xHE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OR.. TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1908. 3 PFARS REPORTED PROOF AGAINST BLIGHT Hybrid Bartlett Propagated by Stark Bros. Nursery Said to Have Solved Problem Big Orchard Being Planted at Eagle Point by W. H. Hamilton. Vm". Hurt Hamilton is planting the first hundred mrrrs of tln Airirh tract which he recently purclmst-d at Majjle I'o'int to Jipples and pears. The land is fceir.g divided into five and ten-acre tracts and will lie sold on easy terms, the orchards heiny cared for until in j bearing for the purchaser. In all, near ly 1U00 acres will be planted. The tract will be called "Rogue Hiver Irrigated Orchards." Anions the trees planted are new va rieties from Stark Hros. Xurery Co. at Louisiana, Mo. The initial shipment be ing the pamphlets a little closer on the edges when he trims them. It is ex pected that the postage on each pam phlet will be 5c or $5000 on the whole 100,000 copies. Mr. Duniway thinks that by trimming the pamphlets to a slightly smaller size than the law speci fies, he can make them light enough to go for 4 cents each. The work of getting out the pamph lets is being rushed. In the meantime it is useless for voters to make inqui ries. The most they can do is to regis ter and then await the coming of a ropy of the pa nip lie t when the printing has been completed. insisted of the ' Delicious ' and ' "King David." varieties originated by; this firm. Tiie trees are healthy and strong and apparently equal or superior to native grown nursery .stock. Stark Bros, is one of tho oldest firms in the country, and one of the most re liable. In addition to having propagat ed many new species of apple trees, the firm has produced a new pear, a hybrid Biirtlett, which is said to resist blight better than any known pear, almost blight proof, while retaining those fea tures that have made the Bartlett world famous as a prolific and reliable pro ducer. This pear is being given a thorough try out in the blight infected regions of California, and it is expected, will prove a success also in the liogue River val ley. George 1'. Minis of Cntral Point is the first fruit grower in the valley to give it a trial. NOTICE OP ELECTION. Be It Resolved, by tho City Council of the City of Medford, Oregon, the Mayor approving. That there be, and is hereby called a special election in said city for the purpose of submitting to the voters of said city for their ap proval or rejection, a proposed amend ment to section 72 of the City Charter of said city, and such other matters as may lawfully be brought up at said election; that said election be held upon the 17th day of March. 190S, between the hours of S a. in. and p. in, of said day. The following are hereby designat ed and appointed as the polling places and the judges and clerks of said elec tion: For the First ward Polling place. Old City Hall, over Haskins drug store. ,1udge, Geo. A. Jackson; judge and clerk, F. M. Jordan; judge and clerk, J. TJ. Willeke. For the Second ward Polling place, sample room of Hotel Xash. Judge, V. J. Emerick; judge and clerk, D. G. Karnes; judge and clerk, H. II. Harvey. For the Third ward Polling place, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. State of Oregon to K. Gertrude King. 40 acres in sec. JUi. tp. ;t., 3 east 1 Sheriff of Jackson Co. to C. ,V. Calm, lot 1, block 43, Medford 3 IT. S. to Simon V. Long, sw Vt of see. 20, tp. 4o, 2 east Pat. P. Ii. Tow Velle to W. C. Hopson, about 100 acres in tp. 1 west rtft.OOO S. A. Fattiaon to Fred II. Hopkins half interest in block 20, Cen tral Point 1 C. C. Taylor to Win. Westerlund, 370.7.1 acres in sec. 27, tp. 37, I west 23.000 S. Loughridge to 4. J. Heer, lot 1, block ", Woodville 165 State of Oregon to Douglas C. Minto, 160 acres in tp. 30, 2 e. . 200 Probate. Kstate K. X. H. Tavlor. order made appointing Thos. X. It. Taylor admin iatrator and J. C. Williams. O. C. Oden and W. K. Godding appraisers. Kxecu tors bond filed. Estate J. S. Grigsby, final order made discharging administrator. Estate Mary Grigsby. final report filed and order made setting April 30, l!J0S, us day for final settlement. Estate Annie S. Itnn. order ma le ap pointing David Linn administrator and Henry G. Dux. Chris. I'lrieh and ("has. Pnuford, Sr., appraisers. Kstate Frances Swiinelar, order made appointing Hurt on E. Hunl executor and H. W . Head. Henry Gregory and D, W. Ttcebe, appraisers. MRS. GORE ENTERTAINS AT THE IMPROMPTU MUSICAL Mrs. K. K. Cure entertained a portion of her class with an impromptu inusi c:iie Saturday afternoon. Program mu sic to be played nt the coming Edward Baxter Perry concert was under discus siin ami selections were plaved bv Mrs Gere. Misses Gray, Dene!. Wondfnnl and Stevensnn. tGood Coffee Values X x ins itrp City Hall. Judge, A. T. Driako; judge and clerk. F. M. Stewart; judge and clerk, C. E. Collin.. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council February 26, 190S, Trowbridge, absent; Kifert voting aye, Wortman aye, Merrick aye, Hafer aye, Olwell absent. Approved February 26. 1!0S. J. F. REDDY, Mayor. Attest: HEN J. M. COLLINS. Recorder. Medford Rink WINDELL & LOOSLEY, Props. Two Sessions Daily. Rink Closed on Sundays. Afternoon Session 2:00 to 5:00 Evening Session 7:30 to 10:30 The management will endeavor to conduct this rink to secure the pat ronage of the best people; where they may go for recreation and healthful exercise. People patroniz ing it must at all times conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen. Music will be provided and special features added fro in time to time. All skaters pay 2. cents for use of surface. Admission free, except ou special nights, which will be an nounced through the press. SPECIAL MUSIC. Society Night Wednesday ADMISSION 10 CENTS SKATES 25 CENTS Z'J I was reading about a fellow 4- who was asked what he had had for lunch, and he said: "A piece f of baconine, some almost eggs, a cup of near coffee and some not quite pie." Well, you won't find 4- any "near coffee" around this 4- shop; that is, if we sell it to you for coffee. It's easy for a grocer to give you a good run for your coffee money it he isn't too stin- 4- gy. Coffee is lower than ever be- 4 4- fore and qualities better. It all 4- depends upon how much a grocer 4- is willing to pay for his coffee. 4- You can buy the real old Govt. 4- Java or you cau buy Java which -f 4- comes from Brazil, but whatever 4- we sell you, whether it be Java, 4- Mocha and Java or Costa Rica, 4- you may know it is the best grade , 4- that can be sold for the money. -, 4- We have a big coffee trade, and 4- that helps us to give you fresh 4- roasted coffee any old day you 4- want it, and not the tasteless kind 4- which has lost most of its strength. 4 I expect a lot of, ladies in the 4- store todav to buv our 2.Te coffee. 4- MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Ciias. Hazelrkju. Manackr Stupendous Revival of the World's Famous .Spectacle, THE NEW Black Crook A special production for the last triumphal tour, with a wealth of marvelous stage settings, costly and original costuming, toget her wil h Pances. Marches, Groupings, Ku sembles, surrounded by a large chorus of Ileautiful Girls. Feature Act from the Old World Five DONAZETTAS Five Amazing European Acrobats. PRICES 50c, $1.00, S1.50 For Smart Dressers MEN AS A WE WILL SHOW YOU THE LARG EST LINE OF SMART CLOTHES TO HE FOUND IN THE CITY. YOUNO Til IXO ARE TIIE SMART DRESSERS. THE UP-TO-T1IE-MOMENT Y()lTN(i MAN IS A SORT OF A LEXI CON OK CLOTHES, STYLE AND CORRECTNESS. HE KNOWS AVHAT'S WHAT AND GETS IT. HUT GOOD FIT, THE NEWEST 'PATTERNS, AND COLORS, AIN'T ENOUGH, FOR, UNLESS THAT SNA PPY, J AUNTY APPEARANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF OUR EX CELLENT CLOTHING IS THERE, IT ISN'T WHAT THE YOUNG MAN WANTS. OUR SUCCESS JN PLEASING YOUNG MEN IS NOT JUST "LUCK." IT'S DUE TO OUR KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT TIIE YOUNG MAN WANTS AND OUR Ability to Provide It for Him THEN AGAIN OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS REASONABLE. SUITS AT $15, $17.50, $20, $25, $27.50 TO $40 THAT. WILL AT ONCE AP PEAL TO THE SWELL DRESSER. DROP DOWN AND LOOK AT THE DISPLAY OF NOBBY SUITS IN OUR WINDOWS. Model Clothing Co MEDEORD'S CORRECT CLOTH1 ERS t MILLER & EWBANK New Cases. Mabel L. Stevens vs. It. K. Stevens a 'id G. It. Slingerland. Suit for divorce. ( olvig & Durham, at tornoy fur pin in -tiff. K. I'hipps vs. J. H. Settlnneir ami 'T. V. Sftth-iiifir. Action to nrovt-r d.i'tiagi'H. VV. K. I'hipps attorney for plaintiff. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Edgar Corthell and li.Ttha A. AM.tt. Gompers Calls Meeting. Washington, March in. I'n-sidtnt ( mpcrs of the American Federation nf 1 .-, f..r ha isMod a rail for a contVn ii.-.-if :ill affiliated labor organization-; t" I h'ld in Washington March 1. f..r t li purpose of considering recent ad - v-se court decisions. The r-xei-ntives various organizations have ben in ! r d to nttend. PAMPHLET FOR VOTERS. No Fire in the Kitchen Range No Hot Wafer in the Bouse Then is the time you ap preciate the convenience of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS r .w SPREAD THE NEWS Colonists' Rates Colonist Rates from all points East to Oregon from March 1 to April 30, 1908 The Southern Pacific Railroad Announces tint rates In effect March 1, 1(108, will bo S:I8 from Chicago, S30.r0 from St. Louis, Mo.; f ro n Missouri River common )Mints, Coun cil Bluffs to Kansas City, Mo., Including also Si. Paul, Minneapolis, $30; from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, $10. For further Information call on or address A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent, Medford, Or. A bit of Alfalfa Land r. r...,;ut,.r.ll vntt'r in Or.'ir.ll till f ntnininif all thf initiative an4 r. f-r a .-.iIiih miuri' to ! auhwiaifl ai thr t,:nf clart'Kin, it rum. nla f'r a'l anainst lhm. If you aiiah M,V a' taw palw fur infcirni'i'in "f 'ra. ami aknald rf iatr ii . Ta fmpalfii will 1m puhliibrd oil iairihtij t April 1. or . a. a'bs Itafnre tba f ple will be t.'ldl upon tn avt spoa tha ontfi . Pri: liaavwm anO tr Ij i M M' ViitKW ia poataft tr i1t- .... my the merest lfinip socket and turn the switch "i PINT. QUART. TWO OtART AND LARGER SIZLS Pint Sie ! special'.;. .vi?tcj fj: .ar:.' Clean IU,ILJ Mmpia ale -rnuri 9mntA 0jh, JKW.L-B.ri (II t . (It OtMCX Aft :aa ; k i i . s Coodor Water indPawef Ca rhioeiW OITK a aHl flbMi Do You Want a Good 5-ACRE TRACT Close to Medford, fine loca tion, good fruit and poul try land. Prices. $0 to $125 per acre. Easy terms DRESSLER & WOOD Wct (Seventh Ht. Wcdtofd, Or. Hvciy one jiostcd on tho land situation in this val ley knows that good hay land is going to be in de mand from this timo forth, owing to so much of our alfalfa land having been planted to fruit trees. We are able to offer for a short timo li.') ACKKK OK THK BUST Only three miles from Medford, for the reasonable price of TWO IIUXDHKI) DOlLARK KR ACRE, And wo pronounce it one of the best buys in tho valley today. It is of the best iiality, and we know it will prove a winner to the buyer. It is equally well adapted to pears. If it interests you, call at once on Rogue River Land Co. EXHIBIT BUILDINO, MEDFORD, OREGON. THE SECRET of w liy nur lir-:t(l is in mn-h f-inrinrl for it fin' rjnality, lititi)(ii atnl tunt (l''liri.iiH flavor i( that it is rna1t from rhoi f tvintrr wljont atnl by th wt HH'thmN kiiciwn in bilk in jf to give nu trition ami i-ti jovment nf oitiny; ;it tho nam' tinn If you arc not uninu Van Ifurib-iibiTK Bros.' broad, try it. Medford Steam EaKtry Mrs. Elizabeth H. Morrison flll.VA J'AINTIXd AMI WATKR fOLORS. Rm. 20 A 8t. Wnt. Tel. 39.-. o o O o o O O O o o O o '? o oo O O O O O O o o oo o o