TIIH MEPFORP DA1LV TRTHUXE, MEPFORP. OR.. THURSDAY. APRTL 16, H)08 Medford Daily Tribune ASHLAND OPINION A Lira Paper in a Live Town. foblixhed every evening except Sunday Medford Publish In g Company. 0. ITTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted R8 Hero ml 'uxh Matter in the Piwtolficp at Medford, Oiion. Subscription Bates: One month, by mail or carrier. . . .$0.50 One jrear, by mail fi.00 RECORD OP FAILURE. (Aahlaml Vnlley Ifeeor.l.) Tbn public ban jum been nooriscd of another addition to tin depart uH-ntH of jounty government that h:i been nl .'owed to (O to llif dugs- i In office of rouuty superintendent. A defn leal ion f nearly JW0 In tin funds uf two fonutry districts nnd tin- jupcrintend ii 'h bond shown tliut only a $innn !oiid WO einctid; Unit tin- "ri n t-ini i-ut had ufVtr mi u iied tlio bond as prin cipal; tbat a mediocre attorney, win j reparo the insl rnmcnt nnd it watt n cepted and now JwbrcH that In ran not be bold for tin shortage, refuses 1o pay. in not furred to pay and in a candidate for district jiltoniey. and sbould be be u wsfu!. the devil will be, to pay before tiie Iok.th get llieii money bark from liim. This situation lulls on tlie heels of a Imri.onial "equalization" of till "2 II per rent on III aHsemnueill t liat tlie rouilty judge affnir yet put tip in .lark mm ronnly; j' and othr officials now declare wiih , he most iiii-iilu'reiit and incongruous iheri ft' 'h off ire allowed to run itself juti I at poorly an il pleaded, a nd I lien vniiic; a comity poor grand jury report tliut disgraced I lie enmity 1 hroughout tin stale, and a road and bridge policy t bat is beaded bark ward in plaee oi forward. It is one of the mysteries of (he people why such general irrespoii nihility should exist al the roiirt house. It would appear that it in somebody V business to interfere and rail a half loin en he re. The public is tired of Ihe ineonipefenry, inefficiency and want ot decision nf character that seems to perinea I e the courthouse. OF CAPT EGGLESTOM What Prominent Business Men and Citizens Think of Good Roads and Refonn Candidate for County Judge Most Competent and Efficient. BURDENING; A WOMAN. Thin paper in in receipt of a column titration from a Medford woman, which thrown a sidelight upon the nrlioiiM ot thn courthouse ring in the Daily affair, and shown how the fairer sex view tin transaction: " Medford. )r April Hi. MiS. "To the Kditor: In all this lall ibont I he school superintendent 's of fiee I notice tliat I hr bondsmen mid .iudgo are excusing themselves by say ing Hint Mrs, )jiily promises lo m it. A woman wit b three children 1 raise under these distressing vundi thins b:is enimgh on her hands wit hunt usHtiniing such a burden in a crisis lik tin one that hiis befallen her family. It appears to me that such big men at Mr. Newbury and Mr. On tin shouh! have paid the money promptly out oi their ample fort one and not allowed tht scandal to get out. The brave littb mother could have paid the amount in later yearn and have been saved I In bitter grief of exposure to her chil dreii. appears Hull (he fault lief witb I be other officials in a measure an they seem to have known what was going on before the calamity came to a bead. Where ioch this boasted chiv airy of tin stronger sex appear in the unfortunate affair, and would Ibis un seemly desire to fasten the burden di rert upon the woman be so keen in u t-iviliuit ion wherein cqunl polil ical privilege prevailed f I'tom a "WOMAN'S I'OI.VT OK VlllWV ROADS AND BRIDGES. The county roads and bridges of Jackson ronnly are monuments to (he itlcnpncity of tin present ndiniuistra (toll. Meurcely a bridge in the county i safe. From liold Mill ami Woodv ill. to Florence It nek and I'rospert the costly Hlruetuies are on the verge of collapse, iiiniply t hrough cnrelessner.t and neglect on the purl of official and a grudging economy that naves a penny to lone it ibdlnr. The county highway tire Ihe worst ever. In the mountain districts the are impassable, hi the well traveled sections, full of rots, rlui.khoh" ami hogbacks. Well nigh impolitic. c. mud are allowed to lapse into a dis graceful condition :inl old roads air till Worse. The people h:m chance to change all this ut Ihe poll tonioiiow. a chance lo n rt i t iitt modern, up to date tnelh nd for mossbmk ism, :moI to noniiiintc men who know a good r.ijol when tin sec one. understand how to build one and will keep roads and bridges in re pair. MR. NEWBURY'S REPLY. trio Nenbniy, boiiiWman for I'. M huily, tecelitly coiuily oipeiiu trndeiit, phc in ji not her cola inn to the rbittgc umde in . (inner! on w it h rne tooituge lounu in the cui t lioute. lit) answer i inlxrettin in us n.lnm tions Hud omissions. If the bo ad sin i n ottered lo m:ik food the shortage to Ui rouul toiut hv did the court ut dike htm up.' If the district attorney ihieutcned fhr bondsman with a liwsiiii to ieenei a defalcation, why did t he boudsuwin force Mrs. Iaily to put up the moio- he bad agreisl In put np hiinsell ! The bondsman has no! beei, notifi.Hl tbat a whorl ago exists in another Inml dilitrict, Vet il Won reported b t lie CoUIlt V NUtMMilltendent. If .Mr. I :i 1 1 v ft name does not appe.n as principal on the bond, can bis sure tied be beet f The county court hirli approved nml accept e.1 the bond was attrely grossly negligriil in this. Mr. Men bury dor not epbiin U the defiib-alioii wan bnshi-d up and kepi tH'tot from Ihe public. Method iRt Epiftcopal Church, H Street. f Ashland, i is a ran office of Inning the city election at Ashbind hist December I he Tribune ' Ashland .Correspondent mailed the office alt the i lodgers and circtilars thai were printed in that campaign, which were duly filed away in the information bureau pigeon lioh-N ,f this office. . Ill looking over this information bu reau this week the one indorsing higgle -it on was particularly interesting at thin time, and the Tribune railed up its cor respondent at Ashland and impiired as to the circumstaurcs of the publication of the same nml was informed that it ivas gotten up by Kgg!eton 'h support rs mid that Kgglcstoii did not see the ireiilnr until it was ready for eircula II. .11. Am Kgglesloli defeated I). It. tirant, the present under sheriff of lackson county, over two to one on tt large vote, this circular shows that Mr. Kggleston ' supporters were the tuost prominent people of the city. The fol lowing is the circular: ' ' A Few Tacts Itegarding the It irdersbip o ('apt. M. i- Kggleston. win lidale for re elect mn to Ihe ilv recorder, litis proven himself a most ompeteut official in nil the depart ilieilts of that office police judge, clerk if the city council, water rent collect or, fie. II is Igal know ledge has enabled the ity to dispense with the office of city itlornev, which alone has been the means of saving the city several li mi I reds nf dollars annually. Mis ordinances, records and ilofiiinents in exery respect have stood the careful scrutiny of abb' lawyers, resident and uon resident, who bad gone over the 4amo for clients who had I oiue dis ','liiutlerl over special benefit assessments Hid wished lo upset Hies nine. Hereto tore the city was taken into the circuit 'ourt and on every occasion thrown into I he costs nut il I his k iud of perform - Hire had 1 onto a regular custom in m1i hi nd. The hostility exhibited by certain t il ;eiiK to his reelect ion is not on the 'round of any failure, but on the con trary because his part icular attainments have secured mid protected the laxpnv is against financial loss, discouraging bdays and embarrassments in carrying h rough public works and t ransact iug its general business. His especial capacity had ability to keep Ihe official records and documents 'dear of lawsuit breeding techictilit ies is it ii important argument for his re 'led ion. even t hough il isgt uiit led cil i .run find in il I lie motive of their hos tility. The friends of Ciiplain Kggleston on Monday iuter iewed the severnl may ors and couiicilmen during whose term I'jiplilin Kggleston has served, men who were in n- position lo observe his lec otds closely. The following statements Were freely given: " 'Captain Kggleston has been the most competent and efficient li tdel tl ity ever had. K. MAYOlf tJ. S Itl'TI.KK. " 'I'Uliiig the I (Min 1 served as nuin cil ma n a nd st reet coiiiiu issioin r, ( 'a p I ill Kggleston has jiloVell to me to In ,1 most competent mid efl'icielll I'e collier. I cannot praise him too high ly.' V. . liltrillt. " ' I d M. K. Kggleston for re colder a most rompelelit olfirial, as he ! .Something Ntw I I 111 HnbbT Tiri-8 that it Kill puv yuu to jiuvmtiicuti'. COMPLETE 8T0CK, prompt work, satisfaction guaranteed. Mitchell & Poeck GENERAL WAOONERS. K;it 7th Ntrcct, rrar nf .Mirriinuii 'h llln.'kNinitli Shnp. 0Mi'clfcril, Or. t. 'onri l":l. lias proven himself to be in the p: ('. A. i;i,i SU. '' hill ing the time I sen od ns cilman from the first ward. I can very highly of I'aplaiu Kgglestoii's pro llcielirv as a rompelelit recorder.' -A. (!. 1.1 VINtJSTo.V. i 'oiiiiciltnan Itowersox is out of tow n today and could not be interviewed, but he lins repeatedly leinaiked to citizens: 'As a recorder he ( I'ngestnli) cail't be beat.' " 'I believe 'a pi a ill Kggleslon to be a competent mid telitible ot'l'iccr and his services hae been alliable to til'' city,' .1. SVI. M A ! It. " ' I believe it Would be impossible lo find a more efficient reemder or one more de. ot ed to I he c i t V s interest . I K A SllOl'liV. ' "I consider Mr. Kggleston s iptali tl.-ulloii s tor the oHiec ot eltv recorder as 1 in eerv resoe.t.' It. V. NKIK. e m;i or ii nd present councilman. Mr. !'. II. I 'mtei present uiaor of -4hlnnd. in i ev:itin oxer the tel e p to i in- ti i on l ed fold , ga v e perm issinil lii ijiiote liim as stalini; that ('apt, M. I. Kyglesti.n has made an excellent re corder, lieing otnpetent and highlv efficient. ' ' huiing my to e;iis on the citv council I have found M. K. Kggleston to lie a eiy efficient, honest and alii able official, ami I do not hetii m thai any one can be found lhat is avail abii to fill his place as well.' .1. I. VMI'NG. ' ' I hae had experience serving on city councils before coining to Ashland and am serving on Ihe council here by appointment. I neer saw a more thor toighlv competent and efficient recorder than Mr. Kggeton ami it is doubtful if Hi. re i ..tie in the stale. It would.be :i in iit a k i for t lie otet s to d is pi ace him.' i II Sb'l.l'S STKWKT. "M dealings with b'ecotder Kg gie-toit's .-tli.e have alnavs iroeii lo I be a, .mate and c. inert. He has proven to be a f n-t class official. ' li. ii. Kl ! I? K citv t.easurer. ) ' apl d-gleslnn's tnithod of colldll.-l ling his ..fine w M.ietW oil the prin.i p it f law mnl order and his poll. i llett of 111. s.,01 bul " bren There will be a Good I'ridav nervic tomorrow from 2 lo 3 p. in. There will, rw three ten minute nddreHmn on tub ' jeeta appropriate for th day. All are' UTited. proof ..f Hi III. The lies) use Waitsbnig 1'lonr. ALLEN A REAGAN flour is ihe cooks alwav n I'me White' SEE TIIK MOW AM) i:i'T(lf)ATK i.i.vi-: or coiiiiAM s'riMii.iN.i HI I. Villi OX lUSI'LAV AT THF. KV .IKWKI.KV KTOHK. .H!fT TIIK Til I Ml h'oli IIAMTKI! I'HKS KXTS. !1arlin J. Reddy 11 NORTH 0 STREET, Flno Watch and Jewelry Re pairing a Specialty. War the INmtnf fife. Children Come in to HASION'S Saturday 15,00 Easter Egg's Free See Our Window Wise Talks By the Office Boy la siivm a rose bv anv other name would be jut a expen sivo back east this lime of year. 1 sometimes think be pines for the piney woods in old Penob scot, Krnppc 1'iuinty, Maine, where he was raised - but that's . one thing yours truly never yearns for. The good mountain! and the good obi ocean and nice old Oregon atmosphere are good enough for m . Hut it 'h all in how ou were raised. Pa likes chiin chowder mnl corn on the cob. ami harvest apples mid a lot of thing that a kid who was boin thii aide of the snow sheds hasn 't had much chance to get acquainted with. Thorn who have licd on both sides of 1 hit great country and lived long enough to know what s w !mt ran get all tho thing just as nice one place ns an other, if yon know where lo buy. We got clam chowder from Itostmi that is just ns nice ns anv ou eer ate on Ihe sand, and lots of other things that have that 'lown Kast ' tftte. MILLER & EWBANK Men's New Spring Suits 1 ;1 r SINCERITY CLOTH El 9 TIIH SIIOWIXO OF NEW STKTXa STYLES AT OUR STORE DESERVES A FEW MINUTES OF YOl'R TIME TIIE VERY FIRST CHANCE YOU GET TO COME IX. TIIE NEW MODE SHADES AND BL'OWNS, WIUCTC ARE PRE-EMINENT SHADES TUTS SEASON, ARE SHOWN I X A N EXC E I'T I OX A b- LY ATTRAC I I Y E ANNOKT MENT. AND WHEN WE SAY THAT WE II A YE AS FINE A SHOWIXO OF CEOTIITXC! AS CAX I'.E 1'RODITED, IT IS NOT. THE USUAL SPECIES (W" HOT "Mil" SO FIi'EQUEXTLY USED V( m AX NOUNCEM ENTS. FOR YOU .MUST REM EM 1ER THAT EYERY PROMIXEXT CLOTIII.N0 HOUSE IN AMERI CA SENDS ITS REPRESENTA TIVE TO US AVIT.IL ITS LINE. WE OFFER YOU Alfred Benjamin 6 Co's Clothes AS 0 ARM ENTS THAT EXCEL OTHER'S IN FIT AND STYLE; AND Til EY ARE CERTAINLY SUPERIOR IN WORKMANSHIP WHICH (IIVES PERMANENT VALUE. REM EM 15 Eli, THIS IS THE ONLY CLOTHING STORE IX SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYING AN EXPERIENCED TAI LOR TO KEEP EVERY SUIT WE SELL PRESSED FREE OF CHARGE AS OFTEN AS YOU AVISH TO I5R1NG1T IN. IT WILL 15E WORTH YOUR WHILE AND TROUBLE TO INVESTIGATE. dlNCtRITY CLOTHES COP1 HIUMT MENS SHOP When the Fire Bell Rings Must people WAKE UP. I Ioven't; you lienrd it. pinning, iMii.n'iu. riiiin.y: loud eiiotili lo wake 1 1 u dead in Meill'ord iluriiii;- tlie last year? It means that rilil imw is tlie rinht time to net in on the utohikI floor in tli( lieart of the city, he fore the new railroad, Ihe water system and the eoal road sets things to hoomini; in Greater Med ford. It means that such a chance as we are ahle to offer for the next FIFTEEN" DAYS ONLY Of Twelve Choice Residence Lots in tin1 Beautiful FAIRY1EW ADDITION', On West Seventh street, for the low price of for the entire twelve lots will not occur aijain in the history of Medford. The time is limited: don't let the ch.ince pass you by. For full particulars call on the Rohe River Land Go. Exhibit Building Made in New York IENJAMIN Correct Clothes for Men are Economical, because AlFnvlRrnijnin t. fZ AAKERS The Wise Man Seeks Absolute Protection for His Valuables There nre numerous instances where alunble jewelry, heirlooms and other treasures have been stored about the house, and when fire broke out or burglars rame, these valuables were destroyed or stolen. Hotter be on the aafo side and secure Absolute 1'roteetion for your valuables by renting n Safe I o posit Mox in the Kiro and Iturglar Proof Vault of the .laekson County Hank. Kinest in Southern Oregon. SATE DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT, Si AND UP FER YEAR. jTh Capital nd 8nrplnJ" . M . . . iiiNoco.00. p C-rnint- 3 IT & ... .a Eit.nblishpd 1888. V. I. VAWTKH, A Kio-oin, ORtoox t (l li. I.1N0I.KV. they cost no more, and wear longer than others. And there is the Correct New York Style that stays in a "Benjamin" Garment to the end. That's why we sell 'Benjamin" Clothes. DANIELS Seventh Strecl New Clothing Store .1. K. KNV.UiT.rrMi.l rut. .1. A. I'KliHV, Vi,-o rri'si.l. nt. .lolIN S. oliTir, Cnshiir. W. 1!. JACKSON, Aw t -Minor. The Medford National Banh MEDFORD. Ot- CAPITA L $.-,0,000 NUR'PLUS 10,000 Safety 15o.es to Rent. A General llankiiii: IJusiness TraO-iacted. We Solicit Your Patronage