xIIE MEDFOKD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR., SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1008. NEBRASKA DEMOCRATS ' DECLARE FOR BRYAN Laudatory Resolutions Passed Favoring the Peerless One Platform Built by Bryan Necessarily Incomplete So as to Have New Planks Framed. i'.uaiia, .Mann 7 The democratic state convention, which adjourned yes tonlay, adopted the lolliiwinj,' rosolu turn: "Tin- IVmocrutic inrty of N'..lrask; iiKaiii declares eontulenco in and ml rut ion for William .1. llrvau. In linn we behold tlie ideal American citi zen, tlie iileal democrat. We rejoici that the principles which he lias ad vocatod have lieen (jladly received and are now generally accepted liy tin American people. "Kesolved, That the delegates liy this convention chosen lie and are hereby instructed to vote as a unit for the nomination of Bryan for the pres idency. ' Platform Built by Bryan. The platform ns a whole was largely Mr. Bryan 'h own work. That it re fleeted the leader's views as to what should form the issues upon which the party should go lietore the country next summer was not denied. Mr. hrynn. however, said that the declarations of he platform were necessarily incom plete; that, some subjects which would undoubtedly lie included in the na tional platform were omitted, while others were treated' in the Nebraska document in a purposely brief manner so ns to allow nniplification at Pen ver. The platform advanced little that was new. The Fowler and Aldrich currency bills were condemned. F.mer- geney curr y, il was declared, should be "issued and eont rolled by the fed eral government. " Immediate revision of the tariff was enudiasized ns a necessity, the " standpal " ' policy being ridiculed in terms that made the dele gates shout with laughter. A straight declaration in opposition to Asiatic immigration and a clause favoring the eight hour working day were decided ly popular. So. ton, were the para graphs favoring extension of irrigation and reclamation projects. No Mention of Ownership. An indorsement of the llrago doc trine, insofar as thai doctrine applies to the I'nilcd Stales navy, and a dee laration that jury trials should be granted defendants in contempt cases where the alleged offense was commit ted outside the presence of the court,1 caused some notice. One of the well appliiudcd clauses was that dealing with anarchy. There was no reference to govern ment ownership in the platform; neither was there a "personal liberty" clause therein. Ilryan reeeivnl n tuiniilt uous ovation at the hands of an immense audience when lie delivered his speech. Johnson, Peter Potersteiner and Harry I'orpron, during which Mr. Johnson re ceived the wouud in his right eye which lid to his death, occurred in the Klam ath saloon. The wound was probably caused by a broken billiard cuo pene trating the eye, but whether inflicted by Petcrstciner or Corpron or by him- sett, through accident was a point verv hard to determine, and the evidence has not been sufficient to convince the jur ors, who have for tn weeks heard the evidence, first in the rurpron case and then in the l'etersteiner case, that either of these men inflicted the mortal wound, though inuny witnesses were exumined and the attorneys on both sides did per sistent and able work. JOHN M-XOURT CHOSEN AS FRJERAL ATTORNEY AMUSEMENTS. "The Black Crook. The HtiDouuvemeiit for the Medfonl Opora House for Thursday, March V2, is "The Muck Crook" production by Messrs. Miller and l'lohn, a spuetaeu- lar melodrama which was first pro- hi cod in the year IStitf at Xiblo's gar Jen, Xew York, under tho management f Jarrett & Palmer, and which had at that time a phenomenal run of 475 eon utive performances. It was after wards revived a number of times, the most notuble revival being that of Eu gene Tompkins, when "The Black Crook " had another phenomenal run in Xew York at the Academy of Mu- wheru it was given for 316 times succession. It was also played at one time by tho Kiralfy Brothers, who were very successful with it, but it is u new version that is now being used by Messrs. Miller and Plohn, In this, the piny is divided into three aets, and Pportunity given for a greater quan tity of scenic display and an ontirely new production in promised. Fait the Magician. A. crowded house greeted Fait the Great at tho Opera House last night, and tho audience got the worth of its money, for they witnessed many clover feats in legedermain and mind-reading. Both Prolessor Fait and his wifo are skilled entertainers and rank at the top notch of thoir profession. How they lo the things that they did puzzles not only the audience but the committed of investigation as well. Nothing quite so clever has been seen in Medford be fore. Ip night there will be a special pro gram ot teats in hypnotism and the est program of the course will be given, entirely different from that of previous evenings, and well worth witnessing. MINING NEWS AND NOTES. (Ashland Tidings.) The Ashland nal M itiiug company has begun active devrlnpnifiit work on its property, situated four miles east of Ashland. Tlie lower incline tunnel, in which a live foot laer of lignite eon Iwas being opened up, was abandoned last tail on .lecmmt of an excess of water. This incline has recently been drained and the coal measures will be blocked out ready for extraction. The mines ' manager of t he I 'het l;o Copper i'oinp:iiiy returned from the property last week. He reports that the tunnel, being run into the steep nimni tain side on the trend of the vein, is being steadily pushed forward. The tunnel is in all-ore that averages 11 per cent copper and gold. At tlie inner end of the tunnel February a cross cut was started hi order to ascer tain the exact width of the on1 body, which on the surface shows to be fully 1MO feet wide. Judging from the many reliable reports regarding Hie richness and extent of the ore bodies, the ( hetko copper is destined to become one of the great cupper and gold producers of the west. It being adjacent to a good sen port on the Pacific ocean and having an immense wnterpower of its own, are two points that will enable the r.Hnp.ui. to produce copper cheaply. The Star Cold Mining company, which owns L'l lode claims adjacent to the "old Ashland mine" to the south west, is about to begin further exten Hive development of its properties. C. W. Kvans nf the Ashland mining office reports a decided activity in min ing matters in and about Ashland. Mining operators are taking hold nf and developing good showing prospects, ami the demand fur shares and securities in the better grade of g.dd and eopper iii in i a g companies in Southern in-gi-n is rpiite brisk' and active. The sah mining office has an extensive higli ernde tunirMeii prepertv which it e SEMI-ANNUAL REPORTS OF STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS The semi-annual reports of tho Ore gon State Normal schools show tho fol lowing facts: Average attendance Monmouth Id 7, Ashland 24, Drain 72, Weston 158. Beceipts from tuition Monmouth $151S, Ashland $793.(i0, Drain $4:U!, Weston $1070.. Donations from private individuals Monmouth $0000, Drain $2950, Total expenditures for five months Monmouth $-lS51.0i, Ashland $13,4!4.(W, Drain $1014.20, Weston $14,009.05. Total receipts for all institutions, in cluding appropriations, donations, tui tions and other fees, $75,093.96. Total kxpendihireH for all institutions, $34,-2Stl.i2. Peudletou Lawyer Agreed Upon by Or egon Delegation as Bristol's Suc cessor Went to School to Hawley and Practiced Under Ellis. WASHINGTON', March 7. John McCourt of Pendleton, who was a stu dent at Willamette university under Representative Hawley, who practiced law before Kepresentative Ellis, as a judge, who is a warm personal friend of Senator Fulton, but who is ubso- lutelv unknown to Senator Bourne, was unanimously recommended by the Ore gon delegation for United States dis trict attorney. His nomination is ex pec ted next Monday aud, if it material izes, he will be promptly confirmed. Mr. Fulton endeavored to get the delegation together to call on the pres ident and discuss the district attorney ship. Mr. Bourne declined to go and Mr. Hawley was unable to go, so Mr. Fultoii and Mr. Ellis went alone. The president was verv anxious that the delegation act promptly in submitting its recommendation, so the meeting was held in Mr. Fulton's room. Mr. McCourt 's selection was the result. Mr. Bourne did not have any can didate, but, us anticipated, undertook further to postpone action. In this he was unsuccessful, for his colleagues were as anxious ns tho president to huve the matter cleared up, and they very quickly agreed upon Mr. McCourt as a man thoroughly competent to fill tho offico and ouo who, it is believed, meets nil requirements imposed by the president. Mr. Bourne 's acquiescence was purely formal, fur, as stated, he does not know M r. McCourt. If he had other preferences, he did not make them known. The recommendation of Mr. McCourt not only prevents Chris Schuebel's ap pointment ns successor to W. C. Bris tol, but ulso makes it impossible for him to become assistant district attor ney. Had T. J. Cleeton been appoint ed, Mr. Schuebel would have been his assistant. Xow he gets nothing. and U equpped with all couplers ' swells and modern mechanical devices' necessary for no organ of its size. The Ladies Aid society has a balance on hand to be applied to the organ fund and the entire amount necessary to . the purchase has practically been pledged by individual subscription. j NEW FRATERNAL SOCIETY IN SOUTHERN OREGON Grand Secretary Moorehead, assisted by Mr. Lovelace, who has been work ing up the matter, organized a branch of "The Stupor of the World" at Grants Pass a few nights ago. There are 55 charter members, comprising res idents of Jackson and Josephine coun ties, aud the new order starts out un der promising auspices. It is not an order for mining men alone, but all persons who are directly or indirectly interested in the mining industry are to have a part iu its work. Among other laudable aims, it will propose to do away with all " wildcatting ' and such harmful practices. J A Fresh Complexion 1 preferred -and produced by Kobe nine, mud, delightful ' preparation, delicately fragrant Makes the ikin exquisitely tofti banishes crackled appearance caused by over-drvnsssi reduces the sise of enlarged pores, cleanses them, re- . duces inflammation and spreads an even, radiant glow due to wholesome nourish ment of skin glands and stimulation of tho capillaries which also feed the skin and supply its healthful color. Aikjpur Druggist Jbr a jrtt samplt tf IOBERTINEJ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ORDERS NEW ORGAN The Presbyterian church of Medford has placed a contract with the Sherman- 'lay company, through their rep renestative, H. (J. Ferris, for au eight stop, three-manuel Kltey pipe organ, to be installed about July I. The or gan is to be built especially for the hurch, has tubular pneumatic action MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Chas. Hazklrigc. Manager Stupendous Revival of the World's Famous Spectacle, THE NEW Black Crook A special production for the bust triumphal tour, with a wealth of marvelous stage settings, costly and original costuming, together V,ith Dances, Marches, Groupings, En sembles, surrounded by a large chorus of Beautiful Girls. Feature Act from the Old World Five DONAZETTAS Five Amazing European Acrobats, PRICES 50C, $1.00, $1.50 Scale Spray for Sale Scale Spray, Lime and Sulphur Solution, ready for use; ia any quantity. J. A, Perry, Medford, Ore. SOUTHERN OREGON PIONEER GETS A BAD FALL .1. I. Gray, one of Fort Kiamah ' Idest citizens, fell from the top of a load of hay a few days since, striking on his head and shoulders, which came very near putting him out of business. While he is still confined to his bed, he is improving and will be out before lrnig. John was for many years a res ident of Jackson cotintv. Christian Science. christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Commercial club room. Subject of t he lesson, sermon for March 8, "Man." All are welcome. BUSINESS CARDS. E. L. BALCOM. Xew West Side Confectionery Fruit store candies, nuts, cigars, tobaccos, fresh fruit in season. Near Hotel Moure, Mcdfurd, Or. putting in prop, r sh; to transfer to stern svndicatc. Jos"ph Griffin, a mining man of Ash land, will start forthf llawhide (Xev.) district this cmuing week, with a view nf operating in that locality. W. A. Blanton, formerly mining ' Nevada, is developing a fine g.dd quartz property in the Siskiyou rang" south of Ashland, A. A. Kho.bdiammel. a milling engi neer, who has operated in e;eln tor many years, arrived with his f :ini ily from Goldfield last week to make head quarters in Ashland. He will undertake the exploitation of a large hw gnob quartz property in Jackson county, for n syndicate of C.ddfield -inning eapi talita. 6LAMATH COUNTY PSXSONE O HAS BEEN ACQUITTED ifler 1'et -iriM for tin son, wa IlKtl I, dill of .1 r1iiQ". II, fit it r. 1 r of .' died fr.. II . effect wonndVli hi riflit n-f. i Mm. I in n O saloon row at Klamath I'. II-. .ti Christ mas jicipiitt"-'! ! : tlif i-imiit court fur Kl.itii.iil mii. Th.- iiltinutiun iM'twvn Jiimij M. WILLIAM YOUNO r.WM'KNTKIt AND RUTLDElt. Window and Door Screens to Order. Mission Furniture Built. Hv r,71. Mmlfonl, Or. The Sate Conduct of Business l of banking business. The selection of tho bank as a depositary for funds is an import' nut matter. Wo re spectfujly invite your attention to the . i Stato Depositary Capital and Surplus $115,000.00. Established 1888 jjj grams Jt ; A MCSrOBD, OEEOON M. strength, consorvn t i v e management, equipment ami facil ities which aro af forded by this bank. W. I. VAWTEJf, President. O. R. IJNOLEV, Cashior. J. K. EXYAKT.Presid ent. J. A. I'KKRV, Vice President. JOHN H. OHTH, Cashier. W. R JACKSON, A sr t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL $30,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage THE SECRET of why our lircwl is in such demnnd for its fine quality, lightn nnrt most 'li'liciouH flavor is that it is niailo from (rlioico winter wheat and by tho bitst methods known in Irnking to give nu trition and enjoyment of eating at the same time. If you are not usin( Van Hordenliorg Hros. ' bread, try it. Medford Steam Bakery DR. A. B. SWEET Physieian and Surpeon. Office at Residence. HIDFOD 7URNITUM CO., Medford, Oregon, limine ?'iirnishers nnd Undertakers. Day Phone 3o.1. Xisht I'linnes r. V. I ;klin. 49'. .1. II. Holler, m. Will. o M. Colvig. Medford, Or. COLVIO DURHAM, Attorney Law. Geo. H. Durham, Orairii Pass, Or. WM. W. P. HOLT, M. D,q Physic'an and Sorgeon. Fatfle Point, . . SPREAD THE NEWS Colonists' Rates Colonist Rates from all points East to Oregon from March 1 to April 30, 1908 The Southern Pacific Railroad Announces that rates In effect March 1, 1908, will be $18 from Chicago, $35.rOfrom St. Louis, Mo.; from Missouri River common points, Coun cil Bluffs to Kansas City, Mo., Inclng also St. Paul, Minneapolis, $30; from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, $.10. J Tor further information call on or addresa A. 8. BOSENBAUM, Agent, Medford, Or. Medford Rink WINDELL & LOOSLEY, Props. Two Sessions Daily. Rink Closed on SunJiiys. Afternoon Session 2:00 to 6:00 Evening Session 7:30 to 10:30 The management will endeavor to conduct tliis rink to secure tho put ronne of tho best people; where they may go for recreation and heulthful exercise. People putroni. intf it must nt nil times conduct themselves as ludies and gentlemen. Music will bo provided and special features added fro mtimo to time. All skaters pay ii" cents fur use of surface. Admission free, except on special nights, which will be an nounced through the press. SPECIAL MUSIC. Society Night Wednesday ADMISSION 10 CENTS SKATES 25 CENTS tGood Coffee Values t f 4- I was rending about n fellow f who waft asked what ho had had - for lunch, and he said: "A piece 4- of bacotiiue, some almost eggs, n 4- cup of near coffee and some not quite pie." Well, yon won't find f any "near coffee" around this 4- shop; (hat is, if we sell it to you for coffee. It's easy for n grocer to give you n good run for your coffee money if he isn't too stin- gy. Coffee is lower than ever be- fore and qualities better. It all 4 4- depends upon how much a grocer is willing to pay, for bin coffee. 4- Von can buy the renl old flovt. 4 4 Java or yon can buy .lava which 4 comes from Itrazil, but whatever 4-4- we sell you, whether it bo Java, 4- Mocha and Java or Cowta Ilicn, 4- 3'ou may know it is the best grade , 4 that can be sold for the money. . 4 Wo have a big coffee trade, and 4- that helps us to give you fresh 4- roasted coffee any old day you -4 4 want it, and not the tasteless kind 4- 4 which has lost most of its strength. 4 I expect a lot of ladieg In tho 4 store today to buy our Site coffee., 4 t MILLER & EWBANK No Fire in the Kitchen Range No Hot Water in the Douse Then is tlie time you ai itrcriutc the uuuvcuicucc uf ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS , 1 Attach a plug to the nearest lump cx'.lcetaud turn thcawitcb rT, eUAftT. TWA QIJAKT Pint bile i, .'Lully A.Ulitrd (or nursery Clen r (a i iu on ice t ft li i : r 1 1 1 s ' Condor Water and Power Co. I'h'.no Ri.'i. Office on Bevonth Street Opposite the Big Klcoirie Hign. A bit of Alfalfa Land Kvcry olio posted on ?lie l;uid siliuition in this val ley knows tli.-it n'ood hay land is going to be in de mand from tli is lime forth, owing to so much of our' alfalfa land having heen planted to fruit trees. We are able to offer for a short time L'.") A ('RKS OF Till 15KST ' Only three miles from Medford, for the reasonable price of TWO UUXnUKI) DOLLA1JS PER ACRE, And we pronounce it one of the best buys in the valley today. It is of the best quality,' and Ave know it will prove a winner to the buyer. It is equally well adapted to pears. Lf it interests you, call at onco on Roue River Land (Bo. EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFORD, OEEOON. The Nash Hotel and Grill Only flnt-claas house in the city. Ahsolutoly the ' finest grill betweeu Portland and San Francisco. A specialty Is mado of oystors, shell and other fish. All meats used aro cold storage government Inspected. Catering in all its branches. R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON I AL POUCH WORK, (HULL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TELEPHONE 471. MEDFORD, OR. 3ttrs.Urmi Hfamptoit Usaacs "3ntructor of Jlluno.CUt Sttctljoo StuMo at c,ljnc. Mortt) J Strt "Pln 824 ! Rogue River Valley Orchards Company capital $200,000 We Imvp purt-luisi'il from Mr. K. V. Carter nnd Mr. K. T. Stnplrs of Ashland n trnct of lOT.'t ficrcs of whnt w consiiliTcd us good, npjilo aud penr In ml ns I hi-ri- is in the ROOUE RIVER VALLEY, which we hnve subdivided in fivi mid ten nt-rt' triu-ts, wliii'h W( nn Helling upon the following terms: Soiling Price Totnl Per Acre. Cost. Five jicre Orchard Option 1 Plant Option 'J I'lantcd anil cared for 1 year Option 11 I'lantcil and cari'd for 2 years option -I Planted aad cared for II years Option a Planted and cured for 4 years Option (1 Planted and cared for 5 years Option 7 Planted aad cured for (1 years Option M Plant -d and cared for 7 years Option 11-Planted nnd cared for 7 years Amount ni ssary to yet deed and possession. ; EASY TERMS 10 PER CENT DOWN AND 1 PER CENT PER MONTH. hetailed inl'onnation anil lileralnre will ho sent upon npplicntihn to Vuir I ic office, lis llnttilinldt Hank Itldtf., San Francisco, or to any real estate audit iu Hie ROQUE RIVER VALLEY. . , , .lfl!0() . 2411 . 2S0 . 320 . Slid . 400 . 440 . 4S(I ; mm !1000 1200 1400 lliilO ' 1H00 2000 2200 2100 21500 Do You Want a Good 5-ACRE TRACT Close to Medford, fine loca tion, good fruit and poul try land. Prices, $0 to $125 per acre. Easy terms DRESSLER & WOOD Went Seventh St. Medford, Or, iiiqt upfPivr'n A ' ,,r ,i'""'r s,,t" I Uo I l L W 11 V LI rli. m:i. and a lure n snort 7:i7,". IIOtlTK ill till rrcnrlt nsHortmoHt of "oii'l furii' l, wt- liiiv thi' ii ly Tip nml l(V i-rtv. MEDFORD TFA and COFFEE HOUSE I'll! WKST SKVENTIl STREET.- McOLAHHAN JUNKEN, Props. PHONE NO. 1601