THE AfEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDF0K1). OR.. WEDNESDAY. MARCH ''), 1903 2 Aledford Daily Tribune CAKE'S NOMINATION . , V4' VIRTUALLY CONCEDED' aiUCUBH IIUU?)C A Live Paper in a Live Town. "i.lditdied every evening except Sunday I Mcdford Publishing Company. :. HTVWI. K.lilur and : Manager. . . . ! Portland Telegram Tells of Successful .ldmitt-,1 a. S.-ronl clam Matter in tli.. Post,.; li.o at Mcdford. On-gnu. J Subscription Rates: j ()i,e 111, .mil. by mail or carrier 0.a0 j Candidate III Mcdford Tomorrow. line vnir, bv mail 5.00 1 Tour of State and Warm Greeting Everywhere Given Statement No. 1 ' THE ANTI BP.YAN CAMPAIOfr. I I'lliri'LAM), Dr., .Hard, IS.- In vii itnnllv (lie Hum iiiut ion of II. Tlw X.- V..rk W...I.I is roiMliietini.'1- ' "" T.-l. ;: My ii. .art: Al ii l.iiil:.-! .a.i.:iiL.i, njniui.t W. .1. """'! 'I'"' numerically have 1 Sevan. Ii lmi.ll.. iH-naiU I,,, ca'i.di' : " " "' 1,"rl'"- " ' veryune, 11. .I . v -. ... J ... , ',,;, .1... II. ..I- .1. I ... : -i- ' 's t'MiriliL' I In- tale iii b.-ball' ,,. ,!.-.,.-,. , , -.1.-,;,, eii t. I I .1 , "' raiidi'iacv i'.r 111 I". ! I lb . 1 an I. in. standard- i' '" - lie- fjiiln f the ' :, 'i. I lie l.-i l tlu-.-i- nil i'j.;ibliian m.miiial inn lor I'nite.l Staler senator. .Mr. i in., b.-aii hi., ;,nr t '.vo weeks ai. an. I Ii ;t - p,,k,ii iiih-i ieally e,ry 1 1, ,,;,! ..... .,. ;i. iii's I Iiivlilj, niiu sini'i' in. ii lime. ..hi. ill... j 1 1 . i , ll point I , i;. , ,, '.,,v, ,,f Mi. "arm fu. ml., an. I a lai-e follow- ' V - I.. I tl. ''" 'l'l! .' .:ntv inl,, l .. I.iml ,,r ,i,.. .'b' li Ii lb- in. minium i I..r c-naK.r 'I'lie World but eel,,,, U'all M,.f I'.v a very nam, ic niacin. These tre nds l-sirc T.. ll..- World ami il. el,- " '-! '" meiil il re,iv.,-nK was ,i. I''s "'""" '"'" 1 '"' ilil.Tienili I" rinil n. .mini. I i.,.i ,., lirian ' del', nts in ),,. sn, ec, ,1 in o in eiealing real i lllliu- t pi,.,i,,, ..aiiiiaign-. ll eliam- 'll"r;"" '"'' .i..iieil ll democracy" of sin-h ,en ''.cry Inivn in which lie has as William c. Whitney ami Tin. mas r. spoken be lias been heartily received Ifynn, whose 1'orliines were baill on the addresses have been heard by eorriiili I' politic officials, Imi il can rr""'1, greater by tar than usually not Ktninl for Hie ilenioeracv of the k'a'her to hear a .olilieal address. Is Forceful Orator. The World stood for prcdatnrv pin- -Mr. Cake is an nldc speaker, forceful lorraey in the last three cninpaieiis. It delivery and w lerliilly clear in conducted a bitter iersonal eani,aigi. I '.vpn ssion. II in lall.s are niiiine in that gainst Theodore Koosovolt in lillil a.,,1 ""'.v 'liffer so widely from a political the more it abused Ihe big stick the harangue. e assails no one, nor does more votes the president received. The r'sol t lo cri in inat ion of any kind, louder it shouts now against Itrvan the "'' '''"s what he has to say in ii clear, more certain it makes his nominal ion. '"Hb'al way. a way that appeals strong As a tribune of fin- common people !v (O till- H-.ipl-. tin- World is tlinruiiylilv discrcd iti-d. : ':u''1 '"I'k'-'H siddri'sws h Wht-n .losi-ph I', itH ouni-r, ;uid ,,JIS nlly inird u the ripiil- 'ri)h;ild- tin- yn-ntost nt' i inj; ni wj li"iins 't' t ;.!'n r-in;iiiiin lnya! In inT rrun, wiiH n r junriialisi , h. thi-ir iarty; fruity to party, he :iyn, in whs a socialist. His million jdlrd up, 'I'-cossary for rcpuldicans to n trilxilo to Ins yi-niits, his views, per ''"'Mini!' In ilir ii'lrncv in t Ins stati', )i:ifiH i n ii h i 1 1 1 . Iii-c:ijiii t In- views of "r s :iU '"ih ut admiror of I'ri-sidcnt t In- ory riili. ai u rail v. f find t ho K "i"'. ' i'vitv address lias N'orld oppnin' Imtli Itoosi'velt jiimI 'imi i nta i ncd tliat it is to the )est inter Ttryjin. jests to not only the entire people, 1 Jilt As t'..r Kmernor .lohnsoii. h- repre "' ""pl- Oregon piirtindarly. that, sents the forlorn hope of Wall street I'ri'sidetit 's policies he maintained. and the sill; st...-l;iii demoer;o-v, . ;M M' in strongly in f a or of the reclama uieiely .oineoiie to rn 1 1 v at-onnd to at wnl 1 'i;it '-H I i J-T done through ; tempt a ilef eat of Mr van in the cmi n,lt '' 'I' present ad minis- . v en t ion. II ;s popuhirit v a men" I lie ' ,':it ' 1 should he continued with- ' Nui'des of Minnemihi dues not liv anv iiii,('ii',nt. In insists, and he also - nn-aii" indicate n f..owiiijv in ..t her ,n-'"s ainpN' appropriations should j stntes. He in :i ,.cal clia laiter. ui)- '""I'- '"i" t Pit- rivers :nid liarliois of Iviiowt i-i.le ,.f In hntMe state, and ,,!'s 'I'1''' Willamette, he mn there is nolhint: ;ilotit him to wean '' "'I, should he opened t unmen-e as tin- masses away from llivnn. whn.e :S tt"' --t I ilr- head of navigation, n.-i i- io conjure with. Stands for Statomont No. 1. 1 Tl ! d- ralic party, the party n,,r M r. 'ahes addn-s ; of Tilden ;nd of ('teehind. renresent ""variaMy appeals strongly to his, e. )y the Vothl. has loiiy lcci) dviiii - " - is liis position with reference l.v imh.-.. a il d uhi p-, n v " 'he eheti f Cnited States sena What life ihe .In Tatic pa rt v has ,l,rH- Ir- r,,ki' in the peopl today i- de.- I,, tn- ifil-i t' ,,! "n'l Conse.pi.llt ly belie I es in tile elec lis r l:. ;. ii is-i. ;is if hte. I), en called "' S 'y ll"" p"'"ple. He ill1 II ami Ifiiineveli str. ni;lli with the poo 'I' 'h cti'd. lie will sunport pie i doe aUo to hi ehauinioiishii. of ; ' ann-udnient pr..vidiuu for the d.-toM.) oriricinle popular eleelien of Cnited Stales sen- '" ::lion. In tli i-, connection he ri'eites MINISTER DENOUNCES ,l. hislorv of llie people to achieve this - PROHIBITION AS FAILURE end. I'or veins ami veins various ef 'oris have I i iamb by tile people to liKMl, Nov.. .March L'l. liev. Mr. let Hoar own senators, and l.e shows . ii ii:i r. J . in dir. ..f ( ilii,,. k noivii ns .hat t'here is a provision in thel'onsti- the boys' minister of America." who lotion nl this Ii for so doing. has jnsl finished his leclnre Innr in This subject, however. ; riling to, this city, has a inn, mi I his disapproval Mr. Cake, is not the oversha, lowing fen- "I I lie prohibition inov em,. wlii.-h is Hue of ll a in pa i g n. The election oT being agitated in Keno. He said: I'niled Stales senalors by the people "' IIIM "", bi favor of local option must prevail eventually, but the needs and proliibiii,,), -.s ii i-Ii is now being ;o of nregon and the maintenance of re- v orated so strongly ,v ihe clergy. I ,o publican principles should lie the topic not agree will, t ,.,gv t hoi Ihe nale instead. "f liipior or gambling Hin, . , Mr. l ake's itinerary includes prncti- ished in any lily. I say that ;,, ,.vi.rv ,all- tl tii.. sinle. Local niaihiue cit.v of any s,,.e in the Tuned s,,i,,s in pel it ic in lis who prof, -sed to have little whirl, local option nud proliibition Ims finlli in Irs .1 n 'or m are ' " 'I bus proven a uiilure. now thoroughly ab, i d. They see in "' I" that Ihe I, leaf fir the large crowds that lire flocking to has its cviitne. as well j, hear Mr. lake', a.bli sses and in the Christ himself ,,in,k. The scriptures allitilde of the dil'I'ereul newspapers 1 ''' 'I wrong to drink." I h gh n .state avoring Mr. Cake m, nio-e t.. the old system which they DEMENTED BUTCHER '"'I"' '" !"''!' male. DISAPPEARS AT ASHLAND l'l an bill, ll. ' : sr.. a deiiicat e,l ;e.l ."il veins, from II illvard, nea- Spoknne. Wash., disappeared in Ashland about III o'clock vesteidnv morning while his son. Trunk Schoiu- 1 wald. Jr.. si, ,, ,,,1,, i, t, , - 'ice I" s ,,,, s , f,,r 11 and 1 1,.- ! 't, l,s ),. , , , " " s! " In- fa t h. r. w ho ii I'eai, . n,i ,. : ...,,, ,,.,(, .,,! inav sutV. r l'e,,, i1 . voosii, . si .1(llll, wald. Sr., sold ,,u! liis xin.'.et in ;i yard r nlly and vvein t Kb ,n,, Falls to look for a in ,v Incut inn. a,.. I it was wlnV :n ;i I, il1t I,, , ., , Ilttacked tvilh ,1. :,,ei,i:i. w ,i,. I,. ,,,w ever. ,1 . ,l, ,,, . ,, Tin , ,, i . ,,K , s ..,,., tind In.! -Imi I home with liiiu. but ran . out of moaev h, Tidings. CITY Tl.'l'.sri;l:i! s NOTIi K .1. W. 11, ivs of Willow c .e win business caller in Medfonl Tilesdav. Nii'l'lci: 'In i 1 1 TI" i "l'i 1 1; s. Ml bills for building my house niusl hi by n i, Miinh :il. I'bnis and c i t h at ions ;," lerkins A l.vons. Ii. A. IIOVKl;. POLITICAL CARDS. !!: ' '. TN .'!-:.(;i:. . NETL. I i,,.' , ,.e l.i. ' ll. II. ra'.. oil ina I in: . I'm' siii:i'ii"' WILBUR A. JONES. I au-l ,1:,' '. 'ie 1 1. ,, , il N ,. , in , iol 1 'I ' ' I I T , -. M, dl'.o.l Hr l:, . I. . ' lii,,s is I ..!,,. ii. , :,.,. , I U", I- n , I . . ,1 v 1 1, ii. ui v to, tl,,. re b n, ..' eulsland,, .. vv ., n:,,,. i--i" 'g t 1 1,,' gem nil I 1 Ike ..)., . ., ' 1 '. .1 i hi:- . i ,.. T .. h.i P s. ,. :, i . . . g,. ' ! : v . - ,.. ' 1 i , T,. ! . ,. N H.i, ". ' M , i ,, , son. iln . i, , I' ,, I , ' ,,,. Mail," , I ' , I ' ' . . Vel i. I . , . r. . . . The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE l'i ' I rnrnisli. s In.l I ,Mv water for tea on i vcrv short not u . Altaebe. to ill. KOOUC RIVER KI.Kt'TRIC CO. sta' I la CM. - v : . r Ashland, your taxes amount m HAVH VOL' A MOPKh'N HOI'S K. I'K'FKI.' AIJLV FL'HN'ISIIKI). WHICH VOl W'llA, ijkn't otf si:i;l on easy t wori.D YOi: 1 W II.LINO TO IH'II.DOXK I'OK' I'All TIKS WHO AIM-: U'KADY TO TAKK LON'O LKASK OI HL'Y ON" KASY TKH.MS ! IF SO. W1MTF .M, CAIfK TI.IIH'NK. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Alorrison CHIXA I'AINTlNi; AND WATKI! COLORS. Kc-5. A St. West. Tel. ,'lfi... if,-"inr""""'"''"'' i f thp Mcdford Brick Co. ,., ,1 f W. G. PEIDDY, 0. D. NAGLE, G. T. O'BRIEN, manufacturers COMMON AND PRESSED BRICK. ,! , ,,n!ia,t,,r.s and builders in all its branches. I 'lain and estimates furnished. All work guaraiilced. - . ..r. nT.MOMOl i.-ntl s: A T.'K1. 7 TMK riASib K A u r, m r. i x wi. JIEDFORD SASH Si DOOR CO. Window and Dour Screens, Fence Pickets. Office fixtures and all kind- of planinv mill work, including turned work and f-mry rills. F. BETWEEN CTH AND 7TH STS. PHOME 53. Ifamptou Isaacs ".iiiitriictcr cf "Piaito.Tiszt M2cth.xV Stuji- ut 3.:nl!n. jtcrlh J Slrcit New Jewelry Store .ee tin- new Veil I'ins, Sinn ';ul S-t. I'.ejuily I'insatnl Hat fin- all I lie latent styles an.l (lesions. MARTIN J. REDDY Fine watch and jewelry repairing a specialty. C St., next Postoffice. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They chain the towns of moiiej and neither give tlie fit, style nor distinction t-- your clothes thatiyour own cit- tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "carrv distinction," that bespeak the man, that keep's your money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MONEY HOME EIFERT The City Tailor FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING Mt?ford .1. i:. K.WAb'I'.l'r.sil ,nt. .1. A. I'KKbV. Vice l'resi, l, nt. JOHN' S. liK'I'lf. Cashier. W. IS. JAi'K.SD.V. Ass t i asliier. The Mcdford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITA I $50,000 .sni PLrs Saffty IJoxcs to Kent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage CnCnil l TTCMTIAM l Kiven tc, the ciuv-eniencc OrLVlfAL, t 1 1 Lll 1 and oi's aud clients riple with us. V'mr Ini'-itieys will receive Capital and Surplus S115,000.00. U r. VAWTKR. rz Pre-sidont. coiiil'ort of our depnsit- Kt'fii-ienry in every flepiirtincnt is ;i c:iiiliiial prin- W 3wks.a Bf mtnht A cmi- I, est attentinii. State Depositary Established 1888. It. Iii.VDLEl', Casliier. Well; the well has not h in;r to do with it. It bubbles out of the moun tain side Colestin Natural Mineral Water h. in. (IE o A 1 1 1 ) , Tl ; Kni; LKIM' AN NOMINATION KOK I NIT Ml) STATUS SKNATlilf AND c IIAMI'loN OK .STATU MK NT xo. l. wn.i, mi:i:t and ah ,i;i:is Tin-: i-kdim.k ok .lACksoN ( (M N I'V I'l'nNTHK issri:s hp thi: camcahin A 'I' MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Thursday Even'g MARCH 26th i:vi:i;yiii: cuiiin ai.i.v in VITKU. ft : M' il) r LOT' L $3 Dollar I cardinal I lleiici I R. W. GRAY, Builder ( ' L )X I A I, POKM 1 L WORK. ( I RI Ll, AND LATH WORK. PATTERNS. ETC. TKI.KPI10NK 471. MKDFORD.OTJ. The C. V K. Tine Oerliv lias three Tts ol eci Style, (iialily. Color. Til tliese are a.,le, Luxury. ill tile Klllip Kelt Oel.tlXe $6 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS DANIELS' NEW CLOTHING STORE ' G. F. COOK High Grade Nursery Man Office Opposite Hotel Moore IS I'RKPAKKD TO KILL AM. Otllih'liK KOR KAM. KRV. TO INSt'l!!-: CIIOICK STOCK. WOI'I.D AllVISK F'l.AC im; oriiktis i:ki, y as I'ossic.m;. IB" WEST SEVENTH. PHONE 583. BOX 311. BATHS Massage Parlors ELECTRIC LIGHT I'ERADIC AND OALVANW HOT AND COLD STR AY SALT GLOWS MRS. C. A. H)!5Rl; THE 0 JJ..L. Own r - o o ii Say 99 and thev nill Know vitu nre n n t It -- in ,,f 1j(,,i t:isI). itn, Uii..i uh.ii in..,. .mi- m"iint;nii n.lii. Uil (;if.T slmuM .' lik.-. A TIP to those l,o dine out. When you have tired of other ..,ce,, take a meal at. the .Viiil, ( nlY. Iir eh,,,., .,d strak, are toothsiene an,l delicious, mid every-' thin;: cooked here in of' tile hent. Trv one of onr fin,. l,r,,ile, Kprinjr rliielcriis or ' ' ""f t'ii-h ior that impaired appetite and see how y,m ni enjoy it. The Nasli Gafe Buy Tickets by Wire. Srtni .tinm: wlii. h of consiiit-nible iturrt-s to tli.- K.-ni-r:illv and 1. iv t'-ih;t 1,'i-iuthIIv knuwr tl-- t "il of ;.r. .iTil -n tn u. t.'.T li. lrt.rii 5t:ti..n. of tl.r South.T!! n: j :i ii v a in I all point in th'.1 Do You Want a Good 5-ACRE TRACT Close to Medford, fine loca tion, good fruit and poul try land. Prices, $100 per acre. Easy terms DRESSLER & WOOD cst rtcaciti Si. .v.eclford. Or. o O o o - j o o o o o o o o