Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, April 15, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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to warworn more umaof mi)iat.D,.at-, v bdnsda t, AyMir -- ---
Prise CD tar Telli of Senator ' Election
amd Bow It Wu Accomptshed at the
ElTnli Hoar Beaift New AM
dartt by Webster.
Allege dishonorable methods in
cnring bis election to the nenate are
charged uguinst United States Senator
'Fulton in an affidarit executed by H.
A. Webster, ex-representative from
Clackamas county, and read by Francis
J. Ueney in his addreHS at Portland
Monday night. In this affidavit, Web
ster charges that Senator Fulton at the
1903 session of the Oregon stuto legis
lature, when Fulton was elected to the
annate, pressed to offer Webster
"financial inducements" in return for
hiB voto for senator. This affidavit,
together with considerable 'correspond
ence that associated Fulton uufavor
ahly, though indirectly, with the land
fraud defendants in this state, were
presented by Mr. Heney.
On Good Citizenship.
For more than two hours Mr. Ueney
gave a lecture mi good citizenship and
many in li i audience were wondering if
' he was going to "make good" and
spring any .'i.l.lilinii and mure specific
charges against Senator Fulton, ns he
had promised, lie had Itef-n discussing
at consulrraMe length municipal condi
tions as they existed in San Francisco
before the recent graft invest igat ion
and pointing out tin1 estcnt to which
money was employed for corrupt, pur
poses, lie then referred to the 1 !n:t
session of the leoislnture and told how
Fulton's election was ai-roinplisln-,1 on
the last ni'lit at tin- Hiii-ntlt hour by
the sudden nccpiisit ion of II aildilional
voteH neei-Hii-v to an ehrtinn. W. W.
llmitiH. -il;iii.-il Jl. iiov, a.-is mil- of (lu
ll find lie i.-is rewarded with appoint
ini'iil as Av.istant I'nilci Si:t,-s Attor
ney .lidiu Daly, :in,,l li,r .,1' Hi.- n. ,-. su
11. was all,-', u.-u-.l iiiii.l,- mim ,.v.,r ... n
Rends Webster Affidavit.
'How .li.l I". 1 1 f . . i , tin-1,,.'
red lle..y. We sl,.-,ll .,..
in, li,- prodiic.-d from I, is , ,
uV the City of Mifoj), a meyicifal
corporation, of Jackson county, Oregon,
l ho secooft party.
Witnasneth, That the first party, for
and in consideration of the aum of one
dollar, and of other good and valuablo
considerations, to him in hand paid,
and the receipt of which is acknowl
edged hereby, and the covenants and
agreements on tho part of the second
party to be by it kept and performed,
undertakes and agrees thut if, on or
before July 1, 1H08, the second party
shall cause to bo paid to the first party
or his order, tho sum of twenty-five
thousand dollars, ten tbonsand thereof
in cash and fifteen thousand thereof in
fifteen thousand dollars in face value
of the regular issue of its negotiable
wuter bonds, bearing interest at the
rute at which the balance of said reg
ular issue of water bonds are to bo is
sued, or, in lieu thereof, cash in the
sum of fifteen thousand dollars, at the
option of the second party, then the
first party will make, execute and de
liver to the second party his good and
sufficient deed of convevance to nil of
the rights of the first party to the
use of the waters of Wnsson Canyon
and of Long Canyon not herein re
served, being the right to the use of
all of the waters of said streams be
longing to . Hanlev ditches known
as the T'pper Ditch, having at. its head
rrving capacity estimated at MM
miners' inches; the Long Canyon Pitch,
having at ils head nn estimated carry
ing capacity of 3(10 miners' inches, nnd
the Lower Hitch, hnviuir an estiinafc.l
arrying capacity of more II, ai, inn
niners' inches; the rights to lie s in-
,-eyed being for the use of not less
than .'inn inehes. millers' measurement
under a six in, -h pressure, to he divert
eil liv tile see, nid party, either at the
heads of said difehes. respect ivelv. or
at some point upon the land now owned
liv the first parte; ..-it, Wassoti Can
yon ami Long (.inyoii le-ing streams
which together form triluifnrv of the
North Fori: of Little l!,,tte Creel;, in
the delivery of said deed, ano) a
aideration therefor, the first tarty shall
in said deed oMigutu himself and bis
auceetsora to put to a beneficial use
sufficient of tho waters of said streams
not diverted by tho second party to
fully protect the rights of the second
party to the use of all of the water of
said streams us granetd in said deed.
And for said considerations the first
party further agrees that as soon after
the execution of his said deed and the
delivery thereof as tho second party
shall furnish him with a proper descrip-1
tion of lands required for bulkheuds
and other purposes of diversion and
rights of way upon uud across tho first
party s said lands, he will make, exe-
CITY M asiroRD,
As to execution by City of Med
ford. The foregoing ordiuuace was pasied
by the City Council on April 14, 1908,
Trowbridge voting aye, Eifert aye,
Wortman ayo, Merrick aye, Olwell aye,
Ilitfer aye.
Approved April 14, 1008.
.J. F. KBDDV, Mayor.
Attest: BEN.T. M. COLLINS,
cut aud deliver to the Hecond party, Recorder.
for Baid considoratioua, a good nud suf-1 L
ficient deed to the lund to be occupied .
in . s
I:tml Hi' Hi,
' 1 1 S.M.I .1.'.
'ML f '-nr.,
)r:,M 1.
1 V
..11. 1
' (ccy.m ; if It tin- ri'lit
i;m'( v f ii t 1 m 1 1 1 r n port t Iip
i r f .:irly l,i ),- !. h. i fin d
I. h. -1 ; i N f ? -1 1 inn.',
IniU'WI or l.iiJI.Ii.'.'i.U
''I' '1 1'V (In- M'c, m.l ,:,rlv
liv In ,:M-,t :,,! ,.:,. W:il
ii'-iMi llif w,il rslicil of !h- suv;ni;
'i"' rii.v .(' M ' . I -11 tl, or rls.'vle,r.
:"..( In . .-,UMi :,m,1 1MM, ,,,,
'"i.l mi- Ii ,ij,rtMif i-r iiH'iiifH s;tM
by its aaid bulkheads and other appli
ances for diverting aaid water, and to
a right of way for the said pipelines;
but the tiuid first party shall nut be re
quired to furnish to or secure for the
said second party rights of way for
its said pipelines over any premises
other than those owned by hims If.
And for said consilir:itionn, the sec
ond party undertakes nnd agrees thut,
on or before July 1, l'JWi, it will pay
to the first party or his order tho sum
of twenty five thousand dollars, ten
t liousand dollars thereof in cash mid
fifteen thousand dollars iu sueh of its
water bonds sin are above mentioned,
or iu lieu of said fifteen thousand dol
lars in bonds, fifteen thousand dollars1
in eah, at its opt ion. That if said
fifteen thousand dollars be not so paid
l.v the second party in water bunds, as
herein provided, then t In lit-4 party, ,
ill lien of phtlyill the same ;is :ibii
provided, shall furnish a jroml and suf
ficient undertaking in the sum of twen
Iv five thousand dollars instead of tin
sum of ten thousand ns above set. forth.1
The rights of eminent doin.-iin mnv i- j
lien-after possessed llV t lie Second party1
shall be at the dNpon! of the t'ri-" ,
tarty in the event that lie require sa!'!
riolit in defending the riuhts bv said 1
deeds granted to the. pern ml party. I
In witness whereof the first party
has hereunto set his hand and seal ami J
Two Bargains
AN ORCHARD,!?.00' 22 acres iu bearing, 80
acres under the ditch.
V "BUSINESS, $4500 will handle it, and it will pay
50 per cent on the investment.
W. T. York & Son
mo im-:i ckxt purr!
,, pMllV Ii.t
... .iL,.-,l In
t,'!lll ll),'
tin- :!,
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-ninril .. ,r,:
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.llii-r lil,,' t.-tii.t-I
v. ;ir t'irst iiIiiivi.
irl" .'III ,,nliii:liii-i-,'il
- -,illll,-il Mini
t.'islcs like cnl'IVo. It ltitiks
c fiilTrr ,'tinl il smells like
bill is pure ronslcd
grains, I ilei x le 1 sn as (o prn-
l,v M. :ilil,v.
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l'!'l Wit l:l-:i'll;
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iltli Ti'iiutiiiti:; Doik:-
lin.-t-; ni--,. ,!nv
J. T.
'i ! : i 'i
I'lii'o I lie I (est flavor,
Lrroal est slrentli and a
fii'le wliirli ymiiiL'; and
iiiav drink niornni
and ni'jlit.
( ioldni ( i ra in I Tannics is
vsM'ri,illy I'i'ciiiniiii'lidi'il to
ii 1 1 . i 1 1 1 uv
l hoso
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i id I if '1 jiiinni! fnir'ui'.iji
' L-'oi'. .'ill rrl.iil lil'in-el'S.
Wholesale ,v
P. i;. Th i;-s h Co.
M. ,!!'.!.!. I !'.
We Want to . Buy Lands
Realty Bond 'Syndicate of
Oregon W. li. Stalker
Jackson County
Bank Annex
Of the Southern Oregonian is the best
and most complete south of Salem
Wiirnmtv Deeil
I.I.HV iintl .hnrt K-n-ni.s
Sali.-lni't 'n of Murlpnc
Tmn-rerof l.ien
Power (.1-Alt..rnej
.Mocrvuiic'-: l.ien
V:?- Ki:;ht
Itontl for UetxJ
gin!cl:iim Dcctl
Mfitt;we l.o;t.'-t'
W,thTiix I'aymrnt I'
Option U Huy I-;enl Anont's Contracts
Pill of file
I.iiinoi Lic-'ii r Forms
Not ire to Trc-Ki-.rr.-:
AitainM K-Uif
Omttel Moriitri.'
Ackiwwl' .k ino tit
I'.ttil'i -siMii ttt' .Imlj'niLT.t
Covers for l;l.uil:i
HUE Id! N'T, I "Oil SAI.K, 'FlMtNISIIED IiOltM'-, KTC. (oncanil;iR!j .
Plticrr I.o(.-iM.lti
lioii.l lor h 'e.1
.Minei's l.ien
l"ci miori
.linU-nteiil Tr:uxsfi ipl
Cminitment for 'I'rml
Se.nvli WarniMl
Petition', for l."Mor.. !' A 1 ti
f," i:. :,l ail P. r ....ilhopv
(,Jii;nt; Lwatioii Water Iticlit
)i .vuil aii'l (J. S. Forma ' 'e:i( rarl to Sell
I)e,-I 1' f -f
Ci il it iJ Criminal Stilipoonas A ( tji" linent
1-n.ier il,,,? an.I Af)i-Ca-ii
hmont .lait;.,r A t Uivnu nl
-! 'tni..i:n:et for Fine
N.,ne, U.rnro!'s .lory KnM'
t :i il ( njiii;tii.l Wiii'ii.':' for An-e.-t
ini ira'i.,8. A.lmiMi Jmt. Km-u'o!'-, am! (.,nnrt!ir
lton-1-; ami P'l ',: Oi.U-r Sot' nr.: A ; art l'io,eii Kno,. i. - , iim. h; (M1.
Fell. I " of A
T st.unientai'
A '.i
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Xo'i.oef Ci.tni-I it
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SHFLII V '.. ' k.;.
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-a .Mtludii t
h'ir.lliin.lfiMl Sol.
: - inn
a -,-h V,;i, ,-.,n I
r..l,AMl'i'l'I',l'.i,l'll''-'V CliI'lIT AN II
All printed alter the atst
and best forms, of; Orders
promptly filled at Portland
prices. D: Give ns a trial.
i.; : :.- f r- : .' : . .-I
c ii '.. 1. w. i i . lit 0. lis V7
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