Apple and Pear Orchards In The Rogue River Valley. Pay $1,000 Per Acre Annually MEDFORD'S RAPID GROWTH Ytpur Endintr toff ice Hunk IVpu .Junutir, UfiL-ii'ir Ik-po-il. Utt'it. HOI ..... K 5,21.10. ::itl.S(W iMtm THE WEATHER. Showers tonight and Saturday. S.m: Im i Iv winds. lu fi.4i;.i:t 11. i Associated Press Dispatches. Til 1 YKAH. MKDI'OIil), OR., KKIDAY, MARCH I'll, 1!0S. NO. 1 SHOOTS , UNLOVED SPOUSE Milwaukee Manufacturer Kills Sleeping Wife, then Himsclf-Loved Another Woman but Could not Wed Plot that Failed. M I LWA I'K KK. March l!H. George George Willoughby, manager of a cof fee and spirt mill, today shot ami killed his wife at their home on Pros- perl avenue, then shot himself. lie is not expected to recover. He confessed to the police that he was infatuated with another woman, whom lie had been support i iik Tor four years. Wil loiighhy was a prominent church work er and taught a Sunday school class, lie attended a church social last night and then visited his brother, Leroy Wii : loughby. with whom he quarreled. lie fore rol iring, while his wit'ew as asleep, lie chloroformed her and then shot her behind t hi' left ear, causing her instant death. A ft it shoot i lit; himself, Willoughby dragged himself downstairs, opened the liasetneiil door to make it appear that hnrglars had commiltcd tlie deed, hid llie revolver in the wall of the base men) and then telephoned the doctor. Officers did not lielieve the burglary Willoughby, who was ."n years of age, married a wife L'n years ago, "ont of sympathy," ami has been unhappy over since. He met his "affinity" on a 1rnin. 'die later secured a divorce ami lie supported her for the past four years. She lives in Chicago. INCREASE GRAZING ALLOTMENT ' ON OREGON NATIONAL FOREST WASHINGTON, .March 2(1. The forest service has recommended that the number id' cattle and horses al lowed to grae upon the Blue mouu tains ( W ) national forest in the Mate of Oregon, during the season lims be increased from Hi. mm to I7,!in head, and the number of sheep from loii.tion to lolV'MII head. This forest has re cently b.'en divided into t hree admin istrntivo units, and the increase in the number of head of stock to graze on the range this year was made to per mit an epiitable adjustment among the former users of the forest. Governor Guild Improved. HOSToV. March Governor Curtis Guild's condition is slightly im proved today. BLUFFFD BUT Tlio I fi (V Armc rf Dayton. O.. March 11, Mm. W. P. Isaac. The Toggery. M edf ord: Mear Sir Vonirf of lie- I'-.'d received and content noted. We cinistdend your coiuhlaiut regard iiii the Cah b'eL'ister furnished bv our company to be so serious that v have had an expert secretly iu Med foul for two Week- watching the machine in qucsi ion. His report discloses some iuipoMailt and illuminating fact-, to wit: (1 i That vnii allowed some pure wool Cndeiclolhes to be piled so they nctll ,'lllv toll, lied tlie register, thereby mis lug the temperature till it Ited the rivets in the w:it. r .-oob r and blew pop o'-frs all over I In- inner surface of the double boiler. CJ) That .Hi.- i-p seiire iat a distance of four f.en of three New Spring Plaid S,iit so excited the regime r that til auxiliary gns , limine, stowed behind the Pegi-tcr's dashboaid and dir-ctlv b b'W the l-itigbolt. turn-d vr on it ide and emit'fd gr.e. ti -parks for eight day. CH That the number of sales r id ed f r dav r i,uir,-d that :.n extra uiiart f ., i,pr,.,I Int., the ma. -hi lie ' low. r d. j s tmr.-t o, ery 1 minute-. ti'l th" I.V..king ee:l-d - Abs-n f thix toe. iti..n is pal pah !v ym i i.un n i-tal .-. -iioe the Kegi-ter is i.nlv g'-rA up to : mad d of tl mih-w and von know it' Hi VI-o --relative the over regis tering of sox e-'e to the extent of 'Mt p-iiis at :t.7t t r pair, we men !v cite the following ttory: : An Oklahomn merchant bought from us a 1" i,. p. regi-trr jnit before FAILURE OF HOME CAUSES SU1CIDF PACT AMONG OLD PEOPLE Aged Inmates of Bethseda Home Kill Themselves When Institution Is Thrown Into Bankruptcy Had In vested Savings of a Lifetime ( IIH'AGO, .March L'n. A suicide pad involving probably a dozen in mates of the lielhesda home for the ag.d is believed to have been revealed h the death of John Koch, who com milted suicide yesterday after ridicul ing John lluzlehach, who failed in an at tempt at self-destruction. It is sup posed that the not ice of bankruptcy of tin- liom a private institution, into which many old folks, friendless and alone, had pi. iced the savings of a life 1 iine, expect ing care until deal h, was the cause. As a result of the bank ruptcy, inmates an face to fact with destitution. Several inmates have been dissuaded from coin mitt ing suicide. LUMBERMEN DISHEARTENED IN FIGHT FOR GRANT LANDS WASHINGTON. March in. Il is be lieved in government circles that a so cret contract lias been made by the Oregon California Kail road company, under which it has already agreed to sell the remaining i.ntiu.iMiu acres of its grant to one single purchaser, anil that a large sum of money has been paid to the railroad company ou account by this purchaser. The attention of 11 rep resentntive of the P.ontli -Kelly Lumber company, who has been contending for an innocent purchaser amendment to the Pulton resolution, has been called to this report, and he remarked. "Then whoever has purchased this land ought to be protected like the rest of ns." merely showing that t he lumber coin panics would be willing that the gov eminent should make any sacrifice in order to give I hem a sound title where they now hold a shaky one. This iuci dent will be related to tin- public lands committee. The lumbermen have left for home, pretty well disheartened. They were confident when they came here that they would have an easy fight, but de velopments before t he committee were somewhat surprising to them and pri vately they admit they are defeated. Nevertheless it is expected that an at tempt will be made when the rsolution goes into tlie House to secure me nnop tion of the innocent purchasers amend incut if the committee reports the reso 1 tit ion as il passed the senate. WASHINGTON ELKS OBJECT TO NEW NEGRO ORDER OL VM PI A, Wash.. March 2fi. Ne groes of S-;ittle have incorporated the Paget Sound Lodge No. 1 ut. Improved Ilenevolelit ami Protective Order of Klks of the World, ami have forward ed articles to t lie secretary of state for filing. Protests by mail and wire have been received by the secretary of state from the grand exalted ruler and other grand officers and from local members of the It. P. O. K. The secretary of state has asked the advice of the at foriiev general whether he can legally refuse to file the papers and the latter is waiting for a legal statement from II fftcers of Ihe original Klks. NOT BRATEN X , i Hiinivi'ir Octopus Enters Meilfiord j his town entered a boom by which its i po pi i lat i ii u;h raised from ;t'.' soiil and a Chinaman to t!M men ami women, saloons and a delicatessen. The busy merchant put -ales through so fast that .he burnt up the inwards of the regis lor and no Ited the alphabet, profit and loss ;md t li- t uds eobiTiin into a solid chunk, so that at tl ml of the firl week on j '.l stock lie found he el-tt-d .::7.iibU."i. He Was some excited. So he i 1 1 v -tl if'J.'.non in an oil well, Mo. ii i iu a purple automobile :ind sat up ." hours Saturday night in a poker gam. and increased the remaining Mi" I." to .l7...7J.!ct. b-s drinks. Next day h- -old his oil well for :;.". hi- auto threw his wife into a brick kiln, which netted him 1 1 "n life in (suraiier. ruid I lose.) his bankbook I the end of the month with ",.!iL,,J.!to ; ' less drinks) to the good. I When he opened his cash register I three .lavs later with a hatchet and ' t'.oiM.l he wa- in" r- ality jut 'tt 71 Level) dflV do -ad for the mouth h- wi 1 fr Oil reeeipt of his t ttlT W j ,nit f.-r a half mi. livid, d interest in the j o'.t. i iaiming actual if innocent pa 1 1 i rat i.m and l-a i f to r-hip on I he i hart of ..oi he- tlirongh the ca-h n-g ' iM. r. We got a verdict of V'.r,U- - Mith I'li-Q lhieh Were I We lo r-bv annotiio-e that we will Ibrit.g nit at once in Jackson count v for "" per e (T' interest in the result of the -ah- of 7:t"( hair- socks at :i.7l. 1 1 .'Hes)'1:i.t vill hold you for awhile. Vet V t I olv VOUI N T I o V L (Msll I.'KGtSTKTM'O. 1 WATCH FOR NO. 3. SQUADRON WILL CALL American Fleet to Visit at Yokahama in Respond to Invitation from Mikado China also Expected to Invite Warships. WASHINGTON, .March Ut, The .la panose government has extended an invitation to the Atlantic fleet to visit any port of Japan ou the homeward cruise around t he world. The invila lion was received through tlie Japanese embassy. Tin- question of acceptance was considered bv the president and his cabinet today. Secretary Root will this afternoon ac cept, on behalf of the American gov ernment, the invitation from Japan for the battleship fleet to visit that conn I ry. Vokohamn w ill probably be t he port called at. An invitation is expect ed from the Chinese government. PRESIDENT DISGUSTED BY BOURNE'S SMILING FACE WASHINGTON. March I'm. Senator Itourne's second elective term bureau is likely lo end before it commences opcr atiotis. liouruc has an immense amount of material collected in the sha f cuts for cartoons and stereotype plates of IJoosevell articles and aiitiTaft ar gmncuts, bill il is doubtful if any of these will ever be used. Roosevelt is reported to have put a ipiietns on the P.ourtie bureau and as having said: "Jonathan lioiirue is the only man Irving to reflect on my honesty of mo live. Coining here with his self satis lied smile, he misjudged his man and still insists that I am lo run for presi dent." KLAMATH INDIANS DYING OFF ON RESERVATION SlLVKIt LA K K. March J". ,. A. Horris, Klamath Mar-h i-allleman. was in Silver Lake on business eailv Ihis week, lie reports that many Indians are dying on the Klamath reservation, there having been six funerals iu one week recently, and iu all about ."n have died this winter, tjuitc a large percent age .oil of innn. which is about the number id' Indians on this reservation. CHINAMAN GROWS ODORLESS ONION Ph'KSNO. Cal.. March Jn.-.-TI lor ies onion is a reality and a Chinaman. Wing Hop. has produced it. Wing, who presides over a truck farm near Fresno, admits he got his idea from Professor liuil, ;ink. the California plant wizard, t'ur whom he oncu worked as a gardener. Professor Murbank told Wing many vears ago t hat if he cmld prod uce a n onion that had no odor he would make a fortune. Wing started out with lhat end in view and has succeeded, for all farmers who have haudl-d the vegeta lile agree that it is the real thing in the odorless line. ROSEBURG SIGNS BIG PRINTING CONTRACT KOSKlil'L'C. or.. March 'Jn.Tlie couimittee from th- Commercial club that was iiitru-ted with the matter of -i coring advertising bookh-fs has signed a contract for '.VU at ."' In. The books arc to be made up by artists from the staff of Sunset magazine, who will vi-it all sections of Douglas ouintv and take photographs of principal points of interest ami produce a general write up of the different industries, so as to giv- otit-i.brs a g-n-ral idea of what the coiiutv has in all lines and furnish information to hotneseekers and invest or s. Thi- cntiaet i- in addition to t lo fund to be mi---. bv the Commercial dub for joheiti-ing ,.sebuig. EATS DYNAMITE TO END HIS EARTHLY TROUBLES NA WllirK. Nev.. Maid, 'Jo Plac ing a -tick of .Iveamite to hi- month and ev,.,..fing it. J-dm Slater blew I.m head off. The M.i. ide was a f ' " er of a base ,,n Mel. I lull H Wa ll, for- Ihe day for.- reported for dntv that the explosion aroii-.l the camp EMMA OOLDMAN ILL FROM NERVOUS CLOOAPSE o CHICAGO, Mutch jn Kmma Gold man. the nnarehi-t. suffered n collapse lit-t night, atttibiitid to her feinoii f forts to eeure a hall in which to rtiik. in defiance of th police. I JAPAN COAL MINERS LEVY I BIG ASSESSMENTS TO j PREPARE FOR STRIKE1 United Mineworkers of America to Quit Work April 1 Unless Contracts With Employers Are Signed Presi dent Mitchell's Farewell Address, INDIANAPOLIS, March -jn The convention of the I'niled Mineworkers of America completed its discussion of the report of the scale committee by sections. The first section adopted was .one that levies an assessment of ail j cents per month ou all members id' the I organization. This assessment is for .the purpose of adding to the fund f l the assistance of members of unions who. by J inline to secure a contract on April I, may be forced into idleness. I l her resolutions were adopted giving authority to the internal ioiial execu tive board to increase, decrease or dis continue Ihis assessment. The conven tion ordered miners to proceed wit h work where contracts aic signed, or where joint conferences are being held until April I, and ordered all miners to cease work ou that date in districts where no contracts have been signed or where con ferences a re not iu prog ress. . additional details were left o the national executive board. The convention adjourned, President , Mitchell retiring. In his farewell ad dress he urged members lo stand by the organization and its officers. PORTLAND WOMAN SEEKS SEVENTY MILLION ESTATE PORTLAND. March 'Jn. Monroe Goldstein, police reporter oil the Tele gram and a special deputy under Slier iff Stevens of Multnomah county, will leave Saturday for Springfield. Mass., as special agent for Mrs. Mary Kli.a belli Booth of this city for Ihe purpose of contesting the will of Mrs. Knnna Goodrich Viuloii. who died at Spring field. January I'l last, leaving a 7?, miii i. nun estate lo her former hostler. George D. Nelson. Mrs. I tooth was a cousin of the deceased and she and l hree oilier cousins are Ihe only heirs at law lo Ihe large estate, which is one of the richest in the stale of Massa chusel t s, being local ed pri lie i pally in Hampden county. Mrs, I tooth will con es! ihe vill imlepcmleiil ly of the other heir-i. who are M rs. Mary K. I la i ley. res id ing iu M assa chusel t -; rs. A an ie II. Cook of Seattle, and Mis. I': ie Goodrich, whose address is unknown. ASHLAND TO ASSIST IN BUILDING TROLLEY LINE liepr. seiilat i t s of the Oreoou Kapid Transit Pot er company addressed the Adilaud Coiumer.-ia I id nb Thursda evening and explained Ihe aims and purposes of the corporal ion. As a re suit, a committee consisting of Messrs. (towers. Carter and Winter was ap pointed to solieit subscript ions for $k Mlhl or .'l'i.'lf III sloe, ill tin- proposed trolley system. The representatives ,f r It onpaiiy who spoke to tlx Asldand business ui-ii were Messrs. Kwins. Page. Walt, Mer rick and Nye. Arrangements are bo. ing made to address the Jacksonville Commercial club Monday next, and the Grants Pass. Central Point. Gold Hill and Me.lfor.l eiiibs later. IOWA INDORSES TAFT; ALLISON IN CONTROL DKS MOINKS. la.. March Jn. The republican slat n en I ion has eh .1 -d four delegates at large lo the lialioli al convention, illstlllcled I ll-lll to vote for W. II. Tail, indorsed William P.. Allison by a Vote of (17J17JI lo ..o7 7 Jl. and appioved tie- plank of Ho Ohio platform calling lor a re i-imi of I he tariff at a special session of congress. Tin- Allison p. ..pic d iuated tlo convention fr il- opening to its close. and had thing- tlodr own way tlnoiigh out. The ( n in rn i n s pie. although do lYnle.l. look special delighl it, having, as they declared, forced the standpat tors" to indor-e a plank calling for r. v isioti of the laiiff. and they made a point of f i 'pienf ly remind ing t he Alli-oii peph- ..f tl,. fact The latter, however. itis-t t .) that I here Were H ma n v ie ise.n i -1 s iii 1 heii ra ii I. a there were ..f the ('nminins ni. ti. PRESIDENT TO SEND MESSAGE TO CONGRESS WASHINGTON. Mar.h jn. s a r nil of an etend-d di-cu-sion, the locts-itv of again directing the att-n t ion ot con g r ess I,, the in- men. la ' ion- J of tlo pi: sid.-nl looking to I. gislnf ion , aim tnlalol v lo the Sh-linaii aiitillll-li law. and of o' h. r topic, mentioned m pi eV i. his ines-a ges. the c. Isjoll rtlie r aided to s. p,, ain.tli.-r Hostage .i' emigre- w 1 1 Li n a day or two, j - i TAFT IS ENDORSED , BY WASHINOTON G. O. P.! Si:TTI.K. William II.1 Tafl wa- giv.n ;,t. e.npl.aiic irolot : mem for Ihe pi. el'ioy bv I h- i-pnb j liian state (e,.tial coininiMee at its, meeting h. n Wedue-day Onl of :t7 j co mi 1 1 it t . . in. It . en h one v ot. d ag.uQ I tli- indorsement, and lo- -lal.d that lie' did so I aose. though petHonallv a Tall ; man, he did not believe in Indorsement bv thcominittee. Indications of Worst Fresh et in Thirty Years-All Traffic Tied up-Great Volume of Water Pour ing in the Ohio. GALLIopOLlS. O.. March L'n.-Tlioi. are indications of a disastrous flood Italliiiinre i Ohio officials predict a freshet eipial to that of 1SS. All traf I ic will be lield up by heavy rains t hioiighoul the valley. Great damage has alreadv been done. All side streams are pouring great volumes of water into the i )lno river. ITITSP.I KG, March jn. - The crest ot the t looi) lias passed, I- reeing weat her last nigh I proven) oil a flood of greater proportions. DEMANDS $10,000 REWARD FOR ORCHARD CONVICTION SPOKANK. Wash.. March J0. - Through Attorney Pied Miller of Spo kn ne, A. M . Johnson, a detect i ve, at Loise. Idaho, has applied to the count v cotuiiiissioiiers of Shoshone count y, Idaho, for Hie $n.nnn reward offered by them for the arrest and conviction of the murderer or murderers of ex Governor Si eu nenberg. lie says he ar rested Harry Orchard, ami his appl'ica tiou is made now because Orchard has pleaded guilty to the crime. Pred Mil ler was Orchard's first alloruev. Later he was connecletl with the defense iu the trial of William 1 . Havwood. sec n-lary of the Western pederalimi of Miners, whom Orchard implicated tu the murder of Slenuenberg. Miller also appeared as one of the alloities for Hie defense ill hot II trials of Steve Ad aim. also implicated by Orchard. AUTO TANK EXPLOSION CAUSES FIRE AND DEATH PiTTNIll b'G. March Jn, The ex plosion ol Ihe gasol iue lank of a li a u loinobile undergoing repairs iu a gar age caused fa l, a I injury to two men ami ihe loss of property by fire valued ut $J.",inm. LATE LOCAL NEWS, T. I'. Parr of Ashland did business iu Me.lfor.l ;;, , ns IVI.,.-. James Owen of Kaglo Point . candi date for con nlv commissioner, -pen I I'l'iday in Me.llord. Mrs. T. T. Shaw ami Mrs. Mamie Dox of Jacksonville were in Me.llord Wed in si I a , 1 1 ad i ng w il h our met eha ut , M rs. Lin ma t '.derua u A inlet son of Ashland visile.) M.-.lfoi.l fi inds this week. Mr-. W. I. Vnwter ami M i . C. It. Pi.-k-l wen among their Aslilaml friend- Thut-dav. Pud Stanb of Willow Springs dis I I act made Med told a business is if a feW da V s si lice Mr. and Mrs. p. :-ee of S,m. Jack sonv ill.- were iu M-dfoid trading with our titer, hauls. I. J. Hanson, who lives near Cenlral Point, did business in M.-dfoid one dav Ihis Week. I. T. Kales was in from the fruit h in Pig Stj.kv di-tii.t. which lo (ports doing nieelv. C K. Wil sllolll, the successful lu'llo r. wa- iu Med ford not hmg since, and ex htbited s.M.utl fine nuggets laken from hi- ,;,c. i mines on Pha-ant Creek dis tri.-t. i Mi. and Mm. T. J. Kellllev of Jack I -otnille, have been vi-iring fiicids 1 i tug ill shlar.d. If. V. S I!. C,;,slai. li... leipoived to . M. dfonl and establishcl ;, woodvaid j in the sont h w estei n pnrt of our .dt v. He is re.'.dv to fill otde.s f , o all kind- ' of fuel of ihis description. ,' It Dow. fotmet nlv re , eoid-r. ha- declar.d hi- can.Iidacv for J he del rat ic nomination fro- count v , tl--e-sr. II. I- Well .pialilied lo Ihe place. Mi and Mm. I.ewi- Pinch of Jack ; wotiv ille spent Thhl-dav ill Med ford. Thomas I-;. ieho-.. John Wathii,s( and Mi Wabi.sU of Cagle Point did , blisiees. j,, Medfotd In. I Tuesday. i M. S T hoi n i -son of climax, an eior "et I c mill fa i iih r -t hi' k ma ii . was in M. dfot.l ned Ja. l m,.m ill- W. ,.,es,av Di-lli.t Mtornev If-anies. Y ( . Kil ' to a-ol Pete, Dei-eh Were oel f r otO ' Jackson vill e (fehfhs ht.llii no vb i Ja.l -rut V ille Ihe fj.,. f the Week. William W ilrM.rv of Moonf ..e einct w.s in M.dfoid M lav. His n: is being in om i lieti 1 1 v rneutioro d in como'ction with the office if m t v coiiimiiioiur. GUARESIN DARKNESS - FIGHT FATAL DUEL ON SANDS OF RIO GRANDE! Customs Officers Mistake Each Other J for Smugglers unci Each Dies with ! His Boots On, a Tribute to His Com. I I ratio's Skill With n Weapon. I KL PASO, March 'Jn. -Charles J s and Charles Logan, mounted customs guards, were shot lo death last night. They fought a duel on Ihe dry bed of the h'io Grande. It is supposed that each mistook the oilier for a smuggler. Tlnee shots Were heard and the pislol of one of the officers with two shells empty and the ot her wit h one empty shell tell the slorv. The tracks where the men stood are I hose made bv llieii j JACKSON IS ACCUSED OF GRAFTING BY RECEIVER NKW VoliK. March 'Jn.- Al lorney tieueial William Schuyler Jackson has been accused under oalh of having de manded thai Prank White, as receiver of l he Hamilton Hank, should share eipiallv with him Ihe aggregate of the fees and commissions earned by Mr. White while acting iu thai capacity. The a-sertion was sworn to by Mr. While when he was forced to appear as an unwilling wiliiess before Ihe grand jury. Owing to the fact that While owed hi appointment directly to Jack son, w hose first deputy he had been until he resigned that office to accept the receivership, am) to Ihe additional fact I ha I ol her r iverships w ere be stowed through Jackson's influence up ou persons w ho were close political or I office associates, this is regarded as i one of Ihe most serious accusations yet j lodged against the atlorney general 's administration. PORTLAND LEADS WORLD IN EXPORTS OF WHEAT Poll laud export ed more w heat dur ing I In- moiit h of Pel i run ry I hau any other poll in tlie Pniled Stales. Kveu New York had lo lake a back seal when the Oregon metropolis sent out "J.J"!', 7'.) 1 bushels a nd Philadelphia, Halt i more, Galveston ami other prominent wheat shipping ports look iusign itica nl when their records are compared with those of Ihe liose City. Conipurlaive figures of exports from the Chile.! Stales Were received this morning by th Hector ol' customs in the monthly report of (lie department of commerce ami labor and they indi cate Portland's standing in Ihe Held of sports, The report shows thai during Pebi uaty I he I'nited Slates exiore, nn-',suii bushels of wheal, and of ihis piautity Portland shipped r limn me fourth. TOUTLE RIVER POWER FOR NEW TROLLEY LINE OLVMPIA, March I'n Notice mK en served mi the stale laud couimis -loner that the Pacific Power A: Kail way company will petition (he superior it lor the eouileuiiniliou Mini appro print i .f Ihe waters of Ihe middle folk of the Tonlle river ill Cowlil. ly. The company was iucorporat I in November by Portland arid llli uots men for I he n v owed purpose of building an electric railway from Van v er in Kalauia and Kelso to t 'as He Kock and from Castle Uock to Spirit lake mid iulo the St. Helens mining listrict. desiies to appropriate I hc Waler for power purposes. The Wever haens. r syndicate is also interested in the liver and is marl.- a nm-tv to tl... BISHOP FOWLER OF METHODIST CHURCH DEAD i: Ob'lx. Mai.h :'m. b'ev. Clois. II- Pov.ler, bishop of the Methodisl hutch, .lied at his home here lodav. He had been ctin.idly ill since W.-dnesdav. Ill- death was due o ,e,ait failoic, re- nf'itig liotn a complication ,.f dis a - BANKERS LIABLE FOR ADVICE GIVEN CLIENTS sHIGTo., Maid. -Jn. The s., pl'ltie eollll ot Geni.aUV ill see ijr colons i.centh handed down, has held that bankets are liable for advice g,e lo clients a- lo iii v es ni-nt s. Tins is I-..;, i. led in a l.poi't lo Ihe stale ie piiltuo III hi a decided step lowaid placing the bunking ltsiness ou a solid and i. - st,h I' idalioii. HOUSE VOTES TO STIFLE CORPORATION INFORMATION W s(;ToN. Maid. ol,- of ' IS to I lo. the , he .,ble lie iesolntioii I: ' 'aid on' "'li "I he pri si. lent to siipplv 1 1 1 f . i III a t loll atheted I.V Ihe 1,11 col point UOl. crop of lUi'lolls th aiiiiy season. Ill' eXpr. ls to plant hih seed soon and hopes Mullen S.ut'e Woniiiu Thrno Times. i,. ioive his Vtop readv for tl rtrlv K 'KCrrr. Wadi.. March !. I -. T. matket, for it is the early melon that D, Phillip, ii .Liiti-i of this cily. hasj,,ings the top price in the markets. n. arned foi the thud time the w ouia li ' Cent r al Poiul Heiatd fioin whom he ha been 1 w ice divotci at Coiip-v ille. Loth Dr. Phillips ami his wife h.ld 1 u divorced hofoo thev w-re man i'd the (list time. TROLLEY TAKES LIFE 0 Vernon rancher " of Med ford Run Over and Kill ed by Street Car in Portland Thursday Evening-Parents Live Here A telegram received from Portland states that Vernon Karnher, a Mod ford bo , w a- run down by a streetcar in Portland Thursday evening at thu cor ner of Second mid Main streets and in stantly killed. Vernon Puncher was the second Hon of Mr. ami Mrs. L. W. Puncher of Mud ford ami was in t he employ of t ho si reel car company at Port hind. He was lit years of age. Ho had an older hrollor iu Portland who keeps a restau rant. II is fat her is represent at ivis of the Woodmen Mf (he World insurance department here. FOOTHILL ROAD SCENE OF INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY The foot hi ti road bet ween t 'cut ml ! Point ami Jacksonville- is a scene of I great i ud ust rial net i vil y this spring, tall kinds of work being vigorously pros i edited during Ihe present line weather, j Many new people have purchased laud I iu thai vicinity within Ihe pas! few j moid hs and on nil sides new buildings ! are being creeled, Wood is being e.llt and corded for next winter's market . I laud is being cleared and fencing is i being done on a large scale. All of j that section is tributary to Central Point and Ihe indications now are that I I he sun ou ml ing count ry is being set-ilh-il up so rapidly Dial Central Point is bound lo be a town of from I'nnn to t,MI11 pie wil hiu the next two nr Ihree veins.-CiMifral Point Herald. GROVER CLEVELAND IS SEVENTY ONE YEARS OLD I LAKP.WOOD. N, J.. Miirch L'n. Af- li-r a ipiief family celebration of his "Ut birthday a n n i versa rv, G rover I Cleveland, for eight years president of Ihe Pniled Slates, was able lo say that he was iu beifer health than for some ilime pa-t. Mr. Cleveland ililineiisely i en joyed the little affair prepared in It's I r. in which only those of the home circle and a very few intimate friends participated. He said: "I am feeling belter than I have for sonic lime before. Already the bene fit of Ihe Lakewootl climaie is appar ent. A little trouble with my feel had made impossible long walks during the lasl few weeks. Today, however. I was abue to enjoy a longer stroll than has been possible before for many months. SECURES AN OFFICE BY FLIPPING PENNY The (own I. ,.:!, met in s I-.l s.... . ,.-OMIH, (Ol.'ll HO" VOL- of Ihe city election held ou the previous Mom lav wa- canvassed us provided by law and the different officers di-clur-d -l.-cled. The only test in the elec t ion w as be ween T. M . Jones and Pied Paiker. for tl I'fice of recorder. th.-.- gentlemen being n tie on thai office. In older to expedite tlie bnsi nss of ihe bo:n-d tin- gentlemen, both being present, ag I to toss a coin to d.-cide the tie. and Mr. Jones winning, ill- t.ialter was settled by that gentle man being declared elect. d. - Central Point H-ial.l. SUIT AGAINST SUGAR TRUST PROVES FAULTY NKW Voh'K. March '. Judge H.dt of the Pniled States circuit court .lismiss.-l ihe snfi for O.Ot'irt.OOH dam ages btotight lev llie Pell nsvlv aiiia Sil gar li'etiuing companv again-i the Ameiiean Sugar lb-fining company, fot ill lege.) v iolal ion of prov isiolM of (lie Sle iman antilnist ;ld The Peimsv) vaei;. people have .in davs ill which to a 'i.etid I he complaint. Watermelon Pntdi. George L. Neale. who is farming t he Williamson place thi- season, has 'Jo .us of watermelon land ready for I planting and cj Is o raise a bniiiiier MARRIAGE LICENSES. W. Ii. Stai'loid , Marion H. Sv pliers.