ,.c,. "'. Tin- .r..ilt I haOMsj M..1.I.-H.M., I'.ir. Oin I'ii,,., Ni,', ii I'.'lllnil imii'iiilinti .u ;,l,., i 1 1,,. , s, ,,, , s, in,!. V. ,.,.,, Vl. l.,1, II, n county iiut, with hruiicln-H it, tin.' :ni : Kln'ii'ttli tin-l S. ult rin'M.