ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES The Weather Western Oregon Showers tonight or Friday; southerly wiudn. C- I THIRD YEAR. PRIMARY "BIG STICK (CITIZENS ELECTION SWIffi ON HELD UP ON FRIDAY ROOSEVELT Bf THUGS mkdfoim), oi;.,;riiri;si).vyt www, k;, iios. XO. 24 Dunn Once Again. LoGal Interest Centers in the Mulkey, Newbury and Eggleston, Dunn Contest-Will Write Names Tomorrow direct primaries for iiomi li ft ting state and county tickets are held throughout Oregon, lu Portland and tho greater purr of tho stato interest in ho republican primaries couture in the fight waged betwoen Statement No. 1 supporters and anti-Statement No. 1 men, between tho Cnko and Fulton forces. I u Jackson county tho repub licuns have no. Statement No. 1 men in the field. .1. U. Hammt-rslv and II Kuhli, the republican candidates, have both repudiated Statement No. 1. The democrats seeking nomination ftro Pmdin and 1. II. Miller of Medford and T. M. Jones of Central Point. Local interest centers in tho fight for the republican nominations for district attorney for the first district betwoon fins Newbury nnd H. 1 Mulkcv and for county judge between the incum bent, Oeorge W. Hunn and M. F. Eg gleston. Chances seem to favor Mul key and Kggleston. A great deal of interest is shown in the contest for republican nomination for county commissioner between Ed Andrews and .lames Owens. For the as sensors' office, both J. W. Lawton and W. T. fi reive claim success. There are no contests for the other nominations. , pmocrats are expected to write in on tho ballot the s of Georgo E. Chamberlain for Tinted States senntor, .T. J. Whitney of Albany for congress man and F. IS. Cavender of lioseburg for joint represent:! 1 1 ve for Jackson nnd Douglas counties. The latter is a State ment No. 1 man. HAUSER LAKE FLOOD STILL DOING DAMAGE Several Laws Which He Desires Enacted Will Not Go Through this Ses sion So Say the Leaders HKLKXA, Mont., April 10. A spe cial to the Record states that tho flood of water- from Hauser lake is passing (.rent Falls without doing any great damage. They are depending on blow nig up the channel with dynamite, serv ing in this way to carry off the excess waters. General Manager Goodall of the lios ton & Montana company states the groat smelter will not be damaged. The sit nation at Craig is verv serious, The town is destroyed and its 100 inhabi tants have taken refuge in the hills. With tho exception of the schoolhousi practically every building is destroyed The work of repairing the dam has lie gun. It is estimated tho work will re quire six months and the cost will be CHANDLER GRILLS TEDDY AND INDORSES LA FOLLETTE CONCOKI). N. II., Ajril HI. In n cir eular letter in which ho denounces thr administration for what he calls complete abandonment of its reform policy, ex-Senator William K. Chandler made nn app-al tothe people of thr I niled States to support Senator I.a Toilette of Wisconsin for the presi dencv. I he letter, which was sent broadcast, roads iu part as follows: " I appeal for support for Senator Im Folletto for president as the hest representative of the radical reform policy of the republican party, which the present administration has decided to abandon. The adoption of that pol ley will he in history one of the great achievements that tin- administration made even more prominent by its sur render thereof. " COMMITTEE ON P0ST0FFTCE8 VOTES FOR POSTAL SAVINOa WASHINGTON, Aprit lit. The sen ate committee on postofficcs and post roads voted a report favorable to the postal k inn bill drafted by the sub committee of which Senator Carter is chairman. An amendment fs adopted changing the name of the proposed in stitution to postal depositories, which m.fts objecti-.n ndvied against the bill . hr Yh bunker. The amendment dMs . not alter the purposes of the bill, the objects of which are to furnish oonven ient d-ositories for small savings for people who are remote from adequate banking facilities. NEW CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL BUILT AT BAKER CITY BAKKR CITY. April 18. The new Catholic cathedral was dedicated 1Wp last Thursday. The new structure is of Baker county building stone, and is one of the finest edifice of the kind in th Mate. Hih.p O'Rielly, head of the diocese presided at the services, which were ttt Impressive. WASHINGTON", April Iti The lead ers of congress have notified the pres ident that several laws which he desires enacted this sension will nut be put through. Recapitulation shows t hat when congress ends it will have failed to pass many of the most important measures rocommended by President Roosevelt, including' Restricting the power of federal courts in the issuance of injunctions in labor disputes; umend ing Sherman anti-trust law so as to establish a system of federal license l'i interstate corporations; to enable rail roads to form traffic associations and to secure greater stability of rates and returns; to remove some of tho rest no tions from tho combinations and labor io prouiDit railroatls hlacklisfing union employes; empowering the iutorstat commerce commission to control future issues of stocks and bonds on railroad property; to -permit the attorney-gen oral to name one of the receivers ap pointed tor insolvent railroads; to re move tho duty on wood pulp; to provide lor me construction oi lour battleship instead of two, and to establish postal savings banks. Portland Scene of Robber ies by Three Masked Men of Desperate Character-All Captured. EVANS CREEK ALSO A LOSER Daily Still Shy Funds Due Dis trict No. 46-Was Put. up to Grand Jury. In addition to the shortage in school funds iu the two school districts already reported in the Iribiine, a shuilae in Kvans Creek ilisi i iel .No. Ill was re ported to the grand jury last Oecember. but that august ho1v was so ahsoibed iu indicting the editor of the Trihune that Mr. Iiailv escaped Imintiahle men ion. The school shortage was origin ally $'2'tft but was afterward reduced t I no, upon the complaint of I he dis trict to the statr superintendent of in st ruction. The school distrit-l pnnhased a ijuan- t it y nt iurmture whu-h piowd nnsatis factory upon lU arrival. Superintend ent Daily offered to sell the goods else where, which he did. collecting for them and keeping the money. Mr. Daily was repeatedly nslieil for the money , but never repaid any back unt il the dis trict complained (n the state superin tendent, when he eame through with $100. . I'pon failure to ivceio M biiL-mco, the trustees laid the matter before the district attorney, who passed it np to the grand jui v. When asked what had I one of the case one of t tie jurvnn-n s;t ul that t he Putnam ease had so excited the jurors that Ihev fore-ot to act ai'aiiHt Pailv. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Tho Nash. F. C. Daniels, Los AnL"l': Mr. and Mrs. Hahson, Seattle; 11. W. W 1 man, Hamilton, nt.; !. V. Vels.-ii. Ta coma; Win. !'. Brown. St. I';nil; C. K. Wheeler. Fort DodLre: .. T. Duhanw, Eileen; A' F. Holmes, -.-Hiiii': C. 1) ineent, Oakland; .1. A. Stnwt, lilne edge; . I. Host. S:in I'm nci .en : l. F. Clement, Los Ani'-b-- I y jiv-ir :m Franciseo; f;. n. Thomas. J. K. Mar tin. Portland; K H. Van "....rden v.. it- York; J. F. Stereo. W. A. Slater. Port land; K. (1. Thomas. Portland: Mr Vi. ent, San Francisco; J. H. Canlev. P.utte Crrvk: H. K. Mi. it. v.,!- It c all, San lrani.(; F. I). Mont. Mon tnna; K., A. Maltbouf. Portland; M. Webb, Montana; . ftnxter, rliii-nim: PORTLAND, April Hi. of three thugs who last night comimttt-d a series of crimes on both sides of the river, one. an unidentified negro, is dead; Fritz Kathlio, another of the robbers, is in jail with a bullet wound iu his leg, and Kddie. Ives, the third man, is in jail, a self-con t'essed 'robber. Patrolman ('has. D. Hensou, win) shot dead one robber through the heart, is being cared for at the hospital, one of the robbers hav ing shot him through the arm. The po lice were kept busy all last night by trying o locate the three highwaymen who had robbed several and sa loons, and about 1 o 'clock t his morn ing ti. W. Stevens rushed into the cen tral police station and said lie had bet-n field up and robbed at the east end of the Purnside-street bridge. He fur nished tho police with an accurate de fciiption of the trio and a squad of pu lice sent word to patrol tin district. Patrolmen llensen and Vossey came up on the robbers walking along the rail i-oad track, and commanded them to sur render. A fnsilade of shots was the response, and instantly the officers am robbers engaged in a fierce battle. One otthc robbers shot llensen through the arm. and in return he managed to kill one of them. The others immcdintclv look to their. heels, escaping in the dark uesH. The search con I iiiiud, and Kathke was captured hi m ath the wharf. where he had secreted himself. I was arrested at his home, and when taken to jail confessed liis complicity in tho night s work. Ives told the police he did not know the name of his negro companion, claim ing to have met him for the first, tinn last night. Ives is hehiif ' ' sweated y the police today and has told thAin liat b'athke is a deserter from tin' tier man army and ts wanted in (lermauy for tin- alleged murder of his wife. The lire have got but little infornii1 loll out, of Kathke. M'CARREN I: OUSTED By I DEMOCRATS i 3510 After Bitter Contest, in Which State Committee is Elected and a Resolu tion Rushed Through. FARMER FOLLOWS JUDGE DUNN'S ADVICE AND PRAYS FOR RAIN TO REPAIR THE ELEVATED. THE RAIN COMES, WASHES THE DUST AWAY, LEAVING THE BARE ROCKS. EUTTE FALLS ITEMS. gel', P.otlg lia e all gom in the "saw- A. Forest, New York; L. hank. Portland; C. J Hrtle k. Portland "niik S A. Messrs. Xetherland. CI ton. Itaker and Hildreth M ford as witnesses iiwi. ' ' case. lie- Dutte Falls Mill company h;is piite a force of men placing toj;s in the flume, preparatory to sawing. .1. I. Pattou has purchased property in Magic Point and removed his f.-nuilv md household efforts to that point on Tuesday. Fr ank Net hoi bind has purchased a ranch near Derby and will slock the -mm'. Ihi will bo etnploved at the C:ir it" sawmill, which the P.ulte Fa lb ompany intends to start ''up shortly. Coat imioiis and important changes are being made at the Falls preparatory to rly resumption of mill work. D wing Hns. and other capitalists have ikon over this plant with a view 4.o m -ih ing forward enterprises, piuni tsiiiL miu-h for this section and promoting the interests of the entire valley. It is not an improbable guess that we will soon have an electric line punning from the Falls and entering the valley. We have become heartily tired of the 1 flimflam ' ' actions and obst met i ve ictics of the old railroad parties and -e no other alternative than men of :ipital and limad industrial iews a" -mining control ul matters. li. H. Harris ami D. Miller, who Live ell ill the FfllN, are greatly encoiil igeil I iy t he prospect ol a sio t ul m augu rat ion of important nterprici s which will bring the Falls to the forefront and lead to the invent turn! of large foiejgu capital at the int. H. F. Fn-deiibuig and M. C Malio- m y Kagle I'ojnt on biiiiu. - ui ittt r'. ! .f. P. Ihig-s, merchant, of lintte Falls, is in the valley and will have a large' oippjv of -tore goods ha n led back. Mr. 1 1 ng" sa s his new business loiute is rapid I v approaching completion ninl that he wat offend and refu-l ."mh f'ir his let on v liich lii buildiiig ing erecii-d. dark Donbl.-da.v i- In- fa-., ii .u,l ciOitemplati s opening ii- a bn" in the FalN. Mrs. Miles of Me.frd is some improvement r.i-r li and has idantej M-r 1 M'MURPHY CONIES TO DEFENSE OF DUNN'S EMON XKW VOUK, April It!. Amiil of tiirhnlpncu nml givul i-oiifiision, the state ilcmoi-ratii' ronvontinn ncliumm-il today. Aflci- a liittoi- content the i'ou volition iinscnlnl Si'iiutor I'm rick IT Slct'nrron anil ilolo;nti'H fioin t ! ilis tni-ts of Khirs county and seated tlip McCahc deleati'H from Albany count v. Thoy elected four delegates from Hie various coujfrcHsionnl districlH, selected lireHideutiiil electors and elected a new stato conunittoe. resolution clioosini; tho committee. ns ii whole instead of by districts was ruslied through and almost caused a riot. tile deli'mites ervillL' "Roldieri'' Thieves" and otherwise expressing great displcnsuro because tliey were not permitted to elect n committee in-the usual fashion. Hurry calls were sent for tho police, who had left the ball af tor the liuscnting of the NfeCnrreii delegates. Tho police, with great difficulty, ro- stored n semblnnco of oi-der. The clinir mini ruled with nn Iron hand nad nftor announcing that the motion had carried he himself put the motion through to adjourn and it was declared carried. It seems probable tho whole matter amy bo fought out on the floor of the nil tional convention nt Denver. ACRES OF ORCHARD Inspector Taylor Gives Figures' Regarding Fruit Production-8000 Acres Planted This Reason. MARION DEMOCRATS TO WRITE NAMES ON BALLOTS Comity Court rinds Able Partisan-Switches Planned With Jack son as Chief Dispatcher so Term Can Pass-Prayiiuj for Rain for Water can Wear Away the Rocks. MMhei I li he i-olllim :i i ini.1' -t. Stile, ye out'hl to In if v.riKe t'er a peslorin'' 1 1 ii bhesl I. bl.ll. S I .M.I III' f.-r I, in in' pli- .;.! 'I" " II. m lillll I 'ini mil .'111 K.lillil': ii'l wid gin-ale intrust in yure il.i.iil .ledge lliiuii 's illivate.l asliamed iiv Ilis ibl.-imiii' him fer iloiu his p. in- in luif lledad, th' 'i'lil to be high to knpo juice l:i.ev. Lave 'ini alone, ho, oi. yi- fiiinil a man inonre smooth nut to pass Hi' tnime o' tiny i. ii'ligins luilte, too. lines ni kno".se. ye. ,SureJ ;i M'rmil lllel lie llioltl stilllf .ln.'iv I'ei' rhaiii an' he'd hilp Sure lis little fnilh oi he r. tlin' Ihev tin hiiv 'twill ware 111 unlle ay III' n.i'lis. ' t is 1 . 1 1 1 1 ii ' illivated ye ii.ii'i. l tliiin will, but ' n lit ' si i iiii'lt oi wiine '1'iii.ii. "I'c.iis up an' down an an' jhnrii (ill oi 11117. so shuck i.i.l hardlv wahk. An' Ili t n imiinds me. Th other day ni wuz a si'hlittiii ' kindliiiH fer wan ov th' 1 l'i i -in I 'h iiv this bhiirg whin oi I'lirui-i l" ln:ir his wnife 1111' another l:iit tall. in' abuiil uiiibiliii ' in Taly I'urii e. Sure, ye do His Jlonor iajestice, oi say, whin ye hint at exthravaganee. lie liiul, didn't oi riii'iid only lately where lie mliaile Misther fleorgn Ithl'own phav for 11 rlni.l 1. ho bill in llig Hthicky nf llier phroinisiii' him th' county wud do nt .' IHilu't lie save us cash there Kure, twas what Itridgel calls "finessing.'' "An' now,", sez ye, "kin teanin phass 011 th' illivated f" Sure, 'tis uisy. Xixt therm he is a f iggerin ' mi puttin' in switches an' will nppiut our I'l'ilul .lat-ksiill clieef ilisbii!, b, r, wi.l llonur .leitge Illllilia as ginerill maiiiiger. Sunie wnn mintioni-d Misther Ifheaiiies fer atturaey fer th' rliode, but lie iteehloinetl will vigliul, ez it nihnwes him dizzy to rhoiile so hoigh iu th' air an' he is forced to thako a soidel all at. Faith, t brack nearly to th ' Californy loine nn ' nt reinoiads I bai k In get from .rncktown to .Midfiinl. rhodo on in ! Sure he doesn't approve uv th ' svstem. bump Hut, hist I Wbut is ut oi hear on me Ui oiroof( Sure 'lis th' blissid rain an' IIis Honor's praver be Htiswered. Oi '1! iiisphrct in th' inaraiii an' rephort. HAI.KM. Or., April Hi. At a meet ing of the Jetrersiinian Meinoeriitie club il has been derided Mint a full county ticket will be noaiiiiateit iu Marioi inty by writing the unities 01 Hie liillowilig etlliiliilates III the pre aiary ballot: HepieHenlalives, V. H. Molt, .1. S. Smith, II. O. Suviigc, .1. W. Mbuer, (:. V. 'llllllkl; ciuinty jiulge, I. I,. Kra-zi'i-; sheriff, .1. W. t'liristoplier; emu. inissiiinei', T. ('. Ilavidsoii; assessor, J. I". Hubert : clerk, M. '. Haldwili; treasurer, 1'. I' Hein; reeoriler. It. Y. Hoover; coroner, V. T. Itigdon. CAR STRIKERS CAUSE SERIOUS DISTURBANCE ('IIKSTKIt, April III. A most serinim lisliirliaiice wliich has maikeil the strike of the iiiolnriuea and conductors of tho Chester Traction company, oc enrred here early today when the com pany attempted to operate a cur. Wil Mam llergmau, inotorman, was attacked by a mob and shot in the foot. Knrlicr a the day William flriesemeier, the laim agent of the compaav, was shot in the leg while lending a sound of strike. breakers. MERRICK DENIES BEING MEMBER OF COMBINE Tlie slate horticultural board reports about 11,1100 acres in orchard in Jack son county. Instead of this, there, is in the neighborhood of .lii.fllW) acres in or. clianl, principnlly apples nnd penre, ut the ratio of six to pears and four to apples, according to County Kruit In spector t). W. Taylor, who has ill ad e 1111 inspection of all tho principal orch ards anil is making a census of them. Approximately SOiit) acres of orchard were plnntetl during the past ueaaon, states .Mr. Taylor. 1'ruit prospects for tho coming year are excellent, states Mr. Tavlor. Ton gentle ruin which has fullon during the past two days did n great deal oU good throughout the county. The pears are. in bloom nml ninny of the apples are nlso. An enormous hurvest is in nlffbt. To show tho thoroughness of Afr. Tay lor '9 work, tho following pngo from his record is given, listing tho trees on one orchard as follows: Tho Rurrell orchard, two miles south of Medford, afl2 nei-es hill and valley land, owned by the Hnrrell estate of I'lirllitml-- Applos. variety N'o, Trisio. Newtown 5,230 Spilzenberg 1,125 Jonnlhaa 2,4011 Ilea I in vis ;ttttl Poars. tJoniiee ... 1,401) llartletl Jso De Anion 1.8B7 Howell 1,7ml I'birgean 3.10 Winter XelliH 1,391 Muse I.U20 Mixed 100 Apricots. Vtii-iely unknown 'Jim Acr'ge CO 42 11 20 78 M. 8 SO 22 Vj i 3 Tnliil .23,.1-i2 JURY SAYS " NOT GUILTY" OF HORSEWHIPPING ELDER ' ' V Mii-lit 'hn ..rnv rlioib-sf Meibid 'twns a poor noigliL oi sdiiiil. Me ihast noight 's vvnrrk in dietatiu' lh' abuv to ve mliaile me ilhrealll in ' rlifi.liii ' mi th' illivated twas tur -." mz she, "ui tuk siverul rible. lint oi wuz out an' hoofed ut whin oi wuz in t'ulyforny, but thro' th' mini an' wather to Hi' Jack " f"" in Hoaville illivated to see how natlir I." ez I other wail, "oi always graded th' rliode. Sure 'tuns a sore fnitte rhuiilin' oil t'alv- V.,w ' l'i TVIIilh ." sez she, "but lit 's too Ii-. 'I'll- V no exeili-llleltt ill lit. Ve rltoiile an haf sluiooze an' or jliar to bhrake lh ' mole-re in Oregon," si-z eXi-illilent fer ve niver ni.vt hhiiiini-i- will Lap" -11 rlmiiiilv siuil ye " ( she tliiin 'I sity thi-t v.- kin b.-t l.e mint uti. disapilitllieiit to see th' lojkcs u' ut 1111' ut inhade me heart thet sad to see th face ov th' rhoilo which looked loike ul hid been blistered by th' rhnin lh' rhorks stliiekin' out b.-ia' washed i-bar ov lh' dhirt. lledad, 'tis 1111 im pntv nt for ye kin now see th' dan geis hidin' iiiiib-rnieitli lb' dhirt. lint ni'h dis.'ii, jntcd in His Honor, so ot'll v.. to f.-r aniitlier man. liiHphei-tfullv. TIM M MITti'llV. t'ouacibiDiu K. IC. Merrick, who voted the council to table the license of Mass & Hale, state that he is not a party to any combine having for its object the coercion of Mayor Iteddy to compel die appointment of a chief of police dictated by them, lit says that In- voted against the saloon license ho cause a city ordinance provided there should tie tint ten saloons in the city. and Mass & Hale made eleven, bus been his stand from the first This MINNESOTA REPUBLICANS SELECT THEIR DELEGATES POPE RECEIVES AUDIENCE WITH PRINCE AND PRINCESS ItoMK. April 1.-.. -The ...k. toibiv re a private audi, tire with the Prince Von Huelow. iiiiin-ri-'it .-hancllor of Germany, and I'riiiccs Von Hie-lntr. Ii-ih two III. -It iu ,.rk j tn!..-s a lian. I It.-rseir ! Mr. I.1101I1. wie.s,. Ii g was l.r..k.-i r.ipi.llv r eiiM ritig and is out crutch... Mr. M, !l. my 11. 1, 1 r. e.l lb. p. f th. f1! Thurilay night in tin i-re-t nt the Anli Srtlo.itt 1. ,'tL'ii,-. 'id a goitd crowd. 1" I' tea k i ti;f mte ..'ul ,r..p. SI,.. O'l-.'SO:; PIOIITS TO WIN ibniocrats ia the stain nnd the prog- IU.i'.'OIS FROM BRYANITES; rn"q mn'l' h' '"h j ""ii pi'ipagatula nil through Die r.'ist I and ami ontti are expected to supply !tbe bii-i for a hot fight for Johnson j int ructions at the dt niocratic state con vi-iition in Springfield, April 2.1. IIP .1 ,., ' '. IU. -.iiive r John i,- 11 ..!' Mitinisiila, tht.iiigli bis j 1 . iMntiagers, has started n vig 1.1 win the Illinois fblega- ti l) ties ttitie natif.ttal eoavr n 'h, :n rival of Mr. Johnson at li irli's uill more ebarlv ib-iiioii his ei tii r.'ill aet'"iti'. riimnr. it ha b. i n in iirogrei for '1 a in--nth. it i-Q. fiorti .in " I'm Joints. .11 pn-sident ial nun,,;. Til.' d el I I I ACCUSED or DUMPINO SAWDUST IN STREAM The ease oT the state or Oregon vs. I'lank Netlierlaiiil, charged with plac ing sawdust ia a stream is on trial be. f. Jutic. Stewart. A. K. Kennies b.piiients of represents the stale nnd S. S. Pentz the i i!i. lite bitter fight which ib-feiiilaiit. The complaint was filed bv initiated by the anti Hullivnn . Forest Hanger Messenger of Medford. MINNKAI'OI.IS, April lii.-The Min tiesotn republic!!!) coiiventioii met today to select four delegates nt'large to the national convention nml to niitne 11 presitleiitinl electois. Temporary Chair man Snyder criticised the tleinoiTntie position on the tariff, but advocated the revision of the present schedules; ulso Hie regulation and control of the great iorpoint ions. Mr. ami Mrs. I.e. .11 Huskins. Mis. O. II. Ilaskins and Miss Frances Huskies. J. W. and I). T. I.awtoii ami faiiiily left Thursday for Ashland, whore they at tended Hie Wedding of Mortimer X. Lawtoii ami Miss Haly l.orena Jack son. which look place at II. mil. J. W. l.awton is the father of die groom. DtrlfaD L ITT n LIST. Mis. F, c. Carle. F. A. Charlton. Mr Hoiiahou, Ibttjih Ibis Itichard K. Carter. . T. Ilerrill. J..!w null, Mis. Jim Kl der. fbotge W. Fry, Mi, l.eltie Hall. In-ii Hinibrgariit, Harry (iubbnrd. Iterlha l.niiib, Mr. Kowjey, Richnnl. liiibard Sengrilees. W. II. binz zbmm Seagrnves. W. H. Slark. Mrs. (Icorge siarks. Ma.ter Arthur Tuttle. Henry Turl, Frances Williams. I'OUTI.ANII. April III. A special to the Kvcniiig Telegram from Salem nys that a tier I inntes' deliberation the jury in rhe case against Mrs. Nettie Itlio.les. Miss I. iilu flootle. Jasper Ooode, Mr. nml Mis. Hoy Phillips, charged with disturbing a religinus u ting by aris ing ami horsewhipping the presiding oi der, Mr. Coffee, of the Free Methodist I'hurch, two weeks ago, returned lift of ' ' not guilty. ' ' ver- HALT LAK HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TO SEE WARSHIPS SALT I.AKK, April 111. Nearly 200 htghsehool boys are forming a uniformed cadet battalion from the Salt Lako City high schools to be sent to San Francisco to see tho Atlantic battleship aqnadroa when it visits that port next month. They will go equipped for field service and wil probably camp at Gulden Oate park. ADMIRAL EVANS CONTINUES TOT GAIN IN STRENGTH I'ASd H01ILKS, April ltl.--Slowly but steadily Admiral Kvans is contin uing to gain strength ut Hot Springs here, while the big fleot which he brought nrountl the Horn is receiving a loyotis welcome at Man Piego. Tho ad iiiirul has not been in tho open air since a week ago toduy. but may bo taken out tii.lav. SAILORS OP THE FLEET ENGAGE IN BOAT RACES SAX IHEiiO. April 1H. The sailors of the fleet entertained themselves on the buy this inoiuiug by boat rows, whii h retiuiinoil unfinished from the mitci at Magdalcns flay. THE 'OATMEAL KINO" DIES AT HIS HOME AKHOV. O.. April lrt Venlinand S. liiiniai'h.'r. the "oatmeal kinir of 111erica." having founded a breakfast food industry In this country, died sud- lenly at his home near here last night. aged s-J. He was a noted philanthropist. WA.VTKD To hiiv fresh cow. i: team with wnrnes. from 11.10 to UOti pounds, drive single or double, $.'100; good second hand buggy with top, not over if.-O; good second haad farm wag on, not over i0. ' A. C. Hnbsoa, Ho tel Vn-li. 26 WAN'TKP - Chickens nud veal; high- est prices paid. Medford Meat Co., successors to Potiingcr, 30