THE MEDFORD DAILY TRTBtTN R, MKDFORD. OH.. FRIDAY. APRIL 10. 1908. Mi. w Reform Candidate for County Judge't4: Wise Talks By t the Office Boy I ) rWH'v i M. F. EGGLESTON. :iniiil:ite for t In re i I 'M- ( 'omit y .1 inlr, ;i, rc:inl on ;i t'iii'iii I!' v"ii iui appoint- jniUlicrili iKiimiui! ii W:i linril ill liuliai :nnl :it 1 1n- men :ir l;i re.e ln ith l In- Stnto of IihM t tin- West 1'iuiit l'uile.1 States .M iliciry neailrmy. Me e;r:hlii:ite.. limn thai institution in IS77, wits rniniiiisiiMii-il n lieutenant in the i-avahy arm nf I ho I'liitctl .Stuli's army and up t r when he rosiyncil fr Ih' si'i-v'n-f. ln li. tluty on tin- siililii'csl-rii t'l-niiiirr an-l in tin TtMTilnrv as a Ironn i onimaii'h1 itrawit all nrilinaiit'i'R ami Irjjal instru-Mti-nis fjiniM- with inarUfil siii't-i'ss. ilis aihrtit iiiltt the ut't'u-t' iM-iH'd t ho i'ia of niuuicipal improvt'iiteiit 1'or Asli lami. Mr. Kjrjili'slon 's fhu-atioii and x prrifiH'c as an dignifcr rame in gmul play for tin ity ami lie projected ami iiranizi'd tin- si-hcinn of financing tin line s-wer sysletn for Ashland, which will soon einltnu'o I he whole city. He has also planned and drawn the ordinances for the extensive street-paving improvement which will he begun Indianj in Aslihmd next month. r, 4'ngi- Ho has a talent for organization and siniT nfficer, and onjsytcin in the adniinistratioa of public .jndg advocate. (affairs. This fact, and the high re- Tviee ln tonk iiplgard in which he is hold by his fellow f his time being c it iv.-iis in Ashland, led to his being iiii-cring and jour-' brought out for the office of County ..f 1!M.-,, when he j. fudge. nf Ashland, and ) The idea of trying for the office was has si a co In-. -a annua My re-elected to j not prompted by him. Ho has been that office. The office involves large j ident ified prominently with the pub financial, judicial and eecntivo respon ' licity and promotion work of tho com nihility. t mercial bodies of the valley. Mr. Kgglestioi has ln-cn commended in j He wrote the first literature deserip the highest terms for liljs successful man- ; tivo of the Kogue River Valley ten agement of the affairs. of his city. i years ago, intended to induce iinigra- Iteing well read in law, ho was ablojtiou to our splendid country. For sev to do the work of the ejiy attorney, and ernl years he was secretary of tho Ash two years ago the people abolished tho land Hoard of Trade and is now serving office of city attorney and tho recorder i his third term as president of tho Ash lias atatemb-d to .-ill legal business and i land f'oniniereinl club. in-er officer and special duty a- a I'pon leaving tin e-vil puiMttts. nioi levoted to mining . ualism. until I In- I': was elected record a savs a rose by any other name won hi be just as expen- f sivo back east this time of year. I sometimes think he pines for the piuey woods in old 1'enoh- scot, Trappe County, Maine, where he was raised hut that's one t lung yours truly never 4- yearns for. The good mountains and the good old ocean and nice 4- tdd Oregon atmosphere are good 4- enough for m-. lint it's all in 4 how you were raised. Pa likes 4 clam chowder and corn on tho 4- col), and harvest apples and a 4- lot of things that a kid who 4 was horn this side of the snow 4 sheds hasu 't had much chance 4- to get acipiaiuted with. Those 4- who have lived on both sides of 4 this great count ry and lived 4 long enough to know what 's 4 what can get all those tilings 4- just as nice one place as nu 4 other, if you know where to buy. 4 We 've got clam chowder from 4 Huston that is just as nice as 4- any you ever ate on the sand, 4 and lots of other things that 4- have that 'Down Rast " taste. t MILLER & EWBANK f t 4444444444 AMUSEK2I-JTS. 4 '4444444 4 4-44444444 The Diuibar Company. Ity KM ANMh'KWS. The MunbMi' coiiiiiauv which aoneared hero under the auspices' of the lecture I course on Wednesday night, gave a very nice performance indeed. With ; their male ii.triet. their excellent ot j for of Swiss bells and b'alph Dunbar with j man ami not made him well. There was one act, however, worthy of the highest praise, and that was the marksmanship 0f Mr. Hrooks, which was truly wonderful. One could almost consider himself well repaid by the merit of this not. Whatever may he the verdict in Port laud and Frisco, it s very evdent that vaudevllo s a misfit in Greater Med- SEE TIIK MOW AND CI'Tll IUTK LINK OK (IOHHAM STKItl.l X(i SIl.VKIi OS IHKPLAV AT THE XKW .IKWKf.KV STOltK. .ICST TIIK TIIINC I'dli KASTKII I'KKS TINTS. Marlin J. Reddy 11 NORTH 0 STREET, Fine Watch and Jewelry Re pairing a Specialty. Near the Postoffice. he- They inn nt lc his c.dlo. ami his brother II the flute, gave u by far 1 h I ertainmeiit ill I he Itct 111 e coi are cultnied gentlemen aid sicians. We neglected ii'.ti.-ing l he p,-rf aiice in yesteidny's paper for t lie sou lhat Tlo- Tiilonx 's diamattc c spelit the dav in showing the company the dift'eniil ranches in I tie :illey. and short as the lime wa-.. b'alph Millibar' selected a ranch ami completed the ar : railgeineiits for the pu n-lias.- yet el da v. -Mr. Ibnihnr ami his wile ate .blight fill people and ue are glad lo welco t hem as cif ien of our alley, wln-rc' they intend maling their hione in I he ; future. Hairy Munbar partly ci.mphd ed arrangements for a but owing! to the sholtne-s of ti the deal will ; he finished h colle- ience. The Mnuhai's aie larg. Ii'd-lev. of rice , land in Texas, but since looking over ; our valley tiny have concluded to dis j pose of their Texas holdings ami invest (heir entile capital in the vicinity of Med ford. We most surely extend them 1 the hand of welcome. j CAN ONLY LOAN FIVE GALLONS OF BEER An exchange stales from authority ! ha I a sa lootikci-pcr must neb her hor row nor lend leer in quantities equal to or exceeding live gallons, either in kegs or bottles. It is the practice among saloonkeepers in small towns n mute from uholostile houses to loan each otlo-r beer until new stock can be secured when t he beer is paid back. This pract ice is forbidden by t ho gov eriimeii!. A saloonkeeper who borrows j or loans bei-r in qua nl it ten. either in j bo n les or iu kegs, of five gallons or more lays himself liable for the penalty of (ailing to take out a wholesalers' licensr. A retail dealer, so savs the ant hority. can only borrow in such .,ii:nililit s as h can sell. He cannot sell (ive gallons or over without a wholesalers ' license. Massage Parlors ELECTRIC LIGHT FERADIC AND GALVANIC HOT AND COLD SPRAY SALT GLOWS BATHS MRS. C. A. MOORE THE ODELL, Over Postofflce I I XOTU'E. ! In 111.' eiivnil imiiiK nf Hi,. nt:io of ln-i! in :i n.l fur I lie ciiuiifv nf .lai-li 'I V.mtlrvillfi Toiiit'lit. Tin- Slilliwin Jl C 'i.iisi.lin.- ill" i-iiiii :i 11 V U Ml.'! k i Mi,' II t'r-w ti'Wtis I1' UVl'I'll I'm t lliinl :iu. I S;n-l:uiH-Ml.i mill lut vi' iliii;ii.'.l In t;inr M I..V.I with 1v,i r hi : ' I ilon 'i Uiinvv :t' it i ill' tllf rilil tliino in i-ritiriii- ;, -villi- -In'". Iui- tin- Hll.h.- i ,,,,,, M:,v Cllr.-ril. I li'fi'lulil lit . I, linn.-. Tin.- t will .l:,v S.i.t.1 1 --,, All Win. in It may C.i rn, IV- iiii-nl.i :ni. I Sail I'ltn-. i-r.. h.l "ill .l.-.y 1 (,.,tunl: t i..m.. Im.ii..- H,:it will fuiiiiu tin-, TK-: Vll'l'll i-: ..n tin. :.tli iny f Mar.-li. Iinm. :iti..r a- fil.. l.v tin said The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishes hot water for tea on very short notico It rati be used on the tea table or in the kitchen Attaches to any electrolier durable. in the matter of the application of; Win. b'. Kwhauk to register title to the! following described real property, situ .il.-.l it, ti l oiiiilv (lr.. , roil trt wit-1 The Lot numbered' (1) nnd ' Sm,,,,'Mor tn rn,Inr twelve ilJt in Itbick number thirty-two; W:it'T Power f'o. Of- ClL'l of the 'iy of Medtold. VS. AM fce flfi W. 7th ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., kooiiKimiuiB ni. Iii( rlrptric si(;n. I'linii.. 8' alatl)! l-lit i--1 " t. I lli- 'i In ..I t. ' 'I'lii-n- III- ll.i. fl:i' "'' ainli-ii.'-K in it it--. Ilial .1- inaii.l i"-l -ii' li - I-I-- "t "T I.II-III.-IIII-'--. a- " I- liivil I '-i.' la-t lliiilit I, lit ill a I..WM III.. l.-ll..r.l. Iiit.- id. Y..U hav.. na.l i.f fli.lil.-ti liraiii I Irntiiili-H.) ) tin- rcal miiIi -.titnti' for cnt'U't. W'f ki-II it ALLEN k REAGAN. tli.-atri.-al l,-in-ii-lltat iU.I ltl.1,1"- n. ..r ill." . .. ...l.-. la-t nii:l,t ' ..-r 1'i.riiiaiii "a- a mit it. Tln-ri- i' a wa- .t' r. t'i.rni. thi-v a that lia- trn. k I V- .-..iintrv in all tliini:- ,itial I 1 1 li : . 1 . i I . I. at it hadn't y-t tnn-k Hi' lini. l lia" " i'Ii In" lit II.- Imiii.-I, ..1' -1 1 ! . wln-k.-i- an. I a r.- f t.,ir- ,-t' " . ..W-1...I t It:. it u . ,1,1.1 m.-t lc ll. ' ' H I .i U.-ti Itn. -k-' ' ' l,,k lik- a im- tin lnilk.ail. Th.-l, til. Ti- nr.- tin- T V'-niiu M . II tliat "iti O v . 1 1 1 ..nt iii.-I..,- hi n liil, k- v with nil , :ii, atl'iui't at a ,-Ii-.r,l ,.f tin- s.i.-iith. ami jiit lit a .i,int whin- ",i f.-.l that lit'.- it rvally ti"t w.'l'h tin liiiii. th.v i-..iniii'-li.-i' a tatt"" "ti tin- ':,L'.- fl,,.,r nith tin cl,.L' sh.i'... .- th, . 'mih; an. I ilaut'.- tn.-ii i ahvavi Ink.' i li-,i--'-lv. h ,-ri"ii-ly. tli'-,v; inalif an att. n,,t at t - li- ..f ,,,ll,i l !. likl' H...-. Ami tli- ii i Is- Att-n U Win. K. i:wl'iink in tin- i-ir.-tiit i-ourt uf I .lacktioii I'otinty, Oii'.ui, fur initial ri'C i-ttati..ii i,f lli,. (ill,, of tin- hllnl almvp j ..-,-rilii-,l. ' illV. )(. i .... r .....l ,iuu-..r j mi ..r l,i'f,,n- tin-, ,av of A,ril. I!HW. I - - j-ii-I i-liow ,-atir why sin-)i applirat ion ' fr,-o an.l -l.-ar of all lii tii, tnnl of tin -' 1,1 ""' I- irraiiti'.l. tho amp will ' .),, r r riflit of Km il v .1. .Vooti. tho n-i. I- Ink. -ii a- i "tilV..,, an, I a .La-roe will I on- of Kaiil V. '. .Voon. Hiwtwil. thi t t .1 r 1 1 tr to tin- tiravf-r of f..ll,,u-ii,ir ,l.-i.-rilipit r.-al nroiM-rtv. nit rn.l fi ill,. Ill" I S".- I . I ntilv I'lr fun. an. I mil ro'ir i:.i:i I 'rni: N,,li. .I.r.iun in i. -il. an. I you will lip forovi-r -in '1 i'.iit injj t ho ainc. my haml ami tin- noal of tin io alliv.,1 tlii .'tli .lav ol W. i;. ( ill, CMA , ,,f .lai-k-oti riniiity, (Irp ,,ffi,i,, i-l,-rl of I ho Cir K.121 70' I" with Hip llra.llni" i-o.-r..l tlo- i;'"-ii"l in I,' tlip plavT" ul .-ii h- ,M: ' tat.- hiiinanity l.n.llv that think naturp t journoytr.rn iwiiii; ii.-iIp in tho potintv of ,Ta.-k",,n atol .tato of Irpgoti, to wit : Tho iindivioVil half of lot. I. 2. .1. an 1 in liloi-k 1; lot. I. 2. 3 ami 4 in lilopk 2: lot. I. 2, :i ami A in lilopk 3: lot. 2 nun 3 in 1,1,,,-k l; .,t I. 2 ami : in' lilopk lot. I, ami :i in lilopk 2'l; lot i. I ami 2 in l,l, k 21; all in B'-atly'. A.l.litinn to tho Town nf Mp.lforil. , i Kai'l iiroporty will n .ohl for rah 1 V. ill-' SAI.K.lin hanil on ili-livorv of iIppiI; 2'1 iipt ! ,ihi r. t . t i',. t.-.-nt or tho pnrplui.p (irn-o to lip paid f .- i. Ii. ri-I'v u'ivi n lhat tho tin I at thp litno of tho making; of Hip liar ,-,l. iM'rlltor', of till' i--tati' ofjirftin of .:ip, Noon. ,l,,-,ai,,l, l.y anthorily ofl lati-. l-'i'lirnnrv W, lll'lH, ! ",,-ari- ih.- . ..iinty , It of tin' "talp of ( Iro " X- "UJ'. ',l!-' f..r -Multi al ity. will on ami- T. W AIIMHTIIONtl, rii-y in ii latt.-r Hi- l".th .lay of April, A. H. lH'il.j Kipptitom of tho Klato of V. ('. N'oon.j .,n nl, I . (--, I to -.'II al j.liialP "tilo. .iiltji-pl J Ilpppa.i-'l. h,l nia-lp to confirmation by tanl county court, I Northup k Xorthup, AttornpyH. Tfa.10 ihak i.- jt aiNClniTV CiOtHt. 0OP..I0HT Like a natty doulilc-brcastcd suit this scastni I The one shown in the, picture is the very latesl style; with large lapel and "chesty" front. It is called the Athletic, and is well named, as it is just the 'garment to please the man with a good physiiic. We can show you a number of very attractive cloth pat terns in this style, and a doz en others that you may like just as well, and you have a broad guaranty of quality with every purchase you make of us. $12.00 lo $40.00 u n iu 1 1 u nil ni iii MENS SHOP Opening Morning of the Eagle Pharmacy CO.Ml'bNTKbY KI'IHI'KD TO ( 'ATKlf TO Til K X K K I S O K I !( )TI I T 1 1 K M K I I ' A b I ' 1 1 ) KKSSIOX AND TIIK (JKXKUAb I'lHtblC Everything Brand New IM'-TO-DATK STOCK OK DIM'OS. IM.'OIMf I K TAI.'V MKIHCIXKS. TOILKT AITM'bKS owl XCC KSS( ) I I KX. I I KS( ' I 1 1 'T I ON '( ) I K CAM K Kl'l.bV K X IK 'I'TKD IJ V If K ! I ST K K I ) I'll A (.MAOISTS. The New Store The Old Location A. WHITMAN. Manager. A Bargain in Ofchatd Laiad 21 id ACI.KS KINK Oli'CHAIfll I.ANI. one mile from I. I, station, nearly all under cultivation, i(i0 per acre. One-lliird cash, easy terms on balance. A fine tract 0 to sjidividc. CH. E. Morrison OffiiT ()rrr Mnlfonl Suliminl litnik. A Study in Brown See Our Big South Window Urnwii, its you Niirelv knew, in the strongest or mmt fiiijultir color for tliO HirihK of liMiS. ( is a cubtr that i bent iultq.ted for thin Meet ion of the country htvauHo it hIiowm tlunt leant f nil ami is in perfect harmony nt all sen sons of the year. If you want n Hiiit that is uot too heavy fur Miminer and yet heavy enough and dark enough to wear most all win tor, you nhouhl pick on a hrowti. I trow n this sea son im licin U!ted wiih more ahudc.i of trimmint; tliau in any sen sou of tho pant. Wo can jjivc you u ptT- feet fit and every suit you buy id guaranteed to wont- your full mou v ev 'h worth, and vou to ho tho judge. You may think you can beat our price;, but if you will come here nod compare, we feel sure whether you tell any one or not) that wo could havo saved you moiioy. Special pricen $8.00 to $37.50 Trunks and Suit Gases Big Line at Money Saving Prices If you passed Jilniitf in front of our ytu saw almost it carload of trunks, suiteaNes and Kiips beinjr unloaded. We shopped u long time be fore buying these yonls, iu older to ii'l the rijjht prieos, and wo certainly think that wo have the best values ever shown in Southern Oregon, GET OUR PRCES SURE. MEDFORD'B POPULAR LADIES' SHOP. BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. 0 STREET, JUST NORTH OP JACKSON COUNTY BANK. A bit of Alfalfa Land Kvery one posted on the land situation in this val ley knows that "ood hay land is going to be in de mand from this time forth, owing to so much of our alfalfa land having been planted to fruit trees. We lire able to offer for a short time r ACtttfS Ol;1 TIIR BEST Only three miles from Medford, for the reasonable price of TWO IIUXIIKKI) DOrJiAIJS PER ACRE, And we pronounce it one of the best buys iu tho valley today. II; is of the best quality, and we know it will prove a winner to the buyer. It is equally well adapted to pears. If it interests you, eall at once on Robe Rver Land (2o. EXHIBIT BUJi.DINO, MEDFORD, OREOON. SPREAD THE NEWS Colonists' Rates i mmmmamtmammmmmmmtmmmimarriammmmmmmmni ii'iw)a?i r Colonist Rates from all points East to Oregon from March 1 to April M)t 1908 The Southern Pacific fiiiroed Announce rattx in effect Maicli 1, 11M8, will ba J8 from Cbicxfi, f:l.ri.r0 from 8t. Louis, Mo.; from Missouri Rlrer common poluts, Coun cil RluffH to Kan.n City, Mo., Ineluclinx alno Nt. Paul, Miruie.-.p .'Ha, I II); from Denver, Colorado 8pnn(.i urn! Pueblo, 1 10. For further information call on or atlitrenA A. 8. B08ENBAUM. A fat, Medford, Or. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Alorrison CHINA PA1NTIN" A NO WATKR COl.OKS. Ri-. 20n A St. Wit. Tel. W:.