THE MEPFORI) DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OR., "WEDNESDAY. MARCH IS. 1908. fPUPILS" LETTERS BRING RESULTS I ': Missives Sent East by Scholars Result in Good Advertising of City and Valiey-VaGanGies in Positions-Increase Salaries. I teachers will not to applying this year. Saturday, March 21. The speakers s Tak it altogether, the matter of u- rnrnl tor the ncensinn ineliule rrotW fiin.ig suitable teachers is a serious sr A. I:. fnivlh-v, 1.. Ja?ues Withe one iu spite of the fact that uiauy up- coiiilo umt I'rotYssor 4'. t. Lewis uf th' plieaiitH appear. As a geuerul rule not (trepm Agricultural college; 1'ivsiilent umre than two out of three who apply II. M. WillituiiMiii of the Siut llurti I'ruiu a Uistauee prove upou iuvestiga- J cultural sucii-ty ami ( nnimisMuiirr A. tion to to suitable, others accept other 11. Carson of the Third horticultural positions. The increase iu salaries vot- j district of Oregon. District Attorney ed for next year ought to attract good Ueorge M. lirowu will deliver the open talent, but the supply of goml teachers i ing address. A part of the program has not been equal to the demand for of the institute consists of vocal and ', The plan of correspondence of Med l jt'ord pupils with eastern pupils in re $gard to the advantages of .Mcdford and v.lhe Kogue River valley is b.'ginniug to liertr fruit and Ictti-rs are coming iu daily. Alcdfoi'd pupils jromisel all "J who reply a Mclt ord booklet. Many i u i Is are sending the booklets out ti hi'iuseh es and are continuing an in C :teivsting correspondence. In ot her Va- s the names are handed to I he sec retary of the Commercial club, who pseuds booklets. Not only are pupils of other schools interested, but su- tpeiiiiteiideiiN and teachers are stating ; filial they are iuteiisted as well. I About letters Were Ki'llt out two - jweel;s ao, ami J replies have been re- iee'ned lo dale. The value to the pu . pils of the h t ter wril itig and the value lo the community of the advertising is considerable. Hut we need some of tljeie new heoklets before lh 1 rates ex pire. How about it. Many Want to Teach. !,l:iny a'lleatinns are being received for certain positions in the schools, .lust how niiuiy new teachers will be ne-.lnl will not be known until after the election early in April. Several old son, a nurse employed in a Harlem family, to lose her reason and attempt .,i,.;.i i.v t;.,-(iwiiig hersilf from a v, ; :!' w. When M is. I ickson saw 'the lilituiug accompanying the storm j she became hysterical, tore pictures from the wall, attempted to break the furniture and was restrained by mem bers of the family from throwing her self to t he pavement. She was re Inoved to I he observat ion ward at Hellevue. some time. Cantata of 'David." The cantata, "David, the Shepherd Hoy,' April It, will be costumed by the same firm that costumed ''The Mas cot." The talent is largely within the school, but some others will assist. A chorus of 3iio children's voices will be a feature. Watch for further announce ments. Doors have been rehung on the third floor of the West building to insure suc cessful exit in the crfse of fire. At the same time the pupils aro developing proficiency in moving quickly and in order from the building when the alarm is .sounded. The physics class visited the electric plant at Cold Ray last Friday. There will bo nearly lit) candidates for the eighth grade examination in May from Hie Mod ford schools. The majority of these will enter the high school next year. The- next number of the Lyceum course occurs April S. The Dunbars, male quartet nnd bell-ringers. instrumental music bv local talent. OR "PRIDE OF THE NATION "SNAPSHOT." Remit Joe in stamps to C. S. Mitch ell, Ashland, Or., for either of these latest and greatest March Twosteps, which rank among the best ever com posed. Ask to hear them played tit nuv music store. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDKliS" M KKTlXti. Joe Creek ( 'opper M in ing Company. Notice is hereby given that the reg ular annual meeting of stockholders of the Joe Creek Copper Mining company will be held at the office of the sec retary, in the Palm lluilding. at Med ford. ( regoti, at J o 'clock I M., on the USth day of March, l!oS, as pro vided by the by-laws of the company. Dated at Med ford. Oregon. March Hi, liHts. II. WITHINHTON, 30" Secretary. Coal lor S.ilc. We tire iow prepared to furnish haud picked coal at the mine, five mil f town, in any desire il sk.".ihl a ton. slopped to spend Tuesday with Mr. and j 1 rtl 11 WAl' Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge K. Rogers of i ' M....ttf.. VT..I..I. 1....... ,,.,.1 ing the winter in Los Angeles. Cab, Mrs. A. A. Davie, and they left in the uing for their home. j WOMAN MADE INSANE BY LIGHTNING SHOCK HORTICULTURAL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR ROSEBURG IiOSKHlR(i, March IS. Tudor the auspices of the Douglas Comity Fruit growers association, a horticultural in stitute is to be held in Roseburg, next NKW YORK, March IS. Recalled by a t huntler storm, vivid memories of the shock she sustained last summer when her husband was kill tl by n lightning bolt, and she was stricken unconscious, caused Mrs. Lizzie Dick- Massage Parlors ELECTRIC LIGHT FEBADIO AND GALVANIC HOT AND COLD SPRAY SALT GLOWS BATH S MRS. C. A. AlOrtRG THE ODELL, Over Postoffko SKATING NOTICE Commencing Monday, March Hi, the link will be closed all day on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays. On other days then will be two sessions, commencing at 2 and 7:.'lfl P. M. Wednesday, society night. Mu sic by the rink band. Admission HI cents; skates, L'o cents. All other sessions, admission free. Mcdford Rink WINDELL & LOOSLEY, Proprietors. wmm I'M'1! wmmFi - mm 11 Wp5 fllVfMI A VVMV PtPP",,, ht':,l,,itl11 ib..eol;itr set this month. vl V C II fy tiy llCCcome and see our goods and learn how to win the prize. Remember, our bargain lounters aru tho best things iu town. A ED FORI) TEA and COFFEE HOUSE l'h; west seventh street. MoGLASIIAN & JUNKEN, Props. PHONE NO. 1!";01 R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON I A L l'OROI I WOI? K. G R! LL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TELEPHONE -171. M ED FORD, OR, K jar ai'HMl'B&LE t in iww; Mrs. Elizabeth II. Morrison CHINA r.UXTIXO AND V. ATKIi COLOliS. lies, '.'(id a St. wvst. Till. :in.-. The Great Greatest Bargain Event Ever Seen in Southern Oregon NEVER SUCH A SALE We Will Have More Help to Wait On The Crowd Tomorrow. Come Early. LARGE RED T "HE. PL AGE All Kinds and Varieties of Lumber Are You Thinking of I Building? WJIV NOT SAVE YOl'R MONEY I5Y T5UILDINO A HOME OF YOUR' OWN ? WE MAKE AND HKLL ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING NEEDED IN THE LUM HEM LTNE. CALL, SECl'RE OCR PHICES AND h'LACE VOI K' ORDER MKKOKE THE SEASON'S RUSH 1 ! E MNl. THIS1S (!OIN(i To P.E MED-t-(MIC; ',ANNEI lil'ILDINf! YEAR. lt:X I fc ON" THE (11,'OCND FLOOR aND GET IN NOW MEDFORD o mbef Co. o 0RI5 00N A bit of Alfalfa Land Every mir ist ci I mi tlic liiiul sit nut inn in (his Icy knows tlial 'mtA liay Lind is fi'ipiii, to lie in dc 1 1 1 1 1 1 I from this time forth, ou in to so inncli of our 'ilf.ilf.i Lind liiivin liccn l;t 1 1 1 I to fruit trees. We ire ;ilile to offer for ;i short time - ACRES OF THE I! EST ( nly I hree miles from Medfonl, for the rensoiiiilile prier- of TWO II FN DR ED DOLLARS PER' ACRE, Ami we iroiioiuiee j one of the Lest Imys ' the Viilley tod.iy. It is of the Lest (ii;ility, ;inil we know it will prove ;i winner to the Liiyer. It is eiu;illy well ;nl;ipte to pe;irs. If it interests you, eall ill oRce on Ro'iuc Rivfi Land Go. F.XHIBIf EUILD1NO, MprORD, OREGON. Wanted a Name Stinm st a li.'iine for the new 10-eent eii;ir niiinufiic lured hy the K'oiie Ifivcr ';illey Ciiir Works .mil rei'eic 100 10-Cent Cigars Free Surest ;is niiiny names as you please. Surest names whieh are new and original. The eontesl ant who sends in the name whieh is seleeted as the trade name of the new I ira in I will receive ahso lulcly free the first PHI 10-eent cigars niamifac 1 1 1 red. There a re no st rins or emu lit ions ai I ached to this offer. The winner will he announced in the Daily Trihiine. Send all names, accompanied hv voiir own name and address, immediately 1o L. ( . COLEMAN, niaiiae,er of the Roue River iilley t'iar Works, Med ford, Orenoii. The Medford Brick Co. r,,in -,l of W. O. PRIDDY, O. D. NACILE, O. T. O'BRIEN, mim n u Tm. I rn COMMON AND PREHHED BRICK. li-fT:il fMiitr:irhir! iiikI liuihti'm in nil ilN lirnnrlirH. einiim Illiil cl imntra fiirniNlii-il. Alt work Kti'iriiiili'i'il. 0 1,1 MK, PT.ASTKR AND CKMRNT FOR. HALF,. ntwynifififHinwiMiniffimti