4 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL C'utl ut tin M i'd ford I'biiriiiii.y, next to poHtoffice. If A. M. JffliiiH of Climujt t ruiidiu-ted ItiiBiiit'its in Med ford Moudtiy. Home-made bread and pastry will lu ll Huecinlty at tin' leliiateiseii. 1 Hon. (I. Yon der Ihdlni uf UVII.-n was a ralliT in Med ford Moiidiiy. See Gilbert, tlio diunuu'iHl, al tin Medford Pliarmavy, next to l O. I." Attorney Itotiert 0. Smilli of (.rant 'aha vn u Mud ford visitor Monday Miss KHa Oaunyaw, BlcuoKrapby and tvpew riling. Koom 4, Palm Mloek. .1. I. Mooiuaw, of Kalr Point, was a business caller in M.-dfmd Miuidiiy. Itii'ii Oregon scenery at I II 'h Ait Studio, near bridge. T. W. Iaily ban luid llie in i nfttr t u in to sprain liin ankle. ll;t ilimd, erni por -elain and enamel 'H ro ut J. C Ward i .laiue-H .M KaniuelH of Norl h Heat tVeek transacted linsincKH in Med ford Monday. liar Hand, si'ini-purnelain ind enamel ware at .1. Ward Clarence I'ienv is on a business trip into the fount ry, which will eover nev eral days. Il 'h all over town tbut Ueinbardt builds guaranteed cement walk. James M. Ila.elwood of N'orth Med frd lias been granted an increase ol pension. The Med font Pharmacy introduces In tbeir patrons Mr. flay (filbert, I.". I. Tj. Hamilton, who has been in San Kruucisco on busineHS for the pant week, returned to Med ford Sunday. Kvorytliing in rendy-lnnch gmids al (ho delicatessen, Watch for the open iug. l.ri IT, (1. W. Panics left Mr.ll'onl Mmi day to lake up Die practice of his pro ('.union at fen trnl Point. Wat li for the opening of (he new bakery and delicatessen. Kigtilli and f streets. 1ft Attorney f . i. Kennies mid 1'nter leiseh of Jacksonville left Monday for San Francisco, wheru tlmy will attend (o mat tors of business. 7)r, Atmeda M. Mart in, osteopathic Pliysician, room Xt annex entrance, Hotel Moore. The city council .convenes in regular ession Tuesday night There are sev eral matters of importance to be at tended to. A cleaf hot bracing ilrhig of a deli r.-itrt aroma, 1 '(.olden (late High tirade Coffee," mild by Allen & Iteagan, the grocery on the corner. ' lianse Rouse and family of Ashland visited over Sunday with old acquaint aiices in Med ford. Mr. House was for merly a Medford biminesN man. f oiumciieing with last Tuesday nigbt. the Km en ck restaurant will keep open until, mMuighr for the benefit of Do public, John f. Mayes mid wife, who have been visiling relatives near Wimer for several days, returned tn their home Monday, Do you want, a first class business Input ion on Med ford 's busiest st reet 1 V'.tmy terms. If so, call on J, f, Hrown. Pit hit Rlnck. I'M Chase of Seattle passed through Med ford Saturday on hts way U South era California to attend to business mat font. The real wrinkle eraser and worry warrior. The happy Joy Miller makes it. He knows bin business. Waitsburg 'Pure White" Klmir at, Allen & Ken I gnu 8. The open season for taking trout began April I. It is sit id, however, that, a bill passed at t lie last session of the legislature made Die season open all the time. T indies of dtscriminat ion who feel thai, the best is always the mod ecu iiomical, use Wailsbnrg Pure White Hour. No lines of care on their faces. It goon farther. Sold by Allen A Itea tfan. L. T. Itawlings, who wns called to Medford on account of the death of his brother, leaves for his home in Sheri dan, Wyo., Monday. Ho resided in Med ford a few years ago. i he erection of a beautiful bungalow ia about to be commenced on tho Queen Auuo addition and more will follow in H short time, which proves the popu larltjr of the building restriction on theao Iota. Better not be n Spaniard and put off buying one of these tots uutll tomorrow. JetY l. Heard rel m tied from a sue cessful business trip to San Francisco Sunday. M is. iitol M i- Heard art pending a few dnvs with hint in ford. (I. P. Minims of Seven Oaks onhanl. uar feudal Point, was a business callei in Medford Monday. Mrs. Minims and family, who recently arrived from foem d 'Alette City, Idaho, accompanied him Tt. H Harris. S. S. pent and J. H Miller left Monday for Untie Palls, where Mr. Harrii and Mr. Miller will engage in the snw milling business. Mr. Pent, wilt lotnru to Modfoid within n few days. Joshua McPlterson and family re turned Saturday from Pacific Crove fnl., where they have be.-n tr the past six months. Mr, McPhersnn leporin th.tt he and ban family p.Mit a vr Mijnv ahle winter. Miss Fay Seats, formerlv of Medford, but now of Spoknne, Wah , arrived in Mod ford Sunday and will make an c tended visit with old netnaintnmv and riln lives. Aliss Sears is a sinter of rH Dr. It. T. Pitrnett of Jacksoi.vill.. J. H. Licbly of fronton, la., i n ti.v ! comer in Medford nnd in well pleased! with the pity and valley, no far an he hnn made investigation, and mnv to.-atr permnnenlly. Parke fl. Ijunbert of Pasadena, fal., is also n new arrival in Medford. The Rogue Kivar Klectrical fon struction ('ompnuy of Medford have opened nn office in 0 rants Pass. Lernv H. Hubtiel. nn expert electrician. Is In clinrgo nnd stnlen (hat tbey intend rnr rying n complete Hue of elertrirnt fix tn res nnd will do inside wiring nnd construction work. PROFFESOR DONA ON WASSON SPRINGS WATER At tho request of u number of pnou i ne nt citieus, Professur Uoina hus made Ae following exhaustive tests of the superior purity of Medford 's new wutrr supply. Heiug u very practical man, us I have said before, the profes sor 's tests were somewhat out of the ordinary chemical analysis, but prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Wus sou Springs water is pure. A 1 H gallon tin vessel was puue tured at the bottom right baud corner with a Itli inch lode and allowed to stand tightly covered in a dry-room for M hours. At the end of that time the cover was removed and the water was found to have all leaked out, which prnrs that it is u liquid ami very thin ind fid' from solid matter. Second test: An inebriated toper with in iron const it ut imi was closely con lined in mi alfalfa bam, -lixS-'y feet without food or drink, except () gal Ions of WnsMon Spring water. At the ml of the alloled time he was exam iued. (esults: Water all gone; const i tut ion tin rusted ; 20- pounds of ulfalfa missing; man thoroughly sober. This troves that the water is appetizing and free from adulteration or contamination by fermented leaves, roots or grains. Third test: An ordinary but was fit ted as well as possible to a t hough t less person's head and Professor Doom (brew five wash busitis of Wassoti Spring water out of a barrel front the second story window down upon him. KeKiilts: The hat was ruined; his long hair was "soaked" (and as he after ward confided to Toggery Hill, ho him self was, too, when he had paid 4-5. 00 for it). Conclusion: Tim water is wet, The fourth tent was an accident mid befell one of the judges of the fairness f the tests, Ho was u gentleman of re f i ued ii 1 1 pea raiicc a ml noted f or his laste in dress. The professor was lean ing out of the wifidovr noting the of feet of the water n the careless man's hat when, by mistake, fie tipped the whole barrel, water and all. down on the judged head, Results: The gentleman was very angry and While ho was un injured he remarked "that the Profes sor of Physics wns n "Mlithering fone- headed Plunderer.'' The hat, which was a " No Name," (piiekly resumed its inginal "snappy shape and tbo dnmp- aesH failed to penetrate its superior felt. which proves conclusively that tho wa er is, in this mm particular only, no. let ter t ban ord inary rainwater, an neither can soak t It rough a " N"o Name. ' ' Itesult : Many wise people who wish to look their best go to Tho I'oggery mid buy "No Names," They are of the "first water." The hat is tdmittedly the best bat in America to lay for I he price, jt;t, $1, ifctf. of the Seventh street Hour creek bridge. A petition for a sewer from the people of Kasi M id turd was referred to the newer committee. if lathes properly and iinprupvrly fitted. Suiue fit vou like this. Ir tiobiV'a OlHMseH fit you like this OPTICAL PAH L()H IX PERKY 'S WAItPHOt'MK, 7TH ST., MKDFOKD. The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE "N water lor ten on j&V vitv durt notice W"' Attaches lo an electrolier Simple.sntV-.roii-vciiient, dm able ROOUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO, Successor to Condor Wuter Power Co. Of fice 200 W. 7th St., opp. big eleetriu sign, 0 UMllNCtmillKM fliono 8.J-" Come In and en the ik-w liue of rirace lets at the Nttw .ewidry Storer 11 NORTH C STREET, J Near the Postoffice. Martin J. Reddy Tixus Watch and Jewelry Ee pairing a Specialty. Buy Tickets by Wire. 'Something which of considerable ! nterost to t he public generally and j which is poi'haw not genentlly known is the svsteni of prepaid orders now in effect between Rtntinns of tho Pout horn I'acific compAiiy and all points in tho United States. Ity means of this system tickets may be pnrcbascdi at Medford from any place in tho Puttied States and iiiuiled or telegraphed direct to the ,tnrty wishing to com here. Sleepei itcconiuiodatious ami small amounts of nsb in connection with these tielirtt may nls lie fu-tMnished nt tho nfimr timo. ' ' At t lie bunt; fonncil meet mg u li;ht was onleii'iL placed nt tlie east iiiiioai'h Notice, "PROGRAM AT THE MEDFORD SKATING RINK FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL: Two sesHions daily from 2 to p. m. and 7'M) to p. in. on Tues days, Pridays mid Saturdays for each week during tho month. ( 'bango of program to commence Priday, April 3, whon the pri? of tickets for afternoon sessions wilL bo reduced to lfi cents. Friday of each week will bo La dies' Night, when skates wiffl' be is sued to them free; gonad t men t cents. Society Night, Tuesday of each "week; admission 10 cents, skates 25 cents. Music by Kink Kind. Thursday nights dancing, com mencing April II; geutU'iiien 7o cento,, ladies free. Music by Weatonka (Mub Orcbtra, five pieces. ( Iliiblren 's Pay Saturday nfli'r lioons; skates to cents. (fraud May Day Masipte Skating- Festival Saturday. May 2. Purlieu bus later. vvmnoii ft Lioosicy, rropnetors. y Are You Looking Kor a bargain in simi of the very best upplo land in Hogtm Uiver Valley t t am offering ti tiiu't. containing 47it ncres -L'.'iil acres of this is the very choicest apple lauf. 4t $.'lo per acre, (inly 7 miles frotti Medford. Por fur ther particulars sen k i ALFRED SMITH ' OVKR JACKSON t'OUNTY. ItANK. ' A Problem in Addition HKTTKi; WW KAD i M () R V, V R V, A D if L I (1 It T V) R ns R K A I) i y e r u k v ii i tv, in ii) r r ' ANS. : AT ALLEN &JRAEGANS' 1 Classified Advertisements Ou Cent a Word No single inser tions less than 15 cents. Six insertions for the price of four. Seventy-five cents a line per month. POK SALK Old papers, 50 for 5 cts. Tribune office. POK SALE Olds runabout in good condition, t00. Inquire Tribune of WANTED Cash paid for all kinds second hand good. 313 East 7th, M. ), Moore. 22 POK SALE Yo ling gentle cow for salo; prico $40. E. E. Morrison, R. F. D. No. 1, Ci riff in ('reek. Vt' ANTED Woman to do housework at once. Inquire 315 N, I) st James Stewart. YoH SALE New o room house, $1200; easy terms. 0. A. Cutting, !'th si., It oss Addition, West Medford. " WANTED Man and wife, experienced cooks, want situation. Address 111 C street. 1" COIt SALE Two now fG-rooiu cottages by owner. Write P. O. liox 2'dt, Med ford. IS WANTED To buy from 100 to .'100 head of stock sheep. Write Box Ktl, Medford, Or. I'Olt SALE New Typewriter; can be seen at residence of A. IT. Miller, East Medford. W A NT E D Heard nnd room in a pri rate family; modern conveniences de sired. Address A, Tribune, 1" W ANTED I want to buy trom ono to t hree hundred head of stock sheep. Address Lock Box Kit, Medford, Or. I'Olt SALE An 8-room bungalow, com plete and up-to-date, lot oOxMO. In tptirc of L. J. Kin hart or Postal Tele graph Office. rolTSA LE 1 1 on so" and loFlHftrT!iiih olic school; price $1700; this is a bar gain. Address letter to Itox 312, Med ford, Or. lfi I'OU SALE Choice fruit and grape lands near .Jacksonville. Cull and see Jacksonville Heal Estate Co., Jack sonville, Or. l''OH SALE Two incubators, used only ono season, for sale cheap; capacity of each, 210 eggs. Inquire nt War ner's store. Warner & Sayder. tf WANTED Ciirl, a good cook, two in tho family, 4-room cottage; no wash ing to do; will pay good wages. Ad dress P. O. Box 385. tf I-'OK SALE A $2000 mortgage, gilt edge security, no taxes, 8 per cent not. Inquire of the Medford Realty & Rent al Co., Medford, Or. ' KOflTs A LE Ono U77)rerSepa rator, No. fi; 500 capacity; good as now; cost vS0; will sell for $50. U. 0. Ilensloy, Central Point. lUCiTCLE l-'OK SALE 1008 model, "Iroquois Coaster Itrako Special," just ordered; factory prico $(5; must sell at once; $10 cash. Writo Trib M AH LIN' K1KLES AND SHOTGUNS Tf you are intending to purchase, write M, Tribune, and obtain a sub slant ial discount from the retail price. sriOHTII AND and Typewriting Those wishing work of this kind done in evening call up Van, phone 855, Ttogue Itiver Electric Co., or address V. O. Itox S70. tf WANTED A loan of 900 for three years nt, 8 per cent on .120 acres of yellow pine and fur t imber close to Medford. Address T. ('., care Trib une. 37 WOltK "WANTED .Tapauese "contrite tor; can do all kinds of general farm ing; general helper in all work; town or count ry. Address A. R. Tat sum i, Oon'l Del., Medford, Or. tf M 1(7 aTaTI A VTs iiaspr,s,"f tin1 Capita! City Nursery Co. through its local agent, L. W. Finisher, 8000 fruit trees 5000 apples and 3000 pears. This is tho largest salo ever made 1o one man at one time in tins county. 15 FREE RENT -Five acres adjoining city limits, with free water for irrigation and free electric power for pumping, will be rented free of charge for one year. Inquire of C. R, Ray, Medford, Or. ' ' 20 , We Want to Buy Lands Realty isond 'Syndicate ot Oregon W. H. StalkerN Jackson county, Secretary Hank Annex o l wise (aSv Talks : IT By tlie j Office j ILy Boy BOSTON, April fl. On iiki! Simdnv ISS.nnn mill hnnil will r working nn drr (tin new vug. arula at a rntni'tlnn ot 10 por cant. A Busiaed h Mcdferd ill i,iy hi iiinucv from lln st;nl. If von liavc I")IH) ll invest and wish 1,. ddiiMc it within t I'nniinn year, 1 I y it willy y(.iiQo look up tlis offer. 4 W. T. YoPk fe Co. T T 1 was read in ij about a big rlrm back east that claims that preservatives are not necessary to the food-preserving industry, while sll the others maintain that the new law, if strictly en forced, will put them out of bus iuess. Hut one big (Inn with a big reputat ion for putting up sound fruit can prove its posi- t ion for all the rest. It's only a question of using sound fruit. IMind fruits, like sound women. flKcd no preservatives. Say, it isn't mo that's oozing nil this wisdom. It's the paper I was t telling you about. The boss takes a lot of trade papers and j that keeps nic posted on what is I il''itf on in the provision world, yon bet. J think Preferred Stock A. mm ll.it ni t mill ITrttTiX CitmCS next, then Wshop. What do you0 think f Try a jsrt MILLER EWBANK -i-r Suits for Particular Men ..ill i XI I i wa, , y t .(' IV Copyright 1908 by SCHLOSS BR US. Ii CO. Fine CIPlhet Mikert Baltimore and New York IK f (OATS THAT IIAVK TI1K KIT A X 1 TUB IIAXd OF (T8TOM - TAILORRV) (' LOT II 10 S COATS THAT 1 1 A V 10 I'LAIX U KAXC'Y (TI'M-'S. ACCOKIHXC TO I' IMP KKWKXC H WATCH I' O (' K V. T S T H A 15 V T T O X I) O W X :: :: TKOI'SKl.'S THAT CAN I5K WOK'X WITH rt'l-TS, OK' WITIIOfT, ACCOK'DIXH T( ) !XIH'I1HAI, TASTH :: :: :: : IHSTIXCTINK SHAD IPS IX (iRAVS. OI.IVH, liK'OWXS AND TAX :: :: Wlinrn?Schloss Bros., Master Tailors flllU5b4 Baltimore and New York Where? toggery bill's Better Material Better Workmanship Better Styles THE GGERY Oregon's Greatest Value Givers a MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE On as. Ha.n-.. Masai-.kr The Dunbar Company ,. MALE QUARTET AND BELL RINGERS. f i linbiHsnn Pt.r Knlph l"unt.:ir T.i. ..i Harry '. nnlar Rnii.-t..- .1. I. (-on Ki-li-nr. , t'. t.. OrEA HOl WEDNESDAY. April 8fh.o o SiMti on Siilf S.itunliy. April I. Trees! Trees! Trees! Buy the Best c. fTcook DHAI.KR 'IX High-Grade Nursery Stoqk T' in-i:ic 1 1 ic lu'st stock, would ;ilvisc i.ioiiic; your onlo '. ( . sil. c-irlv. Phone. ")s:5 ol I K i: ol'I'OSlTK TIIK 1IOTKL MOORE, o Ars. Hlizabclh H. Morrison ollINX I'AlMINi; AMI WATER COLORS. O ii. . st. Wi-.t. T.-i. no.'.. or