THE MKPFOTM) DAILY TRTBTXR, QUIT BUSINESS SALE $35'000 StoGk of Dry Goods CLOTHING, SHOES AND FUIiNLSJlIXCS AT SLAUGHTER PJMCES T V EX T Y SALES I IX) LE WANTED J.G. VAN DYKE 6 COMPANY Medford Oregon STORE CLOSED Monday and Tuesday MARCH Hi and 17, to appraise stock and niavk down prices. Sale lie.H'ins AVednesdav, March 18, il A. M. TV EXT Y S A LKS 1 EO PLE WANTED This Stock Now in the Hands of the Pacific Coast Sales Promoters Inc, of Portland Oregon. They Will Positively Close Out This Stock. HTf" TLI J? IZJI I C5 8 f' 'Owinn' to the fact llial a disagreement exists between the memliers of this firm conreniinjj; the division of their I 111 I KJ fc-w I V intei'ests. Mr. ,J. (i. 'an Dyke, principal owner, has instructed that the business be closed out and discontinued as quickly as possible.' Genuine Slaughter in all Lines. Nothing Reserved-Sale Posi tively Starts Wednesday, March 18, at 9 a. m.--Larg'e Red Sign the Place. REMEMBER We are not offering you a few odds and ends of out-season goods, but the complete stock of high-class merchandise at onc (iiarter, one-third and one-half off regular prices. Watch for the Large Posters for Full Particulars, Oregon's Most Gigantic Sacrifice. Free faro from Jacksonville with $10.00 purchase. Free fare from Central Point with $10.00 purchase. 7roo BUY YOUR ROUND TKII1 TICKET Free fare from Ashland with $1.").(K) purchase. J?1CC FROM YOUR STATION TO .MED- Free fare from Talent with 12.f)0 nnrehase. FYmrQinn FORD AND PRESENT AT THIS Free fare from Phoenix with $10.00 purchase. Free fare from Cold Hill with $15.00 purchase. AjALUA 1UAA STORE. Free fare from Eagle Point with $10.00 purchase. Free fare from Woortville with $20.00 purchase. PACIFIC COAST SALES PROMOTERS, INC., IN CIIAROE. REMEMBER THE PLACE, LA ROE RED SION. REM EM !ER THE DATE, AVEDNES DAY, MARCH IS. ) A. M. EAST MEDFORD NOTES. Anot hiT visitor to Medford from Pennsylvania looks with favor on the artesian city water supply. That five i?i six wells near the base of Hoxy Ann will supply our city with an eight-inch gravity stream of pure cold water. No rodent with the germs of bubonic plague ti m San Francisco nor other contnmi nations can pollute the water. The ex pense would be less than $100,000. The waters in this section are most excel lent. Let us make the trial then erect our reservoir, and in the future we can extend our water mains to Itig finite if conditions demand it. No, Kast Medford is not asleep. The garden peas show signs of blossoms. Trie pansies and almond blossoms are s'aring strangers in the face. We have cut our hair, nre getting the moss off IHe backs of old buildings and fences, UeaUing up the habitations of the cod ling moth and garden insects. Let our homes be neat and inviting lo our newcomers. IXewtowns from the western slates, having realized for one car as much as l!s (Id and l!s per box. These were j exceptionally fine fruit, as may be readily imagined, but for good marks of Oregon fruits the current price is .about l.'is to los lid per box for four tier and about, lis for -4 1 ...-tier, whilst I other marks which are not quite so . good are selling lower at prices rang I ing down to Ills per box. I " ( California New towns are also in tgood request, but unfortunately a great portion of these arriving contain more ; or less waste. Sound parcels of clean . fruit, four-tier, are commanding from fls to ins (id per box. and from Ms to ; lis for I'tier. I'nsound parcels have ( to come ;it lower prices relative to the 'percentage of waste in them. The Cnl ifornia Newtown does not appear to I have kept well this year, having been coming wasty now for some consider I aide time. SUPREME COURT DECIDES ONE TIME AGAINST TRUSTS FINISH SURVEY FOR PACIFIC & EASTERN WASHINGTON. March IB. The pro ceeding by the government against the Armour Packing company. Swift & Co.. Horris & Co. and Cudahy Co.. nil oper aing in Kansas City, Kan., under which the companies were fined $l."i.fino in the I'nited States circuit court of t'.e western district of Missouri on the charge of receiving rebates, has been decided by the supreme court adverselv ti th oompanis. OREGON NEWTOWNS IN FAVOR IN ENGLAND The latest weekly apple rejxirt of W . Dennis & Sons, London, says: ' Voi. will be interested to know that ffco Newtown position upon this mar k-t has very much improved during tl e past two weeks, during which the d'-mand has been much stronger than "previously, anil prices have advanced to a not inconsiderable extent. The Newt own in indeed at the moment rem mailing more attention than any n:hT apple on t fce market, and it em likely to do s for. nt any rate, tie nxt six ekt. a r do not an ticipate Tcn-ninn pp! coming otl ti e market to affect the price of your N-wtMn befnr- ft bint April LI. "Vn nre plo-.r.l 'o M trt t'l Fourteen surveyors have recently com pleted surveys of nn additional ten miles of trackage winch is to be built by the owners of the Pacific & Kastern railroad in Southern Oregon during the present year. The road is owned by Kdgar f Infer of Medford, who is now in the city, and C. II. Lewis of Portland. The Crater Lake company, successors to the town Lumber & Ilox company, of which Mr. (Infer is manager, is erecting two new sawmills on the line of the Pacific & Kastern. These mill will have a capacity of 7.".nnn feet of lumber a day. The Pacific & Kastern. which wa only recently purchased by Mr. Hafer ami Mr. Lewis,, taps a belt of I'lnoiiiO feet of the finest timber in the stair-. Portland Journal. BATTLESHIP EXCURSION TO RUN FROM OREGON Many Oregon people expect trt gn to Sun Francisco to we Admiral F.van squadron upon its nrrival in the city by the Coldcn (Jute. So mnnv inquiries have been made of the flnrriman pa tender officials that a special rate will be "tn ad e to San Francisco and return from Portland to jwrmit Oregon people to nit in welcoming the fleet to the Paeif'c mast. A firt clas rate of 2-1 for the rn'in-l trip o San Frnneieon Mill l.rt mr-ird. with a ten -liv linlt. will take advantage of it. The pres ent round trip rate is $111. The dates on which the reducer) special tickets will be sold have not yet been decided, as this will depend upon the move ments of the fleet. As soon as it is definitely settled just when the fleet will arrive at San Francisco, the South ern Pacific will announce the dates. COUNTESS LOSES SUIT TO SLAUGHTER CATTLE WASHINGTON, March Itf. The claims of the Countess of Ituena Vista against Major General Idooke for $-."i0,. M00 un ammoiint ot his revocation, while military governor of Cuba, of her li cense to sla lighter all cattle for I la vana, was decided today in the supreme court of the Cniterl States arainst the countess. Spring Millinery Opening Display of New York Models Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 19, 20, 21. MRS. W I. BROWN 101 West Seventh St. MEDFORD NOW BOASTS OF A CIGAR FACTORY L. O. Coleman, recently from St. Johns, has opened a cigar factory in Medfnrd, the first ever opener) in this vicinity, ami will manufacture high class cigars. The factory will be known as "The Rogue River Cigar Works. It will be located over Haskin's drug store on Seventh street, between It and C street-, and as mauv workmen will he employed as the business justifies. All who believe in patronizing and footer ! ing home industry are reoriented to give, the new good a trial, as the factory : mean a pavroll. and payroll are what the city needs. JOHN WILLISCROFT OF TRAIL CREEK DEAD John Wil1icrofi of Trail Creek died al In liorne Sunday morning ami will he, buried at Medford Tuesday at '' o'clock.; Mr. Willisfroft has I n a resident of Jackson county for many years and, ci Handed the respect of everybody1 who knew liiin. The caite of death wnw cotiumpt ion. Tho vi rrxwir ' Jki Tr a wmi r Furnishes lint, water for tea on Very wri notier It ran be used on the tea table or itt the kitchen Attaches to nny electrolier durable ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Successor to Comlor Water Pr.wer Co. Of lice aim 7t, H, opo. big electric sign, CONTRACTOR REINHART. BUILDS PEBBLE HOUSE Contractor L. J. Ki-inhart has just completed a fine ip-to date pebble dashed Spanish bungalow. There are eight square columns, two feet at the base, tapering loward the top, all of which are covered with pebbles. The dining room is beamed with heavy peh ble beams. The outside porch extends entirely around the house, and the in terior is stained throughout with green, excepting the kitchen. This beautiful home was built by Mr. Iteinlmrt alone ami is located on West Twelfth street. Interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not genornlly known is the Hystem of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in thu United States. Ity means of this system ttckots may be purchased at Modforil from any place in tho United Mtate and mailed or telegraphed direct to th party wishing to come here, fileepflf accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with those tickets may also be furnished nt the same time. ' Ladles' Glee Club Concert. The Ladle lilee club of Medford. who call thetinelve the M. M. society, will r a concert Wednesday evening in the Methodit I'pi-.opal church. In rendering the elaborate program which h:. b'" firnrf1. 0' I-i Hk' eli-b v!M bo b,- TV.vs r:i -e .. N-. offer! "3 w:!l ! ti' "-. QUALITY FIRST lii the grocery business we have al w ays fell t ha I the best anr purest v. i uihl e entuall v win nut. We want the particular and the dis criminating trade. We do not sell the l.i-st at a higher price, however, but cut our own profit, believing the i ncreasei o I time of business will ncompeiMc ns when tin- qiial ity of our gn eerie lioeomes gener ally I. 'Iom u. The utore here a i way n buy Uait-butg " I'ttre While I'loiir" and the celebrated "Colden (itite High tirade Coffee.' ALLEN & REAiAN "THE GROCERY ON THE CORNER." JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mis. .le-fte Appb-gate and child cauie rlown from Ashland Saturday evening and will probably remain here. John H. rth and wife of Medford spent Sunday with relatives living here. M. Ilanley. a prosperous Tlutte ( reek farmer, was in town Saturday. M isses I-'lora and Minnie Thompson, who are teaching the Kails Creek and j Sterling schools, spent rsatuniav ami Sunday at home. f. II. Miller, formerly county treas urer, was shaking hands with old friend Saturday. Mr. Miller has jnt returned from Wahingtoii. having spent the winter there. I'daiue Kl-.nn and wife spent Sunday in Jacksonville, the gnets of Mr. and Mi. Harry Luy. M r. T. K. I't t i nger of Med ford peiii a few hour with friends living here Saturday. Mi M nil i It. Towne ppi-ut Sunday al her home in I'hoeniv. Coal for Sale, are mow prepared to furnish hand piciicii coal fit T ti mine, live mur n-i of town, in any amount desirml per ton. I'ACII'IC COAL CO. Buy Tickets by Wire. Sumething which is of rnusidf ruhlft NuTlCK OI- LIiFi'TION. He It He-solved, by the City Council of the City of Medford, Oregon, the Mayor approving, 1 hat there be, and is hereby called a special election in said city for the purpose of submitting to the voters of aa id city for their up proval or rejection, a proposed amend ment to section 7- of the City Charter of said city, and such other matters aa may lawfully be brought up at said election; that said election be held upon tho 17th day of March, 100S, between the hours of 8 a. m. and ft p. in. of said day. 1 he following tire hereby designat d and appointed as (he polling places and the judges and clerks of said elec tion: ''or the First ward foiling place, Old City Mall, over Ilaskins' drug stor. Judge, (ieo. A. Jackson; judge and clerk, F. M. Jordan; judge and clerk, .1. IT. Willeke. For the Second ward Polling place, ra nt pie room of Hotel Vash. Judg-, V. J. Kmerick; judge and clerk, I. O. Karnes; judge and clerk, II. II. Harvey. For the Third ward Polling place, City Mall. Judge, A.'T. Drisko; judgrt and clerk. F, M. Stewart; judge and clerk. C. Collin. The foregoing resolution was adopted by tin- f ity Council February 20, Trowbridge, absent; Kifert voting nye, Wort man aye, Merrick aye, Hafer aye, Olwr-ll absent. Approved February 21, HH)H. J. F. ItF.DDY, Mayor. Attest : ItKN.L M. ( OLLINS. Itecorder. 22 rs.rene Tftampton 3$ao$ Instructor of "plano.HClsit 5UetboA SUiy.t at Mit!nct. tforhN .1 Strut "pKant 814 ( 'v 111 tft' yf,- of ,flm(J f-. '., '.gift? w V be1 pp-trr and thit mirr o O o O O o o o o