THE MKDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MF.DFORD. OR.. FRIDAY, MAKPII fi. liXK Bedford Daily Tribune A Live Paper iu Ltvo Town. i'tildifdied t'v.'ry rvt'iuni; reept SutnlnV MedforJ ruMtsbmg Company. (1. I't'TNA M, K.ltlor ami M.ii.n,r. j " Adiuitt.-d n See.-nd Uu! Mall it iu tlit lVM.'l I'lfi' Hi Mrdt.rd. Urt'p'O. Subscription Rates: Out' month. ly nr caniiT. , . .JO.TiO One year, lv mail 5.00 SO THE PEOPLE MAY KNOW. Kleetiun I drawing near mid it i ; lime to li-'k init the tpiiilit u :t inn of I f!i..-c M-i'Ktii)! puMie ntlue. j It milker no difference to tin1 t;i p.iver whether n man is a republican i or ilemoeral. a irolitlitiouit or (t high ( Hie Nil matt II 111 t't t'leiellcy thnt fount ttnd lii iuef firionry that iots. Party n:ttne tue merely cloak for ot fire .eekem who luck personal merit lo hide l.eltind, They nothing w Imtever lo Mo with tho admin istra t tiou of county ma Item. c neM ot t iciaU that will admin itcr it flair in the tutor, si ..f the whole eonnt. not fax or a certain hoc Hon nl tho epin.e of the balance. Wo net! official of ot.luiarv Ihim in u capacity, w ho can keep county Tteot)i trait;ht ami not uao ac count into an uieuncaMe tangle. Wo iu'n1 officiaU, broad gnavd enough to forget persona! fcrie ancos and l'tiy animosities, to overlook neighborhood jealousies, to n cognise i public want and supply them to work j at all time for the common cood. 1 A mtmlvr of present official arc sec kins rv election. Against them i a I general complaint- vrtu'ui.riv in the! :i' ami ta collect ini depart men t. ' r ca rvlevne a nd iuc t f i I cieucx arv c harlot, and if the state I menl of many tp.v.i an to be be hcvisl, tho charge certainly merit in j fit i gallon j People cmplain of U iu left off the ac-mcnt roll alt. aether, and then' when a!teut;on i.s dirwtod to :hc onus sion. of knn put back at lat ear av4.ttnnt. pin- a 4' p, r cent f'.tt in ' ervae, njjill-v- of the avtna! ir.n'swi in aluc or depreciation of the prop . crt . i. ompfatu: :.u-e of p me ,.cl.e.,... n, i;M. Al:hoi:;h t.t Uvu p-.n,t. and it r.v Uvu' ncv Trjr., mix .o it,, .auc.'i.-fM .-ho pioc la is m-n :io ' at ;t-.x .!.eT;,l ottwe. Itw u .i-v'.:'i-.'.: pot I od 1 V.c p A x C ; i i ;va y A COMMUNICATIONa To tho Kditor: In your daily of March :i I m'o itn nrticlo that ia fals-e. It made mo appear tt criminal and fu Hitixe from justice, of which 1 hv not tho honor of beiiij; eilhor one. I rather enjoy the honor of beino. a law abiduiii citi.-en tti.d in tho trial pro-, el in sell to be. The fact of the mutter an lliee: After school w aa out at t p. m.. I. with two other friends, well known and respectable boy of town.' started for homo, went by the skating, rink and up 1 tired. Iu paving Has' place of bt'Mticss. there beinj; an wy roar, and as boy are naturally curious; bein;. wo looked in to sec- what was1 Koiun on. When the merriment had ! subsided I happeuM lo soc Ceorne Ham Itn, who had told my father some false- j hood about some trouble that had hap-j ptmsl between u some time before, of course made it appear that ! ws in tho blame, when really 1 was not, which I could hae proyeu then, but I just itaid tnc fine and let it a. When accused him of teUinj; falsely he struck me, and I finished np the matter with my Karo hand, contrary to vour other statement. Then, as yon said, 1 flcl to tho country, which is my homo, throe- miles out from MM fonl. and was there calmly awaiting ;he slico, but was of course very much surprised, as I thought if any one should cet out a warrant it would be myself. but I thought 1 had had satis faction in tho matter. This is a true statement and 1 can prove the same. nrn i.atkkxtz. MMfoM. Or., March . in ni;:;:e . in t on had ' I Ks to To tho Kditor: It would U intent nij; to know whose orvharvl contain the CO Wmter Neli ar tnvs that nettcxl uO'M in t;7! When I ftrt saw this fabulous yield in print in one of the local papers wa inclined to pass it over as a mis print, but not only did it appear in Sun day ' Orvconian. but also in today 's SrMithern tre-u:an. When a man copies qvn a statement like that he thnw down the paper in and it n-.akes him very skep neal of what went before. It is u lad thiri f.-r the xallev to carry exani Hon to sch a length, or if it is a mis i-nr.t. to let same 1m- pnntcsi rt'ivatrtlly w ithout coinvt umi- Yours trulv. V Y. 0-VTUKMK Kti'c Poti:. Or . March -V Tho v.atcmert abo e refeml to is t t l1 h i' err.T. It -hon!d read .v .i.rcsd of Kditor Medford Rink W1NDELL & LOOSLEY, Props. Two Sosiiittii!! laily. liilik Cloiicl mi Sunthiys. Afternoon Sossion 2:00 to 5:00 Evening Session 7:30 to 10:30 Tho ni:ui:ii;inuiit will emloavor ti ei'iiilurt tb riuk lo Ki'ouro Hie pat run:ii:i' f the lost people; where they nmy no for reerention and hiulthfnl eiereise. l'wple pslronir inj; it must at nil times ronduet theniselvea as latlies atul p'ntlemen. Musie will l provi.l.l and speeial features lidded fro mtime to time. All skaters pay So rents for use of surfaee. Admission free, exeept on speeial nights, whiih will be an nounced through the press. SPECIAL MtlSIC. Society Night Wednesday ADMISSION SKATES .... .10 CENTS .25 CENTS MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE ("HA HAlFtJUUO. Manac.ex tituiK'iidous Kevival of tht K anions Sjnvtacle THE NEW Black Crook LOS ANGELES DEFEND ANTS FIGHT TRIAL IN OREGON A speeial produetion for the last triumphal tour, with a wealth of msMelous sta;e settir.c. eostly and original'.imi!i:. together with l-i'.n-es, Marrhes. Grouping. r"n se:nl!i s. surrun.!il lv a larp i-hor;is of IVautilul Giris. Vtiiture Act frir. the Oid World Five DON AZETT AS Five Ate.arini: Vtnrolvan Aerobst. FRICES 50c. S1.00. 1.5C tGood Coffee Values: wym WIS MteiS! Clothes for SDMK FAIR - COCKEL AND DROOP IX MIST AND DOXT. AXD OURS J LOTIIES SEEM TO BE OXLY WEATHER CLOTHES, AXD Rl. WOOLEN" CLOTHES ARE WOOLEX. 4! Model Made and Tested THEY FIT YOl' BEFORE YOUR EYES. AXD THEY KEEP OX FIT TING TILL YOU ARE THROUGH WITH THEM. YOU WILL SEE HERE THE GRANDEST DISPLAY OF "SPRING CLOTHING" TO BE FOUND IN SOUTHERN OREGON. FOR MONEY SAYING. QUALITY GETTING AND SAT1SFACTION-GIYING IT'S THE GREATEST DISPLAY EYER ATTEMPTED. PERFECT MOD ELS IN EXTREME OR CONSERYATIYE DESIGNS. IN ALL THE RICH FOREIGN" AXD DOMESTIC WEAYES. CALL AXD TRY ON" A FEW. , I 't'tHf -1 1 , WGVI.KS. Marvh A S re .X V ' V i,-!.,.f !.. Av.c '.'. r:,i..-1.iiit M LV . .... . ..... 1 I 7 1 tf. ! -L ...... :M .,7 ZYrSB f . .... : prol or ni'"tior.. a protvti amend -i n-t-nt to vNrtion the Ci:y I'harter if !aid city, and such other matters as ij.xv.fuUy tv brvufht up at said eltvuor. : thst aid letion Ix- held uivn v., i::h day of Marrh. 1'. btwa , the Ltr-r of a. m. and o p. rr.. of said i d &r. ' 1 r-' ,wo,w:cC CrrYPi o.e.t.-. If I sr. I sTS:nf-d a tbe p-Mlir.; p. ace I 1 a-d t - c- and r''r' of s.: i eW h,r- - ' " .1 for Vsr.; reilirj plaee. i iv.i t ;-v lij'i. ,.t Ha'.ir' .ir. c re. iJv..i. A. .laeKvs: ;ts ant Ut'k. P. M. Jre:a: -ls r..i r!--rV. J. I" ! W .' '..- :h.- ?. i wi re:':rc r'.v-e. j -.; - , !! : " J. ; ,'. eVr's. P. G. j jK.-r.: .-...-j. jr-i t?.. I!. H. Harvey. I - ' Ti-: wa- :-.r--r rare.; m Ha :. .'Tie. A T. !rV: . .is. r. M. S:wn: r?f" r-s- . ; " is : I". T S .'i.a. Ma; fis v- 1 r-hr.-ary i. : !::; -c ;f. ae. I:.a;-r Do You Want a Good 5-ACRE TRACT Close to Medford, fine loca tion, good fruit and poul try land. Prices, $90 to $125 per acre. Easy terms DRESSLER & WOOD West Seventh St. Medford, Or. o Flrt in Uk kikbea Rang; Bot f a(er in the Bouse TScn is Ube rnt TV ip ymria'.e tdc cuanaKoct ot MILLER & EWBANK Fiv r cira ELECTRIC WATER HE.TERS Model Clothing Co. 'MKDKOKD'S .CORRECT CLOTHIERS'" WATCH OCR WINDOWS EOR THE CORRECT STYLES. RESPECTFUL ATTENTION1 ? patrons of The '? i-;a::::!--n' arv carf'-lij" r sc. that ;h f-ditdes Tear b :xi a r-'ib.p. t th-" -TTic. Hf2e. b-r1 -:t-M isfacTion in li ' The ATash Gafe .v i.vt ad : '.i J PTVT. CK ART. TWO Ql KVT ANTJ LXRGIS SIZES FLf. simple i Dsrablc JUST RECEIVED - r S:. VrrE r'v -V : i " MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE wKr KVKl V ail.ASHAN -ITN KEN THE STCKXT ' O Y, i f A. - : .. jr.'.e f-" -a; x- br :Y-- .v ' .V - . - a-.. .;. " jTT; Medfori Steam Batery 1 V o