River Valley Pay $1,000 Per Acre Annually Apple and Pear Orchards In The Rogue 3: THE WEATHER. Fair touiijht, lilit frost; Wed nesday, fair and warmer; north west shit'tintr to northeast winds. ,ss i mdf arcs isaiiv crroiuie DISPATCHES UirwuvB --- THIRD YE E " MEDFORIJ. OB., TUESDAY? A PHIL 7, 1!PS. I'L UNEMPLOYED ABSORdu ALL mftm mmxm IN37 STATES LIGHT PLANTS MANY HURT SUPERVISOR ' FOR EXPERTS NEXT JUNE Sheriff Jackson is Unwilling to put Colinty to Expense o! 'Going Over Records at Present Time '-Assessor at Fault. IN ISSUE IN THE EAST Ladies Give Flowers for Dry Votes Revelation is Promised as Result -Taft Makes Fight in Wisconsin. Sheriff 11. II. .la.-ksnii wants h books oxpcrto.l in .lmii'. lv.it. apparent I.Ol'lS. Anrh Dospito driziiiii; rain, wnini'ii turned out today s'-P. irtii.-.l willi coffee and sandwiches, to I,,.!,... ; live nail ill ballotine on lo- willin;: tliat. tli'-y shoilhi l'i' oxovti-il (.; ,1lti,l ; ,l. Granite i-ity. Void's ,t. re-piest tin mi- for ilir "di-v" locket wore ri-wur.lo'i ,,..., .,.! h ,r,ml !.. ini'l refreshments. 'I'll. .be "uiilltv 10 I hi. saloon el".."-nl ,.1... ivr-.U.-' rrv the vnlers It. Mo- pons :iihi worn ..fr-i-eil thi'ir I':! n- il v - vehle los f..-r ill'.' subject of ox-o.'i'liii''. ; . . ' r inti'ii'l to have tl.o hooks of tin' sheriff's oft'i'oj iione over next .hine should J b" .Icfon'ed." said Mr. .lack son at. .Mo.lford, Tie-sdny. " A,-.. e-,ni williiio to havo ih.-iu i ) Resumption of Work Ordered -Samuel Stodel States Mat ters 'Will be' Worse-Attempt to firing Two Sides Together. Ttt'entv-Five Northern California Counties at Mercy of OGtopus -Deal Amounts to Forty-Five Millions of Dollars. 1 Chicago Train Crashes to the Ground Injuring Eight People Seriously Passengers Jump from Windows. Curly Boss Exhausts Every Effort to Delay and Case is Being Heard by Judge Dooling Great Care in Selecting Jury. . iww lint ho will ' Yv conn ... iiii'A-i!Iinjr to pip expense, ito in n.it - very v nui - A I'll!. IS. Aiiriil 7. A vonfci .nee liolw.'i'ii tin-' c""1 oji.o-ut.irs of Wosl.-rn Pennsylvania. Ohio and lndi-,,.-n.t representative of ll." miners ,,f iln-si- districts, and tlio Illinois, ad journed India ut'lcr a i"' hours" scs "i,i .No resninplioii of wo'h in 'I"" nni.- in Ho- slaii-'s f- j-resi-iit.o' low ni'-,1,-ivil. Tlii' next ujt-t.'uu wil.' be 'I' T.-h-i April II. p-rt. now-;" was asked tin- slionlt. 'Ves Wo -an accoiiul for al! nioie-y rec-ived.'' ho replied. Will you 00 011 record hy sigaiuo a potilion to tli" county court reipicst- ine; thai, tlio i-ouaty Looks 1 xpert- ed.'-" was ipieried. 1 doa 't soo why 1 should put I In-i-intiiiv 1o ihis oxpi'iiso, or why 1 should interfer" in what dnosa'l conoorn nie," ho auswi'i'id. "lint if you want, tin- books expert rd in .lime, why don't, you want them now.'' ho was askod. "Before 1 L'o nut of office 1. want I'vorytliino (jone ovor. so no qni'st inn run In' raised afterwards," ri-plif'tt Mr. h'U'l-,f '(ti'Tf i-rif f wont on to say thai tlio Kin-riff 's offiro ri'oi'ivi'd miiili blame fiir IliiliKs that it was not to blame for. Tim billing of propi'i'ty-owners 1wo ' and three times for taxes was due -to i M A 1 1 A . April T.--A!,iui.-ipal elei iiis iii all i-ities of '.lo-aska exi-ept Ilinaha are l.'-in held today. Tin- prin cipal is-ne is prohil'it Vi i u . and ils sup porters claim .0 per e.-n: ol t lie couli- s In ll"- Mill.- and scv that 1 he ro ll of today's eli'clioti promised lo a H'M'laliou. I.. rl.'OSSI-:. Wis.. April ,. The principal inleresl in today's eli-ctioli lies in Ih most tor control ot the Wisconsin ili'l.'oatiou to the repiildicaii ualioual coin-eul ion. Marly in 1 lie year tile di'l.eal ion was conceded to I, a toi lette, hut later Tut't men organized and are now imikino a contest in every pre cinct. There are lour ilelefrales I elected 111 lai'oo and of these from 11 conyreHional districts, all hy direct vote. 'i:. Ydl.'K. April - .V a convolve-, of ike la I. e. lev Samuel A. St.-I.-I. r. -prison! inr. II, ,- IjiiluMiinl Worker; of lie- World nn.l tie- unemployed e" the :;7 slate .'lei. Li.',"! al'.iel I.T"".'e-o. ain1 awtN that nm-H-rs were Koiu to be ulucl. worn.:. AX ritANClSt'O, April 7. A lln.il .-ial il -i.l of extraordinary ir.iporlauco ! Sail riaiicisco and rulifornia, and which will practically place all gl.a and eh-ntlic li"llt and power rompa ni-s in wilt ml and ni'i ' lo-rn California in !..,vl el the eolHt'llIS of which will .. coi-irollid liv Slaii-'lird nil 'in- li-resli. has l"-"H eonsiimiualed. Tin- ,1,-al amounts lo 1 and pra, I ica'dy consul-dates Ike K-i- "ml eh .-trie pi.-ials ut' eounl ii CHAKEin.LAN AS GOOD BEPUBI.ICAN AS LOUD SISKIYOU SCHOOLTEACHER BECOMES INSANE FROM FALL KANSAS (TIT. April 7. Tr. .s. of an earl sotllenu-in f the ') like ..f l he : ; .7 . I ' ! J i ' Miuthwesteii? utml lnilli.TS was put off loday .wlo-v the .eporator--mud" certain demands w-iiiicli I he miners 1-et'llM-ll lo iicoepl. All alien. lt is he ilio nnolo.to lllin tin- two fides til oet her Tomorrow. CHH.WtNV April 7. Kiohl. lieoiile wore seriously injured and nearly il -n-oi-e more u'- less seriously hurt when a motor car on the smith side elevated railrniid jnira.ed the track and crushed in the orouii'l. The car was used as a smoker nr. I had in il about .10 j naiiic followeil the first us of .hiiig-r. and as Ike car l.iinipeil ei- ih" lie a iiiiinlier of persons up. ,1 .mi onto the i lei ateil st ructiire where llo-i cor Illlleer "1 the ileail v i hit. I mil. ' ' Ambulances and pa r,, nj.iiic hurried lo Ihe scene tin. he imprisoned and iu.iuri-d were re iimi.l in r.ear Py rcsi.lei s or taken d nispuals. SAX FltANClSi.'tl, April 7. After any days. 111" trial of Abraiianl fillet on the charge of linl'iuK loriuer on- pervisnr Jenllillt;s I'hillips to voto lor the trolley f rniH'hisi) was begun today, l.elore .li'idoo Dm.liiiB of San llunito ooiintv, who is sittini; in J.idoo Duiiiui'a ,,.pami'.-nl of the superior curt. 1 ' work of selcclini; a jury "ill probably loom-ess verv slow. Imlll sides usino xtreme care 111 I lie selecliou. ill l-TIi 0 ;i relitlli the way tin- ussessor had made his j sister-in-law. A1 FulfT .lil.NKS. I'al.. April 7.-Last l-'riduy May i;eidei- was declared insi and was laki-n to Napa hy her fisler. l ..s U' T llux-iilsnn of litis lilaco. her I'. T,. (Iridi and rolls out, and that the sluritt s ot fico merely follnwed the tissessnietit rolls. In some eases nne piece of prop drty had been amn-ssed to four difl'er- ,,!. , olo. The sheriff also staie.i ttiat ho had I n forced to spend a lit. iri'onnell of Vreka. Miss llriiler was one of Siskiyou's teachers and for rly tauijlit at llorn- lil-ouk. She fell from Ihe train while noino fioiii Moiiluf-Lo to llorubriwik s, v"i-al miiaths aiv .-ind lu-r injuries larsje sum for clerielli hire to strainhten j -nuve loll out ho assessment. :lt ' '-'''l ' or insane. I the h. wi lier parents liv Kl .-1 1 1 . . Come In Friday oi'F.xiNf .Moi;xiN; !' t Pnarm (()MlI.K'rKl,V Kil' I lM'KI TO CATKi: TO THK XKKINiH' 1IOTII Til V, M Kl ) l 'A I. I'i; 1'kssiox axi) 'nil-; (;i;xki;.i rrni.K' Everything Brand New l I'-'i't ) I'ATK STOCK OF DIM'OS. tMJO I'U I K 'V.WIV M KDH 'IXF.S. TOlT.F.T AKTICLKS ,;,l A ( '( ' KSSO 1 I KS. I ' 1 MX ' I ! I T I O X V ( 1 ; K CAUKFn.l.V KXK(T'TKI I'.V I? K IS'I'KIJ HI ) I'HAKMACISTS. The New Store The Old Location A. n il HI .MAX. .M;iTiai;'r. SA'i'.l-iM. -Mril I ' h :i in I ie r l.'l i 11 is ill.-t US , lii an as I am. " said ex lo.v.-rnoi- and r,,rnn-i jusli.-i- "f fl- supreme court William' P. Lord, repllbl in: , who was an inn -r. sled -.i 1 1 end a ut at tile .lell'.-r simian 'l.alopn-1 ami love-feast. ien by the .1,-Werson dnli of Ihis city at ilu- Willmnvile hol'-l. which pioved a-vi-iy s-A.,1 o,,r,ii,-al .-vein. (Ivor 20 plates were s.-l and 'nearly eiery seal was filled. .Indue Lord addressed fin assenditaue for M-vera! ininntes when tli.. i-i...oiur soealii-rs of the eveniiio lun'l Luijviulu'il. and was ealled upon by Toasl- .....t.... Hoekslem. . elm Mllllo. PI" SAI.IiM. April 7.--I 'upers Imve I a I f ,,. ,.riv -.os. i-epnliliean. also liled in n suluilei- suit in wliulli .1. 's L,i,,.,.sseil Ihe ".-itlierin.'. Tin- priuci ral speakers of the oioninir were (lev einoi- I'lininlierhiin. .M. A -Milhv, l.'b anon: Senator .lolin M. (iearin. Porl SMITH SUES FULTOTN FOR ALLEGED SLANDER STATEMENT NO. 1. TO SWEEP THE STATE EVELYN NESBIT THAW TO LIVE IN EUROPE M.W Vl ill K, April 7 . Mrs. Flor "lice Klelvil X i -l.it Thaw will leave tile 1 ii ; i , 1 1 Slales nexl Salnrdav and has planned lo make her 1 abroad for , . p niiinhei This an niniiiceiiient I Ie lo.lav by her altorney, alluiel u'lleillv. - Vonni;- Mrs. Thaw will re- lat.d. ADMIRAL EVANS CANNOT JOIN FLEET AT SAN DIEGO 1WSII liOl'.I.KS. April 7,-Admiral Kvans' condition is all that could Ii" ,.X.eclei Slid ll" llllS ll.nl II" a, Hie at tacks since his arrival her", ll is imw pr.-o-lii-allv certain k ild not rejoin 111" I'le.-l -ill San Hi' a '"' I'll It i-ii.i I in f ihe celebrations of the various i.rrnnoe'l li imdl. Smith, ex-wurilen of the i.euitonl mry. loinys Miils njruiust Senator l-'ulton for ..llini damayo.s. Th" suit crows .v.it ot the campaign Staleinelit fftAile by Ihe senator in answer lo lieney. Senator I'ulton refiiseil to make amy slat cm. in. lie said IhaL he waiild rather keep ipiiel tint 1 1 ho hail learned just what the suit im-anl. Smilit was meafloned in the comio- i.l-sv Let wi-i-ll l-'ull mil lloni-y as Ihe malt "who would leu stay b.iiiuil," lie cordine; to Senator Fulton's alleed in-ti-i-vii-w whicli was iiiol"d by llewy in his s lies. Fulton has saul I hat j ' Smith tohl a lalseli wn.-n a- Mini ----. . ... ,,, , . ,. , .... ..il. t ,o,s ill Siiulhelu lalilornia. I h-i e ! .' Ie i. thai he ilul not tulle no V l" in e I "i ,.,,,.' .,- r Simalor Min-hell and then l."m r,-.,l opposiluu, on , he ,ot Mis ,,,. iihvsicuilis and Iro-nds. who ;,t in us from the ilif I'erenl connlics oud letiislalive disllicls ihroimhout Ihe suite make il more and more apparent, that the proliahi lil y ofn Stall lit X". I majority in the next li-L'islnluro is now it priielical cerlainly ll is true thai there are ny lllol iilldidnles for 1 1,,, sen: id house who have entered he held oil her unpledK"'! "- pleiloed to piililicun volors' choice or soinv. oleil'i" limn have c.iine mil tlal' , I'ooli'il oa a Slateinenl No. I pin I I'orlii, lint the number of I hose wishing to run : .- .-ei ..Li t I . ,1'in lines not. iii .lace mini she rcliii-ns lo the cil.v i ,,,, i th,. way Ihe voles are K"inj,' to tomorrow, when her suit for the annul i mi nt of her inari iaj.'e lo Harry Kendall i ,.,.,,m ,,v,.n- hand repons ' ni"H " thaw will be willed. Thaw is now in I , , hl. t-,.i,.ms of Slalcinenl No. I in Ihe New Vork slllle hospital lor the j xi,,!,,,,,,,,,,!, ..iiiinly telline; of Ihe ureal. criininal insane al Malleawiin for t he j 1)n.;silli; n i,nlnr sent i nl in support rder of Stanford White. She w ill j i)f i ( , . Ill M ult lo'inah county l-emaili in New Vork. shopping ' ! j , ,t. scill inielll is ".rowiiij; rapidly and w-iuiliii"- up lo-r affairs unlil Saliirday, ; . , f,., , In-lieve I lint when she will sail lor l-.urope. sin- li: make lo-r home in M ll nlire ili'li'ciil urn Invorilii; Slnie- ' uieul No. 1 will be nomiliali'il ill tlio I pi il ies ami elecleil ill .lime. WOMEN ARRESTED FOR HORSEWHIPPING PREACHER TAFT WARMLY APPLAUDED BY CHICAGO MILLIONAIRES Sil.KM. nr., l.-hoit-s ami M isi arrested and I Welist... a .- K'.-i. W. N. i "1 inn i hl,-r for -I April Mrs. N.-lli.'! I.nlu loiml" Inn i' b'-'-n niiulii l'"i i--e of luii-s.-whippilli .- ,,f Portland, pn-siil . ilisiri.i of ll,,- Fr.-i rllli'Alil). April el, eh. W: Ills WORK IS RESUMED AT BALAKLALA MINE i lili'AM. i nk. April 7. 'l'i .p .-'I Ih- Falaklnla I' p: r w;,-- siaile.l up hi-1 we l.'l ereW of ll-eehaili. . I wil h I would I"- hi- ilelenuiniil i rejoin Ih" f""l " ' San l'i"". II. be perlllitteil, leOVM-r. I" lalie ,,, ,! a- Mi.nl, rev and lake lie i,i I, i Mill I'leiuei-c, harbor, but ,l. ,t exoeele.l 1 ,-,1 he will pai'i ill till- filll-tini--'. bu' Will 1 I I 1 1 11 1 : .lil PS -Screlary of -1'"1"'' ''',' '' .'.'i :.. '.'... !..!,' 1. was a,' ami rece ,s - , ,,i,, , i he li. nun s of n presiili ill nil m ,,, unbent in si. ml of a candidal", Salui- ilnv niithi iiddr. s. d Ih" I''"" reiiil- ,-luli on fopies ..f ilal inleresl lo busi- ill" ip. I M.-. .Mill:, I'hillll.- ,f lo. al.in up a relieioi-s "!,- "I' U" U I W'-r" .b-f-iidiio--. i, In, iii. :o I ",' e ll IMOS-I I- .1- , -lllle I -i,e pnipd and ..uti-b- l I'hil ,,u I In fun if- il l- i in I :, i:.i bee,,, nine- alt.-r lie- .-li ,,f lie lllilll'hs. ! is i- will, iii. mill ll"- li.-ilaklala wi.ikin-.' fnlbhalided. Tie- S hen. Pacific depot. -AOS el" Sed III-' .. ellll.er. W.ls .l v.eel, nil I, William Aleb si"U. MADAME GOULD'S RELATIVES ADD AKOTIiEU SPENDTHRIFT .1 llii.ti . in i ..I KlV VnllK. 1 -'iH 7. Xu i.r. . .-l.nr.-li 'lii'i'-i I ill lie- 11! I- -Ml, I are hi-1: I I Ililr.i . I ,.1 .,. ilie A "'! ili.riuin ho- i I, I I', ,, I , : c ' il in '.li loeisl i" ,,, , be millionaires, bank - pn - -""I ivi'i' s.-lila in i:,l iil'iiriM "I ll"' 'M.v. I ..ii I':, fl 's eiil i inii-i- uii'l I,, ..h-,!,e liainls willi him INCREASED HO!VETEADS FOR WESTERN FARM BBS I i i: , be ii r, .,1' Mm-. 1 ele'il Ie ROYALTY IN CONFERENCE : ! ABRUZ3I WILL PETUEN ,.l,.:. : i..i -ii b- i;. llde-l of WAslllMiTi pui -i, 'I' lie- Ian ,,l. liens will been prio-licall H i .. April 7. Ap- ,lf Ihe ll.-l, of Wlllcn n 'ninllv, 1,,-H" h;iiole.l; hence Mio ,. . . , .e, a bill hinii'-slud. I., b. LAUGHTER AT A JOKE CAUSES WOMAN'S DEATH1 dd. : . - I,. ; i i ' i .Hid ii." eh 'he 1-iinil- m uiil i ii . ' '" nw. Ih" iiunl of T- ..hi I. M i I'. ih,. hi . -,e. -il, f- II I, !,;-. I I.e. I ,.',,o h, 1 1,,,'a'h ami befi.r b. I- ,,f , lei 1 and Cnl'.::rc ' li -.n Buck Dead. , I : . v v i-i .i i.-. Apiil : .i,,e,r,ble "f eh:,1 is ,..'e,,,,l --'I-- !a-l '' but iti desiraWlity is banerl on -i". I fa. ' 'I"" 'i'lfl I ' .-. -.. Lb r : '"- I'1" . ,.. , s ,,n I -'., ,1-. ll, -I th" iilcn-a ,,lv 1.. pa- , ,1 hona'Sl eil'l I ' I .1 r wt-T vriTi-ritr i v frisjvTfi'rr.n .;';;:,! OF GRANTINO REBATES '-'' :OJ.DMAV. ANARCHIST. , - ARRESTED IN CANADA I .li x -i. inn an.' ' d -h- wn- .. :, CIRCUIT COURT NEWS. m:v; ','ii ..nl.. .a i: i I hat i S.iti,r IMi a lie- I'lilt-I S'a l.ncV M-- I". .lal'O S II. .. l-l HO' s. Ill 1, I ... t ........ t for nlailit if f ill tl Itli of: Holt- I'"- -h, ,linv wa- ...o.'.-i'-l i -T, !' M'l.. ptil 7. n ' - I. ,''!,.- --e ie li, ' ee, ill" Soo lil," r-.rl b- a ii ;,.. I ml. d SI. il.-s i!i,inioi:,i i -p. .-i I. -nil court today. ! i.i- h.iV- .leiaiiied Cmin-i Ib.hlniaii. Km impo"d by .In-Ill lai.-hi-1. at N'ov-s. on th- internal ion . ,.ti whiel. I. .bates .1 l.-rd-c iis sh" Wli l.-tiltiiin.' I" lie TT.OOPH KEEP ORDER AMONG THE 1UOTEKS l.l-SIU V. pril 7.- 'I'll" evcileinellt ' I, i III" i I". lion ri.'liiifr h'st Sniula" l.illK in which soldi wer" ,1 iii.d I"" w .nil, 'led. In'- ""I v-l .,-,de.l. 'I I" 1" I'-" ' ""-''I' W- id II" tl""" - I" Tie- -1 I h"ili. w ith -. s, .la. kli ml ill y s I 7.1. i:. ii. iiniii-v I lisin iss-d. Ashland Mnnal a.-' niintr company vs. Woods Number .'iinpany Ilennirr'-r I- p:iid wet- uiiol" to Sioux lily in Hi,, I.. I .-tales irom u iiiiupe". , ..'. and lie- n l,:,!. - paid ill l'."H. ! ,. b.-u . no eoi.t'irmation of this re- MUCn JJAJL 18 BURNED rr, tJ i1"'' WHEN CAR 18 DESTROYED Camahan ' Funeral Held. isTiil'l oril 7 llark W laimi ' w I N 1 1 ' I ,i . . Vl.ril 7- The (niiadiaii o en nleil. i ........ .- VTTI.I'. Ann .. Iloi" asa li"' Main collector of cislotin for tbo port Ki ,-niineiit t.d.'iy instructou um pone." , - stales in'ill l,.f Astoria, who died al tl," l,o-i,l al , , ,f. i" iab hero to escort I'. la (ioldman I" ' t'" ' ' ., 8a.m...' in the K.an.ath. ! l"" '" ' " "w If ' - P'oHaiid , S.-aiHe -nr The I'nited St,,,,-, l,r.:, of fish.,','-: will, an a I ear. was buried -,. ,.. Jl! -,I '.r..i. T.-eOMia is p, io in ,., Klainath -r : Sumlay ,. ' , " a ei, l ui the ! . his ,1: 'tu- iMrt,,..,,... ..... . ... , ;.; wolt n f,,:,l (sl-il,., 'I ..?. 1,: ,i... I... of loo lion were turned limn i,. no, red and n-ip. cted fil..-ns. ll" loos.. t intervals 1 'I will I." wa- l".m ! Ih" family I est.;id on' Placid in the stream. i'i:.t-"P I '"' -I""'-' l1"- MARRIAGE LICENSES W. r., .Taelisoo tinil Ploreni-e Ilnrsl. car was bit, liv daiiuiued. The Idaiiiir conch wa, cut loose lit Prosrotl. The came h.is not yet, been noertnineil. o o o