THE MigiFORI) DAILY TRIBUNE. KOKOKI). OK.. WKDXKKDA V. aP'KIL I"). UKW. ROSY PROsrecTS 0 FOR FRUIT CROP Value of Last Season's Output of Ore gon Orchards Nearly Five Million- Past Year Unusually Profitable Re port Made to Board of Horticulture, Iii'j'orts submitted at tin1 semi utinual KtFMti)! at I'ortlaiul of ihv state bimnl of hnrt iculturf sliv that fruit comli- tinns throughout Oregon art' improving rapiiily ami that the stato is destined f heroine one' of tin- greatest fruit growing sections in the fluted States. These reports also show that the past yar has boon an unusually profitable one. (irnwers are preparing to set out hundreds of acres of trees this year u ml it is estimated t hut t he commer cial output of the state in fruit during 1 .mis will be worth about .W.iuhijumi. Tlio value of last year's erop was about 4,7-"n,(iiMi. This is the most remark able showing ever made in the history of the state ami gives an idea of the enormous proportions which flu- indus try lias attained in Oregon. Five Horticultural Districts. There are five horticultural districts in the state, each represented by a com missioner. V. K. Xewell of Gaston is C'imrnissioner-at largp and president of the board. The first district comprises Washington, Tillamook, Clackamas, Co lumbia, Multnomah. Yamhill and Clat s"p counties. In the second district are Marion, Polk, Linn. Lane. Benton and Lincoln counties, with C. A. Park as commissioner. The t hird dist riet em braces Coos. Curry. Douglas. Josephine, Lake and Klamath counties. Included in the fourth district nre Wasco, Sher man. Oilliam. Morrow, Wheeler and ( rook counties. The fifth district com prises TTnwitilln, Union. Wallowa, Ba-k.-r. flrant. Harney and Malheur coun ties. Judge Geer of Cove is commis sioner. 11. M. Williamson of this city is secretary of the board. Crops Unusually Prosperous. The semi annual report of President Newell shows that the 1007 crops were unusually profitable ami with the money thus realized the growers have been able to obtain the most modern ai.paratus. The report also shows that nn unusually large1 acreage has been set out in the hist year. In the vicinity of Grants Pass many Tokay and Euro pean grapes have been set out and the Vmpfpia country is increasing its acre vv In peaches. In the Willamette val- I. y'M'Jrere is a marked increase in cherry mill walnut planting. Many peaches. ;:pricots and pears have been planted yi the vicinity of The Dalles, and a ''icw fruit region is being developed in the vicinity of Echo. ITermiston and Tr rgon. Commissioner Carson's report, was to t'ie eftVet that f ni it co ml i t ions in the ;ate are mi usually favorable, one of the reasons being that the tempernture t.f the past winter did not exceed 20 degrees and there were no floods or r (ins that injured the orchards. Commissioners .lames . K of Mil wrnikie; Charles .. Park of Salem:. R. II. Webber of The Dalles, and Secretary "Williamson of I'ortlaiul. all submitted eivouraging reports. Pear Crop Valuable. oinniisioiier Catso.u" stated that- 1-. cm ai-res of land mnV are planter! to ears in Jackson county and that last ar more than UOti carloads were sent ur from that section alone. lie esti - .-id s thai if the blight is kept in check i' will only be a few years when the pear output from the state will foot up more than $1.0m, annually. The semi annual report of President Wilbur K. Newell of Uastoii shows that trie 1007 crops were unusually profit able, and with the money thus realized the growers have been in a position to equip themselves with the most modern apparatus. The report also states that ; ii unusually large acreage has been s -t out in t lie last year, and that the increase in the output will be enormous in a few years. Around Grants Pass many Tokay and I'.uropean grapes have been set out and the 1 'm country is increasing its acreage in peaches. In tho Willamette valley there is a st riking increase in berry and walnut planting. Many peaches, apricots and pears have been planted in tlm vicinity of The Dalles, ami a new fruit region being developed i on irrigated lands in Hie vicinity of ho, Hermiston and Irrigon. Prospects Good This Year. Commissioner Carson ' report was to iii- effect that fruit condition in tho tate are usually favorable, one of the ronton being that the Inwr tempera ture of The pat year was 20 degree, and there vr-r- no rains or flood that niinp'd the orchard. The fart that March wii a 1 month ha? retarded blooming, whi.-l; m:ike p T.mi.- f..r , he hosom. to escape tl- lae fror. honhl thev occur. The npple. i-':tr and 1, er..p will blo'-n, hem ilv. P'-di.-- Mr. C;tr-ori, and pro-p. -t- a i 'are crop. fn hN ori"'"" profit- will j i.e grraflv n-po'inent-"! bv -n--f'!l tl,i, i eing. Near OrriM. I'r.-v O I oort. 000 acre- will be tdan'ed to -r:ii-- hi-; v.-:ir. 1 " a .. n-n- " - v- I n-1 or I'" ! PROBATE. MtVI4N ANDIT CAUGHT IN CASCADE FASTNESSES SEATTLE. April I.".. Without firing a sh in. i-ejuuv .-wieriiis .Maw Tnrwicit and but John Liner, heading a determined exhausted posse. Into yesterday af oon iu the snowbound fastnesses of teriiooil t lo ped ami ami Cascade mountains, south of Stain- Pass, dosed in on Mike Petridge John liosavich, the Servian bandits, captured them. CAR WRECK INJURES MANY WOR KIN OMEN Ml'TEEIi. I'n., April 1.1. In a wreck of n car at Evans City today, caused by the breaking away from the engine and plunging down a s teep grade, l'l workmen, the majority of whom were foreigners, were injured, threo perhaps fatally. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No single inser tious less than 15 cents. Six insertions for the price of four. Seventy-five cents a line per month. TO KENT furnished rooms. Inquire corner of 5th and A streets. FOR SALE Old papers, 50 for 5 cts. Tribune office. rriixisiiED kooms over postoffice. The O'Oell, FOU SALE Fresh milch eows at Coss residence. Tn (pi ire WANTED Hoarders. 114 C street, 1 Mock from P. O. 24 FOR SALE Olds runabout in good condition, $400. Inquire Tribune of fice. WANTED Cash paid for all kinds second-hand goods. 313 East 7th, M. I). Moore. 22 Ft Hi SA EEOrchard, alfalfa and tim ber lands; also a good young orchard. See M. Calhoun, Phoenix, Or. 28 W A XT E D To rent u f urnished house for the summer. Address M.( Trib une. WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Med ford, Or. FOR SALE Yo ung gentle' cow for sale; price $40. E. E. Morrison, R. F. D. No. 1, Griffin Creek. WANTED Woman to do housework at once. Inquire 315 N. D st James Stewart. FOIi SALE Driving mare, buggy and harness, .lames Howling, Seventh and P streets. 23 FOli SA EE New 5 room house, $T200; easy terms. C. A. Cutting, 9th st.. Ross Addition, West Med ford. !'( K &. , E New Ty pew ri t er ; can be seen at residence of A. II. Miller, East Med ford. WANTED 1 want to buy troin one to three hundred head of stock sheep. Address Lock. Box 131, Med ford. Or. FOIf SALE A $2000 mortgage, gilt edge security, no taxes, 8 per cent net. Inquire of the Medford Henlty & Rent al Co., Medford, Or. , ' I'AliTV wishes tu get loaij of ItUil-on lo acres of raw land that is worth .fliioo; good abstract; will pay l'l per cent. Lock BoVi 650. f Villi SALE An S room bungalow, com plete and up-to-date, lot 50x1 -Hi. In quire of L. J. Itinhart or Postal Tele graph ( ffiee. ' WANTED (iirl for general house work ; family of 4 ; part of washing sent out; $0 per month. Call at of fice Nash Hotel. : WANTED Man and wife wish posi tion on a fruit farm, or cooking in n camp. Address 0 H. Smileagh, Med ford. Or. 2S FOli SALE Choice fruit and grape lands near .Jacksonville. Call and see Jacksonville Heal Estate Co., Jack sonville, Or. FOli SALE Two incubators, used only one season, for sale cheap; capacity of each, 2 1H eggs. I nquire nt War ner 's store. Warner & Snvder. tf FOR SALE fine V. S. Cream Sepa rator, No. 0; .100 capacity; good ns new; cost S'l; will sell for $10. R. c. IL-nsb-v, Central Point. WANTED A loan of $800 for three years at s per cent on 120 acres of yellow pine and fur timber clotw to Medford. Address T. C, care Trib une. 37 FOR SA LJrTI '(T miles from Medford, on main county road. and 5-acre tracts, Miitable for garden, fruit or chicken farm; this land is under Fish Lake flitch and can all be irrigated; 100 and $1-10 per acre, eay terms; one fifth down, balance $0 per month. See this land. .la no s Howling, 7th and P Btrc-M. P. O. Bex S42. 23 Tlic ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE L KETTLE 1'lirniln '; lint V r r i..r t. v.-r li..r! Iii.ti. r 11 r:in ! 'I I'-. !!! nr tr. li r kiti'hvri At!.. !,- t., ft) ; rl. .!-.. !i. r S-.,,!.:.!....-..: -vi-mn.l. cli.r:.!.... KOOUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO.. ...... r ' . ' I: 'i . T r.v. r 1 a. ( CO A : W. Ttk iHoId Your Hors The Elephants Are Coming Little Johnnie and his sister, like wise his papa and mamma, are happy, for the first and only real big circus to visit this city this season is flated to appear here Tuesday afternoon and nighr, April 2s. The adv auce ad ver tising car of the (J renter Norris & b'owe circus, museum, menagerie, hippodrome and congress of nations, arrived in this city early this morning, with .lames C. Stuart ("genial James) in charge, and about 20 billposters, lithographeis. Inut ncrmeu and programmers on board. The country for miles around will be post ed with the beautiful paper of the big show announcing he date of the circus iu this city. That the denizens of the rural districts will respond to the call of Norris Ar Howe cannot be disputed, for theirs will be the only big circus to visit this section of the country this year. This plan was made operative at a meeting of the executive officers of the big amusement combine. Mr. Stuart spoke in glowing terms of the engagement id' the Norris tV Ifowe circus in San Francisco 1 his spring, where they exhibited for On consecutive performances to 270. S73 paid admis sions, which is the greatesl number of admission tickets ever purchased and the longest engagement ever played by a circus in the west. The circus has been greatly enlarged and improved in all departments since its last appearance in this city. Nor ris & Howe purchased all of the ani mals from the Chutes company iu San Francisco, which is said to be the larg est transaction in wild animals ever consummated in this country by any one firm. Two more advertising ears will come to this cit" before the advent of the big show , and hardly a day will pass that some representative of the big eir-j cus will not. pav the eitv a visit, iu nn i official capacity. CONGRESS TO ADJOURN ABOUT MAT TWENTIETH WASHINGTON. April 11. Repro- sentntive Mann of Illinois, who more than any one is iu the confidence of i the speaker, has stated that. he expects; to see congress adjourn about May 20, j provided a rule is brought in to expo; lite the disposition of bills which have! neen to conference. j He pointed to the fact that a motion to suspend the rules and place the In-1 diau appropriation bill on its immediate! passage, made by Representative Slier-1 man, had failed, and that if the minor ity took advantage of their full rights' they could ensily force the house to. spend two months considering the sen ate amendments to this bill alone. All the republican leaders realize that their political fences need attending to and are eager to get away, ami for t hat reason more emergeiicv rules are ex- BUILD BIG POWER PLANT ; IN THE COQUILLE VALLEY j .r. S. X. Smith of f'oos It.-iy. formerly of Medford, consulting engineer of the recent ly organized 'tuniille Valley Tower company, was in Portland last week on loisiucss in connection with thai project. Mr. Smith reports that (he surveys for the pipeline, power house and flumes have heen completed and that wurlt on tho plant will begin in aliout two weeks. The powerhouse will he located midway between Marsh Held and Rnseluirtf on the old l'oo Way wayon road at the gorge near Itn-wos-ter alley. The transmission line will he ;t:i miles in leiirtli. Power has already been eoiit racted ftir by. Myrtle Point, Mandon. Marsh Ihdd ami North (tend. It is believed that the construction of the power sys tem is but the beginning of the Coos Hay and Koseburg Kleetrie railway, ap propriations for which were in part made l:ot fall by citizens of Koseburg, but on account of the unsettled con ditions of finances tho matter w:m aban doned. It has now been taken up by eastern capitalists and there is every reason to believe that the road will be built. Pacific Outlook. DIED. KINt'KAh In Table Rock district. Ap ril 1. I!HIS. Ida Kincead. formerly of ('hiengu, aged '.l. years. BORN. I ISII.r.KTTK- At Ashhin.I. A .ril !). tn .Mr. mill Mm. iiM.ri.-i. iilli-tt. II Hl.ll. KN'H.V At (iriintu -n. Mur. li ii. V.'lis, to Mr. mil I Mrs. ci. I'. Knox, n rliini;iit.-r. ' I.K'l: In Khiiniith n t v. 7. 1!I"h. to Mr. fr-. ii.,.;,,- r. I,.,.. II soil. ; lll'lisn.v At i;,:,i -. Mmvli j. l!i"V to Mr. mi l Mr.. M. V. MilI-oi. :i .!.nit.lit, r. MARRIED .:i;i'i.' ti ATni:r.l. ....j I .mi i. I.v .I,,. - i. . ! , W. W. r,..t. r. -.1 I-. i . 4, ,,,,. vlMl, i"' -. ' .i,..!,-.. .-. . i' i r . . i , . j . i "... mi. . ,.. : i , i j t.i. v l' .,. i. , ... i 1 1 .... .1- i 'I.. . .... I I ",: : , ... I.,, no.. ... I. ' I .' I - ' ' - ' M . i ' iv ' . , , Mil'- 4 r -- " i .. . ,:- ' ' ' ' ' T'ts n i;.- v - v I'.-., ci -.r'. l: -I i , 7 Si r t i..'. EASTER JS ALMOST HKK'K. AUK VOl' ST11.I. WlTlf Ol'T YOmi .KASTKli sriT? THIS IS! TI1K T1MK WIIKX ALL AfKX WAVf SOM KHl I NO KV TO WKAl?. KKK1' UP WITH THK LA WKS. DO NOT LET YOUR WIFE OR 11KST (URL POAIE OUT IX NEW TOPS AND YOU IX OLD. "WE ARK SHOW I NO THE SXARIMKST . LINE OF FASHIONABLE C L( )THES -FOR IKX AND YOUNO 1 EN TO 1'K FOUND IN THE VALLEY. COME TX AXD TRY ONE OK THEM OX" BE SATISFIED. WE filTATCAX TEE TO SATISFY OR MOXEY BACK. SUITS FROM. $12.50 to $45.00 NOBBY DATS $ 2.00 to ? 6.00 YACHTS AXD MILAXS ? 1.00 to ? 3.00 PANAMAS ? 8.50 .. xcLOTHING CoW 11 c df o r d '-sr OX THE CORNER. A Fine Business Opening on a Small Capital $1,450 Will handle a splendid business in Medford, large new room on Seventh Street be tween bridge and depot. Act promptly and step into an estab lished business. Sickness is the cause ol owner selling. C. H. PIERCE & SON 4ta SEE THE X I : V AND CI' Tt I It A T I : I.rX'K UK liOKH AM STKKMNfi SILVKI! UX DISl'I.AV AT THE XKW .IKVVKI.KV STOKK. .11 'ST Til K TIIIM. Kill! KASTKK -U i;s KXTS. Martir J. Fcddy 11 NORTH C STREET, . Fino W.itch and Jewtlry He pairing a Soeculty. . Hi. !'..;. .ft:. COr 3T- &. c SPREAD THE NEWS Coloni8t8, Rates Colonist Rates from all points East to Oregon from March I to April 30, 1908 A m j f j 1 1 n ; that r,itf:.i in effect ;ll'.,h I, 1'ioH, will Ijo (t'lK imim Cliu;igi). S '. .', '.'i Ironi Ht. Louis, Mo.; fruni Mi.-, urn; Rivi.t eonininn (MJint;, Coun t .i lUnfts to K.'ui is City, Mo., Includim: ;ils-i Kt. I'ml. Muinr.ipol! . ': twin iJ'Miver, Color;i(lo Kprun;4 .Mid I'tniilo. $ in Fr.r further int'ommtinn cull on or .mIiIks A.Qj, IIOHENBMIM. XKnt..M.Uuril. Or. V ' r 1 SEVENTH' AND 11 STREETS. 3 ..t fi'-M ' I oo 0 0 0 G O0 'o o O