TITT3 MEDFOT7D DATLY TWBUNE. MEDFOKD, Of?.. WEDNESDAY. MATCCTT IS, inn. Medford Daily Tribunej I A Liv. Paper in a Live Town. Klili.lioil even- Minim; except Sunday Medford Publishing Company. C. H'TXAM, Editor and Malinger. ; ' AdTTtrnlTrroud 1a Mutter in! ti.0 foi,.fii-c ai :V:;',110,.'1-..,.,"K""-- Subscription Eaten: One lli.Hilll, l.v mail or iiirri.'r. . . .tll -'ill Ui.e ,,ar. i,v mail . . . . . . :JJ ' SEEKING SELFISH ENDS. I. iltk croupi i'f politician- liavi I llirouulMMit ill.- lat.- an.l lii'li liiiu.l.dl r. li al..l il.-.l. in.'iit N". I '" ""' n"r- lu thin vi-.IIh- poliliiiam. only P-Ji roM hl I Ileum. Im-. Thi-.v liavi- no hiii- noil limou II..- 'I'li'-.v "'K1' '"' B return of I lav- of .....atonal .-or r.li I lav. of l.ril-r.v mid ean .lal. I'or ninny vi-nrx Ho- re.illiliean .:irtv liee n elamorini! for niiuliir .-I lion of I'nile.l Slat.-H Henaloin. r.-plll. Mean Iioiih.b of reir.-.-inalive have ml lime .:i'-d in. " a hill. I-''' ..ul.liean .rei.lenl hav nly n.lvo ruled il. Ite li'-'i" plalforlim in Or "..a have elamole.l for il. and tin- re ,nl.li.aii party in Oregon led tl iher nllil of the nation in i-iim-t inn it J In,,. I..V III- nienn of Slllte Ill No. I. Ami now a handful of I"'' lieiau in ea.h nly would undo the worll of venix and minti-li from the ,le the riejhl I li.-.v have foilliht for hi. jioijj and won. lt,a.-lionarie are ii"l in eoulrol now iidnvH. The ph- are i ' let ,olitieal HllVHI.-r-. neize their rijjilt B ,ul rob tl If II"' fruit '""'r eentury of warfare for .opular i;ov erlimeut. What will I"- the remilt The poll lieiaiiK will wreek the reiuliliean party. Tliey are foreini,' il to annul for n Iliilif,' it haN alway iliami-tlieally oi iiokiiI. and to -.aliKfy llieir w-lfisli i-inl ...1 .!,. re llieir irrllft. tll.'V will HO dij!ill linu'eit ripulili.aiiK Hull they will Hv.-ei tlueie who have iwuried I lemhip inlo ulilivion. Any leuinliilor who refina-i to "it!" Stat -lit No. I brazenly hHiIi-h thai I nodden. Il 1H owii .illdi'llli-lll 111. to who nhoul.l ln Beliator (.uperior to the inilljinelil of Hie nilijiirity of the pen ile whom he reprem-lltH and mu-li a u-rnon had lieller lie left at homo. H would lie leoliilorn would put the iiartv abiive the people, but Un people are liijuj.-r than any parly. Any liiilitieian who wnlll.l first Herve nun elf hiHle'ud of I hi old.- and Hun bin parly inntend of Hie people in univ.irlliy the i-onfiilenee' of the people. OKhlXA.WK NO. H.-i An onlinniu'O In rvtiit iiml proliiliit (Vrmil pcrtiniiH froi itrin. K"inK r hoing In iiny milnmi, luirntoui, tippling Iioiiho or drinking place or il lnr room. lioiiMfi or pliicf wIhto Hp'irituoiiH until. viiifmiH or iuioxii'iitihK tifpioiH of iiny kiml urt ho). I within tlio nirnriit lim it 14 of tin' Citv of Mi'ilt'onl, Oregon. Tin' Citv of Mcilforil ilolli nnliiin its folnlwn: SiM'liou 1. Hi'ivuflor it mIiiiII lie un lawful for iiiiv permm or pernon. firm or pornonition utiif !. either un owner. or owniTM, proprii'tor or proprietors njjent or iontw, employe or einployeH in tho miming or nmyiiiK on of any wi loon, Itiirroom, tippling lioiimt nr ilrinU pluce or other room or pluee uf iiny tiiiul nr iiitlure where HpiritnoiiM, m:il1. vinotm or intoxieiilin liquorM or lieer, wine or ule lire Mohl or kept fur Hiile within the corporate linii I h of the city of Meilfonl, Oregon, In pirmit or allow any female person at any lime to enter, i;o, eotne or lie within his or llieir plare of ltiMnenH, or any rnmn, Itoime or place adjoining or ailjaeent thereto, where nu eh inloxieantrt are hoM or kc.t or e livercil after ale. Meet ton 2. Any perHoti or jh'imoum, firm or eorntrat iin enaei in the Nell inr of Niieli inlovieanlN who shall vio late HilV of the provision of Seel ion I of thin onliiiniiff, on convicted before the city recorder for such vio lation, shall he punished ty a fine of not less I han $"o.n(i our more than $1110.0(1, mid on failure to oav tiich tine any person guilty may he impris otiod in the city jail at the rate of one day for each - of sin-h fine until tin1 mime is paid. Section 3. Anv female person who mIuiII violate any of the provisions Section l of Mils onlinniice shall, upon conviction lieforo the city recorder. In punished hv a fine of not less than $."inftO nor more than Iton.iirt, nnd oi failure to pay Much fine mav he im prisoned In I he city juil a I the rati of one day for each if'' of mucIi fin until (he same in p:iil. Seel ion 4. AM ordinances and part of ordinunces in ronf lid with anv of the prn isiolis of this ordinance ar hereby repealed. The foretfoinu oiiin;ine. No. II" was passed liv the city ronn.il of 111 ( ity of Medford, Oregon, on tho 1 7th day of Malih. l!os. b the following vote: Kifert, yet; Merrick. es; Wort man, yes; Olwell. vet; Had i, abtent Trowbridge, ye. Approved by the Mayor on the dav of March, inns. UK. .1. I'KtnVltKlPi;!' Attest: M ivor Pi- T. UK X.I. M. t'Ol.l.lXS. rity lieeorder. 1 1 000 to Lo.lu. On (oo4 roiil estate seennt. p .laekson 1 'nuuly Abst rael ( o., lai-kson County bank, Meilfonl, fluy Tlclteln by Wire. ' HtfiiietliinL which is of considerable I hiti-ritt l the public generally nd which in perhnpH not flenernllv known is tho iiyl of prepaid onli'M now in eflVrl liHween nl fit ions of the Southern I'arifit rompnny nnd nil pointn in Hi - riiirr-d Htnteii. Hy mrann of tin nyntem tiel.elri limy be purchased nt Me.lioM from nny'plaee in I lie I'nitiMl Hmtea nnd ll.aile.l or lelrRrnplird direct In thr pjirty winliitirf In rnme l're. Hleepei a.-rottitnottatioiis nnd mn.ill amounts of ranh in mnnrrlion with fhene I irkrtp mav alio be furniihed nt I he am' lui, " A Cfll I CTTC ULLL I I L TELLS OF PANIC FiliailGWll DCpfeSSIOIl as Canspiil by Morgan and Rockiifdltir tor Selfish Ends -Plot Given in Detail. W ASH IMiTuN, March Is. Senator l,a Toll tte, in his speech on the Aid rich earn n. y bill ye-t.-iday, d.-n.umei d mi u liiuh in the limiurial world. The panic needs "lily to If K'l louid step by -t.p to show mat it was planned and cvciitnl insofar as such ihiiiK t niih.net " '' " lion. Such a Hlateineiit wit limit atlp H'I fact warriiiitinK M wmiiih ue idemnal ion. To withludd such slalfim nt, to shrink from plain h si ll'li-,' forth Ihe tacts insntar .IS Ihi-v can be I lAOleil is III tin .Us nssi t this hftlnlimi a plain pub lie ilmy." He recounted in vivid laii;uae his , jeW of the ev. ills of October L'l. when Wall st net was in the throes of the cur r.-ney st riiei in-y. History of Panic Scenes. " l-'or Ihe firsl lime nhiee the panie bewail, I !::; o'clock n. in. arrived and very body on the floor of the stock exchaiife wiih wildly seeking oy at any price. Interest rahs which had for several days inured from l! to ."n ;ier eent lo'ii n In eliuib higher. Sen tiinenl must be tnade before 'A o'clock. Ah y must be forthcoiniii or the close uf III. business day would see Wall street a mass of ruins I banks and trust companies on the brink of collapse. 'Mlw perfect Ihe slae settillt,'. Ut mil it alt s tied. Hut back of the scciicM Morgan and Slillnian were in conference. Tluy hud made their pre sentatioiiH at WashiiiKlon. Tluy knew when the next installment of aid would reach Xew Vork. They knew just how nuicli il would be. They awaited its arrival anil deposit. Thereupon I hey pooled an equal am tint and held it. Then they waited. Interest rates mm red. Wall wtreel wiih driven in. n iren.y. in '' -;i me and interest rates ran to !."( per it. The smashing of the market be et terrific. Slill they waiti-d. I'n ion I'acific decli I lo'i' points; Xorthern I'acific and other stocks went Iowa in like proportion, l-'ivo minutes missed ten in i notes past 1! o 'clock iou at precisely -:!" the curtain went mt with MoiL'au and Standard Oil in he cHit.-r of I he slao with money real money twenty five millions of t -v. ii vim? it awav at In per eeiil. ' ' Ami so ended the panic Re.il Stato Setting. "How briefly it all worked out. They had Ihe whole country terrorized. I lie had the tuoiiev of Ihe deposits of bank of cvoi-v slate in t he I'moll, to I lit amount of $-'oii,nnn,nnn ally all which was in the vaults of Ihe hie; bank groups. It supplied bin operators with money o souee.e out inventors and speculators at the very bottom of tin decline. Inking in the tock at an etior niolis profit. I u I his connect ion t In operations of Moron n and Standard Oil furnish addil ioiial evidence of t he character of this panic. We havi ord proof of their ulter contempt for commercial interest, not for the conn try uetierally, but for legitimate trade in Xew Votk Cly as well. ' ' The Morgan and Standard banks. ' ' he said, ' ' pursued in critical moment the cmiine of the nlatinn bankers. "Thev ministered," he said, "I needs of Wall street, quite deaf I Heeds of commerce. Tlieil course Oil thai i I he . Ihe was that of tneii who were playing with th credit of the country for a purpose.' Mr. l-'nllette ro iewed Ihe yrowt of industrial reorauiaton from Ih vear which he said saw the be 14 i ti 11 i ri u of licit ino oiueiit. Opportunity for Trusts. "These reoigaiii.al ions were at tliej outset limited to those turning out I'm j ished pio.l nets similar in kind, " he j said. I "Within a period of three years fol j lowing 111' reotgauiat ions were effect cd. In making those rem -ga n iat ions j the opportunity for a large paper cap j italiation off. -red Ion gnat a tetopta j (ion to be icsistnl. This was bill the first stage in the ovation of fictitious, wealth. The success of these organi , .at how I. . ipiickU on to a eons.dida I ion d" to in I mo d in. I list i ii-s until a mete handful of in n eon 1 1 .d led the .-oiiTiio'tciiil piodncl ion of the cunti. t in- oppot t unit lo a ssoeiate I lie i cor ani'atioit of the in. I list i i:il institutions of the cotiutty with banking presented llselt, Such connections Weio ful aid to ie,.i ga ui at ion and rem gau iati.n nff. led :i n iintiuiite.l field Im i ri,,.,,. , )h 1 )ri( ot - f,,,,,,,,,.,, (( t .fci, ( i nf the VH'nIi, I.ugini. Kv-i! is i,.w tl it I 1 I It ink ronpt ate b.'iuu knM t.'i; rli.i ilic iiosmc tat i.ois, mm i i iniu.l i in tin full identic ieat in. " One Group tn Control Subject of diff. l' l.- In, h i a I if heiu ecu peWel f nl . inl n id n . I theKe different riaip, icult ii.t in i'aiimi off i :m 011I111111..1 ti. i.i 1..1 uf vJrjSj .p,,.l,,... I, a I Inns l.-inp Ii lf7 "'"?V?0 :m r'ti"".!;.,. , , ..I..,, i rf -jfes tii. nl ..f I .oiinlrv and laid M..vinl I I I A" tJS" . . - - ' xmmf l"v "" " I II., bar.. n.im.' nl III.- dm . I, .is ..1; IT 1 f lli. In.. I....1- si..M iSlaii.lai.lj i ' " J Jf( :!": :;:,-:,::-:..r::..:;:,:r:i:;;i )f " til. ni.lrn.f thill I. ...I be ol feted of i , i n VJi L''-' 'lie :iUs..llile . . . II 1 1 M 1 1 II 1 1 V of Itll.Ust be i ' . i le.iil.s. l:illi,.:i-s :.n, :.H the le lus'ies." .b-c!a.d Mr. I.:. Toilet le '' I .hie. t.Os ,.t ttle N lasioual collision, tiny are practieatly a monopoly, and as far as the public is concerned, practically one group. The business partner of the head of the Morgan group in found on the direct orate of the chief financial institution which lu-ads the Standard Oil grviip. And o f the ba. ling directors of the Vational City bank (Standard Oil) is a oieuito rof the board of directors of the principal financial iust it lit ion of the Morgan jomip. The directors of the l.::l:i:g oi g:i n i.al ion comprising the two prin ipal ui. nips are bound together in t ii:i in i en st us shareholders in t he various industrial concerns which have l.i a f iiaiu i d by one or I he other of lli-si- groups in ree;-nt years. I reriM-iubi-r that these ."ri men who are directois of the two important banking group are not ad .lit ioiial to ilo- list of bss than inn to whom I hate ref-rt'cd as controlling the union tr'al life of the nati but a part of it. "1'fiurlein of the directors of the National t ity bank are at the hi ad of 1! gnal combinations, representing IIS pi i' i. nl of Hie capitalization of all the in. In-i rial trusts of the country. Control of Railroads. "The railroad lines represented on ,1m- b.tard of this bank cover the country like a network. Chief among I In m are I Ih Lackawanna, the chica ;.i, Uiirlingtou ic (iiiiu-y, tin I'nioii I'n i-'ic. I to- A I ton. t he M issoiiri Pacific, the ( hieago. Milwaukee St. Paul, t he Chicago Northwestern, the Kock ls and, tin- leiivr & Itio (iruirdo, the Mexican Xational, the Italtimore & ' hio, I In' Xorthern I'acific. the Xew Vork Central, the Texas & I'acific, the Ki ie. Ihe Xew- Vork, Xew Haven & Hartford, the Delaware & Hudson, t Im Illinois Central, the Manhattan Mlevat I of Xew Vork City and the Kapul I'tansil lines of Hrooklyn. 'I liese same ilireelors. through their various eon tioiis, represent inure than :t"n tit hot banks, trust companies, railroads ami 1 list i i:i I corporations, with an aggri Ml- caoitali.atii t more man $ I .L'un.nnn.nnn. ' ' Speaking of the great stores of n v in New Vork in cotineclion with van ills industrial insl il ut ions, Mr. La l-'ol li tte continued: Create Artificial Panics. With this enormous concent rat ion of business it is possible to creato nr tificiallv periods of prosperity and peri of i .allies. Prices can be lowered a. Ivan I nt Ihe will of the Csys 1cm. When the tanner miisi move ins rotis a scarcity of money may be ,1 il nd Ihe p rices lowered. When he crop passed inlo the control of tin p -dilator an artificial stringency may be relieved and prices advanced, and the illegitimate profit raked off the ag riciiltuial industry tnav be pocketed in Wall street. 'If an effiirt is mado to make any one ol t liese ureal interesis ooev i in law, il is isv for them to enter into a conspiracy to destroy whoever may be will be told that the IioiuIh were bought responsible for the undertaking. " j by the banks, not to make money, but He severely criticised the provision to be held in readiness to protect the of the Al.lrich bill by which railroad ' credit and commerce of the country; I, 1h i,n. to be made security for that bond markets are easily disturbed; emergency cite ul.-ilinii iinil iluii'ijiil that Unit siuh si-i-urity is ili-lii-iiti nml sen il wns ii si-lii-mi- In il.-fi-nl li-jjMntiiin 1 silivi--, Hint li-u'islnl inn niPiini-iiiK divi-ivliii-li minlil Invvi-r iirilrmul riili-s. j ili-mls i-vrn iinin (jrnsslv wnti-roil stock Entitled to Fair Interest. wnnM nlnriii tho linlili-rs of those bonds " s ,-i I'liiiininii i-urrii-r." siiid Mr.! nnd fiuvo tin-in upon n falling market l'olli.ti "tin- railwav ri.llipaiiy is on - lillod lo chaiu-i- siil'l'ii-ionlly liin.li rules pnnii- nnd li-iiving tho banks but par lo pay opoiiitini; expenses iinil a rea- lially prepared to take out oiiierjjeiiey soiHibiv fair lelnrii upon the fair vnlno enrreiicy. of Hi.- pn.peilv whieh it uses for the "Could any plan be devised whieli ivnairnee of tho public. This is the would be effective in blockiilK the way slaiiil.ir.l and the only standard by , of loj;islatioii for valuation of tlin pliya which lo nicnsiiie leasinialih- rates. To'ical properties of railroads nnd defeat- sociire Ihe a iml ica I inn of this slandard tn riiiluav inlcs nf the ennntrv has The Sate Conduct ot Business1:,,:::,," of banUing business. The selection of the funds is nu import nut matter. We re spect fully invite vour attenl ion to the Stato Depositary Capital nnd Surplus V 1 Kr,UOU.'0. fIEil Established 1888. KNYAKT.Presid i PKIIKV, Vice Pri nt. lident. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. f'A I MTA I j $:0,00(1 sri.MM.rs 10.000 liiivcs to Kent. A (liMit'i-al l;iiikiiiu; Businpss ': : .: -a. to.l. Wt Solicit Vcllf Patrolling :.'ilotv Williams' Original eiisi-.t-. nf .lulnlee Sen". Plantation Song. N'cgro Melo . niii; Snny-t, Vegro l.ullabvH, Vegro Comic Songs, Cabin and nt i men t a I Sougi, I hi I lad 4, Kagt iiue Seiigt, l laoic Select ion, S, le. t inn new and up to dale. UVKN1XO, MARCH ill sKTS NOW t SAl.K. Curtain Held I'ntil H o'clock. been the object of a struggle extend ing over many yearn. The courts have sanctioned it. The interstate commerce oin mission has urged it upon the at teiition of congress mid common justice to the public interest demands it. Tried by this standard, if a rail way company has grossly overeapitai- l its property it can no rightfully i in pose upon the public a transporta tion charge to pay any return or dlvi- lend upon this fictitious capitalization. It does not signify that the public has not yet been ablo to secure the appli it ioa of this standard to tho rates of the country. Their cause ts just and its defeat from vear to year has been omplished through the powerful in fluence which the great transportation oiupauieH of the country and those in terested in t heir securities have been ible to successfully exert in preventing gislatioii. Astounding Proposition. "Today wo nrn confronted with the ist on tiding proposition that congress hall hold out legislative inducement for the exaction of transportation harges which shall net a continuance of I per cent dividend on railway cap italizatiou. It is idle to say that this measure is limited in its scope; that it has reference simply to a limited is sue ot railway bonds, as security, lie is blind indeed who does not see the ultimate effect of a proposition which lirectlv or indirectly raises a standard for the payment of fixed dividend upon railway capitalization without regard o the valuation of the property. 1 lie ertain effect of this action by con ;ress is to stimulate every railroad ompaiiy within the purview of this statute to maintain tho position or its bonds within the favored class and every other railway company to qual ify at the earliest possible moment for admission to Ihe favored class. It is plain, sir, as the noonday sun that tin1 direct effect of this proposition is to advance railroad rates, and it will identify the iMveriitticiit with a main tenance of rates in all cases where it has accepted railway bonds for current circulation." lie iimistcd that the interstate com nien-e c nission is not empowered to ascertain the value of the physical properlvof the railwav companies of the country and strongly favored such n valuation as the only means of fixing railroad rates, Would Become Sacred. "When once the government invites tl atioual banks of the country to invest in them for the patriotic pur pose of averting liuancial disaster these railroad bonds will become sacred pa per." He said: "The good faith of the country will be pledged to defeat any legislation that suggests a disturbance of the four per cent dividend upon the stocks. The Henator from Ithode Island will he heard m solemn warning, in- 1 lit (jri-nt sai-rit'ii-o, possibly irodili-inK i iiiL' the final reduction of rates to n just, reasnnalilo basis?" large measure dependent the efficient transaction bank as a depositary for strength, conservn live management, oipiipmeiiT ami men it ics which are af forded bv this bank. V. T. VAtt'TKU, President. O. R. I.1X0LEY, Cn shier. .lOIIX S. OUTH, Cashier. W. 11. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. THE SECRET of w hy our bread is in such demand for its fine ii:ility, lightness and most dclifiou flavor is that it is made from choice winter wheat and by the best methods known in baking to give nu tritimi and enjoyment of eating at the same time. If you are not using Van Mordenberg Uros. ' bread, try it. Medford Steam Ra&crjr Dixie Jubiloe Siirs MrroEO. oreooh M. r AV- Vt: : , ! f r s-' - ?! t7 i I If I UI4-, now WITH THK SHORT IT'S 1)1 FFKRKNT. TIIK SITCATIOX IS li AVI.MMVK KIM-'.CIAL ATTFXTIOX TO Fi l SIZES" AXI) 1IAVK SPITS F()l ALL OF Till- M. WORSTEDS, CASSI M KR KS AX I ) CIIFVIOTS IN UXOLIKl S L STR1PHS, PLAIDS. C11F.CKS AXD .MIXTPKM'.S; ALSO IX LLA( K AXD P.LPF SHKMiKS AXD PXDK'HSSFD WORSTEDS. $12.00 to $49.00 WFVK (iRFAT K'KI.IFF IX STORK FOR TIIKSK MKX WHO "XKVKR CAX ( I FT FITTKD." P.RIXO VOPR' SIIAPK IIKRK. SIR. Model C .M K 1) tGood Coffee Values: I was read ini; about a ft f who was ashed what he had had for lunch, nnd he said: "A piece of baconine, some almost e;e;s, a cup of near coffee and some not quite pie." Well, you won't find 4- any "near coffee" nronnd this shop; that is, if we sell it to you for coffee. It's easy for a grocer to Rive you n pod run for your coffee money if he isn't loo stin- 4- jy. Coffee is lower than ever be- fore and qualities better. It all 4- depends upon how much a grocer is willing to pav for his coffee. 4 4- Von can buy the real old Oovt. 4 4 Java or you can buy .lava which 4 4 conies from llrazil, but whatever 4 4- we sell you. whether it be .lava, 4 j 4- Mocha nnd Java or Costa Kica, ' J 4- you may Know it is the best grade . 4- that can be sold for the money. I 4- We have a big coffee trade, and j 4- that helps us to give you fresh 4- roasted coffee any old day you 4 I 4 want it, and not the tasteless kind 4 j 4 which has lost most of its strength. 4 ' 4 I expect a lot of ladies in the 4 4- store todnv to buy our coffee. 4 !4- 4- MILLER ;& EWIUNK t MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE ClIAS. tlAKt Rla;, WANACI t Tuesday Mar.. 24 vm. p. cuxlis mttars PIXLBt LUDEIS' MP8IY TKU9ICAL !A9TSanCC'l "THE BURGOEASTCH" 'IT OU VINURO. St'P.I WHITE AND OVER HALF A HUNDRED OTHERS. INCLUDING THE FAMOUSLY ORIGINAL KANGAROO GIRLS. ORIGINAL FR0DUCTI0N. A VERITABLE TRIUMFH. BIGGER. BRIGHTER, BETTER THAN EVER. NEW SONGS. IDEAS. SURPRISES. mm II OW Bring Your Shape Here The Tall Man IS OPTKN WITH A COAT voru lxciiEs too short in Tin-: TMb VXD TWO IXCUHS TOO LOW T TUK COLLAR, SLKHVI-:S ,11'ST TROUSKRS KXI)IN(i AT SI IOK TOPS. AND The Short Man OR STOITT MAX IT'S JlTST TIIK SAM K lothing Co !''( )RD'S CORK' K 'T C LOT 1 Do You Want a Good 5-ACRE TRACT Close to Medford, fine Ioca tion, good fruit and poul try land. Prices, $90 to $125 per acre. Easy terms DRESSLER & WOOD West Seventh St. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They chain the towns of moiiej and neither Hive the fit, style nov distinction t" yonv clothes that'vour own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that ''carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MONEY NOME The City Tailor Medford 111 MEDFORD Window Snd teof'feenftna'Pltlel?. OScc fixtures and all kind of fining mill'R larting(Jiniod work and f inoy Rrill n.- A. BETWEEN fiTH AND 7T.II STS. FIIUNti va; OXIiY ; vak l INC. lRRKOPLAR 1 1 K RS Medford, Or. EIFERT FRENCH DRY CLEANIN6 LOORINO DOWN tin- li-il nl" ilii-ln-s that .liiirisi- I In in. -nu al tin- N:i.li I'lifi-. niii- r.-in't ln'l' In llnid IliOl In- U C 'ttiiia tin- liil I'm' llill mimi'V. 1 1 ' Hi. I only Hll:it tVi' i-i'i-'. nn.l ri. in tb.' way nf .nW. fi-li. iooq's anil 0 JUitis. lint 'Iio W.ty n eft tt itvo. ffi- Ak Vouf fUlri n ogo. TJhe Nash Gat v& C w :