- TTTt2 MEDFORD DATLY TRIBUNE, MFDFORD, OR., SATURDAY. MAROTT 7. IPOS. SOCfcVL AND PERSONAL ilapltiu in ink lUig i J"'" i,.uv Mr. and Mm. Henry hnriM-burg ol ithlutd " yiug Hi.nlaml u ''! .lut revived at WanVn Culi Sture. net iirdiliiM'M. iTtfrku add rliurun. tf .1. W. ftubinmli uf .lu.-ksuuvillt? 11 MKll'.ird liiiili vuller Tlinrmlay. JUKI rweivi-il nl Ward ( SKin-. lew jardinieres. itim-Uh unil i-Dirm. n A. I.. Wiuifr wu Ui r ri-ni T.ilinl ! ini'l. a tVw diiyn nini'1'. Xrw Prineew ji'uh nl linker H ulrliii W. P. Tuicn tin- f )l kllUWII plOIU-.T. Won up fnnM IMiuhmix l'riliiy. KuiUi Suits, hi HiiliiT Hnti-li ao Co. Mi uim! M I'm. II. '. Mi-MnniiKor !' Joa from Tniil u few dins sineo. Hi t lie 7-V (iunIiiIh at H:iII'j IViji! Slliop, near liridun. fl. H. Taylor, tho mirn-jitl'iil iliiirv Miiii, wh ovfr from Itnxv Mulnnlay. Southern Ori-iin nitiumv fit Hull's Art Htiidin, tii'ii r TnHjjo. If Oiiy ThrnHher, thti winor. lint n turned from n I'ltrndid ty in tho mining dintrii tH of Northern ( iiliforiiin. Try u lit Hp Miiplrinn in pumpkin pic; it 'h fint -!) Dry wood for hhIp. Inquire at War tjer's Kroi'.fry or hop W. ,1. Wnrnrr. If V, V. Butm, who 1ms hoon qniti nit'k with Ih (tripjM, it aide to ruim lorni int. For novcltim hihI funny niillmtry and popular price, hit Mra. W. I. Brown 4il th Went Hide, tf 15. 11. Hull, who IniH a fine farm on the punt ido of Bear orofk, did lmai new in Mi'dford Hatnrday. For novftltie nnd fniwy millinery and popular prit'PH, hp.o Mrs. V. I. Brown on the West Sidi. tf Minn Kinma Armstrong uf JnoMnun ville wan anions hnr Medford frionds ono day tlu wrnk. Attention, nrcliard men! Xow is the firm for spraying. V hnvo a full line of gunrantoed nproy lioae. Niehelnon Hartlwuro Co., Mitlfonl, Or. 2iS ('laujt KJeinlianimer of AHhhtud wan Id Medford and Jacksonville one day thi week ou business. Have yon over used Mapleino on hot cakettf Try it oner. 2itH Whooping cuuffh in prevalent Hinony the children of Medford, although not in an aggravated form. f you nnvnr read an advertiMemenl eforo and never read one again, wi invito you tu read carefully the one ap pea ring in thin Ikkup over our name Baker Hutchason Co. 2iS I j. H. MeigM of Orehard Home was lb Mod ford neve nil timet lately. Hi ii ourning a dinnlilt-d hand. Our MuHter Pout a In have just r rived. Call and nee them before the r pieked over. Tho largeHt aHHort raent id the eity. HiiM'k 1'ohII Shop, tl B. II. llnrriM it aain in Miihigan ot biidiiii'HH (Minneeted with the Imiln-i illtdTentH of Soul hern Oregon. f'ooie and huvo u treat at Allen d Iteaguu' jn Mondny. Mapleine daiu tien nerved. 2H7 I. B. NVil in very ilt nt bin home !u hlail Med lord wilb eontplirat ion t dropnV and heart trouble. Attention, orchard men! Now in the tifcift for Hpraying. We have a full line f guaranteed up ray hum. Nii-hrlson Hardware ".-.. Medford, Or. l'!H Mr. and Mm. ,lnn t'ulp have movivl iutH t h i 'harlen iny honne, on Went N" at reel. Attention, iln liwrd men! Now in the time for ttpraying. Wo have a full liar f (Juuranleed a pray hone. NiehelNon tgrdwarn C.t Medford, Or. 2W H. B. ole, manager of the Colestinr Springs, wan a bunineNn raller in Med ford Thurnday. On you it an I a firnt elans IniHineH locution an Mrdt'ord' boniest tdreet.' t'siy termn. If no. eall on J. I '. Brown. Falta ftloek. tf Albert Chittenden, u ninMpeions rancher near Agate, was a Medford Kivsinenn caller Thursday. Wlwl. in MapleineT Ask the demon l)fntnr at Allen 1 Kenyan on Mtm rty. in; hunt Wednesday was AmIi VidneH dy the beginniiiB of the Lenten ncn on. Orejit big Turkey Dinner at the Km Mtvk Sunday. '. Prank I.owry of Aahlaud. the butcher, formerly of Mint ford, is luak ing Klamath Palls a visit. Mm. A. Hoofer of Portland h.is been at .lump Off Joe, visiting her hun band, who is manager of the Mount Pitt mines. Rev. W. I). Smith has been at (Irant. Pass, holding wrviees at the Presbv telau ehimb of that city, and will continue no Indefinitely. .lobb Clemena urriveil Tlmrndav fnm Dri, Cal., to nttend the fmieiul of is mother, Mrs. Martha A. Cl.nnnH, vrhieh took place from the family In.tne WitnoD t Kinyon rejiuri tin. M? ..i two residence protM-rlbn atul one ram-b tbia Week, besides the reuting of three Dounes, !.. .uiiu t.ifmmens, a proiperotK fanner f ntte Creek Vallev, cl in in M.il fohj. bvving been calbd hither bv the death of his utother. Meet me at the Kmerick Sunday f..i dinner. They always serve the bexl of everything there and tomorrow it i Turkey and eranln rries for onlv .'!., cents. Mr. Atone, iho numiance autocrat rt-jfuiaien inn nunl'i huntieHn in Oregon, was a rinitur in Medfard this week. Mr. and Mm. B. B, pi1N,. w,,r,. ;,, Jaiknonvitlr one dav I his week, where thef will open a bran, h of the M.-dt'.od i oofrti tionerr establishment. C. H. BiirKrff of Albi.nv. the nr.bi tee, wat in Medford this week, look Ihg afrer the contract for Medford' ew irbool hnilding. Herbert Cole wan down from Clc title this week, in the interests ,,f the btotling Works of that well known re ort. WiJJiam Stringer, the gro.-er. has been improving his residence property, located ia West. Medford, and now bus of the neatest and tuott comfort j . etttagei in our city. ., I M. .1. Donaldson Sclby and 1iarb n I'ayel have started for Twin Kails, Ida., to lake advantage of the proportion! offered by t he irrigation Hyndicatc. I 'J'hr-v wwiit ovejlaud. I L. H. Coaler. A. K. Stepp, .I. A. Obeu I'haiii. h. K. C. Kduiudnuii, C'lurlpM Obmchaiu. .I.'l. Cation and other reni -j deiiln of Big lint tu were in Medford luring the pant Week. ' Mrs, Kei.er of Sab-ru, dr., the trained niii'H who aci-ompauied I'. K. Blown from Salem to hin home in Med ford, will remain in chaiye of Mr. BrirUlt fitl' the pretit. (ieorge Pitgibbuii and A. .I. Mosir of I'oi lljili.l. IcpreKcnt iii W. I'. Puller it Co.. and .I. M. Arthur & Co., re Sprrtivelv, were aillon their tllimcl'otlN eusloiiiem recently. John Chattain, who in looking nfd-r the Southi-rn I'aeifi lopany' freight hoiiMe in Medford,' ban reeeiwd a block of stock in the Klamath Oil company, which in operating near Itouau.ii. lie han great fail h in liin invest men I. d. J. d'Dell uud W. P. Dixon, who no sucresslilllV UiaiUlgeil t lie reeeiit r 1 1 one Soot hern t iregouian content, xpent Priday night in Meilford. They were on ilieir way to pastern Oregon from Sacramento. Miss Margaret I, inn, formerly of Jacksonville, has secured the service if Mile. K. 11 one, a designer of much experience, an forewoman at her attrac tive drensmaking establishment, 13", Tenth Htrcet, Portland. i. V. Thrasher, the well known While hI rolling down t he st reet t he other day I noticed a fine display of postal cards and on invest igat inn I found the largest assortment of postals that 1 have ever seen. Por the benefit of those who have not alreadv found it, 1 will say that it will pay you to cal! and neo them. You will find them at Hull 'a Postal Shop, Hubbard building. upHlairn. tf miner, who is operating in tin district ulh of Waldo, has been paying Med ford a visit. He in looking after sev- iii I proponit inns located in t his sec lion. Th building rest rict ion on Queen Anne loin should interest every home- builder in Medford. If you are looking for residence property on which to build a homo, acquaint yourself with the terms under which these tots are being sold. I uipiire uf K. K. Kelly. I'alm block. tf John Devenuv, formerly of this conn ty, an industrious and wort hy young man, died of pneumonia nt Ken net t. Cat,, after a short illness. The remains we ro brought to I'hoeui v and buried in tho cemetery along side of those of the parents and other relatives of the leccased. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Miller of Pa louse, Wash., have been in Medford visiting at the borne of tiny Thrasher. who is a relative, and at the home of Mr. and Mm. It. .1. Trowbridge, old tic (pfaiiitam-es of the Millers. They left for California points Priday. V. (1. Prei-inan, editor of the Albany 1 1 era Id, one of the leading republican newspapers of Oregon, has been visit ing in t lie va I ley. M r. Pi man says his papepr strongly favors Statement No. 1, and will not support a repre sent at i ve for t he legislature who will not publicly state that he will sup port that pledge. He thinks that near ly all of t he rural populal ion stands firmly for Statement No. I. It in only the political bosses that are objecting to it. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. VANTKD-Purnislied house of four ot fixe rooms. Impure Hotel Nanli. tf SINtiKK Sewing Machine Co. Tele phone No. Hi.-,. A. D. Singler, Mgr. L!H- W A NT K D - Woman or girl for silver pantry. Apply to Steward. Nash Cafe. WANTKD-lint people to have theii shoes repaired at C. M. Kidd's Shoe Store. Our shoemakers are experts. f POH SAI.lv-A slightly used Style lili Smger machine. See Slewing al Dan ids ' store. ,'!ii W A N'J'KD - Teamsters with teams want ed at Western Oregon ( Irchaid I 'o. 's orchard. Apply to pred l.undahl. iilo W A N T P I Stenographer and book keeper of some experience; stale age and experience. T 1. Tribune office. tf POH SALP Two incubators, used only one season, for ale cheap; capacity of each, 1? Hi eggs. 1 mpiire at War tier's store. Warner A Snyder, tf PtHt SALP. House and lot near Calh olic school; price 1700; (his in a bar gain. Address letter to Dot iU'J, Med ford, or. v:: WAN'TPD -tiood dauv or fruit farms in !!ogiie Kicr vallev in exchange fix M in nea polis rental property. Address C. Medford Tnbiine. WAN'TPD-- House and lot, low in price, but well located; must lie decided bar gain to ha e cons id el a I ioii ; i lie pen sue bouse would do. B. P. C. Trib une. iK SHORTHAND and Typewriting -Those w i.hing work of this kind done in c euiiig call up Van. phone Wi, Kogur Hiver Phvtric Co., or address P, O. Hot HTii. tf Wo(K WANTKD -.tapatn-so contrac tor; can do all kinds of general farm ing; general helper in all work; town or coii'iirv. Address A. P. Tatsumi. Ceu'l Del.. Medford, Or. POlt SALP. - New ivni.lri.ee. pleted. second block West diool. West Hp, emit street niii.ll intiTi.ir; . lo ap if -.old tjuire Tribune oft u f. tf tu! com "of high ; fine col soon. In tf POH S VI.K bundled tii'ii ion.' sew I. ,-iil hivi ,i , )..;.-, 54 tier. Two hnndie.i ti. ,h oak wood at 4l' mi , :u: h;tn four t left at a load; no h:iu: ;,, j.muhh; de;ot yronnil al Phocnik T. .1 I'h .Uh) POli SAI.P iCaa.-hen laimini; in sit fiolll - aiTei ii t lil ;n in; m.in ningiuu from tlo up i. ',.n p, i :i. ie. A yood )uiHin.'i pi op,-! t new ieiidrin-e prop.-i t price lioiii 4ii"0 up 'lt.t"' al iN.'iOil; aN 1' res in Mioini to (i h uii;.' t.ir propel I y here. List oiir rental prop city it h us. We Ii it ciiIIh c er da . full and see u. Wilton Jl Kinvon,' Adkim ItliK-k, 7th and V. .'.10 ' WANTKD Cirl, h good cook, two in ' tin family, 4 room cottage; no wash-' j ing to do; will pay good wages. Ad I dress P. O. Box .'IH5. tf WANTKD I oo men, 7" per cent min ers, a I once. Magic of Oold Hill, Nev. Pur particulars, address W. Vy geli, Medford, Or. tf Pof SALP - I't acres iaiot on Jfogue lii t r, t w o miles from (i rants J'ass; about half cb-iired, rich bottom loam, lirst-clasK oirliiiid or garden land; oak and pine timber ou balance worth en tire price asked for land; terms if'JoO down, a nnoilh on balance. Ad dress P. o. Box r,7, Medford. Or. 3 IS polf SALP Hen- is your upjiorl unity i to double your money in ISO days. Buy j the new addition of L acres, -10 iin- i ineiiic lots, platted and recorded, good soil, fine location, right in town; dose to business section; must rabse some inoiiiy nt once; terms on part; will, sacrifice if call Kelt quick. Luck Box 1 .mi;. ;to;j ! Pi Hi SA LIv- ILia ing purchased over ' ."1(111,(111(1 feet of 'first class milling logs, we are prepared to furnish first-class j lumber of all kinds in any amounts J on short, not ice. 1 f you contemplate ' build ing place your order wit h us; j prices very reasonable; dimension and fine (inidi 1 urn 1 mt a specialty. Write! or call. Butte Pa Its Lumber Company, officii over .lackHon county bank, Med ford, Or. tf POK SALK I will sell by bid on March 10, Bios, ten acre within quarter mile of Talent depot, either as a whole or in lots IDixolio feel. This is an op- port unity for laboring men to secure a home where labor is in demand. Bids l will be received either in person or ! by mail. Bight reserved to reject any or all bids. Terms: One-half cash, j balance at buyer's option nt K per cent I interest. Minimum price per lot, $100, j Highest bidder takes bis choice of lot. j ( 'all on or address Welborn Beesoe, Talent, Or. 300 j A OOOD BPV Known as the Buck! Lake ranch, located in Klamath county, j 'jnlS acres; "i00 acres of timber, esti mated to have from 10,000.000 to 12, I 000.000 feet of timber, consisting of j yellow pine and white pine arid fir; "i00 acres of grass and hay land; 1000 acres of title swamp; fonnll house and barn; ! miles of wire fence, barbei1. wire; 7 miles of 0 wire nnd 2 of .1 wire swamp is fed by large springs, rising on the ground of the place; about 700 acres can be irrigated and drained by a large flood gate; price 12 per acre. Title guaranteed. A key to the mir rounding country which is quite a slock country; It-" miles east of Ash land and J0 miles west of Klamath Palls. Address P. O. lofi, Ashland. Or. . 312 All Kinds and Varieties of Are You Thinking of Building? Iowa Box & Lumber Co. MEDFORD AUTOMOBILES 1908 MOTOR CARS EX PER T REPAIRING. 'ALL WORK GUARANTEED. SUNDRIES FOR SALE. Pl'BLIC GARAGE. CARS STORED AND CARED FOR. Reos Premiers Fords Kissel Kar WE ASK YOU TO NOTICE OCR LINE FOR 'OS. CAN YOU BEAT IT . MEDFORD Your fcc arc! Irving .ur level v,...rii,.cu n,r mi ....... o... i; non i in n in ' ''iiij'i 1' ' will do more good bv sending it out of town to houses Medford, then send 'a way but we will guarantee you isi'action or vnur nioncv back. SIHT PRICES: $ 8.00 $11.00 $12.50 $15.00 $17.50 $19.50 to $50.00 Welcome Don't misunderstand us. You are always welcome here, whether you ever buy " cents' worth or not. 1 Fine Job Printing and Linotyping Done at the Medford Tribune Lumber WHY NOT SAVE YOUR MONEY BY "BUI LI) I NO A HOME OF YOUR OWN? WE .MAKE AND SELL ANYTHING AND EYERYTHINO NEEDED IN THE LUMBER LINE. CALL, SECURE OUR PRICES AND PLACE YOUR ORDER BEFORE THE SEASON'S RUSH BE GINS. THIS IS GOING TO BE MED FORD'S BANNER BUILDING YEAR. GET IN ON THE (i ROUND FLOOR AND GET IN NOW Reos !0 11. P. single-cylinder Runabout, with folding scat .t. ? 650 JO II. P. double-cylinder Roadster with .jump seat.$1000 ''() II. P. Rouble-cylinder Touring Car. detachable toimeau $1250 Premiers Jl-i-'S II. P. four-cylinder Roadster or touring car. .$2250 :!0-." II. P. I'our-cylinder Roadster or touring car. .$2500 :;0-:i." ll. P. four-cylinder Roadster or touring car. double ignition ?itl!iM 10-1") II. P. ix-cvlindcr Touring Car. 7-iassenger..$3750 Fordu 1") II. P. IVjir-cylinder Runabout W1) Same with, mechanical oiler, running-board and lamps, etc ?7(1 10 11. P. si -e Under Touring Car ?;WU Kfssel Kar :'."i-h II. P. Touring Car tu-JJoaJster 2(MK)c CAN-QU j'.EAT TIIE.M ? I'liffs F. ll. B. Factory. AUTO CO New NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO MAKE SKLEJTJO-h best to bring to the ladies of Medford the neatest and best - i.fl'nrts are nieetiiiir with success, for we are selling the suits i- !." distinct stvle numbers, no two exactly alike. If M EDFORD'S MODERN SUIT STORE BAKER-HUTCHASON CO JUST NORTH OV OREGON A. W. WALKER. Manager. Phonp Main 213. 'Garage Eighth and D Streets. Spring that never contribute a cent just as much style, and furthe JACKSON CO. BANK Tbujgtmist you rawisn 10 ma&e aooa V7 is b t O nu copyiakt", 9o7 H - Mr. Dresser: We want to sell you that New Spring- Suit jyou wish and that Overcoat. We say this only to those few dressers who have not dealt with us so far. Those who have been buying their Clothing from us know where to come. We would fire the first clerk who would sell a man who came into our store a suit of Clothes that did not lit. But our clerks stay with us because they have no trouble in fit ting the man who wants Clothes from our big stock of Clothing made especially for vis by the Washington Co., of New and York Schloss Bros., of Baltimore. If your purse is lean $15.00 will buy you a good Spring Suit or Overcoat. If your purse is large around the Belt pay us $25.00 or $30.00 for a Suitor Overcoat that will make you look like you own a Bank. THE TOGGERY LEADING HATTERS & OUTFITTERS. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS Tliov drain tho towns of moncj and neither give the tit, style nor distinction t' your clothes thatlyour own city tailor can. nmmi home industry The clothes I wake are the kind that "carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps vour aiouev at home and are superior in everv V. Utf YOUR IMKY detail to the "sweatshop' houses. o EIFERT The City Tailor Medford Suit tailored Suits made, which we bring. Just you feel that vour nioncv to the upbuilding of rmorc guarantee sat- SUIT PRICES: $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $35.00 $37.50 to $50.00 Our Stand We don't want any lady to spend cents in this store who does not feel t bat site is get ting f nil value. look good if reei gooa mndmA dsk ... - goods of catalogue O FREW DRY CLEANING 1