Til 10 MGDFOKl) DAILY TRIBUNK, MKIRM.. OK.. TIU'RSDAV. 'AVVJT' f) , 1MB. Medford Daily Tribune A Lire Papor in a law Town. published every eteniDg except Sunday be preiteuU'd hy the Bulwvim A Coiisi M.rifnrd Publishinc Company, 'dine vaudeville company at tuo Mp1 PUTNAM. Editor and Manager. ford Opera flousc tonight. AMUSEMENTS. Heluw w give the j.rog-um that will Admitted as Second Cluss- Matter in the PoatofrVetedjronl,jJregoo. "subscription Eat: One niontb, by mail or carrier. One year, by mail .. 5.00 THE GOVLD DIVORCE CASE. The charge made ugaiiitit Mm. Hw nrd (iould by her husband in hi Muit for divorce gvn another glimjiM of the life among the Smart Hi t, ho graph ieally pictured during the Thuw murder trial". According to Mr. (iould, a hoc cesHion of i-oektuilH, highballs, gin fizwR and other edutivo drinks fol io wod each other down his wife's throat from early noon, when Mrs. (iould first awakened from her drunken dreams, until the wee ainn hours when Mho Bank into an intoxicated slumber. 8ho also swore like a trouper, smoked cigarettes and in other ways copied the manners of the tenderloin. If these accounts of life among the very rich, the "law-defying, (lod deny ing, idle, rich," are true, and there are many corroborations which confirm I he fltoric that drift out of the effete east, idleness and wealth are fast pro dueiug their u.suiil results of degener acy and decay in America. The "smart set" is doomed to early extinction by its own vices nnd follies, and to go the way of the smart sets nf all nations. There is little danger in America of tho rotteness abovn permeating the so einl fabric of the country, as happened in ancient Koine, when the nation cuniH degenerate and an chhv orey tn barbarians, but the support of a but terfly class in useless luxury while idle workers imrade, the streets in vain search for work to pay for food and driuk, is likelv to produce a social ro volution having for its object the morn equitable distribution of wealth amoug the real wealth producers. Tho excesses of tho smart sets of their .various times caused the " Kouudheal rebellion." the French revolution and Hourly nil great uprisings of the poo i do which have dotted the pages of history. It is not a good thing for any land to have tho many slaving for hi! re sustenance so that the pampered few limy load luxurious lives, parasites sapping I ho life blood of the mil ion President Itoosevelt Was right in class itiff both the idle rich and the hobo to got tier ns useless classes of society. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Prices 33, .10 a ud jj cents: .1. II. lnvieR and company, presenting "Tho Ballet Girl." The cast: Kointid Ply at, a New York business innu, .1. H. Daviett; Prank Clifford, the ballet girl, .lames K. Lee; Mrs. Kolaiid Plynt, the newly hired girl, Miss Cora Calkins. It it-tie y W. Craig, musical comedian, "Me nnd My I'nrtncr." Maude Hut ton nnd company, present ing the nautical playlet, "Ciuderel". The cast: Jim Hargus, from (loldfield, Sow, Mr. tireen; Albert, a waiter, Mr. CiiMack, and Maude Sutton, an Polly Wuggles, "Ciaderel." O'Xeil College Hoys, singers and dam-crs of reputation. Sum ltrooks and Rose Jennet to, in "Phiffy Huff Ion and Spooney Sam on he Main Street." Original Young Butl'alo, America's sensational marksman, assisted by Mile. Vera and his wonderfully well trained dog, " Prank." PRESIDENT COM PB ELL SPEAKS FOR UNIVERSITY J. A. Perry to J. K. Knyart, lot ti, block 17, Hultc Kails (iustave Kdlund to Henry Jlumph rey, lots '2, A, 4, 7, H, 1 1, I:!, 1.1, 1(1 and H, block - Orchard Home Tract . . . Kttu Stevenson to Henry Humph rey, ii acres in I). L. C. ."i, township '17, ra.-.ge. t W. ... W. II. Urndshuw to II. 1). Iluw ard, lot tf, block ii, Cottage Home Addition, Med ford .... Cits Samuels to S. T. Howard, Jr., 10 in-re in Knncli Walker I'lacc Millie Inlow to Theodore P. Smith, 4 acres in Nivt ion "t, township (tit, run ye I K Charles W. Pitt to IMwiu A. Hong, 'JO ticres in I. Ij. C. township W, rnngo I V John V. Pitt to C. V. Pilt, .lis acres in I. . C. 7-, township .'IS, range 1 V i. H. liutler to K. M. Diuuuick, one half of lot I. block N, A rli land (I. V. Htephensua to l.ydu K. Me Krlaae, lot J, block P. Itail road Addition, Ashland .... Abraham t 'ub-y to J. Wright, 100.02 acres' in l, U C. M, township ,tt(, range 2 W (rautt Kawlings to Kiln Arnohl, lund iu township 37, range 1 K Joseph M. Under to Clara ltti der property in Med ford .... A. J. ttoaoh to Lowell II. Roach, part of lot l.'t, W. C. Myer Addition, Ashland A. J. Roach to C. V. Knot, same as nbovn W. M. Holmes to It. C. Stone, lots ft, fl, 7 and S, block (U, Central Point -. J. V. Chirk to Mrs. Hcnsic Kan dull, lota u and 0, block .V. t'nntral Point B. P. Carter to school district No. 3fi, lot 3, block 1, Woodville 770 JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Put her Mutliugly and Noble Clinch thran, who Iihvh beet; Spending the win tcrt Pacific drove, Cal., returned on 'Wednesday. K. C. Smith wn over froui Medford several duys this week, looking up rec ord at tho courthouse. Miss Kintna Armstrong w.'iit over to M I'd ford Wednesday morning to prnd a few days with friends. J. M. Under, formerly sheriff of thin county, was iu town Tuednv on "of ficial ' busiucNs, J. W. Cook of Portland and (ieorge lowland of (iratit Va are making this section of tho country ;( visit. They Here both former residents of thin place. Miss Josephine Orth spent the Jay with relatives living iu Medford Wi-d iidiiy. B. P. Mulkey nnd flus N'l whury, its pirouta for the district attorney's office, pent Wednesdiiv iu Me. 1 ford. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jackson are mak ing friends living here n visit. They ar rived from Klamnth PnIN recently and intend winking Axhlaml their future home. ('resident P. U. Campbell of tho tTui versjty of Oregon Wednesday gave the students of the Med ford high school a short talk on the university and neces sity of passing tho appropriation on which a referendum has been taken. Preside ut Campbell has a two fold ob jeel in making his rounds this year. W it Ii h is yea rly inspect ion of all the high schools of the state he is talking very earnestly in favor of the appropri ation for the Pniversity of Oregon. "The eyes of nil tho United States," said President Campbell, " nre watching to see. what action the people of Ore gou will take in regard to supporting tho stitto university, for it is the first time iu history that higher learning has been subject to the direct vote of the people. " Mr. Campbell also spoke on the lack of self-confidence which prevails among the students of today. " I would rather sen a boy, or girl, with tho big head for a short coutnet with tho eold world will bring it down to its uormnl size, than a boy or girl who has not back bone enough to tackle the hard things. Aim high, lit said, emphatically. He tried hard tn plnnt the seed of ambition in the hearts of the students and many an eye sparkled with resolu tion in the senior class ns ho spoke of the boys who were working their way through college. lie ended by nsking the co-operation of nil the students in relation to the bill on appropriation for the Univor slty of Oregon. tween before the schools since last full than iu veurs, but are rapidly disap pearing in the present agreement. O. A. C. has niiuuuiiccd no intent ion of using Sin it hson, and while ho was iu Port laud he said he would not think f sueh a thing us mipcting for the school this spring, yet the Oregon men are worried because the contract with O. A. C. is not worded to keep him out. Smithsmi claims that he will make vanU over hnrdlett in 't seconds this Mrs. Elizabeth H. Morrison CHINA PAINTING AND WATKR COLORS, lies. 200 A SI. We-t. Tel. 3J'. ' York has mnnugcr of " Charlie Harvey of Ne telegraphed A I Hereford, the Kureka Athletic club, on 'behalf of Owen Mora u, I lie Knglish feather weight champion pugilint, accepting an offer of a purse of j;."Hmiii for a fight between Moraa and Abe Atlell in Sun PraueiHco, Moran nnd At tell recently fought a hard -5 round draw in Culi fornia. If Miu drink coffee, drink the bent "((olden il;h- High Grade ( "of fee. " If you don 't drink cofee, drink the best cer eal drink "Golden Grain Gran ules." ALLEN & REAGAN. .Something New III KllhlHT liri'H thai it will pay yull tn iiivratigiite. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, KatiHfaction guaranteed. Mitchell & Poeck MEDFORD SASH & DOOE CO. Window and Door Screens, Fence Pickets. Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grllln. F, BETWEEN (iTH AND 7TH STS. PHONE 63. ' The Medford Brick Co. ('oin,wi.il of W. Q. FRIDDY, O. D. NAGLE, O. T. O'BRIEN imifuHurPrs COMMON AND. PRESSED BRICK. OcmTal emit rartorH ami luiiMf-rM in all its liram-licn. I'lains ami estimates furnislii'il. All work guaranteed. LIME, PLASTER AND CEMENT FOR SALE. .r. ; j GENERAL Kant 7tli MlliM't, rear lllacltmiiitll Sliojt. WAGONERS. f Mci'l'iiiiaii h M.-.l I .,,.1. (Ir MARRIAGE LICENSES. .Iiwipli M. llailer ami Rertlia M BORN. MOItSK At Anliliiml, March 2, liinS In Mr. uml Mrs. IVicv M. Morw ll daughter. WILf!OX At (lriiut Push, March 17 llins, to Mr. mid Mm. rrank O. Wi cor, a noli. AHhland Teacher Dead. Will Mnl'fit di d at the family ri'Hi lence at Ashland Tuefiduv, agcil 2lJ years. Deceased was n gradnatn of th Monmoiilli normal school uml n school teacher, having located there with his parents some lime ago. going from New port. SPORTING NEWS. I he mulch race, run ul Omuls J'iis one day last w ell bctwoon Holler's Mliulcy V. mi, I Kentucky (telle, wns won hy tlie first named horse. Aim Attcll, champion featherweiuht. ami llrookly Tommy Sullivun huve been nmtched In fight I'll rounds at Mini rranciscu on some dale in the latter part of this month. The fight is to ho snlntitute tor the l'lvnu Kaufinauii fight, which has been called off. luuilio Mirtori, driver of the Italian racing cur, which arrived at Nan Kriin isoii .Suuday, second in the New York to Paris motor race, charges that tin American car, which is far in the lead. lias violated the rules of ih ,it.,.i She is disouiilified half dozen limes," . declared, "and even ,,. arly iu Ihe race as t'hicugo all the rarer in the other cars signed a joint protest against the methods mlonled hy the American racers. "Whv. in one pace in tho Itocky Mountains the I'll, .inn. renigg.d n a lerrilic hill thai took us sii days to climb by taking to Hie ruilnuul luiiuels. It lias also ' ' towed by electric cars ami teams. When we arrived nt I'catli Vnllcv luiiiir of Hie natives uniiroa, he.l n ...;.i. I'ou'l yon want us to pull vou across tho valley with our learns us we lid Ihe Americans' The mosf serious lunge against h,. Americans is llmi they changed their motor ,.,..,:,! i,,... twice, at least, ou the trill aeros. the continent. Thin if tr,. i. n .k el violation of the lutes, lor the con si i. an endurance race. ' ' More Money for Bound Defenses. WAHIItXOTOX. April S.-Thc forti tlcnlioDA bill, reported to the senate, carries Senator Ankcny's amendment, increasing tho appropriation for forti Ocalions on Pug' t Hound l,i)oi),iHU). As the bill passed the house, il appropriat ed 747,ilon for this w,rk. The appro priatlon li not Itemized. I"' races at ihe .Southern IV .,. Iii.tri.-t fair, lo be held at Marshtield. August I'll to in promise to be Hie hi that have ever I u ,..M i ,h. (,iu. Seven of I ho It,-., I,, I !,.... .ll I... ' uml several of the I 'alii' hors,- in,,, haio signiti tk.sir iaten lions of entering their viiss Assist a dneii horses are now beisjt iforXeJ out ul h track. Tho committee hat ing in charge Ihe arrangements for the fair mil speud about r,on repairing ihe fair grounds. Golden Grain Granules loo IM'ilf. CKXT VVUK l' HI. HAL COKHHi:. an iir- 11O011 It histos like coffee. II looks like coffee ami il smells like coffee, bill is pure roasleil Kraiiis, Mended so as lo pro cure Ihe best Mayor. Ihe realesl slreniitli and icl( which yoiuiij and may iIimiik nionuntr nul nielli. Golden drain (lranul(s is specially reeoininended to those sn fieri iiii from heart Irouhle, neryoiisness, const i paliou, indieslion. dyspep sia and stoinadi Irouhles. X hi rly '.l-jioiniii fmrhiUji lor "J.'ic, all retail grocers. Wholesale hy P. B. Theiss & Co. Metlford, Or. Ileeause Forrest Smilhsou, the chain pinn hurdler, is trutning the Oregon Agricultural college nt I'orvnllis ami taking a couple of studies, the O. A. I'. and the I'niversily of Oregon students nro on the verge of another war. More amicable relation! bate ejlstcd be- Notice. PROGRAM AT THE MEDFORD SKATING RINK FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL: Twit m'MHii.n tlailv from 'J to i. in. :iml 7:W to . m. on Tu lavs, Kriil:ivH anil S.-it in l:i Tor ciit'li week ilnrin tin1 monili. t'li.'ilio of prorilin to ioiiniM'iii'r Kriilav, April A, lifii t In r'wv of tiiKtt for Ilftl'MIOOH lh'4li will 1o rritihTil to l.'t crHt. Kritlav of trt-k wrik ill l.i Aim' NiWt, ukoa ktr will U ii Riit'l to b.H f r ; -ilt M ti J."t r at. Vwit lHiT, Tvt of rg.-h i: .viiioi 10 !!. 'J') mmii. Xn.u hy Itiftk H.Hi.l. 'riiurliiy n Jli', l;nu' immu iiit'tK-iut! April l; y.'iitli nufi r.'if. fcU iuiie froo. M i.- I V W-':it tnWa Club Ori''ir:i. 1 Thililri'ii 'a noon ft; sl.iilon iy ciMit. (.rami May Pay M;m.)im Skating IVslivnl SatMhlay, M(i l Parlirn lator. ff.mlill :ft Mi"lS'. Froprlptor. W nr.lnv aftor R. W. GRAY, Builder C( )L( N I A L 1 '( niVM WOT? K. (11? I LL AND LATI I WO UK, I'ATTHRXS, HTC. TELliPJ 10 NH 171. IHI)FOlM),0U, Mad e tn New York E sell Benjamin Correct Clothes for Men mm if YOU WILL NOT REQUIRE SAUCE to inn ko the fotxl palalablo at lliin res tan rant. Your a.n't itc will nof.l do hiii'Ii Klhniilanl. Our foods aro ho loii-atoly eonke.l arwl toinptingly scrvol t tint t Inn will make you oat wlifthi'r you okiiip with an aj-jH-lHo or not. A tl inner here with a I'lini.t uioaiiH pleasant eonipanioDsliip ami lli- poil'i'ction of fnoil rating. THE NASH CAFE. The Nash Gate Trees! Trees! Trees! Buy the Best c. fTcook DHALHR 7.Y High-Grade Nursery Stock To insure '. O. !'. Ilic lirsl sliii-k, would Milvisc SII. v. i.iciii",' vonr ordors " I 'hour rsrs OFKICH OIM'OSITH TIIH HOTEL MOOUH. M. l-lNYAHT.l'resiil ( A. I'KKKV, Vice Pre: lit. liilent. .IOI1.V S. (IKTII, Cashier. W. 1!. JACKSON, Ass I f.ishier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. OAF IT A L tji.-)0,0()0 SU I 'LI'S ! 0,000 S;ifcly IJoxcs to Uciil. A ( Icncral linnkinp; IJusinoss Tniiisiii-lcd. Wo Solicit, Your I'iilrouai'O Are You Looking Tor a bargain in s.onc of tho very b I am offorinj; a tract coulaiiiiiig 17! choicest apple liMitl, at t't pi'r ai-ro. (her paitieiilar;' seo t apple la ml in Kojuo b'ivor Valhv? acros LiO acres of this ia tin' very Only 7 inili'H from Men ford, 1'or fur- ALFRED SMITH OYEU JACKSON COUNTY IiAXK. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS Tlu-y drain the towns of mono and neither Hi vi- the tit, style nov distinetiou t- your clothes Unit yonv own city tailor can. Patronize Home Indistry The clothes I make are the kind that "carry distinction," that liesreak the man, that keeps yonv money at home ami are superior iu every detail to the "sweatshop" e,oods of catalogue houses. mr TWI WWET mi EIFERT The Citv Tailor FIERCK WY CLEAN-HtC Moviford fiPl'.t,lCANS CENSURED tl TOR COWARDICE ON BILL ml., it WASH IV the tail of the I preni.il nt, i TON. I tlie pi. 1 :i i et in I'oiiijiin. that (oiumiltee on by M.'Calt vMiO. Apt il r.dh.Hiiii leinoe rat u an nibei ill 11 rl.-.tioll ot 1. 1. nt an. I ri pre-ien lo force action In Ih.- Mil introduce.) republican, to ivm te pnl.l I.'MV II mailt f ed mio mi .1. .,, t:it, iMLV th. at ion l ord-t w.-re ) tiif . f i ni ItoIm i iion ..f the , pa i i:ti con :im l h.'ti up and an on foot on line ox n! lo it v bill. - pubhcaiM wit Ii cow- m vteTi!;it iejiHy nild persistent- line to e;.. en record :m either fa oppotuig the campaign puh- because, they cost no more than other clothes, and are accepted as the Standard of Style everywhere. The price is always right. Seventh Street New Clothing Store The Wise Man Seeks Absolute Protection for His Valuables There nro numerous instances where valuable jewelry, heirlooms and other treasures have, been stored about the house, and when fire broUc out or burglars came, these valuables were destroyed or stolen. Metier be on the safe side and secure Absolute Protection for vonr valuables by renting a Safe Deposit Itox in the Fire and Durglnr l'roof Vault of the .lack son County Uanii. Finest in Southern Oregon. SATE DEFOSIT BOXES TO RENT, $1 AND UP PER YEAR. i ZTS tfimtU S State Deposits snn.oon.mi. Eatalillnliod 1888. W. I. VAWTKR, raro&D. orcoom (. K , xni.K Y, l'ri;uili-nt.f ('(ishior. Are You Looking for a anch money, which von rim iinpipojive? .1 road, school close, li. D. Trice That can be purchased for a little We have them one easy terms. 40 ACHKS All good land, gm timiii; luilf rash; not cleared. ltiit ACKKS imi acres fine laud, ha In net) rolling; not cleared Price J0iMt. half cash. 2l ACUHS Creek hot toin, I ti acres hay, 1 acre berries. Price l"i0 per acre; terms. ;ii0 ACKKS flood land, g 1 improvements, ;in acres young orch ard, all fenced: this is a g I buy. Price ifn per acre; good terms. DRESSLER & WOOD West Seventh St. Medford, Or. Medford Opera House ( has. i). iiAy.i;u;ir;i, ONM K 1(1 1 IT War. Thursday Apr. 9 Sulliv.in - ( 'oiisiilinc's All-Star Vaudeville and Comedy Company (i- (11. MAT A(TS-i; PRICKS ."). .")0, 7.") ("'cuts ff IKI.' !;Ti:i.'. for inli tirade Te: iol Spire. Hiikini- Po rn and heh h .it.. ;im . .l.iPtiniertw, fill k h ot I'l-Cellt t ouiiter: and I "of fees. Kx tract he. China Ware, ("la ':mcv ihe nnd i and MEDFOW) Tl:A f4 tOfMB H0lK 2U WKST SKVKNTII .TUKKT. McOLASIIAN JUNKEN. Fr). $10KE 10 O O