THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. M KDKORD. OR.. TUESDAY. APRIL 7. 100S. 50,000 ACRES FOR HOMESTEAD ENTRY SPORTING NEWS. Largo Area in Haruey County Grows Crops Without Irrigation Building Boom in Prospect for Portland Sher idan Latest Town to Advertise. l'OKTUAXD, Or, April 7. Kl-ci-ul luvt-Mtigutioiis by I'niti'U States govern Jiii-nt officials has jiruvvu that a great arua in Uunu-y county is improperly classed as ''desert Kinds, siiier it will rnduce crops HiiucuHsfully without ir njjatiou and is now doing so. As a von s.up.KMU'e Bump 5U,mu acres aro to be thrown open for homestead ciitr To celebrate the oi.enini: of the "Iti- piivui cut-oftV which means tee hours between Portland and Lewistou-Chirk-stun, instead uf the 30 hours required v the former schedule, the people of Lewiston-Clarkstou are nlanninir a "blossom carnival" for May 1, li and X On the tM a larRe party of Portland Susiuess men will be their guests, mak ing tho trip over the new Hue in a special traiu. This cut-off brings the entire ('leanvatur basin iuto closest touch with Portland. K Building Boom in Portland. "I have never heard so mauv peo ple express their intention of building as tins spring," remarked ono of Port amTs oldest residents last week. Build ntf, partuMirjijn the residential sec 1 iTjJmiis citv. wa never so active, d people in a position to speak mi- lerstandiuly through frequent trips over the state, say that the same flat reriiig conditions prevail all over Or epon. Sheridan, (r., had a meeting Inst Saturday, with the idea of organizing -for the advertisement of their town Mid its vicinity. The business houses ;f the town were closed so that every me might participate, and many farm rs from tho surrounding country were present. Quite a delegation eaine over' from JHcAl inn vine, a tuousaim nouars was raised for publicity, and to this fund the farmers were liberal contribu tors. Sheridan will affiliate with the i ' reou Development league immedi ately Weekly Realty Excursion. A new feat ure int roiluced by t he Portland Healty board is a weekly ex- eursion for its members, either to some suburban addition to Portland or to miio point more distant, to thoorugh-1 v familiarize them with the city, its -iiv iron men t and the state in general. Last Saturday they chartered two, spe cial ears and went to Satem 100 strong r.ver the new trolley line, to attend the liorse show in the capital city. The ex-m-sinnists wen- unanimous in pro uouncing these inti-rurban lines the nost important factor in the develop ment of any section. There is an as surance that a line will be constructed between Salem and Stayton very soon. Paul Morton, the guest of the Port land Commercial club a few -days ago. eturned to this city on the .Id and an louneed that the Kipiitabb' Life Assur ,'iuce society, of which he is president, would make a loan of $7.1.0(10 to the V. "M". ('. A. here, that being the sum neces sary to complete their handsome build ing, for which excavation is already -nade. The V. W. ( A. building is rap idly rising. I'harlis Hickman. Cleveland's utility man, is authority for the asserriou that next to the outfield, third base is the easiest position to play on the diamond, contrary to the usual designation of it as the "difficult corner." Inasmuch as Hickman has played -very position on a ball team he should know what he is talking about. ' The catcher has to do the most work. says Happy Hick "The pitcher runs him close second.. .. Xlio tix&uL'usviuuu uJinvi third. The sccoud baseman and shortstop lravr about tho same amount of playing to do and should almost work as one man. Hut the third baseman has a snap in a way compared with the- other intielders and batten. t;.-i-M-s prop, rly and improperly fitted. Some fit vou like i hi--.. Ir. tioble's lilasses fit you like this. vw-r Hf5-) OITIl'AI. PAKI.OU FX l'KHUY'S w.i:eiioi:, ;xu sr., mkdfohp. A Fine Alfalfa and Dairy Ranch George Ilackenschmidt. "the Kussiau ! lion," who lost the wrestling champion ship of the world to Frank Ooteh at Chiengo last week, after two hours on tho mat, attributes his defeat to n "slick Yankee trick." lu an interview given to the press Ilackenschmidt do- la res that a massage treatment given fiotch for some time prior was respon- ible for the result of the match. He savs that wheu Got eh became heated the massago cream issued from his pores and he became so slippery that it was impossible to hold him. The Kussian says he quit boenuse he knew that he did not have a chance to win and he did not want to keep the crowd waiting for the result. Experts at tho mat Bide declare that the bont was on tho level and thnt the Russinn simply met his master. Harry S. Lynch, a prosperous rancher trom Wagner Creek, wns a Med ford business caller Tuesday. POLITICAL CARDS. FOR COUNTY JUDGE M. 1 EGGLESTON - Of Ashland. Candidato for" Republican Nomination. FOR COUNTY JUDGE, J. R. NEIL. Candidato for tho Democratic Nomination. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER KD M. ANDHEW8 Of Medford. Candidate for Republican Nomination. Wise Talks By the Office Boy FOlt SHERIFF: WILBUR A. JONES, Candidate for the Democratic domination. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Orlh ..I' Mod fold, siient Sniidnv- with relatives living j Miss Anna Wendt was hostess to thej atnrday iht club last Saturday eve ting. entertaining tlient in a splm-lid via liner. Fiveh and red was playrd ditr nx the evening and refreshments served ..t'ter which ruusii- held the guests nnttf tale hour ! Otis Kranse nf M.-dt'or.I vi-ite.l with. :-"lat ives Sunday. William Aiken, the plumber, and Ar-: ;hur Ij. Davis, the electrician, were over1 :'rom Medford Monday on business. Miss Fay Sears arrived from Spokane Mind ay and will take a position in tie1 J recorder 's office. , Dr. .1 W. Uobinson and family, who -ave been spending the winter in Port- nid. returnetl the latter part of l:w-t week. , I II. K, lioyden sient a few hours arj tie county seat Monday. ' Mi-s Hertha DaMe.v of Me.Jf.trd vis ted friends livin-,- here Sat urday and Minday. C. Ii. I'eames and l'eter A. Deisch j -ft for San Franciseo Monday nmrn-! vig on a business trip. C. S. Sanderson was up fmtn Central ( T'oint Monday, doing business at the j -Mirthoiise. j Miss Lottie Reed arrived from Port 'ind the first of the week, being oini- "inned home by the death of her father, j Mr. and Mrs. lloraco Pelt on of Sam's; Valley are spending a few days in town j . his week. Mrs. Jay C. Sexton, who hat been j . onfined to her rontn for the past three j weeks with a severe ease of poison oak,! 4 able to be about again, we are plea d j o report. MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE CllAS. Ha.KLRIGC, M AKACtfR The Dunbar Company MALE QUARTET AND BELL RINGERS. ('. ('.' ....... Tenur Ralph Tenor Jiarry ('. Ihinhnr Iiaritone J. Lena Kelyar Ba-so OPERA HOUSE, WEDNESDAY, April 8th. Seats on Sale Saturday, April 4. 1 was reading about a big firm back east that claims that preservatives are not necessary to the food -preserving industry, while all tho others maintain that the new law, if strictly en forced, will put them out of bus iness. But one big firm with a big reputation for putting up sound fruit can provo its posi tion for all the rest. It's only a questiou of using sound fruit. Sound fruits, like sound women, icd no preservatives. Say, if Isn't me that's oozing all this wisdom. It's tho paper I was telling you about. The boss takes a lot of trade papers and that keeps me posted on what is going on in the provision world, you bet. I think Preferred Stock are the nicest, and Heinz comes next, then Bishop. What do you thiuk? Try a jar! MILLER & EWBANK 'I'licvc is no cliimcp to linvp urorchcd food on flic talil( if tliorc is it AfOORFS ill the kitchen. Moore's Anti-Scorch Lid Enables you to cook breakfast food or boil milk without scorching. ")()() Moore's in use in the vallev. Sold hv Jf. R T50YMFAT. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Fence Pickets. Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grills. F. BETWEEN CTH AND 7TH STS. PHONE 53. i - - The Medford Brick Co. m,,(.,1 f W. O. PRIDDY, O. D. NAOLE. O. T. O'BRIEN, manuf.i. rs COMMON AND PRESSED BRICK. in-i-ji 1 I'iMitrtii-tora mid builders in nil its branches. I'lains nml I'stimatcs furnished. All work guaranteed. LTMR, PLASTER AND CEMENT FOB SALE. imiiniimiiniininWwWimtwlii,iti,l BOMBS EXPLODED IN EFFORT TO DESTROY PIER XKW YOIfK. April tl. Kff.irt- tc. d. -Toy the pier and equipment of til" lintork Marshall f'nnstrurtinn couipanv who nre ronstriirtiiic a new pi' r f-ir the AVhito Star line at Vet Sev. nt. nth street) were ninde la-t nit'ht. T: b'.mh were eyp)...)ed. ln:t tlie .PiMirij nut great. ,, one wa- ijiiurej CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They chain th! towns of iiioik- and neither j;ivetlie tit, style nor distinetion t'- -onr clothes thatlyour own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are .superior in even detail to the "sweatshop" Roods of catalogue houses. KEEP.YOUR MONEY pHJ The Citv Tailor FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING M'5,',M. Medford :::.-) ackfn, .mii.fs ukst of eagle point, .a mo it lhk) acrks of fjnf f.ottom land, of which 1.-.0 acrks ark undf.r 1'low; 40 acre8 alfalfa. .balance in grain. railroad '.station half mile from; house. alt, un dfr fish lake irrigation ditch. mUP'X ONLY ?45 PEK ACRE, ' C. H. Pierce & Son Medford Oregon All Kinds and Varieties of Lumber Are You Thinking of Building? WK HAVE SOME BUILDINGS TO 1F TORN DOWN AVIIIClI WE OF EFR FOR SALE ON' THE GROUND. CALli AT OUR OFFICE. Iowa Box & Lumber Co. MEDFORD OREGON BUSINESS CARDS. CHAS. VAN BUSKIEK, Sliortlmml nud 'ryiH'Writiu. I'llll.NK XM.-i. I'. (). l(ix S7(i. Pruning and Trimming Done Large ami Hinall cotilrat'l!; also day work. Mox XX, Tribune. BALL" & GLOSCOCK, C'oatriit'tors anil BuildcrH. All Work (Juaraulocl. Office with C. H. Pierce & Son. Phono K:!. i'. O. llox 771. DR. A. B. SWEET 1'liynieian and Surf; -on. Office at Itestdenee. WILLIAM YOUNO CAliPKNTKI! AND IIIMI.DKK. Window and Door ScrcenH to Order. Mission Furniture Built, lies B7I. Mwlford, Or. DR. 8. J. DAY, Jarksonville. Oregon. E. R.'SEELY, M. D. PJi ynieijiri arid Surgeun Mnderu lviiiied Opcraliii Knoiim. X l.'av. Oll'i. ,- Ilur. 1 1'.'. 'J i I'. M. Office in Jackson County Bank Bldg. Win. M. Colvig. Medford, Or. COLVIO & DURHAM, Attomeys-at-Law. Geo. 11. Durham. Grants Pass, Or. It is up to You What Will You Do? If you do a lot of thinking, if your brain is active and the; strain is wearing out your nerves anil breaking down your system day by day, then you may refleet for a moment, if it would not be wise to drink the strength of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack aye of Golden Grain Granules No man can consume his strength and retain it at the same time; he ought to replenish an equal amount daily. GOLD FN GRAIN GRANl'LKS is far super ior to Coffee, although if looks like coffee, tastes like coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had in any grocery store for '!' . Order a package today. All grocery sell it. Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers I lav i. Ill Niulil I'll. h .1. II. Hull, r I I- WM. W. P. HOLT. M. D Physician and Surgeon. Kajjlc; I'oiut, Oregon. 1 E. L. BALCOM. i Xew West Side ' 'on fret inaery Fruit i stori' -eandier. l:ufs, ei'ars, toliaeeos, fresli fruit in season. Near Hotel i Moore, Medford. Or. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AND COL EECTION AGENCY. le.ek Hoi Hoi. Medford, Or. E. T. HUNT, watkii srri'i.Y onti:a toi;. Ill gears' eXferienee; Al referenees 1',. -1 of url. at riL'lit hrier. J'liinoitil; VOU WILL NOT REQUIRE SAUCE In ii:tl;' lie t'cii'I i;iliit;ill' nt tiiin r-H-t ;ni rant. Vnur iiji l it will iicnl tin sik Ii Mt iniiil.'int. Our I'-mmI nri- mi itrlit-atrly cuok-il ami t mii ili rifely ht'-I Unit t ln'y will umld yon cut wh-'tlirr you nurm with an iiiMiit' or not. A dinner here with a frifinl in en n ploanant coniptinioDBbip ami tin- pirftinn of goml nntiiig. THE NASH CAFE. The Nash Qafe t.l.-. - ill' l in wholn or in hurt. ny a ;i ii;tll nv r, VM)1 or tcl tati '. s nil i-'n i. -i t i-iil)St nji-f f irt-M. 'tn'i I in.- i ri'im - .w:'tay out fit h In lit -i n 1 r .;iiri i, li-tn c t, f lo-nr" on r v.-or,. mil I..- npiT-.-i.-.t.-.l. I'n'il -,,., i- -.. . ui . I '.'it iv i-j in : i h-l of North ) 'ri-t. We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon W. H. Stalker Jackson County -ipr ift?' iv Hank Annex O