17 Apple and Pear Orchards In The Rogue River Valley Pay $1,000 Per Acre Annually MEDFORD S RAPID GROWTH Year Endinir I'iMtoffire Bank lpu- January, Kecvipin. Depuim. Lil'n 1S04 S 6.24. 1U ;W1.5U0 ilW) liwa 5.oU.s2 47T.UUU iiti live 6.r.i3 oij'.oou ;i.uu 1'7 S.iVUl y.V..0Ort 4.2(10 iw ii.wi.rj. Liaum ,-.:! i THE WEATHEE. Kair touiglit itnl Kriilii.v, east-t-rty vhi,1h; liylit fj-ont tonight. Associated' Press DispatiKes. VC)L. II. MKDFORl), OR., THURSDAY. MARCH 1!), 1!)(S. NO. :508 PORTLAND INVITED 0 E Medford Commercial Club Accepts Suggestion for SpeGia! Excursion and In vites Business Men to Come and See Valley. Tlio .Mi'ilfim 1 'oin ni,Tri:i I flub Wed ni-siluy nielli nrri-ptiil llio suggestion - inadi' liv ll.'iicral I'usscnm'r Agent Win Mi.Miimiy to ari'nnyi' n special exenr sion from Piirtlanil fur Meilfnrd on An ril it anil issueil a general invitation tn all merchants anil business men of tin trnpnlis ami a special invitation tn ,: tlie IVirthinil Commercial elub. The Sonthein Pacific will offer a low rate tor the ecur.iiiii. ami a special i ruin will leave I'orllanil Friday eve ning. April 21, arriving in Medford Sat liinay niorniiig. 'I'lie excursionists will be met at I lie ilepol and welcomed In- the Commercial club and citizens of M. .Ilonl. The visitors will be taken on nn an toinoliile tour of the valley and owners ot all automobiles in the valley nrc re ' quested to have tin n hand and vol- nnleer their services. After a trip through I he southern end of the valley, including Ashland, lunch will ho served nt the Medford hotels. in I lie alteriioon the visitors will be shown the imrlhorn I of the vallev, visiting Central Point and Gold Iliil' returning via Jacksonville, where tin .Tncksonville f niercial club is ox peeled to do the honors. The party will return to .Mcdfnnl for dinner. 1,1 ' evening a baiiipiot will be ten -nrcii t he J. Sight seer! visilors. aller which the ri'lurn by special train or reiiiain ,iv,t as lou as they please. A! tins tunc, liuit tr will bo in full h iii,I the valley al its best. I he money of the Portland While li visitors will hi ing paid by M, valueless, expenses be ll'oril boo dors. Several of l l,e Lug,, oivliardisis and bnsiness men have volunteered cniihibiitions of od apiece, so lhat there will not have to be a general assessment to pnv ex penses. President Colvig appointed I he f lowing eoinmitlees on the Portland ex eursion: ('omnititec oa niitus and arrangements Vawfer, tfedily, Perkins, Hopkins. Hnfer, Day, Ohvel. Coinmitli.,. baiupiet Within. -ton Pindley. Hopkins. Il.'ifer. Km- Commit te tee on reception Cr.iwell. Kn- ynrt, Olwell, Vawier, Ifojikins. c. II. Lewis. Perkins. Ilafer. Colvig. 1,'osen- baum. Putnam, lllitou. Pnr.lin. (i. R. Baker, l.iimsdeii. llaineii. ..,,,li Wood ford. BULLET REMOVED FROM BRAIN; MAN MAY RECOVER NEW VolfK. Man h 111. Despite Ho fact Hint he was taken to the Williams burg hospital win, :, bullet in his brain. Oscar Zora. a tailor, is still alive and today the delicate operation of placing n silver plate in his skull will be per formed at that institution. The case has been considered remarkable be eause of the work it involved in the removal of Ihe bullet and many splint ors of bone from the brain of Z..III. who wns shot in the forehead almost two months ago. effort was at first made to extract the bullet, but as Xorn is Xorn ' Colli ill in . I In live, the sur S hcirUtl s tiifiiiT oi tone III er other, an. I up.n his gaining sufficient strength the Mtrgemis finally extracted the misile by the trepanning process. Now it lias been decided to close thh big opening in the skull with a silver plate. PUT IRISH FLAG ABOVE OLD GLORY ON SHIP GALVESTON. Te: When Captain Mo. .re Btenmship Howthend In int. lore for crg. March 1 7. in hmtor put the jree rmblvn ., March I f St. Pat itch Inev th and Strip. . Thi ymUiUi tfcf CniM .ft law tbi rfuin " fiW t ho iljf IL tft. k in t Cnit Od KM. , pro,ly .led to tlio TitI. r f tentiou "bv a .v ynff im;.-t... but h. bluntly re rwe-o comply n j t b h N. ntil rereiv.-l n formal -b- ffTi .! fit Cnited State, collect. .r .7 Mi r: iipe-.TP'"!!)! k. rt. accompanied bv r .r Hi.' r-v.- r-ut t.-r l,i f:in.l rcn.a mi, I n tlirral In r.-ill thf i;nlih.-il illtn wrrh-n niil.-s U r,..r of lln fl:iL. " fvTnl .li.l lli nhii.tw rl'V. niol IHfll Oil IV 1,1 hnitl ,l,,w;i Hi.. Amr-rii-ftn .. I I... .... VISIT HER iing an.i n:io in,- i;r,in ono up. ROARING WELL AGAIN . EMITS A RUMBLING PREDICTING A QUAKE Wisconsin Hole in Earth Again Humbl ing as It Did Just Before the San Francisco Disaster, Since Which It Has Been Still. IiKLOIT, Wis., Mnivli 111. A roar ing well on the Charles Lathers farm near here, sounds from which preceded the San Francisco disaster, is again emitting rumbling noises, and a strong wind from the cavernous depths.- Tt is asserted Hint the well began roflg a few weeks before the San Francisco earthquake and ceased exactly at the hour of the quake. KLAMATH FALLS SEEKING PURE WATER SUPPLY KLAMATH FALLS, Or., March lit. The civic federation, nrunnized some ks ago, has again taken up Ihe ques tion of the city's water supply and a permanent. .committee has been appoint ed to go aurp fully into every phase of the question, both as to the establish ment of an entirely new sysetm and the faking over of the present system. The federation recommends that a system be established in HXtit and that the committee, after attaining thorough fa miliarity with the quest ioiif. address a leuer in every properrv-owner nskingl ; 1 1 v nn nn i-Ajurrvmui ui opinion, jbjie mttf ter will bo also presented tu'tho mayor and council. The civic federation tots expressed itself in favor nf the talcing into the corporation of the various Additions to the city, aggregating 'A23i acres, inclini ng Hot Springs, Fairview, Nob Hill, Mountain View und Mills' addition, n part of Huena Vista addition and a 40- ucro tract across the river. The matter will be presented to the council. Some f the additions have restrictions as to buildings to be erected, the laying of water pipi's, the erection of poles, etc., mid the tuavor has expressed himself as qtposcd to the taking in of any nddi- ion with restrictions. The decision will with Ihe people, however. CONFUSION RESULTING FROM LAND OPENING SILVER LAKE, Or., March lft. Tho on test s arising from tho recent open ing of lands in tho Sican country, which resulted in so min-h confusion, and dis- ppointmciit to land and hoiueseokers, 1 in nearly every rase gone against homesteader ami in favor of tho timber locator, on the ground that the la i ins were unsuited to the require ments of the homestead laws and were u rely timber propositions. Hence the oiue.sti'aders are relinquishing ami fil- g timber claims instead. This is the land that was temporarily eopened for set t lenient last September unsuited to forestry purposes, hut uitable for settlement and upon which pintters were given 30 days for mak ing good oti hoinesteadr previous to the ihng date. LARGE AUDIENCE GREETS U'REN AT SALEM SALKM. nr.. Mai h lit. A large an S. U'Ren at the Conspicuous only ere the anti-Slate lenee greeted . rand )peia house, v their absence mint No. 1 leaders. The had been but failed challenged to a joint debat utterlv to appear. Mr. Cli'i'ii inaile sharp hits nt the machine leaders, including the names of Senator K.iv, On. Moores. Jack Mat thews and Harvey W. Scott, and cre ated much sentiment in fnvor of the ct election of senators by vote of the i pie. There was a laroe attendance of re t.nhli. - 'llis .-111,1 i.sl i.ilK- v. ,,,,. men lid college students EVANS ASKED TO SETTLE EFFICIENCY OF WARSHIPS WASHINGTON. March 10. Secre tary of the Navy Meteatf has announced that in order to settle the much-mooted 'llM'a!'"' of tho efficiency nf the armor -belt ..ii American battleships. h pro ' posed to ask Admiral Evans for a He of the Piitish 1 toiled report as to the position of the f Itelfnst,' Ire ' 'ter line belts of the hnttlcHhi) dnr . lire. hip oiii"! Hie tut-fft't prnctiiu now being roa- -luM.-d. Tb iifonvatioa will W rirra (i the arnatc naval coRaiaittm. la 4 4itioa the K'r1arT mrv W vill rr t'l ; ecfc follovitia t re i. v nt 4-i Franiao, ia4 fbat M tii thi he mav have a"taift to hinw If on fr.i matter. 1104 CflMaa0 land visitor nrc requested to le pres $Pt(M ftMWttft1',nl nt the church Friday evening at ! their regular luiiiimui nn.t i..;.l !...( T.ON: N. Mjjrch lt agency , dispal. h f roin TT'-nie (ja t he ' ' Cnmere , lirlhi S-r.i " olnini. ViM Ik on h.T nmrrint;.- I" III"- offUmll;, n - ill l- .T,-.il.l a "rovnl ( )" In lr own riiht. an-l (K),t t of the nmrri.'it.',' will havfl thf'QjP of n, ..i .1 .1- essioii to tho throne PROTEST ON FULTON MEASURE Commercial Club Resolutions for Passes Protec- tion of . InnoGent Pur chasers of the Railroad Grant Lands. The Commercial club adopted resolu tjons Wednesday night declaring it the sense of that body that the Fulton re olutiou for the institution of a suit to secure the forfeiture of all lands in the Oregon and I 'alifornia railroad grant should be amended so as not to attack the titles of those who have pur chased these lands for industrial and not speculative purposes. As the Fulton resolution stands at present all innocent purchasers musl suffer, for while litigation would prob Hi lily establish the validity of the titles, the beginning of the suit would cast a cloud over all titles and effectually stop all sales and check development of timber resources tributary to Medford. The immediate result would be cessa t ion-of the work of extending the I. & F.. and closing the lumber mills in this section. Eugene, Cottage (irove, Koseburg (.rants Pass and other commercial boil ies have wired and urged Represent a live Hawley to use his inlluence in their behalf. The prostration which would naturally follow from the tying up the title of such a large ami important section of Oregon could only result it throwing the state ten years back pend ing the adjud ica t ion of t hei r t H Ies. MARYLAND SENATOR DIES OF OLD AGE liALTIMORK, March ID. Ffiiled States Senator William I'iukney White died at his home in this city Tuesday. Mr. Whyte was taken ill while in Washington last Thursday, and re turned as soon as possible. Ervsipelns developed, and his com! it ion became worse, although his physicians gave out encouraging statements until Tuesday afternoon. About 4 o'clock in the af ternoon Mr. Whyte bad a sinking spell, but recovered wonderfully, and was conscious until the final convulsion that ended in his death at p. m. The end wns peaceful and is said to have been precisely such as he had ex pressed a wish for. BUTTE CREEK MAN IN JAIL ON STATUTORY CRIME Harry Hodson id JJutto Creek wan ar rested on a statutory crime before Jus tice of the Pence Henry f)ox and wns given a hearing before that court yes terday. The state was represented by Prosecuting Attorney Kennies, and the defendant was represented by Attorney S. S. Pentz and Judge .f. h Neil. The defendant was bound over in the sum of $1000, which he was unable to fur nish, nml was committed to the county jail. PIANO BOX OCCUPANT FOUND DEAD IN HOME Daniel W. Anderson, who resided in TIovn Addition, was found dead today in his house that he had built last fall out of piano boxes. It is supposed t lint Mr. Anderson committed suicide. He had often made threats of kilting him self. Persons who found his body found a bottle containing laudanum by its side. Mr. Anderson had one son living in Montana. Despondency due to pov erty is the supposed cause. NEARLY FIFTY ARRESTS FOLLOW RIOT BY WOMEN .. - MERLIN. Msrch IV Vine policemen wr injured ainl it is estimnt4 thst Vt Ma if 's ants wr vnu4c4 in the f frtaSa HcFirtwtrt ion yewferdiy. NVtHr .Vt imiii ere made. 999 tVtVlU C9 Sl4raW All rubers of the Out Hundred clol ing. A debate will take place with the ubieet. "Resolved. Th.'U the new cubator is more valuabl than the old (hioned h Rev. fi. L. Hall and Elmer ViNon will represent the affirmative Owitlylbattleship fl srs. P. C. TTnnsen anil U. If. Tnttb I... I, I . l L, -v to defend the hen. O LADIES GIVE MITTEN TO COMMERCIAL CLUB SPURN INVESTIGATION Gentlemen Gather in Sunday Best to Meet Greater Medford Club, but Meet in Vain Not One of the Invited Fair Guests Notices the Invitation. What has ihe Commercial club done to the ladies of the Creator Medford club that the former's invitation for ; joint meeting was rut hlessly spuruc bv the fair sex edliesdnv night between JO and IU lub members, dressed in their Sunduv best, gathered to welcome their iuvit guests, but they waited in vain. Not i single lady appeared. The information was conveved to the lub at a previous meeting that the la lies wished to hold a .joint meeting, to take up the library problem, discuss n general cleaning up dav and other things for the good of (he community and the advancement of Medford. Now the ladies leny having expressed a de sire for a joint meeting ami the Com mcrciul club members are wondering if they dreamed it. Perhaps the ladies wanted the invl tation engraved. Anyway the one thej got wasn t good enough. Or perhaps the men weren 't handsome enough or belonged to some other .social set. What was it ! GRANT LAND CASE IN BONAPARTE'S KEEPING WASHINGTON, Manh lii. The house public lauds committee will not have additional hearings on Ihe South ern I'acitic grant lauds case. It is understood Attorney-tie ncrul Bonaparte will be asked to advise garding the final form of the resolu tion, which, if true, means probably that there will be no amendment of th form in which the resolution passed the senate. Two New National Banks. WASHINGTON, March !!. Senator Fulton has presented in the senate n corrected report on t he omnibus bill Ihe original report was withdrawn to correct numerous errors of minor im porlance. In presenting the corrected report Senator Fulton stated that hi woidd ask early coiisideratoiou and pas sage of the claims bill. The bill provides for the payment of overtime claims of letter carriers barred by the statute of limitations, aggregat ing 2sn,iHKi. The Oregon belief icia ries are Newton L. Gillham, $'MH; Kn rest I-1. Patterson, .j:io, and Philip W Liljeson, all of Portland. Dunkards Are Coming. KLAMATH PALLS, Or., March Ift. The first of a parly of "." Dunkard fain ilies to sett le in I he Itutte valley ar rived in Macdocl, the Dunkard town. this week. One hundred ami fifty fain ilies from Iowa, Indiana and Illinois hit making arrangements to emigrate tn this new Dunkard set t lenient, ami 7." nf them will come this spring, ENGLAND WARNS PORTUGAL THAT REGICIDES MUST SUFFER LISIION. March I!'. It is reported here that England has warned Porta gal that the latter country must pun ih the assassins of her king, or else not show her official face in the conn Is of the great European powers. England 's press has declared lhat such action would place Portugal in the same category with Servia. The republican press of Lisbon is openly sneering at tie- new king for his cow ardice. RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONISTS PERISH BY ASSASSINATION ST. PETEUSIH'KG, March 111. Dr. Knravaieff, leader of the Group of Toil in the second dmiina, was asHassi nated a I his home yesterday by two men. The home of M. Voloshky, leader of the League of Russian People a I Nehniii, was burned by revolution ists. The entire faniilv perished. ABE HUMMEL RELEASED AFTER YEAR'S IMPRISONMENT NEW YORK, March lii. Abe Hum lei, t he eclelMtedLl W Ver, Hentenccd to a year spiiacv in case, was ten month sentence. in the penitentiary for con ' the 'Dodge Morse divorce released today. He served Good behavior reduced his It is said lhat Hummel will ipe o recuperate his health, shattered by prison life. '' Kur. .which was fcHJSPRCT NOT MAN WHO THREW THE BOMB cmc.Wii), March. PL liaron Sr-hlip-penbach, the Russian consul, after talk ing with Ankodine Xiteso, the Itussiari under arrest on suspicion (,f having thrown a bomb at St. Petersburg with the intention of killing members of (he royal family, "aid he did not believe it was the man wanted. 8UPPLY SHIP SAILS TO JOIN BATTLESHIPS SAN DIKiiO. March lit. The supply diip Culgoa sailed todav o join t tie l Magdab iui Day, neks of mail She am! parried over I'wi Allinootl ti-..rlK .f iio.ooo worth of provision. T Colliers' Weekly Corres pondent Says He was Authorized to Inspect Forts but Teddy Denies Autnorization. WASHINGTON, March 1H. Secre tary of the Navy Metcalf and Admiral 'npps appeared he fore I hi submarine invest igalmg committee today. They presented documents and records on tho subject. Metcalf was asked his views as to the value to the naval service of sub marines and replied that he would pre fer answer be made bv experts of the part men t, as his action recommend ing the vessels showed that he thought them necessary. Metcalf stated the n tract for the Lake company's boat was entered into on certain guarantees. The companv bid $r:M,00i ami the do part men I agreed to pay $ b0,nH) for one boat, no money to be paid until the bout was fully tested and had devel oped I he speed of the best submarine owned by the government. That the ontract had been let after the nltor iwy -genera had decided that tho secre tary of tin navy had authority to enter into (he emit ract and that the matter had. been submitted to the attorney general al the request of former Sena tor Thurston, thctrcprcsontntivc of the Lake Hoat company and that a uum her of congressmen called upon him re garding 1 1 pinion of the attorney general, r Congressmen Interested. Me calf nieiit ionod represent at ives Robins, Louiideuslager, Lilley, II ughcti, Sperry and Senators Itulkley and Bran- legee, and slated that he thought Louiideuslager had called after Ihe awarding of the contract and that (fili al ted before t he emit ract was signed; that no suggest ions were made in any way; that they simply fell that what lliev .said was to interest Ihe gov in me lit lo have t wo companies build the boats. Hot h Mel calf and ( 'npps unUl I hat thev knew id' no excessive profits be ing realized on submarines. Lilley presented t lie commit toe with affidavits sig t by Clement E. Adams, dated Itridgeport, Conn., March LI, liios, in which Adams said that .1. F. Archibald in the summer of llHHl, rep resenting himself as war correspondent of Colliers Weekly, represented that he had I n appointed by President ooscclt to visit the Pacit'i ast cit ies and towns and report on the coinli tion of oast defenses; that he had ad dressed boards of trade and other or ganiations. on the advantages lo bo gained by Ihe Cnited States in the pur chase d' submarines; that congress had I n petitioned by these nrgauiKtit ions t h rough A rchibald 's efforts, and I hat Archibald had informed Adams thai he was the author of a newspaper article criticising the Lake Submarine boat at the instance of Lawrence Y. Spear, an officer of the Electric Hoat pany. President Pnsses Lie. Accompanying the affidavit was a letter from the president, denying that A rchibald had ever been appointed or employed by him, or so far as he knew, appointed or employed by any one con necled with Ihe administration; lhat A rchibald had approached the presi dent, saying lhat he was about to in vestigale Ihe question of submarine de feline and would like to send a report to the president. Ho expreHsed a wit I in guess to hear from Archibald and later transmit led to the secretary of the navy a teller from Archibald on the subject of the president 's custom in re ceiviug such reports and ciiiiirnniiiea t ions. WELLS FARGO REFUSES TO PAY IN DOUGLAS RosEHCKi;. Or.. March 111.- The Wells Fargo Express company has re fused to pay the taxes levied upon its property in this county because the tar heretofore has been but about S..MI, while this year it is .".oo. h has PJ of fices in this county, of which Rosebutg is the largest, and the authorities be lievo Ihe amount of business transacted I iv Ihe company and ils assessable prop -rtv atnplv justify the assessment that AtMHnr St a ley has seen fit to levy this year. It seems the company's holdings have le en overlooked heretofore. Governor Guild Very III. ItOSTON. March IH.-There is no up parent chany' in the condition nf (bu rr nor (Jllild, W hose Ql lies j reported critical. WRITER CALL ON ROOSEVELT FOR ACCOUNTING IN PANAMA CANAL ZONE President Accused of Exceeding His Authority and Exercising Functions of Govommont Since Expiration of the Last Congress. WASHINGTON, March An nt lack on President Roosevelt was madi in the house today by Ucprcscntat ivi Harrison of New York in connection (with the Panama canal one affairs. The remarks were based on Ihe resolu tion reported by tin committee on inter stale and foreign commerce, calling the president to inform the house by what authority of law he had exercised the I'u net tons of t ho government in t ho canal .mie since the expiration of the LVI11 congress. Harrison charged the president wilh exceeding his authority and 1 lie republican majority in the house with negligence in their conduct of government. Tawnev defended the president and I he republican members of t lie house. The resolu t ion was adopted. WONDERFUL STRENGTH OF PORTLAND APPLE MARKET PORTLAND, March lit. The won derful strength now being displayed by tho local apple market is a I tract ing much attention from the trade and all efforts of calamity howlers to put the market down have only resulted in putting it higher. Apples are getting scarce and slocks at this time are smaller I han in recent years for this period. This is accounted for by the short crop elsewhere, which caused such targe sales of Ihe surplus Oregon holdings to Europe and east of the Rockies. Since Ihe tiuaucial crisis there has been a noticeable increase in the local consumption of apples the low price al first attracting consumers, but now the excellent quality is having Its effect. Dealers are finding a ready Hale for their best apples around 2.75 mid t here is talk among t hem of putting the extra select grades a notch higher. Even the cheaper grades are advancing in price, Huh inlluence being inn one thai helps Ihe sale of the liner quality at the higher figures. OVER FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE IN MEDFORD "I figure thai there are between ttill) and 7nt houses in Medford, outside of Ihe business center, the hotels and lodg ing houses," said .1. II. Daly, represent ative of the Twenty Mule Team ltoinx who has been conducting a ' ' cam pa inn " in Medford for Ihe past week with six solicitors. ' We have maib thai many calls, and I know wo havi missed a number. Medford is grow, ing faster than any place we have vis ited. and (here are more new houses than in any city we have been ill, I expected to find a population of InnO, but I am leaving fully convinced that over .(Mini people are living here now. a ml every day is wit uessing ail in crea.se. ' ' Mr. Daly b fl today for Jacksonville. BANK OF ENGLAND REDUCES DISCOUNT RATE LONDON, March ll. discount til Ihe Hank o I II reduced lo :t per CI I'he rale of England has MORE WARSHIPS KEEP PEACE IN SAN DOMINOO PORT AC PRINCE. March lii. The situation here lislay continues tranquil. Three more warships, two American and one Ibilish, have arrived. EMPEROR CONFIRMS DEATH SENTENCE OF STOESSEL ST. PETERSltCRC, March Hi. -Tin I'lniieior has confirmed the death sen- ten1 passed upon Jeuli-nant (ielieral Stoessel lllld dalioti for a tence lo ten fortress. I so th mrt 's recomuien- ommutatioli of the sen ears' imprisonment in a The former rotnmumler of purl Ar thur ineffectually petitioned for a full pa rdon. Returns Regimental Colors. El'iiEN E, Or.. March lit. - liovernor 'hainberlnin. as commander of the Ore gon national guard, has returned to the Fourth regiment the colors taken away four years ago when the regiment was temporarily disbanded. Accompanying the governor was his staff, llrigadier 'ielieral Pi liter. Colonel Jackson a ad oloio I Perkins. Ill presenting Ihe colors the governor paid the Oregon national guard a trib ute for its efficiency, for wind he nvc fnloncl Jackson great credit. China Kowtows to Japan. WASHINUToN. March It". - The slate department has hoc Pnri vised that the Chinese go eriiui 4 has relcnscd the Tatsu Maru and has saluted the .lap aneso flag. The incident Is closed. FLOOD AT Water Reaches Danger . Mark this Morning and is Raising Rapidly Cel lars and Streets Flooded -Dredge is Swept Away PITTSllCRIi, March l. With sur prising suddenness another flood is ex pected iii Pittsburg and vicinity. The water reached the danger mark of 2 foet this morning ami is rising rapidly. The weather bureau aaya it may. reach :t;t feel tomorrow, or threo and one half feet less than the great flood of last year. All the small streams are on the ram page. The streets and cellars in tho suburbs are flooded and thousands of women and children are prisoners in their homes. The sand dredge of tho Pittsburg Class company broke moorings at Ta- rautum and was swept in the flood down Ihe Allegheny river, over the govern ment dam nt Springdnle. The fate of five, meiion board is not known. The flood caused a landslide which wrecked t he gus regulator house at Itenovau. a suburb. Eight places were either set on fire or wero scenes of ox plosion, and scores of persons are suf fering from inhaling gas. Fire de stroyed a Chinese lauudrv and two cliil lien are missing. OFFER REWARD FOR SLAYER OF JULIUS WALLENDE " SILVER LAKE, Or. March lit. Cit izens of Silver Lake have offered u re ward of fj'til for Ihe arrest and convic- ''" of ll irdereV of Julius Wal- lemle, and al a mass meeting passed resolutions asking (lovernor Chamber, lain, in behalf of Lake eountv, to also offer additional rewards and assist hi. leaving no stoue unturned to convict th who did the kilting. Walleiide's dead body was found in Hie bed of a creek near town Friday, The head had I t mutilated and the skull fractured. A coroner's jury, af ter careful examination, decided Wal li'inle had been murdered. The young man disappeared from his cabin on the evening of December 27. It is believed that if a sufficient re ward can be offered that will iuduco a detective to be placed upon the track, it is undoubtedly only a question of a short time uulil the person or persons who murdered Walletulo can be appro-' lie,,, led. CONGRESSMAN FATHER OF INCUBATOR BABE SAN ERANCISCO, March 111. Rep-, rewentaiive French of Idaho has the distinct! if being ihe only father of an incubator baby in congress. This information was- known only fo a few of his personal friends here until to day, when Ihe Idaho member, upon re ceiving an encouraging report of the infant, was .so happy over the news lhat he wanted lo break it lo the world. When the girl baby was born on January In it weighed only three pounds and leu ounces. It wns placed in an incubator and weighs four pounds eight ounces and is healthv. Campboll Bnnnennnii Dying. LONDON. March lit. - -He ports from the bedside of Premier Campbell Han Herman indicate that Ins condition is unchanged, and thai his death may be expected a I any hour. Should he die 1 lu-re will probably be a nplete reor ganization of the Hritish cabinet. TWO CENTRAL POINT " RANCHES ARE SOLD P. IL Crogau has sold his ranch of acres north of Central Point to P. M. Jauiiey, who is a newcomer in the val ley. The purchaser will take personal charge of the ranch. Tin- Van Harderburg ranch, near Cen t nil Point , containing 11 acres, was sold lo Itert A nderson, recently from Kansas. Mr. Anderson will move onto I he ranch. J. C. lb own made both sales. POTT INGER SELLS MARKET, ETIRES FROM BUSINESS T. It! Pott eager has sold his meat market on Seventh street to the Med ford Meat company, a new organization of local business men. Charles Conrad is the n.-w manager nnd has charge of the shop. Mr. Pottenger will retire from business for t he present. He has not lecided what he will engage in. n ORG