;f" 1 1 4 TUB MIODFOKD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR.. SATURDAY, MARCH 28. 1908. b i. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Will 0. Steol of the Crater Lake com pany stopped over iu Modfurd Thurg day night, but It ft fur Portland Friday morning. He has been in Stmt IWrn 'alifurnia oil business. Haviland, semi-porcelain and enamel ware at .T. C. Ward 's R. ('. Jhwiwhy, the stock shipper nf Central Point, was a caller iu Medford Thursday, Haviland, semi-porcelain and enamel ware at J. O. Ward s. Polk Hull and K. K. Morrisim of (Jrif fin Creek were Medford eallers Thurs- Southern Oregon scenery at Hull '$ Art Studio, near bridge. .l:.y. '. W. Snyder, (lie cnntniclor of Si.hIIi , Mi-ilfiin, left Thursday for Portland.' whore ln will spend several iIh.vh look Wg llftlT lllllltlTH .f hllsillCSH. Miss Kiln n.-iiiiivan-. stenography nml typewriting. Room 4. I'alm lilo.'k. II. It. (io.ldnrd f Wagner Croon was n caller in Medfnrd T!ii,r.s,lav. .Iiilill Hriner nf Talent I ransnclcd iMiHini'HH iu Mcilford Thursday. Hn ynu waul, a f irHl-f Ijius business! locution m, Modfnrd's busiest street? Easy (onus, Tf so, ,,,11 on .1. C. Tlrown Palm Ttloek. ' i I. 1). Hugo solil 15 niTos of laiul to Mr. McCnllnm on r: riff in Creek; enn-, siilornlion .fulfill. This tract is ,,rt f , tlin olil Gordon ranch, i Plume r,S.. .v,.,, i)rv n,,in t. i Pressing Works. s Adnlph Scliulz, n merchant of .rack "oiivillo, transacted business in Medfnrd l-'riilny morning. Ladies1 -l..lliiiir oliano.l ami pressed i a specially. JJ,ono r,S4. g ; .left" llrnpliy , r. K. Ttonnlslev of Ashland wore Medford business Pallors I'ndny morning. Mr. ,.,,,, wi movp ( , "'"""i io .neuron! within n foiv Mays. H. At. Proud of Terr. irto, Tiul is n ow arrival i Medford ami will ,ko soaio purchases. K.lg.-.r Kohinson f ,, ,,, ni,0 . C Oil fined ( ,,, , on niimiiiit n -" lumen ol llio now fimt C si root. p,.,. nnonm.,,.,.. "I nt llio H,,s class rosliinrnnt, m i lar prices. '" . S. ,T,,iios, "ioli at l,is homo slowly improving.. fonsi'iousm.Hs. Atlornoy K. passoil lhroii.i .laoksoavillo In all n hi has lioon vorv ' Rust Moilfonl. in Iiuh rcenvcri'd Ho T. Ttriffc f Am),,,,,, Afodfnld tin Ills why to Hirer t. u:n -r " ...M.r .ponoM. ilfrnocrntic .M'df.td rnlliT 1-Vida Tnr (Iriffin of Audi; M-'df.ird. II,. w ' " 'inciiHun count v yearn. Fi Hlreet, near Seventh nnd idalr- "n roiinlv, wiim n land was a viHitor was a resident f f,.,. "r sevoral f'ttiiic to tfood. idiMin R. ( direct n n i.- I- W. Cirvor is visilint- i M,.,ifr,i' li'iv", r,iv,,l horo fr, ,,.,,,,' ' K10W.I In s,., ,.xl( ,, ih ioiiainlnnoi. nro fow. Tin. Mill,. ,lKl,or 'f v. Wnlkor in Nni'lll Mo,lfor,l is vry sirk , hor homo with piieiiiiiiinia. Von ,l,.p Ilf .,. frum "'Ji'il Iiiisiiioss in Moitfonl Triilay. Tho oroi lion of n lienulifnl lnmijnlow '" "' 1 '" mmom'0,1 on tho Qnoon A lol'lilion nml moro will follow in a short linn-, whii-h provos tho popn '"lily of I ho liuililinif rostrlolio,, on thoso lols. Tlotlor not l, n Hpnninnl iinl pill off liuvino o r thoso lots until loinorrow. I'Mwar.l li..l,orlson of orlh Mo.lfor.l sol.l his Irai'l. f lan.l on tho H,.k.no rivor to Harry Hanks for a I'onsi.loration of irSilml. lioliorl ('iimon.n of tho ApploK,, was n liiiHinosH onllor in Moilfonl l.'ri ilny. Mr. I' run is ono of tho pionoors oi .ini'iison I'oiinlv. Mr. ami Mrs. K. ('. .lohnson of Vhoo nix wns a Inisiiuss rallor in Moilforil I'ri.lny M!iiiiuiik-. Mr. .lohnson rooontlv piiri'linsiil a linuo riiinh on t'nloman iroi'k, Hoar I'hoonix. Mrs. Kalo Knl.li of ,!:o-l. '! in Moilfonl Piiilav. Great Specials In Fine Shoes Van Dyke's Monday. March 30th our entire shoe stock, of men's ladies' and Fine Footwear will consisting children's be oliei1 afford to miss. Now is the time. Quit-Business Sale you at suph prices that you cannot Come and see tor yourself. Van Dyke's is the Place to Buy Your Shoes Sinprifll IVntiVp Thls stock consists on,y of J-a Van yke & Co-'s reuIar high OpCUdl iUlltC grade merchandise and not a Collection of job lots such as are bought by many concerns to run so-called syecial sales. Remember This is a Bona Fide Sale-Nothing Reserved Word lui h liei'ii received iu Med ford that l II. Daily, ex county miperinteiid out. of hcIiooIh, who in iu a wniihirhim at The Dnlli'M, h tuA improving, .1. D. Ilearil, Hiiperintcmleut of I lie Sterling mint, and Ihh family were iu Medfnrd Thursday afternoon. Will (i. Ste(-I spent ThurM.lay ninht iu Medl'md. He has hoen at San l-'ran ciseo and Klamath Falls on Inisiness for the ) 'rater Lake company, which will ojierato in the national park during the summer Herisnn ad make il pleasant for tourists. IS unvitle I tinner for melt overv dnv f rum noon o 1! p. in., I.'tc, with mJ:iss of heer. White Tlepliant Care, If. t., opposite depot. 1) K (jo"ernor Moody and his wife, who have lieen visit iny in ( 'alifurnia, stopped off at Ashland this week to visit their son, X. A, Moody. .1. A. Obenrlmin. Itcv. .1. Merley. V. . ICntnp and ,1. I, l'atton were down from Ititf Itulte this week on laud Imis incH!. Mrs. Silas ,1. Fhiy of dackon villi sient a few limns iu M ed foul Thins .lay. .Foh n S. Hon in of Ashland made Medl'ord and Jacksonville a In i sines' visit Thursday. I). T. Cos came nn fruin Ashland Thin silay. lie is coudiiM inn hiitcher sli.ii there. Miss Anna Wondt spent Thursday nf jteinooii amoiij her Medl'ord friends. I .Io'.--, . Hn-vcy of Ashland, tho at jtointy Mid alts' actor, was iu Med ford .find .laclisonvtlle Wcilncs '-w on profes ! smnal luiaines. W.J .uho's .-f 1'entral Phii, Tores! ranker, has lieen promoted and will he stationed at Kaeno. Ho will leave for his new location in a few days, accom fianied hv his family. ('. ('. McClendon of Cold Hill was a ImsinesH caller iu Med ford Saturday, V. I j. Kdtnoiulson of Derby was in Med ford this morning. Mrs. J. It. i. Morelock and her daughter, M ihh helah, were in Medford a few days since, quests of Mr. and Mrs. ( ). Crawford. Joseph Duvall, formerly of tho Med fnrd I'liarmacy, is following his avoca tion at Cold ilill. pe was in Medford Friday, Jacksonville from the Ura- .lnscdl I en route t deii mine. Sale all this week. Dandy sewing machine, !'; of the best maketi to .select from, $'t to .'r-'o; must be sold to make room. Klwood 'm jewelry store. D. D. Coo, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Love, who live near Central Point, made Medford a visit Friday afternoon. Herbert ltrnmblc is oloking after Hrinnlile 's transfer busiiu'Ss duriuo; the absence nf his father in Kansas. Itoyd Tucker wrts down from Klk creek during tb week. He i.s employed at I he government hatchery. Mr. nc.d Mrs. A. Cantrall of .lack souvi'.ie have been at Ashland, visiting M ii ml M iM. D. 1 ( . I tarnohurg. Miss Mabel Wamsley of Kaglo Point has entered the Southern Oregon State Normal school at Ashland. County ( 'lerk Coleman has issued a liceuo to many to John II. (Jodfrey ami I 'earl lirigsbv. l-'retl Jones of Applegate made his Medford friends n visit ono day this week. J. C. Hi iscoe of Trail precinct was in the central valley recently. Mrs. D. I. Wahlroop of Siskiyou coon ly, California (nee Mrs. C. Urous) i8 making relatives and friends living in Medford a visit. She is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Miller. Don't take chances on flour; use- the iijiper crust. Olmstead & lUbbard. 13 Pierce wstiatiiu' ki,ght me to take." urged lii'iir now. Mini it is disn- 'I'liis is, -in cxiin'ssioii Hint we I'rnmciit Iv urcc'ililc Imili in ns ami to our friends. We linvc ;i lew speeial luiritniiis oien, oil wliieh the priee will lie raised alter April I, and don't Maine ns now if von miss them, when Vol1, eol We loin lai w lien e We ford l'i We We lot and We alfalfa We ds for nil just as well lniy one. hav e I!):! anes near Kai;le Point for ifliOOO, ."ill aeies eleaiod, hot id and private irrigation ditch : nearly all could he farmed lea red. have a number of small tracts of choice fruit laiul near Med- r r'.' an acre, have ll! acres near Phoenix in fruit and alfalfa for ifl.lOO. have two lots and a four-i in house for .f."i(: another large new five-room house, price S.itl. have 1!H acres west of Phoenix, choice fruit land, -10 acres iu and III acres planted to frui t. only ,(!(( an acre. have several liearim; otvhar Come and see us hefore huyint;. sale at riiiht prices. C. H. PIERCE S SON MEDFORD, OREGON J. J. Rropliy and his family, who liuvo bopn residents (if Ashland for sumo time pust, will return to Medford soon. Dr. J. K. Shearer of Tortland is in Soul horn Oregon, looking after his min iiiK interest. lie is in Medford today. C ,1. MeLoughlin of Applegate, a jolly veteran of tho eivil war, made Medford a business visit Friday. .Mr. iouiAI E. 0. Stigor of Grants Puss inmlo Medford and Jacksonville a visit during tho past wcok. W. ('. (lieen has pnrehased what is known as the, Sam Potter farm, locat ed near linijlo Point. There are 145 iiores uf exii llent land in the tract, and llio r'wp paid is reported to ho $.1000. VWH will plant it lo fruit trees. .lack Martin of Coleman Creek dis trict iliil business in Medfonl ono day this week. The Walmrorth murder ease is pa Kiossinr; the atlention of t lie circuit court nt present. The jury as em paneled Friday and the taking of tes tiniony is now progressing. District Attorney Kennies is pilled ngainst 1!. (I. Smith and K. K. Kelly. The regu lar panel of jurors wns excused until Monday. Waldo Gill has let the contract for I lie erection nf two cottagei on his lots in Dlllismuir, Cal. He formerly resided in .Tneksonville and subsequently was a railway brakeman. fvnn Humnson, a well known trav eler for I ho Hliimauer Frank Drug com pany, has quit the road and will enter the renl estate business in Portland, in partnership with Oliver K. Jelfcry. Mr. Huninson has a wide ncqiinintnncc throughout the state and is well ac quainted with business conditions. Miller Maury, who returned from Crescent City, Cal., recentlv. was in Medford Friday. (leorgo Lyman nf Gold Hill district, was in Medfnrd Friday on his return linme from Jacksonville. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. I. Heffner of Big Unite have been visiting in Medford. George II. West of Hutto Falls, who has been iu Ashland for several days, passed through Medford on his way home Siiturdnv. Arc You Able to Judge You can possibly look at n horse or cow and judge their worth. Same with a piece of bacon or cloth, a hat, n pair of shoes. But you can't look at an ax nnd say its O. K., it's genuine. You can't look at n range nnd nay she is nil right. We will admit they have a good appearance, but may lack the construe tion to make them do the work. Now, gentle people, these little index fingers are for your good. We like to be in vestigated. We court n careful looking into, Co see n few of the 300 people who nro now using the Toledo Ranges; get some facts about their construction, ask how they draw nnd hnke; nsk how much fuel they use. Mr. M. Ballinger, one of the oldest cit irons of Jackson comity, ha in his family sons and daughters, only 9 Toledo ltnngcs. Ask 1iim or her or them why they are su perior to all other makes. You can find more Maud S. Pumps in Medford and vicinity than any other. Absolutely sat isfaction giver that 1900 Washer ha lieen proven, nnd always gota the dirt, while gallon after gallon of Nason 's Pure Paint glitters in tho sunshine nil over the valley. Thero are hundreds of litCo articles you can sae a small sum on, nnd saving a little here and there is where yon make your money. So come in, get my prices nnd he satis fled. Where nod whof Shorti O&rnett IHIMIHI Society Notes HM-H iMftnmiiMiMf MesdHmes I. Vawter, TS. B. Piokel, M. Orr, J. K. Watt, Miss Inez McCray and Messrs. W. I. Vawter, J. K. Watt and F. K. Page constituted the re ception committee nt Kennies Chapter, O. K. S., Wednesday night. Hazelrigg'w orchestra furnished enjoyable music throughout the evening and an elabo rate lunch. ' r Martin De Lush mutt of the engi neering corps, U. S. A., is visiting his sister, Mrs. K. B. Pickel. m M iss Berlin Itobert s recent ly eu t or tained 0 young people ut tho home of her parents in I Inst Medford, in honor of her Uth birthday. Miss Susio Holmes of Ashland linn 1m en the guest of Mrs. Frank Carter dinng tho past week. Mrs. M. McCarthy of Ashland has bi'en visiting nt tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strang. Friday evening the I. O. O. F. and Ut'bckah lodges of Jacksonville enter tinned about 150 members nnd guests with n social evening. A splendid pro gram had been prepared, after which refreshments were served, (i nines and music by Xorling's orchestra occupied the remainder of tho evening. Follow ing is the program that was given: Se lection, Xorling's orchestra; instru mental solo, Donald Colvig; guitar se lection, Mntney brothers; cornet solo. Professor Norling; address, B. F. Mut key; vocal solo, Miss Leonn I'lrick; srlection, Xorling's orchestra. The memlters of the sixth grade of tiie Medford high school enjoyed n liayrnck ride Saturday morning to the Thomns grove, west of town, where tlioy hold n picnic in honor of Miss pnhcllc Todd, who will soon leave for! Iier future homn in ictonn, B. (J. Sat urday evening Mrs. F. K. Deuel will entertain the members of the eighth grade nt her home, the guests of honor being Inn and Klsie Todd, who will soon bid farewell to Medford classmates. FQTt SALK Dry pine wood, out last fall; all level road; only tour mile haul. You can take five tiers at a loud nml make two trips a day. Every tier is full 10 inches long and 4x8 foot: 1.75 ter tier. I have also 130 tiers of oak and mailrone wood. T. .1 Fish, adjoining Depot, Phoenix, Or. FOR SALE Three miles southeast of Medford, adjoining the celebrated Morse orchard, 40 acres nice level land on S. P. railroad track; $ST per acre Inquire of T. J. Fish, Phoenix, Or. LOST Pair gold rimless spectacles in black leather case, Sunday, between West Tenth street and north city lim its. Finder please return to Trihune. 6-S FOR SALE Olds runnbout in good condition, $100. Inquire Tribune of fice. W A NTEDTOO people to have-1 ileTr shoes repaired at C. M. Kidd's Shoe Store. Our shoemakers nro experts. WANTED Cash paid for alt kinds second-hand goods, olo East 7th, M. I). Monro. 22 FOR SALE Yo ung gentle cow for sale; price $-10. E. E. Morrison, II. F. D. No. 1, Griffin Creek. LOST On West Seventh street, yes lord ay, purse, containing gold, silver, bills and articles of value only to owner. Leave at Bazar, 102 W. Sev enth st., and receive reward. FOR SALE A $2000 mortgage, gilt edge security, no taxes, S per cent net. Inquire of the Medford Realty & Rent al Co., Medford, Or. FOR SALE Trade ten acres excell. nt fruit hind one utile iioin Eagle Point for little home in Medfnrd or Jack sonville. Box o-tii Medford. 8 FOR SALE Must sell ten hum. ,-itr lots, close in, excellent m.il; will cut into 20 ordinary lots; big bargain; it-iou ,..S)i .la vasV ,,.,., .'(0. Medfnrd. FOR SALE A bargain, 2 miles north of Medford, lli nc.res, 8 in hearing Xewtown apples, with penra between; best of soil, fair buildings; possession at once. W. O. Smith. 13 I'l i ll E N T T wo room s, u n t'urn i shed or partially furnished. Corner T nnd 9th sts. WANTED Woman to do housework nt once. Inquiro 315 N. D at .Titrrtos Stewart. FOR SALE Old papers, 50 for ; Tribune office. FOR SALE Two incubators, used only ono season, for sale cheap; cnpaeUy of each, 21G eggs. Inquire nt War ner's store. Warner & Snvder. tf WANTED Girl, n good cook, two in tho family, 4-room cottage; no wash ing to do; will pay good wages. Ad dress P. O. Box 385. tf FOR SALE firnpo cuttings, Tokay nnd Malaga, from Hurley ranch. Or ders taken nt Medford Pharmacy; $1.50 per 100. 12 FO RS AITE One fT7SrCrenm SepT rator, No. fi; 500 enpneity; good a new; cost $80; will sell for $50. 1. C. Hensley, Central Point. " WANTED A good driving horse. In quire at office of Daily & McComb. FOR SALE Largo building lots in West Medford, fi:trlC8 feet, $150 each. Inquire of J. C. Brown, offiee in Palm block. 13 SHORTHAND nud Typewriting Those wishing work of this kind done in evening call up Van, phone 855, RogiiP River Electric Co., or address P. 0. Box 87fi. tf Box 8 Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No alugle inser tions less than 15 cents. Six insertions for the price of four. Seventy-five oenta line per month. WORK WAXTKD-Oap.nicso conlrac I tor; can do all kinds of general farm I ing; general helper in all work; town FOI! S.U.K House nnd lot ne.ir i-niV olic school; price ifUofi; this is a lwr foi'd, Or. Rai": A'll,ro letter to Rex r. 12, Med FOII SAI.K 01! RKXT-Gnnii" hnuse, barn and outbuildings: best residnnn. district: garden, some fruit trees; four acres land: cheap if snld soon. In quire P. Tribune, or S4 Tl st. 13 WANTED Pasture, pony. Write (;. p. deliverv. close in, Williams, fur a general 1H. AI.XIKDA M. MAIlfTx; an osteo pat hie physician, will open an office for Hie practice of her profession next Monday, March M, at the hotel Mnnre. -ne r. ,1110s Highly recommended n r.if.,..i , . . never nas nad n Hint plivsician of tlii i,....i hoped t'r the sake of ihsc aim leans tow.nd or countrv. Gen'l Pel., Address A. B. Tattumi. Medford, Or. tf nnd perma it is whose this science, that Buy the Catchy Snapshot for Piano. Remit Soe in stamps to C. S. Mitchell, Ashland, Or., for this great march twe step. If ynn arc not pleased, send it back promptly nnd get stnmps refunded. N'OTICK. stockholders of the Joo Creek Copper company will hold their nnnunl meet ing for the election of officers at - p. in.. March ill, at tho law offices of Witliingtnn & Kelly, Palm block. II. K. 'WITHINGTOX. Secretary. Medf FOR SAI.K Ranches ranging in size frnm 2 acres up to P4it acres; price. ranging irom jio up t0 ;;.,o per acre. I - "''-" i'"Tr.. hi svn;:. y. iu ti.KI! I...-,.,-.,., ranging in I r-psiivr price from W(1 up to .iiioO; also Mu ,,!, ; acres iu .Missouri 10 exchange f,, property here. I,it your rental oroi erty with us. We have call, every dav I Call and see us. Wilson i Kinvon. .viKins woes. Tin anil C. till. s v-ars at s per cent on P.-ll acres of yellow nine :in,i , ,:,i,... . . ,,nti.,.i cinse io "i. .viitress T. ( I Mm care Trib-37 the watchmaker nn,! h repaired more watches other person in Medford. h.nv. repaired um n,.ln .,,,. i ... ... "in ai Nnnrty Carnett ' Hardware 1:1 POIt SALK 40 aenvs ianPon Kg, River, two miles from Grants Pass; about half cleared, rich bottom loam, first class orchard or garden land; oak nnd pine timber on balance worth en tire price nsked for land; terms :Mo down, tlo a month on halsnre .i If'OR SAI.E-Havini. nrcB,. ..... "" f-ct f first clas, milling log,, re prepared to furnish first-class '""r of all kinds in any amounts en shor, notice. If y eontemplate building pl,CP V01ir price, very reasonable; dimension and fine fih ,m, , er call, ii,,,,, F ,, ,. T v ouipany, SKATING NOTICE Commencing Monday, March IU. the rink will be closed nil day o,n Mondnys, Thursdays and Sundays. On other days there will bo tw, sessions, commencing nt 2 nnd P. M. Weduesdny, society night. Mjj sic by the rink band. .Admissijv lit cents; skates, 25 cef(. All other sessions, admission free Medford Rink WINDELL ft LOOSLEY. Proprietors. Coal for Sale. We nro .now prepared to furnish hl five picked eonl at the mine, -ast of town, ip.any amount desire"