THE MEDFORD DAICY TIU'BUNE, MHDFOU'D. OK.. 'ITKSDAY, MARCH 31. 1WS. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. i'uliliftbt-il f-vtry ivming t'xeupt 8uiilriy Med r oid Publishing Company. G. PUTNAM, Kditor ami Aliiuar. Admitted lis Sr.-nml I'Iuk Matter iu the Postoffire at Micitor.i, Orem. Subscription Rates: One inniitli, by nmil or currier f0..10 One veur. bv mail 5.00 INMAN TO R'JN ONCE MORE FOR PRESIDENCY VOICING A FROTEST. Senator '. W. Knit on, in hin Nx-vh at Melfihl, oire. I u jintieif against lh, m.-tli"ls ;ih1 nnan-. employed ley l-'iatuis .1. ll.iifV, wli.'se n.ursc lit 11 ymeriuilfiit progenitor in Oregon re sembles, in this ca-ie, in. ire 1 In- eonrse of a personal perm -i-ut or. lleneyV nit I Ik)k Iia o resulted ina react it ma ry wjivo of public sentiment which threat en.-, tu n in I ii wimte cr gutnl this l.'iilil fr.'iuil proseeutiollH accomplished. Tli civ is no donM in Hit world that M r. I loin v let't no h( one tint urneil to imliet Mr. J-'ultoit, ami had the evidence at all warranted it, there would have been mi indict incut returned, whether i( wan possible to convict or not. Th entire machinery of the yovcrijinent wan used to secure evidence, but not enough was foil ml to justify procedure, even with I'm aid of immunity earning per jurers. The bad feat Hies nf the land fraud prosecution are Hint in order to obtain con vie t ions it. has been necessary to yive so many immunity bat lift to ran cals whose crimes were worse than I hose of the defendants on trial, liml tlio fact that in spite nf the prolonged fireworks not a one of the Wig timber thievei, not a one of those who really profited bv the M'ideniat ic swindles lias been punished or forced to sacrifice mi acre of his stolen domain. The needless and uncalled for attack upon Mr. Fulton by "Mr. Honey nf Port land in January, the ruliniantioit of three years of elnndcst ine warfare, promises to do more than any one thing to r elect Mr. Knit on as senator, for the people nf Oreijon love fair play, and In use Hie machinery of the Culled St at ok government so as to secretly be smirch by misrepresentation and false hood is not fair play. ELECTION OF SENATORS. Senator Fulton states that lie is a firm believer iu tin- elei-tion nf Cniied Slates senators by the people, yet he does not think it any of his business whet her legislat o cand idates lake Statement No, 1 or No. 2 or go nn pledged. Thai, he says, "is an issue between tho legislators and his coil si itueitcy. ' ' How can popular election of senators bo brought about except by Statement 1 or Nome similar pledge? It cannot be mit it a federal const itutional a mend nient is adopted, whirl) is impossible with a senate elected under the old sys tern. In Ibis Issue is published an al'I'i d:mt clearing Senator Fulton from the charges of bribery made. It discloses what actually went on at Salem and ..shows that bribery was practi I to elect a senator, though not by Mr. Fu) ton. The glimpse of 1 he old system thus afforded is all the argument need ed for Statement No. 1. Kven Senator Fulton thanks tiod that, the old sys teiu has given way to the new, which is simply Statement No. 1, Statt mcnt No. 1 affords the only way now open to Hie people to elect a sen utnr. No Jackson counlv candidate for the legi slat lire, who refuses to take Sf.-itcincnt One, should be elected, foi he is a person who puts his own wishes n head f the wishes of the pie of dad; son county and thinks his own judgment impel inr to the judgment of the people of .lad. son county. I,c those would be legislators who know ho much uioro than the people thev are peeking election from, slay at home, re gaidless of their politics. GILLETTE'S ELECTROCUTION. The electrocution of Chester tiilb-ttc al Auburn prison yesterday is hut one of many such incidents that have taken place in tli at institution during the past few years. The .rime for which thin moral d gen rate p;iM the p.nalu in Ihe ebctiic chair is one win, h. f.i ntler heart les-,ness. is without parallel. Ciidnnhtcdly must of our readers are familiar with the detail ..f the bdraval ami murder of his victim. i;l;ue Itioivn. an innocent poling Ki whos,. epe?i ence in lif;. had extend,. t bandv he Ihe gates of the old farm .m which she had spent her childhood; of the trip to Cortland, N. V., and In r employment in it factory at phi.-e. wlet'c she Was beyond the can- ;(nd guidance ot her parent-; of the n ting with rhe ter Cillette and ihe innocent admiia lion openly expressed; of the confi.b-uci bestow , d upon linn ;ni,l - the rest of the old, el. I story has b. en repented often (hat it is nnne, cs-.;,t - of p.o traval in (lose chimn. A rgutlielils it.ini no table li;i e been made against capital putt id, f , le,t the electiic chair at X-,,,,,., ,.,s ,. ions (o soft for b ii mi an vult'it.- of ihiv breed. STAPLES OPENS NEW HOTEL -A MOST POPULAR ONE K. T. Staples of Ashland . anic down to Ihe Fulton rally at M.dt'.od M..nda evening, bringing catds announ, ing (Ii opening of "The Ashland" lo t. 1 uith himself as manager. "Tie- M nul ' ' has been pi act i.-nlly t .dim It , in w l eo,uipp(Hj from cellar to roof ;ni I mod eruyl eipiipped Ihrnnghout, It piomi-.s to become the most popular hosti le in Ashland under, the efficient ma nag, men! of Mr. Staples an.) his :isv ,t.uit, W. K. t 'otmer. Special pains have been made to make the dining room u inosf nt t raet ivc place hot h f rom an in I is! ic and a culinary standpoint. A fine a la carte service is provided. Regular meals an nlim served. Last Sunday t he first din tier wan Nerved and tho dining room was thronged with guests. I l.'OSKhCh't;. Or.. March ;tn. From an un pretentions little ram h in Look tug t'lnss valh y, eiht mile went of Koseblllg, Where hi- eket) (Hit a htllllhlc existence. In I hi- palatial white house at Washington, I. ('., when' he would shape the destinies of Ka.OOll.Oun peo pie, is the dream of .lames Inmaii, who tarried long enough in this city Satur- dav to announce to hi fellow count ry tuen that he is again a candidate for president of the Cuitcd States, Four years ago Mr. Inmaii was troti bled with this sarin nspirntion, but failed to get his name on the offjeial ballot, (in that occasion he styled him self an independent. Now he affiliates with the socialists, and seeks the nom ination for president at I heir nal ional convent ion. "I am preparing a platform which I intend to submit to the socialist con veutioii, said Mr. liiinan. "If it does not meet with approval f will ac cept certain modifications, but no more. I will not run on a platform t hat antagonizes my comlit ions. ' ' BUILDING ROADBED THROUGH THE TULLES KLAMATH FALLS, Or., March oO. The dredges under t he Mason Con st met ion company, working iu the tubs near Wild Horse bulte, on the line of i he I 'alifomia Nort h western railway, are working day and night shifts and making good progress. The grade across the tales near Klamath Falls was thrown up a year ago and lias required all I he intervening time to settle, but tho grade over the tub-s near Wild Horse bulte is being made more compact as it is thrown up and will be ready for the rails when they arrive there. It is the expectation that the rails will reach water this fall or late j n the summer, giving K lamal h Falls water and rail transport a I ion to outside points. NO QUARANTINE ESTABLISHED AT KENNETT COPPER CAMP A report was current that a 0,11a ran tine had been established against Ken aet t yesterday on account of pneumo nia. The report has no f omnia t ion. I'neumonia is prevalent in an uuusn large number of cases, population of t he town considered, but it is not "catching," nor is it due lo sanitary conditions, which are none loo good. That tho death rate has been heavy is explained by the fact that so many who have been fatally st ricken have weak hearts. Thi' schools, which have been closed for two mouths 011 account of scarlet fever, will reopen this week, at rdiug to present cahulat ions. There ha vi no deaths from scarlet fever. NEVADA JUDGE WINS BOURNE'S $1000 PRIZE WASHINGTON, March IUK The prize of 41 Dim offered by Senator Hourne of Oregon lo the author of the best written argument on the subject, "Why Koosevelt Should be Chosen for a Second Fleet ive Term,'' has been awarded to Frank II. Noreross, associ ate justice of the supreme court of Ne vada. The announcement that Justice Nor cross has won the big prize was made today. Senator Hourne says that Jus tice Norcorss' argument is an excel lent piece of work and that it will be cilcillated and widely published to edit cute the people. He is one of the most enthusiastic third termers. Joseph ino Socialists' Ticket. The Socialists of Josephine counlv Id a nias convention Saturday and aced in nomination the following can ilah s; Senator, (i. W.; rep sent jit ive. Marcus W. Itobbins; slier f. N. h'eynolds; clerk, (i. Jester; a surer, .1 . T. K en ned v ; asse sor, W . I 'ei ry, school superintendent , .1. O. ill; coroner, I. W. Onstotl; coinmis nier, J. I'iri'er; surveyor, W. K. hippie; justice of the peace for (inillts iss, J. It. I'a. block; constable. S. Win Ashland Organizes Athletic Club, The Ashland Athletic club was organ ized Saturday night with a membership of "V The room in (laniard Opera House, acntod by the moving picture show, has been secured and will be c.piipped for headquarters. The officers are: Kay Sayles president. Mr. Parker ice president. Karl S. heble treasurer. Tinv Sin it h sec ret n i y, ( harles Foley and Otis King sergeants at arms, Lo Verne Mei'onnell manager. Members of Medford Lodge, No. llC!. . F. A. M. Special meeting at the lodge) oeiu, Wednesday, April 1. l!K'S, at l:.;io p. m. Fuuetal of Tr. .ton s. Soiouining brothers invited. M. I'mdin. W. M. Bonnie Appoints Cndcts. W SH INCTON, March Int. Senator Hi",,,,,, appointed Kedoiido R Sut ton of Cortland cadet at West Point, ind Malcolm K. M.-Kwan of Portland m! H. I.. Carmt, had of North Pcnd as alternate. the mo! available mau for the position and he wait elected thereto mid his mjiI ary fixed at $!.-) per ttiont h. In the brief time since the club has been or ganized nearly Hon jmpiirictt have be-u received from abroad asking informa tion abmit this part of Oregon. The employment of a competent man to look after the growing correspondence is therefore imperative. FORMER ASHLAND RESIDENT KILLS NEVADA BAD MAN A Mono dispatch slates that V. F. Armstrong, a "bad mini" from Wyom ing, was shot and killed iu the Paluce hotel al Wiiineiuucca by W. II. Carter, one ot the saloon managers. ( arter was formerly a farmer at Kerby, Jo sephino county, and also lived at Ash land. Tho following is the fit or v of tho tragedy. Kye witnesses say tho j shooting was iu tn If defense. Arm strong and two friends wnlked into the saloon and commenced gambling. While , t.t. . 1 .1 .:- ...) ...,ll. 1"." w "lra"uK Fu" ing 11 gua, threatened to kill any one in the house. ''Put up that gun," Buid Carter. With that Armstrong swung around and said: "I'll kit) you!" Carter then pulled his revolver and tired. Armstrong fell to the floor dead. Carter gave himself up. lodge lince its institution, asked for; rel'ef frem the rltitiei or ine oiucu, mu the Klks chose Chalmers L. Strange to .succeed him iu thi important Htation. Other officers elected were: J. M. Wag tier, leading knight; Frank O. Allard, loyal knight; R. Kail Jem, lecturing knight; Pierre provost, treamtrer; Geo. C. Sheltoii, tiler; (ieorge A. Kuoblaueh, trustee. . SKATING NOTICE Commencing Monday, March 10, the rink will bo closed nil day on Manduys, Thursdays and Sundays. On other days there will be two Hessioiis, commencing at 2 and 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, society night. Mu sic by the rink baud. Admission lit cents; skates, 2d cent a. All other sessions, ndmission free. Medford Rink WINDELL & LOOSLEY, Proprietors. Hwci't Mnric. IVut'l i- Kcntiicr, ThiirMdiiv and Friilav. ASHLAND LODGE OF ELKS I ELECTS NEW OFFICERS i AsWiiml 1.(1.11., N'.i. !H I, B. V. 0. 1:., .I.M't.-.l olTitMTM fur tin I'lisuin yi'Jir at Iht. regular iiic't iti hcltl Satarday nilil. IL-ary Sarr huh cln.tb'ii cx-nlt.-il rnler. (It'orjic K. W'ilsua, who lias siTvi-tl i'f r'iricntlv an Hcrrrtary of t lie YOUNO MEN! f SWELL DRESSERS! "TIip Amulia," "The Canily i Kill," "Tin- Cliiai." "The Catch" and all the very latest 4- anil nobbiest Hh:ies ill tho " Xo N'aino" Hat at The To(j(er,v for 11.0(1, 1.0(1 and ..-..00. 4 " Indeed it dues. lllil(lillll." "Yes sir-ee." "Drink it down; liraces ri.nlit np." "(idlden (into" irrade CnHVc. vii;'lit liiiili- Allen & Reagan t I Wise : crS) Ta,ks i By the j I i Office j lL Boy j 1 was reading about a bg linn back east that claims that ireservat ives are not necessary to the food -preserving industry, while all the ot hers main tain that the new law, if strictly en forced, will put them out of bus iness. Itut one big linn with tl big reputation for putt ing up hi mi nt fruit can prove its posi tion for all the rest. It's only a (piestion of using sound fruit. Sound fruits, like sound women, need no preservatives. Sav, it isn't me that's oozing all this wisdom, it 's Ihe paper I was telling you about. The boss lakes a lot of trade paper and that keeps me posted on what is going on in the provision world, you bet. 1 think Preferred Stock are the nicest, and Heinz comes next, then Hishop. What do you think f Try a jarf t MILLER & EWBANK X The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishes hot water lor tc;i nn very sh.rt notice It eitn be used on the tea tank: or in the kilelic:! Attaebet to m. rhvtnilier Siiuple.Mife, con venient, durable ROOUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Siuvrnior to Courier Wate r I'ewer Co. Of liee L'oti V. 7(h St.. "IT bir electric sill. 7 Mrs. Elizabeth H. Morrison CHINA PAINTING AND WATER COLORS. Res. 200 A St. "West. Tel. 3M. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Fence Pickets. Offlca fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grills. F, BETWEEN CTH AND 7TH STS. PHONE 63. ...irr .- The Medford Brick Co. Composed of W. O. PRIDDY, O. D. NAOLE, O. T. O'BRIEN, manufacturers COMMON AND PRESSED BRICK. General contractu ami builders in nil its branches. Plains and estimates famished. All work guaranteed. LIME, PLASTER AND CEMENT FOR SALE. Ztrs.Urene Ufamptoit Usaacs "Instructor of piano."tlst ittctboo StuMo at MciJnc.. Mottb J Street Pbont 824 R. W. GRAY, Builder COLONIAL POUCH WOB K. GRILL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TELEPHONE 471. iMEDEORD, OR. YOU DON'T COUNT THE COST When eating our pies, eakes and pas try, I'm- it's small iu comparison with tlie satisfaction you gain. The day you start lisins; the products of our hakeiy will ho a red letter one on your eali'iidar. Mark it. up today. Medford Steam Bakery Pluinn 8. Wedded at Ashland. "I.. K. Miller of A.lilan.l and Mis. Kvn llnnl;ii iv.-i.- nurtie.l in Alil:tnd M,.i,,;.iv. I;, v. Mamie.- .1. Cmll rl nf ii. int ii.u. Tl. tuple were l.y Mitt A,l;i l;iul:ip iili.l I harles I'lteper. I'lie ereei, i j ill tin- empli.V nf t tie .ii'liein l':i,ific. Stt, e Marie. IOui'I K'elillier, Tin,, -lav ami l'i id.iv. Massage Parlors ROSF.IIURO HIRES BOOSTER TO LOOK AFTER INTERESTS Tl.e ,.f tiii.t,,, f l,c itetv 1 ia! . Int, li.O.I n imvlini; Men lav .teiiine. in 1 1,,. ,,ffi,,. ,,f .In,),,,. II:, mill, m. sih the H,.,u Review. matt, r ,.f iiii,.,i,u, e nhich enme nit at this time Was ,1,,. .W.eiMeii! f ,,,,,t vt. tatv. VI.,. in :,.:,liti,,n I.. hi. other duties, i. to uf a. chief Itoii.ter. After .ii.'Uin it wis decided that .1. Ii i'ur.her is ELECTRIC LIGHT FERADIC AND OALVANIO BATHS HOT AND COLD sr-RAY SALT PLOWS AIRS. C. A. MOORE THE ODELL, Over Postofflce 1 New Jewelry Store See the new Veil Pins, Shirt Waist S. ts. lleauty Tins and Hat Pins nil the latest styles and designs. MARTIN J. REDDY Fiuo watch and Jewelry repairing a specialty. C St, next Postofficc. SPECIAL ATTENTION and comfort of our deposit- urs aud clients. Kf t'ici.iicy in every department is a cardinal prin. ciple with uh. Your g. jMBi aeocunt and banking business will receive . Dlj "ur bt'at attention. Capital and Surplusf- $115,0MI0. S W. I. VAWTER, President. "InrltSfllt f C ncnroBD, obiooh M. State Depositary Established 1888. O. R. LINDLEY, Cashier. .1. K. K.WAK'l'.l'.-esid cat. .1. A. I'KKKV, Vice President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Pont. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage SPREAD THE NEWS Colonists' Rates Colonist Rates from all points East to Oregon from March 1 to April 30, 1908 The Southern Pacific Railroad Announces that rates in effect March 1, 1908, will be $38 from Chicago, $35.50 from St. Louis, Mo.; from Missouri River common points, Coun cil Bluffs to Kansas City, Mo., including also St. Faul, Minneapolis, $30; from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, $30. For further information call on or address A. S. EOSENBAUM, Agent, Medford, Or. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They drain the towus of liioiie) and neither give, the ill, style nor distinction t- your clothes thatlyoitr own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MONEY HOME FRENCH DRYGLEANIN6 EIFERT The City Tailor Medford VJP mm&&J&& YOU WILL NOT REQUIRE SAUCE to iiKikt1 th toml :i!at:ilUa ;it this tv t:i itra nl. Vmir apprt itf will ihtiI no Mich stimulant. ( ur t'omls iirc so ilcl icii t ci v cnnki'il it in I temptingly served that they will muhe yen eat whether you nnne with nn iipp.'tite or not. A dinner here with :i friend noan pleasant i-ompjuiionsliip and thf pertVelion of .od rating. THE NASH CAFE. The Nash Qafe We Want to Buy Lands Kealty bond Syndicate of Oreifon Jackson CoiiRty Bnnk. Annex W. H. Stalker Secretary Do You Want a Good 5-ACRE TRACT Close to Medford, fine loca tion, good fruit and poul try land. Prices, $100 per acre. Easy terms DRESSLER & WOOD West Seventh St. MedSord, Or. ! $;t.0O! fl.00! $.1,001 Th.' .rii'. Hint talk t. Tlie ll:it for l-- itituii'v. In stylo niul ( ili;t't' iiiiI wi.-ir. 1 1n mot. Thp " N,i Naim" Ihit at Thi- , ' ! j3m Bayi t Good Business Corner WITH lU II.IUNtiS IN MKltl-OKU Tlli;i:i: lots m., i i , T U l. I1K1NO TWICE THE MO.0;Y IXSIPE OK A YKAIi. ON Till' M VP, l r VOl! A VERY SHORT TIMK AT Tills n;l,'i:. Tills m x n vt' iv,. SNAP. FOR SALE BY ' C. H. PIERCE & SON 1 1 1 N 13 G I JILT Y ';i;n AM STII.I. ,(MN(J iu-sixkss AT MY v v V ,IAVK As MANY BAK : n. r, AN'I" ITY IMfOI'KKTYAS ' ' I.- I UK I'lffsT IIAST(i()T MK YET. ' o A S(jr.l,'K I) HAL SEK ALFRED SMITH V I