THE MIOPKORD DAILY TRIBUNE, AIEPFORD. OR., AM0D Esl )AY, APRIL 8, 19fiS. Hi. uv SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Kieu iln.v at flunking. April I. If Mill Eila Gnunynw, uteoogruphy and typewriting. Room 4, Palm block. .1. At. ItilllllJfH Ot AtilllUllU WHH II -ie(l ford hUHiiifhK (Miller Vednenduy. Ki'i? flu v lit HnHkin'8. April I. Ii horn Oregon scenery at 1 II ' Art Studio, near bridce. K. ('. Miner f t"dd Hill IniiiHiieted hnniiH'MH in Mfil ford Wwliiewlay. See fifteen hundred ejm nt llawliiii V wil w 1!' Ilavilund, semi jorflain ami enamel ware at J. Ward a H. S. ltruniMe, who linn Imm-ii til lwii viitiiie, for tin panl three weeks, will return In Mwlfuni (Iiih week. KiiL' ilav al Hii-duii fr children April IH. If IJavilam, semi-porcelain ami enamel ware at .1. C ward's. Hon. Tudd rHiii. rrui. former reprcsen tative of J.irksoii ei t.V, t r.'llisiictcd lumiiieHN in Medfm'd Wcdm-wiuy. It's all over town (lint Itcinhardl huildtt eiuiriuilPfMl cement walks. Tr. Almcda to. Martin, nntenpthic riivsician, room .13, annex entrance, Hotel Moore. IteV. .Install Merley and wife of Kutte l-'nlln were Me.! foul visit urn YVedneM (lav. Did you hear nleuit lieinluir) Who h Iteinliart I Why lie iiuiIich walks eusv walking Commeiiciiic with lHt TueMduy niht, the Kinoriek restaurant, will keep open until midnight for the heiiclit of the public. It. Mnlkey. candidate for district attorney, was a caller in Med ford Wed neNdav. Did yon lieur nlioiit Keiiihart Who ik Iteinliart Why lie makeH walka easy wnlkini. lili Heats for the Kdvvard Maxter IVny roiicert on Hale at lUskin's Dniy Store IVidnv. H' dim Newlmry passed tlirmijjli Med ford on his way to (Irants 1'jihh Wed nesduv. Did voit hear about Iteinliart.' Who in Iteinliart? Why, lie makes walks easy walkinif. A nice assortment of white Ifavilaud for artists' use at the Medford Ten & Coffee Mouse. IS Judge (1, W. Dunn of Jacksonville made a luisincss call in Medford Weil uesday niorning. Do yon want- a firnt-elasfl biiniiioMi lomtlon on Med ford 'a busiest at reet f Kuty terms. If no, rail on J. ( Itrown. Palm Block. Seats for the Kdward Itaxtcr I'erry concert on wile al Unskiu's Drug Store I'ridav lit ( Hi ver Join's, a rancher near Jack souville, was a business caller in Med ford Wednesday, A rt His, a I tent ion ! That while 11 a v ilaud you have heen looking for can lie had al the Medford Tea & Col'fo MoilHe. IS Heals for the Kdward Hnxter I'erry concert on Mile at llashin's Drug Slorc l-Vidnv. IH Mr. and Mrs. Peter liiurclt of Ash land transacted business in Medford Wednesday. A variety of cups and saucer, soup plates and odd dishes in I he Whtt i Ilavilaml cull lie had at the Medford Tea A. t'nffee Mouse. IS Mart iVllcit, tl rclmrdiNl of Tal out, was n culler hi Medford Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Junes and Mr. and Mrs. A. I.ucke of ( Vuttnl Point were business callers in Medford Wed nesday morning. II. 11. Ilnrris, S S. Pent and J. II. Miller left Wednesday morning fm 1 til 1 1 1 Pulls. Mr. Pent will return in a few days. W. .1. Ilenrdsley of Phoenix passed through Medford Tuesday evenin. en route for (iranls Puss to look after 1ms iuess matters. J. S. March of t Vnt nil Point pre cinct spent Wednesday in Medford. Me stales I hat the season has been cr backward and that rain is badlv needed. Mrs. Hen (laruell, who has been very sick at her koine in Xi.rtli Medford for the past iwo weeks, rapidly re covering. lieorge J. Post, formerly a resident of Medford. cauie in on lupines Tues day. Mr, Post is residing at Voncalla, Or., and left Wednesday morning for his home. Dr. Sam (trover, who is residing mi t he uiiNiirveVed laud in 1 lie east pin t of Jackson county, left tor Spokane, Wash., where he will :itlend to hii-d liess matters for I he coining two weeks. T. It. (ioodpastute of Die Willow 'reek district was a Med fold callet Wednesday mm ning. M r. I huh) pasture has set out 'to ni'irs of okIkh.I this spring, consisting of apple mid pears. Charles lleiiseluian, sou of ,1, II. Men selmaii. who has recently- lorn ted in Medford and will euum- in business has arrived from I'nithuid. Me will as Hist Ins father in the operation of his si ore. M. A Mouton and V. I'. Hughes ot Hut to Palls w ete busine-.s e;i Iters in Me.lford Wedncsdov. Mr. Mushes i templates building :t Ihieest.uv fiame building in the K.JIs, ilie lower floor of which he will o,vup uitl( a vt..ek of general Uierch;'.udise. Mil I look has sold his residence property in oith le-ltoid to I'mil De Kehoiitu of JacksoiiK ille The eons id oration wa J . Mr. De K. bo.-iin will reside hi M.slford. Mr. Hooker and family will take up theii resi.tenee ia Humboldt County, California, where Mr. Hooker has property interests. GRANTS PASS ISSUES BONDS TOR PAVINO INTERSECTIONS CH W'TK PASS, nr.. Apiil S.- The (rants Pass council has culled a special election for April 27 on the issuing of $111,000 bonds tn pa vi- I he intersections of streets ami alleys in the business seel ion, The paving ordinance has passed and work will begin as soon as possible ifler the special election. The etMnse of paving the blocks will lie borne by the property -owners. All the business sect! f the city will be paved with hitulithir. Payment will be made In ten yearly inntftllmentt. I AMUSEMENTS. I 'uiisidrable interest is being uiaiii I fesied in I he appearance of t he Sul ilivuu 4' Coiisidine allstar vaudeville I company at the Medford Opera House 'tomorrow (Thursday) night. I There are six ' ' headline ' ' acts in eluded in the programme, and it will be a hard matter to choose between them. Portland critics see mod to favor Young HutValo, who does u wonderful shooting act, finishing up by shooting the but tons from his wife's dress. Seats are now selling al Haskin's. THINK OLLIE HAMILTON IS DOUBLE MURDERER KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. April H. 1 1 is believed here that Ollie Hamilton, the Silver Lake murderer, not only took the life of Julius Wnllcndc, but of tieo. Mesaer. a blacksmith, formerly of Med ford, his traveling companion, as well. A parly just in f mm Silver Lake says that, last August, Mesner left that place with Hamilton, first drawing $-oo from .the Chrisman store, where he had it 011 deposit. Their dest hint ion was A shin ml, where they expected to en gage in real estate together. They left Silver Lake, headed for Klamath Kails, but apparently only Hamilton arrived here, and he registered by the name of his companion, (1. Mesner, in one place registering from Dunsuiuir and in an other from Silver Lake. The proprietor of the American ho lei remembers the man who was there two weeks ago, while the officers were searching the hills for him, as the same one who stopped there last summer. A few months later Hamilton re turned lo Silver Lake. Me seemed to have plenty of money mid was wearing Mesner 'h watch, which he said had been given him, Nothing has ever been heard siuee of Mesner, mid the supposition is that he was murdered while en route to this city, and the body hid in some Hoeluded spot, where it still remnins nnfound CHICAOO MAN WILL NOT PAY FOR $.r0 HATS CHICAGO, April M.-Twelve jurors, including three bachelors, last night de cided in Judge Newcomer's court that $.10 hats are excluded from tin- "neces sary household expenses" for which a husband in moderate circumstances legally may be held liable when in I'll r red by his wife without his ap proval. Consequent ly the jurors rendered two verdicts in the case id' the Maisou Noil velle vs. Mr. ami Mrs. L. W. IVrgu ion, the rase in ipiesl ion being a dis pule as to whet her I ho Maison No n vellc should r ive a balance of .fHi." alleged to be due on a millinery bill. The jurors decreed in one verdict thai Mi'H. I'Yrgnsoii must pay the ifldo, the finding being in favor of the plaintiff. In Hie other verdict the jurors relieved M is. I-Yrgusoii 's husband from nil re spioisibility, the llmling being in favor of Mr. Pergiison as one of the defend ants. The Muison Nouvelle was left to "hold the bag" for the lli:, un less it overturns the verdict. Buy Tickets by Wire. -'Something which Ls of considerable fnlennit lo the public generally and which is perhaps not. generally known is I ho system of prepaid orders now tn effect between at nt inns oP t lie Southern Pacific company and nil points in the United Slates. Hy means of this system ticket may be purchased at Medford from tiny place in tho United Stales and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these ticket! may also be furnished at the same time. " OK1HNANCK NO. I K An old inn nee establishing standard grades fur strer-ts ami avenues in the ( ity of Med ford, requiring sidewalks and curbs lo "conform thereto, nud pro vidiiiy penalty for violations thereof. The City of Medford doth ordain as follows: Iultinn Bench Mark Where Located Section l. The P. S li. S. bench mark, which is a round disc set in the west wall id the Nash Motel building, at the southeast corner of Seventh and l nt reels, ami which has an elevation of 1. '1 7(1. 01 1 feet above mean sea lev el, is hereby declared to be t he in it in I bench mark for t he City of M cdford, Oregon, Other Bench Marks Whore Located Seel ion 1'. For the purpose of perpet uat ing evidence, there shall be est ah limited within said city not less t han eighteen other permanent bench marks, vvhieh. with any additional bench marks, shall be located by the City Kagiueer, who chilli file n r trd of the same with the City Keeoider. which record shall accurately desci ibe and id out ify alt Hiich marks. Standard Grades Section :t. Tin' regulation of the standaid grade- for Kighth, Ninth. Tw elf i h and Thirteenth st reels, from the main Hack of the Southern Pacific company to l.'nenide avenue, and for Tenth and Khenth sticets from said Hack In I' street, and for l stieet from Seventh stieet lo Tli 1 1 1 eeli I h slreet, and for r street and Riverside avenue from Scx. nth ftieet to the tooth corporation boiindaty of the City of Mcdfold. and for H Kt reet Sev cut h -t reet lo iinh ot reel, shall be and are liendivif dc-htlol to be a-t indi.iiled ;.! s, i '3 lied bv the maps and profiles adopted by the tin Council in regular Heion Ilie iltli dav of .lanu.nv. l!iSt -m,) mi file in th. oft'i . the ,,.r( Grades to Bo Established Hereafter Section I, A I such future t hues as maps and profiles of the grades ofj streets and uvfiiues ii -,, ,-itv ol her . Ihnu I hose above named shall be ai ' proved bv the Citv Council and filed ill the ofti f the Citv Tteenrder. then - grades at indicated by said maps' and profile-t shall, by such approval of said maps and proiibs, be deemed the established standard grades of such ' streets nud avenues. Sulewnlks mid Ctuhs to Conform to Or.idf And Line Hpclion d, All sidewalkt find rrh i heiealler constructed in the City uf Medford .shall be made to conform to the standard grade and line of the re peetiw streets and avenues of said city. Penalty lor Violation Sertioll ti. AllV oH tier or OWIUTfQf pioperly abutting or bounding un any of the streets and avenues of naid City of Bedford who shall refuse or neglect to comply wilti 1 he provisions of this on I inn lire slinll. 111 1101 eull v let ion t here- loC In onnislied bv a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, and shall pay the costs of the prosecution. Alteration by City Seet inn 7. In the event that any person convicted of a violation of the provisions uf See I ion .i of this on! i nance shall fail or uegleet to alter siteli sidewalk or curb to eon form to tie' standard grade ami line as herein pro vided wit hiu I hirty days after such eoiiviclioii, the City Kiigineor may cause such alteration to be made, and cause the expense thereof to be assessed against the property abutting against sneti sidewalk or curb, ami such expense shall be a lien atfn inst said property and shall be cuforeed as is provided for the enforcement of a lien for the im proveiaent of a si reet. Section s, AH ordinances and parts of ordinances in cout'liet herewith are hereby repealed. The foregoing ordinance was passed by the City Council April 7, PMis, Trow bridge voling live, Kiferl aye. Wort man Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No singlo inser tions less than 15 cents. Six insertions for the price of four. Seventy-five cents a line per month. l-'OU SAT,K Old papers, r.n for Tribune office. els. l-'Olt SALK-l-'resh milch at Coss residence. Impure l-'OK HALK Olds runaboiir. in good condition, H)0. hwpiire Tribune- of fice. W A N T K I ( :ash paid for all kinds second-hand goods. ,ti;i Kast 7th, M. I. Moore. 21' l-'t li SALK Vn ting gentle cow fur sale; price $H. K. K. Morrison, If. I D. Xo. 1, (iriffin Creek. WANTMI) Woman to do housework nt once. Inquire ,'tl." X. I) st James Stewart. i-'Olf n'aTTK ow5 room lionse, $fjnn; easy t erins. C. A . u 1 1 ing. JM h st ., Itoss Addition, West Medford. ' l'o( SALK Two new f.'i room cottages bv owner. Write I'. O. Hox "."(', Med ford. IS WAXTKh To buy from 1 00 tn ;tmi head of stock sheep. Write l!o. liil. Me.lford, Or. l-'O j " 7 K N T -KTve vi mm" 'coiiag i.'iTer side avenue. Impiiro at Osenbrugge 's residence, I'Olf SALK .New Typewriter; can be seen nt residence of A. II. Miller, Kast Medford. W A NTKI I want to buy I mm one to I In ee hundred head of st nek sheep. Address Lock Hox HI, Me.lford, Or. l-'OU SALK An N room luingalow. com plete uml up to date, hd ;m.I I". In ipiire of L. .1. Kinluiil or I'ostal Teb' graph M'I'ice. W A 'TKI (Jill for general house work ; family of I ; part of washing sent out; ff .'''I per inoulli. Call :it of fice Xash Motel. W A NTKI -'- I'osil ion in clerical line T.r as bookkeeper by competent young man; best of recoiiiiueiolal ions. Ad dress X V. Tribune. L'l W A NTKI -Man and wife wish posi tiou on a fruit farm. ouking in a ford. Or. L'l Fob SALK- Choice linit and grape lauds near .lacksonvilte. Call and see Jacksonville Ken I Kstate Co., .lack sonville, Or. FOK SALK Two incubators, used only one season, for sale cheap; capacity of each, L1 It! eggs. I nipiire at War ner's ston. Warner & Snyder, tf FOH" SALK AtL,iiintiio7tgage gTlF edge security, no taxi's, S per cent net. Impiiro of t he Medford b'ealty & lient al Co.. Medford. Or. FOK SALK- One V, N. " Cream" Sepa rator, No, l! ; ."00 capacity ; good as new; cost .0; will sell for .f".0. li. C. Hensley, Ccnlnil Point. W A NTKD A loan of $00 for three ears al S per cent on PJ0 acres of yellow pine and for t imbcr close to Medford. Address T. C, care Trib une. ,17 WOKK YANITI dapaucse coutrac tor; nn do all kinds of general ''inn ing; geneial helper in all work; (own or count r . Addle A. K. Tut snmi. Cen'l Del.. Midford. Or. tf i:'.'... ACb'KS, s in all'alla and remain , der in family oivhatd and 1 , a. res of glapes; y I i til pi O elMell I s. l, miles ft miii t e nt i a I Poiet ; cli, ap il j sol. I -mm n. i . t. .tone-.. i "nit j Point. jo j Fb'PK liFNT Five acre. ad;i.iniug , tiy ' liniits. vttll free vciter f-r ii i ig.i I ion and free etei tti. power loi pumping. I VAill be leiitei iiee of chrugt' foi one J tear, lu.piiie of C. !;. K.n . Me.lford.' Or. L'O' The Medford Brick Co. i.f W. O. PRIODY, O. D. NAOI.E. O. T. O BRI1ir. i.KinnlM, h.r, ( iutii.s COMMON AND ll.' ..iiii.i.iii in.l l.uil.l. rs in f li 1 li i ill. .1 . All I.TMK. PI. ASTKR AND CKMKNT FOR SALK. t iiuniiiiiniiiiiimnnmBiwil R. W. GRAY, Builder COLONIAL TORCH WORK.ORILL AN1 LATH WORMS'. PATTERNS, ETC. TELEPHONE 171. aye, Menick aye, OJwell abf-'-nt, Jlafer ab"ciit. Approved March Hats, liKX J. Tb'owlilillKiK. Altent: Mayor Pro Teni. HK'N.I. M. COLLINS. Keconb-r. ly POLITICAL CARDS. FOR COUNTY JUDOE M. F. Kfinr.ESTOX 0 Of Ashtiiud. ' 'andidato for Republican Xoini nation. FOlt COUNTY JL'DflK, J. R. NEIL, t'aiididatu for the Democratic Nomination. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Kl M. A N I K KWS Of Medford. 'audidale for b'epnblii an .Vmaiiial ion. Folt S H K k I F F : WILBUR A. JONES, Candidate for I he Democratic Nominal ion. BUSINESS CARDS CHAS. VAN BUSKIRK, Short hand and Typewrit ing. fmonk ss.-,. V. o. iinx s;r.. Pruning and Trimming Done Laie and small coiil i;o-ls; alo day work. Hox XX. Tribune. BALL & OLOS0OCK, '(Mil raptors and lluilders. All Work (iuurantoed. Office with C. II. Tierce & Son. Phono fif;i: O. Hox 771. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Surg.'on. Office nt Residence. WILLIAM" YOUNO CAIiPKXTKi; A N 1 1 IIUILDKK. Window and Door Screens to Order. Mission Furniture Built. Box 7I. M I'd ford, Or. E . R. " SE EL Yf M D. Physician and Surgeon Modern Kq nipped Iperat ing Rooms. X-lfay. Office Hours. 10-12, 2 I P. M. Office in Jackson County Bank Bldg. Win. M. Colvig, Medford, Or. COLVIO & DURHAM, Attorneys-at-L.iw. Geo. II. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Day phone :t."i.T; Xij-ht Phones: C. . Cnliklili IDo; J. II. P.litler Ms. WM. W. P. HOLT. M. D I' and Surgeon. Kaglo Point, Oregon. E. L. BALCOM. New West Side Confcct ioiiery Kruit store candies, nuts, cigars, tobaccos, fresh f mil in season. Near lUdel Moore, Medford. Or. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AND COL EECTION AGENCY. Lock Hox Su. Medford, Or. E. T. HUNT, WAT KK SI'PPLY CONTRACTOR. Ill years' experience; Al references. P.est of work at riyht. prices. Pumping plants installed in u hole or in part . A ny available power. Wood or steel tanks on correct subsl met n res. (laso lino engines sel. Spray out fits bniM and repaired. A chance to figure on your work will be appreciated. Until shop is secured, Hox HS. Residence, end of North I) street. Light as Day Xo i-llillli-t' fur nTCilsi' In lurk in chirk cnrniTs nl' tlic oven uf Mmiiv's li'.inncs. Moore's Daylight Oven Alc.'ins MrlVct rlc.iuli ncss. ."d)(l Moore's in use in 1 ho valley. Sold hy . A', lioijiltii. Come In :iih! s.-i- tin' nrw linr of r.i:i! I. Is nl Hi.' New .l. w.'liv SI.. II NORTH C STRF.KT. Sim. Ilir I'.. si. .I'll..'. Martin .1. Rcddy Fine Watch and Jewelry Ee p.uriug a Specialty. TRUSSED BRICK. its l.r:in. Ih h. I'l:ttn jiti.l .lim.-it.' w,.rl, ,...,ir:iiil I MEDFORD. OR. :uy Clothes With YourEyes Open Have You Been Buying Clothes WIIF.RK TIIK SALKKMAX OR TI I VOl'i; HACK. (ilVKS IT A 1 1 1 T "I I I'ASSKS II IS If AND OVKlf VOl'l,' S.S -'WHAT A UKAl'TIFl'h I'l OF SFI.LIM! CI.OT1IFIS AND OX 7 I - ) - b E f!.. 4 f ' Xi- ' ' ;s Vr: y; : iV , '' ' '4 V" I tlx. Hi BINCtRlTY riOTKFS TV MK5 reiulttlj nhiiiit Jt hi"- liiiti l:u-k east lli;i cliiims (IkiI preserve I ives ji t e itol iiecess:iry (o the food pi eer vine; industry, while iill t he ol hers miiintfiin lli.i! the nt -vv l:iv, if Mtrictly eu f.n'.r.I, vtll pill them out of 1ms iin--. Put one )fx li'" with ;i lii; reputut iett for pulling up 1 1 ; 1 1 1 . 1 fruit i ;ui prn e ils posi tion for :ill the rest . 1 1 's mil v :i ipir-tiot) of itsiiii; s. until fruit, i.nnid I'niits, like siuiu.l Wottti n. need no preserv al iv es. Say, it isn't me that's al) this wisdom. It's the p;ier I was tellini; you nlioiit. The ins tak.s :i lot .f tnide papers and that Ke. s tue pisted en wh:it is i;,.in on in the pi.tsi,ii world, veil It. t. I Hunk Preferred Stuck ate t'i. ir.tsi. and H riii t comes iti !, then Hi. hop. What de you Tn a iar? Ml HER & EWIUNK i ' The r.LECTUIC , TEA KETTLE .' V: s l-'urnMi,-, !,,. "C'V It T in lv us. ,1 . . .. ""S tn lit I ll. I. All. i ii. I., ii v.i I. . ROOUK RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Srt. . . r . I ..II.1.T :ll.T l'..(r) I'll. Ill- wise yJS Ta,ks : j Office j VU) Hoy I was lu-.- :'.'ii W. Tth St..' opp. b.g rK'cTrio i:gn. rhino ' 1 The Safe Store MERE IS THE REASON: When ymi pi inin ;i l;ice to buy doda don't you like In kimw tluit slmiilil tlic piods you buy prove unsatis-l',ii-ioi y you i-oiild yrl your money liack Isn't the store tliat docs Imsiness alonn' those lines ft'oiny; to Irv to keep and sell only the very best yoods I Certainly they are. Yon don't have t be a .jud.uv of miality to'buy ;oods hen it it doesn't weal- we take all the risk. Glove Sale 70c a pair tor lomj blaek and while silk lisle ( I Iovof. regular .'2 value: t'orin ei l- sold hen- at 1 a pair; also all ol' our short Kid ( 1 1 o es. sold everywhere at -0. Init here at 1.IH1 a pair: while Ihey last yon ean buy them at. 79C $1.00 PARASOLS 60c I". ii . i r..', we will sell a lot of plain white Parasols, beautiful natural wood handles ; best paraxon frame, while: eaih parasol has a ni.e tassel: a value i!i.". I is e,iial lo most paj'asols sold at .1.0(); of- fL In. .1 lo M.ii while 1 1 icy last at OTHER PARASOLS TO tl.D. 1 : i in .1 oxe )-;. u s to he BAKER HUTGHASOft COHPHHT irsr xoirru or .iacksox coi'stv haxk T T K DFAI.FR puts the coat ox 1IFRH AXI) A 1TLL T1IFRE. HACK AND SHOULDERS AND T ?" WELL. THAT'S OXE WAY E .WAY OF IIUYIXO THEM; RUT A FA1 UETTER AY AY, A0- ('ORI)rX(i TO OUT? rETIKii) OF TIIIXKIXO, JS CHOOSIXO A SIZE SUITED TO THE CUS TOM ER AXI) O.mXO HIM A COAT TO SLIP OX HIMSELF A COAT THAT SETS PER FECTLY THE MOMENT HE PUTS IT ON AVHOSE COL LAI,' SETS CLOSE TO THE SHOULDERS, AND THAT SEEMS MOULDED TO THE FORM, A (I AILMENT THAT DRAPES AND FITS AS ONLY I 1.0 R F F 'T L Y MA D 10 CLOT1 1 ES CAN FIT. Remember DANIELS' STORE IS THE ON LY ONE THAT EMPLOYS A TAILOR TO KEEP YOUR CLOTHES PRESSED AND IN REPAIR FREE. SHOP