the sit. r.roTp patty Trr.rrrn. ctiv:. or:.. TTrrrismY. m v EGGLESTON MAY RUN FOR COUNTY JUDGE -.1 Viends of Ashland's Recorder Urge Him to Contest Nomination With judge Dunn His Many Qualifica tions for the Position Good Record. ly law. ... ii.T.l.v iiiiikf and issue tit's . rf.rliiiiiatii.n to the peopU" nf the City or Medford, und do announce nnd declare that the whnl. numlier of votes i-ast in the City of Medford at mi id election, fr and against the said amendment, whs as hereinbefore stated, and tliat the naid amendment received the affirmative majority of the total of votes east thereon and entitled to l.c counted under the provisions of law. ami th-ir the aid amendment shall M ;in.l is A number of friends of Captain M. l ,,.h'ston of Ashland are talking him irTt'or tin office of county judge to the primary nomiuatiou with j,;,!,. I u ii ii. Captain Kggleston's pro j, .-i-rs give an excellent picture of his liabilities as an adiniuistrntor of pub W itf fairs and speak of his capacity to nnintnin discipline, system and order due of the most important features hi king in the administration of county :i fairs. ('Mptiiin Kgglestnn is a graduate of West Point and is reported to be n I, ;irned and exceptionally intolligent i;tn of affairs, is well known in connec tion with all the efforts at prutnotion iv d exploitation of the resources of the :.INy in recent years, as well as being except ioiially well informed on matters plating to the various kinds of public engineering enterprises, street living and municipal matters. Those who know him seem to feel san li'.ine that he would prove to be the it"st progressive man that could he -cured for the place, and believe that is the best equipped individual in tie county for the impending change df methods and policies of conducting public business from the old to the hpit nd it inns that are taking place in ,f:.ckson county. He is reported to have made a fine t-cord in getting the municipal affairs of Ashland in shape in its several de partments after the same had been al lowed to get into the worst kind of , disorder. At the recent city elect ion ! a number of prominent citizens who had ! b. ennie offended at his vignrous and t M'ccessful management of the city's! business undertoiik to defeat him with IV It. Grant, the present under sheriff i of Jackson county, and after ain ener-1 gtie campaign in which policies and issues wi re t luronghIy liisiMi-s.-d Cap-; t:tiu Kgglestnn was re elected by a ma-! j'.rity of nver three to me in a total i Vote of N.'M. j It was reported that he bad already! circulated his petition, but inquiry fo-.t day brought the information that ho hail not yet taken any steps in that' direction, but Would do so is convinced , that there existed in several parts of the county a sentiment vnllu-ienilv -troiig to convince him that he was u anted tor the position. II" did not wish to go out alter the nomination unless assured that there was a consider-j aide demand, but if nominated would make a vigorous campaign and let th: p"oph Ininw where he stood on the is sues that have to do with the county court and the taxpayers nnd citizens of the count v. of follow-lllllelid , full force mid effect from the date this proclamation, and that the I ing is the full text of the said no tii : Proposed Amendment I To Section 72 of the City Charter of the City of Medford. The people of the City of Medford do ordain as follows: j That section 7J f ;,tl a,.t nf tIL. (JJ. ;il;iture of the State of Oregon, entitled An act to repeal an act entitled. 'An act to repeal an act entitled "An net to incorporate the Town of Medford. in Jackson County. Oregon, and limiting its powers and defining the duties of its i 1 if ice rs, and to repeal an act en titled, 'An act to incorporate the Town of Medford, in Jackson County, Ore gon.' approved February 24, 1SC,' filed in the office of the secretary nf State February 1. 1SS!, and all amend meats thereof, and to incorporate the City of Medford, in Jackson County, Oregon, and to define its powers and duties," approved February ti, 1007, and to incorporate the City of Medford, in Jackson County, Oregon, define its pow ers and duties, and to re tea I all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith," filed in the office of the secretary of state February 7, l!n.", ns amended by the act amendatory thereof filed in the office of the secretary of state Febru ary 1o, 1!Mi,"i, and as further amended by the vote of the people of Medford oa the 4th day of June. UH7. be and the same is hereby amended by adding th. reto tin- following; I "ubdnision C. In addition to the foregoing WHrianU and bonds, as au thorized in the two preceding subdivis-. ions of this section, the mi id council is j tinnier uumonAii to borrow monev on I the taith of the city, aud for that pur pose to issue warrants and bonds for the sole purpose of further improving the water distributing system of said city, provided that the mains installed in improving said system shall all be ot cast iron of approved design ami manufacture: but in the event that said council shall elect to install a system of cast iron mains as above mentioned, and shall issue warrants and bonds as provided in t his subdivision for such purpose, the total amount of warrants and bonds so issued shall at no time ex reed the SU f o.llllll in addition to the warrants and bonds in the two pre ceding subdivisions authorized, and in the event that such warrants and bonds shall be issued, such issue shall be in all respects subject to the provisions and restrictions of subdivision B of this section, except as to the maximum amount of such issue. Done at Medford. Or., March 17, liN. liF.X. J. TROWIlIilDi:. Attest: Acting Muvor. HKX.F. M. f'OLLlXS, Recorder." S Buy TicKets by Wire. 'Something which i of considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generall'. known is the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific compnny and nil points in the I'nited States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the part v wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with those tickets may also be furnished at the same time. ' Watch this space tomorrow for Special announcement of QUIT-BUSINESS SALE BUSINESS CARDS. E. E. SEELY, M. D. I'liysU'inn anil Surgeon Minimi Kquipped Opornting Rooms. X Kay. Office Hours. 10 -1!!, 4 0 P. M. Office in Jackson County Bank Bldg. WILLIAM YOUNG CABPEXTEK AND IHTILDEH. Window and Door Screens to Order. Mission Furniture Built. lio. 671. Meilfonl, Or. VolI: the well lias noth ing Id (Id willi it. It bubbles out of the moun tain side Colestin Natural Mineral Water SCHOOL NOTES. Owiiii: t" til" I' '-1 tli.-ii tll.'l'r ll.'ls l.i'.ll mi- ili'lny in st'cmin t.'ilriit t''T tin' Icailinj; .:u'N of t In- i-:mt l:ii.l III- Sli,.i,-i.l liny." III., .Int. 1ms finiillv I. ..-ii fix.1.! for M:iy 1. wlu-n ': vi'iil will Ii.' yiv. n as a M;iv frs- livnl. Tin. tliri'i' sliirii-s of tlio Iiiyli svlnii.l li iildiiit,' ran l.r i'initiril in Irss tliali !IH . minis with tlif fin- ilrill in nsr in tllnt l.iil.lini.'. Tin- N'.nth srliool i'.-iii ai-i-otn-.'ish tin sami" in nliinit nni- ininiitr. Th.. liylitli (.'null's ami I In- lii'li n'nirs nri" ;n ri:i rinu' I'.ir ri n iti n tt'i-iit. -.vhicli will tal;n plm-p llu- last w-'i'k in May. Kilitli i5r:ilr rxaiiiinatiiin- -nr Mav l: a.'! .-. TIimsi- tVliii. ha v nn"" .".t".rtiiiiiy in .Tiiiii r.-ilfnril will I.- v.. alu, nt no applicants. Til.. s,-n:,,l- ,-la-s this v..;,v is II,,. :,ril. .-I hi ll... hislnrv nf tl. lili s,.h.,,,l. I t,' , I. ri I; T...1 '. a in. liil,-r ..f th.' f- r ,-.. is I.-ji vinir f"r British Cn- tilllliia sotill. Tli,. l...tan' rlass has l,.'j.'ini iv,,r!.- on t 1 i i r lii'i'linrionms. , Tit" i.'ia,l,s hav",- 1, 1,11 taliinir 'urn :,i 1 .1,-aninir lh.- s,-h,.i.l i:r,ninil. I 1 iv .Inrii,- th,- past i, -, U ,!,. rn.l. Ii.',- in,- out r,,r an l.,nr an.l i'l,aii,,,l a !"r ''oil nt' th" rniill'l III,,"!' Ill" 'lit", 1i.1t, Ih.'ir t.'ai-h.'i' an, I tli, i.'init,,!'. 'I'l,,' stits rire man if,'st. Golden Grain Granules I'KK CKXT l'l'i:K CKUi:.L COFI-'HK. I,'. II. Toll has Lr,. t,, Ta. ,,, a attl" 011 a isit with r. lativ, -. PKDCl.AM AT1DN'. 'h. Tli.Ti' was stilnnitti'.i tli" rotors of till- City of Moilfor.l. li-.-o.iii. a" a spi'rial i-ha-tion liohl for that pin-l-oso nn Mari'h 17. l!l't-. a prnpos.-.! aiiii'iiiliiii.itt to Sci'tioii 7'2 of th" ( 'it y ' liarti r of lh" sai.l city of M : ami. WhiToa.s, on tin- saiil 17th ilay of Maii-h. lllns. tli,. city ,.0or.l.r in my I'l-.'Si-ni'i' an.l in tin- pri'si-ni'i- of tin- Citv Cnnnril of sail! i-ity. .11.1 i-anvass the vntos yii'n for ami airainst tin- saiil ;. iiii-nilini-nt : ami. Wln-ri-as. it was asi'iTtaini-il nml ili t rmini'il 11(1011 sni-h i-am nss that tln-ri-wore lil.l voti's i-ast for an.l ."I voti-s against tin' sai.l aini'ii.lini-tit. ami that -ai.I ainiMi.lno'lit ri'i'i-iM.-l tin affirma tivo majority of tin- total niinili.T of .-ifi-i'tiyo voti-s i-ast tlo-riMin anil rntitli-.l to l.c roiintnil iiii.l-r th" provision- of :'s. Ian ; Vow tin i"t'., ro. 1. S, II. Tiowhrt'l". a. :.! iiiiT Mayor of th" I il "f M"l r.l. Dr"i;..ii. in tin al.s.-n f th" iT..r tin- rity. in .!-1 i.-ti m 4) I.t i rt in- of tin- .,-w,r ami an'ti t ll lastcs like foflVf. It looks j like ri.l'I'cc ami il smells like! i-ol't'ee. bnl is iirc roasleii; .f,-iin. blended so as to pro-! mi-i- ilie bi-st flavor, the real".-! slreiiuth and an ar-i ;ice -.vhieh viiiiiil;' and old may drink morning. 1 n and niht. (Inldeii drain (Iramdes is esiicciallv recommended to those siiri'erin? from heart, trouble, nervousness, const i liation. indigestion, dyspep sia and stomac.i troubles. Xiarlji :l-poiivtl i'iii'l;iifc for 2r. all retail irroccrs. Wholesale by ?. B. Theiss & Co. Medford. Or. H. 1 CAKE CAXUIKATI-: FOR IlKITHLIC AS' NO.M ISATIOS FOli 1'NIT i:i) STATIIS SKSATOli AND CHAMPION' OF STATFMKNT NO. 1, NV I I.I. MF.F.T AND AD IH.'KSS THK l-FOI'I.E OF JACKSON eor.XTV I'I'OS' 'I'll K ISSI'FS OF Till: CAMI'AIC.N AT MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Thursday Even'g MARCH 26th IIVKKYONK CHKIHAI-1A' I.WITKI. DR. S. J. DAY, .liicksmiviltr, Oregon. DR. A. B. SWEET Phvsioiati and Surp'on. Office nt Rcsiilonco. Medford Furniture Co., Medford, Or. 1 lousefurtiishors nml I'liilrrtakors. Day IMiono :i5:i. yKt riionps C. V. Conk lin. I!)."; J. II. Butler. 11V Wm. M. ColviR, Medford, Or. COLVIG & DURHAM, Attorney s-at-Law. Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. WM. W. P. HOLT, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. 1 Kaule Point, Orrgon. ; E. L. BALCOM. j Xew Wi't Sidr rciiit'i'ctinnory Fruit ! stnrt' fjnulirs. i! nt m, fiiirs. toliaccos, ! fresh fruit in season. Near Hotel i Moure, Or. ; PRIVATE DETECTIVE AND COL ! EECTION AGENCY. ! I U V.x Ms. Medford, Or. E. T. HUNT. WATKH SIIITLV CONTKACTOU. 1!) years ' exitcrienee; A 1 referenci-s. uf wink at ri;!it priees. Pumping plants installed in wludo or in part. Any a ailnlde power. Wood or stei'l tiinlis on cnrri'rt siilistniftnrf-s. f!aso line CTioiiu-s set. Sjnay outfits built ami n-paired. A chance to figure on your wnrk will 1u appreciated. Until shop is s'('iired, Hox li Residence, end of North T street. Massage Parlors ELECTRIC LIGHT FERADIC AND GALVANIC HOT AND COLD SPRAY SALT GLOWS MRS. C. A. MOORE THE ODELL, Over Postofficc J NOTICE ( ...niii.'ii.'iii M..u.:i.v. M:.rvh I'L tli,. rinl, r. Ill I... .-I..- .1 nil iliiy "ii Mi. ii. I:. y-. ThniMliiys nn.l S hiys. On ..Ih.r .l:i.v x 1 1. . 1'. - will In- two,,n-. .-. .iiiiii. n. iiii: :tt - .'ili'l 7:.'!0 P. M. '..lii,".:iy. K... ii ly nifc'hl. Mil--r l.v th.' linli l.aN'l. A,niiioli M (.,.it-; vk!lt'. rf-nt.. All other w.'-i(ii... n.lmi-i'.ii fit;i'. Medford Rink WINDELL & LOOSLEY, Plfi)r;.-toi'. I u.-i-. i.'.-I'Iiiil' :i' I :i I'l liru- I I. 1:1-1 llril .Iihiii-' I lull ir. i I", ;.l I . - :iii' li"l Ti . -.-t ly I'. ... I Ml. -. 1". ill- ilnlll-l, ;. . h.,. .ill ,'tli.i- Iniiliil'ini t li.'il t Ii" h. '- In w. il' "M i.-l Iv 'ii- I'., . i'l. '. ll,' ". I I I..". i .'ll " I in..- v ,,'. I: I.:- i: u ill. I.... I. !"' : "i i! HI' l"ii I' I I ' ;-l"'i I l. ll V ..nly li.iit. Ill I WmIIK'H. -.1 II,.' , I I. I.lln.i; till. I .t "!' II! that k. I'-- I-" -.'I- ? en it- 0-" J vim I.. I. I ihmk I'rctVrri'il Htoi k nr.- lh.' iiii'i-st, :ui,I ir.'inz rom.'S it nil H- -r I I'l,,' I...-S '.i.. r ini.l 1 DM llill is i-i ,i worl.l, iii-xl, Ih' ii Hiho.. '.Vim t do you -f think f Try a jitr? MILLER & EWBANK NOTK.'I-; N In i' t. 'i ii Mint the underlined will applv ;it tin- next nor-ting of th" v c.iito il of M i-il ford, Oregon, for license t, uell mrilt. vinous and spirit .,ns liipior in eN ipmutitieH than on tjalfon. for wix ruoiith". al Lot 10, Block i i , 1 1 ! ' . Mrf l'oii. for :i period f ' -w v hi Mi. f.SS A II W.V.. I.:,t.-.l M i" ! ! I. 1:"'". ''H Made in New York O you want to see yourself dressed like a New Yorker? Then come in and try 1PJ f s. 1 on a Suit or Overcoat 'i sruiJe for u j by n! . 1 free! if! . . i.p.jamiii & Co. They arc the leading tailors of New York and we are the sole distributors of their product in this city. : : V-by Wise . :; Talks j : By the I t I Office : I LJ n 14-rfT 0V ( ) ' i - i DANIELS - Seventh Street Neil) Clothing StOTC FOR SALE BY THE MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE Iiiiii grade Teas. Toffees, Spues, Kxtracl. Itjihing Powder and I(el iHlieM. Mho finest, line of dishes ever shown in southern Oregon. W'KS'I' SFA'KXTII STIMOIOT. McGLASHAN & JUNKEN, Props. PHONE loni. A bit of - Alfalfa Land Kvery one poslcd on 1 lit- land sil ion in this val ley knows tlial y,.ol hay land is ,'oinq; to lie in de mand from this time forth, owin.n' to so iiincli of our alfalfa land lia in.u' liccn dantci to fruit trees. 'o are alile to offer for a short fililO L.", ACI.KS OK THE HKST Only three miles from Medford, for the reasonable price of TWO IUIHKI lOLIi.liS PER ACRE, And we pronounce it one of the best buys hi the valley today. It is of the best quality, and we know it wiil prow a winner to the buyer. It is equally well adapted to pears. If it interests you, ' call atonce on f 7 Roquc River Land Go. EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFOED, OREGON. ) QO